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Antonyms, Synonyms, Homographs, and Homophones

ANTONYMS: A word of opposite meaning. Ex: bad = good pretty = ugly tall = sort
SYNONYMS: one of two or more words or expressions language tat a!e te same or nearly te same
meaning. Ex: big = giganti"# uge# enormous# titani"$ small = tiny# mi"ros"opi"# little# miniature
%OMO&'A(%S: )ords tat are spelled ali*e but a!e different meanings or pronun"iations. Ex: read#
present# minute# bow# lead# li!e
%OMO(%ONES: )ords tat are spelled differently but sound ali*e and a!e different meanings. Ex:
pair# pear# pare$ bare# bear$ air# are.
List of Common Homographs
+. a""ent , stress or empasis-a manner of spea*ing or pronun"iation influen"ed by te region in
wi" one li!es or grew up
.. agape , wide open-a &ree* word meaning /lo!e0
1. attribute , a "ara"teristi" or 2uality-to tin* of as belonging to or originating in some person# pla"e
or ting
3. axes , te plural of ax or axe-te plural of axis
4. bass , a deep !oi"e or tone-a *ind of fis
5. bat , a pie"e of sporting e2uipment used in baseball-a winged animal asso"iated wit !ampires
6. bow , to bend at te waist-te front of a boat-a pair of tied loops
7. buffet , to it# pun" or slap-a self,ser!e food bar
8. bustier , an undergarment-more busty
+9. "ompa"t , small-to ma*e small-a small "ase for olding ma*eup
++. "ompound , to mix or "ombine-an en"losed area wit a building or group of buildings inside
+.. "ontent , appy or satisfied-all tat is "ontained inside someting
+1. "ontra"t , an agreement-to get# a"2uire or in"ur
+3. "oordinates , brings into proper pla"e or order-a set of numbers used to "al"ulate position
+4. desert , a ot# arid region-to lea!e
+5. digest , a "ondensed !ersion of some information-to "ange food in te stoma" into a form tat
"an be absorbed by te body
+6. dis"ount , a redu"tion in pri"e-to underestimate te signifi"an"e of or gi!e no "reden"e to
+7. does , female deer :plural;-present# tird person singular form of te !erb /do0
+8. down , in a lower position-soft# furry featers
.9. entran"e , te pla"e of entry-to bewit"# deligt or enrapture
.+. e!ening , late afternoon-ma*ing more e!en
... fine , !ery good-sarp or *een-deli"ate or subtle-a sum of money paid to settle a matter
.1. fre2uent , o""urring regularly-to !isit a pla"e wit regularity
.3. in"ense , a substan"e tat produ"es a pleasant odor wen burned-to infuriate or ma*e !ery angry
.4. lead , to go first wit followers beind-a type of metal
.5. minute , 59 se"onds or +-59t of an our-extremely small
.6. moped , a"ted sad or gloomy-a bi"y"le wit a motor
.7. ob<e"t , a ting you "an see or tou"-a goal-a noun tat re"ei!es te a"tion of a !erb-to be opposed
.8. pro"eeds , ad!an"es or "ontinues on-te money or profit gained from some sale or !enture
19. produ"e , to "reate or ma*e-fres fruits and !egetables
1+. pro<e"t , a plan or proposal-to trow or url forward-to "ause a sadow or image to fall upon a
1.. putting , te present parti"iple of put-te present parti"iple of putt
11. number , a numeral-to "ount-more numb
13. refuse , waste or garbage-to re<e"t or de"line to a""ept
14. row , a figt-to propel a boat forward using oars-a line
15. se"ond , +-59t of a minute-after te first
16. sub<e"t , under some autority or "ontrol-to bring under autority or "ontrol-to ma*e liable or
!ulnerable-a topi"-te noun in a senten"e about wi" someting is said in te predi"ate
17. tear , to rip-a drop of water from te eye
18. wind , to turn-mo!ing air
39. wound , turned-an in<ury
List of Common Homophones
Abroad , O!erseas
A""ord , Agreement
Admit , =onfess
Agree , =onsent
Ali*e , Same
Allow , (ermit
Amount , >uantity
Angry , Mad
Answer , 'esponse
As* , ?n2uire
Attire , @ress
