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Subject Code: 10CS761
I.A. Mar! : "# $our!%&ee : 0'
E(a) $our!: 0* Tota+ $our! : #"
E(a) Mar!: 100
-NIT , 1 6 $our!
T$E P$I.OSOP$/ O0 .NET: Understanding the Previous State of Afairs, The .NET
Solution, The Building Block of the .NET Platform (!",TS, and !S#, The "ole of
the .NET Base lass !i$raries, %hat & Brings to the Ta$le, An 'vervie( of .NET
Binaries ( aka Assem$lies #, the "ole of the ommon )ntermediate !anguage, The
"ole of .NET T*+e ,etadata, The "ole of the Assem$l* ,anifest, om+iling )! to
Platform -S+eci.c )nstructions, Understanding the ommon T*+e S*stem,
)ntrinsic TS /ata T*+es, Understanding the ommon !anguages S+eci.cation,
Understanding the ommon !anguage "untime A tour of the .NET Names+aces,
)ncreasing 0our Names+ace Nomenclature, /e+lo*ing the .NET "untime.
-NIT 1 " 6 $our!
2-I.DING C# APP.ICATIONS: The "ole of the ommand !ine om+lier (csc.e1e#,
Building & A++lication using csc.e1e %orking (ith csc.e1e "es+onse 2iles,
3enerating Bug "e+orts , "emaining & om+iler '+tions, The ommand !ine
/e$ugger (cord$g.e1e# Using the, 4isual Studio .NET )/E, 'ther 5e* As+ects of the
4S.NET )/E, & 6Pre+rocessor78 /irectives, An )nteresting Aside7 The S*stem.
Environment lass.
-NIT 1 * 3 $our!
C# .ANG-AGE 0-NDAMENTA.S: The Anatom* of a Basic & lass, reating
o$9ects7 onstructor Basics, The om+osition of a & A++lication, /efault
Assignment and 4aria$le Sco+e, The & ,em$er )nitiali:ation S*nta1, Basic )n+ut
and 'ut+ut (ith the onsole lass, Understanding 4alue T*+es and "eference
T*+es, The ,aster Node7 S*stem, '$9ect, The S*stem /ata T*+es (and & Aliases#,
onverting Bet(een 4alue T*+es and "eference T*+es7 Bo1ing and Un$o1ing,
/e.ning Program onstants, & )teration onstructs, & ontrols 2lo( onstructs,
The om+lete Set of & '+erators, /e.ning ustom lass ,ethods, Understating
Static ,ethods, ,ethods Parameter ,, Arra* ,ani+ulation in &, String
,ani+ulation in &, & Enumerations, /e.ning Structures in &, /e.ning ustom

-NIT , ' 6 $our!
Object1 Or4e5ted Pro6ra))456 74t8 C#: 2orms /e.ning of the & lass,
/e.nition the 6/efault Pu$lic )nterface8 of a T*+e, "eca++ing the Pillars of ''P, The
2irst Pillars7 &;s Enca+sulation Services, Pseudo< Enca+sulation7 reating "ead<
'nl* 2ields, The Second Pillar7 &;s )nheritance Su++orts, kee+ing 2amil* Secrets7
The 6Protected8 5e*(ord, Nested T*+e /e.nitions, The Third Pillar7 &;s
Pol*mor+hic Su++ort, asting Bet(een .
PART , 2
-NIT , # 6 $our!
E(ce9t4o5! a5d Object .4:et4)e: 'de to Errors, Bugs, and E1ce+tions, The "ole
of .NET E1ce+tion =anding, the S*stem. E1ce+tion Base lass, Thro(ing a 3eneric
E1ce+tion, atching E1ce+tion, !" S*stem - !evel E1ce+tion(S*stem. S*stem
E1ce+tion#, ustom A++lication<!evel E1ce+tion (S*stem. S*stem E1ce+tion#,
=andling ,ulti+le E1ce+tion, The 2inall* Block, the !ast hance E1ce+tion
/*namicall* )dentif*ing A++lication - and S*stem !evel E1ce+tion /e$ugging
S*stem E1ce+tion Using 4S. NET, Understanding '$9ect !ifetime, the )T of 6ne(;,
The Basics of 3ar$age ollection,, 2inali:ation a T*+e, The 2inali:ation Process,
Building an Ad =oc /estruction ,ethod, 3ar$age ollection '+timi:ations, The
S*stem. 3 T*+e.
