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Example of a Good PDFA Submission

Core Capabilities Advanced Level

Core Capabilities Advanced Level
Manager approves proposed level in this dimension.
Criteria Practitioner Evidence
Brianna has worked for IBM since January 1997. In that time Brianna has worked on
projects for the following clients: Bennetts !rants "M" #$%J& Mills '() *I+, and 'ept
!lo-al. Brianna has -een on the 'ept !lo-al project full.time since July /00/ and all of
the following e1idence relates to that project.
Engagement Details
Client: 'ept !lo-al
Project: 'ept !lo-al Management #ontract
Project Manager: 'e1ina 'ay
Project Partner: $illiam Butler
Roles: 'e1elopment )echnical *eader 2Jul 1999 to 'ec /0003
'e1elopment )eam *eader 2Jan /001 to 4ct /0053
"roject Manager 24ct /005 to "resent3
Role Description
In Brianna6s role as 'e1elopment )echnical *eader she was responsi-le for the 7uality of
technical deli1era-les of the de1elopment team and reported to her )eam *eader 8am
)ower. )he team consisted of -etween 9.10 resources during Brianna6s role as )ech *ead.
Brianna6s primary goal was to ensure all deli1era-les met project 7uality standards and
-usiness re7uirements and to ensure the correct outcome for -oth IBM and 'ept !lo-al in
terms of system functionality and supporta-ility. Brianna was also re7uired to aid in the
de1elopment of the technical skills of her team mem-ers.
:s 'e1elopment )eam *eader Brianna was responsi-le for the deli1ery of work products
from the de1elopment team. 'uring her tenure as )eam *ead the team generally
consisted of -etween 9 and 10 resources and reached a peak of 1;. Brianna6s primary
role was to ensure all work products were deli1ered to agreed milestones and -udget and
to ensure the cost -ene<ts were realised. Brianna was responsi-le for the formal
e1aluation and o1erall de1elopment of the mem-ers of the team.
:s "roject Manager Brianna was responsi-le for the o1erall management of
the 'ept !lo-al engagement. )his included management of the IBM='ept !lo-al
relationship reporting to key IBM and 'ept !lo-al personnel project resource
management and the identi<cation and de1elopment of on.sell opportunities.
Risk Management
Pricing Concepts
Financial Analsis
!BM !n"rastructure
#trategic Business
%. Risk Management
In her role as )ech=)eam *ead Brianna identi<ed risks and de1eloped appropriate
mitigations for numerous 'ept !lo-al projects of 1arying si>e and comple,ity. Brianna did
this -oth independently and as part of a wider team e?ort. Brianna also assisted other
team mem-ers to de1elop and assess project risks and mitigations. @isks were raised
through speci<c +otes data-ases status reports or informal means as part of regular
project status reporting or on an ad hoc -asis as re7uired.
4n the :pparel *egislation 2"hase 53 project Brianna raised and assessed risks on an
ongoing -asis. Brianna de1eloped and implemented mitigations for these risks. :s )eam
*eader Brianna managed these risks or escalated them to the appropriate le1el. Aor
IBM Global Business Services Page 1 of 8
at the "ollo&ing
e,ample in relation to the risk of increased team si>e Brianna recommended and
implemented a new team structure that increased the num-er of )ech *ead resources.
:pparel *egislation "hase 5 was a B1.;M project for IBM in1ol1ing up to /0 IBM resources
numerous 'ept !lo-al resources from I) and the general -usiness and 5 other 5rd party
1endors 2e8ign $heels and J':3. )he project was re7uired to -e deli1ered in an
e,tremely short time frame gi1en the amount of e?ort and CnaturalC team si>e. !i1en
these factors risk management was e,tremely important to ensure the success of this
project. Brianna was ultimately responsi-le for this risk management and the project was
deli1ered on time and -udget to the satisfaction of the client.
