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There are five maturity levels, each a layer in the foundation for ongoing process improvement,

designated by the numbers 1 through 5:

1. Initial
2. Managed
SP 1.1 Identify Configuration Items.
Identify the configuration items, components, and related work
products that will be placed under configuration management.
SP 1. !stablish a Configuration "anagement System
SP 1.# Create or $elease %aselines
Create or release baselines for internal use and for delivery to
the customer.
SP .1 Trac& Change $e'uests
Track change requests for the configuration items.
SP . Control Configuration Items
Control changes to the configuration items.
SP #.1 !stablish Configuration "anagement $ecords
Establish and maintain records describing configuration items.
SP #. Perform Configuration (udits
Perform configuration audits to maintain integrity of the
configuration baselines.
SP 1.1 !stablish "easurement )b*ectives
Establish and maintain measurement obectives that are
derived from identified information needs and obectives.
SP 1. Specify "easures
!pecify measures to address the measurement obectives.
SP 1.# Specify +ata Collection and Storage Procedures
!pecify how measurement data will be obtained and stored.
SP 1., Specify (nalysis Procedures
!pecify how measurement data will be analy"ed and reported.
SP .1 Collect "easurement +ata
#btain specified measurement data.
SP . (naly-e "easurement +ata
$naly"e and interpret measurement data.
SP .# Store +ata and $esults
%anage and store measurement data, measurement
specifications, and analysis results.
SP ., Communicate $esults
&eport results of measurement and analysis activities to all
relevant stakeholders.
SP 1.1 "onitor Pro*ect Planning Parameters
%onitor the actual values of the proect planning parameters
against the proect plan.
SP 1. "onitor Commitments
%onitor commitments against those identified in the proect
SP 1.# "onitor Pro*ect $is&s
%onitor risks against those identified in the proect plan.
SP 1., "onitor +ata "anagement
%onitor the management of proect data against the proect
SP 1.5 "onitor Sta&eholder Involvement
%onitor stakeholder involvement against the proect plan.
SP 1.. Conduct Progress $evie/s
Periodically review the proect's progress, performance, and
SP 1.0 Conduct "ilestone $evie/s
&eview the accomplishments and results of the proect at
selected proect milestones.
SP .1 (naly-e Issues
Collect and analy"e the issues and determine the corrective
actions necessary to address the issues.
SP . Ta&e Corrective (ction
Take corrective action on identified issues.
SP .# "anage Corrective (ction
%anage corrective actions to closure.
SP 1.1 !stimate the Scope of the Pro*ect
Establish a top(level work breakdown structure )*+!, to
estimate the scope of the proect.
SP 1. !stablish !stimates of 1or& Product and Tas& (ttributes
Establish and maintain estimates of the attributes of the work
products and tasks.
SP 1.# +efine Pro*ect 2ifecycle
-efine the proect lifecycle phases on which to scope the
planning effort.
SP 1., +etermine !stimates of !ffort and Cost
Estimate the proect effort and cost for the work products and
tasks based on estimation rationale.
SP .1 !stablish the %udget and Schedule
Establish and maintain the proect.s budget and schedule.
SP . Identify Pro*ect $is&s
Identify and analy"e proect risks.
SP .# Plan for +ata "anagement
Plan for the management of proect data.
SP ., Plan for Pro*ect $esources
Plan for necessary resources to perform the proect.
SP .5 Plan for 3eeded 4no/ledge and S&ills
Plan for knowledge and skills needed to perform the proect.
SP .. Plan Sta&eholder Involvement
Plan the involvement of identified stakeholders.
SP .0 !stablish the Pro*ect Plan
Establish and maintain the overall proect plan content.
SP #.1 $evie/ Plans That (ffect the Pro*ect
&eview all plans that affect the proect to understand proect
SP #. $econcile 1or& and $esource 2evels
&econcile the proect plan to reflect available and estimated
SP #.# )btain Plan Commitment
#btain commitment from relevant stakeholders responsible for
performing and supporting plan e/ecution.
SP 1.1 )b*ectively !valuate Processes
#bectively evaluate the designated performed processes
against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and
SP 1. )b*ectively !valuate 1or& Products and Services
#bectively evaluate the designated work products and
services against the applicable process descriptions,
standards, and procedures.
