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Introductory Issue
Mike, Patsy, and Michael Sheffield
About the
Mike was born on July 7, 1949 in Odessa, Texas. At the age of 12 he joined
the Antioch Christian Church in Odessa, and was a member until he left for
Ozark Bible College, He dedicated himself to full-time Christian Service in
November and has been preaching the gospel since January 1969. During his
ministry at Schell City Christian Church, the Lord added over 30 to His church,
the attendance as well as the giving rose, and an addition was built onto the
church. In March, 1971, he received a letter from Ed and Sarah Holt in Santiago
a^inglh^To come down and work with the missionaries there. After prayer
fully considering the call, Mike resigned at Schell City and is now raising support
to go. He will graduate in May with a Bachelor of Sacred Literature Degree.
Patsy Sheffield is also from Odessa, Texas. Born August 30, 1949, she met
Mike in the 9th grade and they were married in July of 1968. She is a member
of the Antioch Christian Church also, and has worked together with Mike in his
ministry at Schell City.
They have one son, Michael Jr., who was born January 12, 1970. He and his
mom and dad plan to leave for Chile in September, 1971. Pray for them all as
they prepare for this work.
"We, the members and Elders of the Schell City Christian Church, do give our
full support to Mike and Patsy for their work in Chile. We feel he is worthy of
the task he is attempting to do and place our stamp of approval upon his efforts."
Wilbert Schmidt, Sec.
Schell City Christian Church
"I am sure Mike and Patsy will serve the Lord faithfully wherever they are led
by Him to go, and I recommend them without reservation."
Paul Butler
RegistrarOzark Bible College
"I have known Mike Sheffield for 9 years. 1 first met him during my ministry
with the Antioch Christian Church in Odessa, Texas. He came into the church
then. 1 commend both of them to you as being most worthy of your financial
Ronnie R. Hanna
Dean of Students
Dallas Christian Church
"I fully recommend Mike Sheffield for the work in Chile. He has been a fine
student and preacher."
Don Earl Boatman
Ozark Bible College
About the Country...
The Sheffields plan to work in the central portion of Chile in the
cities. Their w(^ will consist of establishing churches and training
leaders.(2:They placelnbch emphasis onpersonal evangelism and
personal training. Mike will beSvotkmg with the correspondence
courses iiuollow-up work. Thepresentmissionaries have over 60,000
enrolledin these courses.
Chile i^2,700 ni^^lernoj-gidlfeli^verage width of only^lrWD miles.
The noi^ern section incliS^ one wthe hottest and driest d^erts in
the world.V The south k one of the coldest and wettest areas of the
tl^r^ai world. Cental Chile
ideal climate.
and has an
Chile has a populatiori of 10,000,000. Eight millionjji these people
live in the central v
are of mostly Sp
Catholic, althoug
Catholic church
first to elect
the people are
held averaging
Vacation Bible
ey'where the Holts will beivorking. The people
and Indian mixtures They are nominally
here has been a reqeht trend away from the
e government is officially communist, being the
nist president m the Western Hemisphere. But,
Several revivals have been
tbndance, with 250-300 in the morning
open to m
The Sheffields %lah to Wve in September for Chile. They will be
working primarily/with tHe Holts, Gary Lutes and Jack Spears. They
will be living inlSantrago for the full term with some evangelistic
work being doneOffi^fflientina as well. At the end of 2and years,
they plan to return tb^Jbplin, Missouri, so Mike can get his 5 year
degree at Ozark Bible College.
About Our Needs
1. Your prayers in our behalf.
2. Monthly living link (salary, housing, etc.) $ 500.00
3. Monthly service link (furlough fund, working $ 400.00
expense, travel, newsletter, etc.)
4. Customs Fees (travel fund, taxes on goods, etc.) $2,000.00
5. Repatriation Fund (emergency return) $1,000.00
Forwarding Address: Sponsoring Church for
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Norman the Mike Sheffield family:
8800 Dublin St. Schell City Christian Church
Odessa, Texas 79765 Schell City, Missouri 64783
Our Address:
M. E. Sheffield
206 N. Wall
Joplin, Mo. 64801
(Until June 1st)
A/\^^ Date ZX, /^Tf
Name in full M, cf\ Ac/ (F (JodAcJ S. kC / D
Complete address on field C j QiCC^9-fp /S~
/loo C/,
Complete forwarding address C////c ^ VA^^^r,-As F) ij /'i/j-d S4.
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
A/4-hecA jk Ct^if CAu^cL Sc^/feV/ CtAt^ C C/aec/^
Streets 'Acd-g? /Vl^ p /(=^ RtrpAt Lodb f ScA^ /u
City jQsk^i^^liZone StateCM^.ScJ^/f <^/-/y Zone RtatP-
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:
^i^"y 7,nnp StfltP Pity Zone. RtatP
Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
/^ / each letter, thanks.) /
NAMK. uClUf Kamp. Z^/C^a/aZ/C' //4 d/VA
Rtrppt. //// A/. /TIa/aJ Street. (f/
Pity Znnp RfatP /?f O Pity Znnp. RtatP 7^^ -S
Name and address of hometown nfiwapapar
B. - /f)r)/^^^,'T^XA \
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
nity A)7)p//Af 7.nnfl, State, n\o
Place of PTRTH (Ode^^A
Day of hirth 7 MnntTi. 7 Vpar
Strftfit. Strftfit.
Qf S/>/C/A/ys
<^ity 7nr>p State,
Where haptiaAri? ^^4-,
City ^2^2^E^^5A-
State TV
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
MarripH. \ . Single Marriprl. A. . Singlp Divorced_, Widowpfi
Date of marriayp v) 0II^ /. /^ Where married? t<9r)G^<.A Ti>rAS.
Who solemnized your wedding?
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth day, month, and year
f Sqja^J, WMo- 70
S/Jfr r /-2.
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place _ Service Dates
SCHOOLING (high school and later);
Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted
OdeS'^A a ~
([b,Ajr^ <Jl)p//V /yp. /^>/-
What things influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
"See- 61CC'0rsm.^~
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field: . >
Atr^cer /s>
7b-A4-cAry^r I ^ ^ J, ,
p c\ O. ocUa/
^ CC^OO erAT^o^/cd 4^-4 C7V>^ /' J
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status? ^^
Evangelist, -A Bible College Tparhpr. Public School Teacher.