)he :pparel *egislation "hase / was of medium.high comple,ity as it contained the
following factors:
IBM was responsi-le for the e?orts of 5rd party 1endors $heels and e8ign. )he
technical 7uality of the work produced -y these / 1endors was re1iewed -y IBM
practitioners and in some cases the approach to issues with the 1endorsC work
products was directed -y IBM. )he milestones for deli1ery of 1endor work products
were set -y IBM in consideration of the o1erall IBM de1elopment plan for the
project. IBM also directed J': resources in the modi<cation of the system as part of
this project. IBM practitioners re1iewed and tested the technical deli1era-les from
J': and pro1ided the design documents from which the system changes were
)he project a?ected and in1ol1ed many -usiness units of 'ept !lo-al . Buying
8tores *egal. )he changes had a -ig impact on the -usiness processes of :pparel
Buyers and store sta? in the 'ept !lo-al :pparel Dalls and :pparel #hain.
)he project in1ol1ed a high degree of integration -etween e,isting and new
systems. )he main data repository for the project was constructed in 'ept !lo-al
main merchandise transaction system and the e7ui1alent system for the :pparel
#hain -usiness. : new front end system was created to capture legislati1e
characteristics at a single point for -oth -usinesses and -ack.end systems. Both
these -ack.end systems send data to $heels scales 21ia the $edge utility3 for la-el
printing and to e8ign for the printing of tickets range sheets and product detail
)he changes to the food legislation had a signi<cant impact on suppliers of food for
'ept !lo-al. 8uppliers were re7uired to answer a 7uestionnaire for all products
sourced -y 'ept !lo-al. )his information was entered into A*8 and used -y 'ept
!lo-al to comply with the legislation. )hese suppliers must pro1ide this information
for all food products on an ongoing -asis.
)he project directly in1ol1ed /0 IBM practitioners and /0E client sta? in the o1erall
effort from concept to implementation.

'. Pricing Concepts
Brianna has -een in1ol1ed in the pricing of numerous su-.projects of 1arying si>e and
comple,ity under the um-rella of the ongoing 'ept !lo-al Management #ontract.
Brianna has used the project speci<c pricing tools 28#@ data-ase costing spreadsheets3
to determine the appropriate price for each piece of work.
Brianna led the e?ort to price the :pparel *egislation "hase / project. Brianna factored
the speci<c risks of tight timeframes additional resources new team structure and
management of 5rd party 1endors into the price. Brianna managed the project -udget
and scope raising 8#@s when re7uired to secure additional -udget. )he project was
deli1ered under -udget.
Brianna led the e?ort to price the Fpgrade project. Brianna produced a pricing solution
that was accepta-le to 'ept !lo-al and pro<ta-le for IBM. Brianna used !8@isk and
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$$!"( to determine an appropriate price -ased on the risk factors. Brianna initiated a
credit check and e,port regulations check. Brianna compiled the -idpack and had it
re1iewed -y G@M and IBM "ricing and gained appro1al from the project partner. 'ept
!lo-al appro1ed the proposal for B/.HM and Brianna registered the new piece of work
with the IBM 'istri-ution "M4.
Brianna has followed the pricing guidelines and used the appropriate tools 2!8@isk
$$!"(3 to create numerous other -idpacks for new projects at 'ept !lo-al as well as
change re7uests for e,isting projects.
Brianna has followed the G: process for pricing of numerous new projects and change
re7uests at 'ept !lo-al. Brianna in1ol1ed G@M on the Fpgrade pricing 2B/.HM3 to ensure
risk factors and pricing were appropriate. Brianna has independently followed the G:
process where G@M in1ol1ement was not re7uired to produce -idpacks for new work at
'ept !lo-al. Brianna has applied the pricing rules such as minimum !"I to all these
(. Proposal Development
Brianna has -een in1ol1ed in the de1elopment of numerous proposals for additional work
at 'ept !lo-al.
Brianna led the e?ort to scope and cost the :pparel *egislation "hase / project. Brianna
created a new format 8tatement of $ork for this proposal that captured the scope
deli1era-les risks issues assumptions costs and resource re7uirements. )he format of
this document was well recei1ed -y the client. )he scope schedule and cost were
discussed se1eral times with the client sta? -efore a <nal 1ersion of the proposal was
produced and appro1ed. )he project was successfully deli1ered on time and -udget.
Brianna led the e?ort to create the proposal for the Fpgrade project. Brianna created the
8tatement of $ork using her own template to detail the scope deli1era-les risks issues
assumptions costs milestones and resource re7uirements. Brianna gained appro1al from
the project partner and 'ept !lo-al appro1ed the proposal for B/.HM.
