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Article I. Name o Or!a"i#atio"
The name of this organization shall be the University of Pittsburgh
Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (the
Chapter!" The University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the Society of
Asian Scientists and Engineers and its membership accept and #ill
fully comply to the re$uirements and limits of certi%cation"
Article II. P$r%o&e o Or!a"i#atio"
The purpose of this Chapter shall be to advocate and support the
mission statement of The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
(SASE &ational!"
Article III. O'(ecti)e& a"* Goal& o t+e Or!a"i#atio"
The Chapter is committed to providing support to the community and
to promoting educational programs for the advancement of its
The ob'ectives and goals of the Chapter shall be to(
)"* Support and develop programs that provide for the advancement
of Asian heritage scientists and engineers" This goal shall be
implemented by(
o Career +or,shops
o Seminars and Symposia that focus on bettering the
employability of members by bolstering the soft s,ills of
members- #or,ing on their resumes- and teaching
intervie# s,ills"
."* /evelop and support programs that aid Asian heritage scientists
and engineers #ho are actively see,ing careers"
o 0nteractions #ith potential employers
o Tutoring1Curriculum assistance
o 2entoring programs
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3"* Provide a forum for professional development and for the
connection #ith entrepreneurial opportunities"
4"* 0nform the public of contributions and advancements made by
Asian heritage scientists and engineers in ne#sletters and
a#ards ceremonies"
Article IV. ,em'er&+i% a"* Pri)ile!e&
)"* 2embership Privileges
Each member has the privilege to cast one vote in all elections"
2embers may hold o5ice and may nominate themselves or other
individuals for Chapter o5ice"
."* 2embership 6e$uirements
Each 2ember must be a full7time student at the University of
Pittsburgh #ho supports the mission statement and ob'ectives of
SASE &ational" Each 2ember must be enrolled in a curriculum
leading to a degree in engineering or any of the sciences" Student
members must be students in good standing at the school #here the
Chapter has been established" Student members cannot run for o5ice
or vote in &ational 8oard elections"
3"* Termination of 2embership
A Chapter may by .13 ma'ority vote of all membership terminate an
individual9s membership from the chapter- but only upon a %nding of a
breach by such member of the byla#s or rules of the chapter"
Article V. St$*e"t Boar* o Director&
)"* Administration
The Student 8oard of /irectors (S8:/! shall consist of elected
o5icers and #ill administer the a5airs and programs of the Chapter"
The S8:/ must ma,e decisions based on the vote of a ma'ority of the
members of the S8:/- and is responsible for all business concerning
the chapter" The S8:/ shall set policy for the Chapter- and is presided
over by the President" The management of daily a5airs of the Chapter
is delegated to o5icers as noted herein"
."* The Elected :5icers
The elected o5icers shall consist of a President- a ;ice President- a
Treasurer- and a Secretary" The o5icers shall be collectively
responsible for treasury and administrative a5airs- as #ell as those
de%ned herein"
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)")" The President shall(
6epresent the Chapter"
Act as the point of contact for any matters involving the
Chapter and the school administration and any other
8e responsible for the e<ecution of any documents related
to %nancial matters"
Cast the tie7brea,ing vote on any motion that results in a tie
among S8:/ members"

.". The ;ice7President shall(
Assist the President in all Chapter matters"
Sign any documents related to %nancial matters"
Administer presidential duties in absence of president"
."3 The Treasurer shall(
Assist the President and the board in business matters and #ill
be responsible for(
o Collection of dues (if applicable!"
o Proper disbursement of authorized funds"
o 8an,ing and accounting of Chapter funds"
o Submission of monthly %nancial reports listing all assets
and liabilities of a chapter to the S8:/"
o Submission of a yearly %nancial report to the SASE
&ational 8oard"
o Preparation of all %nancial reports re$uired by the
College- State- or =ederal >overnment"
o Transfer of all %nancial reports to the succeeding
Treasurer #ithin 3* days of termination of their term"
o 2aintenance of contact #ith corporate sponsors"

