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College of Nursing

I n Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for RLE 107b

A Individual Case Study

Presented To:
Submitted By:

GROUP of 4Y2-1C
July 10, 2014
a) Diseases
Peptic Ulcer
A peptic ulcer may be referred to as a gastric, duodenal, or esophageal ulcer,
depending on its location. A person who has a peptic ulcer has peptic ulcer disease. A peptic
ulcer is an excavation (hollowed-out area) that forms in the mucosal wall of the stomach, in the
pylorus (the opening between the stomach and duodenum), or in the esophagus. Erosion of a
circumscribed area of mucous membrane is the cause. This erosion may extend as deeply as the
muscle layers or through the muscle to the peritoneum.
Peptic ulcers are more likely to be in the duodenum than in the stomach. As a rule
they occur alone, but they may occur in multiples. Chronic gastric ulcers tend to occur in the
lesser curvature of the stomach, near the pylorus. Esophageal ulcers occur as a result of the
backward flow of HCl from the stomach into the esophagus ( gastroesophageal reflux disease
[GERD] ).

Peptic ulcer disease occurs with the greatest frequency in people between 40 and 60
years of age. It is relatively uncommon in women of childbearing age, but it has been observed
in children and even in infants. After menopause, the incidence of peptic ulcers in women is
almost equal to that in men. Peptic ulcers in the body of the stomach can occur without excessive
acid secretion.

In the past, stress and anxiety were thought to be causes of ulcers, but research has
documented that peptic ulcers result from infection with the gram-negative bacteria H. pylori,
which may be acquired through ingestion of food and water. Person-to-person transmission of
the bacteria also occurs through close contact and exposure to emesis. It is not known why H.
pylori infection does not cause ulcers in all people, but most likely the predisposition to ulcer
formation depends on certain factors, such as the type of H. pylori and other as yet unknown
factors (Moss & Sood, 2003).
In addition, excessive secretion of HCl in the stomach may contribute to the
formation of peptic ulcers, and stress may be associated with its increased secretion. The
ingestion of milk and caffeinated beverages, smoking, and alcohol also may increase HCl
secretion. Stress and eating spicy foods may make peptic ulcers worse.
Familial tendency also may be a significant predisposing factor. People with
blood type O are more susceptible to peptic ulcers than are those with blood type A,B, or AB;
this is another genetic link. There also is an association between peptic ulcers and chronic
pulmonary disease or chronic renal disease. Other predisposing factors associated with peptic
ulcer include chronic use of NSAIDs, alcohol ingestion, and excessive smoking.

Peptic ulcers are found in rare cases in patients with tumors that cause secretion of
excessive amounts of the hormone gastrin. The Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) consists of
severe peptic ulcers, extreme gastric hyperacidity, and gastrin-secreting benign or malignant
tumors of the pancreas.

b) Reason and learning objective
I as a nursing student of OLFU provide this case study as for the purpose of this
case is to be familiar with Peptic Ulcer Diseases; How it is start, what are the causes and what
are the signs and symptoms; especially how to prevent, treat and manage the patient by giving
medication for treatment and providing rapport. .We chose this case study because this case Ive
find it very interesting that Ive encountered in the entire rotation and in Surgical Intensive Care
Unit (SICU) in V.Luna General Hospital. I am also fond to know about the important things to
consider and word to discuss about this case that will be beneficial in the nursing community.


a. Patient I nformation
Name: TGP
Age/Gender: 54 y/o, Male
Civil status: Married
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
B-day: 7/23/1959 Nueva Ecija
Address: South Ville 8 Brgy. San Isidro Rodriguez Rizal
Chief complain: Abdominal pain
Date and Time Admission: 23-Apr-2014 9:30 PM

b. Present History

Mr. TGP never had undergone any procedure before. He felt abdominal pain prior to
admission but can be slightly tolerated. Mr. TGP has a difficulty in defecating. 1 day prior to
admission, had only 1 episode of melena and have a sensation that the stool cannot be
completely evacuated after a bowel movement patient decided to seek medical advice at V. Luna
General Hospital and start the hospitalization there.

c. Past History

Mr. TGP stated that she has no previous hospitalization. He doesnt have any
allergies and past injuries, and have complete immunizations when he was a child. He
occasionally smoke and drink alcohol. He never undergoes any procedure.

d. Family History
Mr. TGP stated that his family has a history of Hypertension. He also stated
that they dont have history of Diabetes, Tuberculosis and other hereditary disease. Both of his
parents passed away due to old age. The patient is fifth among the six siblings of which four are
females and five are males. Two of his siblings died one because of hypertension and one
because of vehicular accident. He stated that her wife is a loving partner having their four kids.
Except for himself, he claimed that his family members are healthy.


a. General Appearance
Mr. TGP is 54 years old, male with fair complexion, with a height of 56 ft. and
weighs 57.4 kilos. He looked frail and pale, normal posture, weak motor activity. He was well-
groomed. The patient had a pleasant facial expression and manner. He welcomed my intrusion
very well and answered my questions without any apprehensions. He could still converse and
listen well, had good comprehension and level of consciousness.

