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*> Codigo fontes em COBOL.

Procedure Division using area-de-usuarios ws-cod-orc.

Perform 1000-abre-arquivos thru 1000-exit.
Perform 3200-lanca-estoque-nf thru 3200-exit.
Close vndcnf seqest estpro estcnf estinf estcop vndcli.
exit program.
open input estpro vndcnf vndinf estcop vndcli.
open i-o estcnf estinf seqest.
If cnf2-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do vndcnf. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) cnf-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
If cnf-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do ESTcnf. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) cnf-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
If cli-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do VNDCLI. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) cli-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
If cop-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do ESTCOP. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) cop-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
If inf-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do ESTinf. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) inf-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
If est-status not = "00" and "05"
Display (25, 02) "0000-Erro na abertura do seqest. fs.:"
with back 4 fore 15 bell
Display (25, 00) est-status with back 4 fore 15
Stop run.
Accept ws-data-hoje from date.
if ws-mes-hoje > 88
move 19 to ws-dia-hoje
move 20 to ws-dia-hoje.
move ws-data-hoje to ws-data-geral.
move ws-dia-geral to ws-dia-hoje.
move ws-mes-geral to ws-mes-hoje.
move ws-ano-geral to ws-ano-hoje.
move ws-sec-geral to ws-sec-hoje.
move "S" to ws-ok.
display (25, 20) "Confirme a emissao do orcamento (S/N): "
with back 4 fore 15 bell.
accept (25, 00) ws-ok with back 4 fore 15 auto update.
if ws-ok not = "S" and "s" and "N" and "n"
go to 2200-confirmacao.
display (25, 20) " "
with back 4.
move ws-cod-orc to cnf-codigo2.
read vndcnf.
move zeros to est-chave.
move cnf-codigo2 to inf-chave est-numero-nf.
read seqest with no lock.
move est-seq-estoque to cnf-codigo inf-codigo.
read estcnf with no lock.
if cnf-status not = "00" and "23"
display (25, 01) "errroooooooo" with back 4 fore 15
accept (25, 00) cnf-status with back 4 fore 15 update.
if cnf-status = "23"
if cnf-status = "00"
Perform 3300-elimina-recalculo thru 3300-exit.
if us-prot = 1
move 50000000 to cnf-codigo
move 99999999 to cnf-codigo.
start estcnf key < cnf-chave.
if cnf-status = "23"
if us-prot = 1
move zeros to cnf-codigo
move 50000000 to cnf-codigo.
read estcnf next with no lock.
if us-prot = 2 and
cnf-codigo < 50000000
move 50000000 to cnf-codigo
go to 3100-exit.
add 1 to cnf-codigo.
move cnf-codigo to inf-codigo.
read vndcnf next at end go to 3200-exit.
if cnf-cliente not = 582
go to 3200-lanca-estoque-nf.
if cnf-codigo2 < 443
go to 3200-lanca-estoque-nf.
if cnf-situacao = "C" or "c"
go to 3200-lanca-estoque-nf.
Perform 3100-busca-seq-estoque thru 3100-exit.
move cop-clas-fiscal to cnf-nat-op.
move cnf-especie to cnf-especie2.
move "2" to cnf-serie.
move cnf-codigo2 to cnf-numero
move cnf-tipo to cnf-cli-for.
move cnf-cliente to cnf-destrem cli-codigo.
read vndcli.
move cnf-data-emissao to cnf-data cnf-data-entrada
move CLI-ESTADO to cnf-uf.
move zeros to cnf-cod-cont.
move cnf-valor-mercadorias to cnf-vlr-prods.
move cnf-total-nota to cnf-vlr-tot-nf.