SP .1 Communicate and !nsure $esolution of 3oncompliance Issues
Communicate quality issues and ensure resolution of
noncompliance issues with the staff and managers.
SP . !stablish $ecords
Establish and maintain records of the quality assurance
SP 1.1 )btain an 5nderstanding of $e'uirements
-evelop an understanding with the requirements providers on
the meaning of the requirements.
SP 1. )btain Commitment to $e'uirements
#btain commitment to the requirements from the proect
SP 1.# "anage $e'uirements Changes
%anage changes to the requirements as they evolve during the
SP 1., "aintain %idirectional Traceability of $e'uirements
%aintain bidirectional traceability among the requirements and
work products.
SP 1.5 Identify Inconsistencies %et/een Pro*ect 1or& and $e'uirements
Identify inconsistencies between the proect plans and work
products and the requirements.
SP 1.1 +etermine (c'uisition Type
-etermine the type of acquisition for each product or product
component to be acquired.
SP 1. Select Suppliers
!elect suppliers based on an evaluation of their ability to meet
the specified requirements and established criteria.
SP 1.# !stablish Supplier (greements
Establish and maintain formal agreements with the supplier.
SP .1 !6ecute the Supplier (greement
Perform activities with the supplier as specified in the supplier
SP . "onitor Selected Supplier Processes
!elect, monitor, and analy"e processes used by the supplier.
SP .# !valuate Selected Supplier 1or& Products
!elect and evaluate work products from the supplier of custommade
SP ., (ccept the (c'uired Product
Ensure that the supplier agreement is satisfied before
accepting the acquired product.
SP .5 Transition Products
Transition the acquired products from the supplier to the
3. Defined
SP 1.1 !stablish 7uidelines for +ecision (nalysis
SP 1. !stablish !valuation Criteria
SP 1.# Identify (lternative Solutions
SP 1., Select !valuation "ethods
SP 1.5 !valuate (lternatives
SP 1.. Select Solutions
SP 1.1 !stablish the Pro*ect8s +efined Process
SP 1. 5se )rgani-ational Process (ssets for Planning Pro*ect (ctivities
SP 1.# !stablish the Pro*ect9s 1or& !nvironment
SP 1., Integrate Plans
SP 1.5 "anage the Pro*ect 5sing the Integrated Plans
SP 1.. Contribute to the )rgani-ational Process (ssets
SP .1 "anage Sta&eholder Involvement
SP . "anage +ependencies
SP .# $esolve Coordination Issues
SP 1.1 !stablish Standard Processes
SP 1. !stablish 2ifecycle "odel +escriptions
SP 1.# !stablish Tailoring Criteria and 7uidelines
SP 1., !stablish the )rgani-ation8s "easurement $epository
SP 1.5 !stablish the )rgani-ation8s Process (sset 2ibrary
SP 1.. !stablish 1or& !nvironment Standards
SP 1.1 !stablish )rgani-ational Process 3eeds
SP 1. (ppraise the )rgani-ation8s Processes
SP 1.# Identify the )rgani-ation9s Process Improvements
SP .1 !stablish Process (ction Plans
SP . Implement Process (ction Plans
SP #.1 +eploy )rgani-ational Process (ssets
SP #. +eploy Standard Processes
SP #.# "onitor Implementation
SP #., Incorporate Process:$elated !6periences into the )rgani-ational Process (ssets
SP 1.1 !stablish the Strategic Training 3eeds
!stablish and maintain the strategic training needs of the
SP 1. +etermine 1hich Training 3eeds (re the $esponsibility of the )rgani-ation
+etermine /hich training needs are the responsibility of the
organi-ation and /hich /ill be left to the individual pro*ect or
support group.
SP 1.# !stablish an )rgani-ational Training Tactical Plan
!stablish and maintain an organi-ational training tactical plan.
SP 1., !stablish Training Capability
!stablish and maintain training capability to address
organi-ational training needs.
SP .1 +eliver Training
+eliver the training follo/ing the organi-ational training tactical
SP . !stablish Training $ecords
!stablish and maintain records of the organi-ational training.