b. Vital Signs

Temperature - 36.7C
Heart Rate - 97 bpm
Respiratory Rate - 71 cpm
Blood Pressure - 120/80 mmHg taken at R arm
Oxygen Saturation - 94%

c. Mental Status

Mr. TGP was conscious and alert to all questions being asked. He could answer
promptly, able to expand his answers. He was oriented to time, place, person and present
situation. He was also able to recall both long term and short term memories.

d. Skin, Hair and Nails

Skin was pale, dry, cool No signs of edema, lesions or dehydration noted. Hair was
black due to aging and equally distributed with fine texture. Fingernails and toenails were pale in
color and cool to touch. No lesions or abnormalities noted.

e. Head and Face
The skull is proportionate to body size, no tenderness. Hair is oily, thick and evenly
distributed. Face is symmetrical and symmetrical facial movement.

f. Eyes
The client has straight normal eye condition; pupil is black in color and equal in size.
Have thick eyebrows.
g. Nose, Mouth and Neck
The nose is in septum is in midline, mucosa is pale; both patent no sign of colds.
The lips are pale, symmetrical, pale mucosa, tongue is in midline. The skin is uniform in color.
Neck muscles are equal in size and no tenderness.
h. Breast and Axilla
No masses, tenderness upon palpation.
i. Abdomen
Uniform in color. Symmetrical movement. There is pain, tenderness upon palpation. It is
because she is suffering Peptic Ulcer Diseases.

j. Upper and Lower Extremities
Arms and legs were symmetrical, has intact skin, with no edema or tenderness noted.
Extremities were pale due to his illness and also cold to touch. The patients arms and legs were
functioning well. He even showed me a minute of vigorous movements with his arms and legs.

IV. Gordons Functional Health pattern

a. Health Perception and Management
What is your view on your general health? Sir when you are a child are you fully immunize?
When you have an illness do you seek a doctor? Do you use cigarettes or alcohol? What do
you think caused current illness? What actions have you taken since symptoms started?
Have your actions helped? What things are most important to your health? How can we be
most helpful? How often do you exercise?

As stated by the client:

He perceived himself as a healthy individual but now due to his
illness normal activities are affected. He says that he is fully immunized. Every
time the patient has a health problem, he would usually self medicate with over
the counter drugs such as biogesic for fever, kremil S for his abdominal pain to
alleviate the pain. And if the symptoms persist then he seeks medical assistance
at any hospital near him. He occasionally drinks and smokes. He considers his
work as a form of daily exercise because exercise can keep your body healthy.
What are your concerns and what do you do now?

As stated by the client:

Concerns for his surgical site after incision and repair.
Oriented, he is conscious and coherent willing to accept and listen to health
teachings. Shows interest to recover easily and fast. Always prays to God.

b. Nutrition and Metabolism
What typical food and drink do you intake? Do you use supplements or vitamins? Any
problems on food or drinks?

As stated by the client:

The patient normally ate his meal 3x a day sometime with
snacks in between he loves to eat fruits and vegetables before hospitalization at
7am-12pm-7pm. Sometimes the patient would rather skip meals and finish his
work. He drinks coffee in the morning and in the afternoon. Claimed to be
allergic on shrimps and claimed to have a good appetite. He didnt take any
vitamin supplements. He occasionally drank beer and alcoholic beverages. The
patient took 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

What is the status of the patient now?
As stated by the client:

The patient was advised by the doctor to have a soft diet meal.
The patient ate his meal at 7am-11am-6pm. He was given ferrous sulfate and
multivitamins to supplement his dietary intake. The patient took 6 to 8 glasses
of water daily.
c. Elimination
Describes the function of the bladder, bowel and skin and its pattern? Know the frequency
and if there is a problem?

As stated by the client:

The patient had normal bladder elimination before hospitalization. He
voided three to four times a day. The amount of his daily voiding was
approximately three to four glasses of urine with yellow clear color. According
to patient, he experienced no pain every time he urinated. The patient had
regular bowel elimination twice daily. The color of his stool was tarry black
with a normal consistency as a manifestation of GI bleeding. He perspired
sweat in his body as always.
What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

There was no change with regards to his bladder elimination pattern.
He only had one bowel elimination during his four days stay in the hospital. The color of
his stool was still tarry black with normal consistency. There was no change in the skin

d. Activity and Exercise

Do you accomplish the required activities with sufficient energy to work? Exercise pattern
and type? What do you do in your spare time or leisure activities?

As stated by the client:

He ambulates within the house if he is not in work. He does house
hold chores if he is in the house. Sometime takes a walk at their neighbourhood to visit
his neighbours and buy in the store if he has a break in his military service. She does have
a routine exercise on the upper and lower extremities by means of shaking and stretching
and do jogging, push ups, brisk walking and other form of exercise. Able to bath himself.


What is the status of the patient now?
As stated by the client:

Patient was restricted of doing his normal daily activities due to
increasing pain and Patient was confined in the hospital for recovery thus his daily
activities were altered. But he performed range of motion exercise.

e. Sleep and Rest

Are you generally rested and ready for activity after sleep? What are your sleep onset
problems? Early awakening? Rest / relaxation periods? Sleep routine?

