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ADD 6 1965


'i- . . .v,o. ; ; ^R..;y.Ov' jBox 49, Aparri, rCagayan, PhilippiAea . ^ t
.-wry;;-! -j':: --.-.Jshuary:- IS,.- 1965 .k.--',.. LXi^^AHY .
.::v %. BIBLE COLL^^
Forwarding Agent: Mrv R^obert W216:W. Mixntington, Moiltpelleir, Tndiana,^^^^
During the month of November, tho Province -of" Cagayan experienced its worst flobd
in nearly 60 years. Thousands were left homeless and I doubt if'we will ever know just
how many? 14Yes wer# 4ost. Crop-daimage was w'ery extensive and a great'iiumber of people
are suffering-greatly becau-seHundreds of families are without food beeatise the
rice'and"-etc.'^i AvMch'-l^^^ stored away to feed their families for-many months
was washed" away by the flood. It-is- a bitter time for many. The twO< roads-!going from'
Aparri were both closed for .two weeks and the airport was closed for mbre- than a month,
^so we were t:o"mpietely cut' time . It ' has been-^ an unusUal' .yeari In August and
September ^ ^hkd two very strong' and -destrudtive typhoons -which destr?Oyed all- crops and
thousands of houses and other buiidings. These were the strongest typhoons we^ have ex-
perienced^4|iJ t>ur-heairlyi T8 iyears -ih ' Aparri, and then Came the terrible flood. Weo^hope
we do not!^-see another ?year'hike it-fbr e long time.^ - :
The Aparri: Bible Seminary opened tfor Tts i 3th year of? instruction on August. 10th,
More- than 60 Students werethe' beginnings but some of those have:had to drop
out ,so we have arOund 63: students left.. :We feel we are haying^one of our -best years.
The Students? are- sho-wing^/a ^desire and an Sptitudh for learning, 'and these'^'are the sort of
sta'dents we- want?" About'two thirds of-'them are hoh-high" school graduates, which is one :
i^eorreti v.'.e: hscvesi- This: makes us long even rhore fl^r .the time iWHen we can have our own
Christian High Schools ;where students can earn their? way through High School. Gur ex- -
oeh'sesOhaveSbeeir higherl this :year"'-because of the ride shortage- rh particular^n Students - :
eating in the vdining-hall are required'. .to their rice, but many; have-been unable to
do so ibecause ' of the -ter-rlhle ddrouth'WC^ had last year and-thenj-the -.typhoons and floods
this year. ?lt costs u:about-^?X).-00 a^ month pef' student to operate the ^Seminalry. This-
includes rb'omv-- b utilities,? teachers' salaries- and up-keep on the' buildings arid
grounds. This is figured on the basis -of 'an average of 50' students per year.^'A^good
oroject for individual families, Sunday School classes or mission groups would be to take
one of these .50 $20.00 units for the'monthly support of the Aparri IBible Seminary. A
few are' already doing this and- you'CanUdt imagine what a help it i'S to-'us as we strive
"io keep this ^workT'going.?' ? . h -jM \ i-'i- .r- i.:--..
;' V - ; 1. '-'v.:--.' -:-;t , , .. '' A.' j -.ic/ ^
The evangellstiG wOrk:is malcing' Significant progress"in sOme ways' and seems? staler
ma-iiecl in other ways . The .'very difficult .economic situation is perhaps our greatest pro-
blein -right' now; YMany of the preachers" who are receiving k little'help'fro-m the mi s sion
for fheir Wo'fk, ; are having such a difficult time making ends meet,' that they are having
to find ways:'in'whi'ch to support their young and growing families eithe-r tb;^.farming or
selling on the side or Some such means. -I' am in a very great dilemma to' know what to
do to heTp their situation and thus permit them to devote more time?'to actual evangel
istic work, without lat the Same time placing too great a burden upon the Churches in
tnjerick. We are really goii% through a very'difficult crisis in this-part of our work "
right now and it is going to take a great deal? of prayer and wisdom and dedication to
work- it? out. - The one bright-development ih this .^regard is that several of the- Churches -
are no-w taking the lead in accepting theif 'responsibilities in regard to their?pTeachers,
and are workingi'out plans for pro-viding support for 'them. The' Church in Go>nzaga' is
particularly taking the lead in- this. JThey have called? a, preacher, have ^revided a house*
for hirr. and his-family- and are payihg him more than any Church"^ha^:paid their preahher
heretofore in the Cagayan Valley. Other Churches show signs of doing the same thing.
lill you pray mightily: forv these Ghurbh^ '"and the preachers s^d -tor. the evangelistifC work
as a xyholeW-AYill' y tO'keep theser-YprSachper^iir-the^TieM:byit-sending~ montlily^-^
gifts for the Evangelistic work in particular? We are putting about $?300v00 a month into
this work at the present time aside from that which goes for the support of those work
ing vith of studying -ih'the-SeminaryT- i -
We .have finally begun to do some printing and are getting the new press room fixed
up the way we want it. We still need to buy type for the letter press which we brought
with us from the States and we need several pieces of equipment yet in order to do the
best kind of work with the Multilifh-offset press. We have a fine' dark room now but still
need several things before we can begins to use the photographic offset process. There is
a great demand for a'^^inonthly paper in the dialect and for Sunday School material as well.
