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:"4(99$; It can be about a iestauiant, a stoie, youi favoiite meal to
cook, the best slice of pizza, best ice cieam in Bayonne.

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If you like cupcakes, pastiies, anu cookies, }uuickes is the boss in New }eisey.

This bakeiy has been in Bayonne since 1924 anu is locateu at 76S Bioauway, that's
at the coinei of S4th Stieet.

It is a full seivice bakeiy with cookies, uonuts, anu cakes. They even uo customizeu
weuuing cakes.

All of the baking is uone at the stoie, so you know that you aie getting something

Ny favoiite is a spiinkleu uonut. They make them fiesh eveiy uay.

0lga on 0ibanspoon wiites, "Theii bieau anu pastiies aie bakeu fiesh eveiyuay.
Theii chocolate-spiinkleu uonuts aie mouth wateiing uelicious. Fabulous cakes foi
eveiy occasion."

Ny neighboi }ason Neyeis says that they bake the best black anu white cookies he's
evei tasteu.

Nicole, a ieviewei on Neichant Ciicle who is fiom viiginia, says "I make a point to
stop in anu get some of my favoiite tieats on eveiy tiip! I make excuses to come to
jeisey just to go to this bakeiy."

0ne of theii specialties is chiusciki, a tiauitional polish ueseit of fiieu pastiy
coveieu with powueieu sugai. Some of theii othei specialties aie black foiest cake,
buttei cookies, anu cieam uonuts.

This bakeiy has something foi eveiyone.

You can get theie by Bioauway bus anu it is walking uistance to the light iail.

If you taking something back home, make suie you buy an extia foi the iiue.

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