As stated by the client:

He can sleep for 7 to 9 hours per night of straight of sleep his earliest
time going to sleep is at 7:00 pm. No difficulties on going to sleep and doesnt use any
medication to promote sleep. Because of his illness the patient usually sleeps only two
hours every night before hospitalization and didnt take nap during the day. This was due
to abdominal pain.

What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

He was still experiencing pain but it was relieved due to the
medication given to him. Sleeps at 8:00 pm and wakes up at 6:00 am can consume 10
hours of sleep. Sometimes takes a nap at noon for about 1-3 hours. Sometimes he is
distracted and sleep is interrupted due to pain, administration of medication, vital signs
monitoring and visitors with rest intervals, usually naps for 4 hours.

f. Cognitive and Perceptual

Do you have hearing difficulty? Vision? Last checked? Any change in memory?
Concentration? Important decisions easy/difficult to make? Easiest way for you to learn
things? Any difficulty? Any discomfort? Pain?

As stated by the client:

The patient is oriented to people, time and place, no sensory
defects and responds to stimuli verbally and physically. Pain felt radiating on the
abdomen. The patient could understand and express his feelings well. He read and writes
well. His best way to learn something new was by experience. Could interpret his
physical condition with regards to his illness and doesnt have difficulty expressing
himself to his family and others. : The patient informed that in making major decisions,
the whole family discussed and together decides.


What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

Before the operation the patient verbalized Ang sakit ng tiyan ko,
tapos pabalibalik ang sakit. Patient did not have difficulty in decision making regarding
his confinement. After the operation he stated ang sakit ng katawan ko, lalo na sa may
bandang tiyan. Felt pain around the surgical area, slight facial grimacing. Can respond
to stimuli verbally and physically with pale and weak in appearance noted. Believes that
pain felt due to post operative experiences.

g. Self-Perception/Self Concept

How do you describe yourself? Most of the time, feel good or not so good about self?
Changes in body or things you can do? Problems for you? Changes in the way you feel about
self or body generally or since illness started? Things frequently make you angry? Annoyed?
Fearful? Anxious? Depressed? Not able to control things? What helps? Ever feel you lose

As stated by the client:

The patient manages to practice healthy lifestyle so as seek medical
assistance. Recently he believed that the admission will be helpful to assist him in his
needs, to alleviate pain she felt, and correct his bowel. The patient hopeful to be relieved
and treated. The patient describes himself as a happy person. His family gives him
strength. His family feels saddened with his illness but they learned to accept it. He is
satisfied with his physical appearance and feels saddened with other people who had
disabilities and illness.


What is the status of the patient now?
As stated by the client:

Though weak, he still manages to appear calm and relaxed and agreed
to be operated and undergo surgery and gives his trust to the surgical team, before
operation, he prays all the time for himself and his family. He desires that no
complications will arise after the surgey and his major concerned is his recovery

h. Role Relationship


Do you live alone? Family? Family structure? Any family problems you have difficulty
handling (nuclear/extended family)? Family or others depend on you for things? How well
are you managing? How families/others feel about your illness? Problems with children?
Thus your income sufficient for needs? What thus your relationship with your neighbourhood
ok or not?

As stated by the client:

The patient is married with 4 children, loves his family so much well
supported and loved by his family with close relationship. As the head of the family, his
major responsibility was to provide financial support to his family. His family is the most
important in his life. His neighbourhood is peaceful and good community and they lived
there a long time already. He didnt participate in any social groups or neighbourhood
activities because of his military work.


What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

The patient is well supported by the family and still plays the role of a
father despite his condition by means of reminding important matters to her children.

i. Sexuality Reproductive


Thus your sexual relationships satisfying? Changes? Problems? Use of contraceptives?

As stated by the client:

The patient is married, a father of 4 children. The patient used condoms
when he was younger. Since he was living with his wife when there is a vacation due to
his job he was not using condoms anymore. His level of sexual satisfaction now is 6 out
of 10, as 10 being the highest level of satisfaction. The patient didnt feel any pain every
time he has a sexual contact with his partner, but he experienced shortness of breath. He
informed that he is having a hard time achieving orgasm due to delayed erection. The
patient never experienced any sexually transmitted disease.


What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

The patient says because of my illness I cannot do and fulfil my sexual

j. Coping-Stress Tolerance


Any big changes in your life in last year or two? Crisis? Who is most helpful in talking things
over? Available to you now? Tense or relaxed most of the time? When tense, what helps?
Use any medications, drugs, alcohol to relax? When there are big problems in your life, how
do you handle them? Most of the time, are these ways successful?

As stated by the client:

The patient able to copes up with stress by listening to music, by doing
household chores if he is in the house and by taking a nap or sleep. Copes up with
problems by talking about it with his family and finds a way to resolve it together.
Reason for admission is to alleviate pain and correct his bowel. Went to the hospital and
sought for medical assistance after experiencing abdominal pain. His present condition is
his most stressful situation in his life because it affects them financially and emotionally.

What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

The patient takes a nap, verbalized desires to recover and accept
situation by cooperating with medical advice and procedures. The major change in his
life is being incapable of earning money to sustain his family needs. His family supports
him to cope up with his present condition. The patient is not so religious, but he often
prays to God for guidance and blessings. His family serves as his motivation in life.

k. Values-Belief Pattern


Generally get things you want from life? Important plans for future? Religion important to
you? Does this help when difficulties arise? Interfere with any religious practices?

