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Ad 8ackup: "1rad|t|on"

au| Dav|s for Governor
:30 1V
September 12, 2014

Aud|o V|sua| 8ackup

au| Dav|s: ln one-
room schoolhouses
[usL llke Lhls, our
kansas LradlLlon of
sLrong publlc schools
began. l'm aul uavls.
My parenLs were

au| Dav|s speaks to camera,
stand|ng |ns|de p|cturesque,
h|stor|c one-room kansas

au|: And l know
kansas can do beLLer
Lhan Covernor
8rownback's largesL
slngle cuL Lo school
fundlng ln sLaLe

8rownback's I|rst 8udget Ca||ed for Cut of S.7 |n 8ase State A|d
er up||. LducaLors and advocaLes of publlc educaLlon are upseL
and dlsmayed aL Lhe deLalls of Cov. Sam 8rownback's flrsL budgeL,
whlch calls for a cuL ln 8ase SLaLe Ald er upll of $232, or abouL
3.7 percenL." [PuLchlnson news, 1/14/11]

8rownback's Steep Cuts 1o Lducat|on C|ashed W|th n|s khetor|c.
Cn Lhe campalgn Lrall and ln hls SLaLe of Lhe SLaLe address,
8rownback had called educaLlon Lhe sLaLe's 'prlmary funcLlon,' as
lmporLanL Lo kansas as defense ls Lo Lhe naLlon. 1he flnal number
doesn'L maLch hls words, Lhough: 1he $3,780 base ald per pupll ln
Lhe 2012 budgeL ls Lhe lowesL slnce Lhe $3,770 level of Lhe 1999-
00 school year, ad[usLed for lnflaLlon, lL's comparable Lo per-pupll
spendlng back ln 1992." [WlchlLa Lagle, 3/13/11]

Schoo| Super|ntendents Cpposed 8rownback roposa|.
PuLchlnson lnLerlm SuperlnLendenL !an SLrecker sald she was
'very dlsappolnLed.' 8uhler SuperlnLendenL uavld 8rax called Lhe
cuL ln ald 'devasLaLlng.' Paven SuperlnLendenL aLrlck Call sald hls
dlsLrlcL would have Lo look aL reconflgurlng schools or perhaps
even revlslL a conLenLlous lssue from a year ago -- closlng a school.
And lalrfleld SuperlnLendenL Mary 1reasLer sald LhaL afLer closlng
Lwo elemenLary schools Lhls year, she's noL sure where her board
wlll look Lo cuL more. nearly all predlcLed LhaL educaLlon programs
would have Lo be cuL and Leachers and oLher sLaff lald off."
[PuLchlnson news, 1/14/11]

8rownback's Lducat|on Cuts Lxacerbated k|s|ng C|ass S|ze,
C|os|ng Schoo|s, Staff Layoffs And Cance||ed Sports And I|e|d
1r|ps. Schools are sLarLlng Lo close -- lncludlng one ln Lhe Paven
school dlsLrlcL, MounL Pope LlemenLary, a relaLlvely new school
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
bullL [usL 14 years ago. 1eachlng poslLlons have been cuL -- by 7.4
percenL sLaLewlde beLween Lhe 2003-06 school year and lasL year,
Lhe laLesL for whlch numbers are avallable. Class slzes are hlgher.
ln Lhe PuLchlnson school dlsLrlcL, 47 [obs have been ellmlnaLed ln
Lhree years, and some klndergarLen classes now have as many as
29 sLudenLs. And all of LhaL evldence ls noL Lo menLlon cuLs ln fleld
Lrlp and sporLs Lravel budgeLs and oLher lnLanglbles noneLheless
noL golng unnoLlced by sLudenLs and parenLs. And -- someLhlng
LhaL affecLs everyone -- properLy Laxes have been ralsed ln
seemlngly a ma[orlLy of school dlsLrlcLs." [PuLchlnson news,

Schoo| d|str|cts have tr|ed to offset state budget cuts by
|ncreas|ng property taxes and decreas|ng [obs [PuLchlnson news,

Iobs on the ||ne at USD 4S7 [Carden ClLy 1elegram, 2/19/11,

Loca| schoo| off|c|a|s: Current a|d not enough [Carden ClLy
1elegram, 1/17/13]

Csawatom|e USD 367 faced near|y 5400,000 worth of cuts under
8rownback: "Also aL Lhe meeLlng, lrench Lold board members
LhaL Lhe dlsLrlcL could sLand Lo lose aL leasL $134,007 Lhls year and
an addlLlonal $276,336 nexL year based on reducLlons ln Lhe
kansas per-pupll sLaLe school-fundlng raLe recommended by Cov.
Sam 8rownback." [Loulsburg Perald, 4/20/11,

