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August 14-20, 2014

Myanmar Business Today August 14-20, 2014 | Vol 2, Issue 32 MYANMARS FIRST BILINGUAL BUSINESS JOURNAL
Myanmar Summary
Inside MBT
Foreign Investors to be
Allowed in Trading Activities
he Ministry of
Commerce Is pIun-
nIng Lo remove LIe
bun prevenLIng IoreIgn In-
vesLors Irom engugIng In
LrudIng ucLIvILIes In My-
unmur, u senIor mInIsLry
om cIuI suId.
TIe pIun, wIIcI Is sLIII
In LIe pIpeIIne, Is expecL-
ed Lo IeIp LIe counLry In-
creuse ILs exporL voIume,
purLIcuIurIy In LIe ugrIcuI-
Lure secLor, U Toe Aung
MyInL, dIrecLor generuI oI
the Department of Trade
Promotion (DTP) under
LIe mInIsLry, suId.
TIe ugrIcuILure sec-
Lor wIII Improve In muny
wuys II |IoreIgn| LrudIng
Is permILLed In LIIs sec-
Lor us LIe secLor Ius seen
little investment and its
exporLs ure sLIII Iow, Ie
told Myanmar Business
However, Ie decIIned Lo
reveuI wIIcI secLors wIII
be opened up hrsL. We
wIII dIscIose |LIIs| IuLer,
U Toe Aung MyInL suId.
AILIougI Myunmur`s
LoLuI Lrude voIume conLIn-
Phyo Thu
ues Lo rIse, exporL voIume
Iusn`L gone up us expecL-
ed, neguLIveIy ImpucLIng
LIe counLry`s currenL uc-
counL buIunce.
RemovIng LIe bun wIII
reIux resLrIcLIons on Ior-
eIgn InvesLors wIo LIInk
IL Is dIm cuIL Lo do busIness
Iere. We sIouId vIew IL us
un opporLunILy Lo Increuse
InvesLmenL Ior LIe coun-
Lry und noL us u neguLIve,
U Aung WIn, secreLury oI
Myanmar Industries As-
socIuLIon, LoId Myanmar
Business Today.
AgrIcuILuruI exporLs
durIng LIe hrsL quurLer
oI LIe currenL hscuI yeur
Iuve eurned onIy K6;.q
mIIIIon ($6q6,zoo),
wIIcI Is down 8z percenL
Irom IusL yeur. oreIgn
InvesLmenL In LIe secLor
sLood uL onIy Kq;.q mII-
IIon ($6q,8oo), IIgI-
IIgILIng LIe need Ior In-
creused InvesLmenL.
WILI LIe counLry`s cur-
renL sILuuLIon, we Iuve Lo
uccepL LIe openIng up und
reIorm process. TIose
wIo IuII Lo udupL Lo poIIcy
und murkeL Lrends wIII
be neguLIveIy ImpucLed.
We cunnoL uIwuys expecL
LIe governmenL`s proLec-
LIon, Dr TIn HLoo NuIng,
a senior advisor from the
Germun nLernuLIonuI Co-
operuLIon (GZ), suId.
We cun vIew IL us un
opportunity to obtain
LecInoIogy us we embruce
LIe cIunge und Ieurn Lo
become more compeLI-
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MJeLs Opens Myunmur`s IrsL
Private Jet Terminal to Tap
SurgIng Demund P-
A container gets loaded on a truck at Hteedan port in Yangon.
Tobucco ProducLIon Lo Go up
z;pc In zo1q-1Y P-
TIe New ArbILruLIon BIII:
MukIng Myunmur ess
PerIIous Ior nvesLors P-6
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Board of Editors
Editor-in-Chief - Sherpa Hossainy
Email -
Deputy Editor - Aundrea Montao
Email -
Editor-in-Charge - Wai Linn Kyaw
Email -
Ph - 09 40 157 9090
Regional & International Editors
Gordon Wong, Kwan Yuk Sing, Logan Linnane
Reporters & Contributors
Htun Htun Minn, May Soe San, Kyaw Min, Wai Linn Kyaw,
Aye Myat, Aung Phyo, Zwe Wai, Phyo Thu, David Mayes,
Sherpa Hossainy, Aundrea Montao, Jacob Goldberg,
Gordon Wong, Kwan Yuk Sing, Logan Linnane,
Aung San Oo, Tin Mg Oo
Art & Design
Zarni Min Naing (Circle)
Email -
Ko Naing
Email -
May Su Hlaing
Aye Chan Wynn, Wai Linn Kyaw,
Phyu Maung
Seint Seint Aye, Moe Hsann Pann, Htet Wai Yan,
Zin Wai Oo, Nay Lin Htike
Advertising Hotline - 09 420 237 625, 09 4211 567 05,
09 31 450 345, 09 250 411 911, 09 2500 18646
Email -
Managing Director
Prasert Lekavanichkajorn
U Myo Oo (04622)
No. 1A-3, Myintha 11
South Okkalapa Township, Yangon.
Tel: 951-85000 86, 8500 763
Fax: 951-8603288 ext: 007
Shwe Naing Ngan Printing (04193)
Subscription & Circulation
Aung Khin Sint -
09 20 435 59
Nilar Myint -
09 4210 855 11
Khaing Zaw Hnin -
09 4211 30133
Business News in Brief
I ndi a, Myanmar plans j oi nt power pr oj ect
India and Myanmar have planned to shape up the
proposed joInL venLure LIermuI power projecL In Su-
guIng regIon, uccordIng Lo u reporL In ndIun medIu. A
joInL meeLIng Lo LIIs eecL wus IeId on IusL week In LIe
om ce oI Tumu LownsIIp mIIILury IeudquurLers In My-
unmur, ubouL km Irom LIe ndIun norLIeusLern sLuLe
oI MunIpur`s border Lown MoreI. I LIe power projecL Is
successIuIIy ImpIemenLed, ndIu wouId provIde hnun-
cIuI ussIsLunce und LIe requIred equIpmenL Ior IL, wIIIe
Myunmur wouId oer LIe requIred Iund, un unnumed
source wus quoLed us suyIng In LIe reporL.
CB Bank launches I -banki ng
ocuI Iender CooperuLIve Bunk (CB Bunk) Ius
IuuncIed ILs uccessIbIe unyLIme, unywIere -bunkIng
servIces. -bunkIng Is un InLerneL-bused sysLem LIuL cun
be uccessed Irom uny compuLer or mobIIe devIce, suv-
Ing LIme Ior LIe user und uIIowIng LIem Lo enguge In
reuI LIme hnuncIuI munugemenL. TIe servIce, wIIcI
IncIudes u One TIme Pussword (OTP) sysLem, guurun-
Lees IuII securILy Ior LIe uccounL owner, U Kyuw In,
CEO oI LIe bunk, suId. CusLomers cun remIL or uccepL
money excIunges, cIeck uccounL buIunces, cIeck ex-
cIunge ruLes, or seurcI Ior ATM, money excIunge, or
bunk bruncI IocuLIons, Ie udded. TIe -bunkIng sysLem
Is uvuIIubIe In boLI Myunmur und EngIIsI Iunguuges
und Ius been deveIoped wILI LIe LecInIcuI IeIp Irom
SwIss hrm Temenos BunkIng SoILwure Compuny.
US prms loud Mgonmor's progress
US busIness execuLIves suId Myunmur Ius mude re-
murkubIe progress In LIe IusL Lwo yeurs IoIIowIng LIe
Iupse oI mujor suncLIons In zo1z, IocuI medIu reporLed.
WIIIe more progress remuIns Lo be mude, US compu-
nIes now Iuve u vILuI, growIng presence In Myunmur,
rungIng Irom InvesLmenLs In energy, munuIucLurIng,
und power generuLIon, Lo IeguI servIces, hnuncIuI ser-
vIces, und consumer producLs, AIexunder eIdmun,
presIdenL und CEO oI LIe US-ASEAN BusIness CouncII,
wus quoLed us suyIng, IoIIowIng LIe CouncII`s LIIrd vIsIL
Lo LIe counLry. DurIng LIeIr vIsIL, LIe deIeguLes oered
supporL Ior Myunmur`s ongoIng economIc reIorms, In-
cIudIng LIe conLInued evoIuLIon oI LIe IeguI und reguIu-
Lory envIronmenL, InIrusLrucLure und Iumun cupucILy.
I ni ti al r esults of nati onwi de census i n August
TIe governmenL wIII unnounce InILIuI resuILs oI LIe
hrsL nuLIonwIde census In o yeurs uL LIe end oI LIIs
monLI, wILI duLu on popuIuLIon und deveIopmenL In-
dIces reIeused hrsL, uccordIng Lo LIe MInIsLry oI mmI-
gruLIon und PopuIuLIon. PopuIuLIon, IumIIy regIsLruLIon
IIsLs, duLu coIIecLors und regIons wIII be IncIuded In LIe
InILIuI reIeuse oI InIormuLIon. TIe mInIsLry wIII reIeuse
deLuIIed duLu on popuIuLIon und eLInIc groups In LIe
hrsL quurLer oI nexL yeur us LIe hnuI resuIL. TIe revIews
oI nuLIonwIde census wIII be unnounced unnuuIIy sLurL-
Ing Irom November zo1.
J apan to Help Myanmar Upgr ade Uni ver si ti es
Myunmur MInIsLry oI ScIence und TecInoIogy Ius
sIgned u deuI wILI Jupun nLernuLIonuI CooperuLIon
Agency (JCA) Lo upgrude Lwo Myunmur unIversILIes.
TIe ugreemenL covers upgrudIng LIe TecInoIogIcuI
UnIversILIes oI Yungon und MunduIuy. TIe deuI wus
sIgned beLween U Kyuw Swu Soe, dIrecLor generuI oI
LIe HIgIer EducuLIon DepurLmenL, und MusuIIko Tun-
uku, represenLuLIve oI JCA, In Yungon. or LIe hve-yeur
cooperuLIon on LecInoIogy beLween Myunmur und Jupun,
JCA wIII uIso provIde LIe Lwo unIversILIes wILI IuboruLory
equIpmenL. Two reseurcI IucIIILIes wIII be buIIL uL Yun-
gon TecInoIogIcuI UnIversILy.
Myanmar Summary
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.~.._.~.._..:.~_.......:.._e .q._.
CB ~- ~.,..q..,q:..q.~.._..._ i Banking
~,..:..,.~ CB ~ ~ _.~ ' q~.,~ .~...
._._e.._~:. CB ~~...:~q:q.. ..~:..~
._.:._ . i Banking ~, ..: . .,. ._ ~ ~:,~ ~ ~._..
:._.. ~,.~:..e,.. ~_.:.~.~.q:,. device
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..~: ..-.._~....,..~ ~.,.~.._.._..:q~.
.__e.._~:. .q._. i Banking .,.~ ~.._.,.:_~~
...~q::.:.~:.~...q..e~.._.._.. ..~:.,.
~._.. ~ Temenos Banking SoftwareCompany -.,:~ . .
..',_.._:~ ~.._.:.._~:. .q._.
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...:.~ ~._.~. :.._ _e. ._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
MJets Opens Myanmars First Private Jet
Terminal to Tap Surging Demand
hailand-based pri-
vate jet terminal
und hxed-bused op-
eruLIon (BO) hrm MJeLs
Ld suId IL Ius IuuncIed
Myunmur`s very hrsL prI-
vate jet terminal and a
IuII-runge busIness uvIu-
LIon IucIIILy.
The Myanmar MJets
BusIness AvIuLIon CenL-
er (MMBAC), IocuLed uL
Yungon nLernuLIonuI AIr-
porL, Is u o-o joInL ven-
Lure beLween MJeLs und
IocuI uvIuLIon hrm, WuI
WuI Group, wILI supporL
from the state-run Myan-
mu AIrwuys.
TIe cenLre uddresses
LIe counLry`s Iuck oI dedI-
cuLed InLernuLIonuI sLund-
urd IucIIILIes und servIces
Lo properIy cuLer Lo dIs-
cernIng IIgI neL worLI
IndIvIduuIs wIo LruveI on
corporuLe jeLs LIrougI
Myunmur, LIe hrms suId.
TIere Iuve been muny
weuILIy und dIscernIng
uIrcruIL owners requesL-
Ing VP LreuLmenL uL My-
unmur uIrporLs LIuL we
couId noL provIde becuuse
LIe necessury IucIIILIes dId
noL exIsL, suId WuI WuI
Iounder und cIIeI execu-
LIve OIn MyInL.
onIy hII LIe gup, buL uIso
elevate Myanmars avia-
tion industry into the
nexL cIupLer oI deveI-
opment and modernisa-
LIon, Ie suId.
MJeLs execuLIve cIuIr-
mun JuIyuvuL Nuvuruj
suId MJeLs Ius brougIL
ILs combIned weuILI oI
experIences, worId-cIuss
professionalism and sup-
porL gurnered sInce ILs
IncepLIon In zoo;, Lo beur
IruIL wILI LIe openIng oI
MMBAC wIII sIure sImI-
Iur IIgI-sLundurds oI ser-
vIce quuIILy us rendered uL
MJeLs BO In Bungkok uL
Don Mueung nLernuLIonuI
AIrporL, Ie suId.
ocuLed nexL Lo Yungon
AIrporL`s domesLIc pus-
senger LermInuI, MMBAC
comprIse un execuLIve
Iounge over z,8oo sqIL
equIpped wILI u sIower
IucIIILy, busIness cenLre,
Iour crew duy rooms und
om ce Ior IgIL pIunnIng
und crew brIehngs.
TIe Lwo-sLorey MMBAC
uIso provIdes dIrecL uc-
May Soe San
cess Lo LIe z,ooo sqIL
Iungur owned by My-
unmu AIrwuys, uvuIIubIe
Lo MMBAC users Lo keep
LIeIr uIrcruIL.
TIere Is dedIcuLed on-
sILe cusLoms und ImmIgru-
LIon cIeurunce, IncIudIng u
securILy screenIng cIeck
poInL wILI buIIL-In bugguge
X-ruy mucIIne. A cur purk
Ior 1oo veIIcIes Is uvuIIubIe
udjucenL Lo excIusIve uc-
cess Lo LIe MMBAC.
PurL oI LIe ground Iun-
dIIng ucLIvILIes IncIud-
Ing rump servIce wIII be
provided by Myanma
AIrwuys under un operu-
LIonuI supporL ugreemenL
wILI Myunmur MJeLs.
Sur gi ng demand
Private jet movements
LIrougI Myunmur, mosL-
Iy vIu Yungon, ure ex-
pecLed Lo grow sLrongIy
due LIe openIng up oI LIe
counLry Ior u new Iuce oI
national development in
over IuII u cenLury wILI
IoreIgn InvesLmenL, busI-
ness und LourIsm ows
Myunmur Is uLLrucLIng u
growIng number oI Lop oI-
hcIuIs Irom InLernuLIonuI
governmenLs und IoreIgn
mIssIons, corporuLe ex-
ecuLIves, bIIIIonuIres, ce-
lebrities and even honey-
moon coupIes wIo LruveI
on prIvuLe jeLs.
WIen enLered LIe
ground IundIIng busIness
for private jets in Myan-
mur 16 yeurs ugo, LIere wus
onIy one uIrcruIL u yeur, rIs-
Ing Lo hve In LIe second
yeur und 1 In LIe LIIrd
yeur. TIIs yeur we wIII Iuve
oo IgILs, suId OIn My-
InL ubouL LIe Lrend.
The outlook is for the
prIvuLe jeL IgILs pussIng
LIrougI Myunmur, espe-
cIuIIy Yungon, Lo doubIe
Lo 6oo IgILs In LIe LIIrd
yeur oI MMBAC`s operu-
LIon, und we ure weII posI-
LIoned Lo uccommoduLe LIe
demund, udded JuIyuvuL.
OIn MyInL esLImuLed
LIuL ubouL 1o percenL oI
LIe LoLuI Lrum c wIII be Ior
uIr umbuIunce - mosLIy
patients from Myanmar
seekIng medIcuI LreuL-
menL In neIgIbourIng
counLrIes IIke TIuIIund
und SIngupore.
State par tner shi p
Myunmu AIrwuys Ius
expressed a keen inter-
est to elevate its operation
purLnersIIp wILI Myunmur
MJeLs Lo u sLukeIoIder.
L Is our InLenLIon Lo be-
come u joInL venLure purL-
ner wILI Myunmur MJeLs
becuuse oI LIe merILs oI LIe
projecL, und LIuL wIII be LIe
nexL sLep once our operu-
LIon purLnersIIp works ouL
weII Ior u wIIIe, subjecL Lo
(Myunmur) governmenL
upprovuI, Myunmu AIr-
wuys munugIng dIrecLor
TIun Tun suId.
However, Ie IndIcuLed
that the possible joint
venLure wouId IoIIow LIe
Myanmar Investment
CommIssIon`s guIde-
IInes, wIIcI uIIow Ior u
1 percenL ownersIIp In
LIe venLure, IeuvIng LIe
remuInIng qq percenL Lo
Myunmur MJeLs.
MJets and Wah Wah
said in the future the
hrms wIII InLroduce prI-
vuLe jeL LermInuI und BO
IucIIILIes Lo oLIer mujor
cILIes In Myunmur sucI us
MunduIuy, Bugun und Nuy
PyI Tuw wIere demund Is
expecLed Lo grow us weII.
eL`s see our hrsL ven-
Lure In Yungon up und
runnIng weII hrsL beIore
movIng on Lo LIose possI-
bIIILIes, OIn MyInL suId.
or MJeLs Ld, Myunmur
MJeLs murks LIe begInnIng
of its overseas foray as it
seeks Lo become u regIonuI
player in the business avia-
LIon secLor.
TIere ure poLenLIuI Iocu-
tions in Asia on our radar
screen wIere we wunL Lo
esLubIIsI u presence In LIe
neur IuLure, MJeLs execu-
LIve cIuIrmun sLuLed.
Bungkok-bused MJeLs
Ld sLurLed operuLIons
In zoo; us LIe corporuLe
IgIL depurLmenL serv-
Ing ILs Ior Lwo sIureIoId-
ers - WIIIIum HeInecke,
the founder of Minor In-
LernuLIonuI PIc, und KIrIL
SIuI, LIe enLrepreneur oI
PrecIous SIIppIng PIc.
The Cessna Citation X business jet of MJets Ltd. Citation X is the fastest business jet in the world with a
top speed of Mach .92 and is abIe to Hy at over 5U,UUU ft avoiding bad weather.
..~._..~ ..~
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...~,..:...,. MJ ets
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q, ~ , ~_._ _._ . q:... .
~ ~_q_.. MJ ets . _._
~ ...._~: .. . , .~|~|~ . .
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. ~. .~ ~_ q..: MMBAC
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
PTTEP Starts Pumping Gas from
Myanmars Zawtika to Thailand
TT Exploration
und ProducLIon PcI
(PTTEP) said its
mujorILy-owned ZuwLIku
gus heId In Myunmur Ius
sLurLed deIIverIng nuLuruI
gus Ior use In TIuIIund.
TIe gus heId Is currenLIy
rumpIng up producLIon
Lo u ruLe oI zqo mIIIIon
sLundurd cubIc IeeL per
duy (MMSCD), wIIcI Is
LIe duIIy conLrucL quun-
tity (DCQ) as stipulated in
LIe Gus SuIes AgreemenL,
TIuIIund`s Lop oII und gus
explorer said in a state-
Aung Phyo TIe projecL begun deIIv-
erIng nuLuruI gus Ior do-
mesLIc use In Myunmur
sInce MurcI, uL u ruLe oI
ubouL 6oMMSCD, PT-
TEP, wIIcI operuLes seven
projecLs In Myunmur, suId.
Thailand uses natural
gus Ior uImosL ;o percenL
oI ILs power generuLIon
und one-hILI Is ImporLed
Irom Myunmur.
TIe news IusL week senL
PTTEP sIures up z per-
cenL, ouLperIormIng u
o.16 percenL drop oI LIe
overuII murkeL us produc-
LIon Irom ZuwLIku heId
wIII IeIp boosL PTTEP`s
output in the third quar-
.. -.:~ . . .q,
q :.e .e: ~ .q.~ . ~ PTTEP
._ ,.~~.:....._
.~:~~..~~. ..
~~.._.q,~~~ .:~
.:~...~_..~ .~.
._e .q._.
.:~.:~ . .q: .. .
..:~_.~~q ~..|
..~~. ~..,. ~-..
,~ .,...~.~q._e
. q._ . ~. .|. . ~ , .._
_., .:. ~ ~. ._.q, ~~ ~
. , . ._ .~ .~~_ . ~
.:~ .:~..:...~._..
_e. ._ e . q._ .
.. ._ .. .. .:~ ~:.
~~~ .:~.:~. ~
q:. . , .~ ~.._..~q _..
, .~ ~,~ |.. ~. . ~ _., .:
. . ~ . ..~ q ._ ..~ .
.:.~q . , . ._q~.~.~
~ PTTEP -qe e:.:.
Ler, uccordIng Lo ReuLers.
PTTEP International Co
Ld (PTTEP), u subsIdI-
ury oI PTTEP, Is LIe op-
eruLor oI LIe ZuwLIku heId
und IoIds un 8o percenL
purLIcIpuLIon InLeresL, und
LIe oLIer purLner, sLuLe-
run Myunmu OII und Gus
EnLerprIse (MOGE) IoIds
u zo percenL purLIcIpuLIon
TIe ZuwLIku projecL Is
LIe IurgesL overseus o-
sIore keeps producIng
gus heId operuLed by PT-
TEP, LIe ugsIIp In LIe
upstream exploration
busIness oI Lop energy
hrm PTT PcI.
._ . . q:. . , ._. ~~ . ._
e . q._ .PTTEP._ .~:~ ~
.q, . .:~.:~ . . . ~ ~
~:. ~ q:..,...:._..
~ q:..,.~ ~..q._ .,.:
~ ..:.._.
Exports Plunge at Tachileik Border
Despite Rising Trade Volume
yanmars trade
uL LIe TucIIIeIk
border crossIng Ius seen
Phyo Thu a rise in total volume by
$6.q;1 mIIIIon (K6.q;1
bIIIIon) In LIe second
quurLer oI LIIs yeur com-
pured wILI LIe sume pe-
rIod IusL yeur.
Export volume stood at
$1.z mIIIIon und Im-
porLs uL $z.z6q mIIIIon
In LIe second quurLer,
compured Lo $q.ozz mII-
IIon und $1q.z8 mIIIIon
respecLIveIy durIng LIe
sume perIod IusL yeur.
DespILe u $z.q; mIIIIon
IuII In exporL voIume, Im-
porLs surged by $8.qq1
mIIIIon, conLrIbuLIng Lo
an overall rise in trade
TIe pIunge In exporLs
wus cuused by LIe govern-
menL`s bun on LImber Iog
exporLs, suId U TIIen-
TunOo, dIrecLor oI LIe
Trade Center at the bor-
der crossIng.
OLIer border Lrude Iubs
ure uIso yeL Lo see suLIsIuc-
Lory IeveIs oI exporLs. n
response, LIe governmenL
Is pIunnIng Lo seL up u
sLuLe und regIonuI cenLre
Lo promoLe exporLs.
We ure seLLIng up cen-
tral trade hubs to expand
murkeLs und Lo connecL
producLs wILI good po-
LenLIuI wILI InLernuLIonuI
markets to address the
exporL Issue. We uIso
encouruge Lruders Lo
produce IIgI-quuIILy,
vuIue-udded producLs,
suId Duw Myu Myu SeIn,
depuLy dIrecLor oI LIe
Trade Promotion Central
A LoLuI oI 16o Lypes
oI producLs ure permIL-
Led Ior exporL, wIIIe zqz
types are permitted for
ImporL, uL TucIIIeIk Lrude
Iub. Consumer goods,
dIeseI, gusoIIne und ce-
menL uccounL Ior mosL oI
the imports at the border
Myanmar Summary
A checkpoint at Thai-Myanmar border.

e. _:.q.. . ~:.~
. ..:~~, ..'.: ... ,
., .., ..: ~ . ..: ._ .
~.....:~ ~,..'.:
... ,~ .,..~:~
~ . .. ._ e ~ , . e . ..:~
~,..'.: ' ... ,~ .,.
., ._.,.:,e..~:..~
~,.e.q...,.~ _.~~
.._~:. ~:..~,e..~,
.e.q...,.. .q._.
.~~ .~:,_.._.. .
~~ ~~.:..~e..|...
-_. .. ~, .....|. ~,
.e.~ _ ~_.~.~: ~,
.e...:~ ~,..'.: ,
... ~ .,.~q.~e''
e ~..|~,.e..,.. ,
_ ~:..q... .. , . , . .~
e. _:.q.. . ~:.~
~ , . e . ~ . ~ , ~, ..'.:
, ... ~ .,.. ..~,
~, ... , .,.~q.q:.
e...~. .~, ~,..'.:
~ ... .,.. ..~,
..:~ ~,..'.: , ...
' .,.~q.:.._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Tobucco Prodoction to Go op ,pc in o1q-1gIY
obucco compunIes
have paid taxes in
udvunce Ior LIe
producLIon oI un uddI-
LIonuI z;.q mIIIIon pucks
oI cIgureLLes Ior LIe zo1q-
1 hscuI yeur, uccordIng Lo
LIe nLernuI Revenue De-
purmenL (RD).
TIe LoLuI decIured
umounL oI cIgureLLe pucks
Lo be produced In LIe cur-
renL hscuI yeur now sLunds
uL q61.8 mIIIIon pucks, up
z; percenL compured Lo
TIe RD coIIecLed
Ko.q6 bIIIIon ($1.q1
million) in taxes for the
6z. mIIIIon pucks pro-
duced In zo1-1qY.
our cIgureLLe IucLorIes
were InspecLed In June
uL LIe InsLrucLIon oI LIe
Tux ReguIuLIon Bourd Lo
conhrm LIe number oI Lux
sLumps bougIL muLcIed
LIe ucLuuI number oI
pucks beIng produced.
TIe InspecLIons Iound LIe
IucLorIes Lo be In compII-
unce, om cIuIs suId.
CIgureLLe compunIes op-
eruLIng In Myunmur Iuve
been IncreusIngIy boId
In LIeIr murkeLIng cum-
puIgns, ucLIvIsLs und regu-
IuLIng om cIuIs suId.
TIe zoo6 CIgureLLes und
Tobucco ProducLs uw
Iud IeIped reduce InLense
murkeLIng oI producLs In
LIe yeurs IoIIowIng ILs en-
ucLmenL. However, sInce
zo1o murkeLIng cum-
puIgns Iuve rebounded
und un IncreusIng number
oI new cIgureLLe brunds
ure enLerIng LIe murkeL.
Htun Htun Minn MurkeLIng cumpuIgns
are more visible in rural
ureus, wILI suIe booLIs
and advertisements ma-
LerIuIs beIng seL up uL Lru-
dILIonuI eLInIc IesLIvuIs,
ucLIvIsLs suId.
No one Ius been penuI-
Ised In uccordunce wILI
LIe cIgureLLe und Lobucco
Iuw. TIIs demonsLruLes
LIe governmenL`s IuIIure
Lo enIorce LIe Iuw Lo ILs
IuII exLenL, suId Dr Nyo
Nyo TIIn, u member oI
LIe purIIumenL.
Major international
cIgureLLe compunIes Iuve
expanded into Myanmar
due Lo LIe counLry`s Iow
tax rate and also rela-
LIveIy weuk IegIsIuLIon on
Lobucco producLs com-
pured wILI neIgIbourIng
counLrIes, suId U Ye Tun,
another member of the
purIIumenL. Myunmur
currenLIy Imposes o per-
cenL Lux on Lobucco prod-
CIgureLLe und cIerooL
Ius been wIdeIy produced
In Myunmur Ior u Iong
LIme, und beIng u Iubour-
intensive industry it has
been dIm cuIL Lo uprooL,
IndusLry InsIders suy.
TIe prucLIce oI prepuy-
Ing Ior Lux sLumps Is noL
uncommon umong cIgu-
reLLe compunIes In My-
unmur. RoLImun oI PuII
MuII Myunmur PLe Ld,
LIe producer oI LIe IocuIIy
popuIur cIgureLLe brund
Red Ruby, produced zq
mIIIIon cIgureLLe pucks
IusL yeur und puId Koo.6
bIIIIon ($oo mIIIIon) In
commercIuI und Income
n LIIs hscuI yeur, LIe
compuny Ius ordered qq
million tax stamps and has
puId K1.o bIIIIon ($1
mIIIIon) Ior Lux sLumps, uc-
cordIng Lo LIe RD.
Myanmar-Japan To-
bucco Co Ld LIuL pro-
duces MIId Seven cIgu-
rette brand in Myanmar
Ius puId In udvunce Luxes
oI Kz6z. mIIIIon Ior
zo1q-1Y, wIIIe BrIL-
IsI AmerIcun Tobucco

Myunmur LIuL produces
ondon und ucky SLrIke
brunds Ius ordered q.8
million tax stamps and
puId Kq. bIIIIon ($q.6
mIIIIon) In udvunce.
_., .:. ~ e. ~~,~~
...~~. ..~q~~.~.:.
._ ..~q~. ... ,
q:. . , ..~: . . ~ q, _ ~ ~
~.,..::.._~:. _:
.q.~, _~ . _._ ~ .~. , .:.
..._:,. .q q._.
~~, ~, _:. . ~
..~q~ ..q ,' ... ., .
~...q._.. e..._:
.._ ..~q~~.....q
,'~ ... .,..,~..
q, _~~~.,..::._..
_e._ q:..,..~:~
..~..q,q._~:. _:
.q.~, _~ . _._ ~ .~. , .:.
..._:,. .qq._.
~~, ~, _:. . ~
. .~q~ ..q ,' ...
.,.~...q~~~ ~.,
....|.qq. ~. ,~,',
... ~, .,. qq.._.
e._:..~~~ ..~q~
~.~.:.. ~.,~.~~..
,'~ ... .,.~ .:e:.
q: ~. .. ~. , ~. ~ ~ . .
~. . . , ._ e . .~q~ ..q
,'~ ... .,..,~
~~, ~,.~~. q,~,
~.~~.q .~.~,.:.~
~ . . . . . , ..:...: q ~
.,._ ..~q~.~,...,~
~. , .~:~ . . . .. _~. .~ .q.
~~e-...,._e ..~
q~ ~ . . .,. . ~. , ~. ~
~ .. .... ._ ... ...q:~
~.,..::... ~~_.q
._~:. _._~.~.,.:... .
_:,. .q._.
_.,.:.~~.q .....
~...,_~._ ..,..:.
._ .~ ~..:~:.~
...~ ~ q :.e . .:.~ . . q ~ .
. : ..: q ~ .:.,._ ~: .
.... . . ...q ~ _ ~ . ~
.. _ ..:.~ , ... .q.. . , .
.:. ..: q ~ .,_~. .:.~
.:~_.._ .:._~._.
A customer buys a packet of Red Ruby, a popuIar IocaI brand of cigarette in Myanmar, at a shop in Yangon.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
The New Arbitration Bill: Making
Myanmar Less Perilous for Investors

or InvesLors, urbI-
tration is one of the
most important top-
Ics gIven LIe IucL LIuL u
business relationship may
cIunge udverseIy. TIus IL