As stated by the client:

The patient is a Roman Catholic and has a strong faith with God. The
most important for him is to have a good life together with his family and be able to
provide their needs. He also believed in God and prays for good health, guidance and
blessings. His major source of hope and strength in life is God and God.

What is the status of the patient now?

As stated by the client:

The patient has no restriction in the procedure brought by the religion
and the admission and the surgey donr interfere with the spiritual practices. Always have
srong faith in God.

V. Anatomy and Physiology

The esophagus or oesophagus, sometimes known as the gullet, is an organ in vertebrates
which consists of a muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach.
The word esophagus is derived from the Latin sophagus, which derives from the Greek word
oisophagos, lit. "entrance for eating." In humans the esophagus is continuous with the laryngeal
part of the pharynx at the level of the C6 vertebra. The esophagus passes through a hole in the
diaphragm at the level of the tenth thoracic vertebrae (T10). It is usually about 2530 cm long
and connects the mouth to the stomach.
It is divided into abdominal parts.

A thin dome-shaped skeletal muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
The diaphragm plays an important role in breathing: it contracts with each inspiration, becoming
flattened downward and increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity so that air is drawn into the
respiratory tract, and then, with expiration, it relaxes and is restored to its dome shape.

The liver is a vital organ present in vertebrates and some other animals. It has a wide
range of functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemicals
necessary for digestion. The liver is necessary for survival; there is currently no way to
compensate for the absence of liver function.
This organ plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body,
including glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, hormone
production, and detoxification. It lies below the diaphragm in the thoracic region of the
abdomen. It produces bile, an alkaline compound which aids in digestion, via the emulsification
of lipids. It also performs and regulates a wide variety of high-volume biochemical reactions
requiring highly specialized tissues, including the synthesis and breakdown of small and
complex molecules, many of which are necessary for normal vital functions.

The stomach is a muscular organ of the digestive tract. It is located between the
esophagus and the small intestine. The stomach is hollow and sac-shaped. It is involved in the
second phase of digestion, following mastication (chewing). The stomach releases a protein-
digesting enzyme (protease) and hydrochloric acid, which kill or inhibit bacteria and provide the
acidic pH for the protease to work. The word stomach is derived from the Latin stomachus which
is derived from the Greek word stomachos, ultimately from stoma, "mouth". The words gastro-
and gastric (meaning related to the stomach) are both derived from the Greek word gaster. The
stomach churns food before it moves on to the rest of the digestive system. The stomach lies
between the esophagus and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). It is on the left
upper part of the abdominal cavity. The top of the stomach lies against the diaphragm. Lying
behind the stomach is the pancreas. The greater omentum hangs down from the greater
Two smooth muscle valves, or sphincters, keep the contents of the stomach contained.
They are the esophageal sphincter (found in the cardiac region) dividing the tract above, and the
Pyloric sphincter dividing the stomach from the small intestine.
The stomach is surrounded by parasympathetic (stimulant) and orthosympathetic
(inhibitor) plexuses (networks of blood vessels and nerves in the anterior gastric, posterior,
superior and inferior, celiac and myenteric), which regulate both the secretions activity and the
motor (motion) activity of its muscles.

Like the other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the stomach walls are made of the following
layers, from inside to outside:

Mucosa-The first main layer. This consists of an epithelium, the lamina propria
composed of loose connective tissue and which has gastric glands in it underneath, and a
thin layer of smooth muscle called the muscularis mucosae.
Submucosa-This layer lies over the mucosa and consists of fibrous connective tissue,
separating the mucosa from the next layer. The Meissner's plexus is in this layer.
Muscularis Externa-Over the submucosa, the muscularis externa in the stomach differs
from that of other GI organs in that it has three layers of smooth muscle instead of two.

o inner oblique layer: This layer is responsible for creating the motion that churns
and physically breaks down the food. It is the only layer of the three which is not
seen in other parts of the digestive system. The antrum has thicker skin cells in its
walls and performs more forceful contractions than the fundus.
o middle circular layer: At this layer, the pylorus is surrounded by a thick circular
muscular wall which is normally tonically constricted forming a functional (if not
anatomically discrete) pyloric sphincter, which controls the movement of chyme
into the duodenum. This layer is concentric to the longitudinal axis of the
o outer longitudinal layer: Auerbach's plexus is found between this layer and the
middle circular layer.

Serosa-This layer is over the muscularis externa, consisting of layers of connective tissue
continuous with the peritoneum.

The spleen is an organ found in virtually all vertebrate animals with important roles in
regard to red blood cells and the immune system. In humans, it is located in the left upper
quadrant of the abdomen. It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve in case of
hemorrhagic shock, especially in animals like horses (not in humans), while recycling iron. It
synthesizes antibodies in its white pulp and removes, from blood and lymph node circulation,
antibody-coated bacteria along with antibody-coated blood cells. Recently, it has been found to
contain, in its reserve, half of the body's monocytes, within the red pulp, that, upon moving to
injured tissue (such as the heart), turns into dendritic cells and macrophages while aiding "wound
healing", or the healing of lacerations. It is one of the centers of activity of the
reticuloendothelial system and can be considered analogous to a large lymph node as its absence
leads to a predisposition toward certain infections.