More cuts for USD 2S7 (Io|a): uSu 237 has 234 employees,
lncludlng 108 Leachers and 10 admlnlsLraLors. MosL llkely, Lhose
numbers wlll be pared when Lhe 2011-12 school year sLarLs.
Accordlng Lo budgeL proposals made by Cov. Sam 8rownback and
an analysls by Lhe kansas ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, Lhe local
dlsLrlcL may lose as much as $143,000 durlng Lhe sprlng semesLer
and anoLher $413,000 nexL school year ln sLaLe ald for general
operaLlng funds." [lola 8eglsLer, 1/18/11, hLLp://]

Iort Scott Schoo| 8oard ta|ks budget cuts: uependlng on Lhe
kansas leglslaLure's declslon regardlng balanclng Lhe sLaLe budgeL,
Lhe dlsLrlcL faces a posslble loss of $137,762 ln fundlng for Lhe
remalnder of Lhls year due Lo a reducLlon ln base sLaLe ald per
pupll, and a posslble loss of $463,072 nexL year due Lo addlLlonal
decllnes ln 8SA as proposed by Cov. Sam 8rownback. 1he
dlsLrlcL also won'L geL federal economlc sLlmulus funds LhaL had
been budgeLed Lhe lasL Lwo years." [lorL ScoLL 1rlbune, 3/8/11,

8rownback's 8udget Cuts D|rect|y Increased C|ass S|ze, Accord|ng
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
1o Schoo| Cff|c|a|s. 8ased on Cov. Sam 8rownback's
recommendaLlons, Lhe lLLsburg School ulsLrlcL could lose close Lo
$1 mllllon over Lhls year and nexL.'lf we reduce furLher, we're
golng Lo serlously lmpacL ouL sLudenL class slze,' 8rown sald."
[!oplln Clobe, 3/17/11]

Ga|ena Super|ntendent sa|d Governor 8rownback and h|s tax-cut
a|||es "turned the|r back" on rura| schoo|s. AfLer 8rownback Look
offlce ln 2011, he and leglslaLors cuL Lhe sLaLe's baslc ald Lo schools
by nearly 6 percenL Lo help close a budgeL shorLfall and prop up
Lhe Leachers' penslon sysLem. ln 2012, 8rownback won passage of
$3.9 bllllon personal lncome Lax cuL plan deslgned Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe
economy. School dlsLrlcLs complalned abouL Lhe lmpacL of Lhe
spendlng cuLs and sald Lhe Lax money was needed for bolsLerlng
schools. AfLer Lhe reducLlons, classrooms became more crowded
and sLaffs were Lrlmmed. ulsLrlcLs across Lhe sLaLe dropped afLer-
school programs and lncreased acLlvlLy fees pald by parenLs. "1hey
Lurned Lhelr backs on us," sald 8rlan SmlLh, superlnLendenL ln Lhe
souLheasL kansas Lown of Calena, where Lhe dlsLrlcL Leachlng sLaff
dropped from 70 Lo 38.. ln Calena, superlnLendenL SmlLh now
doubles as a sLudenL counselor. "We had cuL Leachers. We had cuL
malnLenance sLaff. We had cuL food-servlce personnel," he sald. "l
felL llke l had Lo do someLhlng, Loo." [AssoclaLed ress, 1/16/14,

USD 44S |n Coffeyv|||e worked to cope w|th budget cuts, reduc|ng
expend|tures by 6 from the prev|ous year. 1he sLaLe budgeL
cuLs, as well as Lhe appeals currenLly Laklng place make for
uncerLaln Llmes. 1hese lssues are noL easlly solved and could
poLenLlally go on for mulLlple years. 1he challenge ls Lo conLlnue
Lo have a budgeL LhaL works, meeLs Lhe needs of our sLudenLs and
sLaff, and lf cuLs are necessary, LhaL Lhey lmpacL Lhe classroom
educaLlon Lhe leasL. WlLh Lhe loss of Lhe base sLaLe ald per pupll,
Lhe amounL of funds has decreased ln all areas reporLed from Lhe
prevlous year. 1here ls a sllghL decrease ln Lhe amounL of
lnsLrucLlon due Lo cuLs belng made. 1hls would lnclude salarles,
supplles and maLerlals Lo be used ln Lhe classroom. 1he overall
LoLal expendlLures were reduced 6 from Lhe prevlous year."
[2011-2013 uSu 443 roflle lnformaLlon, kansas SLaLe ueparLmenL
of LducaLlon, hLLp://]

