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Pedagogical Artifacts and Reflective Writing (*1)

This artifact is a piece of writing that I red in a book; “La vida no es un estar ahí…sino recorrer cierto camino….Y
como nadie nos da decidida esa linea que hemos de seguir, sino que cada cual la decide por sí, quiera o no, se
encuentra el hombre… al salir de su adolescencia… con que tiene que resolver entre innumerables caminos
posibles, la carrera de su vida.” (Ortega y Gasset). It represents me at the end of my practicum… I feel that I made
the best choice ever, I realized that I enjoy teaching that I love talking to the students, and mainly that I can get over
bad experiences.
Also as I had a fourth grade, they were about to leave school and they had to make decisions related to their future,
I think that I helped them a lot, through my experience as university student and sharing my experience when I had
to make my own decision before I get in the university.
Finally I can say that it represents my teaching stage.

“The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of
satisfying it afterwards” (Anatole France). This represents me during the observation stage. I felt like when you go
for the first time to school, everything is new, new classmates, new teacher. I felt curiosity for my students, I wanted
to know their names, talk to them… but it was too soon… My anxiety was huge, I wanted to do something, I didn’t
like to be sitting at the end of the classroom, but I had to calm myself… many ideas of activities to do with my new
students were in my mind and I wanted to share with someone.
I think that my young spirit can take to high levels of motivation and imagination in favor to create wonderful
It was a stage full of expectations.

“Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are” (Bernice
Johnson). This totally represents my team teaching stage, I had very bad moments during this stage, I felt confused
that maybe this was not what I wanted for the rest of my life, that maybe I had made a very bad decision when I
decided to become a teacher. My guide teacher during this stage was in charge of making me feel bad and not a
good professional, my lack of motivation as he said would make me have a bad evaluation from him, so I felt
completely lost and that anything I do would not be enough for him. But then I realized that I was not there for him or
to do the things he wanted, I was there for me and for my students, they gave me love, friendship and support. It
was like they knew what was happening, of course they never knew, but it was like they did. That made me stronger
and I decided to have fun and enjoy the moment… That was how my guide teacher changed a little and the
relationship with him was better.

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