The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is
both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and
somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive
enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help in the further breakdown of the
carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the chyme.

The gallbladder (or cholecyst or gall bladder) is a small non-vital organ that aids in the
digestive process and stores bile produced in the liver. The gallbladder is a hollow organ that sits
in a concavity of the liver known as the gallbladder fossa. In adults, the gallbladder measures
approximately 8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter when fully distended. It is divided into three
sections: fundus, body, and neck. The neck tapers and connects to the biliary tree via the cystic
duct, which then joins the common hepatic duct to become the common bile duct.
The adult human gallbladder stores about 50 millilitres (1.8 imp fl oz; 1.7 US fl oz) of
bile, which is released when food containing fat enters the digestive tract, stimulating the
secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK). The bile, produced in the liver, emulsifies fats in partly
digested food.
Small intestine
The small intestine is the part of the gastrointestinal tract (gut) following the stomach and
followed by the large intestine, and is where the vast majority of digestion and absorption of
food takes place. In invertebrates such as worms, the terms "gastrointestinal tract" and "large
intestine" are often used to describe the entire intestine.
The small intestine in an adult human measures on average about 5 meters (16 feet), with
a normal range of 3 - 7 meters; it can measure around 50% longer at autopsy because of loss of
smooth muscle tone after death. It is approximately 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Although the small
intestine is much longer than the large intestine (typically around 3 times longer), it gets its name
from its comparatively smaller diameter. Although as a simple tube the length and diameter of
the small intestine would have a surface area of only about 0.5m2, the surface complexity of the
inner lining of the small intestine increase its surface area by a factor of 500 to approximately
200m2, or roughly the size of a tennis court.
The small intestine is divided into three structural parts:
* Duodenum 26 cm (9.8 in) in length
* Jejunum 2.5 m (8.2 ft)
* Ileum 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
Large intestine
The large intestine is the second to last part of the digestive systemthe final stage of the
alimentary canal is the anus in vertebrate animals. Its function is to absorb water from the
remaining indigestible food matter, and then to pass useless waste material from the body. This
article is primarily about the human gut, though the information about its processes are directly
applicable to most mammals.
The large intestine consists of the cecum and colon. It starts in the right iliac region of the
pelvis, just at or below the right waist, where it is joined to the bottom end of the small intestine.
From here it continues up the abdomen, then across the width of the abdominal cavity, and then
it turns down, continuing to its endpoint at the anus.
The large intestine is about 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) long, which is about one-fifth of the whole
length of the intestinal canal.
Digestion takes place almost continuously in a watery, slushy environment. The large
intestine absorbs water from its inner contents and stores the rest until it is convenient to dispose
of it. Attached to the first portion of the large intestine is a troublesome pouch called the
(veriform) appendix. The appendix has no function in modern humans; however it is believed to
have been part of the digestive system in our primitive ancestors.
The rectum (from the Latin rectum intestinum, meaning straight intestine) is the final
straight portion of the large intestine in some mammals, and the gut in others, terminating in the
anus. The human rectum is about 12 cm long.[citation needed] Its caliber is similar to that of the
sigmoid colon at its commencement, but it is dilated near its termination, forming the rectal

VI. Pathophysiology


Contributory factor:
Diet: caffeine intake
Alcohol and smoking
Presence of Helicobacter
pylori infection
Malignant Tumor
Precipitating factors:
Age: 50-70 years old
Gender: male
Increase hydrochloric acid (HCL)
Irritation of the lining (mucosal) of the
stomach, duodenum, proximal of
small intestines
Damaged mucosal barrier Inflammatory process
Decreased function of mucosal cells
Decreased quality of mucus
Loss of tight junctions between cells
Back diffusion of acid into gastric
Formation of liberation of
Conversion of pepsinogen
to pepsin
S/Sx: Abdominal
Further mucosal erosion
Destruction of blood
Increase acid secretion
Local vasodilatation
Mucosal injury
Increase capillary
Loss of plasma proteins
Mucosal edema
Loss of plasma into gastric
Stimulation of
cholinergic intramural
plexus, causing muscle
Decreased oxygen carrying
capacity as manifested by
decreased hemoglobin and
hematocrit level
S/Sx: Pallor, Light-
headedness, and
S/Sx: black tarry stools,
vomiting with the
presence of blood
XII. Course In The Ward
DAY 1 (JUNE 19, 2014)
A 54 years old male was admitted at exactly 9:30 p.m last April 23 2014, accompanied by his
wife, with a chief complaint of abdominal. Soft Diet given, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate
must be recorded every shift, for chest x-ray posterior-anterior, for electrocardiogram x 12 leads, for
complete blood count blood typing and for chem. 7. It was done at the same day. The physician ordered a
5% Dextrose in Lactated Ringers 1 liter plus 1 ampule of EC to be regulated at 20 gtts/min. The physician
ordered 3 units of TPN that are properly prepared to be run for 2-3 hours. The first unit of TPN started at
08:00 a.m.
DAY 2 (JUNE 20, 2014)
The patient was given a nebulization started and extubated at the time and secretion suctioned.
Was confirmed that he was positive in flatulence. Measuring drained output was recorded shiftly.
And take vital signs every hour oral care and bedside care done and ABG noted.