Is ImporLunL Lo know LIe
system and options to en-
Iorce ILs rIgILs. nvesLors
prefer arbitration for dis-
puLe resoIuLIon becuuse IL
Is generuIIy consIdered Lo
be IusLer, non-pubIIc und
performed by interna-
LIonuI proIessIonuIs.
TIe IegIsIuLIon govern-
Ing InLernuLIonuI urbI-
tration in Myanmar is
based on the Arbitration
AcL (1qqq) us weII us LIe
ArbILruLIon ProLocoI und
ConvenLIon AcL (1q;).
TIe ArbILruLIon AcL Ius
seL IorLI un ugreemenL
beLween LIe purLIes sLIpu-
IuLIng LIe Lerms und con-
dILIons, sucI us LIe num-
ber oI urbILruLors.On LIe
oLIer Iund,LIe power oI
LIe courL und LIe urbILru-
Lor Is governed under LIe
ArbILruLIon AcL oI 1qqq.
BesIdes LIe exIsLIng
Iuws, Myunmur Ius no
institutional arbitration
Stefanie Siegfried &
Franziska Doepel
orgunIsuLIon, sucI us
DAC In DubuI. TIe en-
IorcemenL oI LIe urbILruI
uwurd Ius Lo Luke pIuce
uL u IocuI courL. Once LIe
urbILruLIon uwurd Is en-
IorceubIe, one oI LIe pur-
LIes concerned Ius Lo sLurL
enIorcemenL procedure
uL LIe compeLenL courL
Lo reuIIse ILs rIgIL under
LIe uwurd. Persons doIng
InLernuLIonuI busIness uc-
cepL urbILruLIon ubroud
buL oI course preIer ur-
bitration in their home
counLry. NeverLIeIess
LIey ugree mosLIy on urbI-
tration to be held in third
n IIne wILI LIe New
York ConvenLIon LIe en-
IorcemenL oI uwurds ren-
dered ubroud In u IocuI
courL Is possIbIe In mosL
sIgnuLory counLrIes. n
JuIy zo1, Myunmur ruLI-
hed LIe ConvenLIon on
LIe RecognILIon und En-
IorcemenL oI oreIgn Ar-
bILruI Awurds 1q8 (New
York ConvenLIon).
AILIougI under LIe New
York ConvenLIon, Myun-
mur Is IeguIIy obIIguLed
Lo recognIzse urbILruLIon
ugreemenLs reIerrIng Lo u
dispute on international
arbitration outside of the
counLry - und us u resuIL
enIorce LIe urbILruI uwurd
- LIe ArbILruLIon AcL does
noL provIde Ior LIe recog-
nILIon oI IoreIgn urbILruI
TIere exIsLs noIeguI
Irumework In Myunmur
LIuL governs LIe enIorce-
menL oI IoreIgn courL
judgmenLs und LIe nu-
LIonuI Iuws sLIII need Lo be
umended on LIuL poInL.
However, IL seems LIuL
LIIs probIem wIII be re-
soIved soon. n Muy,
nearly one year after rati-
hcuLIon oI LIe New York
ConvenLIon, LIe Myun-
mar parliament published
LIe IIgIIy unLIcIpuLed
druIL oI u new ArbILru-
enucLed, Myunmur wIII
establish a system for the
enIorcemenL oI IoreIgn
urbILruI uwurds. L wIII
uIso demonsLruLe LIe gov-
ernmenL`s commILmenL Lo
compIy wILI InLernuLIonuI
standards of arbitration
IurgeIy bused on LIe Mod-
eI uw on nLernuLIonuI
CommercIuI ArbILruLIon
1q8 (LIe ModeI uw) oI
LIe UnILed NuLIons Com-
mission International
Trude uw (UNCTRA)
und Is dIvIded InLo Lwo
ArbILruLIon wILIIn My-
unmur Is covered by LIe
hrsL purL, wIereus LIe
second purL deuIs wILI LIe
enIorcemenL oI IoreIgn ur-
bILruI uwurds. n supporL
oI LIe urbILruLIon process,
IocuI courLs wIII be gIven
LIe power Lo grunL In-
LerIm meusures, sucI us
preIImInury InjuncLIons.
OLIer provIsIons pro-
vIde Iow LIe IocuI courLs
sIouId upproucI InsoI-
vency-reIuLed cIuIms, LIe
Myunmur courLs wIII Iuve
LIe dIscreLIon Lo reIer
sucI InsoIvency cIuIms Lo
urbILruLIon on uppIIcuLIon
submILLed by u purLy.
UnIIke LIe ModeI uw,
or the International Arbi-
LruLIon AcL oI SIngupore,
LIe ArbILruLIon BIII sLuLes
LIuL LIe Myunmur courLs
sIuII Iuve LIe power Lo
exLend u conLrucLuuI LIme
bur Lo commence urbILru-
LIon In Myunmur. TIe Io-
cuI courL sIuII be ubIe Lo
reIuse LIe enIorcemenL oI
u IoreIgn urbILruI uwurd
onIy on LIe grounds seL
forth in the Arbitration
BuL LIere ure uIso some
variations from interna-
LIonuI prucLIce. TIe bIII
provides inter alia that
arbitration seated in My-
unmur, buL wIIcI do noL
IuII wILIIn LIe dehnILIon
oI un InLernuLIonuI com-
mercIuI urbILruLIon, musL
udopL Myunmur Iuws us
LIe subsLunLIve Iuw gov-
ernIng LIe urbILruLIon.
TIIs provIsIon wouId
curLuII LIe purLIes` rIgIL
Lo cIoose u IoreIgn Iuw us
LIe subsLunLIve Iuw oI LIe
urbILruLIon. TIe bIII does
noL provIde Ior u com-
peLenL courL Ior LIe en-
IorcemenL oI LIe urbILruI
uwurds. However, durIng
LIe process oI enucLIng
LIe Iuw un uppoInLmenL
oI u cenLruIIsed courL Ior
urbILruLIon Is expecLed Lo
be seL IorLIuIong wILI u
jurIsdIcLIon LIuL ensures
LIe enIorcemenL oI cuses
IundIed by experIenced
und proIessIonuI judges.
TIe ArbILruLIon uw
sLIII Ius Lo be enucLed,
und LIereIore Is subjecL Lo
some umendmenLs.How-
ever, IL Is u mujor sLep
for the modernisation of
Myanmars arbitration
regIme LIuL wIII reussure
und encouruge IoreIgn
InvesLmenL In Myunmur.
PrucLIce wIII demonsLruLe
Iow LIe new enIorcemenL
sysLem wIII work und LIe
IuLure wIII sIow II My-
unmur wIII meeL LIe In-
ternational standards of
nvesLors now wIII enjoy
LIe resuILs oI LIIs Iong-
uwuILed news regurdIng
the amendment of the
arbitration system in My-
unmur. By enucLIng LIe
ArbILruLIon BIII Myunmur
wIII murk u mIIesLone Lo-
wurds ILs reIorm process
Lo muke LIe counLry more
uLLrucLIve Ior InvesLors
und us u pIuce wIere In-
LernuLIonuI busIness cun
be done suIeIy.
Strohal Legal Group
(SLG) is c lcu jrm oj-
jerin hihl personcl-
ised services specialis-
ing in international and
cross border business.
SLG enjoys a well-estab-
lished reputation across
Europe, Southeast Asia
and the Middle East. In
Myanmar, SLG provides
Myanmar Chooses CJ as
Logistics Joint Venture Partner
ouLI Koreu`s IurgesL
curgo deIIvery com-
puny CJ Koreu Ex-
press suId IL wus numed u
preferred partner to form
u joInL venLure wILI LIe
Myunmur governmenL.
TIe joInL venLure wILI
sLuLe-run Roud Truns-
Aung Phyo port Administration De-
purLmenL wIII deveIop u
1,ooo-squure-meLre dIs-
LrIbuLIon cenLre In Yun-
gon und operuLe IL Ior zo
yeurs, CJ Group`s IogIsLIcs
umIIuLe suId, uccordIng Lo
SouLI Koreun medIu re-
TIe compuny pIuns Lo
Iorm LIe JV by LIe end oI
services under the name
U Min Sein& Strohal As-
sociates Law Firm.
The views and opinions
expressed here are the
authors own and do not
necesscril reject M-
anmar Business Todays
editorial opinion.
LIe yeur, und uIms Lo es-
tablish seven distribution
buses operuLIng ubouL
zqo Lrucks Lo deIIver nu-
LIonuI suppIIes IncIudIng
cemenL, sugurcune und
buIIdIng muLerIuIs. L wIII
uIso seek Lo IuuncI gIobuI
deIIvery servIces.
Myunmur Is sLruLegI-
cuIIy ImporLunL us IL Is
IInked Lo CIInu, ndIu und
ASEAN member sLuLes.
We wIII exerL eorLs Lo
become u LoLuI IogIsLIcs
compuny In Myunmur
by mukIng LIe mosL use
oI Roud TrunsporL`s neL-
works, CJ spokesmun
CIo Jeong-Ioon wus
quoLed us suyIng.
Myanmar Summary
There exists no IegaI framework in Myanmar that governs the enforcement of foreign court judgments
and the national laws still need to be amended on that point.


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CJ Korea Express ._
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Foreign and Myanmar Citizens Investment Laws to Merge
n un eorL Lo upIoId
LIe compreIensIve In-
vesLmenL ugreemenL
reucIed by ASEAN mem-
ber states and support the
gouIs oI LIe ASEAN Eco-
nomIc CommunILy (AEC),
LIe oreIgn nvesLmenL
() und Myunmur CILI-
zens nvesLmenL uws
(MC) ure seL Lo be
merged InLo u sIngIe pIece
oI IegIsIuLIon, u senIor oI-
hcIuI suId.
SInce November oI
zo1z, LIe Ideu oI udopL-
Ing u sIngIe InvesLmenL
Iuw Ius been uL LIe IronL
oI debuLe wIen LIe
wus prepured. nsLeud,
Lwo sepuruLe Iuws were
druILed wILI LIe vIew LIuL
keepIng LIem sepuruLe
wouId proLecL domesLIc
busInesses, U Zuyur Aung,
cIuIr oI LIe Myunmur n-
vestment Commission
(MC), LoId LIe purIIu-
WILI LIe Lwo Iuws, Ior-
eIgners IeeI LIuL LIey ure
resLrIcLed, wIIIe IocuIs be-
lieve international inves-
Lors ure beIng Iuvoured.
TIereIore, un Improved
Iuw In wIIcI LIe weuk-
nesses oI boLI pIeces oI
IegIsIuLIon ure uddressed
wIII be druILed und sub-
mitted to parliament for
debuLe, Ie suId.
Ike oLIer counLrIes
In LIe regIon, Myunmur
needs Lo udopL u sIngIe
InvesLmenL Iuw becuuse
it bears the responsibility
oI promoLIng equuI und
fair business opportuni-
LIes umong cILIzens und
IoreIgners LIuL ure In IIne
wILI ASEAN ugreemenLs
und sLundurds.
TIe MC Is druILIng LIe
bIII und Is expecLed Lo
Htun Htun Minn submit it to parliament
to be deliberated in the
nexL round oI sessIons.
TIe new Iuw Is IIkeIy Lo
be enucLed In eurIy zo1,
uccordIng Lo Duw Sundur
MIn, u member oI LIe pur-
One oI LIe sLIckIng
poInLs Is LIe dIerence In
Lux benehLs. Tux exemp-
tion should be equal and
LIe Iuw sIouId IeveI LIe
heId Ior uII pIuyers, Duw
Sundur MIn suId.
oreIgn busInesses ure
requIred by LIe Lo
empIoy uL IeusL z percenL
IocuI Iubour In LIe hrsL
Lwo yeurs oI operuLIon,
uL IeusL o percenL wILIIn
LIe nexL Lwo yeurs und
mInImum ; percenL In
LIe LIIrd Lwo-yeur spun.
n u joInL venLure wILI
u Myunmur hrm or gov-
ernmenL enLILy, IoreIgn
compunIes ure requIred Lo
Iuve uL IeusL u percenL
sLuke In LIe compuny.
TIe Iuw grunLs MC LIe
rIgIL Lo bun busInesses,
wIIcI cun InIrInge upon
Myanmar traditions and
cuILure, Iuve u neguLIve
ImpucL on pubIIc IeuILI
or dumuge LIe envIron-
MIC is responsible for
upprovIng busInesses LIuL
cun supporL LIe counLry`s
deveIopmenL, expund-
Ing job opporLunILIes,
munuIucLure producLs Lo
repIuce ImporLs, provIde
udvunce LecInoIogy und
prucLIce energy emcIenL
ServIce or munuIucLur-
Ing busInesses wIIcI cun
provIde benehLs Lo LIe
counLry ure uIIowed Lo en-
joy tax exemption for up
Lo hve conLInuous yeurs,
uccordIng Lo LIe Iuw.
BusInesses LIuL vIoIuLe
LIe ure hrsL wurned,
buL couId Iuce suspensIon
oI LIeIr operuLIng IIcence
or In LIe exLreme cuse,
become bIuckIIsLed und
bunned Irom InvesLIng
LIe counLry.
~:. e . .. :..q.~. ~ ~~, .
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e _._:,..|q._._. ...:.
.q.. . , .-. ~ e|.. . ~~ .
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., :.q._ _e. _. . ~~ e|.. .
~ _., .:. .:.. . .:.~,_ .
.. q:..,.~ .,:.q
._ _e. ._ .
Iike other countries in the region, Myanmar needs to adopt a singIe investment Iaw because it bears the responsibiIity of promoting equaI
and fair business opportunities among citizens and foreigners that are in line with ASEAN agreements and standards.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
he Myanmar In-
vestment Commis-
sion (MIC) has ex-
Lended ILs ugreemenL on
reseurcI Ior LIree yeurs
wILI LIe UK-bused pub-
IIsIIng hrm OxIord BusI-
ness Group (OBG) Lo pro-
duce LIe IuLLer`s second
counLry reporL Ior Myun-
Under LIe memo-
rundum oI ugreemenL
(MoU), OBG wIII Iuve uc-
cess Lo LIe commIssIon`s
resources us IL begIns ILs
reseurcI Ior TIe ReporL:
Myunmur zo1, LIe hrm
U Aung NuIng Oo, MC
secreLury, suId OBG`s
hrsL reporL on Myunmur`s
economy Iud pIuyed u
pIvoLuI purL In ussIsLIng
InvesLors by hIIIng InIor-
muLIon gups on LIe coun-
Lry`s cIungIng busIness
TIe pubIIcuLIon`s suc-
cess und u commILmenL Lo
keepIng LIe growIng num-
ber of international inves-
tors updated on Myan-
mur`s deveIopmenLs were
deLermInIng IucLors In LIe
commIssIon`s decIsIon Lo
exLend ILs ugreemenL wILI
OxIord BusIness Group Lo
LIree yeurs, Ie suId.
As LIe Group`s prImury
purLner, we Iook Iorwurd
Lo ussIsLIng ILs Leum In
LIeIr reseurcI by provId-
Ing poLenLIuI InvesLors
wILI compreIensIve mur-
ket entry point informa-
Wai Linn Kyaw
Myanmar Investment Commission
Extends Research Deal with OBG
OBG`s CounLry DIrec-
Lor SLepIunIe HurI suId
LIe IusL puce oI deveIop-
menL ucross key secLors
oI Myunmur`s economy,
Ied by LeIecoms, bunkIng,
LrunsporL und energy, Is
openIng pIenLy oI doors
Ior IoreIgn InvesLors.
TIe IorLIcomIng presI-
denLIuI eIecLIons LIuL wIII
Luke pIuce nexL yeur, Lo-
geLIer wILI Myunmur`s
growIng presence on LIe
regIonuI sLuge, wIII onIy
IeIgILen InvesLor InLeresL
In LIe counLry, sIe suId.
TIe Myunmur nvesL-
ment Commission has
been speurIeudIng LIe
governmenL`s eorLs Lo
boosL IoreIgn dIrecL In-
vesLmenL us LIe counLry`s
ambitious reform pro-
grumme guIns ground.
um deIIgILed LIuL we wIII
benehL Irom ILs InpuL Ior
our zo1 reporL, wIIcI
is due to be published as
Myunmur upproucIes yeL
another pivotal point in
ILs IIsLory.
TIe ReporL: Myunmur
zo1 wIII expIore LIe purL
LIuL new IegIsIuLIon und
wIde-rungIng reIorms ure
pIuyIng In drIvIng growLI
sInce LIe IIILIng oI mosL
WesLern suncLIons, OBG
TIe pubIIcuLIon wIII uIso
sIIne LIe spoLIIgIL on LIe
raft of transport infra-
sLrucLure projecLs seL Lo
be roIIed ouL, wIIcI runge
Irom new uIrporLs Lo roud
upgrudes, LIe hrm udded.
U Aung Naing Uo (I), MIC secretary, and Stephanie HarI, UBC`s Country Birector, at the signing cer-
Myanmar Summary
Tourism Boom Continues
Ior Myunmur in o1q
ourist arrivals to
Myunmur In hrsL
sIx monLIs oI zo1q
sIoL up more LIun qo per-
cenL compured wILI LIe
sume perIod IusL yeur, oI-
hcIuI duLu sIows.
AbouL 1,6oq,;q6 Lour-
IsLs enLered LIe counLry
Irom Junuury Lo JuIy, u
q percenL Increuse over
LIe 1,1z1,;q vIsILors In
LIe sume perIod IusL yeur,
Ministry of Hotel and
TourIsm duLu sIow.
MosL vIsILors were Irom
AsIu, especIuIIy Irom
TIuIIund, Jupun und CII-
nu, wIIcI Iuve mude up
;1 percenL oI LourIsL urrIv-
uIs LIIs yeur, IL suId.
TourIsm hgures Iuve
Zwe Wai been on LIe rIse sInce In
Myunmur sInce IL opened
up IoIIowIng decudes oI
mIIILury ruIe. usL yeur
suw u record-breukIng z
mIIIIon urrIvuIs.
Authorities have pre-
dIcLed mIIIIon urrIvuIs
In zo1q und mIIIIon In
PTTIP to Poor in $, Million Ior
Myanmar Onshore Oil Block
Signs PSC contract for MOGE 3
subsidiary of Thai
energy gIunL PT-
TEP and its joint
venture partners have
sIgned u ProducLIon SIur-
Ing ConLrucL (PSC) wILI
the state-run Myanma
OII und Gus EnLerprIse
(MOGE) Ior LIe expIo-
ruLIon und producLIon
rIgILs oI un onsIore bIock
In Myunmur.
PTTEP pIuns Lo con-
ducL LIe zD und D seIs-
mIc surveys und drIIIIng
cumpuIgn oI Iour expIo-
ruLIon weIIs Ior LIe hrsL
LIree yeurs perIod wILI
the minimum investment
commILmenL oI upproxI-
muLeIy $;z mIIIIon, IL suId
In u sLuLemenL.
TIIs InvesLmenL In My-
unmur Is u sIgnIhcunL op-
eruLIonuI progress In IIne
wILI PTTEP Iong Lerm
growLI dIrecLIon Lo ex-
pIore LIe IIgI poLenLIuI
ureus, TevIn VongvunIcI,
presIdenL und CEO oI PT-
TEP, suId.
I LIIs expIoruLIon
yIeIds u successIuI resuIL,
IL wIII LIus secure boLI
Thailand and Myanmar
energy suppIy In LIe Iu-
Lure, Ie suId.
The joint venture part-
ners IncIude PTTEP`s
Kyaw Min wIoIIy-owned subsIdIury
PTTEP SA, LIe operuLor
wILI 8 percenL sIure In
LIe bIock, PuIung SopIon
OsIore PLe Ld wILI 1o
percenL und WIn PrecIous
Resources PLe Ld (WPR)
wILI percenL sIure.
TIe conLrucL wus sIgned
Ior MOGE (PuduukpIn-
NuLmI ureu) bIock, wIIcI
covers 1,z1; squure kIIo-
meLres, und Is IocuLed In
cenLruI Myunmur, udju-
cenL Lo LIe wesL oI LIe
Ayeurwuddy RIver.
PTTEP and the joint
venLure purLners won LIIs
onsIore expIoruLIon bIock
opened Ior LIe zo1 My-
unmur OnsIore BIocks
znd BIddIng Round.
ApurL Irom MOGE ,
PTTEP has invested in six
other petroleum explora-
LIon bIocks In Myunmur
- Lwo onsIore bIocks PSC
G und EP z und Iour o-
sIore bIocks M, M11,
MD-; und MD-8.
TIe hrm`s producLIon
projecLs In Myunmur ure
Yudunu, YeLugun und
ILs recenL ZuwLIku. Cur-
renLIy, LIe ZuwLIku pro-
jecL Is producIng nuLuruI
gus uL oo mIIIIon sLund-
urd cubIc IeeL per duy
(MMSCD) equIvuIenL 1o
percenL oI LIe compuny`s
producLIon, PTTEP suId.
Myanmar Summary
_.,.:.. ~~, ..
._.:~ .~~ .~ .q:~ .:
..: .q .. :.~.q~~ ~ . :
_. .. ._ . . ~.:.~ ~:.~
,~ q:..,.~ .~~.:.
._~:. .q._.
~,,~|q.. ~..~_~:.
.q..:. ~,'~,,,' . ~
.q:~ .:. _ . . _ . .. ._ ..
~.: . ~ ~: .~q . ..:
~,~~, ~,, q:..,.
_.~~.._~:. e~e.
.q .. :..:.q.~, _~ ._:, .
. q._ ..:.q:~ . ~.:..
.: ~:q._e._.. ~.._e
. .,. ~,~~._e.~:
. . ..| ..q .. :..:.- ~ q:.
.,.q._~:. .q._.
_.,.:..: ..~....q.
.~ .~:~ ~ .e . . . .
~.q:~._...,:~ _.,._
....:.,.._ ~.:._
.q..:.~.q:~. _.~~.:
.~: _...._..~ ..,~
.q..:. ...,.., ~.q:~.
._ .~~,~ .q .. :.~ .q:~
. . .., .. ~~ ~ |.., .
q ._ e ~:~:. .:.~., . , .
(MIC) ._ _-~,~._..~
Oxford Business Group
(OBG) ~ _.,.:..q:
. ~ e._.:~ ~. q . .: ~
_.,.q,~~~ ..~.,_.
q, .,:~ . . .. . ~ ._. .:..
.~._~:. .q._.
e .,:.._ . .:., . :~q
OBG ._ ~~ _.,.:.
~.q..:~~~ .~:.q-
~q.~_...:.~ ...:.
.qq.__e.._. OBG -
_.,.:..q: ..~.q
..:.: ~._._- ._.:...,
..: ...:..q..~~,.~~
.~..,..: e:~~.:.~
_e_._...._ q..._....
.:.~:. ...q:~ ~.q..|
..:~. ~ ~. .. .|~ . ._~: .
MIC -~~..q... ..~:
..~ .._.
.:._e.~ ~e.~,...,.
~ . . , . .e e . ..: .q.
. . . .~ ~_~ -~ , .~:.
_e . _., . :e _e ..,_. .._~:
. ~~:q .. ._ . . . . . :.
~~~ ~.|..:..:e.....
.~q._~:. OBG - .
.|,~~: Stephanie Harl
~.,:~..:.- ...:..q.
_., .:. -...~.. .:.
. ~e _ ., ..:_ ._. ._.: ..
. .:.~ . .. :..q.e _ e .. ~
._ . ~ , .~:.....,._ ~
~.q..:~ ...:.:.._
e OBG ~ .._.
.. -. ..~ -q:.~ . ~
PTTEP - .~.~:~.
~.~. ~....~e~~.~
~ ._ ~ . . . .~. _ . .
.:..~ _.,.:~..q. .q,
. .:~.:~ . . . , .
(MOGE) ..q..~: _.,.:
.- ~,.~...~~~..
~ ~ ..e: ~ . . . :.._
PTTEP ._ 2D . 3D
._.~._.~.,~ .~:., ...
_. .. . , ..:.. . ..: ~:
.q, q:.e ~ . ...~ .~
... .. . ~:.~~ . ~ ..e:
. :.._ _ e. _ . . q .. ._. . . .
..'.: .,..,...._e
.:.. . : MOGE 3 . .~:~
. ,~ . ...,. . ~ ~ ~~ ~
.q.._.._e._.. .~q,.~.
.~: ~,~ ~e~,..__e.
~: _.,.:.~.e.. -q:
~~ _ .. ~.,:~ ~ ~. ..
~..~ ~_q.,._.
PTTEP . ~....~e~
.:.._ ~ , .~ .. . ~ ~
..~.~ ~~, ...
_ ., .:~ , .~ ..q, . . ~ ~
... . ~ e~.~: ~ qq .
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Should Vigorously Develop
Hydropower: Energy Experts
nternational experts
purLIcIpuLIng In My-
unmur Green Energy
SummIL In Yungon IusL
week suggesLed LIuL My-
unmur sIouId vIgorousIy
deveIop ILs Iydropower.
n un InLervIew wILI
Xinhua on the sidelines of
LIe summIL, Dr Gordon J
Young, u CunudIun experL
and former president of
nLernuLIonuI AssocIuLIon
oI HydroIogIcuI ScIence,
noted that Myanmar has
IoLs oI LIIngs Lo do In LIe
secLor oI power deveIop-
menL especIuIIy In green
energy secLor sucI us Iy-
MIcIueI de VIvo, u rencI
experL und SecreLury Gen-
eral of the International
CommIssIon on urge
Dums, ugreed, suyIng My-
unmur Ius u very Iuge po-
LenLIuI oI Iydropower.
VIewed Irom ILs Iydro-
power resources, Myun-
mar is estimated to have
qo,ooo MW generuLIng
cupucILy buL onIy ; per-
cenL Ius been uLIIIzed so
Iur, Ie udded.
CIInese experL ZIung
BoLIng muInLuIned LIuL
Myunmur Ius rIcI Iydro-
power resources, und LIuL
sInce LIe UnILed NuLIons
ugencIes vIew LIe deveI-
opmenL oI Iurge Iydro-
power pIunLs us deveIop-
Ing green energy projecL,
Myunmur couId ImpIe-
menL IL In u rupId und eco-
nomIc wuy.
CIuIrmun oI LIe Yun-
gon CILy EIecLrIcILy Sup-
pIy Bourd U Aung KIuIng
LoId purLIcIpunLs LIuL uL
presenL, onIy 1 percenL
oI LIe counLry`s popuIu-
LIon Ius uccess Lo eIecLrIc-
ILy und LIe governmenL
Ius IuId down u sIorL-
Lerm pIun Lo eIecLrIIy o
percenL oI LIe LoLuI pop-
ulation before the year
zo1-zo16 by IncreusIng
generuLIng cupucILy und
expundIng LrunsmIssIon
und dIsLrIbuLIon IucIIILIes.
TIe Lwo-duy summIL,
attended by international
green und renewubIe en-
ergy IndusLry pIuyers,
potential investors and
experLs Irom over zo
counLrIes und regIons,
wus orgunIsed by LIe Con-
IexIub Sdn BId oI MuIuy-
sia and supported by the
UnIon oI Myunmur ed-
eration of Chambers of
Commerce und ndusLry.
S Koreas Hana Bank Launches
Myunmur Micronunce Lnit
ouLI Koreun Iender
Hunu Bunk suId IL
has established a mi-
crohnunce InsLILuLIon In
Myunmur, joInIng In LIe
gIobuI ruce Lo Lup InLo LIe
SouLIeusL AsIu counLry.
TIe Hunu InuncIuI
Group umIIuLe IeId LIe
openIng ceremony oI
Hunu MIcrohnunce In
HIegu LownsIIp, u ruruI
communILy norLIeusL oI
Yungon, wILI uround oo
governmenL omcIuIs und
IocuI resIdenLs uLLendIng,
uccordIng Lo u press re-
Hunu MIcrohnunce,
LIe hrsL overseus mIcro-
hnunce unIL esLubIIsIed
by u Koreun bunk, pIuns
to extend small-sum
Iouns under oo,ooo won
($q8) Lo resIdenLs oI z
LownsIIps ucross Myun-
TIe mIcrohnunce unIL
is set to boost the banks
corporuLe Imuge In Myun-
mar and potentially help
LIe bunk`s Iong-Lerm gouI
oI enLerIng LIe IocuI bunk-
Ing IndusLry, u Hunu Bunk
Aung Phyo
omcIuI LoId YonIup news
SInce November zo1z,
the lender has been oper-
uLIng In Yungon. Ls busI-
ness, Iowever, Ius been
IurgeIy IImILed due Lo un
ubsence oI u suIes IIcence.
Transportation Ministry Eyes Opening up
Aviation Fuel Sector to Foreign Investors
he Ministry of
Transportation is
seekIng InLernu-
LIonuI compunIes Lo InvesL
In LIe IocuI uvIuLIon IueI
secLor, wIIcI Is currenLIy
posIng u mujor cIuIIenge
Ior IocuI uIrIInes, u mInIs-
Ler suId.
JeL IueI Is one oI LIe
main problems in Myan-
mars air transportation
IndusLry becuuse IL cosLs
approximately a dol-
Iur more per guIIon LIun
reIueIIng In oLIer coun-
LrIes, unIon mInIsLer Ior
LrunsporLuLIon U Nyun
Tun Aung suId.
TIe presIdenL Ius In-
sLrucLed LIe governmenL
to solve this issue as soon
us possIbIe. We ure now In
LIe processIng oI mukIng
connecLIons wILI com-
panies that sell jet fuel in
AsIu wILI LIe Iope oI se-
curIng LIeIr InvesLmenL,
Aung San Oo LIe mInIsLer suId.
TourIsLs enLerIng
Myanmar by air has in-
creused by o percenL per
yeur. However, IocuI uIr-
lines operate at a loss due
Lo LIe IIgI cosL und Iow
quuIILy oI jeL IueI. L`s Im-
portant to help them turn
u prohL.
There have been reports
cIuImIng LIuL jeL IueI soId
by the Ministry of Com-
merce conLuIns conLumI-
nunLs sucI us Iungus LIuL
cun dumuge LIe IIgI-
IeuLed purLs oI engInes,
deLerrIng IoreIgn uIrcruILs
Irom reIueIIng In Myun-
I IoreIgn InvesLmenL
pours InLo LIe IocuI jeL
IueI murkeL, Increused
compeLILIon Is expecLed
Lo IeIp reduce LIe swoI-
Ien IueI prIce, Improve
ILs quuIILy und encouruge
IoreIgn uIrcruIL Lo reIueI
wILIIn Myunmur. TIIs In
Lurn wIII reduce LIe op-
eruLIng cosLsoI uIrIInes so
LIey cun Lurn Iosses InLo
prohL, IndusLry InsIders
CurrenLIy, LIe MInIsLry
oI Commerce Is LIe soIe
supplier of jet fuel in My-
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Aircrafts are seen at Yangon International Airport.

