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El aguamarina

Segn el escritor romano Plinio, las mejores aguamarinas son las que
presentan el color puro y limpio del agua del mar e incluso llegan a ser
invisibles. Es por eso quizs que, entorno a esta creencia, se form una curiosa
leyenda: se lleg a pensar que estas gemas procedan de un gran tesoro
perteneciente a las sirenas, otorgndoles un papel femenino y protector de
marinos y viajeros.
According to the Roman writer Pliny, the best aquamarines are those of a pure and clear seawater colour
which are evenly transparent. This may explain the origin of a curious legend: these gems were long
thought to come from a treasure hoard belonging to mermaids, as a result of which they were assigned a
feminine role and that of protectors for sailors and travellers.
M Isabel Sallent
Gemloga UB, especialista en diamante y gema de color
natural, tratada y sinttica.
UB gemmologist, specialist in diamond and natural
coloured gems (treated and synthetic).
Aguamarina en bruto y tallada
Uncut and cut aquamarine
Ficha tcnica
Hermana de la esmeralda, el aguamarina pertenece a la
familia del Berilo. Tiene unas constantes similares,
aunque algo ms bajas. Sin embargo, el espectro y el
color lo deben al xido de hierro.
Como inclusiones podemos encontrar: bifsicas, cristales
de calcita, turmalina, apatito, granate y agujas de rutilo,
adems de algn velo y huella dactilar, y las famosas
gotas de lluvia, que no son ms que cavidades
negativas con lquido o gas que dan a la gema un
aspecto algodonoso.
Industrialmente, la parte ms opaca del aguamarina se
utiliza para obtener berilio, metal ms ligero que el
aluminio, difcil de fundir, resistente a los cidos e
inalterable en el aire.
En la Edad Media, las ms apreciadas eran las de un tono
azul verdoso. Pero como todo, tambin esta gema se
halla sometida a los dictados de la moda, y desde hace
varias dcadas las ms valoradas, que no las mejores, son
las de un tono azul cielo profundo, procedentes en su
mayora de Brasil.
Para obtener un color azul ms uniforme en los lotes, se
someten a un tratamiento trmico, entre 200 C, 300 C,
450 C -o incluso ms, dependiendo del yacimiento-,
dentro de bolas de barro o carbn, para difundir mejor la
temperatura. Esto no reviste ningn problema, evitando
el choque trmico. El resultado es inalterable y duradero.
La imitacin ms lograda es la espinela sinttica con
cobalto, fcilmente reconocible si la miramos a travs de
un filtro de Chelsea. De esta forma la veremos de un
color rojizo, cuando el aguamarina natural se ve azul
Technical specifications
As a sister of emerald, aquamarine belongs to
the family of beryl. It has some similar
constants, however somewhat lower. Nevertheless,
they owe their spectrum and colour to their
containing iron oxide.
We can find several inclusions: two-phased ones, Calcite crystals,
tourmaline, apatite, granate and rutile needles apart from some
veil and fingerprint and the famous raindrops that are just
cavities with liquid or gas that give a cottony look to a gem.
At an industrial level, the most opaque part of aquamarine is
used to obtain beryl, a metal that is lighter than aluminium,
difficult to melt, resistant to acids and unreactive in the air.
In the Middle Ages the most valued ones were those of a
greenish blue shade. But as with everything, this gem has fallen
in line with the dictates of fashion and for several decades now
the most valued ones, if not those of the best quality, are that of
a profound sky blue shade, found mainly in Brazil.
To obtain a more uniform blue colour in the lots, they undergo a
heat treatment, between 200 C, 300 C, 450 C - or even more
depending on the site, - inside clay or charcoal balls, to better
spread the temperature. This procedure does not present any
problems and even is necessary to prevent thermal shock. The
result obtained is inalterable and long lasting.
The most successful imitation is that of synthetic spinel with
cobalt, easily recognizable on viewing through the Chelsea filter,
in which it comes out a reddish colour, whereas the natural
aquamarine appears a greenish blue.
Aguamarinas clebres
En el American Museum of Natural
History de Nueva York encontramos un
ejemplar de forma ovoidal, de 4,438
quilates, tallado en facetas y procedente
de Brasil.
En el Smithsonian se puede admirar un
cristal perfecto de 25 x 10 centmetros,
tambin procedente de Brasil.