Brianna has followed the same process to create numerous smaller proposals at 'ept
)he Fpgrade project proposal followed the IBM G: process. G@M re1iewed the risk
assessment pricing and project plan. IBM "ricing re1iewed the -idpack. +umerous
smaller proposals at 'ept !lo-al ha1e not re7uired the in1ol1ement of G@M and Brianna
has followed the G: process independently.
). Financial Analsis
'ept !lo-al focus on cost eJciencies has re7uired Brianna to present sound -usiness
cases for proposed work. #oncepts that do not reach a certain @4I threshold are generally
not appro1ed -y the client. (ach -usiness case re7uired consideration of capital e,pense
operating e,pense depreciation interest rates and inKation. Brianna has produced
numerous costings for project work where it was necessary to con1ince the client the
e,pense was justi<ed in consideration of the total cost of ownership. In her role as the
IBM 8er1ice Manager Brianna was responsi-le for the o1erall <nancial management of the
IBM engagement at 'ept !lo-al. Brianna created numerous pricing cases and -ecame
familiar with the <nancial management process of IBM. Brianna produced the monthly
<nancial reconciliation report for "@). Brianna was responsi-le for ensuring the planned
resource mi, was suita-le to deli1er the project and produce the right <nancial outcome
for IBM. Brianna managed the impact of o1ertime o1errun and delays on the project
<nancials. Brianna managed the 'ept !lo-al engagement to the gross pro<t targets.
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Brianna created the monthly in1oice for IBM ser1ices at 'ept !lo-al.
*. !BM !n"rastructure
Brianna pro1ided assistance and direction to practitioners in the use of 1arious IBM tools.
Brianna ensured timesheets were su-mitted on time and re1iewed to ensure correctness.
Brianna pro1ided assistance to other practitioners on the use of I*#. Brianna directed
other practitioners to meet 1arious career admin re7uirements 2in regard to content and
deadlines3 such as ": "B# and "'A. Brianna has directly coached se1eral practitioners
and re1iewed their su-missions for the "'A. Brianna has used :" )44*8 and the
data-ase to create in1oices for the 'ept !lo-al project.
Brianna had a small amount of in1ol1ement with the Digh Alyer -id team pro1iding
information to assist in the proposal de1elopment. Brianna has -een in1ol1ed in
discussions with ,.*4B including 8%' partners=e,ecuti1es in regard to -usiness
opportunities at 'ept !lo-al.
+. #trategic Business $hemes
Brianna le1eraged the IBM 1alue proposition in negotiations with client sta? on proposals
for additional work under the um-rella of the ongoing 'ept !lo-al Management #ontract.
Brianna argued the e,perience capa-ilities and G: processes of IBM resources added
1alue to 'ept !lo-al in spite of the percei1ed high cost of such resources. )he 1alue of
our work is e1ident -y our a-ility to successfully deli1er large comple, projects on time
and -udget like !8) :pparel *egislation and :8@. :dding further weight to this 'ept
!lo-al called on IBM to help deli1er projects that internal resources and other 5rd party
1endors could not like :pparel #hain systems :8@. Brianna used IBM6s track record to
argue the need and e,tent of IBM6s in1ol1ement in de1elopment projects at 'ept !lo-al.
Brianna discussed IBMCs capa-ilities in retail application de1elopment testing hardware
and software with 'ept !lo-al sta? when making a case for IBM in1ol1ement in new
work. IBM has recently e,panded its o?ering to 'ept !lo-al to include hardware 2700 new
"#s and / F+IL ser1ers sold . appro, B/.MM3 and software 2'B/3 while continuing to
supply skilled custom software de1elopment and support resources.
Brianna has -een in1ol1ed in discussions with ,.*4B including 8%' partners=e,ecuti1es
in regard to -usiness opportunities at 'ept !lo-al. Brianna has pro1ided work products
and ad1ice for numerous proposals to 'ept !lo-al including: )ime % :ttendance 8er1er
)erminal @eplacement F+IL 8er1er #onsolidation 4racle Ainancials Fpgrade Information
Management and Fpgrade.