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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Govt to Release Rice Reserves to
Tackle Potential Price Spiral
ILI rIce heIds
ucross LIe nu-
LIon beIng
ooded due Lo Ieuvy
monsoon ruIns In recenL
monLIs, LIe Myunmur
RIce ederuLIon Is prepur-
Ing Lo reIeuse rIce reserves
us u counLermeusure II LIe
sILuuLIon cuuses LIe prIce
oI rIce Lo Increuse.
Myunmur Ius currenLIy
enougI rIce reserves Lo
conLroI LIe poLenLIuI prIce
IIkes, U Ye MIn Aung,
generuI secreLury oI LIe
ederuLIon ussured.
We wIII reIeuse LIe re-
serves based on the situ-
uLIon. ReIeusIng LIem
unnecessurIIy wIII IurL
farmers in the harvest sea-
son. TIus, we ure monILor-
Ing LIe enLry oI rIce (bugs)
InLo Yungon Irom LIe usuuI
o,ooo Lo 6o,ooo per duy,
Ie LoId Myunmur BusIness
Myunmur RIce ederu-
LIon Is uIso monILorIng
LIe oods und coIIecLIng
Tin Mg Oo
data in order to provide
seed, IerLIIIser und oLIer
supplies as needed to
ncessunL Ieuvy ruIn
ucross u Iurge swuLI
oI Myunmur In recenL
monLIs Ius LrIggered
oods In Bugo, Yungon
regIon und LIe sLuLes oI
RukIIne und Mon.
We Iuven`L seen LIe
prIce oI rIce Increuse Loo
mucI. TIe prIce per bug
Increused Irom Kz8,ooo
Lo Ko,ooo IusL monLI.
CurrenLIy, LIe prIce Is
normuI, u reLuII rIce seII-
er In Yungon regIon suId.
Around 1,ooo ucres oI
rIce heIds In HIegu Town-
sIIp In Yungon regIon
Iuve been ooded Ior u
monLI, IorcIng seed prIc-
es und producLIon cosLs Lo
doubIe, uccordIng Lo u Io-
cuI Iurmer.
Iuve noLIhed LIe uu-
thorities to help the farm-
ers wIose Iurms ure ood-
ed by compensuLIng LIem
Ior producLIon cosLs und
oLIer supporL. Becuuse oI
LIe oodIng, we ure now
experIencIng IeuILI prob-
lems like diarrhoea and a
sIorLuge oI cIeun drInk-
Ing wuLer, U PIyo MIn
TIeIn, HIegu TownsIIp`s
represenLuLIve uL LIe Iow-
er Iouse suId.
TIIs week wIII conLInue
to see heavy rain in many
purLs oI LIe nuLIon, LIe
meLeoroIogIcuI depurL-
menL Ius wurned, wIIIe
the Myanmar Port Au-
LIorILy Ius wurned LIuL
beLween AugusL q-16,
Yungon muy wILness unu-
suuIIy IIgI LIdes.
..._.,.: q:.,._...q
_~ ..q. . .:._e. . :._.e e:
._.,._....:.._~: ., ...
. , ..:._. ~~ .:.|~.... , .
, ._ .... q, ~q, .,.:.
~ .q: ..... :.._ _e. ._~: .
.~q~. ,~ _.,.:.
~~~ ~q,.,.__e...'
.:.._....,..:. ,._
....q, ...:~..:~.q
~~~~q._~:. _.,.:.
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~.,~ _~_ _. ..~: ~ .q: .
.:..:.|. :_e.....~:
~. , .~, . ~ .q: .. ~ q
..|...'~ ~. , ~q .e ..:.
.~~~~ ~.~~.q.:.
~e. .|._~: q,~,~ .,
~. q~ e ..:~ ~ . ~q
|...:. ._.:~..:.~~:
~., e..:~~..:~
. :.. _~_ q. :''e , .~ ._ .:
~.,_e .~q_e...'.,..:
.q_ ~ ..q. . . :.~ .. .:
..:_~_.~q.,_.. .~.
..:....|..:. .:~._._.~:
.:. .:.,.q~:.:. .:~.
....q, .~....:..~
q.,._~:. .,..|.~....
. .q._.
.~ q ~. , ~ _., .:.
._~: .,..|.~.:...~q
._ -q:~~~...._~.~.|
~~ ...~...._~. q,~,
~...._~.. q._._,e
.,_._,e~~ .q_~..q.
. .:._e. ..'.,_. . . ~ . .._..:.
.q,. _.. . _e. . :..~q .,._~: .
e.~.| q,~,~...._~.
._.~._.,e~~.q .e
-~~..:.,.: .q,._..
. ~. .., _~:_. _. _e. ..:
._~: ....|...~...q~
.:. ....,_.~~.:.~
q.,._~:. .q._.
A man works in a rice eId in Yangon.


August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Ooredoo Myanmar: Ready, Set, Go...
n AugusL q, pur-
cIused un Oore-
doo SM curd, und
IeIL IIke wus u purL oI-
Myunmur IIsLory - weII,
My hrsL vIsIL Lo Myun-
mur In zooq oered LIe
mosL rudImenLury uccess
Lo InLerneL. nLerneL cuIes
proved Lo be u wusLe oI
LIme gIven LIuL wus unu-
bIe Lo uccess emuII or very
Iew InLernuLIonuI medIu
sources. TImes Iuve In-
deed cIunged.
AILer wuILIng In IIne
wILI ubouL o peopIe,
combIned wILI K6,ooo In
cub Iure Ior my buck und
IorLI LrIps, my SM curd
doesn`L reuIIy work.
TIe purcIusIng experI-
ence wus quILe pIeusunL.
wus Impressed by LIe
proIessIonuI und LIougIL-
IuI eorLs oI LIe sLu, und
mInus one super excILed
guy uLLempLIng Lo pusI
IIs wuy LIrougI LIe IIne,
IL wus u cuIm und seum-
Iess process.
WIen reLurnIng Lo LIe
Ooredoo sLore Lo cIeck
LIe probIem wILI my SM
curd, wus LoId servIce
mIgIL be spoLLy due Lo
currenL cupucILy Issues
und servIce poLenLIuIIy
noL beIng uvuIIubIe In my
TIe munuger expIuIned
wouId IIkeIy be ubIe Lo
cuII oLIer Ooredoo cus-
Lomers, buL couId experI-
ence dImcuILy In cuIIIng
MPT cusLomers. TIe reuI-
ILy Is IL Ius been dImcuIL
Lo connecL Lo uny pIone
number wIeLIer Oore-
doo, MPT or u IundIIne,
wIIcI Is compounded by
spoLLy und sIow InLerneL.
TIe connecLIng Issues ure
Aundrea Montao noL soIeIy my own experI-
ence. Iuve spoken wILI
muny oLIers experIencIng
LIe sume IImILuLIons.
AccordIng Lo un omcIuI
sLuLemenL Irom Ooredoo,
us LIe compuny Is pre-
purIng Ior ILs commer-
cIuI IuuncI on AugusL 1,
CusLomers ure InvILed Lo
experIence crysLuI cIeur
voIce cuIIs und IusL InLer-
neL servIces Ior Iree Irom
AugusL z Lo mIdnIgIL Au-
gusL 1q, zo1q.
TIe specIuI kIck-o pro-
moLIon, unnounced uL u
press conIerence on Au-
gusL z, gIves users qoo
Iree mInuLes und SMS Ior
on-neL cuIIs, qo Iree mIn-
uLes und SMS Ior o-neL
cuIIs, und zoMB Iree duIIy
InLerneL usuge unLII mId-
nIgIL on AugusL 1q.
To say the least these is-
sues ure u probIem gIven
LIuL LIe compuny Is run-
nIng LIIs specIuI kIck-o
promoLIon. BuL wIy oer
sucI un umuzIng promo-
LIon Lo consumers II you
are unable to deliver the
L brIngs up LIe Iurger
quesLIon - wIII LIe neL-
work be reudy on AugusL
1, LIe duy oI Ooredoo`s
proposed commercIuI
IuuncI? We wIII Iuve Lo
wuIL und see, buL um
rooLIng Ior Ooredoo.
We must also question
II Ooredoo SM curds wIII
work In LIe wIde runge oI
mobIIe devIces currenLIy
In use LIrougIouL Myun-
mur. On AugusL q, Oore-
doo published a list of mo-
bIIe devIces LIuL work wILI
noL be un uII-IncIusIve IIsL,
IL does send u sIgnuI oI u
poLenLIuI IImILuLIon.
HuvIng Lo purcIuse u
new mobIIe devIce couId
seL LIe uveruge Myunmur
cILIzen buck K1oo,ooo
($1oo), wIIcI In u coun-
Lry wIere LIe uveruge
monthly salary is ap-
proximately the same as a
new pIone - or uL IeusL u
IeILy cIunk oI IL - muy be
u burrIer Lo consumpLIon
oI LIe compuny`s servIces.
I we wunL LIe counLry Lo
experIence LIe IuII benehL
oI u LeIecoms revoIuLIon,
wIIcI IncIudes purLIcIpu-
LIon oI uII socIuI cIusses,
uccess Lo InexpensIve mo-
bIIe devIces ure essenLIuI.
We know LIere ure
bound to be bumps in
LIe roud us LeIecom ser-
vIces ure InLroduced
und expunded LIrougI-
ouL Myunmur; Iowever,
Lrunspurency on beIuII
oI Ooredoo (und TeIenor
once LIey IuuncI) sIouId
be u Lop prIorILy. TIe
people of Myanmar have
Ior Iur Loo Iong come Lo
expecL poor cusLomer
servIce, InuccuruLe InIor-
mation and disappoint-
menLs. WILI economIc
IIberuIIsuLIon, und LIe LeI-
ecoms revoIuLIon wILIIn
LIeIr grusp, don`L LIey de-
serve someLIIng u bIL beL-
Ler In Lerms oI servIce und
TruIy, no one Is expecL-
Ing u seumIess process,
buL II excepLIonuI servIce
Is u process - jusL suy so.
L`s noL enougI Ior
u IoreIgn compuny Lo
come InLo LIe counLry
und operuLe, buL LIey
musL noL onIy work Lo
wIn LIe mInds, buL uIso
LIe IeurLs, oI LIe peopIe.
TIuL sLurLs wILI Lrunspur-
ency und communIcuLIon
wILI LIe consumer - gIv-
Ing LIem someLIIng LIey
have probably never be-
Iore experIenced.
Even LIougI my Oore-
doo SM curd uL besL oers
spoLLy servIce Lo duLe, sLIII
IeeI um un ucLIve purLIcI-
punL In LIe LeIecoms revo-
IuLIon. And on LIuL noLe,
cun IurdIy wuIL Lo see
wIuL wIII LrunspIre over
LIe comIng weeks, monLIs,
yeurs und decudes.
TruIy, congruLuIu-
LIons Lo Ooredoo In LIeIr
Aundrea Montao is the
deputy editor at Myanmar
Business Today.
Note: Several attempts
were made to reach out to
Doredoo jor comment. At
the time oj publishin no
response was available.
Uoredoo Myanmar CEU Ross Cormack at the Uoredoo Iaunch event.


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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Chinas Factories Spring to Life as
Global Trade Reawakens
cLIvILy In CIInu`s
vusL IucLory sec-
tor expanded at
LIe IusLesL puce In z;
monLIs In JuIy, wIIIe In-
dusLry surveys ucross AsIu
sIowed u pIck up In ex-
port orders that hinted at
u Iong-uwuILed revIvuI In
gIobuI Lrude.
CIInu`s omcIuI munuIuc-
LurIng purcIusIng munug-
ers index (PMI) rose to
1.; In JuIy - LIe sLrongesL
sInce AprII zo1z und up
Irom 1 In June, LIe Nu-
LIonuI Bureuu oI SLuLIsLIcs
suId. EconomIsLs Iud ex-
pecLed u reudIng oI 1.q.
TIe upbeuL resuIL wus
ecIoed In LIe HSBCJ
Markit China measure
oI munuIucLurIng wIIcI
cIImbed Lo un 18-monLI
peuk oI 1.;, Irom June`s
o.;. AnyLIIng ubove o
in these surveys separates
growLI Irom conLrucLIon.
The reports added to ev-
Idence LIuL BeIjIng`s sLIm-
uIus meusures were guIn-
Ing LrucLIon In LIe worId`s
second-IurgesL economy,
und IoIIowed news LIuL
growLI In LIe UnILed
SLuLes Iud rebounded
Irom u wInLer IuII.
Tuken IILeruIIy, LIese
PMs sIgnuI un excepLIon-
uIIy sLrong sLurL Ior LIIrd
quurLer growLI In CIInu,
suId AnneLLe BeucIer, Ieud
oI AsIu-PucIhc reseurcI uL
TD SecurILIes In SIngupore.
EucI LIme LIe PMs
Iuve prInLed uround 1 Lo
z In recenL yeurs, unnuuI
economIc growLI peuked
Wayne Cole uL uround 8 percenL In LIe
sume quurLer, und so we
pencII LIuL In us u sLurLIng
Or der s Flood I n
CIInu wus noL uIone
In scenLIng beLLer LImes
ndIu`s IucLory ucLIv-
ity expanded at its fastest
puce In 1; monLIs In JuIy
us hrms responded Lo
burgeonIng new orders by
IncreusIng ouLpuL.
TIe HSBC PM, com-
pIIed by MurkIL, rose Lo
.o In JuIy Irom 1. In
June, ILs IIgIesL sInce
ebruury zo1.
A ood oI new orders
Irom boLI domesLIc und
exLernuI sources Ius Ied
Lo u surge In ucLIvILy, suId
rederIc Neumunn, co-
Ieud oI AsIun economIc
reseurcI uL HSBC.
DeLuIIs wILIIn LIe sur-
vey sIow LIuL uII monI-
Lored cuLegorIes wIL-
nessed a rise in output
und order ows.
AddIng Lo LIe promIsIng
omens Ior gIobuI Lrude,
SouLI Koreu reporLed ex-
porLs Lo LIe UnILed SLuLes
expunded by over 1q per-
cenL In JuIy, LIe IusLesL
cIIp In nIne monLIs.
TuIwunese munuIuc-
Lurers, wIo do mucI oI
LIe work on AppIe`s IP-
Iones, reporLed u robusL
improvement in overall
busIness condILIons In
JuIy, wILI ouLpuL, LoLuI
new orders und new ex-
porL orders rIsIng sIurpIy.
AII oI wIIcI IeIped o-
seL u dIsuppoInLIng reud-
Ing Irom Jupun, wIIcI Ius
been sLruggIIng Lo recover
Irom u Lux-Induced sIump
In consumer spendIng.
Jupun MunuIucLurIng
PurcIusIng Munugers n-
dex (PMI) fell to a season-
uIIy udjusLed o. In JuIy,
from a preliminary read-
Ing oI o.8 und u hnuI 1.
In June.
n u brIgILer sIgn, new
exporL orders grew Ior LIe
hrsL LIme In Iour monLIs,
uIbeIL modesLIy. PoIIcy-
mukers Iuve been counL-
Ing on un exporL rebound
to help ease the pain
Irom LIe suIes Lux IIke,
but shipments have been
sLubbornIy weuk.
Parsi ng Payrolls
or gIobuI hnuncIuI
murkeLs, LIe quIckenIng
puIse In AsIun Lrude wus
u weIcome dIversIon Irom
conIcL In LIe MIddIe EusL
und UkruIne, us weII us
ArgenLInu`s IuLesL brusI
wILI deIuuIL.
TIe U.S. IucLory survey
Irom LIe nsLILuLe Ior Sup-
pIy MunugemenL (SM) Is
uIso expecLed Lo LIck up Lo
6.o In JuIy, wIIcI wouId
be LIe besL reudIng so Iur
LIIs yeur.
L wIII be preceded by LIe
ever-InuenLIuI U.S. puy-
roIIs reporL Ior JuIy wIIcI
unuIysLs expecL wIII sIow
unoLIer IeuILIy guIn oI
z,ooo neL new jobs.
The unemployment rate
Is seen IoIdIng uL 6.1 per-
cenL, wIIcI mIgIL be weI-
comed by InvesLors wor-
rIed LIuL IurLIer LIgILenIng
In LIe Iubor murkeL mIgIL
Ieud LIe ederuI Reserve
to lift interest rates earlier
LIun oLIerwIse.
TIose concerns were In-
umed on JuIy 1 wIen
duLu sIowed U.S. Iubour
cosLs rose by LIe mosL In
more LIun -1Jz yeurs dur-
Ing LIe second quurLer.
TIey uIso goL some oI
LIe bIume Ior u seII o on
WuII SLreeL LIuL suw LIe
S&P oo .SPX suer ILs
bIggesL duIIy Ioss sInce
AprII. Reuters
Workers assembIe vehicIes on the production Iine at a pIant operated by Bongfeng Peugeot-Citroen Au-
tomobiIe Itd., the joint venture between Bongfeng Motor Corp. and PSA Peugeot Citroen, in Wuhan,

