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1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.

2. Sugar upsets the minera reati!n
ships in the "!#y.
$. Sugar can cause... hyperacti%ity& an'iety& #i((icuty c!ncentrating& an# cran)iness in
*. Sugar can pr!#uce a signi(icant rise in trigyceri#es.
+. Sugar c!ntri"utes t! the re#ucti!n in #e(ense against "acteria in(ecti!n ,in(ecti!us
.. Sugar causes a !ss !( tissue easticity an# (uncti!n& the m!re sugar y!u eat the m!re
easticity an# (uncti!n y!u !se.
/. Sugar re#uces high0#ensity ip!pr!teins.
1. Sugar ea#s t! chr!mium #e(iciency.
2. Sugar ea#s t! cancer !( the !%aries.
13. Sugar can increase (asting e%es !( guc!se.
11. Sugar causes c!pper #e(iciency.
12. Sugar inter(eres 4ith a"s!rpti!n !( cacium an# magnesium.
1$. Sugar may ma)e eyes m!re %unera"e t! age0reate# macuar #egenerati!n.
1*. Sugar raises the e%e !( a neur!transmitters5 #!pamine& ser!t!nin& an# n!repinephrine.
1+. Sugar can cause hyp!gycemia.
1.. Sugar can pr!#uce an aci#ic #igesti%e tract.
1/. Sugar can cause a rapi# rise !( a#renaine e%es in chi#ren.
11. Sugar maa"s!rpti!n is (re6uent in patients 4ith (uncti!na "!4e #isease.
12. Sugar can cause premature aging.
23. Sugar can ea# t! ac!h!ism.
21. Sugar can cause t!!th #ecay.
22. Sugar c!ntri"utes t! !"esity
2$. High inta)e !( sugar increases the ris) !( 7r!hn89:s #isease& an# ucerati%e c!itis.
2*. Sugar can cause changes (re6uenty (!un# in pers!n 4ith gastric !r #u!#ena ucers.
2+. Sugar can cause arthritis.
2.. Sugar can cause asthma.
2/. Sugar greaty assists the unc!ntr!e# gr!4th !( 7an#i#a A"icans ,yeast in(ecti!ns-.
21. Sugar can cause gast!nes.
22. Sugar can cause heart #isease.
$3. Sugar can cause appen#icitis.
$1. Sugar can cause hem!rrh!i#s.
$2. Sugar can cause %aric!se %eins.
$$. Sugar can ee%ate guc!se an# insuin resp!nses in !ra c!ntracepti%e users.
$*. Sugar can ea# t! peri!#!nta #isease.
$+. Sugar can c!ntri"ute t! !ste!p!r!sis.
$.. Sugar c!ntri"utes t! sai%a aci#ity.
$/. Sugar can cause a #ecrease in insuin sensiti%ity.
$1. Sugar can !4er the am!unt !( ;itamin E ,apha0T!c!pher!- in the "!!#.
$2. Sugar can #ecrease gr!4th h!rm!ne.
*3. Sugar can increase ch!ester!.
*1. Sugar can increase the syst!ic "!!# pressure.
*2. High sugar inta)e increases a#%ance# gycati!n en# pr!#ucts ,AGEs-,Sugar "!un# n!n0
en<ymaticay t! pr!tein-
*$. Sugar can inter(ere 4ith the a"s!rpti!n !( pr!tein.
**. Sugar causes (!!# aergies.
*+. Sugar can c!ntri"ute t! #ia"etes.
*.. Sugar can cause t!'emia #uring pregnancy.
*/. Sugar can c!ntri"ute t! ec<ema in chi#ren.
*1. Sugar can cause car#i!%ascuar #isease.
*2. Sugar can impair the structure !( D=A
+3. Sugar can change the structure !( pr!tein.
+1. Sugar can ma)e !ur s)in age "y changing the structure !( c!agen.
+2. Sugar can cause cataracts.
+$. Sugar can cause emphysema.
+*. Sugar can cause ather!scer!sis.
++. Sugar can pr!m!te an ee%ati!n !( !40#ensity ip!pr!teins ,LDL-.
+.. High sugar inta)e can impair the physi!!gica h!me!stasis !( many systems in the "!#y.