Pro"essional .italit
$eam Building
Project Management
at the "ollo&ing
%. -no&ledge Management
Brianna de1eloped work products that ha1e -een reused -y other practitioners on the
'ept !lo-al project. Brianna modi<ed the costing template to pro1ide a comprehensi1e
list possi-le work items and created a new 8o$ type document that captures scope
risks issues assumptions and costs. Brianna modi<ed the de1elopment team
time=-udget management spreadsheet and team mem-er status reports to pro1ide a
higher le1el of integration and more granular reporting capa-ilities. )hese work products
ha1e -een passed on to the current de1elopment team leader.
Brianna shared knowledge and worked together with other areas of the IBM -usiness on
-id and proposal work. Brianna pro1ided information and re1iewed client presentations =
proposals for their suita-ility for the intended audience at 'ept !lo-al. )he proposals
Brianna assisted with included: 4racle Ainancials Fpgrade 2IBM win3 Information
Management 2data warehouse3 data-ase 2IBM win . B/00& software and ser1ices3 8er1er
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#onsolidation 2IBM win . B1.MM hardware and B1M0& ser1ices3 terminal replacement 2IBM
win . 700 "#s purchased -y 'ept !lo-al appro, B1M3. 4n the 8er1er #onsolidation -id
Brianna had signi<cant in1ol1ement in IBMCs response to the 'ept !lo-al @A". Brianna
re1iewed the hardware proposal and pro1ided technical input. Brianna co.authored the
ser1ices proposal to migrate e,isting applications to the new platform which was a key
di?erentiator in the IBM -id and a -ig factor in our ultimate success.
'. Per"ormance Management
Brianna managed the de1elopment team at 'ept !lo-al and pro1ided clear e,pectations
to all team mem-ers. )his took many forms including informal discussions of
e,pectations and areas for impro1ement formal group presentations of e,pectations and
formal e,pectations as part of ":s. )he de1elopment team successfully deli1ered many
projects during Brianna6s tenure including :pparel *egislation "hase /.
Brianna created and managed the project plan for the de1elopment team. Brianna
assigned appropriate resources to tasks set and adjusted priorities set and monitored
milestones and set and tracked task -udgets. Brianna monitored and adjusted project
plans in response to risks scope creep slippage and changing milestones.
Brianna created and deli1ered formal ":s for mem-ers of the de1elopment team. Brianna
wrote a-out and discussed the areas of good and unsatisfactory performance and
de1elopment opportunities for many practitioners.
(. Pro"essional .italit
Brianna has -een "eople Manager to a num-er of practitioners. Brianna pro1ided
guidance assistance and instruction in the completion of the "B# I'" and "'A as well as
general career counselling.
Brianna initiated and implemented a new team structure in the de1elopment team during
the :pparel *egislation "hase / project in response to the need to meet a <,ed deadline
in a reducing timeframe and the su-se7uent increase in o1erall team si>e. )wo additional
)ech *ead roles were created and <lled -y resources Brianna determined were
appropriate for those roles.
). $eam Building
Brianna was responsi-le for analysing and re1iewing the capa-ilities of the de1elopment
team. Brianna discussed this with her "M and was in1ol1ed in the decision making
process in regards to team and project resource re7uirements and mo1ements within
project teams. Brianna on se1eral occasions raised concerns a-out the performance of
speci<c practitioners with the "M and discussed=recommended ways of impro1ing the
situation for the practitioner and the project. $hen assigning work items to practitioners
Brianna considered the relati1e aptitude and e,perience of the practitioners to ensure a
-alance -etween project goals and indi1idual de1elopment.
)hrough weekly team meetings post.implementation re1iews and other forums Brianna
led the discussion of project outcomes and learnings.
In meetings and group presentations Brianna instructed practitioners on the
e,pected -eha1iour in regard to the opinions and di?erences of others. Brianna
encouraged team mem-ers to e,press their opinions and concerns on all matters and to
-e considerate of the ideas of other practitioners. In relation to client sta? Brianna
discussed and recommended ways of getting the desired outcome in regard to
7uality=deli1ery while fostering positi1e ongoing working relationships.
IBM Global Business Services Page 5 of 8
*. Project Management
Brianna applied the C7 keysC to all de1elopment team project work at 'ept !lo-al. Brianna
assessed -usiness -ene<ts stakeholder commitment scope risks team performance
work % schedule and deli1ery organisation -ene<ts on a -asis as part of her
role as )eam *ead. Brianna produced weekly status reports to this e?ect and also
identi<ed and managed these fundamentals through other means eg. meetings with
client sta? escalation of areas of concern to the "M and during the de1elopment of
Brianna applied the "M fundamentals to the o1erall 'ept !lo-al engagement in order to
produce the monthly "roject 8tatus report which is -ased on the C7 keysC.