We hope to be able. tO: publish several teaching eourses- for-the jChurche.S in Hoc^no .during
this coming year. All of this will take money and we would appreciate some regular gifts
to underwrite this very important/pa^t . of our .-program;.; , .m- v - ' . r >" 'i. t
Perhaps the. high .point of .our year was the :.arrival of. the. .Boudreau-jc farijily .-onf Aug..
31St .. This marked; the;.end of manyj many mpnths. oT woi^k tin-getting l^e .v^^9:;f.Orr^'this
family,;, whi ch;. included: many frustrating delays., >mnst: of-themunn.^Oes s.aryj whenj pap.e rs;
would .get.^stuck .on-some officials desk Tor vyeeks iat.-a.-timte,.; At. iany rate,- the, BoUdreaux's "
have arrived, r settled, in their.-own home here in jAparri. Their .arrivnl began'
another frustrating experience,. , They .had, shipped their household. goods;.jand. pe.rsonai effects
and some equipment for the High School projects on'a^ ship which was due .in Manilaf-the -
last, week of September Sid ,and X went to Manila at the^ time.the ship arrived bufe found -
that no papers had arrived and that the broker in Houston had not; paid the .^freight'; - as he .
said he would, though the bills of lading were marked .'iprepaid''>; We'began se-nding cables=
to our Houston broker, but could get no answers and no papers. We have finally been able
to learn; enough so .that .we, have paid .the freight in ..Manila, and iSid. .has been able to effect
the release of their personalreffects and hQusehold goods^ .but the High .School equipment '
is still in (Customs. ;and we are paying .several dollars a day storage on that. The storage
alone will amount., to. several .hundred dollars, .All :of the papers f;we.-/needed .and-asked for .
could have been fn; Manila-by the last of Sept., and. we still cannot understand why we did-
not receive them until the-latter (part, of Decv . What vshqcked us the. most, Chowever, is the
fact that the coat:, of. getting thi s; freight from^Houston- to . Aparri- came 'to about twice; as
much as iwe; hacd.thought it,would; be. The freight from .Houston to; Manila was .$2, 500 and
it looks like it ;will cost another $1500. 00 .to get it <out: of: customs aii-d up to Aparri; ink
eluding, the -storage; costs ., ft on this that- we i needi vhelp .rightfnow, I have , borrowed
$2, 000 to help-get uSi,over -the hiimpj- but this must be retufniediimmediately,. We, would.'
appreciate, itt^so . much if each , of you who . receive this letter .^would send s^cSpecialv offering
to our fcrwardingi agent marked 'Tor shipping' oostst'., ^ ; .r ; i ^ ,
Some significant progress is being made joh the;.High; Schqql .v-projects.,- Topographical
surveys have been- completed; and apprPved. on a little over 3^P in:- the, .Pamplona,
area which is a very.important step to getting title. We ^ready havejtitle.-to abp^^^
acres there and hope to complete work on the others this year. This is, however, a very
slow process. .We are, nevertheless,- ready to. begin <ieyelop;ment: work oni this Jand just as
soon as we clear up several remaining debts on it, iF.whichk>ve; hope: to do this month. The ;
first two crops plantedvon the; land which we have-dn .Amiilung were destroyed, the first by
the typhoon ;in August and the second by the; flood in"November, We are expecting to, see
some very significant ^developments ;in the Ba,ggao area withiiJ the- next; few rnpnths. We .
will be using the, tractor' and equipment which Bro, ;B.oud:reaux brought with .him, in this
^area. We have: the. exciting; possibility of taking pve.r a lease; on 1750^acres pf gpy.ern-
ment land,in that area . vrbixh is. good, for both grazing and agricultural purposes. It is
possible that we will .be able to get title, to much, if np.t .all;, pfiiit in the future. This would
be ideal for our plans' in .that area. Besides thi.s, we vare wprking pn title, to 'about 50 -acres
there and have the opportunity of -increasing that'to;-: sever9.1 ..hundred acres of good farm
land. W.e would like to have . some regular mpnthly or quarterly- pledges to help give the fi
nancial underwriting necessary to. get these 'p-rpjscts:runder-.development. The , Sooner we are
able to get the land into; production, the sooner. we; wiil Jbe.-iable to .get the High .Schools
established. Your gifts,;'no, matter what the amounti will surely iholp us lot, :
We are so very grateful-to eill of you who are giving faithfully that this work-in all of
its various 'might, iOP.ntlnue to -move forward,W-e-prny constantly that, we shall - ,
always be worthy pf;'your confidence< - - : . -rr . . k k ; , . "
Ozark Bible College Librj?rv
nil N. Main
. ; vdi lo ::: O-xBqx 49, ApdcTvi, Ga^gayan, Phd3%pin,ej5 r,, ^ ^
it^Fppp^AEdi^g :Agent; , 216 ;rW;, ; Hu^illngton, Indf,
..I,|aip,;.^UTe pnost of/you haye noticed that;,the news-letters, which .we. do jgetdaeint
yourijway once in a while, . all follow, sprt of aipattern,^ There, is appurpoae thia.,jriWe
<. feeli that^ a news-letter should designed /primarily^tp ;give you /who.- support the vX*0'?sdJs
worh; here, , a complete . report- of that work. As^ we jhave stated, so .many times lim^ur .
publicationsv: we sfeel^ that we have .butLpne job ./here, and .that is to ,carry on a
prog^rapo^-of evangelism. ^have -developed,; pr are in the -processvof developiuig sa
ppint;jpr9gram(.ito accomplish rtM.s y^rkt ^T as follows; THE. APARRI. jMTVEE
. /^GH S.GHQOLS / In our: news -letter s we vtry, to .rgive . yOu a, report on the^i nrpgres^, r? the
successes- and failures in: each ofj these efforts, rThisi is .what I want to do, briefly.,, in
vtjlis'lette.r,;,-alep. r;.- , lV.. : -- :7-..