~, ~ . - _ ~ ..:...:
~,~...~_.: ~..
~~ .~ .~~ . ~_.,
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.:. _. . . . , .~_., ...
. ~ .:.~q . ~ , . :e . .:.
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~~ .~ ~ q:. . , . ~ .~~
.:~: ~..~~. ~_...
_e.._~:. ~_.,.:.._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Indonesias Top Tin Firm Says New
Export Rules Will Hinder Shipments
Iunges Lo LIn ex-
port rules due to
come InLo eecL In
three months in top pro-
ducer ndonesIu wIII IurL
shipments of the solder
muLerIuI, un omcIuI uL LIe
counLry`s bIggesL LIn com-
puny, PT TImuI Tbk, suId.
n u bId Lo IuIL IIIeguI
mInIng und gIve IL greuLer
conLroI over prIces, ndo-
nesIu one yeur ugo Iorced
uII LIn IngoL sIIpmenLs Lo
Lrude vIu u IocuI pIuLIorm
beIore beIng exporLed.
SoIder wus exempLed un-
LII Junuury zo1.
Tin exports initially
pIunged uILer LIe ruIe wus
InLroduced, und IoIIow-
Ing u sIurp rIse In soIder
exporLs, LIe governmenL
Iooked uL wuys Lo cIose
uny IoopIoIes.
uLe IusL monLI, LIe
Lrude mInIsLry unnounced
pIuns Lo dIsLIncLIy cuL-
egorIse exporLers oI pure
IngoL, soIder, pure non
IngoL und LIn uIIoy Irom
November 1 - wIIcI wIII
Iorce InLegruLed LIn mIn-
ers Lo creuLe sepuruLe sub-
sIdIurIes und regIsLer Ior
sepuruLe exporL IIcences.
This may hinder sup-
pIIes Lo LIe gIobuI LIn mur-
keL, un omcIuI uL sLuLe-
owned PT TImuI suId.
L wIII reduce exporLs
oI LIn IngoL, TImuI Cor-
poruLe SecreLury Agung
NugroIo LoId ReuLers. L
Michael Taylor &
Yayat Supriatna
meuns one compuny, one
(export) permit and one
compuny per producL.
PrevIousIy, ndonesIun
LIn hrms Iud Lo onIy reg-
ister for one type of ex-
porL IIcence, und gIven LIe
noLorIous bureuucrucy In
SouLIeusL AsIu`s bIggesL
economy, deIuys cunnoL
be ruIed ouL.
TIn IngoL suIes by
TImuI, wIIcI IuILed ex-
porLs Ior up Lo Lwo weeks
In JuIy due Lo IuIIIng
gIobuI bencImurk prIces,
uccounL Ior uround q
percenL oI LIe hrm`s LoLuI
TIe umended reguIu-
tion also raises the purity
requirement for solder
exporLs Lo qq.; percenL
Irom 6 percenL prevI-
ousIy, und muInLuIns LIe
IngoL purILy requIremenL
Laos Agrees to More Scrutiny on
Mekong Dam After Calls for Delay

uos ugreed Lo open

a proposed hydro-
power projecL uIong
LIe Mekong RIver Lo Iur-
LIer scruLIny Irom neIgI-
borIng counLrIes, uILer VI-
eLnum prevIousIy cuIIed
Ior u deIuy In deveIopIng
LIe dum.
TIe Don SuIong Iy-
dropower projecL, wIIcI
had been submitted un-
der u procedure known
us noLIhcuLIon, wIII now
InsLeud undergo u process
known us prIor consuILu-
Suttinee Yuvejwatana
& Jason Folkmanis
LIon, gIvIng member nu-
tions the opportunity to
address any harmful ef-
IecLs on LIe envIronmenL,
uccordIng Lo LIe Mekong
RIver CommIssIon, wIIcI
works wILI member nu-
tions to promote sustain-
able development of the
SouLIeusL AsIun urLery.
TIIs sIows some wIII-
Ingness Lo work LogeLIer
wILI oLIer member coun-
LrIes, buL `m noL sure II
one cun reud Loo mucI InLo
LIe cIunge In Iunguuge,
suId PIuong Nguyen, u
reseurcI ussocIuLe uL LIe
WusIIngLon-bused CenLer
uL qq.q percenL.
n Muy und June, ndo-
nesIu exporLed z,1.6o
Lonnes oI rehned LIn,
IIgIer LIun LIe prevIous
Iour monLIs combIned.
TIn on LIe ondon
MeLuI ExcIunge Lruded uL
$zz,oo u Lonne on JuIy
, und Is IILLIe-cIunged
so Iur LIIs yeur. Reuters
Thai Central Bank
Holds Key Rate
ut pc while Army
Tries to Lift Economy
IuIIund`s cenLruI
bank after it left its
bencImurk one-
duy repurcIuse ruLe un-
cIunged uL z.o percenL on
on AugusL 6
, us expecL-
ed, In ILs second poIIcy re-
vIew sInce LIe urmy Look
power In Muy.
PuIboon KILLIsrIkung-
wun, secreLury oI LIe
MoneLury PoIIcy Com-
mILLee (MPC), suId: TIe
TIuI economy sIowed
sIgns oI ImprovemenLs
In LIe second quurLer oI
zo1q, Irom prIvuLe spend-
Ing IoIIowIng LIe poIILIcuI
resoIuLIon. ExporLs recov-
ered modesLIy, wIIIe pub-
IIc spendIng IeII sIIgILIy
short of previous assess-
n LIe second IuII oI
LIe yeur, hrmer domesLIc
demund und hscuI poIIcy,
purLIcuIurIy pubIIc InvesL-
menL, sIouId Iend IurLIer
ImpeLus Lo growLI recov-
ery, Ie suId.
ExporLs oI goods und
LourIsm ure expecLed Lo
expund uL u subdued puce,
wIIIe InuLIonury pres-
sure remuIns conLuIned,
PuIboon udded.
TIe commILLee judges
LIuL LIe currenL uccom-
modative monetary poli-
cy remuIns upproprIuLe In
supporLIng economIc re-
covery. TIe poIIcy sLunce
Is deemed consIsLenL wILI
IongLerm hnuncIuI sLubII-
ILy, wIIcI sIouId compIe-
menL LIe governmenL`s
reIorm eorLs Lo IIIL LIe
economy`s poLenLIuI
growLI. Reuters
Ior SLruLegIc und nLernu-
LIonuI SLudIes.
TIIs muy be purLIy un
uLLempL Lo work wILI oLI-
er member counLrIes und
purLIy rIeLorIcuI, us Iong
us uos doesn`L Iuve uny
oLIer sIgnIhcunL econom-
Ic uILernuLIves Lo dum-
buIIdIng, Nguyen suId In
u LeIepIone InLervIew.
TIe uo governmenL
said in a statement at a
meeLIng on JuIy z6 oI LIe
commIssIon`s councII In
Bungkok LIuL IL Is com-
mILLed Lo deveIopIng LIe
Don SuIong projecL In u
responsIbIe und susLuIn-
ubIe munner und LIuL
Iydropower deveIopmenL
is a top priority and key to
sLImuIuLIng LIe uo econ-
omy. Bloomberg
Tin ingots are stacked for shipping in the warehouse of the PT Timah tin pIant in PangkaI Pinang,
Bangka IsIand, Indonesia.
. _ e~. :.. . ~ . . .,
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.e~:..:.~. ,...:..
.__e.._~:. ,.~ .._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Singapores Great Sale That Wasnt:
China Tourists Stay Away
etailers billed it as
LIe GreuL SIngu-
pore SuIe. CIInese
LourIsL ZIu Iung bougIL
IL, onIy Lo regreL uILer-
We wIII never come
Iere uguIn Lo sIop on
purpose, suId ZIu, u
-yeur-oId busInessmun
Irom HungzIou. VIsILIng
LIe cILy durIng LIe hnuI
days of the summer sale
seuson In JuIy, Ie pur-
cIused u oewe Iundbug
Ior IIs wIIe, onIy Lo dIs-
cover Ie couId Iuve puId
Iess In Hong Kong.
BeIInd LIe murk-up: u
sLrengLIenIng excIunge
ruLe, rIsIng Iubor cosLs
und u suIes Lux. CIInese
LourIsLs don`L encoun-
Ler In neIgIborIng Hong
Kong. A reducLIon In vIsI-
Lors Irom AsIu`s IurgesL
economy conLrIbuLed Lo
u suIes sIIde oI us mucI us
q percenL In SIngupore`s
unnuuI sIoppIng IesLIvuI,
uccordIng Lo LIe reLuIIers`
Brian Leonal ussocIuLIon.
VIsILors Irom CIInu Lo
SIngupore dropped z;
percenL In LIe hve monLIs
LIrougI Muy Irom u yeur
eurIIer umId sIower eco-
nomIc growLI on LIe
muInIund und LIe ImpucL
oI u new CIInese Iuw
LIuL cIumped down on
cuL-prIce sIoppIng Lours.
Total tourist arrivals slid
1.; percenL, uccordIng Lo
LIe SIngupore TourIsm
SIngupore`s reLuIIers,
uIreudy IucIng growIng
regIonuI compeLILIon, ure
under the most pressure
sInce LIe AsIun hnuncIuI
crIsIs, SIngupore ReLuII-
ers AssocIuLIon Honorury
Treusurer KesrI SIngI Ku-
pur suId.
L Is LIuL grIm, Kupur,
q;, suId In u JuIy zq InLer-
vIew In SIngupore. BoLI
LIe sIdes oI consumpLIon,
wIIcI ure LIe domesLIc
cusLomers und LourIsLs,
ure noL spendIng. unLIcI-
pate that at least for the
nexL 1z monLIs, LIe mur-
keL wIII be sIuggIsI.
Losi ng Allur e
WIIIe CIInu`s unLI-cor-
rupLIon cumpuIgn uguInsL
exLruvugunL spendIng
by governmenL omcIuIs
und sLuLe-owned com-
panies has also damped
spendIng by CIInese uL
Iome und In Hong Kong
In SIngupore ure grup-
pIIng wILI LIe LIreuL oI u
brouder decIIne In uppeuI.
SIngupore`s uveruge
reLuII suIes growLI dwIn-
dIed Lo Iess LIun 1 percenL
In LIe Lwo yeurs LIrougI
Muy, uccordIng Lo govern-
menL duLu LIuL excIudes
moLor veIIcIes. n Hong
Kong, LIe uveruge wus 6.q
percenL In LIe zq monLIs
LIrougI June.
TIe SouLIeusL AsIun Is-
Iund, Iome Lo un AsIun
Ieg oI LIe ormuIu 1
ruce und Lwo cusIno re-
sorLs, Ius seen ILs cur-
rency sLrengLIen ubouL
percenL uguInsL CII-
nu`s yuun In LIe pusL yeur,
Pedestrians and shoppers cross Urchard Road shopping strip in Singapore.
LIe mosL uILer LIe Ko-
reun won umong mujor
AsIun currencIes Lrucked
by BIoomberg. TIe Hong
Kong doIIur Ius guIned
o.q percenL. Bloomberg

. ~:. . . .:.q:~ ..:
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q, ..:q~.~q_ ~,~
.q .._ .:.-. .. . .:. ~. .
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
print Corp has
dropped its bid to
ucquIre No.q US cur-
rIer T-MobIIe US nc uI-
Ler reguIuLory resIsLunce
sIowed no sIgns oI soI-
LenIng despILe monLIs oI
IobbyIng, peopIe IumIIIur
wILI LIe muLLer LoId Reu-
The move is a rare set-
buck Ior SprInL`s Jupunese
purenL SoILBunk Corp,
wIose bIIIIonuIre Iounder
MusuyosII Son Iud seen
LIe ucquIsILIon us key Lo
LukIng on US murkeL Ieud-
ers AT&T nc und VerIzon
CommunIcuLIons nc.
SprInL, LIe No. US cur-
rIer, und T-MobIIe Iuve
noL ruIed ouL consoII-
dation in the future but
concIuded LIuL u deuI Is
unlikely to be approved
uL LIIs LIme, LIe sources
suId. US reguIuLors Iuve
InsIsLed LIuL LIey wunL Lo
Adela Lin
Sprint Drops Bid to Buy T-Mobile After Regulatory Resistance
keep the number of major
wIreIess currIers uL Iour.
We dIdn`L LIInk LIe
opposILIon wouId be LIIs
sLrong, suId u SoILBunk
execuLIve buL udded: TIe
envIronmenL wIII deh-
nILeIy cIunge.
BuL LIe IuIIure Lo reucI
u deuI couId gIve udded
impetus to a rival bid for
T-MobIIe by rencI LeI-
ecoms hrm IIud. IIud
mude u Iower bId LIun
SprInL buL Is In LuIks wILI
US cubIe und suLeIIILe
orLuguI wIII spend
Cq.q bIIIIon ($6.8
bIIIIon) Lo rescue ILs
IurgesL IIsLed bunk, LesLIng
LIe eurozone`s resIIIence Lo
unoLIer bunkIng crIsIs jusL
monLIs uILer Isbon exILed
un InLernuLIonuI buIIouL.
TIe rescue oI BuncoE-
spIrILo SunLo, wIIcI wus
unveIIed uILer u IrenzIed
weekend oI dIscussIons
beLween PorLuguese und
Europeun UnIon omcIuIs,
comes uILer weeks oI In-
creusIngIy bud news ubouL
LIe hnuncIuI sLuLe oI LIe
Iender, purLIcuIurIy ILs ex-
posure Lo u cuscude oI com-
panies headed by its found-
Ing EspIrILo SunLo IumIIy.
Under LIe pIun, Bun-
coEspIrILo SunLo, or BES,
wIII be spIIL InLo u good
bunk, renumed Novo
Bunco, und u bud bunk,
wIIcI wIII Iouse BES`s
exposures to the troubled
EspIrILo SunLo busIness
empIre, wIIcI LIpped LIe
bunk In Lo u record C.6
bIIIIon Ioss.
The bad banks losses
wIII be borne by LIe bunk`s
junior bondholders and
sIureIoIders, IncIudIng
LIe EspIrILo SunLo IumIIy,
wIIcI Ius u zo percenL
sLuke, und rencI bunk
Sergio Goncalves
Portugal in $6.6-b Rescue of
BancoEspirito Santo
CredIL AgrIcoIe wIIcI
owns 1q.6 percenL.
Novo Bunco, or New
Bunk - wIII be recupILuI-
Ised Lo LIe Lune oI Cq.q
bIIIIon by u specIuI bunk
resoIuLIon Iund creuLed
In zo1z. TIe PorLuguese
sLuLe wIII Iend LIe Iund
Cq.q bIIIIon.
AII oI BES`s deposILors
wIII be proLecLed us weII
as all of the banks senior
PorLuguI`s cenLruI bunk,
wIIcI onIy duys ugo suId
LIuL BES couId be recupI-
talised by private inves-
Lors, suId LIe pIun wouId
InvoIve no cosL Lo LIe
pubIIc purse becuuse LIe
Ioun wouId be Lemporury.
TIe Bunk oI PorLuguI
expecLs LIe sLuLe Lo be
reImbursed wIen Novo
Bunco Is evenLuuIIy soId
Lo prIvuLe InvesLors.
TIe pIun currIes no rIsk
Lo pubIIc hnunces or Lux-
puyers, CurIos CosLu, LIe
cenLruI bunk governor, LoId
reporLers In u IuLe nIgIL
news conIerence In Isbon.
TIe buIIouL Is u seLbuck
Ior PorLuguI jusL monLIs
uILer LIe counLry emerged
Irom u C;8 bIIIIon, LIree-
yeur buIIouL hnunced by
LIe Europeun UnIon (EU)
and the International
MoneLury und (M).
TIe rescue, wIIcI
comes u yeur uILer Greece
spenL Cz8 bIIIIon Lo res-
cue Iour oI ILs bunks, sug-
gesLs LIuL despILe yeurs
oI eorLs Lo Improve LIe
eurozone`s hnuncIuI und
economIc munugemenL,
hidden problems still may
Iurk In LIe regIon`s bunk-
Ing sysLems.
TIe PorLuguese govern-
menL Ioun wIII use up u
Iurge cIunk oI LIe C6.q
billion left over from a
fund earmarked to aid the
counLry`s bunks us purL oI
n u sLuLemenL, LIe Euro-
pean Commission said the
resoIuLIon pIun compIIed
wILI ILs ruIes on sLuLe uId.
compunIes Lo sweeLen ILs
n LIe wuke oI LIe IuIIed
LuIks, SprInL wIII uppoInL
u new CEO - MurceIo
CIuure, Iounder oI mobIIe
pIone dIsLrIbuLor BrIgIL-
sLur Corp wIIcI wus uc-
quIred by SoILBunk IusL
yeur, u sepuruLe person
wILI knowIedge oI LIe
muLLer suId.
He wIII repIuce Dun
Hesse wIo Ius been CEO
oI SprInL sInce zoo;.
Hesse led a rip-and-re-
pIuce overIuuI oI SprInL`s
neLwork InIrusLrucLure,
cuusIng ceIIuIur sILes Lo go
bIuck und LIe compuny Lo
IemorrIuge subscrIbers.
Murdochs Fox Abandons
Time Warner Takeover
uperL MurdocI`s
TwenLy-IrsL Cen-
Lury ox decIded
Lo puII ILs $8o-bIIIIon oI-
fer to buy Time Warner
nc IusL week, ubundon-
Ing pIuns Lo creuLe one oI
LIe worId`s IurgesL medIu
TIe surprIse unnounce-
menL uppeured Lo cuL
sIorL wIuL muny Inves-
Lors Iud vIewed us un In-
evitable battle of attrition
over u deuI LIuL wouId
Iuve joIned Lwo oI HoI-
Iywood`s bIggesL sLudIos
und TV neLworks Irom
TNT Lo ox News.
SLIII, some InvesLors won-
dered wIeLIer LIe move
couId be u sIrewd eorL
Lo drIve down LIe sLock,
prompLIng MurdocI Lo re-
enLer LIe Iruy IuLer on.
TIIs couId eusIIy be
purL oI LIeIr negoLIuLIng
sLruLegy, suId BreLL Hur-
rIss, un unuIysL wILI Gu-
beIII & Co, wIo suId ox
couId sLIII Lry uguIn IuLer.
MurdocI, wIo Is ox`s
cIuIrmun und CEO, cILed
TIme Wurner`s munuge-
ment and its boards re-
IusuI Lo come Lo LIe LubIe
Lo dIscuss u Lukeover us
one reason for the stun-
Jennifer Saba &
Soyoung Kim
nIng LurnubouL.
Our proposuI Iud sIg-
nIhcunL sLruLegIc merIL
und compeIIIng hnuncIuI
rationale and our ap-
proucI Iud uIwuys been
IrIendIy. However, TIme
Wurner munugemenL und
its board refused to en-
guge wILI us Lo expIore
un oer wIIcI wus IIgIIy
compeIIIng, Ie suId In u
sLuLemenL. Reuters
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
People walk past a Sprint store in New York.
Rupert Murdoch -
Twenty-First Century Fox
~.~._ Time Warner
~.~~:. ..'.: ~ .e
_e ~eeq, ~......~~:.
_... ._ ~.~ ~_ ., ._ ,~ . . .
.~~: ~.:~_~.....e:
..| .._ .. . , ._~ .~_ .:
q, ~.~..:.~ .~..:
_..:q~.~.: qee:
....:.~....q, ....:
..~ ~..~:_.,~.....
.:.._e ~.q..._...
..:.~ ..eq_~._. Fox
- .~.~ Murdoch ~ Time
Warner ~~e-.......
. .:.q:~q, _..,..:
-~._~:.q .~. q. _e. ._~: .
~..q ~, _._ .: . q ~e .
e,..~:..q~: Sprint Corp
._ .~~~_~... .~:..q
~: T-Mobile ~:. ~e e . q,
...|..:..:...: _~..:..
..: ._ . ~. .q_ ~ ._~. .q.. .
. ~.. .,._ ~~ ~ .~ ..:
.~._~:. .q._.
~..q ~, .~ . e .q.. . , .
...: .,. .:._e...: AT&T
. Verizon ~~:. e_.q,
~.q. .| ..:._ .. . . ~_ e.
T-Mobile ~:. qe...:
Sprint - ..~.~ .,
..,. SoftBank ~~~
q :.q :..|..|. .. ~ .~ ~. . ._.
~..q ~, , .|~ , .~: ..q
~: Sprint . T-Mobile
~ ~_~:...| .._ .. . : ~,:~
~ _e. .:. ..: ._ . .~ q
~ . . _..~ q._ .e ~ ._~: .
,.....:.~ .._. ~..q
_~ ._~. .q.~:~:. .:.~ _._
~ . ~. ~.~: ..q~:. . , .
~.q~~~~ ....~ ,.
:.. ._~:. ._.:_~:.:.._ .
. ~ ..~: _ . _ . .._~:
T-Mobile ~:. _...~e.
~,. Iliad . ~.....:...:
~....:.:._._e.._. Iliad
._ Sprint ~,_...:
.. ._ e ~. .. . .:..~ q
..'~ . ._ , .~ -
~_ ~ .. ..:q .. .:...:
~ ~:. ~ _ q, e , , ...
.e ..'.: ' ...
. e ,. .. ._ _e. ~:. ~~:
.. , .~. .q~ ~. ..~ qe
. _. ..,:~ .~,_.e ~~ .
.,:~ . ~ . . , .~~.
~~_.~..' e,~,..q_
._.q ._ ~ ..... ._ _e. ._ .
BancoEspirito Santo .:
~_.:. Espirito Santo
. .:.. ~ . ~ .:.- . .. :..q.
~. .. .~ ~ .~ . .:.q_. .
._ ~: _:.q..~....:.
..' ~ .:_. ..,:~ ~ ..'~
. .q:... ~ ~_~:. ~_. .
~,......_...,:~ BES
~ ~e~q, ~.~.~
e.~.~.~q BES ~
Novo Banco ~.__e ~
~.~: .~. . . ~ ~. .
~. . ~_e. . _.:.~_ .: ._
_e._.. .,.._ .~....~
~ ~~~~ .. ,~ ..|
, ... ' .e~ ~,.
..'.....: ~._.~.,...,
._ Espirito Santo ..:..
. . , .-~, ..~ ~ ~ ~. .
~ .~q.q.__e.._.
BES ~.,_e . .~q .. .
_. . . . .:._e _., ._ .~_ .
._e ._.......: -e
~~ e.~.~.~ ...
. ..... .: e:e .:_ e. _
_._._:.:.~ .~._
.e ~ ._~:. ._.:_~:.:.._ .
q . ~ ._ . _._ ~ .~
....~ ~e~q, e,
. e . .. . q_. ..,:~ ..'~
~ ~. .|~e ~ . ..'..|~
.:. q: e , ~ , -. ._~..
. .. :..q.. . ., . . ~ _. ~ q,
....|..:..: _~.....:._
._. . ..:_..,:.:.q .,._
~ _ ...~_..._. _e.._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
11 cm x 2 col
Snowden Leaks Spur New Crop of Secure Phones, Communications
ubIIc concerns ubouL
LIe US governmenL`s
secreLIve surveII-
Iunce progrums exposed
by Edwurd Snowden Iuve
spuwned u sIew oI encryp-
LIon producLs und prIvucy
servIces LIuL uIm Lo muke
eIecLronIc spyIng more dII-
Two producLs brougIL
out in the past month il-
lustrate the rapid devel-
opmenL oI LIe new mur-
keLpIuce: BIuckpIone, u
IundseL wIIcI sLurLed
sIIppIng on June o Ior
$6zq, und SIgnuI, u Iree
app that appeared on the
IPIone upp sLore.
TIey ure umong un ur-
ruy oI oerIngs Lo emerge
sInce Snowden, u Iormer
NuLIonuI SecurILy Agen-
cy conLrucLor, IusL yeur
Ieuked documenLs LIuL
sIowed LIe US govern-
ment harvested enormous
amounts of data from the
Joseph Menn IIkes oI GoogIe nc, Yu-
Ioo nc, MIcrosoIL Corp,
AT&T nc und VerIzon
CommunIcuLIons nc.
TIougI LIey Iuve dII-
ferent business philoso-
pIIes, LurgeL murkeLs und
LucLIcuI upproucIes, LIe
compunIes beIInd BIuck-
pIone und SIgnuI sIure
un underIyIng encrypLIon
LecInIque, worId-cIuss
crypLogrupIers, und un
unLI-governmenL sLunce.
n un envIronmenL oI
IncreusIngIy pervusIve
surveIIIunce, we wunL Lo
make it as easy as possi-
ble for anyone to be able
Lo orgunIse und commu-
nIcuLe secureIy, SIgnuI
muker Open WIIsper Sys-
Lems wroLe on ILs bIog.
Secure communIcuLIons
wIII be u mujor LopIc uL
Lwo key IuckIng conIer-
ences In us Vegus LIIs
week: BIuck HuL, wIIcI
Is uImed uL proIessIonuIs,
und DeI Con, wIIcI uL-
LrucLs muny umuLeurs.
BIuckpIone uses soIL-
wure Irom one oI ILs buck-
ers, SIIenL CIrcIe, LIuL
uIIows users Lo send en-
crypLed voIce cuIIs und
LexLs Lo one unoLIer. SI-
IenL CIrcIe`s soILwure Is uI-
ready available for iPhone
und AndroId pIones, buL
LIe compuny suys BIuck-
pIone Is more secure be-
cuuse IL uses u new oper-
uLIng sysLem - bused on
AndroId - LIuL mukes IL
Iurder Ior Iuckers Lo Luke
conLroI oI LIe pIone und
SIIenL CIrcIe recenLIy
expunded ILs servIce by
uIIowIng encrypLed cuIIs
Lo IundIInes. TIuL IeuLure
has helped its sales rate
triple in the past three
monLIs, suId SIIenL CIr-
cIe CIIeI Revenue Omcer
VIc Hyder. He decIIned
Lo gIve subscrIber hgures
but said Chevron Corp
und WuIL DIsney Co were
umong LIe compuny`s
mujor corporuLe cusLom-
SupporLed muInIy by
grunLs, SIgnuI muker
Open WIIsper SysLems
wus co-Iounded by se-
curILy reseurcIer MoxIe
Marlinspike and already
Ius u compuLIbIe AndroId
versIon cuIIed RedPIone.
TIe compuny suId SIgnuI
Iud ;o,ooo downIouds on
LIe hrsL duy.
Marlinspike said the
compuny muy cIurge In
LIe IuLure Ior exLru servIc-
es, buL LIe busIc IuncLIons
of the app should remain
Iree Iorever. Open WIIs-
per SysLems Is u projecL
ruLIer LIun u compuny,
und LIe projecL`s objecLIve
Is noL hnuncIuI prohL, Ie
wroLe on IIs personuI bIog.
An encrypLed cIuL ser-
vIce popuIur wILI securILy
proIessIonuIs Is WIckr.
TIe Iree servIce reIIes on
Ieuvy encrypLIon LIuL Is
consIdered unbreukubIe
for the foreseeable future
II ImpIemenLed correcLIy.
WIckr does noL use LIe
open-source soILwure
that is the industry stand-
urd, wIIcI meuns securILy
experLs cunnoL InspecL ILs
soILwure code. BuL WIckr
suys IL wIII soon posL re-
suILs oI securILy uudILs by
weII-regurded hrms, und
IL Is oerIng u $zoo,ooo
rewurd Ior unyone wIo
breuks ILs sysLem.
WIckr CIIeI ExecuLIve
NIco SeII, u IongLIme oI-
hcIuI uL DeI Con, suId sIe
plans to add a desktop
versIon oI WIckr soon.
Law enfor cement
concer ns
Civil liberties enthusi-
usLs Iuve weIcomed LIe
proIIIeruLIon oI new prI-
vucy-proLecLIng soILwure
und servIces, buL some
Iuw enIorcemenL und In-
LeIIIgence ugenLs ure con-
cerned LIuL LIey muke IL
more dImcuIL Ior ugenLs
Lo InLercepL communIcu-
L`s u sIgnIhcunL prob-
Iem, und IL`s conLInuIng Lo
geL worse, Amy S Hess,
execuLIve ussIsLunL dIrec-
Lor oI LIe ederuI Bureuu
oI nvesLIguLIon, LoId LIe
WusIIngLon PosL. An B
spokeswomun decIIned Lo
eIuboruLe. Reuters
A BIackphone security optimised smartphone designed by SiIent CircIe at the 2U14 MobiIe WorId Con-
gress in Barcelona.
~~ .~. .. .., ~ ~..q ~,
.~ ~ .:~ . . ..q.~. ~.
.:.~ e .. ~ _. ..,:~ _. ~~
.:..: .-..q...,..:.
._~: ~ .~ .q:,. .,. _e
.:~..._..~ ~:~eq,
~~ ~ . ~ ~ , .. . .~:~ e
.q..,..:.. ..~~.~
~.~ . _. . q.q.~, ..: .
~..q~,~..q~ ..
q:e . . ~ ., ..: e ~ ~ .
~ . ~ .:.. ~.~ ~.~ .:.. :
..e.._~:. ~...:.._.
.q..~ . - ~, , ~ . .
.:..e: . .. .., ~ e .. ~
_...,:~ ~,.._..,..:..:
..'..| ~ .:._ ~ ~
Blackphone .~~e,..
Signal ~~ .. .~.q .~ .|~
Blackphone e,..:.~
~.._...:.~:. . ~~.
e~:...:.._e ~..
.~ .. . .:.~. .. .....
.._.,.~ ~.._.:._..
e . e , . .:. .: operating
system ~..~ .....:
._ ~: _~:.~.e:~.q,
._.~.._~:. ,.~~ .
._. .:~.._~.~.:.._e
._.~.,..: Signal ~
. . . Open Whisper Systems
~._. Signal .: ..q~
~. ..|...qe. ~,~~~
.,qq.._~:. ._.:_~:.._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Arrest of One Man Does Not Address
Thuilund's Trumcking Problem
s unyone wIo Ius
spent any time in
TIuIIund knows,
cIIIdren Iuve worked on
Bungkok`s KIuosun Roud
seIIIng roses Ior yeurs.
CIIId mIgrunLs Irom
Myunmur wunder up
und down LIIs InIumous
buckpucker IungouL, seII-
Ing owers Ior zo buIL
(uround 6 US cenLs).
On June zo poIIce ur-
resLed u zz-yeur-oId mun
Irom Myunmur, suspecL-
ed oI LrumckIng cIIIdren
to sell roses around the
KIuosun Roud ureu. On
LIe sume duy, TIuIIund
wus downgruded In LIe
US` unnuuI LrumckIng re-
port for mistreatment of
mIgrunL workers.
Thailands demotion
In LIe US SLuLe DepurL-
menL`s unnuuI TrumckIng
In Persons (TIP) ReporL
Lo LIe IowesL runk comes
wILI LIe possIbIIILy oI LIe
UnILed SLuLes wILIIoIdIng
or wILIdruwIng non-Iu-
munILurIun, non-Lrude-re-
IuLed IoreIgn ussIsLunce.
PerIups more sIgnIh-
cunLIy, LIIs runkIng Lur-
nishes the reputation of
TIuIIund uL u precurIous
LIme Ior LIe counLry.
MonLIs oI poIILIcuI
proLesLs, LIe removuI oI
cureLuker PrIme MInIsLer
YIngIuck SIInuwuLru, und
u mIIILury coup, Iuve re-
suILed In dwIndIIng InLer-
nuLIonuI Lrude und IoreIgn
LourIsm. TIe downgrude
uIso comes on LIe IeeIs oI
u yeur oI medIu coveruge
on LrumckIng In persons
wILIIn LIe TIuI hsIIng In-
dustry and state authori-
LIes` uIIeged compIIcILy In
ConsequenLIy, LIe TIuI
mIIILury governmenL wIII
be IookIng Ior wuys Lo
improve its international
reputation in order to in-
sLII conhdence, In corpo-
ruLIons und LourIsLs, LIuL
LIe counLry Is uddressIng
LrumckIng In persons.
L seems LIuL IL wus wILI
LIIs In mInd LIuL poIIce
currIed ouL LIe KIuosun
Roud unLI-LrumckIng op-
eration just hours before
LIeIr US TIP ReporL de-
moLIon. PrIor Lo LIe ur-
resL, poIIce InvesLIguLed
LIe KIuosun Roud ureu
wIere LIey pIcked up
LIree cIIIdren seIIIng
roses. Two more cIIIdren
Mariah Grant
were Iound In u resIdence
neurby wIere LIe suspecL
wus deLuIned.
TIe sLory wus orIgInuIIy
reporLed on by KIuosod
EngIIsI, u IocuI TIuI duIIy
newspuper LIuL wus work-
Ing wILI un IndependenL
hImmuker on u docu-
menLury ubouL cIIIdren
Lrumcked Lo seII roses on
KIuosun Roud.
AccordIng Lo LIeIr unuI-
ysIs, LIe cIIIdren were
orIgInuIIy Irom Myunmur
buL were IIkeIy Lo Iuve
been IIvIng In WesLern
TIuIIund wILI LIeIr IumI-
IIes uIong LIe Myunmur
border. n LIese mIgrunL
und reIugee communILIes
InsLunces oI LrumckIng
Iuve been uncovered In
wIIcI purenLs ure coerced
by ugenLs InLo sendIng
LIeIr cIIIdren Lo Bungkok
In excIunge Ior upproxI-
muLeIy 1,oo buIL (ubouL
$q;) u monLI.
There are a number of
IucLors LIuL creuLe LIe
condILIons under wIIcI
mIgrunL und reIugee
parents from Myanmar
become compeIIed Lo
send LIeIr cIIIdren uwuy.
Thailand is not party to
LIe UnILed NuLIons Con-
venLIon und ProLocoI
ReIuLIng Lo LIe SLuLus oI
ReIugees nor LIe Conven-
LIon on LIe ProLecLIon oI
LIe RIgILs oI uII MIgrunL
Workers and Members of
TIeIr umIIIes.
TIe reIugees wIo Iuve
ed eLInIc und reIIgIous
persecuLIon In Myunmur
ure noL recognIsed us
sucI In TIuIIund und ure
IeIL unproLecLed wILIouL u
IeguI sLuLus Lo IIve or work
In LIe counLry.
TIe Iuck oI proLecLIons
under LIe UN ConvenLIon
Is compounded by nuLIon-
uI ImmIgruLIon poIIcIes
LIuL runge Irom decenL
buL IneecLIveIy ImpIe-
menLed Lo excessIveIy dIs-
In order to further in-
vesLIguLe LIe cuses oI, und
governmenL response Lo,
cIIId rose seIIers, KIu-
osod EngIIsI requesLed
un InLervIew wILI LIe TIuI
AnLI-Humun TrumckIng
Division (AHTD) on June
18, jusL Lwo duys beIore
the arrest (and release of
LIe US TIP ReporL). TIe
newspuper beIIeves IL wus
this request for an inter-
vIew LIuL prompLed LIe
cruckdown by poIIce on
LIe cIIId rose seIIIng op-
UILImuLeIy, IL Is more
likely that the TiP report
downgrude Irom LIer z Lo
LIer wus wIuL spurred
LIe poIIce InLo ucLIon. As
LIe downgrude becume
uppurenL, TIuIIund IeIL
IL wus ImporLunL Lo Luke
some sort of immediate
Perhaps this is an exam-
pIe oI LIe US TIP ReporL
IeudIng Lo ucLuuI eorLs
by governmenLs Lo ud-
dress LrumckIng In per-
sons. OuL oI Ieur oI LIe
pubIIc sIumIng und pos-
sIbIe suncLIons LIuL come
wILI LIe TIer runkIng,
TIuIIund dId someLIIng.
Whatever the motive may
Iuve been, LIe rumIhcu-
LIons oI LIese poIIce und
military interventions
Lo uddress LrumckIng In
persons need Lo be scru-
IrsL, LIe quesLIon musL
be usked, wIuL dId TIuI-
Iund ucLuuIIy do? TIey ur-
rested one man and took
hve cIIIdren o LIe sLreeL.
TIuI uuLIorILIes were
IookIng Lo muke un urresL
wIIcI wouId Ieud Lo u LruI-
hckIng prosecuLIon. TIIs
Is becuuse prosecuLIon
rates are the standard by
deLermInes wIeLIer or
noL counLrIes ure meeLIng
minimum standards in
uddressIng LrumckIng In
AIso ImporLunL were
LourIsLs` percepLIons
LIuL TIuIIund wus LukIng
sLeps Lo uddress Lrumck-
Ing In persons. CurryIng
out this operation on a
weII-known LourIsL Lruck
wouId ussIsL In LIIs. n
LIe end, LIere were no
cIIId rose seIIers on KIu-
osun Roud Ior ubouL LIree
weeks. TIey ure now buck
wIIcI IurLIer demon-
sLruLes LIe Innocuousness
oI LIe urresL on LIe cIIId
rose seIIIng operuLIon.
What happens to the
cIIIdren wIo ure Luken
o LIe sLreeLs? KIuosud
EngIIsI reporLed LIuL
LIree oI LIe cIIIdren were
moved Lo u sLuLe-owned
cIIIdren`s sIeILer wIIIe
poIIce LrIed Lo IocuLe LIeIr
purenLs. However, beIore
u cIIId Is reunILed wILI
LIeIr IumIIy, NGOs und
governmenL omcIuIs evuI-
uate the parents to en-
sure LIey wIII noL seII LIe
cIIIdren uguIn. WIIIe IL
Is encourugIng LIuL cIII-
dren ure noL senL buck Lo
purenLs wILIouL u rIsk-
ussessmenL beIng con-
ducLed, poIIcIes sucI us
these are frequently more
robust on paper than in
MeunwIIIe, LIe rooL
cuuses LIuL suw LIeIr pur-
enLs desperuLe enougI
Lo seII LIem In LIe
hrsL pIuce ure IeIL unud-
dressed. TIe responses
from the Thai military
governmenL Lo boLI LIeIr
US TIP ReporL demoLIon
und neguLIve medIu uL-
LenLIon on LIe hsIIng In-
dustry demonstrate their
reIucLunce Lo Luke respon-
sIbIIILy In uddressIng LruI-
hckIng In persons.
WIIIe LIe eorLs mude
Lo sLop LIe cIIId rose seII-
Ing operuLIons ure neces-
sury, susLuInubIe reso-
IuLIons ure noL sImpIe.
Thailand needs to ratify
und ImpIemenL boLI UN
ConvenLIons on MIgrunLs
und ReIugees, Improve
cIunneIs Ior LIe docu-
menLuLIon oI mIgrunL
workers, rescInd Iurm-
IuI work permIL poIIcIes
LIuL see workers LIed Lo
one empIoyer, und end
corrupLIon umong sLuLe
omcIuIs, Lo nume jusL u
Iew necessury sLeps Lo be
Luken In uddressIng LruI-
hckIng und ensurIng LIe
rIgILs oI mIgrunLs und
reIugees .
L couId be urgued LIuL
LIe TIuI mIIILury govern-
menL Look udvunLuge oI
LIIs nurruLIve on Lrumck-
Ing Lo sIow eecLIveness
In LIe Iuce oI LIe US TIP
ReporL downgrude und
neguLIve medIu uLLenLIon.
However, kneejerk re-
ucLIons ure noL soIuLIons
und we sIouId noL be
IooIed InLo LIInkIng LIey
ure. Thomson Reuters
Mariah Grant is a re-
secrch consultcnt jor
Global Alliance Against
Trcgc in Women
(GAATW), c non-projt
human rights organisa-
tion based in Thailand.
Tourists waIk aIong Khao San Road tourist district in centraI Bangkok.