TTnmpmQlrPr nr>r>fnr TSJnrgP SOCial ajr^rha-r MusiC teacher,
Radio miniRtrv. Rfldio fnllnwiip nViyigHan Sorvinp PflTnp Linguistics.
Maintenance of mission pgnipmpnt Rpnpvnlpnop Office ^r,r\c Name other:
Father's name and home aHHrpss- C- S/^F^/^rC/0 T.iving Deceased^
7r)</ ^ ^ ^street, /. y/^ nit,, re-x--^S
- ZoneState.
A- p ' 1 '
His nr>fnpaHnTi .^//^ rP/e</J- Tg he a Christian? yes. nn i^
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?
What Christian service does he now do? ^
Mother's full maiden name: ^^^ Living^J^I^ Deceased.
StrPAt g" rity 7nnA RtafA
Is she a Christian? Ves u-^Mn Her occupation if employed outside the Tirtmp a/C/V/^
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church.?.
Nnmp /H/^ Plt'/7^^A/ Rtrppt D/jA//^. S/.
City. Zone^___State. Tb Tel ephnne^. ^90
Where attend church?. A'Kf^^0<^4 Street ^C></d
City. Zone state
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent- ^pt ^SCi '
, /^fc"cc"<2 d 5
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?. A/^
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only ?
In what form should funds be sent? CO d/4-a//-/ QcX C^oPc^
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do it, so we can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire, .
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
Michael Bdv:ard Sheffield
CencerBlHg Cenversien:
Raised in Baptist Churches, meved to Odessa, Baptized while Antioch
Christian Church was still in infant stage, fell away during highjU
School, got mixed up with Rentecostals and had trouble there# Met
my wife in HighjK School and she began going to "^tioch after I left.
She decided to go t Ozark Bible College, and I went ne semester to
a secular school. Dedicated my life to full time Christian service
in November of 1967, came to gzark in Jen, f 1968, Was married
to Ratsy in June 19, 1968, began preaching at Schell City Christian
church in Jan, of 1969. Recieved letter from missionaries in Chile
to come and help in Jan, of 1971? decided in March during Missions
Emphasis week to go, and God Is still guiding and changing my life.
I have always felt the need for world^wide evangelism. I had kept
a file on another countyy from my beginning in school and felt sure
this was where God wanted me to go. But, the doors just never opened,
I continued to pray and seek God*s will as the end of my senior year
rolled around. Then, I recieved a letter from my good friends in Chii,
Ed and Sarah Holt. He asked me just to pray about it, and I did.
Then, I sat down with Gad's word and began to read the book of Jeremiiik.
I didn't have to read far to see God was telling me ^hat I was to go
even as he told Jeremiah. So. I plan to go and work with the existing
missionaries on the field, primarily with follow-up with new Christians
and \ilth personal evangelism. This is the greates work any person
could do, and as another has said, "don't stoop to be a king,"
Concerning additfiaaal ne5:
The country is the first elected communist government in the western
Hermis^ere, The country is calm and prosperous now, but this may
not always be. The need for reapers is now, for the harvest may soon
be past. If the commuBists are not reelected the next election, they
may attempt to overthrownthe government and that would mean the end
of the work for us.
^ Date
Name in full__
Complete address on field ^J^Sh,//A /i/8^^ /S^
Complete forwarding address ^^ ^ //S^
W^o Pn^//A/
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
. J^A/^/^c/\ C/C4ac^ % ScXe// Cc^
Streets _ Streets
City jOrksr"^-^ 7nnp StateZ^L^^ rity ^c/r// C Zone. Rt.atP. /HO
Names and addresses of other sponsoring or endorsing churches:
Rtrppf Street,
7,nnp Rtatp. nit.y- Zone ____ State.
Please send along with this form copies of recommendations from churches which will encourage
other churches to support your missionary work. There are churches which will not allow a
visiting missionary to speak unless a church recommendation can be shown. Since it is impos
sible for any one person to know all Christians in the world, this recommendation by a respon
sible New Testament church is a vital help in persuading others of your worthiness and the value
of your mission. Mission Services stands ready to help you inform HORIZONS readers about
your church recommendations. Since the church is sending you to the mission field (Acts 13:1-3)
and will help provide the necessary needs on the field, naturally the church should share the
credit in your missionary ministry. One of the ways that the church can do this is to share their
conviction regarding your missionary ministry with others. Certainly, their words will help
convince others regarding the worthiness of your work. Please help MISSION SERVICES to
spread your news through HORIZONS, Packets and Slide library by sending your church recom
mendations as soon as possible. Thanks. Send what you have now, and the others later.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names and addresses here and enclose a copy of
./ ^ - each letter, thanks.) ^
NAME. L-4/Af Mamp / vC
^0 ^ '0 fil >4-/-'/^ Rfvppf fi\ A-/ ^0^
City 0 zone- State 1'^^. City ^ Zone State C) kf /jl a^ ^
Name and address of hometown npwspapftr .4 A- ^ f/C/
^ ^ A, Th-
Name and address of other papers which might carry stories of your work:
"^6 /) Ay ^ / Pce.^So A/45
Street.^ ^ p/
City. Zone. State.
Place of ptrth ,
Day of birth^^aiL- Monthii&Z^.- Year.jI
.Where hflptigpH?
Rtrppf G:LD^^^riO ^Ij^.
City- Zone __State.
On an extra page please describe any details regarding conversion which you might care to
MarriPd, Single. Divorced.. Widowed.
Date of marviagp \) \J I^ Where married? .
Who solemnized your wedding? ^^ /V//A^
List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:
(If your children have been adopted, please indicate.)
Name Place of their birth
day, month, and year
.-^zr /z '70
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did. Give approximate dates:
Place . Service Dates
. 6^^//f,M Cfh ^ JaV. f
Q\-CJ.^jtcL O^. cJicfci^'tec/o^
SCHOOLING (high school and later):
Name of school Location Number of years Degrees and date granted
What things Influenced you to become a missionary? What is your purpose? What do you hope
to accomplish on the mission field? Your own story in some detail might be influential in leading
others into fulltime service (Use an extra sheet if you need more space):
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
3 . f>^ce
which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
PvangftlfRt. Bible College Tpanhpr. Public School Tpanhpr.