USD S03 (arsons) faces cut |n budget: 1he uSu 303 8oard of
LducaLlon was presenLed wlLh a budgeL proposal for Lhe 2011-12
school year Monday LhaL reflecLed an overall decrease of more
Lhan $730,000 from Lhe 2010-11 budgeL. [arsons Sun, 7/19/11,

A kepub||can State Senator Ca||ed 8rownback's Lducat|on
Iund|ng |an "Very Worr|some" And "D|s|ngenuous." "'1hls plan
ls very worrlsome because Lhe area LhaL ls proposed Lo be cuL
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
lmpacLs lnsLrucLlon, Leacher poslLlons and Lhe classroom dlrecLly,'
[Sen. !ean Schodorf] sald. '1o say we are lncreaslng Lhe educaLlon
budgeL overall, because of kL8S reLlremenL and bonded
lndebLedness, ls a llLLle dlslngenuous.'" [WlchlLa Lagle, 1/14/11]

8rownback's I|rst 8udget Left Lducators "Upset And D|smayed."
LducaLors and advocaLes of publlc educaLlon are upseL and
dlsmayed aL Lhe deLalls of Cov. Sam 8rownback's flrsL budgeL,
whlch calls for a cuL ln 8ase SLaLe Ald er upll of $232, or abouL
3.7 percenL. [.] PuLchlnson lnLerlm SuperlnLendenL !an SLrecker
sald she was 'very dlsappolnLed.' 8uhler SuperlnLendenL uavld
8rax called Lhe cuL ln ald 'devasLaLlng.'"" [PuLchlnson news,

A D|str|ct Super|ntendent Argued 1hat 8rownback's Lducat|on
Cuts Wou|d "W|thout A Doubt" Impact Lducat|on ua||ty.
SuperlnLendenL Marlln 8erry, noLlng LhaL Lhe dlsLrlcL already had
cuL $20 mllllon and 233 poslLlons ln Lhe pasL Lwo years, sald Lhe
new cuLs would Lake per-pupll fundlng back Lo 1999 levels. '1hls
[usL geLs deeper and deeper,' 8erry sald. '1hls wlll be devasLaLlng.
lL's wlLhouL a doubL golng Lo lmpacL Lhe educaLlon LhaL klds have
always recelved ln !ohnson CounLy.'" [kansas ClLy SLar, 1/22/11]

nead||ne: "Lducat|on n|t nard as 8rownback Cuts 5S6.S M||||on
from Current kansas 8udget" [kansas ClLy SLar, 3/11/11]

8rownback's Agenda About "Dec|mat|ng" ub||c Lducat|on. lf
declmaLlng Lhe sLaLe's ablllLy Lo fund publlc educaLlon and soclal
servlces was on hls 'road map for kansas,' voLers musL have
mlssed lL back ln 2010." [WlchlLa Lagle LdlLorlal, 3/20/12]

kansas er Student Spend|ng Decreased 13.2 Irom I08 to
I13, Cut of 574S er Student. [CenLer on 8udgeL and ollcy
rlorlLles, new School ?ear 8rlngs More CuLs ln SLaLe lundlng for
Schools, 9/4/12,

2012 Saw 1he I|rst Drop In Student erformance In More 1han A
Decade. "SLudenL performance on sLaLewlde assessmenLs LesLs ln
kansas dropped ln 2012 for Lhe flrsL Llme ln more Lhan a decade,
accordlng Lo a reporL presenLed 1uesday Lo Lhe kansas SLaLe 8oard
of LducaLlon." [1opeka CaplLal-!ournal, 9/19/12]

Schoo| Cff|c|a|s |anned 8u||d|ng C|osures And Staff Cuts 1o Cope
W|th 8rownback's 1ax Cuts. School offlclals also have clLed Lhe
poLenLlal for ma[or fundlng cuLs Lo educaLlon ln Lhe comlng year
as a resulL of kansas Cov. Sam 8rownback's Lax plan. Whlle Lhe
dlsLrlcL ls noL 'broke' aL Lhls Llme, 8ush sald, closlng bulldlngs and
reduclng sLaff are Lhe only ways Lo save money ln Lhe school
dlsLrlcL." [CLLawa Perald, 1/16/13]
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7

Schoo| Cff|c|a|s Comp|a|ned 1hat 8rownback Was Cutt|ng
Iund|ng At A 1|me When 1hey Were "Iust 8are|y Ab|e 1o
Cperate." kansas ClLy-area educaLlon offlclals are reacLlng wlLh
dlsmay Lo kansas Cov. Sam 8rownback's proposal for k-12 school
fundlng. 'lor us noL Lo recelve any rellef or opporLunlLy for local
conLrol puLs our school dlsLrlcL ln a very Lenuous slLuaLlon,' sald
Cene !ohnson, superlnLendenL of Lhe Shawnee Mlsslon School
ulsLrlcL. [.] '8lghL now, we're [usL barely able Lo operaLe,' !ohnson
sald. 'We've already cuL as far as we can cuL.' [kansas ClLy
8uslness !ournal, 1/18/13]