DAY 3 (JUNE 21, 2014)
Nursing care done. Vital signs are monitored and recorded. Intravenous fluid regulated at 15
gtts/min the patient has no further complaint. The patient is ambulatory. Medication intravenous every 8
hours was given. Attending Physician did not visits the patient and no new orders were made that day.
Doctor rounds.

DAY 4 (JUNE 26, 2014)
Patient may have clear liquid then soft diet at 4 p.m., above intravenous fluid consumed and
followed up of 5% Dextrose Lactated Ringers 1 liter regulated at the same rate. For possible discharge on
the next day. Removal of jackson-pratt drain was done and intravenous fluid was terminated. The patient
has a fever and vital sign monitored. Medication given for the patient fever.

DAY 5 (JUNE 27, 2014)
There is no o objection for discharge. Home medications instructed and patient may go home and
start oral medication. At 8 a.m. patient was discharged accompanied by his wife via the wheelchair.

XIII. Diagnostic Test

Clinical Chemistry
Serum Electrolytes
Normal Result Result Interpretation
Sodium 136-145 mmol/L 135 Normal
Potassium 3.5-5.1 mmol/L 3.8 Normal
Chloride 97-111 mmol/L 102 Normal

Complete Blood Count

Normal Result Result Interpretation
Hemoglobin 130-180 117.0 Decrease result
could pertains to
anemia or bleeding
due illness.
Hematocrit 0.40-0.50 0.35 Decreased result
could pertains to
anemia or bleeding
due illness.
RBC Count 4.5-6.2 4.37 Decrease levels of
RBC could also be
secondary to anemia
or bleeding
WBC Count 4.0-10.0 13.10 Increase in WBC
count could
represent an
ongoing infection
0.55-0.65 0.77 Increase levels of
your neutrophils
usually represent
and ongoing
infection, an
malignancy, cause
by some drugs.
Lymphocytes 0.25-0.35 0.08 Decrease level of
lymphocyte count is
usually not
Eosinophils 0.02-0.04 0.05 Increase in cases of
allergy, asthma and
in parasitic
Basophils 0.00-0.01 0.00 Normal
MCV 80-100 78.9 Decreased average
size of the red blood
MCH 26-32 26.8 Normal
MCHC 32.0-36.0 34 Normal
RCW 11.0-15.0 18.21 Increase in
accordance with
variation in red cell
size (anisocytosis).
Platelet Count 130.0-400.0 354 Normal

Lab test Result Normal Interpretation
Color Straw Varying degrees of yellow Normal
Transparency Clear Clear Normal
Specific Gravity 1.000 Variable but 1.023 Low concentration of urine
pH 6.0 Variable (usually acidic) Normal
Chemical Tests
Sugar Negative Negative Normal
Albumin Negative Negative Normal
RBC 0-4/ HPF 0-1/ HPF High due to underlying
disease condition
WBC 0-2/HPF Female: 0-5/HPF
Male: 0-2/HPF

XIV. Drug Study
Brand Name :
Patients dose : 500 mg@ bedtime as single dose-7 dose
Classification : Anti-Bacterial, Antibiotic, Antiprotozoal, Amoebacide
Mechanism of Action
Bactericidal, inhibits DNA synthesis in specific amoerobes, causing cell death; antiprotozoal-
trichomonicidal, amoebicidal.

Acute infection susceptible anaerobic bacteria
Acute intestinal amoebiasis
Amoebic Liver abscess
Trichomoniasis (acute and partners of patient with acute infection)
Bacterial Vaginosis
Pre-operative, intra-operative, post-operative prophylaxis for patient undergoing colorectal
Topical application; treatment of inflammatory popules, pustules and erethyma of the
Unlabeled uses; Prophylaxis for patient undergoing gynecologic abdomen surgery.

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to metronidazole; pregnancy(do not use in first
Use cautiously with CNS disease, hepatic disease, candidiasis, blood dysurias, and location.

Side Effects
CNS- headache, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, incoordination, seizures, peripheral
neuropathy, fatigue.
GI- unpleasant metallic taste, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, GI upset and cramps.
GU- Dysuria, incontinence, darkening of the urine.
LOCAL- Thrombophlebitis, redness, burning dryness and skin irritation.
OTHER- Severe, disufiram-like-interactions with alcohol, candidiasis(super infection)

Nursing Interventions
Administer oral doses with food
Apply topically (metrogel) after cleansing the area. Advice patient that cosmetics may be
used over the area after application.
Reduce dosage in hepatic disease.

Brand Name :
Patients Dose:
Classification :

Mechanism of Action
Paracetamol has long been suspected of having a similar mechanism of action of aspirin
because of similarity in structure. That is it has been assumed that paracetamol acts by
reducing production of prostaglandins, which are involved in the pain and fever processes, by
inhibiting the cyclooxegenase (COX) enzymes.

