Está en la página 1de 35


About exporters.................................................................................4
Installing Maxigo.............................................................................5
Step 1. Ensure 3ds Max is installed correctly...........................................5
Step 2. ownload and install !ndigo.......................................................5
Step 3. ownload and install Maxigo......................................................5
Things to know................................................................................6
!ndigo is p"ysically based.....................................................................#
$nits o% measurement.........................................................................#
&ig"t sources.....................................................................................#
'ealistic Materials...............................................................................(
Export and render settings...............................................................8
Environment settings.......................................................................9
+' En,ironment.............................................................................11
Camera arameters.......................................................................!"
Aperture di%%raction...........................................................................13
Tonemapping settings...................................................................!4
Image O#tp#t................................................................................!5
Export $%ene.................................................................................!6
-ime .utput.....................................................................................1#
'enderer /ontrol..............................................................................1#
.utput Si0e......................................................................................1(
Exporter .ptions...............................................................................1(
&ender arameters........................................................................!8
'ender 1arameters............................................................................12
&egion &endering..........................................................................!9
'etwork &endering........................................................................!9
Page 2
Indigo Materials............................................................................"!
1. !ndigo3 1re,iew.............................................................................22
2. 4uick Set Material.........................................................................22
3. !ndigo3 S"ader -ype......................................................................22
3. Material /"annels .........................................................................24
!ndigo3 SSS 1arameters.....................................................................25
4. !ndigo3 Maps................................................................................2#
!ndigo )lend Material.........................................................................2#
!ndigo3 Emission...............................................................................2(
!ndigo3 Export..................................................................................2(
!ndigo Emitter Material......................................................................22
!ES lig"ts.........................................................................................25
Maxigo Modi+iers...........................................................................,!
Maxigo6isplacement 7 Subdi,ision.....................................................31
Maxigo6!ES layer...............................................................................32
Maxigo $%atter..............................................................................,,
-oing .#rther................................................................................,5
Page 3
-"is manual co,ers t"e installation and usage o% t"e 3ds Max exporter %or
!ndigo 'enderer. )y %ollowing t"e tutorials in t"is manual you s"ould be able
to export your scene in a "ig"68uality way ready %or !ndigo to render.
9ote t"at t"e 3ds Max exporter is a ,ery complex piece o% so%tware and not
all t"e %eatures are co,ered in dept" by t"is manual. !% a %eature o% 3ds Max is
not described to your satis%action: ,isit our %orum and post a 8uestion and we
will be "appy to "elp you out. .ur %orum is a,ailable at3
About exporters
!ndigo is independent o% modelling package and uses it<s own %ile %ormat =
called an !ndigo Scene >ile ?.igs@. )e%ore !ndigo can render your scene: it
must be con,erted into an igs %ile. -"e Aob o% an exporter is to create an .igs
%ile %rom your currently open scene.
-"e 3ds Max exporter is called <Maxigo< and is t"e result o% t"e work o% Byrgen
AlekseAe,. Clare -ec"nologies would like to t"ank Byrgen %or "is work on t"e
proAect: and t"e ongoing support "e pro,ides to Clare.
Also a t"anks to Cod0illa %or t"e example renderings and co,er design.
Page 4
Installing Maxigo
Step ! "nsure 3ds Max is installed correctl#
Maxigo is compatible wit" ,ersion 5 upwards o% 3ds Max in bot" 32bit and
Step 2! $ownload and install Indigo
ownload !ndigo %or your system and install it to t"e de%ault location.
!nstructions %or doing t"is are in t"e !ndigo Manual
Step 3! $ownload and install Maxigo
ownload t"e ,ersion o% Maxigo %or your system %rom3
Maxigo comes wit" an installer %or Dindows.
/indows0 -"e installer will ask you w"ic" ,ersion o% 3ds Max you would like
to install Maxigo on.
!% you are "a,ing problems wit" installing Maxigo: please email us at
'estart 3ds Max a%ter installing Maxigo and you s"ould see a Maxigo tab
appear in t"e top menu.
Fou are now ready to use Maxigo.
Page %
&'ings to know
-"ere are se,eral concepts you need to know to know to %ully understand
"ow !ndigo works and "ow Maxigo treats t"ese concepts. 'e%er to t"e Indigo
man#al and t"e Te%hni1#es Man#al %or more detailed in%ormation.