Spend|ng on L|ementary and Secondary Lducat|on Down 10,
n|gher-Ld Down 4 S|nce 8rownback 1ook Cff|ce. ln facL, sLaLe
fundlng for general elemenLary and secondary educaLlon ls lower,
even ln nomlnal Lerms, Lhan when 8rownback Look offlce ln 2011,
and ls down sharply - by 10 percenL - afLer ad[usLlng for
enrollmenL growLh and lnflaLlon. Plgher educaLlon fundlng ls up
sllghLly ln nomlnal Lerms, buL down 4 percenL afLer ad[usLlng for
enrollmenL growLh and lnflaLlon." [CenLer on 8udgeL and ollcy
rlorlLles Cff Lhe CharLs" 8log, 4/11/13]

S|nce the kecess|on, er up|| Iund|ng |n kansas Cut 8y Near|y
51,000 - 3rd n|ghest |n the Country. Slnce Lhe recesslon hlL, Lhe
sLaLe's general ald for schools per pupll has plummeLed by 16.3
percenL, also Lhe Lhlrd-blggesL decllne ln Lhe counLry. 1haL
amounLs Lo a cuL of $930 per sLudenL." [CenLer on 8udgeL and
ollcy rlorlLles, Cff Lhe CharLs 8log, 9/26/13]

USD S04 Cswego Super|ntendent says 8rownback's schoo|
f|nance b||| "not conduc|ve to qua||ty educat|on." ulled from
reLlremenL Lo serve agaln as superlnLendenL of uSu 304 for one
year, 1erry karlln sald.he ls noL pleased wlLh Lhe LeglslaLure
'beholden Lo Lhe far rlghL" ln slgnlng Lhe blll.' [arsons Sun,
4/22/14, hLLp://]

Super|ntendent: 8udget 'co|||s|on course of d|saster':
Mcherson uSu 418 admlnlsLraLors are fearful Lhe sLaLe Lax cuLs
slgned lnLo law 1uesday wlll have devasLaLlng effecLs on Lhe
dlsLrlcL ln Lhe near fuLure. AlLhough Cov. Sam 8rownback sald Lhe
Lax rellef measure-one of Lhe largesL ln kansas hlsLory-wlll
boosL Lhe economy, lLs lmpacL on schools ls a loomlng LhreaL
across Lhe sLaLe. 'When Lhe recesslon hlL, we all undersLood Lhe
cuLs,' WaLson sald. '8uL Lhe sLaLe of kansas had money. 1hls dldn'L
have Lo happen. unless someLhlng changes, lL looks llke we're
golng Lo have budgeL cuLs LhaL could double Lhe ones we had ln
Lhe lasL several years,' WaLson sald. 'l Lhlnk lL's a colllslon course
for dlsasLer.'" [Mcherson SenLlnel, 3/24/12,

!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
Schoo| d|str|cts stand to |ose thousands: AdmlnlsLraLors ln
Mcherson CounLy and across Lhe sLaLe are crylng foul saylng
8rownback's budgeL sLrangles Lhe sLaLe's publlc educaLlon sysLem
and makes already LlghL budgeLs almosL unmanageable.under
8rownback's proposal, every school dlsLrlcL ln Lhe sLaLe wlll see a
reducLlon ln funds. LducaLlon saw a large porLlon of 8rownback's
budgeLary cuLs...lor Mcherson uSu 418, Lhe counLy's largesL
dlsLrlcL wlLh an enrollmenL of 2,299 sLudenLs, LhaL means a loss of
$208,973. CanLon-Calva uSu 419, Lhe smallesL dlsLrlcL ln Lhe
counLy, would lose almosL $48,000. And LhaL ls [usL for Lhe
remalnder of Lhls flscal year. nexL year Moundrldge uSu 423,
whlch has an enrollmenL of 404 sLudenLs, would see $109,000 less
from Lhe sLaLe. Smoky valley uSu 400 would lose $226,881. Lvery
dlsLrlcL ln Lhe counLy would lose aL leasL $140,000 from sLaLe
fundlng. 8rownback has sald spendlng cuLs are necessary Lo make
Lhe sLaLe flnanclally solvenL." [Mcherson SenLlnel, 1/28/11,

