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T. V.

H is t o r y
1831 ~ Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry experimented with electromagnetism, which
started it all.
1844 ~ Samel Morse p!licly demonstrated the telegraph.
18"# ~ $!!e %io&anni 'aselli sent an image o&er a long distance
18(3 ~ May and Smith, experiment with selenim and light as a way o) trans)orming
images into electrical signals.
18(* ~ +homson transmits wireless signals.
18(" ~ ,ell in&ents the telephone.
188- ~ %eorg 'arey !ilds a crde system sing tiny light.sensiti&e selenim cells.
188/ ~ 0astman1s )ilm and 0dison1s camera together prodced the )irst motion pictre.
18/" ~ 2oda3 ma3es the )irst motion pictre )ilm designed )or pro4ection.
18/( ~ 2arl Ferdinand ,ran in&ents the )irst tele&ison t!e
1/-4 ~ Fleming in&ented the 5acm t!e diode which was a !ig part o) early +5s.
1/-* ~ 6ip3ow disc demonstrated.
1/-" ~ 7ee 8e)orest de&elops the 9$dion9, a &acm t!e capa!le o) ampli)ying
signals, and ths crcial to the electronic re&oltion.
.$lso this year, ,oris :osing o) :ssia de&elops a system com!ining cathode ray with a
6ip3ow disc, creating the world1s )irst wor3ing tele&ision system.
1/-(;.,oris :osing in :ssia and $.$.'amp!ell.Swinton in 0ngland simltaneosly
de&elop image reprodction methods sing electronic scanning.
1/-8;.$.$.'amp!ell.Swinton, a electrical engineer, p!lishes proposals a!ot an all.
electronic tele&ision system that ses a cathode.ray t!e )or !oth recei&er and camera.
1/-/;.Herrold ma3es )irst sccess)l radio !roadcast at San Jose, '$.
1/1-;.First )ederal commnication law, the <ireless Ship $ct, enacted.
1/1#;.8eForest and $rmstrong independently disco&er regeneration.
.Sarno)) intercepts )irst distress message )rom the doomed ship +itanic.
1/13;.0dison ses )irst diamond styls in $m!erola phonograph.
1/1*;.First practical radio telephone commnications system constrcted !y ,ell 7a!s.
1/18;.$rmstrong in&ents the sperheterodyne recei&er.
1/1/;.Hoxie de&elops a means o) recording sond on motion pictre )ilm.
.+he :adio 'orporation o) $merica is )onded.
1/#1;.$eriola designs the )irst a))orda!le home radio.
1/##;.$rmstrong in&ents sper.regeneration system.
.Farnsworth in&estigates electronic pictre transmission.
1/#3;.5ladimir =wory3in patents the 9>conoscope9, an electronic camera t!e. ,y the
end o) 1/#3 he has also prodced a pictre display t!e, the 92inescope9.
1/#4;.John 7ogie ,aird is the )irst to transmit a mo&ing silhoette image, sing a
mechanical system !esed on ?al 6ip3ow1s model.
1/#*;.John 7ogie ,aird o!tains the )irst actal tele&ision pictre, and 5ladimir =wory3in
ta3es ot the )irst patent )or color tele&ision, althogh electronic color systems are not
)lly de&eloped ntil #* years later.
.:ice and 2ellogg de&elop )irst practical lodspea3er.
1/#";.John 7ogie ,aird gi&es the )irst sccess)l p!lic demonstration o) mechanical
tele&ision at his la!oratory in 7ondon.$lexanderson de&elops scanning disc +5 system.
1/#(;.Farnsworth transmits )irst electronic +5 pictre@ applies )or patent in electronic
.,ell +elephone 7a!oratories demonstrates wireless +5 !etween <ashington 8.'. and
6ew Aor3 in the world1s )irst tele&ised speech and long.distance tele&ision transmission.
1/#8;.Ferderal :adio 'ommission esta!lished.
.?)lemer patents magnetic tape.
.John 7ogie ,aird transmits images o) 7ondon to 6ew Aor3 &ia shortwa&e.
.Sond added to motion pictres@ the 9tal3ies9 are !orn.
1/#/;.=wory3in demonstrates all.electronic +5 system.
.>n 7ondon, John 7ogie ,aird opens the world1s )irst tele&ision stdio, !t is still a!le to
prodce only crde and 4er3y images. Howe&er, !ecase ,aird1s tele&ision pictre carry
so little &isal in)ormation, it is possi!le to !roadcast them )rom ordinarymedim.wa&e
radio transmitters.
1/3-;.+he ,,' !egins reglar tele&ision transmission.
.Farnsworth recei&ers patent )or >mage 8issector pic3p de&ice.
1/31;.$0% engineers !egin wwor3 on Magnetophone recorder.
.,lattnerphone steel !and recorder sed !y the ,,'.
1/3#;.7angmir condcts research on the physics o) gaseos discharges impro&ing the
&acm t!e.
.6,' !egins experimental telecasts.
.SchrBter descri!es method )or recording pictres on magnetic tape.
1/33;.$rmstrong demonstrates FM transmission.
1/34;.Mtal ,roadcasting System )onded.
.Crthicon camera t!e de&eloped.
1/3*;.$rmstrong !egins *-3<experimental FM station at $lpine.
.First +5 !roadcasts in %ermany and 0ngland.
.$0%.+ele)n3en prodces the Magnetophone ta!le recorder.