El aguamarina es smbolo de la Madre
Tierra. Muchas tradiciones opinan que
las piedras preciosas nacen de las rocas
tras haber madurado en ellas, igual que
lo hace un fruto en una planta. Por eso
se piensa que est viva y da vida. Y a
nivel molecular y electrnico si nos
detenemos a pensar, podramos decir
que as es: Es la representacin de la
transmutacin de lo opaco en
translcido y ms tarde en
transparente. >
The famous aquamarines
In the American Museum of Natural History in
New York we find a specimen of oval form,
4,438 karats, carved in facets of Brazilian
origin. The Smithsonian collection features a
perfect crystal of 25x10 centimetres, which
was also mined in Brazil.
Aquamarine is a symbol of Mother Earth.
Many traditions think that the precious
stones mature in the rocks having been born
in them, just as a fruit would in a plant. This
is why they are though to be alive and to
possess life-giving properties. If we stop to
think about it on a molecular and electronic
level, we could even say that this is true: its
the representation of the opaque
transmutation, first in translucent and later in
transparent. >
Detalle de aguamarina en el anillo de plata
Aquamarine detail in a silver ring
Anillo de plata con aguamarina
Silver ring with aquamarine
We find allusions to it in the Bible, in the
pectoral crosses of the great priests.
Aquamarine, cut in a rudimentary manner,
was used by Jews in the fifth century BC for
jewellery; although cutting techniques were
not to be discovered until centuries later.
Pope Gregory the Great related it to the
archangels. It is the eighth stone of the
Heavenly Jerusalem, the one that represents
the tribe of Aser. It is also associated with
Saint Thomas, united to the sea and the air. In
the Flemish painting of Van Eyck it is the gem
of the Virgin Mary before giving birth,
symbolizing the heavenly, innocence and
purity of spirit.
En la Biblia encontramos alusiones a
ellas, en los pectorales de los sumos
sacerdotes. Los judos, en el siglo V a.C.,
la utilizaban en joyera, cortada de
forma rudimentaria; la talla no se
descubrira hasta siglos despus. El Papa
Gregorio el Grande la relacion con los
arcngeles. Es la octava piedra de la
Jerusaln Celeste, la que representa la
tribu de Aser. Se la asocia, adems, con
santo Toms, unido al mar y al aire. En la
pintura flamenca de Van Eyck, es la
gema de la Virgen Mara antes de dar a
luz. Simboliza lo celeste, la inocencia y la
pureza del espritu.
Tradicin y magia
Manuscritos levantinos del siglo XIII la relacionan con la
undcima hora del da.
En ese mismo siglo, se utilizaba como mtodo de
adivinacin. Suspendiendo un anillo con esta gema, a
modo de pndulo, sobre un cuenco blanco con agua, en
cuyo borde estaban grabadas todas las letras del
alfabeto. Se le hacan preguntas y el Aguamarina
El telogo y filsofo cataln, Ramon Llull, dijo de ella que
ayuda a mejorar y desarrollar la inteligencia.
Tiene fama de que quien la lleva asiduamente ser
siempre joven y feliz. Posee un aura especial, la de los
vencedores, que se abren camino en el mundo con su
propio esfuerzo. Da confianza y paz a quien la lleva.
Durante muchos aos, el aguamarina fue un regalo
mgico que los novios ofrecan a las novias en el da de
su boda, para afianzar su amor y con la intencin de que
su relacin fuese perdurable. Hoy en da nicamente
conservamos la tradicin de que la novia debe llevar
algo azul, en recuerdo de esa costumbre.
Tradition and magic
Thirteenth century Levantine manuscripts equate Aquamarine
with the eleventh hour of day.
During this same thirteenth century it was used in fortune-
telling. By hanging a ring made of the gem on a string over a
white bowl filled with water and engraved at its edges with the
letters of the alphabet, it was thought that questions might be
answered by the Aquamarine.
The Catalan theologian and philosopher, Ramon Llull, said that it
helps to increase and develop intelligence.
It was deemed to ensure that its wearer remained always young
and happy. It is thought to possess a special aura, that of the
successful who make their way their own way in the world. It
gives confidence and peace to the one who wears it.
For many years, aquamarine was the magic gift presented by
grooms to their brides on the wedding day in order to
consolidate their love and to ensure that their relationship would
last forever. These days the only tradition that has survived, is
that of the bride having to wear something blue, in memory of
this custom.