-NIT , 6 6 $our!
I5ter:ace! a5d Co++ect4o5!: /e.ning )nterfaces Using & )nvoking )nterface
,em$ers at the o$9ect !evel, E1ercising the Sha+es =ierarch*, Understanding
E1+licit )nterface )m+lementation, )nterfaces As Pol*mor+hic Agents, Building
)nterface =ierarchies, )m+lementing, )m+lementation, )nterfaces Using 4S .NET,
understanding the )onverti$le )nterface, Building a ustom Enumerator
()Enumera$le and Enumerator#, Building lonea$le o$9ects ()lonea$le#, Building
om+ara$le '$9ects () om+ara$le #, E1+loring the s*stem. ollections Names+ace,
Building a ustom ontainer ("etro.tting the ars T*+e#.
-NIT , 7 3 $our!
Ca++bac I5ter:ace!; De+e6ate!; a5d E<e5t!; Ad<a5ced Tec854=ue!:
Understanding all$ack )nterfaces, Understanding the .NET /elegate T*+e,
,em$ers of S*stem. ,ulticast /elegate, The Sim+lest Possi$le /elegate E1am+le,
Building ,ore a Ela$orate /elegate E1am+le, Understanding As*nchronous
/elegates, Understanding (and Using#Events. The Advances 5e*(ords of &, A
atalog of & 5e*(ords Building a ustom )nde1er, A 4ariation of the ars )nde1er
)nternal "e+resentation of T*+e )nde1er. Using & )nde1er from 4B .NET.
'verloading o+erators, The )nternal "e+resentation of 'verloading '+erators,
interacting (ith 'verload '+erator from 'verloaded< '+erator< hallenged
!anguages, reating ustom onversion "outines, /e.ning )m+licit onversion
"outines, The )nternal "e+resentations of ustoms onversion "outines
-NIT , 3 6 $our!
-5der!ta5d456 .NET A!!e)b+e!: Pro$lems (ith lassic ', Binaries, An
'vervie( of .NET Assem$l*, Building a Sim+le 2ile Test Assem$l*, A &. lient
A++lication, A 4isual Basic .NET lient A++lication, ross !anguage )nheritance,
E1+loring the ar!i$rar*;s, ,anifest, E1+loring the ar!i$rar*;s T*+es, Building the
,ulti.le Assem$l*, Using Assem$l*, Understanding Private Assem$lies, Pro$ing for
Private Assem$lies (The Basics#, Private A Assem$lies >,! on.gurations 2iles,
Pro$ing for Private Assem$lies ( The /etails#, Understanding Shared Assem$l*,
Understanding Shared Names, Building a Shared Assem$l*, Understanding /ela*
Signing, )nstalling?"emoving Shared Assem$l*, Using a Shared Assem$l*
Te(t 2oo!:
@. Andre( Troelsen7 Pro & (ith .NET A.B, CthEdition, %ile* )ndia, DBBE.
ha+ters7 @ to @@ (u+ to ++.AFE#
D. E. Balagurusam*7 Programming in &, D
Edition, Tata ,c3ra( =ill, DBBG.
(Programming E1am+les A.H, A.@B, I.I, F.@, H.D, H.C, H.I, H.F, G.@, G.D, G.A, G.I, G.H,
G.G, E.@, E.D, E.A, E.C, @B.D, @B.C, @@.D, @@.C, @D.@, @D.C, @D.I, @D.F, @A.@, @A.D,
@A.A, @A.F, @C.@, @C.D, @C.C, @I.D, @I.A, @F.@, @F.D, @F.A, @G.A, @G.I.@G.F#
Re:ere5ce 2oo!:@. Tom Archer7 )nside &, %P Pu$lishers, DBB@.
D. =er$ert Schildt7 & The om+lete "eference, Tata ,c3ra(
=ill, DBBC.

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