."4 The Secretary shall(
2aintain all o5icial records of the Chapter (includes 2inutes
of meetings!
2aintain an o5icial membership roster"
Satisfy all national re$uirements #hen submitting applications
and membership forms to the SASE &ational 8oard of
Serve all notices re$uired by the 8yla#s of the Chapter"
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Coordinate the election process to elect o5icers"
Transfer all records or the Chapter to the succeeding
Secretary #ithin 3* days of termination of their term"
."? Chapters may have additional positions they deem necessary
such as +ebmaster- committee heads- etc"- at its discretion"
Article VI. Electio" a"* Term o O-ice o O-icer&
)"* &ominations and Eligibility
All :5icers shall be elected by vote of all eligible chapter members"
Each candidate must be nominated and seconded by an eligible
member (a candidate may nominate him1herself #ith a petition and
one signature from another eligible member!" Any person is eligible
to hold o5ice if he1she is a member in good standing #ith their
chapter- and currently enrolled full time at the University of
Pittsburgh" 2embers may participate in the election process if they
are included on the o5icial membership roster and have paid their
dues (if applicable!"
."* Election of :5icers
8allots shall be counted by the S8:/ at the Annual Election
2eeting" All four members of the S8:/ must count the votes
Candidates receiving ma'ority of the votes shall be declared
0n case of a tie- the incumbent President9s vote serves as a
The Annual 2eeting shall ta,e place at the end of each academic
3"* /uration of Term
The term of o5ice shall be from August )
to @uly 3)
of the follo#ing
4"* 6emoval from the Elected Student 8oard
A Student 8oard member may be removed from o5ice by the t#o7
thirds vote of the eligible members"
?"* ;acancies
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0n the event of vacancy among the o5icers of the Student 8oard for
any reason- a ne# election must be held to replace that position
#ithin thirty days of the vacancy announcement- e<cept in the event
of the removal or resignation of the President- the ;ice President of
the Student 8oard shall assume the o5ice of President for the
remainder of the term- and an election #ill be held to elect a ne# ;ice
Article VII. Committee&
The Student 8oard shall have the po#er to call for any committee that
they see %tting to aid in conducting the business of the Chapter" The
Student 8oard may appoint any member in good standing to chair a
committee" A proposal for the committee should be accepted and read
through by the Student 8oard and President" A committee shall have a
chairman and co7chair"
Article VIII. .$ri&*ictio"
)"* Chapters
There shall only be one SASE chapter per college campus"
Article I/. Fi&cal Year
The %scal year of the Chapter shall begin on August )

and end on @uly
3) of each year"
Article /. D$e&
)"* /ues
The SASE &ational 8oard does not re$uire Student
Chapters to have dues"
0f a Student Chapter deems it necessary it may enact dues
of under A?*"
/ues are to be voted on by the Student 8oard each year and
can vary from year to year"
0f dues are re$uired- one cannot be an o5icial member until
their dues are paid in full"
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Article /I. ,eeti"!&
)"* Buorum
A $uorum for a meeting of the S8:/ shall be C?D of the then serving
members of the S8:/" There shall be no $uorum re$uirement for a
meeting of the members"
."* Annual 2eeting
An Annual 2eeting of the members shall be held #ithin 3* days of the
end of the academic year- at #hich time the o5icers described in
Article ; shall be elected for the follo#ing year"
3"* Special 2eetings
The President or any other S8:/ member may call a special meeting
for general members of the Chapter"
4"* 2eeting &otices
&otice of every meeting shall be delivered to each member by #ritten
copy or e7mail- and shall include the agenda- place- date- and time of
the meeting- and shall be delivered not less than ten days before the
?"* 2eeting 6ules
The agenda #ill be follo#ed as a general guideline" Any member in
good standing can bring up any relevant motions or issues for
Article /II. A&&et&
)"* Assets
0f a Chapter should dissolve- any assets belonging to the Chapter must
be returned or given to SASE &ational"
Article /III. Do"atio"&
)"* Chapter /onations
As a student chapter of a nonpro%t organization- chapter members
may accept monetary or in7,ind contributions from organizations and
individuals #ho support the mission statement of SASE" The Chapter
members must be informed of all donations and accurate records
must be ,ept by the Treasurer"
Article /IV. Lia'ilit0 o ,em'er&
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)"* Eiability
&o member or o5icer shall be personally liable for debts or liabilities
of the Chapter"
Article V. Ame"*me"t& to t+e Co"&tit$tio" a"* B0la1&
)"* Amendment Procedure
A motion to amend these byla#s must %rst be made to the
0f approved by the S8:/- the proposed amendment shall be
submitted in #riting to the Secretary for presentation to regular
members after S8:/ approval"
."* 2ember Approval
Approval of any proposed amendment approved by the S8:/ as
described above shall be by a .13 ma'ority vote of eligible members-
sub'ect to any approval that may be necessary from the academic
o5ice responsible for student activities"
3"* SASE &ational Communications
Upon approval by the members- a current and amended copy of the
byla#s must be sent to the SASE &ational9s o5ice via mail or e7mail"
These 8yla#s #as approved by a .13 vote of the members of the
University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the Society of Asian Scientists and
Date2 33456433 Secretar02 ,o"ali&a Le$"!
Date: August 11, 2008 Page 7

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