Lducat|on spend|ng cuts caused Marquette L|ementary to
conso||date. 8esldenLs of MarqueLLe are rallylng around Lhelr
school as educaLlon fundlng cuLs LhreaLen Lhe fuLure of Lhe
communlLy's mlddle school. Smoky valley uSu 400 musL flnd
abouL $330,000 ln spendlng cuLs Lo makes lL budgeL solvenL for
Lhe nexL school year. 1he board wlll llkely use some of lLs
conLlngency fund and Lhe approved 1-percenL lncrease ln Lhe local
opLlon budgeL wlll neL abouL $71,000 for Lhe dlsLrlcL, leavlng a
fundlng gap of $460,000. A llsL of poLenLlal cuLs and changes has
been released, among Lhose cuLs ls movlng Lhe seveLh and elghLh-
grade sLudenLs aL MarqueLLe LlemenLary School Lo Llndsborg
Mlddle School.MarqueLLe resldenLs see closlng Lhe [unlor hlgh
school as a sLep closer Lo loslng Lhe enLlre school, someLhlng many
say wlll slgnlflcanLly lmpacL Lhe enLlre communlLy." [Mcherson
SenLlnel, 4/19/11, hLLp://]

Marquette's pr|nc|pa| b|amed budget cuts for the schoo|'s
c|osure. n MarqueLLe, a Lown of abouL 640 people ln norLhwesL
Mcherson CounLy, Lhe news 1uesday LhaL Lhe Lown's elemenLary
school recelved a Covernor's AchlevemenL Award was blLLersweeL,
acknowledged rlnclpal uarryl 1alboLL. 1haL's because Lhe Smoky
valley uSu 400 school board sLarLed Laklng sLeps earller Lhls
monLh Lo close MarqueLLe LlemenLary School. 8oard members
unanlmously voLed Lo posL legal noLlces and schedule a speclal
hearlng for leb. 10 aL Smoky valley Mlddle School ln Llndsborg,
where Lhey wlll formally voLe on closlng Lhe school. 1alboLL sald 38
of Lhe school's 74 sLudenLs Look Lhe readlng and maLh sLaLe
assessmenLs lasL year. "We meL Lhe sLandards lasL year for mosL of
Lhe LesL and maybe only had a couple of klds who dldn'L," he sald.
"We're dolng some good Lhlngs, and we're golng Lo mlss LhaL
because of budgeL cuLs." [PuLchlnson news, leb. 2014,
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7

Area super|ntendents f|re off at proposed budget cuts "1he Clobe
Lalked wlLh superlnLendenLs form 8ucklln and Spearvllle school
dlsLrlcL Lo gauge Lhelr responses Lo 8rownback's budgeL proposal
and flnd ouL whaL lL means for Lhelr dlsLrlcLs. uSu 439 ln 8ucklln
sLands Lo lose a llLLle more Lhan $114,000 from 8rownback's
proposed cuLs Lo base sLaLe ald per pupll. Landls sald lf
8rownback's proposed budgeL ls approved, uSu 439's school
board has Lhree opLlons: lncrease Lhe mlll levy Lo 4.03 mllls Lo
keep all programs aL Lhe sLaLus quo, use conLlngency funds Lo
replace parL of Lhe reducLlon and lncrease Lhe local opLlon budgeL
Lo 2.3 mllls, keep Lhe mlll levy Lhe same and reduce programs and
poslLlons." [uodge ClLy Clobe, 1/13/11, hLLp://]

USD 443 (Dodge C|ty) super|ntendent takes on budget proposa|:
Cov. Sam 8rownback promlsed Lo lncrease fundlng Lo educaLlon
durlng hls !an. 13 SLaLe of Lhe SLaLe speech ln 1opeka. Slnce Lhen,
area superlnLendenLs and school offlclals across kansas have
expressed dlsLasLe for Lhe proposed budgeL's lmpllcaLlons for
kansas schools.uSu 443 superlnLendenL Alan Cunnlngham Lrled
Lo shed some llghL and answer LhaL quesLlon 1uesday
afLernoon.'lL's a llLLle blL of whaL l Lhlnk oLher people have
referred Lo as 'smoke and mlrrors',' Cunnlngham sald." [uodge
ClLy ually Clobe, 1/20/11, hLLp://]

kansas schoo|s face more cuts, devastat|ng to rura| schoo|s:
8reaklng a deadlock beLween lawmakers, kansas Cov. Sam
8rownback has elecLed Lo shave $36.3 mllllon from Lhe sLaLe's
budgeL Lo balance for 2011. 1he largesL plece of Lhe cuLs wlll come
from sLaLe ald Lo publlc schools and could mean bad news for
Lhose locally. 1hose klnd of cuLs are noL good news for any school
dlsLrlcL ln kansas, Lhe cuLs wlll be especlally devasLaLlng Lo rural
dlsLrlcLs, llke some ln Sumner CounLy. 'AL Lhls polnL ln Llme lL's
golng Lo effecL everybody, LhroughouL Lhe enLlre sLaLe of kansas,'
sald WelllngLon uSu 333 SuperlnLendenL 8lck Welss. 'Pe's [Lhe
governor] comlng afLer everybody, especlally publlc schools.'"
[WelllngLon ually news, 3/17/11, hLLp://]