HmnPTnakPT- Doctor_^__ Nursc^^-^^ Social wm-Trp-r Music tcacher.
Radio ministry. Radio foiiownp. .nhrigtian Sprviop Hamp Linguistics.
Maintenance of mission pgnipmpnt BenevolenceOffice work. Name other:
Father's name and home aHHrpag- 7^^ f/^ /J ^//^ T.iving
Rn^&-7 -Rfrrppt - CAty
His nnp.i]p3Hnn^^'^-^^^''c: Ts he aChristian? yps- nn.
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church?
What Christian service does he now do? ^
Mother's full maiden name; /\( q v A r A- rK^ Living,-_:_ Deceased_.
Strppf //07 Or A-Z' Pity 0 ^^A . .Rtatp 0 4-
Is she a Christian? "Vps Nn Her occupation if employed outside the hnmp
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church.?,
Namp /n//;'7 4^ Rfrppt /)<J
City, __Zone, State. ^ ^ Telephone;
Where attend nhnrnh? ^ RtrPPt (/6 J4]
City_^ Zone State Tt-
What duties are performed by the forwarding aypnt-
, izece^ds
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary?,
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent oniy?.
In what form should funds be gpnt? ~f0^ . ? T
dX^cC Xo Oc)
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the field, please explain the details of how to
do wp can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire.
J-/(L&cX ^c5
Use the remainder of this sheet or an additional sheet to supply other information which you think
might be helpful to the staff of MISSION SERVICES in preparing news stories about your ministry:
About conversion:
Baptised in Baptist church at young age, but soon left during Jr. Hi.
and began to seek for more fulfillment. V/ent to different churches,
Lutheran, etc., and finally ended up at Antioch Christian^ There she
placed her membership and began v;orking for the lord. Dedicated her
life to Christ in Life Recruit week in Aug. of I960. Left in Sept
of 1967 for Ozark Bible College, where her fiancee joined her in
Jan. Worked v/ith husband and blessed with first son in Jan. of 1970.
Reason for being missionary:
First of all is a Love for the Lord, then of course is my love for my
husband. I feel the personal need to be led daily by the Lord, and
He has opened so many doors for us both that I know He will lead us
on into eternity.. Rremarily I v/ill be concentrating of being a house
wife and working with my own children, as well as being a strength to
my husband.
TIE , '.'LO, I m YOU AL^'AYS,
The -voice of Mike and Patsy Sheffield, recruits to
Chile *
VoI 1, No> 2 Odessa^ Texas ^UJliily 15, 1971
Many of you are probably not asvare of our brown sta
tion wagon, kiown affectionately as "The Brown Bomb."
It was given to us #ieh we 3e ft Joplin by some very
good friends of ours to drive this summer. It was
an old clunker, but it served it's purpose very well
and vre drove it many miles. It has been over it,000
miles when it decided to end it here. After our third
week of camp, we were heading home one Saturday morn
ing only 60 miles from home when the transmission
blew up, the drive shaft broke in ii places, and the
motor block fell out on the ground, "a unloaded our
things into our forwarding agents car, said our good
byes, and watched the old girl being carried off to
her final resting place.
After the old brown Bomb died, it made Patsy and I
stop and think. .we have no home of our own, and now
we have no car. But, then I began to remember that
Jesus never had a car. He never had a home, He didn't
even have a place to sleep. Then I began to realize
that, even more than I had before, our home is not
here on this earth, <Ve are but staying here for the
time of our service to the King, then we will fia-
ally get to go home.
How about yourself? '**here is your home? Jesus
said, ^where your heart is, that is -siiiere your home
ia." 3o often we get so wrapped up in the things of
this world that we just cannot get our eyes above to
the things "out of this world," One of the best
w^s to get our eyes above us is to let go of those
things which we count as most valuable. Money,
prestige, or position are some'of them. let me ask
you, has your "brown Tiomb" been put to death so you
can be used of ^d?????
Many are asking about our support^ and many others
are'' concerned vath Isow 7/e raise our- support^ '"his
is the procedure we are following, and it is. the:
general plan of most missionaries.
T/e~.are.-invited into churches to present' o.ur needs.
After preaching and telling of our plans^ then we
leave with the churches and the individauls the
choice of whether to use God's money here of some-
. where 'else in the kingdom. give the groups or
individuals a piece of paper'like the one you see in
closed in this newsletter, "^hen, after prayerful
consideration, they respond (hopefully) by a set
amount per month or year. This is called a. "faith,
promise card." It is just as it implies. It re-
quires faith on the giver's part, it is a promise t^
the missionaries, and it is in written .form so that
the missionaries can have some idea of how to figuree
out a budget.
At .present we only teve:, in.actual pled^s, -aOittle
over llOO.OO, Two churches have oledged-support
but have not given us an exact figure. This is not
even aoproaching the amount we will have to live on.
The missionaries in the country have agreed to let us
use their "vvDrking funds if we cannot, raise enough for
. our avn. But, we must have at. least-SSOO.OO in^qtual
pledges before v/e can gD,
his means that God's people are going to have to conB
to our aide. Many of you i'Hve tentatively pledged
support to us . Please, please write that support down
so we can have it on file and know for sure.- I-f we
cannot get enough support by the first of Augist
we will have to out off our departure dates until
November, v.e are going atead mth all olans as
If we had all the supoort, we feel that Gad will
honor our faith and give us an adequate livine sal-
a^. But, we need your help, "on't you take that card
right now, fill m tte amount you feel Ood will
give you, ;sign it if you wish, and mail it to oijr
forwarding-address, -.b'll be praying for you.