Indigo is p'#sicall# based
!ndigo is a p"ysically based renderer: t"at means t"at i% is possible to
construct a p"oto in t"e real world: it is possible to render it in !ndigo. Maxigo
"as t"e Aob o% con,erting t"e ,irtual world o% 3ds Max into t"e real world
representation used by !ndigo.
$sers wit" experience o% studio p"otograp"y may %ind setting up a scene in
!ndigo a %amiliar experience.
(nits o) measurement
!ndigo works on units o% metres. Maxigo by de%ault con,erts on 3ds Max unit
o% distance to one metre in real world space. Select an obAect and press n to
see t"e position o% t"e obAect in 3ds Max units to get an idea o% t"e scale o%
your scene. )ecause !ndigo is a p"ysically6based renderer: it is important t"at
t"e scale is correct.
*ig't sources
3ds Max "as some lig"t6sources t"at do not exist in t"e real6world = %or
example point lig"ts ?lig"ts t"at are in%initesimally small and exceptionally
brig"t@ and <in,isible spotlig"ts<. -o use !ndigo correctly you will need to
master <emitting materials< to create realistic lig"ts in your scenes.
Page +
,ealistic Materials
)ecause !ndigo is a p"oto6realistic renderer: t"e material properties o% obAects
must be o% a "ig"er detail to accurately simulate t"em. -"is not only means
"ig"er resolution textures: but also correctly set material types t"at describe
t"ings about t"e material: suc" as transparency: roug"ness o% t"e sur%ace:
and "ow lig"t mo,es t"roug" t"e obAect.
Page -
"xport and render settings
-"is section will %amiliarise you wit" t"e Maxigo Export settings.
Fou can %ind t"is by na,igating t"e top menu tab Maxigo 2 Export...
Maxigo interface
Page .
"nvironment settings
-"e En,ironment screen controls t"e world lig"ting and background colour o%
t"e scene. !% you do not "a,e any lig"ts ?emitters@ or en,ironment lig"ts set:
t"en it will ask you to enable s#n3sk* or 4a%kgro#nd %olo#r. !% you c"oose
to continue anyway !ndigo will gi,e an error.
Maxigo Environment settings
Maxigo no lights error
Page /
-"is en,ironment setting is seldom use%ul. !t is better to model a real studio
setup ?see t"e !ndigo -ec"ni8ues manual@ = but as a 8uick alternati,e it is
possible to c"ange t"e background image o% t"e scene using t"is setting.
Dit" t"is setting: !ndigo will render a blue sky as t"e background o% t"e scene
and use a realistic sun to lig"t t"e scene. -"e sky is modelled on a nort"ern
"emisp"ere sky. 1ick a Target 5ight to use to set t"e direction o% t"e sun.
Page 1
2$, "nvironment
-"is setting re8uires you "a,e an .exr %ile to use as an en,ironment. !ndigo
uses t"e exr %ile as t"e background image and also as a lig"t source.
Camera Parameters
-"e camera settings page controls t"e con%iguration o% t"e ,irtual camera in
t"e scene. -"e camera in !ndigo is modelled on a real camera so t"e settings
on t"is page will be %amiliar to users wit" a background in p"otograp"y.
.6$top0 -"is controls t"e %ocal lengt" o% t"e camera. Small %6stop numbers
will make t"ings t"at are out o% %ocus more blurry ?similar to s"ooting a p"oto
in macro mode@. +ig"er %6stop numbers will make e,eryt"ing in t"e scene
e8ually in %ocus ?t"is is similar to t"e e%%ect o% s"ooting a p"oto wit" a
telep"oto lens@.
(#to+o%#s0 Sets t"e %ocal distance to t"e distance %rom t"e camera straig"t
%orward to t"e %irst obAect it sees. !% t"is is turned o%%: t"en t"e %ocus distance
will be taken %rom t"e Target Camera7s target distan%e.
.ilm I$O0 -"e !S. number represents t"e speed o% %ilm t"at is used. -"e
"ig"er t"e !S. number: t"e more lig"t will be collected in t"e +' !mage. !n
low lig"t situations: a %ast %ilm s"ould be used: suc" as !S. 1#**: and in
brig"t lig"ting situations: a slow %ilm can be used: suc" as !S. 1**.