+/. Sugar !4ers the en<ymes a"iity t! (uncti!n.
+1. Sugar inta)e is higher in pe!pe 4ith >ar)ins!n89:s #isease.
+2. Sugar can increase the si<e !( the i%er "y ma)ing the i%er ces #i%i#e.
.3. Sugar can increase the am!unt !( i%er (at.
.1. Sugar can increase )i#ney si<e an# pr!#uce path!!gica changes in the )i#ney.
.2. Sugar can #amage the pancreas.
.$. Sugar can increase the "!#y89:s (ui# retenti!n.
.*. Sugar is enemy ?1 !( the "!4e m!%ement.
.+. Sugar can cause my!pia ,nearsighte#ness-.
... Sugar can c!mpr!mise the ining !( the capiaries.
./. Sugar can ma)e the ten#!ns m!re "ritte.
.1. Sugar can cause hea#aches& incu#ing migraine.
.2. Sugar pays a r!e in pancreatic cancer in 4!men.
/3. Sugar can a#%ersey a((ect sch!! chi#ren89:s gra#es an# cause earning #is!r#ers.
/1. Sugar can cause #epressi!n.
/2. Sugar increases the ris) !( gastric cancer.
/$. Sugar an# cause #yspepsia ,in#igesti!n-.
/*. Sugar can increase y!ur ris) !( getting g!ut.
/+. Sugar can increase the e%es !( guc!se in an !ra guc!se t!erance test !%er the
ingesti!n !( c!mpe' car"!hy#rates.
/.. Sugar can increase the insuin resp!nses in humans c!nsuming high0sugar #iets
c!mpare# t! !40sugar #iets.
//. A #iet high in re(ine# sugar re#uces earning capacity.
/1. Sugar can cause ess e((ecti%e (uncti!ning !( t4! "!!# pr!teins& a"umin& an#
ip!pr!teins& 4hich may re#uce the "!#y89:s a"iity t! han#e (at an# ch!ester!.
/2. Sugar can c!ntri"ute t! A<heimer89:s #isease.
13. Sugar can cause pateet a#hesi%eness.
11. Sugar can cause h!rm!na im"aance@ s!me h!rm!nes "ec!me un#er acti%e an# !thers
"ec!me !%eracti%e.
12. Sugar can ea# t! the (!rmati!n !( )i#ney st!nes.
1$. Diets high in sugar can cause (ree ra#icas an# !'i#ati%e stress.
1*. High sugar #iet can ea# t! "iiary tract cancer.
1+. High sugar c!nsumpti!n !( pregnant a#!escents is ass!ciate# 4ith a t4!(!#0increase#
ris) (!r #ei%ering a sma0(!r0gestati!na0age ,SGA- in(ant.
1.. High sugar c!nsumpti!n can ea# t! su"stantia #ecrease in gestati!n #urati!n am!ng
1/. Sugar s!4s (!!#89:s tra%e time thr!ugh the gastr!intestina tract.
11. Sugar increases the c!ncentrati!n !( "ie aci#s in st!!s an# "acteria en<ymes in the
c!!n. This can m!#i(y "ie t! pr!#uce cancer0causing c!mp!un#s an# c!!n cancer.
12. Sugar increases estra#i! ,the m!st p!tent (!rm !( naturay !ccurring estr!gen- in men.
23. Sugar c!m"ines 4ith an# #estr!ys ph!sphatase& an en<yme& 4hich ma)es the pr!cess !(
#igesti!n m!re #i((icut.
21. Sugar can "e a ris) (act!r !( ga"a##er cancer.
22. Sugar is an a##icti%e su"stance.
2$. Sugar can "e int!'icating& simiar t! ac!h!.
2*. Sugar can e'acer"ate >AS.
2+. Sugar gi%en t! premature "a"ies can a((ect the am!unt !( car"!n #i!'i#e they pr!#uce.
2.. Decrease in sugar inta)e can increase em!ti!na sta"iity.
2/. The rapi# a"s!rpti!n !( sugar pr!m!tes e'cessi%e (!!# inta)e in !"ese su"Bects.