State educat|on cuts are dec|mat|ng c|assroom budgets.
"WelllngLon superlnLendenL 8lck Welss sald Lhe [kansas SLar
Caslno] funds for parenLs and Leachers ls slgnlflcanL. WlLh recenL
cuLs ln sLaLe ald Lo educaLlon, classroom budgeLs have dropped Lo
an average of beLween $200 and $300, llmlLlng Lhe ablllLy of
schools Lo offer sLudenLs enhancemenLs, supplemenLal maLerlals
and Lechnology. robably ln every school ln kansas, Lhose are Lhe
flrsL Lypes of Lhlngs LhaL would go," he sald." [WlchlLa Lagle,
8/10/2012, hLLp://]

USD 3S3 (We|||ngton) beg|ns budget cuts: uurlng Lhe budgeL
news and revlew segmenL of Lhe meeLlng, uSu 333
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
SuperlnLendenL 8lck Welss addressed Lhe 8oard and Lhe sLandlng
room only crowd wlLh Lhe laLesL numbers comlng down from Lhe
kansas leglslaLure. Pe sald a $303,000 budgeL reducLlon, spllL
beLween Lhe 2010-11, and Lhe 2011-12 school years, ls accuraLe.
Pe sald lL ls posslble LhaL Lhese klnd of cuLs can be expecLed for
Lhe nexL few years. 'And lf we have aL leasL Lhree Lo flve more
years of Lhls klnd of slLuaLlon, Lhen we can expecL Lhls Lo become
an annual evenL,' Welss sald abouL Lhe speclal meeLlng. 'Whlch ls
noL whaL any of us slgned on, aL Lhe beglnnlng of our careers for.'
Pe Lold Lhe 8oard LhaL, durlng upcomlng meeLlngs, Lhey can begln
Lo look aL admlnlsLraLlve salarles. 1he board wlll also be able Lo
recommend a Lwo Lo flve percenL salary reducLlon for classlfled
personnel maklng more Lhan $32,300 per year." [uodge ClLy ually
Clobe, 3/17/11, hLLp://!A!C]

Governor 8rownback's proposa|s w||| pare 5S00,000 from |oca|
schoo| budgets: lf Cov. Sam 8rownback's proposed budgeL ls
approved by Lhe kansas LeglslaLure, Lhe raLL school dlsLrlcL wlll
lose $369,000 ln sLaLe ald and Skyllne wlll lose nearly $130,000.A
plan ls already ln place Lo close Pasklns LlemenLary School aL Lhe
end of Lhls year, aL a savlngs of abouL $100,000. Collapslng of
sLaff" relaLlve Lo Lhe closure has already occurred." [raLL 1rlbune,
1/19/11, hLLp://]

Sa||na schoo| super|ntendent stated dec||n|ng state a|d |s forc|ng
cuts and prevent|ng a||-day k|ndergarten. "'lL's dlslngenuous Lo
say all Lhese dollars are golng onLo Lhe classroom because parL of
lL ls paylng off bond lssues, parL of lL ls caplLal ouLlay,' Pall sald.
Pall sald Lhe level of base sLaLe ald reflecLs whaL sLaLe leglslaLors
Lhlnk of educaLlon. "1haL's exacLly whaL lL ls," he sald. '1welve
years laLer, we're aL Lhe same level. WhaL happens ls you cuL
Leachers, you cuL programs, lose programs.' Pe sald lL's one of Lwo
reasons Lhe dlsLrlcL doesn'L offer all-day klndergarLen." [Sallna
!ournal, 1/19/2014, hLLp://]