Pieza en plata y oro repujado
con una aguamarina en bruto
A piece in silver and gold
embossed with uncut
El aguamarina
Acta sobre los chakras cuarto, quinto y sexto. Su
influencia es til, dulce, pero penetrante como el lser; el
inconveniente es que se debe utilizar como mximo diez
minutos, ya que se agota con gran rapidez. Necesita ser
limpiada y recargada despus de cada uso, pero en su
favor hay que decir que se repone con gran facilidad.
Acta sobre el sistema nervioso perifrico y sobre las
cargas emocionales y sus manifestaciones somticas. Un
ejemplo es la contractura de la musculatura cervical; en
este caso alivia mucho un masaje suave con dos cantos
rodados de aguamarina de arriba abajo, y desde el centro
hacia fuera; tapando luego la zona afectada para
conservar el calor y evitar corrientes de aire.
Estabiliza nuestra emotividad, equilibrando actividades
fsicas y mentales. Piedra purificadora por excelencia, se
utiliza para desbloquear la garganta de todos los
pensamientos acumulados en ella y no verbalizados, que
impiden el libre flujo de la energa al resto del cuerpo.
Acta tambin sobre estmago e hgado, rganos
sensibles al estrs y a los disgustos, al regular nuestra
emotividad. Es eficaz contra ansiedades y depresiones
leves, causadas por un deficiente funcionamiento de la
glndula tiroides. Induce una sensacin benfica de
tranquilidad, e indirectamente, al normalizar nuestras
emociones, no se debilita nuestro sistema inmunolgico
y no somos tan vulnerables a pequeas infecciones
como catarros, entre otras.
En la Edad Media se utiliz para prevenir y paliar las
molestias de la cavidad bucal -dientes, encas y
mandbula-. Se usaban collares de esta gema contra los
dolores de muelas.
Su energa es receptiva; su planeta, la Luna y Venus,
aportan vivacidad a las tonalidades verde. El elemento es
el agua y es metal asociado en joyera a la plata, el oro
blanco y el platino. Aunque para sacar mejor partido de
sus propiedades teraputicas es ms recomendable su
combinacin con materiales naturales, como el algodn
y la seda o junto al cuero en un colgante, ya que las
aleaciones metlicas pueden interferir con su energa si
la gema no se halla en contacto directo con la piel.
Por ltimo, el aguamarina odia los espacios oscuros y
cerrados, languidece de pena como una planta si no le da
algo de luz. Si la mima, ella cuidar de usted.
It acts on chakras four, five and six. Its influence is useful, gentle
but penetrating as a laser; the inconvenience consists in the fact
that it can be used for no more than ten minutes, given that it
wears out really fast. It has to be cleaned and recharged after
each use, although in its favour it should be mentioned that it
does recover easily.
It acts on the peripheral nervous system and on the emotionality
and its somatic manifestations. An example of its possible uses
may be had in the case of contraction of the cervical muscles; a
gentle massage with rounded aquamarine stones up and down
and from the centre to the sides can soothe a lot; though the
affected zone has to be covered to maintain the heat and avoid
It stabilizes our emotivity, balancing physical and mental
activities. A purifying stone par excellence, it is used to clear the
throat of all the unverbalized thoughts accumulating there that
hamper the free flow of energy to the rest of the body. It also
benefits the stomach and liver, organs sensitive to stress and
worry when regulating our emotivity. It is further effective
against anxieties and light depressions caused by poor
functioning of the thyroid gland. It brings on a beneficial feeling
of tranquility and indirectly supports the immune system by
normalizing our emotions, thus making the wearer less
vulnerable to small infections such as colds.
In the Middle Ages it was used to prevent and
ease the pain or discomfort in the mouth,
gums and jaw. Necklaces made of this gem
were used against toothache.
Its energy is receptive; its planets Moon and
Venus contribute vivacity to the green
tonalities. The element is water and the
associated metals in jewellery are silver, white
gold and platinum. However to maximize its
therapeutic properties it is highly
recommended that it be combined with
natural materials like cotton and silk or with
leather in a necklace, as the metallic alloys
may interfere with its energy if the gem is not
in direct contact with the skin.
Finally, aquamarine hates dark and stuffy
rooms - it fades away out of sadness like a
plant if it does not have at least some light. If
you pamper it, it will take care of you!
Aguamarina tallada
Cut aquamarine

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