21. Sugar can 4!rsen the sympt!ms !( chi#ren 4ith attenti!n #e(icit hyperacti%ity #is!r#er
22. Sugar a#%ersey a((ects urinary eectr!yte c!mp!siti!n.
133. Sugar can s!4 #!4n the a"iity !( the a#rena gan#s t! (uncti!n.
131. C.;s ,intra%en!us (ee#ings- !( sugar 4ater can cut !(( !'ygen t! the "rain.
132. High sucr!se inta)e c!u# "e an imp!rtant ris) (act!r in ung cancer.
13$. Sugar increases the ris) !( p!i!.
13*. High sugar inta)e can cause epieptic sei<ures.
13+. Sugar causes high "!!# pressure in !"ese pe!pe.
13.. Cn Cntensi%e 7are Units& imiting sugar sa%es i%es.
13/. Sugar may in#uce ce #eath.
131. Sugar can increase the am!unt !( (!!# that y!u eat.
132. Cn Bu%enie reha"iitati!n camps& 4hen chi#ren 4ere put !n a !4 sugar #iet& there 4as
a **D #r!p in antis!cia "eha%i!r.
113. Sugar can ea# t! pr!strate cancer.
111. Sugar #ehy#rates ne4"!rns.
112. Sugar can cause !4 "irth 4eight "a"ies.
11$. Greater c!nsumpti!n !( re(ine# sugar is ass!ciate# 4ith a 4!rse !utc!me !(
11*. Sugar can raise h!m!cysteine e%es in the "!!# stream.
11+. S4eet (!!# items increase the ris) !( "reast cancer.
11.. Sugar is a ris) (act!r in cancer !( the sma intestine.
11/. Sugar may cause aryngea cancer.
111. Sugar in#uces sat an# 4ater retenti!n.
112. Sugar may c!ntri"ute t! mi# mem!ry !ss.
123. The m!re s!#as a 13 year !# chi# c!nsumes& the ess mi).
121. Sugar can increase the t!ta am!unt !( (!!# c!nsume#.
122. E'p!sing a ne4"!rn t! sugar resuts in a heightene# pre(erence (!r sucr!se reati%e t!
4ater at . m!nths an# 2 years !( age.
12$. Sugar causes c!nstipati!n.
12*. Sugar causes %aric!se %eins.
12+. Sugar can cause "rain #ecay in pre#ia"etic an# #ia"etic 4!men.
12.. Sugar can increase the ris) !( st!mach cancer.
12/. Sugar can cause meta"!ic syn#r!me.
121. Sugar ingesti!n "y pregnant 4!men increases neura tu"e #e(ects in em"ry!s.
122. Sugar can "e a (act!r in asthma.
1$3. The higher the sugar c!nsumpti!n the m!re chances !( getting irrita"e "!4e
1$1. Sugar can a((ect the "rain89:s a"iity t! #ea 4ith re4ar#s an# c!nse6uences.
1$2. Sugar can cause cancer !( the rectum.
1$$. Sugar can cause en#!metria cancer.
1$*. Sugar can cause rena ,)i#ney- ce carcin!ma.
1$+. Sugar can cause i%er tum!rs.
1$.. Sugar can increase in(ammat!ry mar)ers in the "!!# stream !( !%er4eight pe!pe.
1$/. Sugar can !4er ;itamin E e%es in the "!!# stream.
1$1. Sugar can increase y!ur appetite (!r a (!!#.
1$2. Sugar pays a r!e in the eti!!gy an# the c!ntinuati!n !( acne.
1*3. T!! much sugar can )i y!ur se' i(e.
1*1. Sugar saps sch!! per(!rmance in chi#ren.
1*2. Sugar can cause (atigue& m!!#iness& ner%!usness an# #epressi!n.
1*$. Sugar is c!mm!n ch!ice !( !"ese in#i%i#uas.
1**. A inear #ecrease in the inta)e !( many essentia nutrients is ass!ciate# 4ith increasing
t!ta sugar inta)e.
1*+. High (ruct!se c!nsumpti!n has "een in)e# t! i%er #isease.
1*.. Sugar a##s t! the ris) !( "a##er cancer.
ArenEt 4!n#ering 4hy the he SUGAR (in#s a pace in !ur #iet F

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