Mail to Mike and Patsy-Sheffiel d
8bOO Dublin, Odessn, Texas 79760
"Michaels Meditations"*-J--5HHH.sHf
Hii I'm ifichael, and I Just .had a big birthday. I am
nov/ 18 months old. ^addy said'^ I could get up here and
t3rpe this part of the letter. I just love to type
But,, for some reason, ^adc^ always screams and yells
sornethihg about having to get a nev; tyoe-v/ii ter, but
knoiftf-h-p-doesn *t really mean it';
V.'e have really been busy, "e just got back from Dallas
and seeing my Qrandmoramy and tirandpoppy. 'his is '
quite a mouthful, but they always enjoy it wten I get
it all out. "e have been so many miles, that ^ usuallv
just* curl up and sleeu vnhen we get in the car. But, I
have met a lot of real nice people and have let them
know I liked to oreach as well as my daddy, "^he only
thin^. I like to do more that preach when daddy Is preach
ing Is* to sing with everyone. My favorite songs are "
"Praise Ye the Lord", "Jesus Loves Me", and "Deep and
*ide'." f
I have an extra sp0c:;al surprise. Daddy and fiommy got
a new car. It is not a really nev/ car, but it sure
beats riding on Daddy's shoulders everywhere, ie are
really looking forward to getting down to Qiile. I
have a special girlfriend in Chile'haven't seen in
a l^^ng time. But, we-'11 just have to wait, I hear
Dadc^ .X.better^clifflb^dpwn from. here. It.
sure is fun to see him jump up and down, but sometime
he gives me a little "love pat" that doesn't feel
too good. Gotta gobyp.
"hat we need....
Here are some of the things we could use down in Chile
and before we leave,
d and Sarah Holt have requested that we try to get
sonE sleeping bags, "e will be traveling a lot through
out the country in revivals, so the suggested we try
to get one,
'^Iso, if myone has a used adding machine they would
like to give or sell to use, we really need somethinr
like that, 'his helps us in figuring our financial '
balance and rarking vdth qur incoming fund.
Financially Speaking....
Balaice brought forward 6/I/71
Contributions for June
Ooups and churches
Total giving for June
Contributicns for July until 7/15/71
Individual '
Ck-oups and churches
Total giving July until 7?l5/71
Jotal expense June
otal expense 7/15/71
Total expense
Total giving and balance
Total expense
Balance on Hand 7/15/71
Working fund
Travel fund .
EnErgency Travel fUnd
Retirement fund
visit toyour W
!^tioch Ctaistian Churcir
4040 Map e Avenue
Non-Profit Or?
U. S. Postage
No. 97
T. H E
Fonw^ding address:
M/m lissrry Norman '
8800;.I)ublin '
Odessa, Texas 7976O
Field address:
Mke & Pais^ Sheffiel
Cassilliai 111807
Correo 2ZL
Santiago, Chile A^
Vcl 1,- -No." h
September, 1971
Odessa, Texaj
In the.Old Testament, the story is v/ritten con
cerning a young man by the name of Gideon. He
was cabled of God to go and perform great thingss
for Gb;^ as well as be His spokesman. Gideon had
problem that is not unique to him, but to us
all. id-that he had a lack of faith. In order to
find the will of'God, and to be sure Gideon 7/as
willing to accept it,, he put out the fleece for
God t honor by showing Gideon His wdll The
complete story is found in Judges 7,
The whole point in Gideon's fleece v/as so that
Gideony, not God, vrauld know for sure that is what
God him to do. This is the way we have
tried live this summer. In the beginning, we
soughtrj^o see God's vrf.ll by. asking for spetifi%
aignq- t.^at we might .knov7 for ourselves? that what
we werb:.:tr^ng to accomplish might be in His? vdll..
Time ahd time again, the answer came bak for us;
to go Arfd continue going..
fe nowji^ve our tickets- for bur flight to Chile..
Our pej^onal items- are already on the dock in
Chilei|::We leave Monday, the 13th, at 2;;30 in
the morrdng from Dallas. After a layover in
Miami tq;^ complete some business with the consul
ate therb, we vrill fly from ?vaami at 1:33 A. M.
on ,the liith, arriving in Santiago at 10:30 A. li.
on the Ihthv We have a severe personal need in
the fpim of a bill for |l,0okoO for shipping
that must be paid before we can receive our goods;..
Wq are prying that this might be met through
offerings- and oersorrvl rrif+c- ,
El Porvenip- Camp Schell City Christian Church
>xiibuquerque^ New Mex. Schell City, Missouri
Allena Christian Church Church of Christ
7. B. S.
San Antonio, Texas
Paremount .Terrace
Christian Church
Amarillo, Texas
St, Joe Indianai
Youth In Christ -
Dal'hart, Texas '
Puxico Christian Churoh-
Puxico, Missouri
Antrioch Christian ChurchLake Murray Chr. Camp
Odessa, Texas
First Christian Church
Balhart, Texas
First Christian Church
oamar, Mis souri
Durango Christian Ch.
Lurango, Colorado
Fo-u- Corners Chr. Camp
^ortea, Colorado
-Lajf:e Francis~Ohr,'Camp-;
Slloam Springs, Ark,
Ardraore, Oklahoma^
Pleasant Gap Christian
Butler, Missouri
Berea Christian Ch.
Waiker, Missouri
Rinehart Christian Ch,
Korton, Missouri
DaOlas Christian College
Dallas, Texas
Joyce Ify-de
, lellville, Arkansas
Ron & Debbie Kohler, Missouri
Nova Brackenridgei
Schell City, Mo,
W/2 Edwin C, lYhite.
Amarillo, Texas.-
M/M S,H, Boozer
Amarillo, Texas
Eddie & Jeanie Fowler
Sheldon, Mo,
M/M Gary Schell
Cortez, Colorado
Kaifchryn Oakes
Teea- Nos PoS;, Ariaona.
Fern N, Schmidtt .
Schell (i7ity, Mo^
Carol Jayne S.. Well .=:
U/U Warren Wilson
Dallas., Texas
Sue McKinney
. Garland, Texas
Anna. Mae. Hammond
Schell City,, Mo,,
Thomasj Goodman
Schell City, Mo.
William E,. Holt
Santiago, Chile
Mrsi, Margaret Holt
Lewistown,, Montana
Itrs, Le.ta Harvey
Schell City, Mo.
Mrs-. Ralph Maus
Schell City, Mo,
Elayne Hillsman
Schell (Jity, Mo..
''1 ini ><n
B^aaice brought fonward from7/15/7I | 380^6iit
Contributions- from 7/l5/73i- until 7/30/71.
Individuals^ 1 13^.00
Cajnips\<S: Churches ^1' 1 30l4!39
Contributions from 7/30/71 untilVp/tT"^ .
