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Communication at the root of

Its in the headlines nearly every day the nations
K12 schools and colleges often face threats to
the security of their students. Furthermore, the
parents who send their children to these places
of learning demand safety. Schools that empha-
size security are more likely to achieve a better
learning environment, and may nd greater
success at attracting and retaining students.
Communication is a key pillar of school safety.
According to the White House Conference on
School Safety, emergency planningincluding
the establishment of a school communication
planis vital to building security. Furthermore,
the use of two-way radios is an important aspect
of the communication plan. In fact, school safety
consultant Robert Jonaitis advises that schools
should Equip administrators with two-way
Two-way radios can boost school and campus
security when:
Teachers and security guards can report inci-
dents at school assemblies or other large gath-
erings, such as sporting events.
School crossing-guards can communicate traf-
c issues that threaten students.
Teachers on bus duty (pick-up and drop-off) can
share information with bus drivers.
Cafeteria and hall monitors can report incidents
to the school ofce.
Maintenance staff and custodians can respond
to repair and clean-up calls.
Coaches can report injuries from the practice
Teachers in the classroom can quickly contact
school security ofcers.
Source: White House Conference on School Safety, Making Our
Schools Safer, 2006; National Association of Independent Schools
Opportunity alert
While the use of two-way radios as a safety mea-
sure is highly recommended by school safety ex-
perts, 30% of public schools in the United States
do not deploy radios.
Sources: National Center for Education Statistics, 2007
Facts about education
The education industry consists of public or
private schools and colleges that provide course-
work instruction for students ranging from pre-
school to post graduation.
There are approximately 13,800 public school
districts operating in the United States.
The majority of school districts (55%) are in
rural areas.
There are approximately 131,000 elementary
and secondary schools in the United States.
Nearly 75% of elementary and secondary
schools are public schools.
There are approximately 6,400 degree-granting
postsecondary institutions (trade schools,
junior colleges, four-year colleges) in the
United States.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, 2007
According to the American Association of School
Administrators, schools across the nation are fac-
ing serious fnancial obstacles with the majority
of K12 superintendents reporting their districts
to be inadequately funded. Despite this sober-
ing news, 74% of educational entities plan to
maintain or increase technology buying activity in
2009, down from 86% in 2008 projections.
Source: Onvia Government Market Outlook 2009
Market Insight
A Guide to the Education Industry for
Business Radio Two-Way Retailers
Answering the call for critical solutions
Educational organizations across the country must meet a wide range of needs for
students. However, many of these institutions face limited, even decreased, funding.
Now more than ever, Motorola business two-way radios can provide an economical
solution to schools that must balance cost efciency with reliability as they seek to
enhance security, employee productivity and the core mission of teaching students.
April 2009
According to an assess-
ment by the New York
State Education Depart-
ment, the ve most
prevalent security mea-
sures used by schools
are as follows:
1. Visitor sign-in
2. Controlled access
to buildings
3. Use of two-way radios
4. Telephones in
5. Closed campus
for lunch

Motorola solutions
Education + Motorola
Many of the challenges facing the education
industry can be addressed by improving commu-
nications in the schools. Motorola business
two-way radios and accessories are rooted in
superb technology and innovation that provide
a dependable and effective solution.
The case for business two-way radios
Affordable and easy to use, Motorola business
two-way radios provide the immediate commu-
nications tool to help maintain order, manage
operations and enhance student safety.
Clear messages
With text messaging available in the Motorola
DTR series, business two-way radios can
overcome noisy work conditions. Text messaging
capabilities enable discreet communications, or
provide an alternative when voice communica-
tion is not possible. Noise suppression technol-
ogy can limit background noise, providing clear/
static-free audio, even at the coverage limit.
Radio coverage
Interior walls or multiple buildings in an educa-
tional complex can be obstacles for cell phones.
Motorola radios break down those barriers with
a talk range of up to 350,000 square feet and 30
foors indoors. Motorola high-power RDX radios
can operate with a repeater, expanding coverage
for a school or campus facility.
Emergency notication
Teachers, bus drivers, crossing guards and
coaches can take immediate action when distur-
bances or emergencies occur. Radios allow staff
to quickly communicate with safety or security
teams, or the school nurse.
Campus security
Motorola DTR radios allow you to retrieve and
send critical messages wherever you are in the
building, on the move. Security staff can also pro-
gram Motorola DTR radios for unique alert tones
from a private contact.