Page 2
Depth of field effect
$h#tter0 -"is setting is used primarily to control motion blur. -"e ot"er e%%ect
o% exposure time ?image brig"tness@ is controlled instead by t"e tonemapping
E80 Select t"e exposure compensation ?eG@. +ig"er means brig"ter: lower
means darker.
/hite 4alan%e0 AdAust t"e D"ite 1oint to get rid o% colored tinges to an
image. /an be c"anged during or a%ter rendering in t"e !ndigo 'enderer.
Aperture di))raction
Enabling aperture di%%raction causes !ndigo to render t"e <star< e%%ect around
brig"t obAects in t"e scene. -"is star e%%ect is commonly seen in p"otos o%
-o make aperture di%%raction ,isible = you need to set a "ig" %6stop ?w"ic"
causes a smaller camera aperture@: "a,e a small and extremely brig"t
lig"tsource ,isible and t"en enable aperture di%%raction.
O9sta%le map0-"e obstacle map is %or loading an image t"at will be mapped
o,er t"e camera lens = t"is can be used to simulate dust: %inger smudges and
scratc"es on t"e lens.
5ens $hi+t0 S"i%ts t"e lens to compensate %or perspecti,e.
&esponse +#n%tion0 Emulates t"e type o% e%%ect gi,en %rom camera
Page 3
&onemapping settings
>or most users = we recommend you lea,e t"ese settings to t"e de%ault and
modi%y your tonemapping settings interacti,ely in t"e !ndigo C$!.
-onemapping is a post6process t"at can be c"anged a%ter: or during rendering
in t"e !ndigo C$!. /"ange settings "ere to sa,e "a,ing to c"ange t"em later.
5inear0 E,ery pixel in t"e +' image will be multiplied by t"is number. !t is
easy to understand but does not gi,e t"e best results.
&einhard0 &ike t"e auto6exposure on a digital camera
re6$%ale0 Scale t"e mid6gray point o% t"e rendered pixels.
ost6$%ale0 Scale t"e w"ite point o% t"e rendered pixels.
4#rn0 )urn determines t"e luminance t"at clipping occurs. A smaller ,alue
means more se,ere burn.
Camera0 $se t"e response %unction and EG %rom t"e camera parameters.
Page 4
Image Output
$ave Image to disk ever*..0 Sa,es an image o% t"e current render at t"is
(#to6$ave0 Sets auto6sa,e pat" to de%ault
$ave to C#stom .ile0 /"oose w"ere t"e auto6sa,e to sa,e to.
Export E:&0 Sa,e as +' image.
Export ;TM E:T0 Sa,e as untonemapped +'.
/rite I-I0 Sa,es t"e render as an !ndigo !mage. $sed to resume renders.
&es#me .rom .igi0 /"oose an !ndigo image to resume rendering using t"e
current scene.
Page %
"xport Scene
&ime Output
-"is allows you to c"oose "ow many %rames you want to render. -ypically
!ndigo is used to render Aust one %rame <$ingle=: but it is possible to render
se,eral se8uential %rames wit" t"ese settings.
,enderer Control
9umber o% samples to reac"3 !ndigo will stop rendering and wait %or t"e user
to sa,e w"en it reac"es t"is many SS1 ?samples per pixel@
'endering time per %rame3 !ndigo will stop rendering and wait %or t"e user to
sa,e w"en it reac"es t"is time.
Page +
Output Si3e
/"oose t"e resolution to render at. &arger resolution will take longer and
re8uire more memory.
"xporter Options
Export -eometr*> $%ene> Materials> Camera> $%atter> Instan%es>
Motion 4l#r0 )y de%ault Maxigo will export all parts o% t"e scene. !% you
"owe,er "a,e a complex scene t"at takes a long time to export and are only
c"anging t"e materials %or example: t"en you can deselect t"e ot"er options
to use t"e pre,ious exported components.
$%ene s%ale0 !t is important to "a,e t"e correct scene scale so t"e scene is
accurately calculated. )y de%ault Maxigo uses t"e 3ds Max unit scale: w"ic"
is generic: by de%ault. !n 3ds Max: goto C#stomi?e 2 ;nits set#p to set t"e
units to a real6world unit.