Individuals 111 610. Oii
Groups &Churches. 1105..3-1
Total Contributions ^2^09
Total Expense from 7/1^/71 until 9/9/71 $2270.93
Balance on hand 9//9/71
V/orking fund 10"^ 7)1
Travel fund ^ ;_J 79!39
Retirement fund-- 5o*32
Bateioe j. $ 36'.lig
_E3^ences,..,... . . ^ "1 '
T $iU78.31
2 ~-i 95.58
Medical ^ 92 ..'^O
Misc. <St Tithe37329
> Everydaiy we learn something nev/ about ourselves,
I've, learned that I ^ a lousy newspaper lady. But
I'm still trying, so don't give up, and maybe before
Mike and Pat^ come home again I'll be putting out cu
fairly decent paper...
Mike, Patsy, &Michael T;ill be in Chile by the-
time everyone gets this paper...and by the next paper
I should have some news about them.
y^^> 1^ you
might have some suggestions- or ideas^ to help me in this
work, they would be greatly appreciated.
Please don't forget Mike and Patsy when they're
gone, as they will greatly need your prayers and
. ^
*!.- -
_S.c mary -people seem to think they can't understand
me JTo clear things up, I want to include a short
dictionary of important terras,
1, Thi.. (pronounced thee) can mean "'look, see" er
often yes, as in Spanish "Si""..
2. Gar-Ga.. (Spanish aigua) means water, but only
Spanish water, English water is...water 1
3;. Mommy...can mean (and usually does) Daddy, Mothei
Aunts, Uncles,, friends (both male and female)
horses., etc.
I4. No Lee., (usually followed by a tsk, tsk) Golly
an expression of great surprise or annoyance.
Such as when M6mmy doesn't sing the right song,
^t c. . ^
5. "You hear pie".. .answer I give to Daddy when he
scolds me so he will laugh and forget what he was
mad abour^ Works every time.

6, "ee-i-eei~o",,either mispelling of sons "BIBLE"'
or "Old McDonalds Farm". .... '
I love you...what Mommy and Daddy love to hear
mest.. 4, r
6hS_ean Christian . '
Acts of Antioch [jOliO Maple
Odessa., Texas 79760'
j 7^2
Non-profit Org,
U.S. Postage
Permit No. ?7
Odessa, Texas
' C H I L E A'N" . ;
. ' '' . C H E I S T I A N : :
J|issionaries3: ' Foirw^djtng Agents: '
M/M'Mike\Sheffield M/^ Laspry Noiman
Gassillia. 111867 " 8800 Dutrliri :
Correo 21 Odessa.^ Tessis 79760
Santiago, Ghii.e S cAp. '
-3!^ No^ "Ij! Odesssaj Texas OGrbo35ei% 197X
:"%3S5 MILES FROM MXAMI'" .,, . . ; ,
. ' t ' ...
Viv^ Chile i We are here f The above title tells
the emct number of miles it is frora Mamis Florida:
to oantiago, Chile- And what a great distaijce it
has beeni Let me fill you in on the journey dov/n
to this white field ready for harvj^s.t* .
^'iie left Dallas Love ^^Field at the very uncomfortable
homr of 2.; 30 AoMa"-on'Monday^ the 13tho After a-.. ..
short changeover of planesLin Alanta, we arrived
in Miami at 8:00 on the 13tli. There we were met
by a pair of angels in disguise, C3bd had really ,
sent them to help us, as. they were, really, wonderful
in taking iis where we heeded to go. and letting us -
stay with "them0 Norman Regnaub of the church. '
in Maini took us around the town as we needed to
finish some'busihessthere." Then, again at the
very unlike^ hour of 3O0 A.M. qh the ihth, we
boarded.-our plane from Miami Ih hours later, we
were in Santiago, Chile. .
The trip, down was pretty une-^entful, but was ex-; '
citing in many ways. We were able,-to see the
jlndes in all' thier splendor, We flew over an
extinct volcanoo, saw^miny Dales of ..the Gulf of
Mexico as well as the 'Pacific ..Qceon, .and stopped ^ i.
at such places as Pananma City, Panamaj Quitoj
Ecuador; Lima, Peru; La Paz, Boli^a; and finally
Santiago, Vfe were met at the airport by missiona-
and preachers from Santiago. It was a great
Whaib we've done since being here
The work here is a wide open field. Since being
here, I have been honored with being able to preach at
both the English service here on Sunday afternoon, and
the Spanish services at the Santa Rosa Iglesia D& Chri-
sto. There are 3 churches in Santiago, one preaching
point (Mble study group) and an English congregation
meeting, in a- home. There are 2-7 churches in all of
Chile, a coimtry of 10 million.. I have been working
with various correspondence courses;, mainly seeing what
is being done. Right now there are ii different courses
in the countrv, Pats^ and I personally have been busy
enrolling in language studies, v/hich we will start on
the 27th, looking for a house to rent, working on gett
ing our personal goods through customs, and generally
Just getting adjusted. It has been a full 2. weeks since
we have been here, and we are Just now beginning to be
come adjusted.
YJhat we hope to do
After talking with many of the other missionaries
we have all agreed that we want to attempt to__do jbhe
following: (1) Unite in a Joint effort for effective
evangelization of the country. There are basically 5
missionaries who are willing to effectively work to
gether, 3 are of the Christian Church and 2 are of the
Church.of Christ. Yj/e plan a meeting next week to plan
the work so evangelization of the country will go more
smoothly. (2) Pool all the correspondence courses into
one large, one. All those concerned have said they want
and are ready to do this. Ed Holt& nyself are both
working to take this over. The correspondence course
course of the Church of Christ will be phased out, the
courses from the radio ministry will be channeled into
this, and we hope to have 10,000 students within one
year., (3) Because the time is short, we are all agreed
that we want to begin a movement rather than spend 3
years on individual churches. -We may. not have more
than .5 years, so we want to work together to begin an
internal, movement for God here in Chile. Vi-ill you help
with this work?????