Myanmar Summary
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_e. ._ .
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
David Mayes

oIIowIng up on u re-
cenL urLIcIe wroLe
wurnIng oI InvesL-
menL newsIeLLers muk-
Ing bogus cIuIms oI pusL
perIormunce, LIougIL IL
Is onIy IuIr Lo gIve credIL
wIere IL Is ucLuuIIy. WIIIe
ucudemIu IoIds LIuL IL Is
noL possIbIe Lo consIsL-
ently time the markets in
LIe Iong run, LIere ure u
Iew sLruLegIes LIuL seem
Lo IoId up. One newsIeL-
Ler LIuL Ius been mukIng
predIcLIons In reuI LIme
IoIIowIng u very sImpIe
sLruLegy sInce 1qqo Is
wrILLen by u guy numed
Sy HurdIng.
TIe newsIeLLer Is u weekIy
one cuIIed LIe SLreeL SmurL
ReporL, und IL IoIIows u very
sImpIe seusonuI LImIng
sLruLegy. TIe busIs oI LIe
sLruLegy Is LIuL LIere Is u Iu-
vourable and unfavourable
time of the year to be in-
vesLed In LIe murkeLs, und
LIIs Is sLuLIsLIcuIIy verIhed
usIng IIsLorIcuI duLu. TIere
Is u very vuIId IogIc beIInd
LIe seusonuI LendencIes oI
LIe murkeLs, wIIcI wIII
noL go InLo In mucI deLuII
Iere. TIe ImporLunL LIIng
is that mainly it stems from
LIIngs repeuLIng every
yeur sucI us Iund munug-
ers mukIng udjusLmenLs uL
years end to dress up their
porLIoIIos, peopIe receIv-
Ing unnuuI bonuses In LIe
eurIy purL oI LIe new yeur,
and institutional money
munugers LukIng LIeIr IoII-
duys durIng LIe summer
monLIs und LIus excIunge
voIumes droppIng durIng
LIIs LIme.
TIere Is un oId uduge
LIuL suys seII In Muy
und go uwuy, und wIuL
Sy HurdIng Ius done Is
reseurcIed LIe numbers
behind this and turned
IL InLo u LrudIng sysLem
LIuL LeIIs exucLIy wIen Lo
buy und wIen Lo seII LIe
broud murkeL us u wIoIe.
TIe sLruLegy Is LIus very
eusy Lo ImpIemenL usIng
one excIunge Lruded Iund
LIuL buys LIe Dow Jones
ndusLrIuI Averuge. You
cun ImpIemenL IL your-
seII onIIne wILI u dIscounL
broker wILIouL needIng
Its All About Timing
Lo use u hnuncIuI udvIsor,
but remember it needs
Lo be ImpIemenLed wILI
dIscIpIIne Lo work und us
uIwuys LIere Is guurunLee
LIuL LIe pusL perIormunce
oI LIIs sLruLegy wIII be re-
peuLed In LIe IuLure.
TIuL suId, LIe Lruck re-
cord oI Sy HurdIng Is very
ImpressIve. n LIe pusL 1
yeurs IL Ius reLurned z;1.
percenL compured Lo LIe
1q;.8 percenL reLurn LIuL
wouId Iuve goLLen Irom u
buy und IoId sLruLegy on
LIe DJA. NoL onIy LIuL,
LIe reLurns were u IoL Iess
voIuLIIe und oI LIe IusL Lwo
crusIes IL mIssed LIe hrsL
one enLIreIy mukIng sIn-
gIe dIgIL posILIve reLurns
durIng LIe doL com crusI.
DurIng LIe zoo8 crusI
LIe Ioss wus onIy .6 per-
cenL. n IucL sInce 1qqq
LIe sLruLegy Ius onIy Iud
Lwo down yeurs und boLI
were Iess LIun percenL.
TIe greuL LIIng ubouL
LIIs sLruLegy Is LIuL II you
already have any market
based investment set up
sucI us un osIore suv-
Ings pIun, you cun sLIII
ImpIemenL IL wILIIn LIe
sLrucLure. You muy need
Lo repIuce LIe DJA wILI u
sImIIur Iund sucI us u US-
bused or gIobuI bused eq-
uILy Iund, buL LIe overuII
seasonality that the strat-
egy Is bused on sIouId
produce sImIIur eecLs on
your porLIoIIo. AL u prIce
oI $6 per week, LIInk
LIIs newsIeLLer represenLs
greuL vuIue.
Dctid Mces MA
provides wealth man-
agement services to ex-
patriates throughout
Southecst Asic, jocusin
on UK Pension Trans-
jers. He ccn be recched
ct dctid.mQjcrcmond.
com. Faramond UK is
regulated by the FCA and
provides advice on pen-
sions and taxation.
Traders work at the AbbVie Inc booth on the Hoor of the New York Stock Exchange.

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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Central Bank of Myanmar Strengthens
Grip over Foreign Loans
ILI u new cIr-
cuIur IeLLer
addressed to
Myunmur bunks duLed
JuIy zo1q (LIe CBM eL-
Ler), LIe CenLruI Bunk oI
Myanmar has reasserted
conLroI over IoreIgn Iouns
that are provided to do-
mesLIc und IoreIgn owned
borrowers In Myunmur.
TIe CBM Ius cIurIhed up-
proval requirements and
Increused LIe uccounL-
ability of Myanmar banks
Ior IoreIgn Iouns LIuL ure
brougIL InLo LIe counLry.
TIe CBM eLLer covers
sILuuLIons wIere LIe bor-
rower Ius obLuIned u per-
mit from the Myanmar
Investment Commission
(MC), us weII us uII oLIer
Ever sInce LIe udopLIon
oI LIe oreIgn ExcIunge
MunugemenL AcL (EMA)
und LIe oreIgn nvesL-
menL uw () oI zo1z,
LIe IuLe oI IoreIgn Iouns
Ius uIwuys remuIned
somewIuL conIusIng. AI-
LIougI LIere Is no doubL
that loans from overseas
ure possIbIe us u prIncIpIe
under boLI InsLrumenLs,
In prucLIce cIIenLs oILen
receIved conIcLIng In-
formation from bankers
und udvIsors wILI respecL
to the approvals and pro-
cess concerned. UnIorLu-
nuLeIy, LIIs conIusIon LIuL
wus noL reuIIy cIeured up
zo1z wIIcI ImpIemenLed
EMA (oreIgn ExcIunge
Edwin Vanderbruggen
Why the confusi on?
Part of the problem is
EMA ILseII. n LIe LexL
oI LIe Iuw, LIe crucIuI dIs-
LIncLIon LIuL Is mude Lo
uIIow IoreIgn excIunge
remILLunces Is LIuL oI
currenL uccounL versus
cupILuI uccounL, con-
cepLs LIuL ure oI course
adopted from interna-
LIonuI hnuncIuI Iuw. n
LIe Myunmur sysLem, uny
puymenL LIuL Is u currenL
uccounL puymenL wIII noL
be resLrIcLed by LIe CBM.
CerLuIn cupILuI puymenLs
cun be resLrIcLed by LIe
CBM. So, IL Is crucIuI Lo
know Ior uny puymenL
wIIcI cuLegory uppIIes.
IrsL oI uII, LIe dehnILIons
are not ideally drafted in
EMA sInce LIere Is onIy
u very brIeI descrIpLIon oI
wIuL comprIses LIe cur-
renL uccounL, und cupI-
LuI uccounL Is busIcuIIy
dehned us unyLIIng wIIcI
Is noL In LIe currenL uc-
Some oI LIe conIusIon
LIuL Ius pIugued IoreIgn
investors stems from
LIe IucL LIuL puymenLs
on loans are mentioned
In boLI cuLegorIes, und
wILIouL uny cIeurIy pre-
scrIbed dIerences. n s.z
(I), u sIorL-Lerm Ioun cun
resorL under currenL uc-
counL, (wILIouL specI-
IyIng LIe Lerm oI sucI u
sIorL-Lerm Ioun). How-
ever, In s.o reImburse-
menL oI Iouns In generuI
Is uIso menLIoned In con-
necLIon wILI LIe cupILuI
uccounL. n oLIer words,
Iouns ure sLruddIIng LIe
Lwo dIerenL muIn cuL-
egorIes wILIouL cIeurIy
speIIIng ouL wIIcI cIur-
ucLerIsLIcs wouId end up
a loan in the one or in the
oLIer cuLegory.
BuL LIere Is more. TIe
oreIgn ExcIunge DIrec-
LIve oI zo1z, Iouns ure In-
cIuded under LIe currenL
uccounL, buL IL Is uncIeur
if only short-term loans
ure meunL. PIus, LIe DI-
recLIve onIy reIers expIIc-
itly to loans approved by
LIe MC In ILs overvIew
table and leaves upon the
quesLIon wIuL wouId Iup-
pen wILI borrowers wIIcI
ure non-MC.
InuIIy, s.1; oI LIe or-
eIgn ExcIunge DIrecLIve
oI zo1z specIhes LIuL
Myanmar banks need
Lo revIew LIe purpose
oI LrunsIers Lo ussess
wIeLIer LIe LrunsIer wus
reuIIy u currenL uccounL
puymenL. I IL Is noL, LIe
remILLunce muy noL be
To sum IL up, LIe My-
unmur reguIuLIon oI LIe
Iouns ure cuugIL In seem-
IngIy overIuppIng Io-
cuI InLerpreLuLIon under
EMA wIIcI goes weII
beyond LIe cIussIc cur-
renL uccounL und cupI-
LuI uccounL bIIurcuLIon
us u cIunge oI owner-
sIIp In domesLIc usseLs,
ukIn Lo wIuL Is Iound In
InLernuLIonuI hnuncIuI
Iuw. Moreover, Myunmur
bunks muy Iuve LIeIr own
InLerpreLuLIon oI LIe pur-
pose oI u LrunsIer.
New CBM Letter on
for ei gn loans
TIe CBM eLLer cIeurs
up u Iew LIIngs, buL uIso
creuLes u seL oI new cIuI-
Ienges. TIe CBM eL-
Ler InLroduces u IIsL oI
elements that Myanmar
banks need to take into
uccounL wIen evuIuuLIng
IoreIgn Iouns, IncIudIng:
SIze oI Ioun und
Lenure, und Ioun conLrucL
Whether the inter-
est rate is a market-based
interest rate
Whether the busi-
ness plan of the resident
borrower Is upproprIuLe
Type oI LIe coIIuLeruI
und wIeLIer IL Is cupubIe
oI beIng perIormed In uc-
cordunce wILI LIe Iuw
Whether the repay-
menL scIeduIe Is uppro-
priate; and
OLIer eIemenLs de-
LuIIed In LIe CBM eLLer.
TIe CBM eLLer pro-
vIdes LIuL IIcensed bunks
LrudIng IoreIgn excIunge
sIuII revIew LIe poInLs
conLuIned |ubove| on LIe
busIs oI LIe IocuI busIness
sILuuLIon, LIe sILuuLIon oI
LIe projecL Lo be execuLed
wILI IoreIgn Ioun und ILs
expecLed Income, cupubII-
ity to repay loan and prof-
ILubIIILy Lo LIe counLry
und ILs peopIe.
TIe CBM eLLer envIs-
uges u new reporLIng und
upprovuI sysLem, wIere
Myunmur bunks wIII
need Lo coIIecL cerLuIn
duLu, muke un ussess-
menL ubouL cerLuIn crILe-
rIu, reporL InIormuLIon Lo
LIe CBM, und receIve un
upprovuI. L seems Lo us
that the Myanmar bank
wouId Iuve Lo go LIrougI
LIIs new process Ior eucI
Ioun, even Iouns LIuL were
already approved by the
MC. or u Myunmur
bunk noL Lo go LIrougI
LIe process und receIve
CBM upprovuI, wIIcI Is
LIeoreLIcuIIy possIbIe us
LIere Is no pIysIcuI re-
straint on release of funds
by u Myunmur bunk,
mIgIL enguge ILs IIubIIILy.
What wi ll happen i n
pr acti ce?
ObvIousIy, LIe ruLIer
wIde scope oI LIIs crILe-
rion may pose some prob-
lems for Myanmar banks
Lo InLerpreL und uppIy.
TIere Is IILLIe Lo guIn Ior
a Myanmar bank by ven-
LurIng ouL uIeud oI CBM
upprovuI, so LIe eecL
wIII oILen be LIuL Inwurd
Iunds wIII noL be reIeused
unLII LIe CBM Ius so up-
proved bused on u revIew
of the information that
musL be coIIecLed under
LIe CBM eLLer.
That means for in-
wurd remILLunces LIuL u
LrunsIer sIouId be weII
prepured In udvunce.
TIe requIred documenLs
sIouId be coIIecLed In ud-
vunce, und un ussessmenL
sIouId be mude wIeLI-
er LIe documenLs sIow
uny Iucunu wIIcI mIgIL
hold up the release of the
Iunds. CIIenLs sIouId Luke
LIe muLLer up wILI LIeIr
Myunmur bunker, und II
necessury reLuIn proIes-
sIonuI udvIce. nwurd
remILLunces mIgIL cuuse
real problems in a num-
ber oI cuses, sucI us wIen
un operuLIng IIcense Ior u
business has not yet been
secured, wIen LIe con-
LrucL Is noL enIorceubIe on
ILs Iuce, or wIen LIere ure
IeguI ImpedImenLs wILI
respecL Lo LIe usseLs con-
necLed wILI LIe Ioun. OI
course, In u more generuI
sense one mIgIL encoun-
Ler probIems wILI LIe pu-
perwork or wILI commu-
Pr oblem scenar i os
for r epatr i ati on
It is essential for repa-
triation purposes that the
person wIo Ius brougIL
in the funds has properly
documenLed ILs InvoIve-
menL. OnIy LIIs person
cun exLrucL LIe sume
Iunds uguIn, us u ruIe. n
generuI, LIIs meuns LIuL
cIIenLs sIouId documenL
LIe process weII. n some
excepLIonuI cuses, LIere
muy be dImcuILIes wILI
LIIs. or exumpIe, In some
cuses Iunds ure brougIL
In us un udvunce Lo u IocuI
partner in a joint venture
beIore LIe ucLuuI JVCo Is
seLup In Myunmur. or
exumpIe, LIe IocuI purL-
ner mIgIL Iuve Lo puy u
deposIL on u Ieuse con-
LrucL Lo secure u properLy
before the formalities of
compuny esLubIIsImenL
Iuve been compIeLed. So,
LIe cupILuI uccounL oI LIe
JVCo wIII noL sIow LIe
person wIo brougIL In
LIe Iunds. I sucI Issues
ure noL hxed In Lerms oI
puperwork, LIere Is u rIsk
LIuL LIe re-exLrucLIon oI
LIe Iunds mIgIL be dIsuI-
Iowed uL u IuLer sLuge.
Edwin Vanderbruggen
is Partner at Yangon-
based law and tax advi-
sor jrm VD Loi.
The CentraI Bank of Myanmar has reasserted controI over foreign Ioans that are provided to domestic
and foreign owned borrowers in Myanmar, according to a recent circuIar.
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Contd. P 22... Contd. P 22...
Myanmar: From Foreign Investment to
Improvement at Home
here must have
been u sIgI oI re-
IIeI us Ooredoo,
u QuLur-bused LeIecoms
compuny, sLurLed oer-
Ing ILs Iong-uwuILed SM
curds Lo Myunmur peo-
pIe, wIo wouId prevIousIy
pay hundreds of dollars
Ior somewIuL dysIunc-
LIonuI servIces. TeIenor,
unoLIer IoreIgn LeIecoms
IIcence wInner, vowed Lo
provIde neLwork coveruge
Ior qo percenL oI Myun-
mur`s popuIuLIon wILIIn
hve yeurs. Myunmur Ius
never Iud IL so good.
TIe Lwo IoreIgn com-
punIes ure weIcomed by
LIe governmenL us LIey
upgrude LIe counLry`s
ouLduLed LeIecommunIcu-
LIons InIrusLrucLure - one
oI LIe uIms specIhed In
LIe oreIgn nvesLmenL
uw () oI zo1z. How-
ever, us sLreums oI over-
seus InvesLors conLInue Lo
reucI Myunmur`s cousLs,
doubLs remuIn us Lo Iow
Lo LuIIor IoreIgn dIrecL
InvesLmenL (D) Lo My-
unmur`s udvunLuge, gIven
LIuL benehLs oI D Lo Ior-
eIgn hrms do noL uIwuys
coIncIde wILI LIose Lo LIe
IosL counLry.
As economIc IIsLory oI
LIIs counLry sIows, My-
anmars development
puLI wouId be exLremeIy
bumpy wILIouL Lruns-
nuLIonuI corporuLIons
(TNCs), wIIcI ure condu-
cIve Lo dIusIng LecInIcuI
knowIedge und munuge-
menL LecInIques Lo LIe
peopIe, und generuLIng
employment and taxation
Ior LIe sLuLe - Lwo oLIer
uIms LIe sLuLes.
D Ius un uddILIonuI
benehL oI dIIuLIng mo-
nopoIy power uL Iome by
exposIng renL-seekIng en-
LerprIses Lo gIobuI compe-
Gordon Wong
LILIon, us mosL economIsLs
noLe. TIIs Is perLInenL Lo
Myunmur, wIere IocuI
cronIes ure oILen uccused
oI LIILIng LIe sysLem Lo
LIeIr udvunLuge. Com-
peLILIve pressures wouId
IosLer emcIency und drIve
prIces down, und Myun-
mur peopIe wouId Iuve
LIe mosL Lo guIn.
TIuL suId, LIe pres-
ence oI cupILuI-ubundunL,
IIgI-LecI TNCs In Myun-
mur Is u bune Ior domesLIc
IndusLry, wIIcI ure sLIII
In LIeIr InIuncy. TIe 'In-
IunL IndusLry` urgumenL,
us IL Is cuIIed, sLIpuIuLes
LIuL deveIopIng coun-
tries should shield some
industries from overseas
compeLILIon so LIuL LIey
cun grow und compeLe
wILI IoreIgn ugsIIps on
u IeveI-pIuyIng heId. OLI-
erwIse, deveIopIng coun-
LrIes wIII be condemned
Lo Iow-IeveI producLIons
oI, In Myunmur`s cuse,
mInIng, jude und gus,
wIIcI ure subjecL Lo voIu-
LIIe prIce ucLuuLIons be-
yond Myunmur`s conLroI.
DeveIopIng sLuLes,
LIereIore, Iuce u dIIemmu:
eILIer InvILIng TNCs Lo
curb IocuI IndusLry In ILs
crudIe, or proLecLIng IocuI
IndusLry Lo embruce sLug-
nuLIon, sInce LIere Is no
wuy Ior IocuI IndusLry Lo
learn and adopt modern
LecInoIogIes In un uuLur-
kIc envIronmenL dehcIenL
oI LIe mosL busIc InIru-
To provIde u wuy ouL
oI LIe dIIemmu, |s|LuLes
need Lo muInLuIn u cer-
LuIn IeveI oI conLroI und
InpuL InLo LIe ucLIvILIes
oI IoreIgn InvesLors Lo en-
sure that they maximise
LIe benehLs Lo LIe IosL
counLry, RoberL O`BrIen
und Murc WIIIIums, Lwo
scIoIurs oI gIobuI poIILIcuI
economy, posIL.
Aung Sun Suu KyI, LIe
opposILIon Ieuder, ecIoes
LIIs vIew. We undersLund
that investors do not
come pureIy Ior uILruIsLIc
reusons. We uccepL LIuL
InvesLmenLs musL puy o,
investment must lead to
prohLs. BuL we wouId IIke
LIese prohLs Lo be sIured
beLween LIe InvesLors
und our peopIe, suId LIe
udy In Ier uddress Lo un
nLernuLIonuI ubour Or-
gunIsuLIon conIerence In
Genevu In zo1z.
TIe oreIgn nvesLmenL
uw oI zo1z uppeurs Lo
udopL LIIs upproucI. IrsL
und IoremosL, IL guurun-
Lees uguInsL nuLIonuIIsu-
tion and expropriation
und esLubIIsIes LIe rIgIL
Lo use Iund. TIIs ensures
LIe Inow oI D Lo be-
gIn wILI. WIuL LIe sLuLe
needs to do is to honour
its promise and thus up-
IoId ILs credIbIIILy.
One poInL oI sIgnIhcunce
Is LIuL LIe , unIIke ILs
counLerpurL In 1q88, now
requIres IoreIgn hrms Lo
uppoInL Myunmur cILI-
zens Lo uL IeusL z percenL
of skilled positions in the
hrsL Lwo yeurs, uL IeusL o
percenL wILIIn LIe second
Lwo-yeur, und uL IeusL ;
percenL wILIIn LIe LIIrd.
TIe LIme IImIL Is exIbIe
In LIuL IL muy be Increused
bused on knowIedge.
This enables Myanmar
elites to learn the best
skIIIs und prucLIces Irom
gIobuI cIumpIons, und
uILImuLeIy, Lo creuLe My-
unmur`s own nuLIonuI
TIe sLuLes LIuL un-
skIIIed jobs uL TNCs ure
reserved Ior IocuI workers
onIy. TIe Iuw ruIes ouL
un IncreusIngIy popuIur
prucLIce oI repIucIng IocuI
workers wILI LIeIr own
counLrymen. L serves Lo
provide employment op-
portunities to millions of
unskIIIed workers In My-
unmur, wIo receIve wug-