Another kansas d|str|ct cons|ders k|ndergarten fee 1he sLaLe
doesn'L pay for full-day programs, so some dlsLrlcLs have sLarLed
charglng as much as $230 Lo $300 per monLh Lo pay for Lhem. 1he
Pays School ulsLrlcL has never charged exLra. 8uL Lhe dlsLrlcL ls
braclng for healLh lnsurance lncreases and anLlclpaLes recelvlng
abouL $1 mllllon less from Lhe sLaLe nexL year." [uodge ClLy ually
Clobe, 2/22/11, hLLp://]

nays Schoo| 8oard cons|der A|| Day k|ndergarten fee, shorter
schoo| week, |ncreased fees to cope w|th budget cuts: 8oard
members asked admlnlsLraLors Lo prepare a llsL of recommended
reducLlons Lo Lhe general fund ln anLlclpaLlon of sLaLe fundlng cuLs
for Lhe 2012 flscal year.All-day klndergarLen would conLlnue
accordlng Lo Lhe recommendaLlon, buL parenLs would be asked Lo
pay a $300 fee for each chlld enrolled. 1he fee would be pald ln
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
Lwo lnsLallmenLs, wlLh $230 due aL enrollmenL and $230 ln
!anuary.1he $300 fee would be ln addlLlon Lo Lhe $100 maLerlals
fee currenLly charged for each sLudenL...1he dlsLrlcL recelves sLaLe
fundlng for half-day classes only. 1he remalnder, $2,000 more per
chlld, Lo offer Lhe all-day program, comes ouL of Lhe general fund.
1he $300 fee would help offseL Lhe exLra cosL, Caln sald.CLher
Loplcs on Lhe agenda are a four-day school week and bulldlng use
fees." [Pays ually news, 2/20/11, hLLp://]

Lducators urge enorm|ty of poss|b|e cuts: "ubllc educaLlon was
anoLher key lssue LhroughouL 1uesday's Lown hall meeLlng wlLh
sLaLe leglslaLors.Class slzes are growlng, and Leachers no longer
have sufflclenL fundlng Lo purchase necessary supplles, she sald.
arenLs are faclng hlgher fees, sLudenLs are belng asked Lo do
more fundralslng, and some vacanL poslLlons are noL belng fllled.
'?eL ln llghL of all Lhose cuLs, we expecL (Lhe sLudenLs') LesL scores
Lo go up, and LhaL [usL seems unreallsLlc," she sald. "We cuL, cuL,
cuL and yeL, '?ou do beLLer. We expecL you Lo have beLLer
resulLs.'" [Pays ually news , 4/20/11, hLLp://]

8udget cuts, h|r|ng freeze prompt USD 489 staff to assume more
dut|es: lrom Lhe Lop down, Pays uSu 489 has seen sLaff
reducLlons, mosL of Lhem budgeL-relaLed, and more employees
are Laklng on more duLles.8ecause of Lhe dlsLrlcL's hlrlng freeze,
8oLh sald he wlll do some reasslgnlng. 1haL also wlll be afLer Lhe
board voLes on wheLher Lo close kennedy Mlddle School followlng
Lhe 2011-12 school year. 8ecause of Lhe budgeL crunch, some
admlnlsLraLors have Laken on addlLlonal Lasks.1hose exLra duLles
don'L brlng exLra pay, 8oLh sald.1eacher Lransfers have been used
Lo flll vacancles ln Lhe classroom.8ecause of cuLs Lhrough
aLLrlLlon, Lhere wlll be elghL or nlne fewer Leachers when school
resumes.CuLbacks and Lhe hlrlng freeze also have lmpacLed oLher
employees such as secreLarles and cusLodlans. 'We're shorL ln
every bulldlng,' he sald. 'LveryLhlng has been cuL. ALhleLlcs has
been cuL 13 percenL.'" [Pays ually news, 6/02/11,

USD 333 needs 569,790 to ba|ance the budget: AfLer maklng
$360,063 ln cuLs, uSu 333 needs Lo flnd anoLher $69,790 Lo
balance Lhe 2011-12 budgeL, superlnLendenL 8ev MorLlmer Lold
Lhe board of educaLlon lasL nlghL aL lLs monLhly meeLlng. Maklng
Lhe slLuaLlon even more dlre ls Lhe addlLlonal $410,000 Lhe
dlsLrlcL." [Concordla 8lade Lmplre, 6/14/11

USD 333 w||| do more w|th |ess state a|d th|s year: "uSu 333 musL
do wlLh less sLaLe ald when lLs doors open Lo sLudenLs Aug. 22,
superlnLendenL of schools 8ev MorLlmer sald durlng Lhe publlc
hearlng on Lhe 2001-12 budgeL aL Lhe board of educaLlon meeLlng
lasL nlghL. MorLlmer sald LhaL Lhe sLaLe ls only relmburslng school
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
dlsLrlcLs aL a base raLe of $3,780 per sLudenL lnsLead of Lhe
leglslaLure auLhorlzed $4,433 and LhaL Lhe dlsLrlcL wlll lose anoLher
$113,176 because of more cuLs ln Lhe sLaLe's parLlclpaLlon lnL Lhe
local opLlon budgeLs." [Concordla 8lade Lmplre, 8/9/11,

au|: lor our
daughLer's sake -

for your klds and
grandklds - we have
Lo resLore Lhose cuLs.