The preparation is indicated in disease manifesting with pain and fever; toothache, mild and
moderate post-operative and injury pain, high temperature, infectious diseases and chills
(acute catarrhal inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, flu, small-pox, parotitis, etc.)

Paracetamol should not be used in hypersensitivity to the preparation and in severe liver

Side Effects
In rare cases hypersensitivity reactions, predominantly skin allergy (itching & rash) may
appear, long term treatment with high doses may cause a toxic hepatitis with following initial
symptoms; nausea, vomiting, sweating and discomfort. Occasionally, a gastrointestinal
discomfort may be seen.

Nursing Interventions
Monitor for S/s of: hepatotoxicity, even with moderate acetaminophen doses, especially in
individuals with poor nutrition or who have ingested alcohol over long periods; poisoning,
usually from accidental ingestion or suicide attempts: potential abuse from psychological
dependence (withdrawal has been associated with restless and excited response).
Patients and family education
Do not take other medications (e.g. cold preparations) containing acetaminophen without
medical advice; overdosing and chronic use can cause liver damage and other toxic effects.
Do not medicate adults for pain more than 10 days (5 days in children) without consulting a
Do not use this medication without medical direction for; Fever persisting longer than 3 days,
fever over 39.5 C (103 F), or recurrent fever.
Do not give children more than 5 dose in 24 hours unless prescribed by physician.
Do not breastfeed while taking this drug without consulting a physician

Brand Name :
Patients dose :
Classification :

Mechanism of Action
Competitively blocks the effects of histamine at H2-receptor sites; has atropine-like,
antipruritic, and sedatives effects.

Symptomatic relief symptoms associated with perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis;
vasomotor rhinitis; allergic conjunctivitis.

Contraindicated with allergy to any anti-histamines, narrow angle glaucoma, stenoring peptic
ulcer, symptomatic prostatic hypertrophy, asthmatic attack, bladder neck obstruction,
pyloroduodenal obstruction, third trimester of pregnancy, and lactation.
Use cautiously in pregnancy.

Side Effects
CNS- drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, disturbed coordination, fatigue, confusion,
restlessness, excitation, nervousness, tremor, headache, blurred vision, dyplopia, vertigo,
tinnitus, acute labyrinthitis, hysteria, tingling, heaviness, and weakness of hands.
CV- hypotension, palpitation, bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystoles.
GI- Epigastric distress, anorexia, increase appetite & weight gain, nausea, vomiting,
GU- urinary frequency, urinary retention, dysuria, early menses, deacrease libido, impotence.
HEMATOLOGIC- hymolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia.
RESPIRATORY- thickening of bronchi secretions, chest tightness, wheezing, nasal stiffness,
dry mouth, dry nose, dry throat, sore throat.
OTHER- urticaria, rash, anaphylactic shock, photosensitivity, excessive respiration, chills.

Nursing Interventions
Administer with food if GI upset occurs
Caution patient not to crush or chew SR preparations
Arrange for periodic blood tests during therapy

Brand Name :
Patients dose : 500 mg 1 tab bid for 6 days
Classification :
Complicated intraabdominal complication; severe or complicted bone or joint infection,
severe respiratory tract infection, severe skin or skin structure infection; severe or
complicated UTI; mild to moderate respiratory infection; mild to moderate skin or skin
structure infection; infectious diarrhea, fever.
Complicated UTI or pyelonephritis; nosocomial pneumonia, mild to moderate UTI;
uncomplicated UTI, chronic bacterial prostatitis; acute uncomplicated cystitis.
Mild to moderate acute sinusitis; empirical therapy in febrile neutropenic patients; inhalation

Contraindicated in patients sensitive to fluoroquinolones; use cautiously in patients with cns
disorders, such as severe cerebral arteriosclerosis, or seizure disorder, and in those at risk for
seizures. Drug may cause cns stimulation; drug is associated with increase risk of adverse
reaction involving joints tendon, and surrounding tissues in children younger than age 18.

Side Effects
CNS- seizures, confusion, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, hallucinations, headach,
insomnia, light-headedness, paresthesia, restlessness, tumor.
CV- chest pain, edema, thrombophlebitis.
GI- pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain or discomforts,
constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence, oral candidiasis, vomiting.
GU- crystalluria, interstitial nephritis.
HEMATOLOGIC- Leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia.
MUSCULOSKELETAL- aching, arthralgia, arthtropathy, joint inflammation, joints or back
pain, joints stiffness, neck pain, tendon rupture.
SKIN- rash; steven-johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, burning, erythema,
exfoliative dermatitis, photosensitivity, pruritus.
OTHERS- hypersensitivity reactions.

Nursing Considerations
Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity tests before giving first dose. Begin therapy,
awaiting results.
Some drugs require waiting up to 6 hours after giving these drugs to avoid decreasing its
Monitor patients intake and output and observe patient for signs of crystalluria.
Tendon rupture may occur in patients receiving quinolones.
Long-term therapy may result in overgrowth of organism resistant to drug.
Cutaneous anthrax patients with signs of systemic involvement, extensive edema, or lesions
on the head or neck, need IV therapy and a multi drug approach
Additional Anti-microbials for anthrax multi drug regimens can include rifampicin,
vancomycin, penicillin, and ampicillin.
Steroids may be used as adjunctive therapy for anthrax patients with severe edema and for
Follow current CBC recommendation for anthrax
Pregnant women and immunocompromised patients shoul receive the usual dosage and
regimens for anthrax.