^oLiaicef? brought forward 3fsh\
Giroups & Churches
.Loan from First State Btok
Total expense
Balance on hand 9/31/71 .XXrXXXmxmXi
"TTorging fund*
.Emergency Travel Fund
Retirement & Medical Fund
Contrihutions! received after 9/31/71 will he on next
NORMriN<S NOTES..... ^
Mike, Paibsy, and Michael are settled in their hou
se in Chile by now,. Also they were able to get their
things off the dock. They wrote that all their things
ware in good shape. Except for occasional homesick
ness, ai spider bite, which made liLke very sick, and
just getting used to a new climate and customs, they
seem to be doing fine and are working very hard. The
homesickness can be helped by all of us here in the
states, by a short note, letter, cards and many pr^ers,
This-will -help them greatly........PLEASE TRY 11J
If any of you know of anyone who isn^t getting the
newsletter, please let me knowi. ' ^
Betty Norman
Did you ever hear the one about Dadcty with his foot
in his.mouth? Let me tell you that one...,, .TTe were
flying.domi. here to Chj.le (and it was quite a trip),
out we'Stopped in Lima^ Peru for a short time. Dad
dy wanted to take some pictures of all of us. and he
saw 'his-;^man standing around on the bottom landing
strip . He marched us all down the ramp and asked
the man if he spoke English^ The man said he did^
so Daddy,had him take several pictures^ To make
conversation as we were waiting for l^he pictures to,,.,
^ikej Daddy aJ?i^ed the man if he v/as from the' states,."
"No", he said5 I'm from RussiaDaddy must have
been out in the; sun too long because .h^ had sud.deuly .
become .sun- bui-ned and quickly decided to get out iof"
the surij'. sb he ran up the steps and sat right down in
his seat* I asked him vfhat was wTong, but he only
mumbled something about chewing shoe leather^ I'.' *
guess he.must have been hungry. Anyway, the man-S3
little boy and I exchanged gifts later, and things
worked out all right-. But Daddy still'belches up a,
little shoelace now and then thinking about it^ * '
Adioth, and love**,*
A visit to your norae from:
Antioch Christian Church
iiOliO Maple Avenue
Armando Alvarado Min, to Mexs..
'like Sheffield Mn, to Chile
Non "Profit Org,..'
U,S, 'Postage-
Paid' ;
Permit Wo,
Odessa;, Texas
-. : 'J
N .
Qt'^ 1971
j-' '; ,v. 'T"''Tfe '' :
' V .. ;, QflHISTUfJ ' . '
rake and'Patsy ;: .
.8800, Dublin.. . . Cassillia 11,807
Odessa,. Texas 797^ . ..Correb 21
t. - Santiago, Chile S:.A:,
M-Win Chile, I have noticed the.,
deeo upheaval, this county is ??ointhrough ric'ht ,, .
now. "very day we see. new thin?js to indicate
the country ia^r^^niring, and is,^. in fact, in .
jevolutipn,.Itjii's .both frightening and reassur
.;ihg at .the ea*ne tiine.. But-there-is another
revolution going on that't .get as ..![nuch at
tention. Let-me tell you about,that. .;, '
.It ^is i ievolutibn tliat begirt almost 2,000 years
ago. it spread over the knoivrt world ind=?;as
influential in every ohase. of .'Hfe at that ti-me. ^
It toppled governrnentsy effected decisions, -and
changedjjthe- cburse of history. It v/as and is
the-revolution of Christ. ' " -
Today, this same revolution is going txi in, the
^^.orld. It is npt interssted-in govemaents or
'orId ideas, not creeds and doctrines^.. It. is
interested in ;t.he souls of men' and ^uehands 'the
complete sacrifabe of epph. xevolntionaiy'-Tt
grows in^every. type'-of .situitiori-'^nrid flourishes
da,e.'.out. The revolutionaries must
iiide," effort, and
money. to the cause of this revolution. But
revolutions of Che Guevarra: Lenriin.
_.arx, Allende, and others; our revolutionary
lives forever^ He has given us an eternal mani-
mv fo?^sto kindness, and He showed the
rv,^-S m +2 ^ u IS the revolution of
CJvist^ To those who are npt commited, the revolution
"'111 wo"^k aroun-^ vo^t.
Coxrespondenc course
The correspondence course is going greaab guns now as
we prepare to take the laslfc few lesisons to the tr^isB-
latoi?^ We had ai very diff-iculU time getting a good-
translation, but by taking thee manuscript first to ny
Spanish teacher at the University here,wB were ^le to
gat a good Chileno translation,. We wars also able to
get the services of ai local artist to illustrate- it,
and have contracted a printer to. do all the work,.
Right now we are buying paper and storing it as .the
paper company ,is now owned by the Commuriist, but we -;..
hope to print up several thousand the firsi "printing.
You can help by'desi^atihg your funds "Corre^ondence
Ceurae"' to bi;^ papef-^and printing.
Language Studies^ - ='
By the ttoe you re^iys.this-letter. Patsy and I will
have finished Our first course in language study. We
both passed, and after a week's break, will begin -1
course 2, It-has been rather difficult but we have
every-opportunity-to-prabtice the ianguage every-day.
Many people w^t to/pi'adtice' Enflish. with me, so.
can't think of a..better-way to practice^ than Mth the-/. i>
Gospel. I have set up.lO mrute^ aessWs wit^ 2 men^'. .
and we have been, working with bptj.neighbors on .either :
side of us. Pray thatJthis oightr- continue. .
Crusades, i.. /"^
A. slightly hampered crusade has just beeh completed in .-
the port city of Valparaiso; '. Due to a govei^riment mix-
up, the workers were .not able to get: the. teht until
+ ^ ^4- X _ ' *-kV - . '
the last of the cruspde. Bit. despitarall the set backs- -
the attendance Tan.about 65-70 per night> ahd the'churches
p:^w because of it. During January, Feb., March & .
.^Ml, there will be a crusade in the South, and here
in Santiago, As a follow-up to the prusadS-.lh-Vktpo
we plan to begin working-with a:: c.hurch;in.:Curacavi..'
j ..r-J
. I *
Efelance brought forward
(S:*oups & Churcheffl
$ 190.72. . ii
68.00 A-
Balance on hand IO/30/7I,.
Working fund-* /'
Emergency travel fUhd;" '
Retirement &radical"'fund
I 163.717
' $g.32..T
S 509.19,,
ContribuH;ion,:reoeiy8d after 10/30/71 mil be on nbxit.
new^etter.-. <i.;,..., ' * * '
Antioch Christian Churchy hefe in Odsss. 'hasi'
offered their,.help by handling 11 checks icoming ih.