Easy to use
Motorola CLS, RDX and DTR radios clip onto the
belt for hands-free portability, and are lightweight
for easy carrying. In addition, Motorola radios
feature extended battery life.
Incidence prevention
With the one-to-one or one-to-many calling
features of Motorola DTR radios, you can alert
school security to potentially dangerous or
suspicious situations. Radios allow all equipped
personnel to keep in contact and aware of de-
veloping situationsaccelerating response time
and improving safety and incident prevention.
Two-way radios also provide excellent communi-
cations for buses traveling out of the local district
to sports events or eld trips.
Stimulus effect
The recently approved American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act, better known as the federal
stimulus plan, provides about $100 billion in
education funding. The stimulus funding includes
$8.8 billion for modernization of school facilities.
For some school districts and public colleges
and universities, this could include expenditures
on construction and renovation. Additionally, as
schools seek to expand and modernize, there
could be a corresponding demand for two-way ra-
dios to address security and instructional needs.
Growth market
Day care facilities, pre-schools and K12 are
traditionally a strong source of demand for busi-
ness two-way radios. And demographic trends
seem to indicate that school-aged populations will
continue to grow in the near future, potentially
driving growth in the size of this customer base.
Indicators of growth include:
Children will number 80 million in the United
States by 2020.
Facilities for early-childhood education (pre-
schools and kindergartens) served 8.1 million
students in 2007, up from 7.6 million in 2000.
Elementary enrollments (pre-kindergarten
through grade 8) will increase 9.1% between
2008 and 2017.
All school enrollments (pre-kindergarten
through high school) will increase 8.1% be-
tween 2008 and 2017.
The number of day care establishments in the
United States increased 2.5% between 2004
and 2006.
Employment of child care workers was project-
ed to increase by 18% between 2006 and 2016.
Sources:; National Center for Education Statistics;
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Industry issues
Schools are constantly faced with internal and
external obstacles that can inhibit the delivery of
quality education for students. Its important that
business radio two-way retailers are aware of
these issues and prepared to demonstrate how
Motorola solutions help solve problems.
Key issues faced in the education sector
Growing role in safety and security
Breaches in security
Focus on incident prevention
Technology as a differentiator
Tools to recruit and retain students
and faculty
Proliferation of mobile devices used by
students and faculty
Legislation and funding
Dependence on state funding
Rising costs, tighter budgets
Workforce productivity
Streamlining administrative operations
Emergency prepared-
ness is still a concern,
and the degree of
school readiness still a
question. While many
schools have plans
drafted, most have
never been tested.
Source: School Safety Congres-
sional Testimony by Kenneth
Trump, 5-27-07 www.schoolse-
A matter of timing
Customer buying cycle
Its important to know your customers calendar
and how it inuences the timing of purchase deci-
K12 buying cycles
Most school district buying cycles are a multi-
phase, year-round process with year-to-year
cycles that overlap. Thats why its critical to con-
tact district leaders throughout the year.
Its also important to remember, each school
district sets its own schedule, and some districts
operate with no schedule at all. Plus, most school
districts do not consider their buying cycles set
in stone.
However, keep in mind:
The biggest months for fnalizing budgets are
in March, April, May and June.
Nearly 40% are fnalized in April and May.
Higher education buying cycles
Public universities buying cycles depend heavily
on the budget cycles of the states they reside in,
which all differ. The majority operates on annual
budgets that are usually set in the spring, but
some have biennial budget cycles that can begin
at differing times of the year. Consequently, all
situations should be handled uniquely and re-
searched beforehand.
Productivity and efciency
Staff can efciently manage school bus loading
and unloading, large assemblies, cafeterias and
sporting events with ease. Radios clip on the belt
for hands-free productivity.
Quick communications
Staff can use one-to-many calling functions to
reach all necessary employees with one message.
Two-way radios can provide immediate contact
and response.
Cost savings
Two-way radios are affordable and simple to
operate, with no monthly fees, per-call charges
or annual contracts. Furthermore, there are no
infrastructure costs.
Motorola RDX and DTR radios feature heavy-duty
construction that will stand up to the demands of
multiple users and tough work environments. Mo-
torola original batteries are designed to maximize
talk time.
Discreet communications
Motorola two-way radio accessories, such as
head sets and ear pieces and allow users to com-
municate clearly and privately.
Understanding the customer
There are countless ways in which Motorola
solutions can benet schools of all types, but
how do business radio two-way retailers deliver
this message? Start by learning who the decision
makers are and what factors most likely affect
their decisions.