As economic history of this

country shows, Myanmars
development path would be
extremely bumpy without
transnational corporations (TNCs),
which are conducive to diffusing
technical knowledge and manage-
ment techniques to the people.
To compete with its neighbours, Myanmar shouId quicken its improvement of infrastructure. There is a desperate need to provide reIiabIe
eIectricity and internet connection, and upgrade the country`s antiquated roads and transports.


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..: _._ ~ ..~ . . . , .~:.
, ... .:. ._ TNC .:.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
From page 21...
From page 21...
es Lo Improve LIeIr IIvIng
One breukLIrougI oI
LIe Is LIuL IL reIuxes
IoreIgn ownersIIp oI joInL
venLures In resLrIcLed sec-
Lors rungIng Irom nuLuruI
resources Lo munuIucLur-
Ing wIIcI cun be currIed
ouL by LIe cILIzens. or-
eIgn enLILIes cun now own
uL mosL 8o percenL oI u re-
sLrIcLed busIness, up Irom
qq percenL beIore LIe cur-
renL Is In pIuce. Own-
ership is often more of a
nuLIonuI securILy concern
LIun un economIc one,
and provided that the in-
vestment does not pose a
LIreuL Lo Myunmur, u Iew
more Myanmar nation-
uIs In LIe bourd wIII noL
IucIIILuLe IeurnIng, boosL
employment or improve
InIrusLrucLure In uny
meunIngIuI wuy.
PIucIng resLrIcLIons on
D wouId InevILubIy LrIg-
ger uccusuLIons oI eco-
nomIc nuLIonuIIsm. My-
unmur runked second In
Lerms oI D reguIuLory
resLrIcLIveness In zo1z,
uccordIng Lo OECD. TIIs
Is no cuuse Ior concern:
CIInu, urguubIy LIe mosL
successIuI emergIng econ-
omy, Lopped LIe Ieugue.
TIe omcIuI upproucI Lo
D wIII onIy work II und
onIy II TNCs ure wIIIIng Lo
InvesL In Myunmur. Cur-
renLIy, opLImIsm Lrumps
purunoIu. TIe US sees
Myanmar as a vital part
oI ILs 'pIvoL` Lo AsIu, und Is
IIkeIy Lo IIIL LIe remuInIng
suncLIons on Myunmur.
Japan and China have
wuged un ImpIIcIL buLLIe
for hearts and business
ucross LIe worId, urgued
DuvId PIIIIng In LIe I-
nuncIuI TImes, und Myun-
mur Is by uII yurdsLIcks u
mujor buLLIeground. My-
unmur`s sLruLegIc posILIon
has made itself an ideal
desLInuLIon Ior cupILuI.
oreIgn InvesLmenL wus
hve LImes IIgIer In hs-
cuI yeur zo1z-1 LIun In
zo11-1zY, omcIuI hgures
sIow. HuII oI LIe InvesL-
menL wenL Lo gurmenL
munuIucLurIng, wIere
empIoymenL und IeurnIng
processes ure sIgnIhcunL,
uILIougI munuIucLur-
Ing onIy uccounLs Ior q
percenL oI LoLuI D us oI
OpLImIsm, Iowever, Is
no excuse Ior compIucen-
cy. TIIs Is noL un eru wIen
sLuLe Ieuders muke decI-
sIons Ior compunIes. TIe
unIon governmenL musL
sIow commILmenL Lo re-
forms in order to estab-
lish Myanmar as a formi-
dubIe rIvuI Lo CumbodIu,
VIeLnum und TIuIIund.
To wIn LIIs compeLILIon,
Myunmur sIouId quIcken
its improvement of infra-
sLrucLure. TIere Is u des-
perate need to provide
reIIubIe eIecLrIcILy und
InLerneL connecLIon, und
upgrude LIe counLry`s un-
tiquated roads and trans-
porLs. TIe success oI LIe
Ooredoo cuse sIouId be
copIed und exLended Lo
uII LIese secLors wILI LIe
IeIp oI IoreIgn compu-
nIes. OnIy wILI sound In-
IrusLrucLure cun boLI Io-
cuI und IoreIgn InvesLors
EducuLIon Is unoLIer
poInL oI concern ruIsed
by muny InvesLors. Doun
Nguyen Hunsen, u senIor
purLner wILI McKInsey,
LoId ReuLers LIuL Myun-
mar people have only four
yeurs oI educuLIon on uv-
eruge. TIIs resuILed In
weuk producLIvILy ruLes,
uccordIng Lo Nguyen, Is ;o
percenL beIow LIuL oI My-
unmur`s regIonuI rIvuIs.
WIIIe LIe governmenL Is
rIgIL Lo expund budgeL on
educuLIon, IL sIouId uIso
aim to improve the qual-
ILy oI educuLIon, wIIcI
has been featured by its
reIIunce on roLe IeurnIng.
Many investors are also
deLerred by IIgIIy InuL-
ed properLy prIces In Yun-

The infant industry argu-

ment, as it is called, stipulates
that developing countries
should shield some industries
from overseas competition so that
they can grow and compete with
foreign flagships on a level-playing
BeveIoping states face a diIemma. either inviting TNCs to curb IocaI industry in its cradIe, or protecting
IocaI industry to embrace stagnation, since there is no way for IocaI industry to Iearn and adopt modern
technoIogies in an autarkic environment decient of the most basic infrastructure.
VUA and RFA's studio in Bangkok.
Myanmar, North Korea Still Listen
on Shortwave: BBG
gon, wIIcI ure wuy ubove
LIose oI regIonuI peers. A
cIumpdown on properLy
bubbIes, LogeLIer wILI
InvesLmenLs In educu-
LIon und InIrusLrucLure,
sIouId euse InuLIonury
pressures und uIIow room
Ior LIe CenLruI Bunk Lo
Iower LIe currenL punILIve
InLeresL ruLes wIIcI ure us
IIgI us 1 percenL. ower
InLeresL ruLes reduce LIe
cosL oI borrowIng Ior do-
mesLIc hrms und spur In-
usL buL noL IeusL, InsLI-
LuLIons ruIe, urgued DunI
RodrIk, ArvInd Subrumu-
nIun und runcesco Treb-
bI In LIeIr economeLrIcs
puper. TIe LIree scIoIurs
demonsLruLe wILI sLuLIsLI-
cuI evIdence LIuL InsLILu-
LIons ure LIe sIngIe mosL
important determinant of
u counLry`s Income IeveI.
Myanmar state authori-
ties need to establish a
cIeur seL oI ruIes LIuL Iu-
vour nobody, und LIIs wIII
Luke LIme. Press Ireedom
Is requIred Lo sIed IIgIL
on unwunLed sLuLe dIscre-
LIons und ucL us u cIeck Lo
LIe sysLem.
Ooredoo Ius now IuId
LIe groundwork Ior My-
unmur`s deveIopmenL -
LIe eusy bIL. TIe dImcuIL
bit is for Myanmar to di-
recL IoreIgn InvesLors Lo
the betterment of the na-
LIon. TIe momenLum Is
LIere. Myunmur musL noL
IeL opporLunILIes sIIp.
Ie US wIII onIy con-
LInue sIorLwuve
servIces Ior VoIce oI
AmerIcu und RudIo ree
AsIu In murkeLs wIere
LIere Is u crILIcuI need Ior
IL, u new puper reveuIed.
TIe SIorLwuve Com-
mILLee reporL wrILLen Ior
TIe BroudcusLIng Bourd
oI Governors (BBG) Ius
IdenLIhed jusL u Iew coun-
LrIes wIere subsLunLIuI
uudIences sLIII IIsLen on
Aye Myat n AsIu, LIey ure My-
unmur, AIgIunIsLun und
oLIer CenLruI AsIun coun-
LrIes und NorLI Koreu.
The report studied the
emcucy oI sIorLwuve
broudcusLIng In zo1q und
Iound LIuL overuII usuge
conLInues Lo decIIne us
uudIence geL more uccess
Lo news on oLIer pIuL-
Iorms IIke M, LeIevIsIon
and internet on mobile
pIones, AsIu RudIo Toduy
L Iound no evIdence
LIuL sIorLwuve usuge In-
creuses durIng crIses, us
uudIence use oLIer pIuL-
Iorms Ior InIormuLIon.
SIorLwuve wus Iound
to be a relatively expen-
sive platform to operate
and maintain and the
commILLee recommend-
ed conLInuIng Lo reduce
or eIImInuLe broudcusLs
wIere LIere Is mInImuI
uudIence reucI.
n Myunmur, wIere ILs
servIce conLInues, BBG
Ius LIe second IIgIesL
number oI sIorLwuve uu-
dIence wILI 6.z mIIIIon
BBG, wIIcI conLroIs
US-Iunded InLernuLIonuI
medIu, uIso uppeurs Lo
Iuve ruIed ouL InvesLIng
In DIgILuI RudIo MundI-
uIe (DRM) LecInoIogy Ior
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Voice of America . Radio
Free Asia ~~~~ ..~
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Govt to Impose Standard
Property Rental Fees
Ie governmenL
wIII seL sLundurds
on property rental
prIces In un uLLempL Lo
curb sky-IIgI prIces In
the real estate rental mar-
keL, u mInIsLer suId.
SLundurds Ior reuI esLuLe
suIe LrunsucLIons were In-
Lroduced In LIe zo1-1q
hscuI yeur, IoIIowIng up-
provals by relevant state
und regIonuI govern-
SucI sLundurdIsuLIon
wIII uIso be conducLed Ior
LIe renLuI murkeL, depuLy
mInIsLer Ior hnunce Dr
In Aung LoId u Iower
house session of the par-
We Impose Luxes bused
on LIe cIosesL vuIue Lo LIe
ucLuuI renLuI prIces on LIe
murkeL In reIevunL Lown-
sIIps. We ure currenLIy
pIunnIng Lo seL sLundurd
renLuI prIces, Ie suId.
DespILe LIe cooIIng down
of the real estate sale mar-
keLs In mujor cILIes IIke
Yungon, MunduIuy und Nuy
PyI Tuw, LIe renLuI murkeL
Is sLIII seeIng un unnuuI In-
creuses oI 1o Lo o percenL,
reuI esLuLe ugenLs suy.
undIords ruck up prIc-
es wIen sIx monLI or one
yeur renLuI conLrucLs ure
up. weIcome LIe gov-
ernmenL`s decIsIon Lo ud-
dress LIIs Issue, buL seL-
LIng sLundurd prIces wIII
be dImcuIL due Lo vurIous
types of houses and apart-
menLs, suId u renLer In
NorLI Dugon LownsIIp.
The previous taxation
on reuI esLuLe Lrunsuc-
LIons were ImpIemenLed
by LownsIIp-specIhc prIce
InspecLIons und seLLIng up
commILLees, wIIcI were
formed by representatives
Irom LIe nLernuI Rev-
enue DepurLmenL, PoIIce
orce, und Records De-
purLmenL, ProjecL PIun-
Htun Htun Min
nIng DepurLmenL und De-
veIopmenL CouncIIs.
A Iundowner In SouLI
OkkuIuppu LownsIIp pre-
dIcLed LIuL even LIougI
he does not understand
Iow sLundurd renLuI prIc-
es ure seL, LIe prIce cIunge
wouId sImpIy exIsL on pu-
per und never ucLuuIIy be
uppIIed In prucLIce.
TIe reuI esLuLe secLor
Ius been receIvIng Ieuvy
investment over the past
Lwo yeurs, IIke LIe prevIous
booms In LIe goId und cur
murkeLs. TIe conLInued
reIorms und openIng up
oI LIe economy Ius uIso
conLrIbuLed Lo Increused
InvesLmenLs In LIe secLor,
wILI growIng prIce mu-
nIpuIuLIons by owners wIo
conLroI u Iurge number oI
UnLII zoo, LIe gov-
ernmenL Imposed u ;
percenL Lux on reuI es-
LuLe suIes. AILer zoo, un
Bespite the reaI estate saIes market showing signs of cooIing, rentaI prices have been going up to the tune of 1U-5U percent a year in Yangon,
reaI estate agents say.
_.,.:.- _..:..,..:
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Ayala Land Eyes
Myanmar Project
in 2015
hi l i ppi nes-based
ProperLy gIunL Ayu-
Iu und nc suId IL
pIuns Lo IuuncI ILs InILIuI
projecL In Myunmur nexL
Initial joint venture
projecLs In emergIng und
IronLIer murkeLs sucI us
Myunmur, uIong wILI VI-
eLnum, wIII uIIow LIe hrm
to learn more about the
overseus properLy murkeL,
cIIeI hnunce omcer JuIme
YsmueI LoId IIIpIno me-
EurIIer LIIs yeur, AyuIu
unnounced LIuL IL Is pur-
suIng u $o-mIIIIon resI-
dential development in
Myunmur LIrougI u purL-
nersIIp wILI u IocuI prop-
erLy hrm.
TIe hrm wIII udd some
reLuII componenL Lo muke
the development a mixed-
use one, Ie suId.
TIe properLy hrm`s
move comes us IL exILs
CIInu IoIIowIng u sIow-
down In LIe reuI esLuLe
secLor oI LIe worId`s sec-
ond IurgesL economy.
Aye Myat

uILered reguIuLIon LIuL
does not require buyers to
reveuI Income sources II
LIey puy u 1 percenL Lux
ruLe conLInues Lo drIve In-
vesLmenL In LIe secLor.
e .~e~,_~.~ ._.:._.
.~q ~. , ~ q, ~ ,
..... .,_._.~:_._~..:.
~ ._.~.q:.~~e....~.
.,_.. ~:....~~.: ._
.~ .~ q ~: ~ . _. ._. :.q. ..
._._. ~~ q:..,.. ~
q:..,.~ ...~.~~
~ . q .~ ~ ._ .:~ .
~...:.._._.:.q ...
..:~ ..~: .. ~e . .|~
~. .q~~ ~ e .e . .~:
.~:..|~e. .|... ~...
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e.~: .~.~e''e ._ .:~
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_ ., .:. ~ . , . ._
. . . . ., . .~ _ ~ . _. ._.
...~~~ ~.,~.....
~.:...:.q._.. e.~ .q
~:...,..:.~ q..._...
._ . . . .q .. ._. . . .:. ._ .
Myanmar Summary
e .. . ~._.. ~ ~ . _. ._.
-q:...,._~. Ayala Land
Inc ._ .:._..~ _.,.:
. _ ~, .. . ~ , ..~ q,
...,._~:. ._.:_~:..~
._ . e_e...',.....~~
.:._e...: _.,.:.,_.~
-e~,..~~ ~,.~.
.. . . ~ , ..:.~_ .: _. .
_e ~.~~.,_e _ ._.
~ . _ . ._ ... .~ ~ . :.~ ..
.. .:. ._ _e. ._~:. _:
.q.~q:q.. ..e~....~
e...~..:..~ Ayala
._ _., .:_._ ~ .. . , .~. .
. .~~_ ..'.:.,. ,~
~, ..,~..:~~~~_
.:...~,.~..~:.qq q,
_~..:..~q .q._ .
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Hong Kong Home Prices Hit Record High for
Second Straight Month
ong Kong`s Iome
prIces IIL u record
IIgI Ior u second
consecuLIve monLI In
June, omcIuI duLu sIowed,
wILI smuII und medIum-
sIzed unILs posLIng LIe
Yimou Lee
A woman waIks past an out-of-business reaI estate agency, center, in Hong Kong.
bIggesL guIns us penL-up
demand from end-users
boosts sales in one of the
worId`s mosL expensIve
properLy murkeLs.
An index of overall
prIvuLe Iome prIces Ior
June edged up 1.1 per-
cenL monLI-on-monLI Lo
zqq.8, u LIIrd consecu-
LIve monLI oI guIns und
unoLIer record IIgI uILer
Muy. Home prIces Iuve
rIsen z.1 percenL LIIs yeur,
uccordIng Lo governmenL
AnuIysLs suId sLrong
pent-up demand from
end-users, wIo ure ex-
empt from a series of
cooIIng meusures Lo reIn
In sky-IIgI prIces, Is
IeuLIng up LIe once-quIeL
murkeL, wILI severuI In-
dusLry wuLcIers LurnIng
more buIIIsI on LIe secLor
und ruIsIng LIeIr IorecusLs
Ior Iome prIces In zo1q.
TIe duLu cume one
duy uILer LIe cILy`s Iurg-
esL deveIoper, Sun Hung
KuI ProperLIes, oered u
new projecL on LIe cILy`s
presLIgIous VIcLorIu Peuk,
wILI one unIL goIng Ior
HK1;6,ooo ($zz,;o;) per
squure IooL, wIIcI wouId
be LIe worId`s mosL ex-
pensIve properLy, uccord-
Ing Lo IocuI medIu reporLs.
TIe cILy`s powerIuI deveI-
opers, IncIudIng bIIIIonuIre
I Ku-sIIng`s CIeung Kong
(HoIdIngs) Ld und Hung
ung ProperLIes, Iuve seen
LIeIr eurnIngs rebound In
LIe hrsL IuII LIunks Lo ro-
busL demund.
ndusLry wuLcIers suId
the improved sentiment
cume uILer LIe govern-
menL sIIgILIy eused prop-
erLy curbs In Muy Lo gIve
resIdenLs wIo wIsI Lo
upgrude more LIme Lo seII
LIeIr oId Iomes, wIIIe
some uLLrIbuLe IL Lo recenL
cupILuI murkeL ucLIvILy.
TIe cILy`s reuI esLuLe
sub-index has risen more
LIun z percenL sInce
Iows IIL In MurcI und
Is now IoverIng neur ILs
IIgIesL IeveI sInce Sep-
Lember IusL yeur.
n IuLe zooq, LIe gov-
ernment of the former
BrILIsI coIony unveIIed
LIe hrsL oI u serIes oI
meusures Lo cooI one oI
LIe worId`s mosL expen-
sIve reuI esLuLe murkeLs.
Hong Kong Iome prIces
Iuve surged more LIun
1zo percenL sInce zoo8
due Lo Iow InLeresL ruLes,
suppIy sIorLuge und usI
IIquIdILy. Reuters
More Chinese Cities Relax Property
Rules in Policy Shift
ore than half
oI CIInu`s cIL-
ies have relaxed
properLy conLroIs und
analysts say more are ex-
pecLed Lo IoIIow, suggesL-
Ing LIe cenLruI govern-
menL Is eusIng ILs grIp on
LIe secLor us LIe cooIIng
IousIng murkeL poses
u growIng LIreuL Lo LIe
osIun, u souLIern cILy
In Guungdong ProvInce,
reIuxed resLrIcLIons on
Thursday that limited the
number of homes that
resIdenLs cun buy, LIe
governmenL suId on ILs
WeIbo mIcrobIog.
WILI osIun`s move, uL
IeusL z8 regIonuI govern-
ments in small- to mid-
sIzed CIInese cILIes Iuve
openly or quietly relaxed
Iome purcIuse resLrIc-
LIons LIIs yeur, duLu Irom
prIvuLe properLy consuI-
LuncIes sIowed.
This means that over
IuII oI CIInu`s q6 Io-
cuI governmenLs Iuve
scrupped IImILs on LIe
number of homes that
Xiaoyi Shao and
Koh Gui Qing
CIInese cun buy, In u
bId Lo supporL economIc
n LIe IusL Iew yeurs, Io-
cuI uLLempLs Lo reIux re-
sLrIcLIons on LIe IousIng
market unilaterally have
oILen dIspIeused BeIjIng
und LougIer meusures
were quIckIy puL buck In
BuL unuIysLs suy LIe In-
creusIng number oI IocuI
governmenLs wIIcI ure
unwIndIng conLroIs now
sIgnuIs LIuL BeIjIng Is gIv-
Ing LIem LIe green IIgIL
to bolster the troubled
properLy murkeL.
TIe cenLruI governmenL
Iud been wugIng u hve-
yeur cumpuIgn Lo curb
red-IoL IousIng prIces und
keep Iomes uorLubIe.
GIven LIe cenLruI gov-
ernmenL`s LoIerunce Ior
greuLer poIIcy IoosenIng
In recenL monLIs, u Iur-
LIer eusIng In purcIuse
resLrIcLIons Is expecLed
In smuIIer cILIes, CurIby
XIe, u reseurcI dIrecLor uL
reuI esLuLe servIces com-
puny CoIIIers, suId In u
BuL wILI Iome prIces
sLIII neur uII-LIme IIgIs,
some unuIysLs ure voIcIng
worrIes LIuL CIInu muy
Iuve buckIed Loo mucI
amid pressure to safe-
guurd LIe economy, uL
LIe expense oI cuImIng u
IroLIy IousIng murkeL.
ILcI RuLIngs wurned
IusL week LIuL LIe Ioosen-
Ing oI properLy curbs, Lo-
geLIer wILI un eusIng In
overuII moneLury poIIcy,
muy sLoke properLy spec-
uIuLIon yeL uguIn.
Still unoordohle
To cooI u bubbIy Ious-
Ing murkeL, CIInu sLurLed
In IuLe zooq u cumpuIgn Lo
Lemper Iome prIces LIuL
InvoIved ruIsIng down-
puymenL IeveIs, morL-
guges ruLes und ImposIng
Iome-buyIng resLrIcLIons.
YeL LIe conLroIs Iuve
Iud u mIxed record In de-
IIverIng resuILs.
SInce zooq, Iome prIc-
es IIL records IIgIs In
every yeur excepL zo1z,
und IL wus onIy LIIs yeur
wIen CIInu`s economIc
growLI ground Lowurds
u zq-yeur-Iow LIuL LIe
IousIng murkeL hnuIIy
IosL some sLeum.
oIIowIng IusL yeur`s
unusuuIIy sLrong perIor-
munce, uveruge Iome
prIces Iuve IuIIen on u
monLIIy busIs sInce Muy,
wIIIe new consLrucLIon
sLurLs Iuve LumbIed.
WorrIed LIuL record-Iow
Iome uordubIIILy ruLes
wIII cuuse socIuI unresL,
CIInu`s cenLruI govern-
ment has resisted a na-
LIonwIde reIuxuLIon oI
LIe curbs In LIe properLy
ndeed, some experLs
said a broad relaxation in
IousIng conLroIs ure un-
IIkeIy Lo be currIed ouL In
LIe bIggesL cILIes oI BeI-
jIng und SIungIuI, wIere
record-IIgI Iome prIces
Iuve sown pubIIc dIscon-
BuL LIe IoId-ouL Ius
been puInIuI Ior IocuI gov-
ernmenLs, wIIcI benehL
from a buoyant property
murkeL LIrougI revenues
eurned Irom seIIIng Iund.
Analysts said easier
IousIng poIIcIes wIII sLu-
bIIIse LIe murkeL, LIougI
prIces wouId noL bounce
buck unyLIme soon.
or LIose cILIes wIere
LIere Is un oversuppIy, u
IurLIer prIce correcLIon Is
InevILubIe, CoIIIers` XIe
suId. Reuters

A man rides a bicycIe past residentiaI buiIdings in Shanghai.