Brianna used the project management tools de<ned -y the "M on the 'ept !lo-al
project. Brianna created and maintained project plans team status reports
costings=proposals and risk mitigation plans. Brianna created a new costings=proposals
template that captured the scope deli1era-les risks issues assumptions costs and
resource re7uirements. )he format of this document was well recei1ed -y the client.
0rgani1ation Change
2inning Business
at the "ollo&ing
%. Engagement Management
In her role as )ech=)eam *ead Brianna was continuously in1ol1ed in issue resolution.
Brianna raised escalated and mitigated technical and -usiness issues. Brianna
considered the needs of IBM and the client. 4n the :pparel *egislation "hase / project
Brianna kept track of all scope creep throughout the project while monitoring the project
-udget and ()#. Brianna raised 8#@s when additional -udget was re7uired. )his pro1ided
an outcome satisfactory to -oth the client and her "M.
Brianna had a clear understanding of the organisational hierarchy at 'ept !lo-al. Brianna
de1eloped relationships with key personnel in I) and the wider -usiness. Brianna was
aware of the key stakeholders in all project work and how -est to present ideas and work
products to particular personnel in order to o-tain the re7uired decision or appro1al. 4n
the "urchasers :utomation project Brianna recommended including a prototype phase in
the de1elopment phase in order to pro1ide the key -usiness stakeholder with the le1el of
comfort re7uired to appro1e the o1erall approach and e,pedite the appro1al of the
greater de1elopment e?ort.
In her role as )eam *eader Brianna had weekly meetings with the 'ept !lo-al "roject
'eli1ery Manager to discuss the status of all project work and e,plain changes to
milestones and -udget when necessary. Brianna monitored all project work and noti<ed
the rele1ant I) and=or -usiness stakeholders of any potential slippage=-udget o1errun
risks issues and scope creep. Brianna worked with the client to resol1e these matters to
their satisfaction. Brianna included contingency plans in the project plans and estimates
of e?ort at the start of work in order gi1e her team the -est chance of meeting the
e,pectations of the client.
'. Communication
Brianna de1eloped strong working relationships with key sta? at
'ept !lo-al. Brianna listened to suggestions and criticism from personnel and discussed
options for implementation=resolution. Brianna presented ideas and recommendations
and defended her point of 1iew with sound reasoning. Der focus on deli1ering 7uality
cost e?ecti1e solutions and articulation of these principles has -uilt strong relationships
with the (nterprise )est Manager :pplications 8upport Manager and "roject 'eli1ery
Manager. IBM6s reputation and strong relationship with 'ept !lo-al has allowed IBM to
win signi<cant additional work o1er a num-er of years. Brianna pro1ided IBM -id teams
with references to successful implementations at 'ept !lo-al.
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Brianna applied critical communication considerations in her acti1ities at 'ept
!lo-al. Brianna was responsi-le for the initiation and deli1ery of numerous su-.projects at
'ept !lo-al. 4n such projects Brianna le1eraged her knowledge of the client to dri1e the
scope to meet the re7uirements of the -usiness. 4ften this re7uired con1incing I) and
-usiness representati1es what they were asking for was not actually what they needed
and recommending a more appropriate solution.
Brianna discussed a source code migration tool with representati1es of a 5rd party 1endor
in relation to a proposal to upgrade the data-ase and toolset of the 'ept !lo-al
merchandise system.
(. /egotiation
Brianna was re7uired to make numerous recommendations=decisions on project work at
'ept !lo-al. In her role as )ech *ead Brianna has led the de1elopment e?ort on many
projects. Brianna determined the approach to system solutions and directed other
practitioners in de1elopment. Brianna often had to weigh.up the competing goals of
producing high 7uality work and deli1ering to -udget=milestones. Brianna in1ol1ed the
de1elopers and team leaders in discussions regarding technical issues=approaches and
made recommendations in consideration of all 1iewpoints. Brianna presented these
recommendations to client sta?.