_'>'V C/ilfV ^ ' ' :.::y .'J v Ji,:!.'''-
,,.. THE: A^-AiRRI BJiBEE its 14th; . school [year/ with \a|bQut 50, nstudents
/ enrolled. Two- of ;them dropped out ^jthe. fir st/.week/because vthey found.iit much more
.diftict^tf than they had expeotedi .rAnpther .went/homei -just because he. got homesdck, ;hutj
'3iOt^e.^.v.came in late ,also, --so twe haye rrabout held.pur own>f> Enrollment is down-; this.'/year
because of two very destructive typhoons in July which destroyed :^1 of the cropsirag^^
this year. Seven student preachers tare going out every week-end; some of them go/on
Fridjay afternoon, .and rreturn on /Monday mo-rni yWe/moved our .cMonday. moriiing
Glasses ;to rthe ./afternoon' in order tO/give->the?sc .young men an opportunity'to spehdt^Uziday
afternoon and Sunday night vdth ithe ibrethi^n:/towhem they minister.. iThese young pnesbbh-
erp.^/b^ve^ baptized several.lalready (in: this wefek-^ehd work. -tSome -of .the girls / are'jigoing
outitp teach/Children's classear, but we /.don't have-'this.; {effort very/well. o:rgahized
as yet;, r!We;lacre happy:to nay that; sixipf"the: S students have: accepted;I
since .;iSohoolT;Starte.d .on cAugust 9th.:jV part of rthe Seminary -program, Owe>i^e,,opje!r^dng
a kindergarten.; About 25- childr^ (are anrblljed in this,.. Thco.girls ./inf^the/third year
Ghristian Education class takC: charge of this ikindergarten oncerta *week, which^jtgivps
them/practical experience-in-handling/andyteachiug^,children. .iThey also have a chance /
to fsee well .organizedvkindergartehcin: action.; and are: thus better. prepared to o:rganiae
one^on their, own when they have the opportimity, /
THE EVANGEEISTLG -WQRK has /grown, the years /as a result of the./Seminary
training program. There are now about >30;preachers inf.the field, either .serviug looSl
congregations or doing evangelistic work from place tO place, establishiug new Ghurches,,
orj^atar^g worl^,;, or ,,strengtheuingrthe:ialread.yu03c^iUg3i GhurQhes. This =woafk:;: has resuited
.inmore: than iiOO baptisms i so far this year. idp not .have a oomidete tabulation of
./tiie^baptisms. as of now,, but.bppe to have: that:brfore long, .;The Gh.^istian Service Gamps
held -each aummer form a part of this, work Aaiso. .;/^ 90 .were enrolled in two t
-Gai^sfand .at leasti^22. baptisms were the. .direct result of .these vcapapsStill another
p^rt^Of^jtJiis evangelistic effort ; is/the yacatim<^ible ;^ohools that are beld each summer,
..^criAe mo by .the.^rls of the Semiuary. ..Usually more than U, 000 >ohil-dren; are
tauifht each summer. Once ,, or twice a.year .anrievstngelistic conference iis:beld?he.r.e. in
Aparri/when the,/preachers -and Elders,: especially, -come together, for ra. timeoof vinspi*-
iratian/and;.Instruction. They share withfOnevanother their ;successes/;and/theiri; faibijces j
a^d.'discuas methods thatv/have beenlfoundvespecially) fruitful in bringingsouls-to .Ghrist.
"Wle calso have at least two conventions .and rpreaching /rallies/ each- iSTjmmer j(this ryear;
three) and these-always result in souls brought to Ghrist../We hope, do/have/many ftsuch
:'rallies' this coming summer. We are convinced .that these are very, ve^ helpjulj^a.
winning; souls .as well as in teaching the, brethren. , j.
, .THE.rJ^illNTlN WORK is being develop.edf to /.etid in^(thie great evangelistic oprogram;
Preparationsriare now, being made for the publication .of .a monthly papexrinv Boccanp, //a^d
translation;<wo3^k.<on ?'New Training; for Sejwice"'' 'has been completed and:work started
on ' ifor New GonvertsV. These andvothersr; like them will be <used in traiaung;
programs in the local . Ghurches, . Bro. pEaureanp I^pez has consented do serve . as iB^l^r
of the Ilocano paper. He will be helped by/several others, -Marj Boudreaux will auspefTr^^
vise the printing work in general.