SP .# (ssess Training !ffectiveness
(ssess the effectiveness of the organi-ation8s training
SP 1.1 +etermine Integration Se'uence
+etermine the product component integration se'uence.
SP 1. !stablish the Product Integration !nvironment
!stablish and maintain the environment needed to support the
integration of the product components.
SP 1.# !stablish Product Integration Procedures and Criteria
!stablish and maintain procedures and criteria for integration
of the product components.
SP .1 $evie/ Interface +escriptions for Completeness
$evie/ interface descriptions for coverage and completeness.
SP . "anage Interfaces
"anage internal and e6ternal interface definitions, designs, and
changes for products and product components.
SP #.1 Confirm $eadiness of Product Components for Integration
Confirm, prior to assembly, that each product component
re'uired to assemble the product has been properly identified,
functions according to its description, and that the product
component interfaces comply /ith the interface descriptions.
SP #. (ssemble Product Components
(ssemble product components according to the product
integration se'uence and available procedures.
SP #.# !valuate (ssembled Product Components
!valuate assembled product components for interface
SP #., Pac&age and +eliver the Product or Product Component
Pac&age the assembled product or product component and
deliver it to the appropriate customer.
SP 1.1 !licit 3eeds
!licit sta&eholder needs, e6pectations, constraints, and
interfaces for all phases of the product lifecycle.
SP 1. +evelop the Customer $e'uirements
Transform sta&eholder needs, e6pectations, constraints, and
interfaces into customer re'uirements.
SP .1 !stablish Product and Product Component $e'uirements
!stablish and maintain product and product component
re'uirements, /hich are based on the customer re'uirements.
SP . (llocate Product Component $e'uirements
(llocate the re'uirements for each product component.
SP .# Identify Interface $e'uirements
Identify interface re'uirements.
SP #.1 !stablish )perational Concepts and Scenarios
!stablish and maintain operational concepts and associated
SP #. !stablish a +efinition of $e'uired ;unctionality
!stablish and maintain a definition of re'uired functionality.
SP #.# (naly-e $e'uirements
$naly"e requirements to ensure that they are necessary and sufficient.
SP #., (naly-e $e'uirements to (chieve %alance
$naly"e requirements to balance stakeholder needs and constraints.
SP #.5 <alidate $e'uirements
0alidate requirements to ensure the resulting product will perform as intended in the user's
SP 1.1 +etermine $is& Sources and Categories
-etermine risk sources and categories.
SP 1. +efine $is& Parameters
-efine the parameters used to analy"e and categori"e risks, and the parameters used to
control the risk management effort.
SP 1.# !stablish a $is& "anagement Strategy
Establish and maintain the strategy to be used for risk management.
SP .1 Identify $is&s
Identify and document the risks.
SP . !valuate, Categori-e, and Prioriti-e $is&s
Evaluate and categori"e each identified risk using the defined risk categories and
parameters, and determine its relative priority.
SP #.1 +evelop $is& "itigation Plans
-evelop a risk mitigation plan for the most important risks to the proect as defined by the
risk management strategy.
SP #. Implement $is& "itigation Plans
%onitor the status of each risk periodically and implement the
risk mitigation plan as appropriate.
S7 1 Select Product Component Solutions
Product or product component solutions are selected from alternative
SP 1.1 +evelop (lternative Solutions and Selection Criteria
-evelop alternative solutions and selection criteria.
SP 1. Select Product Component Solutions
!elect the product component solutions that best satisfy the criteria established.
SP .1 +esign the Product or Product Component
-evelop a design for the product or product component.
SP . !stablish a Technical +ata Pac&age
Establish and maintain a technical data package.
SP .# +esign Interfaces 5sing Criteria
-esign product component interfaces using established criteria.
SP ., Perform "a&e, %uy, or $euse (nalyses
Evaluate whether the product components should be developed, purchased, or reused
based on established criteria.
SP #.1 Implement the +esign
Implement the designs of the product components.
SP #. +evelop Product Support +ocumentation
-evelop and maintain the end(use documentation.
SP 1.1 Select Products for <alidation
!elect products and product components to be validated and the validation methods that
will be used for each.
SP 1. !stablish the <alidation !nvironment
Establish and maintain the environment needed to support validation.
SP 1.# !stablish <alidation Procedures and Criteria
Establish and maintain procedures and criteria for validation.
