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Catal i na May&', Sergei I. Turovets3, Racll T~r al ' , ~,
Claudio R. Mirassa' and Luis Pesquera'
'Deportoment de Fi ai o, Universitot de lea Ilks Balmrs, E-07071 Pdma de Mdlorco, Spain
21hetifuto Mdi t ev6nw de Eatudior Avowados (IMEDEA, UIB-CSIC),
E277071 Pdmo de Mollorco, Sp i n
jrniltituto dc FUi o de Canlobno (CSIC) - Univcrsidod de Conkbrio. Fahcultod de hencios,
Avdo Los Casnas $/n, E-,WOO5 Sontonder, Sp i n
tel. 134 911 172S36, fa: tS4 971 173416
High-speed mdulation of laser diodes is impartaot for realising large-capscity infor-
mation transmission and ultrafast optical-processing systems Recently B great deal of
i nkmt has been generated by tho potential to use la?.?m running in chaotic regime as the
carriers of information in B secitre cbaotic communication scheme
Io parallel with the optical feedbaek and saturable skrbti on effects, ch- in laser
diodesinducedby pump current modulationor gam switching isanother option in building
transmiters for chaotic optical communications A l thod, there has been some cmtm
wrsy in earlier theoretical and experimental results, now it iswell estdbliied that a Single
modelaser diodewith relatively small gain saturation and spontaneous emission factors
uudergoesa period doubling route to chaos under such modulation. Wehaveundertaken
analitieal and numerical calculations in the framework of thesingle made mte equation
model with the aimto clarify the parameter domain of lhe basic inetabilities involved
and relate themto the reported experiments with 1.55pm lnG& DFB lasers.
Using the aymptotic quasicoaservative theory [I], we haw found analitidly the
boundaries for the 80 calledprimary saddle-nodc bifurcations in largesignal modulated
h e r diodes, which areresponsible for strong resoiiances and oftenly confusedin experi-
mentswitht,bemultiperiodic windowsinchaos InFig 1, anexamplo of theseboundaries
is shown in the diagramdefined by frequency and amplitude of the pump modulation
signal Influence of saturation and spontaneous emission terms on dynamics has been
examined. We havefound that thesespecific laser diodes features not only incremthe
damping of relaxation mcillations, but also changethe topology of theunderlying Tad&
laser potential 121. thus increasing thresholds of instabilities in the system. The theory
issubstantiated by numerical results. Theanalitieal estimations for primary saddlenode
bifurcations instrongly modulated laser diode3createthe basis for systematic search for
a priory wanted regimes in simulations or experiment and also naturally explain phase
? 0.04
o 0.03
r 0.02
9 0.01
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 05
Modulation Frequency [ a." .]
[l] T Emeux. S. M Baw, and P
Mandel Phys Rev A 55, 1161
[ Z] C. Mayol, R Toral and C R
Mirasjo, Phys Rev. A 58, 4690
Fip. I. Boundark of subharmonic
primary saddlenode bifurcations in
a pump modulated 1-r diodewith
Dynamical behavior of mutually-coupled semiconductor lasers:
modelling and simulations
Josep Mulet', TilmannHeil'. Claudio R. Mirasso'and Ingo Fische?
I - InstiNto Meditemanul de Esludios Auanzados, CSIC-UIB, Campus UIB, M7071
Palma deMaIlona Spain
7. D-MZ89 Darmstsdt, Germany
2- Instituteof Applied Physics, Dmstadt University of TeLhnalogy, SehlossgvrtensVassc
3- kpmammt deFisiea, Universitat de Iss Ules Balcars. E-07071 Pnlma deMallorca.
Thedynamical behavior of t wo weakly mutuallyi.oupled semiconductor lasen has
k e n raently studicdholhexperimentally andnumerically'. Themain rrsula predict that
two diffcrmt lascrs may synehmnize. ' h e aimplest synchronizationmechanismissuchchat
one laser IS forcedto oscillateat therel aat t on oscillationfrequency of theother laser'. On
thc other hand, expenmen- onsmmgly mulually-coupled semiconductor lasen' show the
occumnce of synchronizedlow fnquensy nucmatiom(LFFs) similar to theO ~ C P obsemed
. . ._I ." ..~~ ~ .~
injcctedby theother laser. For simplicity, we take identical parameten for thc two laserS.
althoughfor slightly difkrcnt parameters we observethe same qualitativebehaviors. We
obscrvc that for smmg coupling andaem detuningbath lasers exhibit synchroniredLFFS
[Fig.(%)] similar to theones observed inihc crpe"ments'. When decrevsing the coupling
soenglh. for zero detuning, theLFFs hecomemo n frequent while decreasingi n amplitude
until they disappear for smaller couplmgs. On lhe other hmd. for a fixedslmng coupling
andincreasmgthedetuning, we go fmmt ypcal LFFE viaalmost petiodic LFFs [Fig.@)] to
different fasf periodic oscillations[Fig.(e)] after whichthe synchronizationis l ost . These
behaviors are i n very good apemen1 wxh lhe eipaimcntal resdtsi. Depcndence on
different delay times between theI- will be also discussed.
I - Hohl, A. Qavrielides, T. Emsux and V. Kovanis, Fhys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4745. (1999):
2- T. Heil, I. Mulet, I. Fisherand C. Mudssa, submitted10 CIEOlFurope-IQEC 2wO.
lbidem. Phys. Rcv. A 59,3941, (1999).

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