'#m o+ Threads0 /"oose t"e number o% /1$ t"reads %or !ndigo to use. A
,alue o% * automatically sets all a,ailable t"reads.
$tart Indigo0 .pen !ndigo to render a%ter export.
(lpha Mode0 'enders a black and w"ite image to be used as an alp"a map
%or compositing images.
8iew3&egion0 'ender wit" t"e entire current ,iew: or a region speci%ied in
t"e 'egion 'endering section below.
Page -
,ender Parameters
,ender Parameters
-"ese control "ow t"e raytracing works in !ndigo. !% you are not sure w"ic" to
use: athTra%e wit" 4i@ir is recommended. $se M&- to get clearer results
wit" glass and caustics. Fou s"ould not "a,e to c"ange t"e ot"er settings.
$#per $ample .a%tor0 $sed to %or anti6aliasing purposes. -"is can greatly
increase t"e amount o% memory used: so turn it down i% you are "a,ing out o%
memory errors.
5ow riorit*0 Starts !ndigo in &ow 1riority mode to a,oid system slow6
!t is not recommended to c"ange /ac"e kd6trees.
Indigo 5ogo as /atermark0 1laces t"e !ndigo logo as a watermark in your
In+o Overla*0 /reates and o,erlay on your render containing t"e render
in%ormation s"own in t"e status bar o% t"e !ndigo 'enderer.
Page .
,egion ,endering
-"is will allow you to render only a region o% t"e current camera ,iew.
1ress @raw region and click6drag a region o% your current ,iew to
automatically set t"e co6ordinates o% t"e region.
Fou will "a,e to set t"e ,iew to &egion in t"e Export $%ene section to use
t"e selected region %or rendering.
4etwork ,endering
-"is %eature allows you to "a,e ot"er computers on t"e network "elp your
rendering process. A Master is t"e computer t"at coordinates t"e rendering:
and t"e slave is a remote computer t"at is only t"e "elper. A /orking
Master contributes to t"e render w"ile also coordinating it: w"ile a Master
only co6ordinates and does not render itsel%.
9etwork rendering must be enabled be%ore starting a render: it cannot be
enabled during t"e rendering process.
.rame #pload period0 Sla,e contributions are uploaded to t"e master at
t"is inter,al.
Page /
!t is ad,ised to not c"ange t"ese settings.
!% Maxigo is "a,ing trouble %inding !ndigo: you can set t"e pat" "ere.
Page 21
Indigo Materials
-"e materials setting page is used to con%igure t"e materials in t"e scene.
-o select an !ndigo material: open t"e Material3Map
4rowser %rom eit"er t"e &endering menu or t"e 3ds Max
Material Editor. Select Indigo Main to start wit".
3ds Max Material Editor with an Indigo material selected
Page 2
! Indigo5 Preview
review0 -"is will create a small render using !ndigo and displaying it to t"e
le%t. Can%el will stop t"e pre,iew rendering.
5ow0 -"is is t"e priority setting. Heep it low to a,oid system slowdowns.
Model0 /"oose t"e model %or t"e pre,iew to render t"e material on.
Elements0 -"ese edit t"e scene t"at t"e pre,iew renders in. 1ress t"e !ndigo
!con to send t"e pre,iew to t"e external !ndigo renderer %or a larger pre,iew.
2! 6uick Set Material
Import0 $se an external !ndigo Material ?.!CM@ to replace t"e currently set
5ink0 /reate a link to an external .!CM wit"out c"anging t"e currently set
material settings. -"is will o,erride t"e current settings: "owe,er.
Online0 $se t"e online material database to select a material. -"is will
download it and eit"er replace t"e current material: link to it: or Aust
download it depending on w"at option you c"oose.
resets..0 /"oose a preset t"at comes wit" Maxigo.
3! Indigo5 S'ader &#pe
Speci%ies t"e type o% !ndigo material to create. Selecting di%%erent material
types will c"ange t"e list o% options below: some material types s"are t"e
same c"annels as ot"ers.
See t"e !ndigo manual %or a list o% t"e di%%erent material types.
.a%eted0 -urns o%% normal smoot"ing.
Page 22
@I..;$E0 i%%use materials are %lat: matte
sur%aces t"at don<t "a,e s"iny edges. >lat
wall paint: or a piece o% paper are good
examples o% a di%%use material. -"ere will be
no particular re%lection %rom a di%%use
AO'-0 1"ong is a s"iny material.