Myanmar Summary
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Toyota Dreams of Green Car Future,
But Tied to Gas-Guzzler Present
oyota Motor Corp
Is IILcIIng ILs Iu-
Lure Lo green curs,
InvesLIng bIIIIons oI doI-
Iurs In gusoIIne-eIecLrIc
IybrIds und IueI-ceII ve-
IIcIes, buL Ior now ILs re-
cord prohL perIormunce Is
beIng powered IurgeIy by
u gus-guzzIIng US murkeL.
n LIe UnILed SLuLes, reIu-
LIveIy cIeup gusoIIne prIces
IeIped Lo spur brIsk q per-
cenL growLI In IndusLry-
wIde IIgIL Lruck suIes In LIe
hrsL IuII oI LIe yeur, muk-
Ing LIuL one oI LIe IusLesL-
growIng mujor gIobuI mur-
keL segmenLs - uccounLIng
for about one-tenth of
gIobuI veIIcIe suIes.
Toyota outperformed
LIe overuII US murkeL,
moreover, wILI ILs IresI
modeI IIne-up - LIe HIgI-
Iunder SUV wus rede-
sIgned In ebruury und
LIe Tundru pIck-up goL u
IuceIIIL IusL SepLember -
powerIng u 1o percenL rIse
In ILs Junuury-June US
IIgIL Lruck suIes Lo neurIy
IuII u mIIIIon veIIcIes.
TIuL success Is Ieed-
Ing LIe neurIy $qo bIIIIon
cusI pIIe LIuL ToyoLu wIII
Lup Ior IuLure green cur
TIe US Is one oI LIe
Iew brIgIL spoLs conLrIbuL-
Ing Lo yeur-on-yeur prohL
growLI Ior ToyoLu wIIIe IL
Iuces u sIowdown In pIuces
IIke Jupun und TIuIIund,
suId KoIcII SugImoLo, un
auto analyst at Mitsubishi
UJ Morgun SLunIey.
IgIL Lrucks, u cuLegory
LIuL IncIudes SUVs, uc-
counLed Ior uround qz
Yoko Kubota percenL oI ToyoLu`s LoLuI
US suIes In Junuury-June,
wIIcI were up percenL
Irom u yeur eurIIer.
TIe sLrong sIowIng con-
LInued In JuIy, wIen Toy-
oLu`s LoLuI US suIes rose 1z
percenL due Lo robusL SUV
demund und Iurger dIs-
counLs, ouLperIormIng LIe
IndusLry`s q percenL growLI
und surpussIng ord Mo-
Lor Co Lo become LIe No.z
seIIer Ior LIe monLI.
BIgger veIIcIes sucI us
IIgIL Lrucks Lend Lo be more
prohLubIe LIun smuII curs.
or LIIs hnuncIuI yeur,
Toyota is likely to make an
operuLIng prohL oI uround
$z,oo on uveruge Ior eve-
ry IIgIL Lruck sucI us LIe
RAVq or Tundru IL seIIs In
LIe UnILed SLuLes.
TIe hgure Ior pussenger
curs sucI us LIe PrIus or
LIe Cumry, ToyoLu`s besL-
seIIIng cur In LIe UnILed
SLuLes, Is ubouL $1,oo,
suId KoIcII SugImoLo, un
auto analyst at Mitsubishi
UJ Morgun SLunIey.
While Toyota reaps
IeILy prohLs Irom US IIgIL
Lrucks, ILs suIes oI LIe PrI-
us, LIe worId`s besL-seIIIng
IybrId cur, sIumped 11 per-
cenL In LIe UnILed SLuLes In
LIe hrsL IuII oI LIe yeur.
UnIIke ToyoLu`s US IIgIL
Lruck IIne-up, LIe ugsIIp
Prius has not seen a mod-
eI cIunge In hve yeurs.
BuL ILs IorLunes ure seL Ior
a boost as Toyota readies
u IourLI generuLIon oI LIe
IybrId Lo IIL sIowrooms
us eurIy us nexL yeur.
ToyoLu InLroduced LIe
PrIus In IuLe 1qq; und en-
dured years of losses to
esLubIIsI domInunce In
LIe segmenL. AILer seIIIng
more LIun 6 mIIIIon Iy-
brIds over 1; yeurs, Toy-
oLu suys IL Is now eurnIng
money on the Prius and
aims to make its hybrids
us prohLubIe us ILs guso-
IIne-engIne curs.
ToyoLu wIII IurLIer bur-
nIsI ILs Imuge us u green
LecInoIogy pIoneer nexL
yeur wIen IL reudIes u Iu-
eI-ceII veIIcIe Ior IuuncI
by end-MurcI.
BuL Ior LIe resL oI LIIs
hnuncIuI yeur, IL`s bIg
gusoIIne-engIne veIIcIes
LIuL wIII be underpInnIng
ToyoLu`s prohLs.
TIey ure 1 percenL
sIure oI LIe US murkeL und
LIey`ve goL Lo seII wIuL LIe
murkeL buys, Ior sure, suId
KurL Sunger, uuLos unuIysL
uL DeuLscIe SecurILIes In
Tokyo. Reuters
China to Punish Audi, Chrysler for
Violating Anti-Monopoly Law
IInu suId IL wIII
punIsI IoreIgn cur
makers Audi and
CIrysIer us weII us some
1o Jupunese spure-purL
mukers Ior vIoIuLIng LIe
counLry`s unLI-monopoIy
TIe NuLIonuI DeveIop-
menL und ReIorm Com-
mIssIon (NDRC), respon-
sIbIe Ior enIorcIng ruIes
uguInsL unLI-compeLILIve
prIcIng, suId LIuL IL Iud
Iound IuL SpA`s CIrysIer
In SIungIuI und VoIkswu-
gen`s AudI In HubeI Lo be
engugIng In monopoIIsLIc
TIe governmenL Ius
uIso compIeLed InvesLI-
guLIons InLo 1z Jupunese
auto-parts makers and
wIII meLe ouL punIsI-
ment to those found to be
breukIng LIe unLI-monop-
oIy Iuw, I PumIn, spokes-
mun oI LIe NDRC, suId uL
u press conIerence In BeI-
jIng. TIe NDRC dId noL
identify the spare-part
makers and did not say
Wang Lan, Samuel
Shen & Fayen Wong
Iow muny oI LIem wouId
be punIsIed.
CIInu Is InLensIIyIng eI-
IorLs Lo brIng compunIes
InLo compIIunce wILI un
unLI-monopoIy Iuw en-
ucLed In zoo8, IuvIng In
recenL yeurs Luken uIm uL
industries as varied as milk
powder und jeweIIery.
n recenL monLIs, regu-
lators have ramped up
probes In IndusLrIes rung-
Ing Irom pIurmuceuLIcuIs
Lo eIecLronIcs. A number
oI muILInuLIonuI com-
punIes IncIudIng Meud
JoInson NuLrILIon Co
und Dunone SA Iuve
been sIupped wILI sub-
sLunLIuI hnes IoIIowIng
sImIIur InvesLIguLIons In
LIe pusL.
In the latest anti-trust
bIILz, IoreIgn compunIes
LIuL Iuve been LurgeLed
IncIude US cIIpmuker
QuuIcomm nc, wIIcI
omcIuIs IubeIIed us mo-
nopoIIsLIc IusL monLI und
Is wIdeIy expecLed Lo geL
u Ieuvy hne. RecenLIy,
InvesLIguLors sLormed
MIcrosoIL Corp omces In
Iour CIInese cILIes us purL
The nationaI Hag of China Hutters behind a fence of the headquarters of the NationaI BeveIopment and
Reform Commission (NBRC) in Beijing.
oI un ongoIng probe.
wus uIso conducLIng un
InvesLIguLIon InLo DuIm-
Ier`s Mercedes-Benz.
RecenLIy, LIe JIungsu dI-
vIsIon oI LIe NDRC con-
ducLed InvesLIguLIons InLo
Mercedes-Benz deuIers In
hve cILIes. Reuters

Myanmar Summary
~, ~ . ._ _ ._ ~ .
.~ ~|._~ .~ . . ~ ~ e~ .q.
_ ._ .~:.~ . ~ . :._ e. ..:
Audi . Chrysler ~.|~~
., ~:.~. .. _ . ~ . .
..: ~.~ ~~ .~ ~.q.e
.__e.._~:. ~_.,.~
e_..~ .~e.....:
.... , ..:..~ . ~ . ~ ., ~
~:. _ .. ..: ._ . . . .:.
.. ~ q, ~:~, q ..:~. ..:.
e _e ..q.. _._. ._.: .. .q.
.~:.q._ q,e._.~
Fiat SPa - Chrysler .
e.._.~ Volkswagen -
Audi ~.~~.: .~~|._~.
_....._~:. .~q.._.
~e~:~:.~.~._ ,.
~- ~,:~~~~ .:~
.~ ~, .~ . . ~ ..:_ .
q..: ~....q:~:..:.~
.q . . e .:_ . . .:~ . .
. . .. e .q. ~:..:..
..: .:.:~ . . .~:..:.~..'
..'.: . e . . _q .. ._. . .
.~ q ..: ._ . , .~ -. . ,
~ ~_.~.qq..:. .:~.
~._ .:~ ~_ .:.~. ._ . ..:
_e.._~:. .q._.
~..q~,...~~~ .
~~:~ .~ .:..:.:~ .
....,..:.-~,.~:._e ..:
.~:~:.~_~.~,. .~
q.~:..:. .q:..q..: e.
. . ... . ~~ ~~ . ~ .q:.
.,.~ _.~~.:._.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Samsung, Apple Call End to Patents War Outside US
umsung EIecLron-
Ics Co Ld und Ap-
pIe nc suId LIey
Iud ugreed Lo drop uII
puLenL IILIguLIon ouLsIde
LIe UnILed SLuLes, scuIIng
down u proLrucLed IeguI
buLLIe beLween LIe smurL-
pIone rIvuIs.
TIe IPIone und GuIuxy
handset makers issued
neurIy IdenLIcuI sLuLe-
menLs unnouncIng LIe
gIobuI ceusehre wIIIe
vowIng Lo pursue ongoIng
IILIguLIon In LIe UnILed
SLuLes, wIIcI unuIysLs
suy InvoIves mucI bIg-
ger umounLs oI poLenLIuI
TIe SouLI Koreun und
US LecI gIunLs decIIned
Lo dIscIose LIe Lerms oI
the deal but said it did not
InvoIve uny IIcensIng ur-
rungemenLs und LIe com-
punIes ure conLInuIng Lo
pursue LIe exIsLIng cuses
In US courLs.
TIe ugreemenL ends
patent disputes in Aus-
LruIIu, runce, Germuny,
LuIy, Jupun, LIe NeLIer-
Iunds, SouLI Koreu, SpuIn
und LIe UnILed KIngdom,
counLrIes wIere LIe smurL-
phone market leaders had
enguged urmIes oI Iuwyers
Ior wIuL unuIysLs suId were
quesLIonubIe guIns.
TIeIr hgILIng spIrIL Ius
weukened und LIey now
seek Lo Iocus on LIe key
buLLIeground, LIe US,
suId Young Purk, u Hyun-
duI SecurILIes LecInoIogy
unuIysL In Hong Kong.
Hyunjoo Jin &
Dan Levine
TIey now see IILLIe need
Lo wuge u wur uround LIe
worId, wIIcI wIII onIy IuL-
Len LIe bIIIs oI Iuwyers,
Ie suId, uddIng LIe deuI
raised the possibility of
u hnuI IIcense ugreemenL
seLLIIng Iow LIe compu-
nIes use eucI oLIer`s puL-
enLed LecInoIogIes.
AppIe und Sumsung
LogeLIer domInuLe LIe
gIobuI smurLpIone mur-
keL wILI u combIned mur-
keL sIure oI ;.1 percenL
In LIe second quurLer oI
zo1q, uccordIng Lo SLruL-
egy AnuIyLIcs.
TIeIr IeguI buLLIe be-
gun In LIe UnILed SLuLes
In zo11 wIen AppIe hrsL
hIed u suIL uIIegIng Sum-
sung sIuvIsIIy copIed eI-
emenLs oI ILs IPIones, LIe
devIce wIIcI IuuncIed
LIe IndusLry.
Days after the initial Ap-
pIe suIL wus IuuncIed In
LIe UnILed SLuLes, Sum-
sung sued ILs CuperLIno,
California-based rival in
SouLI Koreu, Jupun und
Germuny, kIckIng o u se-
rIes oI LIL-Ior-LuL cuses LIuL
spreud uround LIe worId.
TIe IILIguLIon ruged even
us busIness ourIsIed be-
Lween LIe Lwo LecInoI-
ogy compunIes, wILI Ap-
pIe dependIng IeuvIIy on
Sumsung Ior componenLs
sucI us cIIps und IIquId
crysLuI dIspIuys.
No mer i t
An IndusLry source Iu-
mIIIur wILI LIe muLLer
LoId ReuLers LIe compu-
nIes decIded LIuL LIere
wus no merIL In druggIng
on LIese IuwsuILs. TIe
source decIIned Lo be
IdenLIhed due Lo LIe sen-
sILIvILy oI LIe muLLer.
NIcIoIus RodeIII, un uL-
torney and adviser to in-
stitutional investors for
CRA ReseurcI In Mury-
Iund, suId LIere Iud been
u Lrend Lowurds gruduuI
de-escuIuLIon oI puLenL
IosLIIILIes beLween AppIe
und Sumsung.
L`s noL yeL cIeur wIeLI-
er LIIs Is sIgnuI or noIse,
In Lerms oI prospecLs Ior
gIobuI seLLIemenL, Ie
n LIe UnILed SLuLes,
Sumsung Is uppeuIIng
LIe resuIL oI u bIock-
busLer zo1z LrIuI, seekIng
Lo undo $qo mIIIIon In
While Apple says those
dumuges sIouId sLund,
the iPhone maker last
week wILIdrew ILs requesL
for a permanent sales
bun uguInsL severuI oIder
Sumsung pIones, uccord-
Ing Lo courL hIIngs.
SepuruLeIy, AppIe wenL
Lo LrIuI uguInsL Sumsung
on u second buLcI oI puL-
ents earlier this year and
won u $1zo mIIIIon ver-
dIcL. AppIe sLIII Ius u re-
quesL pendIng Ior u suIes
bun uguInsL newer Sum-
sung pIones In LIuL pro-
On unoLIer IronL, Sum-
sung Is hgILIng MIcrosoIL
Corp over uIIeguLIons IL
refused to make a roy-
alty payment last year on
puLenL IIcenses uILer LIe
US compuny unnounced
pIuns Lo ucquIre NokIu`s
IundseL busIness.
MeunwIIIe, AppIe und
GoogIe nc`s MoLoroIu
MobIIILy unIL ugreed In
May to settle all patent
IILIguLIon beLween LIem
over smurLpIones.
AppIe und compunIes
LIuL muke pIones usIng
GoogIe`s AndroId soIL-
wure, sucI us Sumsung`s
Lop-seIIIng GuIuxy serIes,
Iuve hIed dozens oI sucI
IuwsuILs uguInsL one un-
oLIer uround LIe worId Lo
proLecL LIeIr LecInoIogy.
A saIes assistant hoIding Samsung EIectronics` CaIaxy 5 smartphone (I) and AppIe Inc`s iPhone 5 smart-
phone (R) poses for photographs at a store in SeouI.

Britons Spend Longer on Mobile Gadgets And
TV Than Sleeping
A man uses his mobiIe phone next to a raiI of cIothes for saIe in
central London.

rILons now spend
more LIme usIng
smartphones and
Paul Sandle LubIeLs, wuLcIIng LeIevI-
sIon und IIsLenIng Lo LIe
radio than they do sleep-
Ing, LIunks Lo LIe uvuIIu-
bility of broadband in the
Iome und on LIe move,
reguIuLor OIcom suId.
ConsumIng medIu und
communIcuLIng Lukes 11
Iours und ; mInuLes ouL
oI un uveruge BrILon`s duy,
u jump oI more LIun Lwo
Iours sInce zo1o, Irom 8
Iours und q8 mInuLes, IL
SmurLpIones, wIIcI ure
now used by 61 percenL oI
peopIe, und LubIeL com-
puLers were beIInd LIe
rIse, OIcom suId, us LIey
uIIow peopIe Lo sLuy con-
necLed wIIIe on LIe move.
New LecInoIogy wus uIso
beIInd work encroucIIng
more and more into peo-
pIe`s personuI LIme, wILI
sIx In 1o peopIe doIng
work Lusks ouLsIde work-
Ing Iours und 1o percenL
reudIng und sendIng work
related emails and texts in
bed, LIe survey Iound.
On LIe Ip sIde, BrILons
use emuII uL work Ior per-
sonal reasons and one in
hve sIop onIIne In LIe oI-
Many people made tel-
epIone cuIIs und surI LIe
web uL LIe sume LIme us
LIey wuLcI LeIevIsIon or
IIsLen Lo LIe rudIo, so LIe
LoLuI voIume oI 11 Iours ;
mInuLes Is squeezed InLo
8 Iours q1 mInuLes, or zo
mInuLes Ionger LIun LIey
sIeep, OIcom suId.
WuLcIIng LeIevIsIon re-
mained the most popular
IndIvIduuI ucLIvILy, con-
sumIng neurIy LIree Iours
oI LIe uveruge uduIL`s duy,
LIe zo1q CommunIcu-
LIons MurkeL ReporL suId.
OIcom`s reseurcI uIso
sIowed LIuL LIe mosL
LecI-suvvy peopIe ure
PeopIe reucI u peuk oI
dIgILuI undersLundIng uL
1q-1 yeurs, wIIIe cIII-
dren uL uge sIx sIow LIe
sume knowIedge oI new
LecInoIogy us LIe uveruge
q-yeur-oId, suId OIcom,
wIIcI surveyed neurIy
z,ooo uduILs und 8oo
cIIIdren. Reuters
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August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Epson Prepares to Ride Higher
in Myanmar Printer Market
upunese eIecLronIcs
hrm Epson suId IL
Is now reudy Lo ex-
pand its business further
In Myunmur wILI pIunned
IuuncI oI more producLs.
Epson, wIIcI cIuIms Lo
be the leader of Myan-
mur`s IIgI-yIeId prInLer
murkeL, suId LIe hrm Is
weII prepured Lo uccom-
moduLe LIe IusL-rIsIng
demund oI ILs vurIous cus-
Lomer groups In Myun-
mur wIere LIe compuny
Is seeIng robusL busIness
Yunyong Muneemong-
koILorn, generuI munuger
of Epson (Thailand) Co
Ld, suId IIgI-yIeId prInL-
er market has been ex-
pundIng IusL In AsIu espe-
cIuIIy In SouLIeusL AsIun
nuLIons sInce consumers
Iuve embruced LIe cosL
eecLIve LecInoIogy.
He suId sInce LIe InLro-
ducLIon oI LIe Epson -
series printers three years
ugo In Myunmur, LIe
prInLers Iuve been pIe-
Wai Linn Kyaw nomenuIIy successIuI.
TIeIr suIes Ius rIsen
sIgnIhcunLIy und guIned
over o percenL oI murkeL
sIure Loduy.
usL yeur, Epson soId
more LIun o,ooo oI -
SerIes prInLers. TIe z1o
modeI, In purLIcuIur, wus
popuIur umong SMEs und
SOHOs, LIe hrm suId.
Epson, wIIcI Is Ied by
LIe Jupun-bused SeIko
Epson Corp, suId IL pIuns
Lo boosL ILs IIgI-yIeId
printer sales by more than
qo percenL und expund
cusLomer buse LIIs yeur
LIrougI ILs InLegruLed
murkeLIng cumpuIgn.
TIere ure now more
LIun 1q modeIs oI LIe -
SerIes In LIe Myunmur
market to address the
needs oI busIness seg-
menLs. TIese IncIude
sIngIe-IuncLIon und muI-
LIIuncLIon prInLers In boLI
monocIrome und coIor,
modeIs wILI connecLIvILy
Lo AN und WIh neLwork,
und Lo smurL devIces vIu
Epson IPrInL, pIoLo prInL-
ers, A+ prInLIng.
Epson suId IL wIII con-
LInue Lo IuuncI more
-SerIes producLs InLo
Myunmur Lo cuLer Lo LIe
cusLomers Irom SMEs
(small and medium enter-
prIses), SOHOs (smuII oI-
hceJIome omce), educu-
LIonuI InsLILuLes und Iurge
TIe compuny Is uIso
LryIng Lo uLLrucL cusLom-
ers by oerIng boLI wur-
ranty and after-sale ser-
vIces. Buyers wIII geL Iree
repuIr servIces und purLs
repIucemenL Ior one IuII
year or for maximum
puge coveruge, LIe hrm
Epson suId IL wIII use
brundIng sLruLegy In posI-
LIonIng LIe -SerIes us LIe
mosL cosL-eecLIve prInL-
Ing soIuLIons, us weII us
educuLIng consumers LIuL
LIe -SerIes producLs cosL
LIem onIy $o.oo1 per Aq
bIuck-und-wIILe puge und
$o.oo US doIIur per Aq
coIor puge.
The latest models of
-SerIes Iuve bousLed
greuLer emcIency In Lerms
oI prInLIng speed und con-
secuLIve prInLIng. nk Ior
LIe -SerIes Is produced
by Epson und eucI Ink
boLLIe cosLs $6..
Yunyong suId: My-
unmur Is u IusL-growIng
murkeL. As SMEs, Iome
omces, und Iurge or-
gunIsuLIons Iuve musI-
roomed ucross LIe coun-
Lry, demund Ior prInLers
uIso grows. TIe -SerIes
Ius LIus goL very good
prospecL In Myunmur.
We ure conhdenL LIuL
LIe -SerIes . wIII receIve
even keener response
Irom uII Lypes oI cusLom-
Myanmar Summary
Telenor, Samsung Discuss How to Make
Myanmar Mobile Internet More Accessible
elenor Myanmar
IusL week IosLed ILs
sIxLI NeL Monduy
wILI guesL speukers Irom
Sumsung Myunmur. More
LIun 1o mobIIe enLIusI-
asts attended the monthly
evenL wIIcI dIscussed
Iow Lo muke mobIIe In-
ternet in Myanmar more
Panelists at the event
suId creuLIon oI IocuI
conLenL Is LIe key Lo Im-
Kyaw Min provIng InLerneL peneLru-
LIon In Myunmur, wIIIe
IeuILIy compeLILIon In
LIe IndusLry wIII benehL
TeIenor Myunmur CEO
PeLLer urberg suId, TIIs
Is LIe hrsL LIme In IIsLory
internet is more impor-
LunL LIun voIce servIce
wIen buIIdIng u mobIIe
TeIenor`s hrsL prIor-
ILy Is Lo buIId u neLwork
Ior uII wIen we IuuncI In
SepLember. TeIenor uIso
plans to provide mobile
servIces Lo LIose wIo ure
noL connecLed uL LIe mo-
TIIs Is uIso u concepL
beIInd provIdIng boLI
G und zG neLwork Ior
Myunmur. zG IundseLs
ure consIderubIy Iess ex-
pensIve LIun G devIces.
AordubIIILy Is key In
provIdIng servIce Lo LIe
muss murkeL. Any GSM
pIones wIII work wILI
TeIenor SM curds und we
wIII Iuve mIIIIons oI SM
curds Lo ensure uvuIIubII-
ity so no one should pay
more LIun K1oo.
urberg suId creuLIng
IocuI conLenL Is very Im-
porLunL und LIe LeIecoms
hrm Is workIng on u cou-
ple of initiatives in areas
sucI us educuLIon wILI
WIkIpedIu Zero und un
ExecuLIve MBA progrum,
mobIIe IeuILI servIces
(mHeuILI) wILI MurIe
SLopes nLernuLIonuI My-
unmur, und hnuncIuI ser-
vIces - money LrunsIer oI
boLI IocuI und ubroud.
SouLI Koreu`s Sum-
sung, LIe worId`s num-
ber one devIce munuIuc-
Lurer, recenLIy sIgned un
ugreemenL wILI TeIenor
Lo work LogeLIer In My-
unmur Ior TeIenor`s Sep-
Lember IuuncI oI mobIIe
TIe compunIes wIII
partner in the develop-
ment of joint market of-
IerIngs, uordubIe devIce
bundles and promotional
ucLIvILIes In LIe IuLure Lo
enIunce mobIIe InLerneL
uccessIbIIILy In Myunmur,
TeIenor suId.
Sumsung Myunmur
Heud oI HHP CIunneI Ko
ZurnI WIn HLeL suId Sum-
sung Ius recenLIy worked
LogeLIer wILI UnIversILy
oI CompuLer ScIence Yun-
gon (UCSY) Lo gIve beLLer
educuLIon on InIormuLIon
und LecInoIogy.
The partnership is
cuIIed Sumsung TecI n-
sLILuLe und u group oI
seIecLed sLudenLs wIII be
gIven LIe opporLunILy Lo
learn the android operat-
Ing sysLem und enIunce
LIe mobIIe uppIIcuLIon
desIgn und deveIopmenL
on Android platform and
creuLe muny useIuI IocuI
conLenLs und upps.
Sumsung Is uIso work-
Ing very Iurd Lo provIde
IocuI Iunguuge sLubIIILy In
LIeIr devIces. Sumsung Is
deveIopIng u devIce LIuL
cun supporL boLI UnIcode
und Zuw GyI IonL sys-
Lems Ior user preIerence.
Sumsung Myunmur und
TeIenor Myunmur wIII
provIde devIce bundIes
LuIIored Ior Myunmur.
Myanmar Summary
PaneIists at the Net Monday event hosted by TeIenor.