- c.dv ._:r:
THE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT calls for the establishment 6f severaf
Ghris^^ian High~Sbhiools throughout-the Gagay-an VallOy. Land has bOeh Obtained and '''
some is still in ^thfe''process <<^ :bOlng obtuih^ in* tv/o ^different sections of the province
bf' Cagayan- wherO^= wje- hope' tbj'e^tabiish' tv^o farih^ ^^bhools sOhools ^that-vHLlllie' s^uppbirted
entirely by farm projects, crop raising as well as animal raising. These schools will
eiialble some of the-thousands in^ this' province" aloiie who cahhOt ^0 to High -School be
cause Of the lack of money, ^tb earn thoit way'*throUgh schools Sid BoudreU\ix is at
piresehtiSvorkiag-^ agticultuthl 'project's;- We have al'so been urged by many' to
establish sohoolS^ all over the valley "that will Be supported' by tuitioh paid by The stu-
dentS*; -Thi is- the TVay perhaps rhore than 90% of the High Schools in-thW Philippines t
a^e - supported"at present. In all Of the High'Schools-That =we thight establish, whether
farm schbois -Or'Otherwise, Ihbst nf the students will not bO Christian ivheh'they cbiiie
'^tb-School. -Bible classeS' wili be taught Iri all of-fhe schoOis ^hd ihany, if not all,- of
thebe students will be wOn to Christ and that will lead us to their--hoines 'and their home
villages or towns, and thus-the evangelistic opportunities'will be almbst unlimited;-We
need gifts on a regular basis for this effort, gifts for buildings that must be built, land
that must be acquired; we need books for libraries and money for lab equipment, for
7/^haiTs, etc. (We dan build a-good' solid ahd nice looking student chart here at the Sem-
inaryxfor about $i;0'0'). We wbuld like to build Sevdral'^-hundred otTheSe dufing the Sem-
ihary, s chool ye ai and would appreciate ^gifts "for this -pai'ticular purpoSfe. Thl s ' -v^ould be
a .good project for' Yovihg Pbople's. groups arid' class'eS'; "Student chaira for Ghristian jHigh
Schools in the Philippines, v-j " '; a- v v " - -' '
I would Tike to-share with you our-projected budget for the coming yearv This does
frhotTriclude any lafrge-'building projects> or -purchaseS-'ot land, whichTwOuld have to cOme
;from funds specially giveTa,' for The most part; It is estimated'that the 'total monthly '
expenses^ for all phases of The Work including gerieral mission^experises vdll run right
arourid- $2, 000.00 per month. This is brokenvdowri asTollbws:- SEitilNARY, $550.00; -
; WORK, "$300,00; General Missiori Expenses, $250. OO;'; Perhaps our greatest need
right'^ now ' i s regularly pledged support, preferably ' bri "a mbhthly basisi to uriderw'rite
this'program;^ Just 40-pledges of '$50. 00- each would cover this whole amount. Mariy of
you who receive this letter are already givirig" regular gifts^ each morith; OUr regular'
monthly pledge's ^at The 'present time amount'to about $500.00. We would appreciate' it
so very much if any of you who are now''givirigi'^tegularly could iricrease your giving^: i:
even a little bit. We would like to ask those of you who receive this letter who are not
giving regdlarly to please give- seriOus'^consideration to helping uS on a regular basis.
It would mean so'much to the Lord^s wOrk Ihere;-' ^
There is One' other thing that I want to share^With you. Last spring, we received from
menibers and' formter :members bf the First, Christian Church iri FTor'a,' Hlinols, a cbm-
r cpietb Ham radio outfit,' capablo of contacting^ Haiti Radio operators anywhere in the world.
This^-wa's seht to- usv as a donation frorn the ElOra Church; to the mission,-That is, ' '
and'-thus it came Uirough customs--duty free and with v^ diffictdty, for which -
we are-niost grateful. We are nbw in the prOcdSs of getting Tt s^et up.^ The aerial will"
soon be up and the radio room" is sdmost^completed how. AmeriOans cannot get a license
to 'bperate- such a radio here, so this'will' have-to be-^ done -by Filipinos. We- are so
grateful to the- ones in Flora who have made: this gift possible. We hope to contact
brethren in the Statesy especially Lincoln Christian College which has its oWii set. This
-isi where our oldest son Lloyd ia now enrolled as'a student. We'hope to be able-to talk
with; him-'often, ^We- alsO plan to -use this set along with smaller ones to maintain con-J
tact with the HighoSchools Which will be so^ttered over* a Very wide area,- ' ' -
Lloyd spent three months with us this surnmer jahd-then'suddeidy'"de<udeW^tOp!lPbfurir^
to the States and enroll at LCC. At present, he plans to return to the Philippines to
aid us'Tn ourvLworki her in coming years. Pl^ay with us to this'ehdv Rick and Rob are
in boarding: school in Manila. We hope to see them at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Roberta has: not'been very well Tately-and needs your prayers. The Boudreaux family
is getting--along* very well, Marj having'made a remarkable recovery from Hepatitis .
We thank all :of you for your prayersj for-yoUr-gifts for the work arid for ybur '
concern for us personally^'vWrite" to Us sometime; - >: -
September 1965
Charles and Roberta Selby APARRI, CAGAYAN Philippines Sid and Marj Boudreaux
si- .s- ' '
We bring you greetings from the brethren in
Northern Luzon, Philippines. We would like to
share with you a short resume of our work here.
It can be divided easily into four divisions, all of
them closely interrelated because all the different
aspects of our service are aimed at reaching the
The Aparri Bible Seminary was established in
1952 for the purpose of providing trained preach
ers of the Gospel, and other Christian workers for
this field in the Philippines. The Seminary is now
in its 14th year with 50 students enrolled for this
school year. This is a slight drop in enrollment
from past years brought on by two very severe
typhoons during July which wiped out the crops
all over this area. Two years in a row without
crops because of floods and typhoons has brought
on quite a famine, and has kept many young
people from attending schools all over the Phili
ppines. Our school year promises to be a good one,
however, and we rejoice in the many fine students
we do have.