/ommonly used %or s"iny paints or any
metals. !n particular: p"ong will "a,e a
Ispecular "ig"lig"tI w"ere t"e lig"t is
completely re%lected. 1"ong is use%ul %or
anyt"ing t"at "as a lac8uer applied to it 6
%or example a s"iny wood %loor or a car
Metal0 /"anges t"e colour o% t"e re%lection
rat"er t"an t"e sur%ace colour.
(r%hi. -lass0 -"is not real !ndigo glass: it
is lig"t ,ersion t"at renders %aster but
doesn<t look as realistic. -"is material does
not re8uire t"e glass to be modelled as a
-lass3$$$0 ?SSS 6 Subsur%ace scattering@
-"e real !ndigo glass. -"ey "a,e a medium
w"ic" controls "ow lig"t mo,es t"roug" t"e
interior space o% t"e obAect. -"is is 8uite
power%ul and can be made to act as a
per%ect re%lector ?like a mirror@ or as a %ully
transparent glass and anyt"ing in between.
Page 23
.ast $$$0 -"is is also not a real !ndigo material type. !t is a blend between
1"ong and a di%%use transmitter: and a null.
O&E'6'(B(&0 .ren69ayar materials are
,ery roug" materials t"at scatter lig"t in
e,ery direction. -"ey are roug"er t"an
di%%use materials. .ren69ayar is use%ul %or
creating sur%aces t"at are like clay: or
generally roug". -"ey aren<t s"iny at all.
3! Material C'annels
-"is list will c"ange based on t"e selected material type. +ere is a list o% all
a,ailable material c"annels.
@i++#se Color0 -"e plain color o% t"e
Opa%it*0 Automatically blends t"e material
wit" a null material to create an opa8ue
$igma0 e%ines t"e roug"ness o% t"e
Page 24
-lossiness0 /ontrols t"e smoot"ness o%
t"e sur%ace. -"e more glossy t"e sur%ace
t"e s"arper t"e re%lection.
IO& <&e+l=0 -"e amount o% lig"t re%lected.
&ower ,alues are a dimmer re%lection:
"ig"er ,alues are brig"ter.
'C @ata0 -"ese are lab6measured metals.
$pe%tral $tr0 Scales t"e colour o% t"e
re%lection to make it brig"ter or darker.
Indigo5 SSS Parameters
SSS stands %or Subsur%ace scattering. -"e
e%%ect o% SSS is t"at lig"t tra,els around t"e
inside o% t"e obAect lig"ting it in a di%%erent
way. See t"e !ndigo Manual %or more
in%ormation on t"ese settings.
Page 2%
4! Indigo5 Maps
-"ese allow you to control "ow certain aspects o% t"e material c"annels co,er
a sur%ace. -"e ,alues scale t"e image map.
@i++#se0 Four typical texture map.
4#mp0 Add a bump map. oes not displace
t"e sur%ace: Aust gi,es t"e illusion o% a
bumped sur%ace.
@ispla%ement0 Add a displacement map.
isplaces t"e sur%ace o% t"e obAect wit" t"e
material applied.
-lossiness0 +a,e only areas o% a sur%ace glosy.
Indigo 0lend Material
-"is is a a,ailable %rom t"e Material3Map 4rowser.
$se t"is material to blend ot"er !ndigo
materials toget"er. -"e Mix (mo#nt
controls "ow muc" one material blends wit"
t"e ot"er.
-"e mask can be used like an alp"a
Page 2+
Indigo5 "mission
Indigo Emitter materials are also a,ailable %rom t"e Material3Map
9rowser. !t is o%ten easier to use t"e Indigo Emitter material t"an t"is
section o% t"e Indigo Main material
Emission0 Emits lig"t %rom t"e mes"
sur%ace. $sed %or all types o% lig"ts. AdAust
parameters to c"ange lig"t color brig"tness.
Indigo5 "xport
+ere you can export your material %or use in ot"er scenes: or in t"e !ndigo
Material Editor.
Page 2-
Indigo "mitter Material
$se t"is to create lig"t sources.
Emitter T*pe
&-40 &ig"t based on color and brig"tness.
4la%k9od*0 &ig"t is based on t"e temperature. Measured in Hel,in.
