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Mi tiempo libre y mis opiniones (My free time and my opinions)

1. Read the letter from Beln and answer questions a-g in English
Does Belen like sports?
b) Which type of sports does she like? Why does she like them?
!) How often does Beln practice waterpolo?
d) Which sport does she practice in the summer?
e) Why does Beln prefer windsurt to waterpolo?
f) Name two sports that Beln doesnt like at all.
g) Does Beln practice athletics?
h) Which sports does she like to watch on TV?
". #rite a letter ba!$ to Beln answering all her questions. %his part of the
assignment is going to be graded& so ta$e your time and wor$ in !lose
!onsultation with the grading rubri!.
'rade " 'rade ( 'rade ) 'rade *
!ou can use some of
the opinion
e"pressions we ha#e
learnt in the sin$ular
form% me gusta and
!ou can ask others if
!ou can use some of
the opinion
e"pressions we ha#e
learnt in the sin$ular
and plural forms% me
gusta, prefero,and
!ou can ask others
!ou can use most of
the opinion
e"pressions we ha#e
learnt in the sin$ular
and plural forms% me
gusta, me encanta,
prefero, odio, and no
me gusta.
!ou can ask others
!ou can use all the
opinion e"pressions we
ha#e learnt in the
sin$ular and plural
forms% me gusta
(mucho), me encanta,
me chifa, prefero,
detesto, odio, and no
me gusta (nada).
!ou can ask others
&uerido 'i$uel (n$el)
*&u tal est+s? *! ,u tal el instituto?
-omo me encanta el deporte% /0oy muy deportista1 *! t2? *3res
deportista? *&u tipo de deportes te $ustan? !o pre4ero los deportes
acu+ticos como el waterpolo. 'e $usta mucho el waterpolo por,ue es
un deporte de e,uipo y es muy emocionante y di#ertido. 5ractico el
waterpolo dos #eces por semana en un clu. de waterpolo y aprendemos
muchas cosas.
3n #erano ha$o windsurf en la playa. 5re4ero el windsurf al waterpolo
por,ue) aun,ue es un deporte indi#idual) es muy di#ertido.
6l$o ,ue no me $usta nada es correr. 3n realidad) odio correr o hacer
footin$. 5ero me $usta #er el atletismo en la tele#isi7n. *Te $usta #er
deportes en la tele#isi7n? *3res hincha de al$2n e,uipo? !o soy hincha
del 82t.ol -lu. Barcelona. 'e $usta mucho #er el f2t.ol en directo) /es
s2peremocionante1 *&uieres #er el pr7"imo partido conmi$o?
3scr9.eme pronto)
they like:dislike
!ou can use a few
ad;ecti#es to descri.e
for opinions.
!ou can use some
ad;ecti#es descri.e
for opinions.
!ou can $i#e reasons
to ;ustify why you like :
dislike a particular
sport usin$ the word
!ou can use most
ad;ecti#es to ;ustify
why you like : dislike
for opinions.
!ou can $i#e reasons
to ;ustify why you like :
dislike a particular
sport. !ou can use the
words porque and
!ou can use all the
ad;ecti#es we ha#e
learnt to ;ustify why
you like : dislike

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