An excellent Kindergarten, under the leader
ship of one of the Seminary graduates, is held
each year in connection with our Seminary. The
Kindergarten is a wonderful opportunity to teach
young children Bible stories, songs, and Christian
principles; it also serves to give practical train
ing to the girls in the Christian Education Depart
ment of the Seminary.
The training program of the Aparri Bible Sem
inary has resulted in an extentive evangelistic
work throughout the Cagayan Valley. Some thirty
preachers are either serving churches or working
in full-time evangelism, going from place to place,
holding meetings and Bible Institutes, strengthen
ing the already exisiting churches, and establish
ing new churches. A great effort is being made at
the present time to bring as many churches as
possible to the place where they are willing and
able to support their own preachers and evangel
istic efforts.
Every summer a number of Conventions and
Preaching Rallies are held throughout the Caga
yan Valley and these result in many souls being
brought ito Christ. Once or twice a year a Confer
ence on Evangelism is held at the Seminary. This
is a time of inspiration for all of the workersa
time of sharing with one another the experiences
each has hada time of edifying one another as
merthods in accomplishing the task of Evangelism
are discussed.
The past two years, two Youth Camps have
been held, one in Aparri and one in the province
of Isabela. This year more than ninety young peo
ple were enrolled in these two camps. As a result
eighteen young people were baptized Into Christ The
total number of baptisms for the entire area is well
over one hundred for the past year.
Another great help in the evangelistic work is
the Daily Vacation Bible Schools held each summ
er, mainly by the girls of the Seminary. More
than 1000 children are taught every summer by
these girls, with far-reaching results.
To further aid in this great evangelistic effort,
we are in the process of developing a printing
work with which we hope to eventually be able to
supply all sorts of printed mattertracts, periodi
cals, teaching materialsboth in Englisih and
Ilocano, to the preachers and churches. We have
two presses, a 9" x 14" Multilith Offset Press,
and a 12" x 18" Letter Press. An IBM electric
typewriter is tised to prepare copy for the offset
press; just recently a limited supply of type was
purchased for the letter press. Translation of
"New Training for Service" into Ilocano has just
been completed, and work is now going ahead to
put "Training for New Converts" into Ilocano as
well. We hope to print both of these before long,
as funds are available. Marj Boudreaux has con
sented to supervise this printing work. She will be
aided by Brothers Laureano Lopez, William Bag-
ain, and Rosendo Montilla. Brother Lopez has con
sented to serve as Editor of a monthly publication
in r.ocano, Brother lilontilla is doing the transla
tion work mentioned above, and Brother Bagain
will run the Multilith and help with writing,
proof-reading, and many other 'things. We will
have to hire a printer to set the type and operate
the letter-press, but anticipate having several of
the Seminary boys learning to do that as they
assist in the work.
1. First aid supplies (bandages, gauze, etc.).
2. Simple office supplies (mending tape, ball
point pens, pencils, etc.).
3. Regular student support of $10.00 per month.
4. Regular Evangelist or professor support of
$20.00 per month.
5. Special gifts of $5-$10-$20-$50 to help in our
printing ministry and high school project.
6. Commentaries and religious books for Sem
inary library.
7. Used English, Math, Language, History,
Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Agricultural text
books for High School library.
8. New and used flannelgraph, Bible pictures,
maps, charts, and DVBS materials.
9. New and used Hymnals, Chorus hooks, choir
and solo music.
10. Teachers' quarterlies and workbooks (un
used) for all ages, Christian Standards, and cur
rent Lookouts, 'Straights and Junior Lifes.
Please send all books, literature and teaching
supplies directly to Philippine Mission, Box 49,
Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines. Wrap well and
marked "Gift Package-printed matter or books",
not to exceed 11 lbs. per package.
The fourth division of the work is now in the
process of development. This plan calls for the
establishment of several Christian High Schools
in the Cagayan Valley. As It is envisioned now,
several of these schools will be supported by tui
tion paid by the students'there is a great demand
for this type of school on the part of our brethren
here. At least two schools will be established in
the province of Cagayan, however, that will be
supported by farm projects, Brother Sid Boud
reaux has come to the Philippines for the specific
purpose of supervising the agricultural develop
ment on the two proposed sites for the schools.
In all of the High Schools which we will eventua
lly establish, Bible classes will be taught daily,
and strict discipline will be maintained in a
Christian atmosphere. We anticipate having an
other missionary family join us in this work for
the purpose of taking over the supervision of the
academic and administrative work of these
The Boudreaux's
are in need of approximately $200 monthly
support. Currently this amount is being
taken from the Christian High School fund.
If replaced this amount could be used for
equipment, construction, and purchase of
more land. If you are Interested please con
tact Sid and Mary personally, or Robert P.
Olson, Forwarding Agent.
The challenge of establishing Christian High
Schools in the Cagayan Valley Is one that thrills
our souls. We would like to share with you the
plans, purposes, and progress of the Christian
High Schools up ito this point.
The plan is to obtain several large acreages
of land anywhere in the Cagayan Valley where we
can establish high schools that will be supported
entirely by the agricultural products and livestock
produced on the farms. Such a plan is entirely
feasible in the Philippines for several reasons.