Away , Absent
Awful , Terrible
Aaby , ?nfant
Aeautiful , (retty
Ae"oming , Bitting
Aeg , ?mplore
Aegin , =ommen"e
Aelly , Stoma"
Aig , Carge
AiDarre , )eird
Alan* , Empty
Ara!e , Aold
Aroad , )ide
Au"*et , (ail
Ausy , A"ti!e
=alamity , @isaster
=andy , Sweets
=enter , Middle
=ange , Transform
=iefly , Mainly
=oosy , (i"*y
=lose , Sut
=olle"t , &ater
=omplete , Total
=onfine , 'estri"t
=onfuse , Mixed Ep
=onsiderate , Tougtful
=ontrary , Opposite
=orre"t , 'igt
=unning , =le!er
@as , Sprint
@aybrea* , @awn
@edi"ated , =ommitted
@eliberate , (lanned
@eli"ate , Bragile
@estiny , Bate
@is"lose , 'e!eal
@is"ount , 'edu"tion
@isgra"e , Same
Eager , Feen
Ele!ate , 'aise
Enormous , %uge
En2uire , ?n!estigate
E!aluate , Assess
E!il , Aad
Exa"tly , (re"isely
Ex"ept , Apart Brom
Exit , Cea!e
Extra , Additional
Bair , Enbiased
Balse , Entrue
Bamous , 'enowned
Bantasti" , &reat
Bast , >ui"*
Binis , =omplete
Bormerly , (re!iously
Bortunate , Cu"*y
Bun ,Entertaining
Bun"tion ,Operate
Bunny , Amusing
&arbage , Tras
&et , 'e"ei!e
&lad , %appy
&litter , Spar*le
&ood , Bine
&rab , SeiDe
&rumble , &rouse
%all , =orridor
%andsome , &ood Coo*ing
%appily , Bortunately
%ard , @iffi"ult
%aDard , @anger
%elp , Assist
%int , Tip
%uge , Enormous
%urt , ?n<ure
%urry , 'us
?gnore , Snub
?ll , Si"*
?mitate , Mimi"
?mmediate , ?nstantly
?mpa"t , Affe"t
?mpartial , Neutral
?mportant , Signifi"ant
?n"onsiderate , Tougtless
?nfamous , Notorious
?nfe"t , =ontaminate
?nformal , =asual
?nno"ent , %armless
?nspe"t , Examine
?nstru"tions , @ire"tions
?nsuffi"ient , ?nade2uate
?ntelle"tual , Mental
?ntelligent , Smart
?ntend , Mean
?n!entory , Sto"*
?n!oi"e , Aill
Gealous , En!ious
Gob , )or*
Goy , @eligt
Fid , =ild
Find , Aene!olent
Cearn , MemoriDe
Cetal , @eadly
Cisten , %ear
Cittle , Small
Cots , Many
Co!ing , Bond
Coyal , Baitful
Cu"id , =lear
Mad , =raDy
Ma*e , Auild
Maintain , (reser!e
Maybe , (eraps
Meeting , Assembly
Mild ,&entle
Misery , @istress
Modern , =ontemporary
Mo!ie , Bilm
Nati!e , Co"al
Ne"essary ,Essential
Near , =lose
New , 'e"ent
Ni"e , (leasant
Noon , Midday
Notify , ?nform
Numerous , Many
Odd , Strange
Old , Mature
Ornament , @e"oration
Outgoing , Briendly
O!erloo* , Miss
O!ersee , Super!ise
(art , Se"tion
(arti"ular , Spe"ifi"
(er"eption , ?nsigt
(erfe"t , Blawless
(ossibility , Opportunity
(raise , =ompliment
(ro!ide , Supply
>ua*e , Tremble
>uite , Bairly
'aise , Cift
'eal , &enuine
'e"ei!e , &et
'egret , 'emorse
'eliable , @ependable
'emar* , =omment
'enew , 'esume
'espond , 'eply
'est , 'elax
'i" , )ealty
'o"* , Stone
'ude , ?mpolite
Sad , Enappy
Safe , Se"ure
S"ared , Afraid
See , Coo*
Sele"t , =oose
Signifi"ant , Meaningful
Sin"ere , %onest
Sleepy ,@rowsy
Slim , Sender
Steady , Birm
Stop , =ease
Suggest , (ropose
Sure , =ertain
SymboliDe , 'epresent
Tal* , Spea*
Temper , Mood
Temporary , Transitory
Tin* , (onder
Tiny , Small
Transform , =on!ert
Trustworty ,'eliable
Try , Attempt
En"ommon , Enusual
En"oo*ed , 'aw
Ender , Aelow
Enfortunate , Enlu"*y
Ese , EtiliDe
Esually , &enerally
Hague , ?ndistin"t
Han2uis , =on2uer
Hary , @iffer
Hast , %uge
)ant , @esire
)ea* , Beeble
)itstand , 'esist
Yell , Sout
List of Common Antonyms
absen"e presen"e
a""ept refuse
a""urate ina""urate
ad!antage disad!antage
ali!e dead
always ne!er
an"ient modern
answer 2uestion# 2uery
appro!al disappro!al
approa"ed re"eded# departed
abundant s"ar"e
admit deny
ad!an"e retreat# retire
artifi"ial natural
arri!al departure
as"end des"end
atta"* defen"e
attra"ti!e repulsi!e
attention inattention
asleep awa*e
ally enemy
agree disagree
bad good
ba"*ward forward# onward
bend straigten
beautiful ugly
beginning ending
below abo!e
bent straigt
big small# little
blunt sarp
better worse
best worst
