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Whale Sharks Civics Current Events

Assignment Options:
Paper (individual only)
Your idea (with prior approval)

*All group members must choose the same option
1. PowerPoint: Create a PowerPoint that summarizes your article, explains the significance of the event, and explains how this
event relates to civics and/or citizenship.
Requirements (per group member):
Minimum of 5 slides
Must contain at least 2 visuals that relate to the topic
Must include a link to the article and/or the text to the article.
2. Prezi: Create a Prezi that summarizes your article, explains the significance of the event, and explains how this event relates to
civics and/or citizenship.
Requirements (per group member):
Minimum of 5 slides
Must contain at least 2 visuals that relate to the topic
Must include a link to the article and/or the text to the article.
3. Video: Create a video that summarizes your article, explains the significance of the event, and explains how this event relates to
civics and/or citizenship.
Requirements (per group member):
Must cover the above requirements (summary, significance, relation to civics)
Must include a link to the article and/or the text to the article.
Each group member must be represented in the video, either by talking in the video, making visuals for their section, etc.
Must be at least 1.5 minutes (per group member)
4. Poster: Create a poster that summarizes your article, explains the significance of the event, and explains how this event relates
to civics and/or citizenship.
Requirements (per group member):
Must cover the above requirements (summary, significance, relation to civics)
Must include a link to the article and/or the text to the article.
Must contain at least 2 visuals
Must show creativity, effort, and have color
5. Paper: Create a paper that summarizes your article, explains the significance of the event, and explains how this event
relates to civics and/or citizenship.
Must be at least 250 words
Must be written in paragraph form
Must include a link to the article and/or the text to the article.
Must be at least three paragraphs
o Summary
o Significance
o Relation to civics
6. Your idea: If you have an idea for presenting current events to the class please feel free to share it with me. For instance, some
students have presented in a news room format and brought in visuals that went with it. Be creative and have fun!

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