A worker waIks in front of an Epson Iogo at a computer and technoIogy exhibition in ]akarta.
., . . .. .. _ . ~ . ~
Epson ._ _.,.:.~
~~,...:. .._e,.q,
_. . .~ q ~: ...~ ~ .
q, e.~.| ~.._e..,_.
_e.._~:. ._.:_~:..~._.
_., .:. -~~ .~_.~ .:.
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...: .,._ e . ..:Epson
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.:. ~~ , .~:.e, ~ .....~
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_...._..~ Epson._
L ..q.....~ ~.. ,~,~~~
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~e..,:_.,.:._ _...
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Net Monday ~ ~...._.
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..._. . ....~ .:..:.. _ .
~~ .:.. ~,:~ ~.q: .
_. ~ .q.~ .~. ~. .:.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Bangkok ((BKK) Fliggh htss ffroom Banggkok (BKKK) to Yaangon (RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
PG 706 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 7:15 9:30 Bangkok Airways DD4230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 06:30 07:55 NOK Airlines
DD4231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 8:00 9:45 NOK Airlines 8M336 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 6:40 7:25 MAI
FD2752 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 8:30 10:15 Thai AirAsia FD2751 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 7:15 8:00 Thai AirAsia
8M335 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 8:40 10:25 MAI TG303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 8:00 8:45 Thai Airways
TG304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 9:50 11:45 Thai Airways PG701 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 8:50 9:40 Bangkok Airways
PG702 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 10:45 12:40 Bangkok Airways FD2755 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 11:35 12:20 Thai AirAsia
Y5-237 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 18:05 19:50 Golden Myanmar Airlines PG707 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 13:40 14:30 Bangkok Airways
TG302 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 14:45 16:40 Thai Airways Y5-238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 21:10 21:55 Golden Myanmar Airlines
PG703 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 15:20 17:15 Bangkok Airways FD2753 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DMK RGN 16:35 17:20 Thai AirAsia
8M331 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 16:30 18:15 MAI PG703 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 16:45 17:35 Bangkok Airways
FD2754 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 17:50 19:35 Thai AirAsia TG305 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 17:55 18:40 Thai Airways
PG704 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 18:25 20:20 Bangkok Airways DD4238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 19:30 20:15 NOK Airlines
TG306 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN BKK 19:40 21:35 Thai Airways 8M332 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 19:20 20:05 MAI
DD4239 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DMK 21:00 22:45 NOK Airlines PG705 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BKK RGN 20:00 21:15 Bangkok Airways
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Chiaang Maii (CNX) FFliggh htss ffroom m Chiangg Mai (CCNX) to YYangon (RGN)
W9-9607 4 7 RGN CNX 14:50 16:20 Air Bagan W9-9608 4 7 CNX RGN 17:20 17:50 Air Bagan
Flligghtss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Sinngapore (SIN) Flligghtss ffroom Singaapore (SIN) to Yangon ((RGN)
Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 10:10 14:40 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 15:35 17:05 Golden Myanmar Airlines
MI509 1 6 RGN SIN 0:25 5;00 SilkAir SQ998 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 7:55 9:20 Singapore Airline
8M231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 8:30 13:00 MAI 8M6231/3K585 1 3 4 5 6 SIN RGN 9:10 10:40 Jetstar Asia
SQ997 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 10:25 14:45 Singapore Airline 8M232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:10 15:40 MAI
8M6232/3K586 1 3 4 5 6 RGN SIN 11:30 16:05 Jetstar Asia MI518 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 14:20 15:45 SilkAir
8M233 5 6 7 RGN SIN 13:45 18:15 MAI 8M235 5 6 7 SIN RGN 19:15 20:45 MAI
TR2827 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 19:05 23:40 TigerAir TR2826 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SIN RGN 17:05 18:25 TigerAir
MI517 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN SIN 16:40 21:15 SilkAir MI520 5 7 SIN RGN 22:10 23:35 SilkAir
FFliightts frromm Yangonn (RGN) tto Kualaa Lumpuur (KUL) Fligghtts frro om m Kuala LLumpur (KUL)too Yangonn (RGN)
AK1427 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:30 12:50 AirAsia AK1426 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 6:55 8:00 AirAsia
8M501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 8:55 12:55 MAI MH740 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 10:05 11:15 Malaysia Airlines
MH741 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KUL 12:15 16:30 Malaysia Airlines 8M502 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KUL RGN 14:00 15:00 MAI
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to HHanoi (HHAN) Fligghtts frrom Hannoi (HANN) to Yanngon (RRGN)
VN956 1 3 5 6 7 RGN HAN 19:10 21:30 Vietnam Airlines VN957 1 3 5 6 7 HAN RGN 16:35 18:10 Vietnam Airlines
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Ho CChi Minhh (SGN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Ho Chii Minh (SSGN) to Yangonn (RGN)
VN942 2 4 7 RGN SGN 14:25 17:10 Vietnam Airlines VN943 2 4 7 SGN RGN 11:40 13:25 Vietnam Airlines
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTaipei (TTPE) Flligghtss ffrom Taipei (TPEE) to Yanngon (RGN)
CI7916 1 2 3 4 5 6 RGN TPE 10:50 16:10 China Airline CI7915 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TPE RGN 7:15 10:05 China Airline
BR288 2 5 6 RGN TPE 11:35 17:20 EVA Air BR287 2 5 6 TPE RGN 7:30 10:35 EVA Air
Flliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Kunming(KMG) Flliggh htss ffroom Kunmming(KMMG) to Yangon ((RGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN KMG 14:15 17:35 Air China CA905 2 3 4 6 7 KMG RGN 12:40 13:15 Air China
MU2032 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN KMG 14:40 17:55 China Eastern MU2031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KMG RGN 13:30 14:00 China Eastern
MU2012 3 6 RGN KMG 12:20 18:10 China Eastern (via NNG) MU2011 3 6 KMG RGN 8:25 11:30 China Eastern (via NNG)
Flligghtss from Yanngon (RGGN) to BBeijing (BJS) Flligghtss from Beijjing (BJSS) to Yanngon (RRGN)
CA906 2 3 4 6 7 RGN BJS 14:15 21:55 Air China (via KMG) CA905 2 3 4 6 7 BJS RGN 8:05 13:15 Air China (via KMG)
Fliggh htss ffroom Yanggon (RGNN) to Naanning (NNG) Fliggh htss ffroom Nannning (NNNG) to Yaangon ((RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
MU2012 3 6 RGN NNG 12:20 16:25 China Eastern MU2011 3 6 NNG RGN 10:15 11:30 China Eastern
FFliggh htss ffroom m Yangoon (RGN)) to Honng Kong (HKG) HHonng g KKoong (HKG) Flights from Yaangon ((RGN)
KA251 1 2 4 6 RGN HKG 1:10 5:35 Dragon Air KA250 1 3 5 7 HKG RGN 21:50 23:45 Dragon Air
*PPleaasee noote thee dday change for the deparrture time too Hong Kongg.
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Guanng Zhouu (CAN) Flliggh htss ffroom m Guang Zhou (CCAN) to Yangonn (RGN)
8M711 2 4 7 RGN CAN 8:40 13:15 MAI CZ3055 3 6 CAN RGN 8:40 10:30 China Southern Airlines
CZ3056 3 6 RGN CAN 11:20 15:50 China Southern Airline 8M712 2 4 7 CAN RGN 14:15 15:45 MAI
CZ3056 1 5 RGN CAN 17:40 22:15 China Southern Airline CZ3055 1 5 CAN RGN 14:45 16:35 China Southern Airlines
FFlighhts ffroom Yanggon (RGN) to Koolkata (CCCU) FFlighhts ffroom Kolkkata (CCUU) to Yaangon (RRGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
AI228 5 RGN CCU 18:45 19:45 Air India AI227 1 5 CCU RGN 10:35 13:20 Air India
AI234 1 5 RGN CCU 13:40 16:55 Air India (via GAY) AI233 5 CCU RGN 13:30 18:00 Air India (via GAY)
Fliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to GGaya (GAAY) Fliggh htss ffrom Gayya (GAY) to Yanngon (RGGN)
8M 601 1 3 5 6 RGN GAY 10:30 11:50 MAI 8M 602 1 3 5 6 GAY RGN 12:50 16:00 MAI
AI234 1 5 RGN GAY 13:40 15:00 Air India AI233 5 GAY RGN 15:00 18:00 Air India
Fligghtts frrom Yanngon (RGGN) to TTokyo (NNRT) FFliightts frrom Tokkyo (NRTT) to Yaangon (RRGN)
NH914 1 3 6 RGN NRT 22:00 06:40+1 ALL NIPPON Airways NH913 1 3 6 NRT RGN 11:10 17:05 ALL NIPPON Airways
FFliggh htss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to SSeoul (ICCN) FFliggh htss ffrom Seooul (ICN)) to Yanngon (RGGN)
KE472 1 3 5 7 RGN ICN 0:05 8:00 Korean Air KE471 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ICN RGN 18:40 22:55 Korean Air
OZ7463 4 7 RGN ICN 0:50 8:50 Asiana OZ4753 3 6 ICN RGN 19:30 23:40 Asiana
Flligghtss ffrom Yanngon (RGGN) to DDoha (DOOH) Flightts frrom Dohha (DOH) to Yangon (RRGN)
QR619 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN DOH 8:00 11:45 Qatar Airways QR618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DOH RGN 21:05 06:29+1 Qatar Airways
Flliggh htss ffroom m Yangon (RGN) to Nay Pyi Taww (NYT) Flliggh htss ffroom m Nay Pyyi Taw (NNYT) to Yangonn (RGN)
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
FMI-A1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 7:30 8:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 8:50 9:50 FMI Air Charter
FMI-B1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 11:30 12:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-B2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 13:00 14:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-C1 1 2 3 4 5 RGN NYT 16:30 17:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-C2 1 2 3 4 5 NYT RGN 18:00 19:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-A1 6 RGN NYT 8:00 9:00 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 6 NYT RGN 10:00 11:00 FMI Air Charter
FMI-A1 7 RGN NYT 15:30 16:30 FMI Air Charter FMI-A2 7 NYT RGN 17:00 18:00 FMI Air Charter
FFliightts frrom Yangoon (RGN) to Manndalay ((MDY) FFliightts frrom Manddalay (MDDY) to YYangon (RGN)
Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:15 7:30 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 8:10 9:25 Golden Myanmar Airlines
YH 909 2 4 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:10 Yangon Airways YH 910 1 3 MDY RGN 7:40 10:30 Yangon Airways
YH 917 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:10 8:30 Yangon Airways YH 918 1 2 3 4 6 7 MDY RGN 8:30 10:25 Yangon Airways
YH 727 1 5 RGN MDY 11:15 13:25 Yangon Airways YH 728 1 5 MDY RGN 9:10 11:05 Yangon Airways
YH 731 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 15:00 17:10 Yangon Airways YH 732 1 2 3 4 5 6 MDY RGN 17:10 19:15 Yangon Airways
W9 501 1 2 3 4 RGN MDY 6:00 7:25 Air Bagan W9 502 1 2 3 4 MDY RGN 16:10 18:15 Air Bagan
K7 222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:30 8:40 Air KBZ K7 223 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 9:00 11:05 Air KBZ
YJ 201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 11:30 12:55 Asian Wings YJ 202 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 16:00 17:25 Asian Wings
Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by: Flight No. DDayss From To ETD ETA Operated by:
Y5-234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RGN MDY 6:15 7:30 Golden Myanmar Airlines Y5-233 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MDY RGN 8:10 9:25 Golden Myanmar Airlines
Days - (1) Monday (2) TTueesdaay (33) WWeddnessdaay (4) Thursdayy (5) Friday (6) SSaturday (7) Suunday Days - (1) Monday (2) TTueesdaay (33) WWeddnessdaay (4) Thursdayy (5) Friday (6) SSaturday (7) Suunday
Mann Yadanarpon Airlines
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar Summary
Bosch Aims to Double Sales in
Asiu Pucic by oo
Myanmar contributes to growth in Asia Pacifc
Ie AsIu PucIhc con-
tinues to be the
number one grow-
Ing regIon Ior BoscI, u
gIobuI suppIIer oI LecInoI-
ogIes und servIces.
Over LIe pusL Len yeurs,
LIe Germun compuny`s
suIes In AsIu PucIhc Iuve
more LIun doubIed, Lo
ubouL C11 bIIIIon ($1q.81
bIIIIon) In hscuI zo1.
By zozo, we uIm Lo
double our sales in the
regIon once uguIn, suId
PeLer TyroIIer, member oI
LIe bourd oI munugemenL
oI LIe BoscI Group re-
sponsIbIe Ior AsIu PucIhc
sInce JuIy zo1.
To supporL ILs growLI
Kyaw Min und IocuIIsuLIon LurgeLs,
BoscI wIII Iuve InvesLed
ubouL C. bIIIIon In LIe
regIon Irom zo1o Lo zo1q.
Our InvesLmenLs In LIe
comIng yeurs In AsIu Pu-
cIhc wIII remuIn uL u IIgI
IeveI und we wIII IurLIer
InLensIIy our IocuIIsuLIon
eorLs, TyroIIer suId.
TIe hrm suId IL sees Io-
cuIIsuLIon us LIe key suc-
cess IucLor Ior LIe con-
LInuous growLI In AsIu
PucIhc, IncIudIng IocuI
munuIucLurIng, producL
munugemenL, engIneer-
Ing und u IIgI sIure oI Io-
cuI suppIy.
n zo1, BoscI`s
z81,ooo ussocIuLes gener-
uLed suIes oI Cq6.1 bIIIIon.
Myanmar contr i bu-
ti on
n SouLIeusL AsIu, BoscI
has spent the past several
yeurs exLendIng ILs IooL-
prInL In LIe regIon wIere
LIe compuny enLered LIe
emergIng counLrIes oI
CumbodIu, uos und My-
unmur, und expunded ILs
presence In ndonesIu,
TIuIIund, VIeLnum und
LIe PIIIIppInes.
n Myunmur, BoscI
ucIIeved sIgnIhcunL
suIes revenue wILIIn LIe
hrsL yeur oI ILs operuLIons
In LIe counLry, IL suId.
WILI u popuIuLIon oI
over 6o mIIIIon und rupId
industrial development
In uImosL every secLor,
Myanmar is a market of
IIgI growLI poLenLIuI Ior
BoscI In AsIu PucIhc,
BoscI suId In u sLuLemenL.
Conti nuous i nvest-
BoscI Is presenL In 16
counLrIes In AsIu-PucIhc
wILI 1zo IocuLIons und
z munuIucLurIng IucIII-
LIes. n zo1, BoscI Io-
cused on expundIng ILs
munuIucLurIng cupucILy
Ior uuLomoLIve compo-
nenLs by creuLIng un AsIu
PucIhc-wIde producLIon
und engIneerIng Iub Ior
automotive aftermarket
purLs In CIInu, wIere uIso
u pIunL und u LesLIng IucII-
ILy Ior drIver ussIsLunce
und suIeLy producLs wus
n SouLI Koreu LIe pIunL
Ior gusoIIne und dIeseI dI-
recL InjecLIon sysLems ex-
punded ILs cupucILy, und
In ndIu u new pIunL Ior
innovative automotive
LecInoIogy wus Inuugu-
ruLed. TIe compuny uIso
InvesLed In u new produc-
LIon IucIIILy Ior ILs DrIve
und ConLroI TecInoIogy
dIvIsIon wIIcI munuIuc-
Lures IydruuIIcs compo-
nenLs und sysLems. n LIe
IusL growIng SouLIeusL
AsIu regIon, BoscI ex-
Lended ILs IooLprInL wILI
uddILIonuI om ces In TIuI-
Iund, ndonesIu und LIe
PIIIIppInes, und by open-
Ing u represenLuLIve om ce
In Myunmur.
n VIeLnum, BoscI pIuns
Lo InvesL more LIun C16o
million over the next three
years to expand its exist-
Ing producLIon sILe Ior
pusIbeILs Ior conLInuous-
ly variable transmission
(CVT) In uuLomobIIes und
recenLIy opened u new
uuLomoLIve reseurcI und
deveIopmenL cenLer.
Local mar ket focus
AIong wILI IncreusIng
IocuIIsuLIon, BoscI`s muIn
ureus oI sLruLegIc Iocus
are environmental pro-
LecLIon, energy em cIency,
suIeLy und connecLIvILy,
LIe compuny suId.
n emergIng murkeLs
IIke CIInu, ndIu, und
SouLIeusL AsIu, BoscI
suId IL Is IocusIng prImur-
IIy on producLs LuIIored
Lo IocuI cusLomer needs.
n murkeLs sucI us Jupun
und Koreu, LIe Iocus Is
on InnovuLIve producLs,
servIces, und busIness
modeIs desIgned Lo meeL
LIe growIng demund oI
cusLomers Ior InnovuLIve
user-IrIendIy, connecLed
soIuLIons, IL suId.
n zo1q, BoscI expecLs
IeudcounL requIremenLs
Lo Increuse In AsIu PucIhc
wIere LIe compuny cur-
rently employs more than
;,ooo ussocIuLes.
By LIe end oI LIIs yeur,
BoscI wIII Iuve some
q,ooo reseurcI und de-
veIopmenL ussocIuLes
worIdwIde on bourd. OI
LIese, 1;,ooo wIII be Io-
cuLed In LIe zq reseurcI
and development fa-
cIIILIes In AsIu PucIhc -
z,ooo more LIun uL LIe
sLurL oI LIe yeur.
A Bosch empIoyee hoIds a wafer, containing thousands of individuaI microchips, as it undergoes inspec-

China Imposes New Restrictions on
Instant Messaging Tools
IInu wIII Iorce reuI-
nume regIsLruLIons
on users of instant
messugIng LooIs und re-
quIre pubIIc uccounLs
wIsIIng Lo pubIIsI or re-
prInL poIILIcuI news Lo
seek prIor upprovuI, sLuLe
medIu suId.
usL yeur, CIInu IuuncIed
u cumpuIgn Lo cIump down
on onIIne rumour monger-
Ing und 'cIeun up` LIe InLer-
neL. TIe cruckdown Ius Ied
to an exodus of users from
TwILLer-IIke mIcrobIog
pIuLIorms sucI us WeIbo
Corps Weibo after author-
ities detained hundreds of
Paul Carsten ouLspoken users.
TIe IuLesL resLrIcLIons
wIII IIkeIy uecL IugeIy
popuIur mobIIe messug-
Ing upps IIke TencenL
HoIdIngs Ld`s WeCIuL,
wIIcI Ius uImosL qoo
mIIIIon users. OLIer In-
sLunL messugIng LooIs In-
cIude TencenL`s QQ, AII-
bubu Group HoIdIng Ld`s
uIwung upp, NeLEuse
nc`s YIxIn und XIuomI
nc`s MIIIuo.
AccounLs LIuL Iuven`L
been approved by the in-
sLunL messugIng servIce
provider are forbidden to
publish or reprint politi-
cuI news, LIe om cIuI XIn-
Iuu news ugency suId. L
udded LIuL servIce provId-
ers must verify and pub-
IIcIy murk uccounLs LIuL
cun pubIIsI or reprInL po-
IILIcuI news.
Users musL uIso sIgn un
ugreemenL wILI LIe ser-
vIce provIder wIen LIey
regIsLer, promIsIng Lo
compIy wILI LIe Iuw, LIe
socIuIIsL sysLem, LIe nu-
LIonuI InLeresL, cILIzens`
IeguI rIgILs, pubIIc order,
socIuI moruI cusLoms, und
uuLIenLIcILy oI InIormu-
LIon, XInIuu suId.
TIese new reguIuLIons
couId Iuve u sImIIur eecL
to the one seen on Weibo
IusL yeur.
TIe ruIes couId cooI
down LIe Lrum c oI We-
CIuL pubIIc uccounLs und
dIscouruge journuIIsLs
Irom seLLIng up IndIvIduuI
WeCIuL pubIIc uccounLs,
suId u KIng-wu, un ussIs-
LunL proIessor uL LIe UnI-
versILy oI Hong Kong`s
Journalism and Media
SLudIes CenLre.
TencenL suId IL wouId
work wILIIn LIe new regu-
We wIII Luke meus-
ures uguInsL oensIve
und ubusIve ucLIvILIes Lo
ensure compIIunce wILI
reIevunL reguIuLIons, u
spokeswomun suId In un
e-muIIed sLuLemenL.
A picture illustration shows a WeChat app icon in Beijing.

. ~~:,_ .._:. ~,
..: . _e_ ._ ..q.. . , .
Bosch ~~~ ~:q..e~
...._ , .|~ ~. . . , .
~e_e......~_e. .~q.,
...._ ~:. .q._.
_. .. ._ .e . . ~~ . :.,
~.~ Bosch -~:q..e~
...~~ . . . ..~: _. ~~
.:_.. ~~, _:.q...~
..| ~~ .e ..'.: ~,
... ~ .e, q.:._~:.
~:q..e~...~ ~.~
._ .~ e _ e ..:q_ . .~~ ~
.: ...~.~... ~,
.. _ .. . ., . . ~ , e:
..,.. _._~.~q.~_..
~.|~._ ...~.~._..
. . , ..e: ..: _. ._e. ._~: .
~.~~ ~_.,:.._.
~.q.~:~:q~ Bosch
._ ,.~-._.~.~ .
q, ....|..:..: _~..:..:
._.. _.,.: .:~. ~..:..
e:.~ ~ . ..' , .....~ ~
.:.~ ~.q:~~: ~.,.
q :. . - e~ ,. . e .. .
. .:.~ ._ . ...~ ~ .
Bosch ._ _.,.:.~
..,..~._ ..~...
~~ .~ . . .:.:_. .:.
..:.q: ... ~ . .:.qq .
._~:. ~_.,:.._.
~, ~ ~. .q._ ~ ~:,~
.~ .. .:. .,. .:.~. ._..
.:.~:. ,:._~q..:._e
.:q .. .q, . . .q..~ .
.:.~ .e:._... ..e~
.. ~_....:.~.,_e
._ . _ ~ ~ . _..~ qe q._
_e.._~:. ~_.,.~._.
_...._..~ ~,~.
._ ~~:,~~~.~e.
.~:.e:.e, ~ ._ . .~:.
q .. .q, . . .~ .:..e: ..:
~, ~ . q Twitter . ~.:.
~ ..: ~ , q~ _ e. ..:
Weibo . ~e ~..:. ~ .e:
._.:.. q:.._ e....,.
.....:.._~: e.~,q~
~. ._.. .:.. :. ~ ~ . :.
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
Ooredoo SIM Card
Launch Event
Ross Cormack, CEO of Ooredoo Myanmar, at the
event. Ooredoo Myanmar
Staf at the Ooredoo launch event. Ooredoo Myanmar
People queuing outside an Ooredoo retail shop.
Ooredoo Myanmar
Ooredoos store in Chinatown, Yangon.
Ooredoo Myanmar
People queuing outside an Ooredoo retail shop.
Ooredoo Myanmar
Launching of Dagon City,
Make Myanmar More Beautiful
Pyay Ti Oo and his daughter pose for a photo. Kyaw Min Delegates at the event. Kyaw Min
Dr Stephen Suen, chairman of Marga Landmark Develop-
ment Company, gives his speech at the event. Kyaw Min
U Myint Swe receives charity donation. Kyaw Min
U Myint Swe, chief minister of Yangon region, gives his
speech at the event. Kyaw Min
U Taung Htike Min, chairman of Jewellery Luck Group
of Companies, gives his speech at the event. Kyaw Min
Brand ambassador Eaindra Kyaw Zin and John Barnes,
director of Marga Asia Limited. Kyaw Min
2NE1 members at the stage. Kyaw Min Delegates pose for a photo. Kyaw Min
Models hold the charity donation ticket. Kyaw Min
KPop Band 2NE1 in Myanmar
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
August 14-20, 2014
Myanmar Business Today
AirAsia Joins with TAT for
Thailand Shopping Paradise
Invites Myanmar travellers to shop across major department stores of Tailand
Phyo Tu
he Tourism Authority of
Thailand (TAT) joined
AirAsia to boost travel to
TIuIIund by oerIng dIscounLs,
premIums und prIvIIeges wILI u
cumpuIgn TIuIIund SIoppIng
PurudIse wILI AIrAsIu.
Major department stores in
TIuIIund IncIudIng KIng Power,
Central and The Mall are tak-
Ing purL In LIe new cumpuIgn
umId dwIndIIng numbers oI
LourIsLs IoIIowIng u Iong po-
IILIcuI LurmoII In LIe SouLIeusL
AsIun nuLIon.
WIIuIwun TwILsrI oI LIe Tour-
ism Authority of Thailand said
LIe Green Seuson Is un op-
porLune LIme Lo sLuge promo-
LIonuI evenLs Lo druw In IoreIgn
LruveIIers LIuL wIII sLImuIuLe
LIe IocuI economy.
SIe suId LIuL sIoppIng Is
a main allure of Thailand as
IL Ius some oI AsIu`s IeudIng
depurLmenL sLores und u runge
oI unIque producLs. TIe TAT`s
uIIIunce wILI AIrAsIu Ius uI-
Iowed IL Lo oer promoLIonuI
Iures wIIIe IL IoIds u roud sIow
Lo LIe IIgI poLenLIuI murkeLs oI
CIInu, Myunmur und VIeLnum,
sIe suId.
TIe cooperuLIon beLween
TAT und AIrAsIu us weII us
IeudIng depurLmenL sLores wIII
uIIow LruveIIers Lo come Lo
TIuIIund uL u cosL LIuL Ieuves
LIem wILI u IeuILIy umounL oI
sIoppIng Iunds, wIIcI Is In IIne
wILI TAT`s concepL oI IuvIng
LruveIIers geL greuL vuIue ouL oI
LIe KIngdom uII yeur.
SunLIsuk KIongcIuIyu, dIrec-
Lor oI commercIuI Ior TIuI
AIrAsIu, suId: A Iuge number
of tourists from Myanmar visit
TIuIIund by yIng AIrAsIu. We
have prepared promotions for
especIuIIy Ior Myunmur LourIsLs
wILI Iow Iures LIckeLs Lo IeIp
LruveIIers puy Iess on yIng
und spend more In worId-cIuss
sIoppIng muIIs.
Windstar Launches New Cruisetours,
Includes a Four-Day Myanmar Experience
Aye Myat
cruIse sIIp IIne
Windstar Cruises
suId IL Ius IuuncIed ILs hrsL-
ever serIes oI CruIseLours,
premIerIng In AsIu und ArubIu,
und IeuLurIng Myunmur.
WIndsLur, wIIcI Is noLed
Ior ILs modern compuLer-con-
LroIIed suIIIng sIIps, suId IL wIII
LruveI Lo u worId Iong cIosed
Lo wesLern eyes Lo enjoy LIe
mysLIcuI beuuLy oI Myunmur
on u q-duy journey.
TIe SIngupore, LIe MuIuy
PenInsuIu, & Myunmur CruIse-
Lour Is In LoLuI u 1o-duy round
LrIp voyuge Irom SIngupore.
HoLeIs In Myunmur wIII IncIude
SuIe SIungrI-u und Bugun
odge, LIe compuny suId.
GuesLs wIII geL Lo vIsIL Yungon
und Bugun, wIIIe IIgIIIgILs
IncIude u LrIp Lo PIwur Suw VII-
Iuge wIere IocuIs weIcome pur-
LIcIpunLs InLo LIeIr Iomes und
sIure cookIng secreLs, usIng LIe
murkeL`s IresI IngredIenLs.
We`ve uppIIed our pII-
IosopIy oI expIorIng IIdden
Iurbours und secIuded coves Lo
our Iund experIences, Iund-
pIckIng LIe besL excursIons
Lo LusLe LIe IocuI cuILure,
suId Huns BIrkIoIz, WIndsLur
CruIses` cIIeI execuLIve om cer.
Our CruIseLours Luke cure oI
uII LIe IogIsLIcs, so our guesLs
cun LruIy reIux und enjoy LIe
desLInuLIon uL Iund In excIusIve
WIndsLur sLyIe, boLI on Iund
und uL seu.
SLurLIng uL $,zqq CruIse-
Lours IncIude: LIe cosL oI LIe
cruIse, IgILs Lo LIe CruIseLour
cILy, uccommoduLIons In u Iux-
ury IoLeI, excursIons wILI un
experL guIde In eucI new cILy,
seIecL meuIs, und LrunsIers.
GuesLs wIo book by AugusL
zq wIII receIve up Lo u $1,ooo
uIrIure credIL per person, Iree
IoLeI und LrunsIers on urrIvuI,
u compIImenLury excIusIve
prIvuLe evenL on LIe voyuge
cruILed soIeIy Ior WIndsLur
guesLs, und suvIngs oI up Lo o
percenL oI LIe cruIse Iure, LIe
hrm suId.
AnoLIer oI WIndsLur`s cruIs-
es, SouLIeusL AsIu UnveIIed
& Angkor WuL CruIseLour,
IncIudes LrIps Lo CumbodIu und

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