This will mean ;that ^1 check need to be- made pay^ala
to AntiOch Christian Church,, foir Mike) Sheffield nhilear,
Missions. The hheoks will stiirWl^^^^^^'
. ^ w w V9011U,..UU UDB CLIj
0000 Dublin-Odessa^v.Txas, but they;will be recreEipte<f
from the^ct^nh*.^ Iimll stiih 'write, notas and return "
the receipts? to each individuaOU This-will ba a
and'for tax purposes. "
NORMAN'S NOTES a. I.-, , ' ^
^ Fell it sbpms that. Mike, .Patsi^;&-Michael are "etill
having a little trouble ^th eicicnees. I'm not jusii '
re^ sure what is. ytx'.ongj but "please-. remember them in
yoip prayersw Their work, and studies- seem to^-be ^
Are'-get-^Jng. into the '^oH^
of things there^now..^ They have a eaissette tape ^
recorder and we have- started sendihgJtapes back .^..
forth. klTe think it will work out real-well" so if
any of you would "llfc^ tbi Sehcfthem a taped message-
1 know; they would love.3it'. Please- write to them
anyway. " . i .
p* their are any<-questlonsb concerning the chang
ing of the checks, leti:md''kridw.
BBfetty Norman
. 'O'
iuichael*s Meditation..,..,
'.Veil, I guess I'd bette^T ciir^b up here and try-
to help ^pad<^ finish, uo his" ncv;sletter. SeeniB.- '
like vhefi ,I T;ant to type, he always has a fit,-,-
but when he v^ants !ne,:to, it is on soraething ov.
else. OhY.'ell... One of trie best thinf^s I enjoy
doing here in Chile ( or in the U. 3.) is eating.
let ne tell you some of the good and strange
foods people eat here. They eat a thin,g called .
Corvino, v/hich is sea bass,' that I like vary
much. Daddy does too, if you could see his sto
mach you could tell v.hy. Also, they have a fish
called Congrio, ;vhich is sea eel, that is really
fun and .good to eat. .'.lommy just trios not to
think what it is. The peoole here .just love to
get live .rmscles or snail-fish, put then in a
bowl, and squeeze -leribn juioe over then. I tucss
that is all rightj but. J-'n afraid the poor fish
i;ould squrite it right back at e can only
buy neat .onco ar twice a month, so lve don't have
a lot of it. They have diffcrant -grades of neat,
.from one that tastes like the best T-3one in the
states, to one that is like vcarnpd-over shoe
leather. The best food I like, and always will,
is ;good old red beans, cornbread, and fried oot-
atipeiS., You'll never make a Chileno out of me,...*
Printed as: ... , i^bn-Profit Irg.
, Acts ,0 f Antioch U. S. .^ostage
- - i(OUO ilsple Aye. Paid
Odessa' Texas 79760 , Permit No. 97
^Odessa, Texas
Misslonariesr Forwaarding' Agents:
M/M i&ke Sheffield M/iJ.LanEy Norman
Cassillffi lUSO? :8800 Dublin
Correo 2Ql Odes5sa, Tessas 7576
^feitlago. Chiles A. '
VoJu. 1, No,. 6 December, 1971 Odessa, Texas
"Dear Father in Heaven, as the Christmas time comes again
this.yeaTj Patsy and I have a soecial prayer to offer to
You now. Lord, helo .us to forget all of the past Christmas
and only live for you today. Since the weather has been
v/arm, we long again for the crisoness of winter aiir, for
snow/, and for cold nights \7ith lots of cover,. Help us
Father to remember 7fhat your Son said, 'if you love mother
father, brother, or sister greater than me, you are not
?;orthy of me'. Help us to mean it.
And Father, when the other part of the world prepares for
shopping &giving, help ua to prepare for a summer of work,.
Thank you Father, for your Holy Spirit, which you gave to
guide us, and we pray His special strength upon us in the
coming months,.
Especially help us Father, to not live beyond today.. Y"
know this country is in serious times ahead, but we are
also reminded of the strength vie have in Christy and the
mieacles You performed with the nations of old. We pray
for this country, for it's leaders, and for our own coun-
try. Help us to remember Youe' first coming^ and to
commemorate it with our love for You. But, we also re-
member the promise You gave through Your Son to ^orae again
and this is the 'Christmas' we look forward to. As it is
winter in the north of this world, help those there to re-
member us with a special prayer. Thank You for all of them
God, and strengthen each of them just now,.
Through Jesus Christ we pray,
1) Correspondence Course^^HHt-We are still working away
at the course, ^ut Satan has really tried to impede dujr
progress^ But, the Lord willing, we should begin print
ing cy the end of this month, We were fortunate enough
to secure the services of a top-quality artist to ill-
ustrate the course, as well as several tracts to go with
it. He is a nationally known artist, and puts out aj
monthly animated magazine read by many^ With this out
of the way, v;e have hired a printer, and should begin
mass production soon, Ed and I bought the paper in bulk
but I was not able to help as much as I would have liked,.
Since the comrminists are seeking to take over the paper
factory and paper is getting scarce, vre had to buy it
now.'y Designate any funds-Correspondence Course
2.)^'HBJ-The new church at Curacavi is grow
ing strong. However, we_ are waiting to begin a serious)
attempt at converts in mass until we have the services
of a young girl graduate of Colegico Biblico in Mexico.
We have the facilities of the Christian Service- camp h
here, so we are going to divide the classes next vreek,
W% need Bibles, materials, ' and additional help'v/ith
this. Designate your fundsCuracavi.
3) S3J^tiago-5H'-The churches in Santiago are growing
as well. The Santa Rosa Church ,is attempting to buy
some property of their o-wn, as the church has far out
grown it's present building. They have a full-time
Chileno preacher, and the missionaries are going on to ;
other v/orks. A new work in our area is attempting to '
be started, as there is no work in this part of town.
Revivals^and D;V-B.Sv's are planned for Dec. and Han.^
here*. Designate any help Santiago,
ii) Camp's and Crusades*-''-Briefly, camp in 2nd &3rd
week in Jan,., with Patsy and myself teaching. Then. I
leave for the south for crusades through Feb. & Mahch,
Travel expense,* crusade tracts, bulletin^, are needed?
Designate Crusades, " . - . - ^
WHAT CAN I DO???? This is often asked. 1)PRAY.
Never cease to pray, remember us in your prayer meetings
and everywhere. 2)Give as God gives to you, 3)1<7RITE.,
Contributors from Sopt. 71 thru Nov.. *71
First Christian ChurOh
Lariar, Missouri
Paramount Christian Church
Ainarillo, Texas
Northwest Christian Church
McKinney. Texas
Antioch Chi'istian Church
Odessa, Texaa
The Lord's Reaoers^
Ozark Bible College Joplin,
Youth Group of Rinehart
Christian ^hurch Horton, Mo.