First, neariy all of those who obtain a high school
education here do so in private schools such as we
propose. Second, all students who go to high
school have to pay tuition, which is the way these
private schools are supported. Third, there are
thousands of young people throughout the Philip
pines who never have the opportunity to get a
high school education simply because their par
ents are too poor to send them. This is the thing
that really makes the establishment of these
schools such a great opportunity. Since there are
so many young people who cannot go to high
school for financial reasons, if there were schools
where they could go and earn their way, hundreds
would come from all over this area just because
a place is available where they can work their
way through high school.
The primary purpose for the establishment of
these schools is evangelistic. I am sure that each
of these schools will attraot several hundred stu
dents each year. At least 80 per cent of that num
ber will not be Christians when they come. Bible
classes will be taught every day, and we will have
an evangelist working with each school; conse
quently, most of that 80 per cent will be won to
Christ. We have learned from our experiences in
the Seminary that the first thing these new con
verts will want us to do is to go to their homes
to preach to itheir parents. When Ave go, we will
not only preach to their parents. Their friends
and relatives will come in and will hear the Gos
pel also. Therefore, every convert in the high
schools will give us the opportunity of reaching
several families for the Lord, and every village
from which they come will be an opportunity for
the establishment of a New Testament church.
We are confident that the evangelistic work in
this area will be multiplied several times over if
we can get one or two of these schools estab
Several other good things will come from the
establishment of these schools also. Right now we
have to maintain two departments in the Semin
aryone is for non-high-school graduates. We will
be able to eliminate this department when we
have the high schools. They can no longer say,
"We can not afford to go to high school," for we
can answer them, "Oh, yes, you can. Here is a
high school where you can earn your way." Thus,
the caliber of our Seminary students will be great
ly improved. Not only will they have a high school
education, but they will obtain a good basic know
ledge of the Bible from the classes taught during
their high school years. Also, many students will
go right out of the high schools into the .Semin
ary, and thus the schools will act as feeders for
the Seminary.
One of the reasons the people of this area
are so poor is because most of them are farmers.
According to government statistics, the annual in
come of the average farm family in the Philippines
is $200. This may be hard for many of you to even
imagine; nevertheless it is true. There are seven
people in the average Filipino family. One of the
reasons the farmers are so poor is the antiquated
methods of farming that they use. We will have
to use the best and most up-to-date farm methods
that can be used in the Philippines on the farms
connected with these high schools if we are to
make these schools really support themselves.
The students will learn these methods and will
carry what they learn back to their fathers' farms.
They will be able to farm much more land than
their fathers were able to; and in so doing, they
will vastly improve their own economic conditions
at the same time improving the economic con
ditions of the churches. It should not be too long
before the churches will be able to support their
own preachers, as well as the Seminary, and many
other actiA^ties necessary to the spreading of the
Gospel of Christ.
In reporting on the recent progress of the
Christian High Schools, we are happy to inform
you that we have title to sixty acres in Pam
plona, 30 miles but a half-day's journey west of
Aparri. In Esitefania, in the Baggao area, about 3
hours south of Aparri, we have sixty acres, also,
and a rice crop planted there. A few miles north
and east of Estefania is the property at Baggao
where we hope to establish the first agricultural
Christian High School. This property at Baggao
is particularly rich and fertile, and we hope to get
a crop planted there this year.
The Filipino brethren are joyously anticipating
the opening of .the high schools. They are con
vinced as we are that they vrill mean much to the
work of the Lord here. We need regular pledged
support until all the land is in production and able
to support the high schools; will you be moved
to share this great work with us? We seek your
prayers daily in behalf of the Chrisitian High
Schoolswe need the Lord's blessing and over
sight. Gifts should be designated: FOR CHRIST
IAN HIGH SCHOOLS, and sent to Robert P.
Olson, forwarding agent.
Now perhaps you'd appreciate a bit of infor
mation about the families who serve on the North
ern Luzon Mission field. It has been just a year
since Sid and Marj Boudreaux and their four
children arrived from the States. What a busy,
action-packed year this has been! Adjusting to a
different way of life is a sometimes bewildering
process, but the Boudreaux's seem to have fared
well in ithis respect. They have come to love the
Filipino people and their work. Sid has been very
busy, supervising the planting of crops, obtaining
information regarding seed, soils, etc., in prepara
tion for the establishment of the Christian High
Schools. Marj has taught in the Seminary and
written lessons for the printing work-although
since her bout with hepatitis last summer she is
restricted to teaching only one Seminary class
this year, and a minimum amount of writing. The
four Boudieaux children thrive in this trqpical
clime, growing robust and healthy and enriching
their understanding of a different people and lan
guage with every day experiences.
This marks the eighteenth year of service Tor
Charles and Roberta Selby. Charles has a full
teaching load in the Seminary, besides the duties
of Administrator and Dean, and co-ordinator of
the evangelistic work in the Cagayan Valley.
Roberta still suffers from migrane headaches and
severe pain resulting from hepatitis three years
ago but works diligently as she is able. We ask
your prayers that her' recovery to health may be
complete and soon. Their children are nearly
grown now and scattered as happens when child
ren reach the adult stage, only with missionary
families it happens sooner! Lloyd is attending
Lincoln Christian College at Lincoln, Rlinois;
Rick and Rob are in Faith Academy in Manila,
Rick as a senior, Rob as. a sophomore. Rick en-
Joys the honor of being Canteen Director and
plays the piano often for chapel. Rob is a member
of the Varsity basketball team^Rick is Manager.