blame praise
bless "urse
bitter sweet
borrow lend
bra!ery "owardi"e
build destroy# demolis
bold timid# mee*
brigt dull
broad narrow
"lear !ague# "loudy
"areful rus# "areless
"alm troubled
"apable in"apable
"apti!ity freedom# liberty
"ellar atti"
"eap dear# expensi!e
"lose distant
"le!er stupid
"old ot
"ombine separate
"lo"*wise anti,"lo"*wise
"orre"t in"orre"t
"on"eal re!eal
"ome go
"ommon rare
"omfort dis"omfort
"ourage "owardi"e
"ruel *ind
"ourteous dis"ourteous# rude
"unning simple
dainty "lumsy
danger safety
dar* ligt
deep sallow
de"rease in"rease
definite indefinite
demand supply
despair ope
disappear appear
disease ealt
dis"ourage en"ourage
dismal "eerful
do"tor patient
dry wet
dull "lear# brigt
dus* dawn
early late
easy diffi"ult
ebb flow
East )est
e"onomise waste
en"ourage dis"ourage
entran"e exit
employer employee
empty full
ex"ited "alm
end beginning
expand "ontra"t
expensi!e inexpensi!e# "eap
export import
exterior interior
external internal
fail su""eed
false true
feeble sturdy# strong# powerful
foolis wise
fast slow
few many
famous un*nown
forelegs ind legs
fat tin
find lose
first last
freedom "apti!ity
fold unfold
fre2uent seldom
forget remember
found lost
fres stale
friend enemy
fortunate unfortunate
fran* se"reti!e
full empty
generous mean
gentle roug
gater distribute
glad sorry
gloomy "eerful
giant dwarf# pygmy
granted refused
great minute# small# little
guardian ward
guest ost
guilty inno"ent
appy sad# miserable
ard soft
armful armless
asten dawdle
ate lo!e
ealty unealty# ill# diseased
ere tere
ea!y ligt
eigt dept
ero "oward
ill !alley
oriDontal !erti"al
inder aid# elp
onest disonest
umble proud
unger tirst
imitation genuine
immense tiny# minute
imprison free
in"lude ex"lude
in"rease de"rease
inabited uninabited
inferior superior
inside outside
intelligent unintelligent# stupid
inale exale
interior exterior# outside
interesting uninteresting# dull
internal external
intentional a""idental
<oin separate
<unior senior
<usti"e in<usti"e
*ing sub<e"t
*nowledge ignoran"e
laug "ry
lawful unlawful
laDy industrious# energeti"
land sea
landlord tenant
large little# small
last first
lawyer "lient
le"turer student
lender borrower
lengten sorten
left rigt
less more
ligt dar*# ea!y
li*e disli*e# unli*e
li*ely unli*ely
leader follower
little large# mu"# big
lofty lowly
long sort
loud soft
loss find# win
low ig
loyal disloyal
mad sane
magnetiDe demagnetiDe
master ser!ant
mature immature
maximum minimum
me you
merry mirtless# sad
minority ma<ority
miser spendtrift
misunderstand understand
narrow wide
near far# distant
neat untidy
new old
nigt day
noisy 2uiet
Nort Sout
obedient disobedient
odd e!en
offer refuse
open sut
optimist pessimist
out in
parent "ild
past present
patient impatient
pea"e war
permanent temporary
please displease
plentiful s"ar"e
poetry prose
possible impossible
po!erty wealt
powerful feeble# wea*
polite impolite# rude
pri!ate publi"
prudent imprudent
pretty unsigtly# ugly
pure impure
2ualified un2ualified
rapid slow
regularly irregularly
ri" poor
rigt wrong# left
rigid pliable# soft
roug smoot
satisfa"tory unsatisfa"tory
se"urity inse"urity
s"atter "olle"t
serious tri!ial
se"ond,and new
sense nonsense
sop*eeper "ustomer
singular plural
simple "ompli"ated
slim ti"*# stout
solid li2uid
sober drun*
spea*er listener
sour sweet
sorrow <oy
sow reap
stand lie
straigt "roo*ed
strong wea*
su""ess failure
sunny "loudy
ta*e gi!e
tall sort
tame wild
tea"er pupil
ti"* tin
tigt sla"*# loose
top bottom
transparent opa2ue
trut untrut# lie
up down
!a"ant o""upied
!aluable !alueless
!i"tory defeat
!irtue !i"e
!isible in!isible
!oluntary "ompulsory
!owel "onsonant
wax wane
wisdom folly
witin witout

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