Schell City Christian Church
Schell City, Missouri
'First Christian '"hurch
Puxico, Missouri
M/M Frank GaAnes
Schell City, Mo..
Thomas Ggodman
Harwood, Missouri
nc.e 10/30/Yl.
ributions- 816..62.
Pleasant Gap Christian
Church-Butler, Mo.
First Christian ^hurch
Dalhart, Texas
Dallas Christian College
Dallas, Texas
Eastwood Christian Church
Dallas, Texas
Church of Christ
.St. Joe, Indiana
"Nova Brackenridge-
Schell City, Mo,
Robby McKinney
Schell City, Mo..
Mrs. Margaret August
Durango, Colorado
M/M Eddie Fowler
Sheldon, Mo..
I^/M Ife-rr.y Pecotte
Silver City, New Mex.
M/M Sam Vantellman
Schell ^ity. Mo..
Expense ..Ciii.
Balance: 012/2/71.
Did you hear??? Daddy has a garden! I don't think
we'll start truck farming just yet, but he did look
funr^ out there hacking away at those weeds;:. I help
ed him by pulling up the weeds he wafe working on right
then. Daddy doesn't appreciate ray help too much, be
cause he would raise the hoe and holler about "always
in the way". Oh well, I made up for it by watering
the yard for him. I love to water for Daddy, because
he usually misses the buildings, himself, and the
clothes hanging out to dry. But, I usually manage to
help him out. I don't know hovf much of a garden he is.
supposed to have, so I decided to take some of the
weeds out for him. Boy J A guy sure has it hard these
days. How was I supposed to know that weed was corn!
Anyv/ay, I ipiow Daddy likes me to help him in the yard.
Like the time I helped pick the old flowers, I knew
they were old because they weren't flowers anymore
just little round buds. So much for ray helping Daddy..
But, you can help Daddy by writing and telling him it
is alright. Maybe you have a little helper around
your house too. So long, I just found where the carrots
are planted. I never did like those things. Chow"
(Spanish for so long). .
hOhO Maiple Ave..
Odessa, Texas 79760
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Permit No, 97
Odessa, Texas
M/M. M. E. Sheffield
Casilla 14017 Correo 21
Santiago Chile
Forwarding Agents
Mrs. Arthur Wight
Box 2868
Odessa Texas 79760
Chilean Evangelism is truly on the go. Here we see a picture of
the new Christian Temple that was dedicated on the 22nd. of March,
This new Church is in a housing area of approximately 50,000 persons
and the nearest church is about 25 blocks away.
We already have 10 contacts through the correspondents course,
which have indicated a desire to accept Christ and become Christians.
Brother Fernando Nunez of Curacavi moved to this church just be
fore the dedication and will be working full time,with us while he is
studying in the Institute of Evangelism,
In the first service that was held, there were over 150 adults
with many coming from the churches of Santa Rosa and Curacavi,
With God's help, this will be only the first of many new churches
in the Santiago area. We are now laying plans for the starting of a
new work in a totally new part of the city. With God's help and yours,
Chilean Evangelism will continue to grow.
The planning and starting of a new
church every four months is a tremendous
Shown here are Silvio Valle, driver
of the truck, who also has responsibil
ities for the tent and the evangelistic
equipment, planning with Sergio Bore.
Sergio is the administrator of Sunday
School literature, funds of Chilean
Evangelism, and also works as my per
sonal secretary.
As most of my time is spent work
ing with the churches, they are an
enviable part of the growth of the.
churches in Chile. (Silvio is an or
dained Methodist Minister, who has
shown'great interest in the Christ
ian movement.)
This is a picture of the new truck
that was purchased by Chilean Evangelism,
to be used in the transportation of the
tent and to aid in Evangelistic Campaigns
It is a 67 Chevrolet 2 1/2 ton truck.
During the months of January and Feb
ruary, the truck transported a total of
1920 miles, of which 1224 were for the
use of purely evangelistic campaigns.
During the campaigns in the south and in
the central zone, there were a total of
108 persons baptized.
Also pictured is the driver on the
truck, Silvio Valle.
I am showing here the
building which we were able
to purchase for the Chilean
Institute of Evangelism,
It is a three story build
ing in which will be housed
the offices of the corres
pondence course, the evan
gelistic offices, and also
the classes of the Institute
It will also be a dormitory
for male students and house
the printing phase of the
During the month of
February the churches of
the Central Zone held fam
ily camps with churches of
Santiago and Curacavi par
ticipating .
There were a total of
124 adult campers and there
were four decisions to ac
cept Christ during the week.
The evangelistic tent was
used as male dormitory and
kitchen. Here we see a
group of campers during a
baptism service at the ri
ver. The young man with
the accordion is the pre
acher at Curacavi and the
young man beside him with
the book in his arm is the
newly trained preacher at
Curacavi, Jorge Soto.
As the churches begin to grow,-
the great need for good literature
also grows. With this in mind, we
have purchased a large stock of Sun
day School literature to be used
until our own printed material can
be put into circulation.
Here we see Sergio in the store
room, with the stock of supplies in
the background.
One of our greatest build
ings in the work.
i'here are a great number of
young people coming to the Lord.
These young people, between the
ages of 15 and 25, have begun to
turn to the Lord in great numbers
all over Chile. Here is pictured
one of the young men from Santa
Rosa baptizing during the family
All has not been pure work
in these last few days.
Here I am tickling myself
so that I can smile a real big
smile for you all. My little
brother is in the background
but he doesn't know too much yet.
It won't be very long before we
are able to play together, but
until that time I just have to
be satisfied playing with my
A Missions Outreach of
Antioch Christian Church
4040 Maple
Odessa, Texas 79762
Mike Sheffield,
I am crying because I haven't
received any letters from any of
you. Even though I was born in
Chile, I still like to hear from
my American friends. I know that
my mom and daddy would also like
to hear from them.
I now weigh 14 lbs. and am
getting longer than my daddy's
memory. I do not always cry, but
it always helps to get me picked
up or fed. If we receive lots of
letters, maybe next time I will
smile for the pictures.
Box Ml
Kem-nton, Ind. 4604-9

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