move cnf-base-calculo-icms to cnf-base-icms.
compute cnf-vlr-tot-icms rounded =
cnf-base-icms * cnf-aliquota-icms / 100.
move zero to cnf-vlr-tot-ipi.
move "N" to cnf-inclui-od.
move zeros to cnf-vlr-tot-od.
move "N" to cnf-inclui-embal.
move zeros to cnf-vlr-tot-embal.
move "N" to cnf-inclui-frete.
move cnf-frete to cnf-vlr-frete.
move cnf-descontos to cnf-vlr-desconto.
move 102 to cnf-cod-operacao.
MOVE zeros TO cnf-nat-origem.
move cnf-cod-operacao to cnf-nat-op.
move 1 to cnf-centro-custo.
move 1 to inf-sequencia-nf inf-seq.
read vndinf.
if inf-status = "23"
go to 3200-grava-estoque.
move inf-produto to inf-cod-prod.
move cnf-data-emissao to inf-data-entrada.
move inf-quantidade to inf-qtde.
move inf-preco-unitario to inf-vlr-unit.
compute inf-vlr-total = inf-vlr-unit * inf-qtde.
move cnf-aliquota-icms to inf-aliq-icms.
move inf-vlr-total to inf-base-icms. *> inf-base-ipi.
compute inf-vlr-icms = inf-aliq-icms * inf-base-icms / 100.
move inf-perc-ipi to inf-aliq-ipi.
compute inf-vlr-ipi = inf-base-ipi * inf-aliq-ipi / 100.
move zeros to inf-embalagem
inf-outras-despesas inf-frete
inf-desconto inf-cod-contabil.
compute ws-perc-rateio-frete =
cnf-vlr-frete / cnf-vlr-prods.
compute ws-perc-rateio-od =
cnf-vlr-tot-od / cnf-vlr-prods.
compute ws-perc-rateio-embal =
cnf-vlr-tot-embal / cnf-vlr-prods.
compute ws-perc-rateio-desc =
cnf-vlr-desconto / cnf-vlr-prods.
compute inf-frete ROUNDED =
inf-vlr-total * ws-perc-rateio-frete.
compute inf-embalagem ROUNDED =
inf-vlr-total * ws-perc-rateio-embal.
compute inf-outras-despesas ROUNDED =
inf-vlr-total * ws-perc-rateio-od.
compute inf-desconto ROUNDED =
inf-vlr-total * ws-perc-rateio-desc.
compute inf-vlr-contabil = inf-vlr-total +
inf-vlr-ipi +
inf-embalagem +
inf-outras-despesas +
compute inf-liq-aquis = inf-vlr-contabil -
inf-vlr-icms -
inf-vlr-ipi -
write rg-estinf.
if cnf-status = "22"
rewrite rg-estinf.
if cnf-status not = "00" and "02"
display (25, 02) "3200-Erro na gravacao do ESTINF. fs:"
Display (25, 00) cnf-status with back 0 fore 15
go to 0000-exit.
add 1 to inf-sequencia-nf inf-seq.
go to 3200-lanca-estoque-inf.
move cnf-codigo2 to est-seq-estoque.
move cnf-codigo to est-nf-vnd est-numero-nf.
write rg-estcnf.
if cnf-status2 = "22"
rewrite rg-estcnf.
write rg-seqest.
if est-status = "22"
rewrite rg-seqest.
if cnf-status2 not = "00" and "02"
display (25, 02) "3200-Erro na gravacao do ESTCNF. fs:"
Display (25, 00) CNF-status2 with back 0 fore 15
go to 0000-exit.
if est-status not = "00" and "02"
display (25, 02) "3200-Erro na gravacao do SEQEST. fs:"
Display (25, 00) est-status with back 0 fore 15
go to 0000-exit.
Display (25, 24)
"Aguarde... lancando no ESTOQUE..."
with back 4 fore 15.
* call "est9999.exe" using area-de-usuarios cnf-data.
* cancel "est9999.exe".
Display (25, 22)
" "
with back 4 fore 4.
delete estcnf record.
if cnf-status not = "00" and "02"
display (25, 02) "3300-Erro na gravacao do ESTcnf. fs:"
Display (25, 00) cnf-status with back 0 fore 15
stop run.
move cnf-codigo to inf-codigo.
move zeros to inf-seq.
start estinf key not < inf-chave.
if inf-status = "23"
go to 3300-exit.
read estinf next with no lock at end go to 3300-exit.
if inf-codigo not = cnf-codigo
go to 3300-exit.
delete estinf record.
if inf-status not = "00" and "02"
display (25, 02) "3300-Erro na gravacao do ESTinf. fs:"
Display (25, 00) cnf-status with back 0 fore 15
stop run.
go to 3300-elimina-inf.

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