Cut to au| w|th w|fe and
daughter, co|or|ng at k|tchen

Cut to au| s|tt|ng w|th students
|n modern day c|assroom.


Dav|s roposed Us|ng a ort|on of the state surp|us to kestore
Schoo| A|d Cuts. uemocraLs expressed dlsappolnLmenL 1uesday
wlLh Lhe Pouse budgeL commlLLee's declslon Lo seek a $28.3
mllllon cuL ln sLaLe ald Lo publlc schools. Pouse MlnorlLy Leader
aul uavls, u-Lawrence, sald Lhe sLaLe should use a porLlon of Lhe
new surplus Lo resLore reducLlons ln sLaLe supporL for publlc
schools. 'Schools are closlng, class slzes are lncreaslng, and
chlldren are sufferlng,' uavls sald. '8efore we Lhrow new Lax cuLs
aL corporaLlons and Lhe wealLhlesL of kansans, we need Lo
properly fund publlc educaLlon.'" [1opeka CaplLal-!ournal,

Democrats roposed Us|ng 8udget Surp|us to kestore Lducat|on
Cuts. uemocraLs sald 1uesday LhaL Lhey wanL Lo spend some of
Lhe sLaLe's expecLed revenue surplus Lo resLore fundlng Lo kansas
publlc schools LhaL has been cuL ln recenL years. 1he plan calls for
lncreaslng school fundlng by $43 mllllon ln Lhe 2012-13 school
year, $43 mllllon more ln 2013-14 and $90 mllllon more ln 2014-
13. uemocraLs sald Lhe lncreases would ralse Lhe base ald per
sLudenL from Lhe currenL $3,780 Lo $4,047 by 2013." [AssoclaLed
ress, 1/10/12]

Dav|s Vo|ced Support for a Mu|t|year Schoo| I|nance |an.
Pouse MlnorlLy Leader aul uavls, u-Lawrence, sald Lhe
leglslaLlve and execuLlve branches musL embrace a mulLlyear
school flnance program Lo saLlsfy Lhe consLlLuLlonal requlremenL
Lo flnance publlc educaLlon sLaLewlde. lL ls Lhe besL approach Lo
rebufflng legal challenges, he sald." [1opeka CaplLal-!ournal,

au|: 8ecause
educaLlon means
economlc opporLunlLy.

Cut back to au| |n one room

Cutt|ng er up|| Spend|ng Wou|d nurt Lconom|c Deve|opment.
kansas law calls for every chlld Lo have an equal opporLunlLy for a
good educaLlon. CuLLlng per-pupll classroom spendlng would
mean changes ln Lhe way kansas chlldren are LaughL. lL also would
Larnlsh Lhe lmage of a sLaLe lnLeresLed ln growLh. 1here's no doubL
!"#$ &'( )* !"+, -".#/ &'( 0'.1(2'(3 4#,,#"5 67 8"//1)"+53 9(1"/+(1(7
educaLlon fuels economlc developmenL, whlch Cov. Sam
8rownback also clLed as a prlorlLy." [Lul1C8lAL: Carden ClLy
1elegram, 1/31/11]

Cver|and ark Chamber of Commerce made educat|on a top
|eg|s|at|ve pr|or|ty: "1he Chamber recognlzes LhaL hlgh quallLy
publlc educaLlon, from pre-k Lhrough posL secondary, leads Lo a
hlgh quallLy workforce. LducaLlonal excellence ls one of Lhe slngle
mosL lmporLanL reasons companles have selecLed !ohnson CounLy
and Cverland ark as Lhelr place of buslness, Lhus leadlng Lo Lhe
creaLlon of [obs ln our reglon and economlc prosperlLy ln kansas."
[Cverland ark Chamber of Commerce, 2014 LeglslaLlve rlorlLles,

D: And l won'L allow
sLrong kansas schools
Lo become a Lhlng of
Lhe pasL.

Dav|s focuses on educat|on |n kS Governor's race [kansas ubllc
8adlo, 9/3/14]

A second 8rownback term w||| resu|t |n deeper cuts to kansas
schoo|s. uemocraLlc challenger aul uavls predlcLed 1uesday LhaL
sLaLe ald for kansas publlc schools wlll be cuL lf 8epubllcan Cov.
Sam 8rownback wlns re-elecLlon Lhls year, buL uavls dldn'L ouLllne
a speclflc plan Lo boosL educaLlon fundlng. [AssoclaLed ress,
9/02/14, hLLp://]

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