SP .1 Perform <alidation
Perform validation on the selected products and product components.
SP . (naly-e <alidation $esults
$naly"e the results of the validation activities.
SP 1.1 Select 1or& Products for <erification
!elect the work products to be verified and the verification methods that will be used for
SP 1. !stablish the <erification !nvironment
Establish and maintain the environment needed to support verification.
SP 1.# !stablish <erification Procedures and Criteria
Establish and maintain verification procedures and criteria for the selected work products.
SP .1 Prepare for Peer $evie/s
Prepare for peer reviews of selected work products.
SP . Conduct Peer $evie/s
Conduct peer reviews on selected work products and identify issues resulting from the
peer review.
SP .# (naly-e Peer $evie/ +ata
$naly"e data about preparation, conduct, and results of the peer reviews.
SP #.1 Perform <erification
Perform verification on the selected work products.
SP #. (naly-e <erification $esults
$naly"e the results of all verification activities.
4. Quantitatively Managed
SP 1.1 Select Processes
!elect the processes or subprocesses in the organi"ation's set
of standard processes that are to be included in the
organi"ation's process(performance analyses.
SP 1.2 Establish Process-Performance Measures
Establish and maintain definitions of the measures that are to
be included in the organi"ation.s process(performance
SP 1.3 Establish Quality and Process-Performance Objectives
Establish and maintain quantitative obectives for quality and
process performance for the organi"ation
SP 1. Establish Process-Performance !aselines
Establish and maintain the organi"ation's process(performance
SP 1." Establish Process-Performance Models
Establish and maintain the process(performance models for the
organi"ation.s set of standard processes
SP 1.1 Establish the Project#s Objectives
Establish and maintain the proect.s quality and processperformance
SP 1.2 $om%ose the &efined Process
!elect the subprocesses that compose the proect.s defined
process based on historical stability and capability data.
SP 1.3 Select the Sub%rocesses that 'ill !e Statistically Mana(ed
!elect the subprocesses of the proect's defined process that
will be statistically managed.
SP 1. Mana(e Project Performance
%onitor the proect to determine whether the proect.s
obectives for quality and process performance will be
satisfied, and identify corrective action as appropriate
SP 2.1 Select Measures and )nalytic *echni+ues
!elect the measures and analytic techniques to be used in
statistically managing the selected subprocesses.
SP 2.2 )%%ly Statistical Methods to ,nderstand -ariation
Establish and maintain an understanding of the variation of the
selected subprocesses using the selected measures and
analytic techniques.
SP 2.3 Monitor Performance of the Selected Sub%rocesses
%onitor the performance of the selected subprocesses to
determine their capability to satisfy their quality and processperformance
obectives, and identify corrective action as
SP 2. .ecord Statistical Mana(ement &ata
&ecord statistical and quality management data in the
organi"ation.s measurement repository
5. Optimizing
SP 1.1 Select &efect &ata for )nalysis
!elect the defects and other problems for analysis.
SP 1.2 )naly/e $auses
Perform causal analysis of selected defects and other problems
and propose actions to address them.
SP 2.1 0m%lement the )ction Pro%osals
Implement the selected action proposals that were developed in
causal analysis.
SP 2.2 Evaluate the Effect of $han(es
Evaluate the effect of changes on process performance.
SP 2.3 .ecord &ata
&ecord causal analysis and resolution data for use across the
proect and organi"ation.
SP 1.1 $ollect and )naly/e 0m%rovement Pro%osals
Collect and analy"e process( and technology(improvement
SP 1.2 0dentify and )naly/e 0nnovations
Identify and analy"e innovative improvements that could
increase the organi"ation.s quality and process performance.
SP 1.3 Pilot 0m%rovements
Pilot process and technology improvements to select which
ones to implement
SP 1. Select 0m%rovements for &e%loyment
!elect process and technology improvements for deployment
across the organi"ation.
SP 2.1 Plan the &e%loyment
Establish and maintain the plans for deploying the selected
process and technology improvements.
SP 2.2 Mana(e the &e%loyment
%anage the deployment of the selected process and
technology improvements
SP 2.3 Measure 0m%rovement Effects
%easure the effects of the deployed process and technology

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