:s )eam *eader Brianna made recommendations=decisions concerning the approach to
project work issues risks -udget and scope. Brianna de1eloped many
costings=proposals in conjunction with her )ech *ead and other team mem-ers -alancing
cost and re7uired e?ort to produce outcomes accepta-le to the client and project
manager. Brianna defended her recommendations with sound logic -ased on the relati1e
risks of particular projects in discussions with -oth the "M and client sta?.
Brianna was responsi-le for the resolution of issues related to numerous issues on project
work at 'ept !lo-al. 4n the :pparel *egislation project Brianna raised managed and
resol1ed risks and reported=escalated these to the project manager as appropriate.
Brianna created a project plan for :pparel *egislation that ena-led IBM to successfully
deli1er the project on time and -udget despite the tight timeframe and the rapid ramp.up
of resources. 4ur a-ility to deli1er 7uality work products in the timeframe was due in
large part to her recommendations and implementation of a new team structure to
facilitate greater capacity in regard to 7uality re1iews. 4n the #lassi<ed project Brianna
recommended and enforced the G: process to minimise the impact on production
systems and production support resources.
). Managing 0rganisational Change
Brianna considered the impacts of projects on the 'ept !lo-al organisation. $hen
preparing the scope=proposals for su-.projects Brianna determined=recommended the
need for=e,tent of user noti<cation=training. 4n the :pparel *egislation project Brianna
recognised the need for e,tensi1e user training and clear detailed timely communication
of the new solution and processes. 4n the #lassi<ed project Brianna identi<ed the
di?erent work practices 2particularly in regard to G:3 of IBM and 'ept !lo-al and assisted
'ept !lo-al in planning and e,ecuting appropriate 7uality management processes.
Brianna initiated discussion and made recommendations a-out a change in the structure
of the IBM team at 'ept !lo-al to -etter ser1e the changed needs=direction of the client.
*. 2inning Business
Brianna gained an understanding of 'ept !lo-al 5 Near "rogramme "lan and applied this
in discussions with key I) sta?. Brianna worked with these sta? mem-ers and assisted in
IBM Global Business Services Page 7 of 8
the resource planning process aimed at ensuring the timely deli1ery of the programme.
Brianna6s understanding of the 'ept !lo-al -usiness I) systems and key -usiness
resources ena-led her to make credi-le recommendations on tactical and strategic
projects. 4n the :ged In1entory @eporting project Brianna criticised the approach
recommended -y 'ept !lo-al and her sound argument resulted in the systems analysis
work -eing gi1en to an IBM resource instead of an internal one. )he new approach
de1eloped in the systems analysis was appro1ed -y the client and the de1elopment
proceeded smoothly. Brianna proacti1ely recommended the in1ol1ement of a key IBM
resource on a num-er of strategic projects. Brianna held discussions with the !roup
!eneral Manager of I) the :pplications 8upport Manager and 1arious project managers
on this matter. Brianna made a case for the IBM resources6 continued presence at 'ept
!lo-al -ased on their capa-ilities and her knowledge of the clientCs strengths and
weaknesses in relation to the deli1ery of large I) projects. Brianna has -een asked to
pro1ide a risk assessment of these projects.
In June /00H after months of her in1ol1ement -usiness case and proposal Brianna was
a-le to o-tain 'ept !lo-al appro1al of the Fpgrade project. )his project represents a B/M
win for IBM.
Brianna initiated weekly meetings with key I) sta? at 'ept !lo-al to keep a-reast of their
goals and to -uild rapport. Brianna attended the @etail (,po where Brianna met with
1arious 1endors and clients.
Brianna proacti1ely discussed and promoted IBMCs capa-ilities and o?erings with 'ept
!lo-al. In particular Brianna promoted IBMCs hardware -usiness and the ad1antages of
dealing with a single 1endor across multiple I) o?erings. 41er the last year IBM has had
se1eral important wins in the hardware space. 4n the 8er1er #onsole -id Brianna had
signi<cant in1ol1ement in IBMCs response to the 'ept !lo-al @A". Brianna re1iewed the
hardware proposal and pro1ided technical input. Brianna co.authored the ser1ices
proposal to migrate e,isting applications to the new platform which was a key
di?erentiator in the IBM -id and a -ig factor in our ultimate success.
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