Our great need right now is regular pledged
support for the work as a whole or in any of the
four different phases of it discussed above. Below
is an estimate of our monthly budget,, taking into
consideration, anticipated growth in all phases.
$SS0.00 per month. This includes up-keep
on buildings and grounds, Faculty
salaries (most of which must be
slightly increased soon). Dining
Hall expenses, etc.
$400.00 per .month. The greatest share of
this goes in the form of help to the
preachers of the area who are not
yet: fully supported by the churches
to which they minister.
I would like to olose as I openedasking that
you share not only the resume of this work for
God, but the burden of it, also, in your prayers
and gifts. We need both prayers and gifts in a
very real way.
$300.00 per month. This is for salaries
of printers, and supplies, the great
est part by far being for supplies.
.$500;00 per month. This will go for de
velopment of farm projects, erect
ion of buildings, and salaries until
the farm schools are self-supporting.
$250.00 per month. This includes office
expenses here and in the States,
Mission equipment, supplies, post
age, travel expenses, etc.
As you can see, this budget is quite a large
one to meet each month without a goodly number
of pledged gifts. Just forty monthly pledges of
$50.00 eacdi, or $2,000 a month would meet this
budget. We pray that each church, Sunday School
class, and individual will do what he can to sup
port the work.
Philippine Mission Churches of Christ
P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan, Philippines
Phi "f
AgS., "
' w.irtuntington, Montp6liei% Ind., 47359
li/',.. ;) ,;-i .; ..:- fi/"'.- ;,'i// . . :o. ->:-
Hf ..' i .V. .-; ,v: , ...1^;-.-. ;-:: '-J. -Z:
! ;: : ; ; share ivithi vou in- thi's^ lettei' Tn #aa -1 rt Vi.
Roberta had a very severe illnefiR tViaf j. j , , is letter. In early. October,
.^oj rv .; r^2 >; ri, ' '- > acted a great deal like Chbrer^ ' ' i '
It was not Cholera, but the treatment for it was iust the same tk- .7^ ^
a great deal. Since the latter part of Auaust she has h tc' ^"ack wejikened her
cation that, . apd:the. pain,,eyentuaaiy,,bega on her la'vlf He^
particularly a Neurologic w various
her into a decerit hospital wi'tll a private room Afe a J week and coiild hot get
. o.,v.j "e ;: tx^z
send her to Hdustori to go throuffh the~ Hmmm., L a- , !, ' asking us to
-M-edica':Reidard& CeiWri' iS of the foreniost- ''
he iitittSdiiteiy: adSS th^ mentioned this tO Doctor fn ifanBa.
might ^^t:bd '4e:l, ho was ^afmid
on Nov. i4fh, arrived in Los 'anafaioe fv. j anila, ahyway; She left Manila
whatever the7os^^#^s ^^^ i ' ' Diatnbeoomes meceSsary. but we feel th^' ^ '
Her Vsse :^s ''the jDpc^qrsriiere b^fl"e<^^ It^Iema the diest medical attentio^. '
her very life to this wr-^.L- *11 i. "cre, ana jicooerta has given
send soriie specik giits to'h^n "^h 1 it p^kai^e-ii, ".
expensed- as Oxpenses'.at Hou^ori kiid> with her Vravei '
;t - "v.W? will, app . ,
College.^ RkeS'^^sS Houston Christian^
-he^o dh aKt^ School dn-:Manila and:^^
in a^k^Sed 7.entthJ'sure but if it results
Lord th^ it was'ossSF'^ strength .and,:energy,^Or.Roberta^ Oatf only praise tiie-''^
Though^urTtLenTbo'^dy "^"smal^rthan ulu^th"''^ ^ Aparri Bible Seminary,
school year. About 7 J ''--g - very fine
in fhe-pl^es wteiTiEv S^bL evangelistic rheei^ngs
way^they are taking the initiattve' in5." pibased with' tife-";
way^-tHey SJie tgking thd initiativrin the,! me weeg-ends. We; are pl'eased with" tlfe
guidince kf Marj Bo^i^aS^publlshef! The studehts? under the
AMBASSAribR'V this past month This vpTy fine^assue. of the .school pape'r, "THE ;
fachlty'Bkfof^' we 4ent^^ Auf fa f t "i publication of^the ^stiideht body and
lish67^ncy^ddP7Ill7'';^^ -the.first
but therk are' encouraging thines' S' 'Evangelistic wOrk has; slowed ddwn' a bit,
belg'-'has -ciaiifed a prefchfr to^om^a^d' O" f'ihd Chnrches iii lea^
providing'hiki Add are
still receive help from the LssL4 fie ^vi-*n.fc.<jf..UvUKpodi' ySiiV-
the time will .come Xn theTw^ii:L^*tt^ this time)rbut we" hope , the time will come whfn +>iotr . !f * . ^onth at this time), but we hope
, irn - 1' ^ ^ Zt'^y! i sum'fhlS^full support Several raroti^ *k vs.i.* il ' '
been reported there anri VviX, 4, x o^FPurt. - oeveral recent baptisms have
baptisms for this whole area for fV.e ro +1. r _ total- known number of
many that we have S Wd ff f!! -bout 150. There may have been many that we have not heard nf vZ mus.iar is aoout 150. There may have beer
evangelists here ,^11 ,,e,.greatly;;appXS^^^ work and for the faithful
OzARK Bibie College Library
SfCi '
. I
^ We have the ^12 x ;18^ inch l^ working now andbeing dc
oh it iat tbe present ^nae. It 19 jdoing a very ^orod joti of |)rinHrig "and we are sure t}
is only the beginning of va long lineppf printed matter that Wte ^^11 be putting but oh .