5a*er0 D"ic" layer to catc" t"e emitted lig"t on.
reset0 /"oose a lig"t bulb type %rom t"e preset list. -"is c"anges t"e power
and &umens settings automatically.
Color Temperat#re0 -"e color temperature c"anges t"e colour o% t"e lig"t.
Page 2.
I"S lig'ts
!ES lig"ts are p"otometric ?usually measured@ data t"at describe "ow brig"t a
lig"t source is at di%%erent angles. !ndigo does not "andle !ES pro%iles t"at
"a,e more t"an 5*J angles in t"em.
-"ere is some "osted !ES pro%iles a,ailable %rom3
Maxigo "andles !ES data t"e same way 3ds Max does: wit" t"e same
1. Select a hotometri% light: and c"oose a
-arget lig"t.
2. Select hotometri% /e9 %rom t"e 5ight
@istri9#tion <T*pe=
3. /"oose a hotometri% .ile ?.!ES pro%ile@
under @istri9#tion. An image will appear
s"owing t"e selected !ES pro%ile.
Page 2/
)ecause t"e -arget &ig"t does not "a,e a material assigned: and t"ere%ore
you cannot c"ange t"e emission controls: t"ere are controls in t"e -arget
&ig"t t"at you can c"ange.
Intensit*3Color3(tten#ation0 -"e presets do not work in Maxigo: but t"e
Hel,in settings and %ilter colors do = c"ange t"ese to c"ange t"e colour o% t"e
5ight 5a*ers0 -o put t"is particular -arget &ig"t wit" t"e !ES pro%ile onto a
lig"t layer: add t"e Maxigo6IE$ 5a*er modi%er.
Page 31
Maxigo Modifiers
-"ere are se,eral uni8ue modi%iers t"at Maxigo o%%er. Fou can %ind t"em in t"e
Modi+* ta9 2 Modi+ier 5ist drop6down. @ispla%ement> Exitortal> IE$
5a*er are typical !ndigo %eatures: and $%atter is uni8ue to Maxigo.
Maxigo7$isplacement 8 Subdivision
$se to set a displacement map and;or set !ndigo Subdi,ision.
$#9division0 -"ese options allow you to set t"e mes" to subdi,ide w"en
rendered wit" !ndigo. -"is keeps t"e polycount o% your scene lig"t: w"ile
"a,ing smoot" renders in !ndigo.
Page 3
Exit portals are use%ul %or speeding up interior renderings: w"en t"e interior is
lit by an en,ironmental lig"t source: suc" as t"e sun;sky model.
Exit portals are placed o,er t"e openings between t"e interior and t"e
exterior en,ironment. -"ese openings are t"e <portals< in t"e scene.
1. !% exit portals are present in t"e scene: t"en all openings must
be co,ered by exit portals.
2. -"e portal normals must %ace inwards to t"e scene.
Maxigo7I"S la#er
Setting an !ES pro%ile ?see abo,e@ does not allow you to set t"e lig"t to a
lig"t6layer: use t"is modi%ier to do t"at.
Page 32
Maxigo Scatter
Maxigo comes wit" a uni8ue scatter %eature t"at takes an obAect and scatters
it o,er t"e sur%ace o% anot"er. !t uses !ndigo !nstances so it uses a lot less
memory t"an simply duplicating obAects.
The Maxigo Scatter interface
-o use: apply t"is modi%ier to t"e obAect you wis" to scatter: and press i%k..
to c"oose t"e sur%ace to scatter onto.
@ensit*0 -"e amount o% scattered obAects.
$eed0 $sed to c"ange to a di%%erent randomi0ed set.
Cl#mps Co#nt0 $ses t"e densit* amount and creates clumps o% t"is
&adi#s0 -"e radius o% t"e clumps.
Page 33
The power of Maxigo Scatter
Page 34
9oing :urt'er
Fou are now ready to start exploring 3ds Max and !ndigo. -o learn more
about using !ndigo = see t"ese resources.
-"e !ndigo website3
-"e !ndigo materials database3
-"e !ndigo %orums are a li,ely place o% debate 6 you s"ould especially take a
look at t"e 3ds Max sub6%orum.
!% you need support: please email3
De "ope you enAoy using !ndigo and look %orward to seeing your rendersK
Page 3%

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