Decision makers
Know your audience. The decision makers for
purchases at an educational institution will vary
based on the type of product, the size of the
district, school or university and structure. Also,
enterprise-wide solutions versus single solutions
have differing decision makers.
Two-way radios:
Small colleges/universities:
Chief/director of security
Vice president of administration
Director of facilities & operations
Telecom manager
Maintenance manager
K12 schools:
School board
Principal/assistant principal
District IT manager
Maintenance director
Transportation director
Athletic director
After School director
Pre-schools, day care facilities:
Facility director
...Access and communi-
cations were two areas
that the 355-student
Weston School District
in Wisconsin focused on
in the wake of a tragedy
last September 29 It
would have been good
to be able to communi-
cate in some places we
couldnt communicate,
said Acting Superinten-
dent Tom Andres. They
were just in lockdown for
the two hours not really
knowing what was going
on. To improve com-
munication, the district
bought 16 two-way
radios, adding to the six
they originally had, and
expanded the radio cov-
erage to include all areas
of the property...
Source: May 2007 District Admin-
istration Magazine
According to a recent
survey of two-way radio
43% of purchases were
for replacement radios,
38% were additions
to existing networks
and 19% were rst-
time customers.
48% of purchases were
from industry sup-
pliers, 26% came from
retail outlets and 23%
from catalogs.
52% did not acquire
accessories at the time
of purchase.
The most common ac-
cessories acquired with
Motorola two-way busi-
ness radios were:
heavy-duty belt clips,
carrying cases and
rapid three-hour
The three most effective
drivers for purchases
of Motorola two-way
radios are: ease of
operation, the Motorola
brand and reliability.
Source: Motorola
Two-thirds (67%) of all school budgets are fnalized
in March, April, May and June. Over one-third (39%)
of school budgets are fnalized in April and May.
Source: Quality Education Data, Q4 2008
Starting at the source
Customer buying preferences
Decision makers in the education industry must
meet a multitude of needs in numerous catego-
ries, so each purchase must be prioritized and
examined carefully. Motorola business two-way
radio dealers should be familiar with the sources
that inuence buying patterns such as consul-
tants, analysts and industry peers, associations
and publications.
Funding models
As educators consider equipment purchases, the
funding model will be a factor in the nal decision
to buy. Motorola business radio two-way retailers
should know:
Budget ownership
Which person in the organization has responsi-
bility for the purchase decision?
Which person in the organization stands to
beneft directly from the purchase (this may be
different from the purchaser)?
What other projects or priorities are competing
internally for the budget, and who is champi-
oning those priorities?
Budget source
Funds for their purchase will likely come from
one of the following sources:
Emergency response and crisis management
U.S. Homeland Security
State grants
School PTOs and school district foundations
More information:
Learn more about the education industry at
these websites:
Regulatory organizations
Commission on Accreditation of LE Agen-
cies (CALEA) (
Industry associations
National Association of College and
University Business Offcers (NACUBO)
American Council of Education (ACE),
Industry publications
District Administration, The Magazine for
K12 Education Leaders
The Chronicle of Higher Education
According to a 2007
survey of education
end users:
56% made their last
two-way radio pur-
chase within the last
three months.
40% purchase radios
two or more times
per year.
32% said price was the
top reason they chose
their primary brand.
50% indicated quality
was the most impor-
tant attribute when
purchasing two-way
radio equipment.
Source: Motorola
According to a 2007
survey of education end
70% have a 7+ year
relationship with their
supplier of choice.
80% were very satis-
ed with their sup-
plier of choice.
66% used the dealer or
distributor as a source
of two-way radio
information, followed
by websites at 32%.
Source: Motorola
American Recovery &
Reinvestment Act
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund -
Government Services ($8.8 billion)
The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund may be used
for education, public safety and other govern-
ment services. Eligible uses in education include
modernization, renovation, or repair of facilities
for elementary and secondary schools, as well
as both public and private institutions of higher
learning. This modernization and renovation
includes new technology.
Government Services funding is divided by state
depending on overall population and student-age
population. The governor of each state controls
the distribution of the Government Services
funds within each state.
Learn more about the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act at the following websites:
The Obama Technology Agenda
U.S. Department of Education State Fiscal
Stabilization Fund
1301 Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A.
MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are
registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Offce. All other product or service names are
the property of their registered owners.
Motorola, Inc., 2009. All rights reserved.
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