Patient Teaching
Tell patient to take drug as prescribed, even after he feels better.
Advise patient not to crush, split or chew the extended-release tablets.

Brand Name : Prevacid (PPI- proton-pump inhibitor)
Patients Dose: 30 mg (tab; OD for 2 weeks) #14
Classification :

Mechanism of Action
Inhibits activity of proton-pump & to hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphosphatase
(H+K+ATPase), located at secretory surface of gastric parietal cells, to block secretions of
gastric acids.
Adverse Effect:
GI- abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea

Short-term treatment of active duodenal.
Maintenance of healed duodenal ulcers.
Short-term treatment of active benign gastric ulcer

Hypersensitive to drugs

Nursing Considerations:
Patients with severe liver disease may need dosage adjustment, but dont adjust dosage for
elderly patients or those with renal insufficiency
For best effect, instruct patient to take drugs no more than 30 minutes before eating.

XV. Nursing Care Plan

A. Acute pain r/t Hyperacidity secondary to irritation of gastric mucosa


Masaki tang
aking tiyan as
verbalized by the

Pain scale of
out of 10

Acute pain r/t
secondary to
irritation of

After 1-2 hours
of nursing
intervention the
patient will
verbalize relief
of pain.

Reduce Pain
Scale from 6 to

relaxed body
posture and be
able to


Note reports of
pain, including
location, duration,
intensity (0 to10 scale)

Review factors that
aggravate or alleviate

Identify and limit foods
that create discomfort
such as spicy or
carbonated drink.

Encourage small,
frequent meals

Pain is not always
present, but if present
should be compared
with patients previous
pain symptoms. This
comparison may assist
in diagnosis of
etiology of bleeding
and development of
Helpful in establishing
diagnosis and
treatment needs.

Food has an acid
neutralizing effect and
dilutes the gastric

Small meals prevent
After 1-2 hours
intervention the
goal was met,
has verbalized
relief of pain.

Reduced Pain
Scale from 6 to

relaxed body
posture and be
able to sleep/rest

Encourage patient to
assume position of


Provide and implement
prescribed dietary

Administer medications
as indicated

o Analgesics, e.g.,
morphine sulfate

o Antacids
distension and the
release of gastrin.

Reduces abdominal
tension and promotes
sense of control.

Patient may receive
nothing by mouth
(NPO) initially. When
oral intake is allowed,
food choices depend
on the diagnosis

May be narcotic of
choice to relieve
acute/severe pain and
reduce peristaltic
activity. Note:
Meperidine (Demerol)
has been associated
with increased
incidence of

Decreases gastric

o Anticholinergics,
e.g., belladonna, atropine

acidity by absorption
or by chemical
Evaluate choice of
antacid in regard to
total health picture,
e.g., sodium restriction

May be given at
bedtime to decrease
gastric motility,
suppress acid
production, delay
gastric emptying, and
alleviate nocturnal
pain associated with
gastric ulcer.

XVI. Discharge Plan

Advise patient and significant others regarding his home medications:
Instructed the patient to take the following home medication as ordered by the physician.

Encourage client and SO to provide a peaceful and well-ventilated environment
conducive for recovery and healthy living.
Advise client and SO to keep the surroundings clean and free from stress.
Encourage client to have a regular rest periods during the day.
Review medication that will be take home and stress importance of following prescribed
Stress the importance of having follow-up examinations and treatment to the patient and
presence of changing physical status.
Discuss with patient his understanding of his condition and how it affects his body.
Advise patient to limit physical activity and to have adequate rest and sleep.
Stress the importance and advantages of compliance with medication regimen and dietary
Encourage patient to have a good personal hygiene.
Advise the SO to give the client the whole support needed.
Advise patient to follow the discharge instructions given by the doctor.
Remind patient and family of the importance of participating in health promotion
activities and recommend health screening.
Encourage patient to have immediate consultation if the following signs and symptoms
occurs which may lead to potential complications:

Sudden,severe upper abdominal pain ( persisting an increasing intensity); pain
may be referred to the shoulders, especially right shoulder
Vomiting and collapse (fainting)
Extremely tender and rigid (boardlike) abdomen
Hypotension and tachycardia,indivating shock

Back and epigastric pain not relieved by medications that were effective in the

Pyloric obstruction
Nausea and vomiting
Epigastric fullness
And later weight loss
Encourage patient to eat and informed him that nutrition is very important at any
Stress to patient the importance of adequate intake of caloric and nutrient food rich in
calcium and vitamin D to increase bone density.
Advise patient to exclude alcohol, carbonated beverages, coffee, spicy foods and meat
extracts from his diet.
Encourage patient to eat three regular meals per day and in a relaxed setting and to
avoid overeating.
Advise SO to provide attractive meals and an aesthetically pleasing setting at meal
Encourage the client to pray every day.
Encourage the client to have faith and trust God that everything will be alright.
Encourage client to participate in religious activities and to have contact with spiritual

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