along with the materials that we will print on the Multilith. We still heed rnore suppi.
for the letter press and hope to be able to get those soon. Some h'cjhipment is heeded
for the Multilith also, which, if we could get it, would enable Us tb use the photographic
processs to-its Mle^t ^^ent,; Plans, are being made to begin the publication Of a ihontl^y._
paper ih Ilo.cano by th^i^flrst of the. year and sbver^ other things ar^e ih prepay
publicai^n 'also..- ^
Some re^ly excitihg developments, are taking piabe in r^ghrd to th4 establishment bi
Christian High Schools^ in ihe -Gagayah Valley, in some Of bur recent Ib^tters we h^
meritibned that fniany^. revuests. have, been received for the est'ablishhiieht of Christian
High Scnbble wMch-^piild bei supported by tuition paid by the s^dehta. We have just re
cently .received, word. l^ the Mayor, of Angadanan'-rsaBelai i^^^ willing to give us a par
cel of land in the barrfc^ of iEdcor, a very progregsive Bariioj wHch^is^^ about to be- .
corne a town. This ,.barr|.p. igilocated in- a very- prosperOus'amd populous' farrnm area of
Isabela, and is onp_ of the^ projects of the -late Preeideht Magsaysay for the resettlement
of the former Hu^cs, (the Communists; of the -Philippiiiee')i In'preacher
in that, area, ."IfvyOu cap establishfia Christian High-SchObl^there; you mil help me
solye^ a; Ibt of pay problems',', j This we feel is n XSod giVSn opl)brtu We also have thb
opportunity of . o^t^nipg v parcel:of rland; in barHb'' <7alihabandh Isabela^^ THs is where
our biggest congregation lin Isabbla .is lodated,^ and it is' alSb^ in a ve^^^ prosperous farm
ing area. There are rumors that it will soon become a towni also. If the property in
EdbOf Jls given to p.s,i will^ P3^obably be required tb bpen' tfie''schbol'' this coming sch^
year. This means ^^e jwjll have to. have: n building," furniturel likb equipMeht^ bobks^^fbr
posit. We can mak^,. if. not. all-^of the^ furniturej'Tf we' shoidd build Our^buitdipgs . ;
out of cement blocks.^, we' can inake those ourselves also;'-TIM*'Lah equipment would have
to be ptirchased in. MfLnil^,: but we. might not hive to have" a great'"de^ tb' begin with.
SOMETHIN^^^^^^ that .MANY-OF ^OTJ eoumD0 TG flEEP i^ ^
good used Rdgh Schopl and College .books and mail \them to; usV -Bo&s are being diS-
carded all of the time by various school systems in the United States and replaced with
more up to date bpoks. Wercan w discarded books fon refereiice ihateriai'^in
our High Schools, Wp iinay havjbcto have a sum of money to purchase required text books,
for the students..and then.^^ent thena<tblthe students-.' If we had sufficient funds, it might ,
be possible for us to open three , High-^^Schools of -this -kind'"fhfS boihihg;yearV However, if
we can get even one opened this year and the ground work laid for'the "bpehihg of the
other two by 1967, we would be most happy. Will you help us with this most, important.
development inrpur wpji^k here? . ' ^
Work pn thes fa?rm proj,eeta. under the leadership, of cBroi 'Si^ Bbudf^aux is prpgressing
nicely. W.e^"expect^ ;tp reap, our first haiwest in ahathef 'l^b webks "or' sp.^^ hope to have
at lea^, one of these p.ropospd farm schools established sPbii;"* As ^his :work has developed,
we find we are goings^:o heed another tracfor^, and equipment just ais sao'n %s possible. Do
any of you know.,of an ilh^plpment dealer who might be vdliihg--to ^bhate^^^^ bld iohn _
Deere A..Xractpr; to. the;:,I^ work here?^We -know thSrb a^e litetadly hundreids of them .
sitting on vacant lots aill-r over, the midwesti TWe need-this factor vath ihe 'follp;^ng .equip
ment: a mold-board plow for this size tractor, a tandem disk-barrbw^ an old spike tooth
harrbw, and a large rotary type mower which would work off the pOweT-t^e-pff pf the -
tractor. We need this equipment: he re in Cagayan ho lateh tha:^ the firisl of M We
would surely kpp^^ecikte hearing frOm any of you concerning sdch'bqdiljmehf^^-^^^ this, T^is
is really "Sn urgent need,, If- you cannot Help-supply-the equiphieht Surely kppre ^^
ciate your prayers that it will be acquired in time, '
We close this; lettpr with^ expression of ohri-mo'st-profbtirid^thanks to all of you, '
who, through your gifts . and :your prayers, and; your cohcerh hnahifested in sb' many ways,
make this work possible.. ' ir; -1 * "
Yourfc ite Christ, - '
: : . V irlV NORlH main.

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