.%ermany opens the world1s )irst )ilmed tele&ision ser&ice.
.France !egins !roadcasting its )irst reglar transmissions )rom the top o) the 0i))el
1/3";.+here are a!ot #--- tele&ision sets in se arond the world.
.+he ,,' attarDs the world1s )irst p!lic electronic tele&ision ser&ices in
1/3(; ',S annonces +5 de&elopment program.
1/38; MarEocci )iles patent application )or rotary head adio recorder.
1/3/;.+he principles o) ac !ias recording de&eloped.
.+5 demonstrations held at <orld1s Fair in 6ew Aor3 and %olden %ate >nternational
0xhi!ition in San Francisco.
.:oose&elt !ecomes )irst F.S. president to gi&e a speech on tele&ision.
.8Mont company !egins prodcing tele&ision sets )or consmers.
.First !ase!all game is send o&er tele&ision.
.First tele&ision sets o))ered )or sale.
1/4-;.8r.?eter %oldmar3 introdces a 343.lone color tele&ision system )or the daily
transmission, which ses a disc o) three )ilters Gred, green, !leH.
1/41;.Magnetophone goes into reglar ser&ice on %erman radio stations.
1/43;.6o!el !ys 6,' ,le 6etwor3 and )orms the $merican ,roadcasting 'ompany.
1/44;.+he digital compter is concei&ed.
1/4*;.Crr and Mllin !ring %erman magnetic tape technology !ac3 )rom 0rope.
.'lar3e sggests geosynchronos satellites )or commnications.
1/4";.+he )irst tele&ision !roadcast &ia coaxial ca!le is transmitted )rom 6ew Aor3 to
<ashington 8.'.
.Mllin demonstrates %erman Magnetophone at San Francisco.
.8Mont 6etwor3 )onded.
.=oomar introdces )irst pro)essional Eoom lens.
.+o2yo +shin 2ogyo )onded@ name changed to Sony in 1/**.
1/4(;.First Hollywood )ilm prodction )or +5, +he ?!lic ?rosector.
.+his year the de&elopment o) the transistor is demonstrated at ,ell 7a!s.
1/48;.+he tele&ision adience increases !y 4--- percent and to the )act that one million
homes in the F.S. now ha&e a tele&ision set.
1/4/;.7i!erty ,roadcasting System )onded.
1/*-;.Mllin !egins wor3 on &ideo recorder )or 'ros!y 0nterprises.
.+ricolor 3inescope de&eloped.
.5idicon de&eloped.
.'a!le +5 !egins in the F.S. and warnings !egin to !e issed the impact o) &iolence
programming on children.
1/*1;.+he )irst color tele&ision transmission !egin in the F.S.
1/*#;.$mpex 5+: team reprodces !arely recogniEa!le pictre )rom tape.
.+heater tele&ision reaches its pea3 with the !roadcast o) the <alcottIMarciano )ight.
1/*3;.<ireless microphone demonstrated.
.'olor +5 !roadcasting !egins.
.+oshi!a !egins wor3 on helical scan &ideo recorder.
.+he )irst pri&ate tele&ision stations !egin operation in Sd!ry and 7ondon.
1/*4;.MagaEines now rotinely o))er the homema3er tips on arranging li&
)rnitre )or optimal tele&ision.&iewing pleasre.
1/*";.'ompter hard dis3 introdced.
.,lac3.and.white porta!le +5 era !egins.
.$mpex 'orporation demonstrates &ideotape recording.
1/*(;.7aser de&eloped.
.+he So&iet Fnion lanches the world1s )irst 0arth satellite Sptni3.
1/*8;.$mpex demonstrates color 5+:.
1/*/;.,roadcast 0ngineering magaEine )onded.
.$dio cartridge system introdce at 6$, !y 'ollins :adio.
.,roadcast 0lectronics introdces Sportmaster cart machine.
1/"-;.+he 6ixon.2ennedy de!ates are tele&ised 3ar3ing the )irst networ3 se o) split
screen. 2ennedy per)orms !etter on tele&ision than 6ixon, and it is !elie&ed that
tele&ision helps 2ennedy to win the election.
.6inety percent o) $merican homes now ha&e their own tele&ision sets, and $merica
!ecomes the world1s )irst 9tele&ision society9.
.+here are now a!ot 1--million tele&ision sets in operation worldwide.
.0cho > and >> passi&e re)lector satellites lanched.
.+oshi!a prposes a &ideotape recorder sing a helical scanning process.
1/"1;.First li&e tele&ised presidential news con)erence G2ennedyH.
.$mpex SloMo 8isc de&eloped.
1/"#;.?hilips introdces adio cassette tape player.
.+elestar commnications satellite pro&ides )irst international relay o) +5 pictres.
.7egislation passed i F.S. creating 'omsat.
.6inety percent o) $merican hoseholds ha&e a tele&ision set, 13 percent ha&e more
then one.
1/"3;.+& transmitter remote control athoriEed !y F''.
.+5 sed on a F.S mannes space )light, the Mercry /.
./" percent o) all $merican tele&ision sets are on )or an a&erage 31 hors ot o) (# .
1/"4;.First +5 program atomatic system installed.
.+5 camera placed on !oard )rom :anger ( a explorer to the moon.
1/"*;.90arly ,ird,9 is the )irst international commnications satellite, lnched. G>ntelsat >H
.+he 5ietnam <ar !ecomes the )irst war which is tele&ised.
1/"(;.Solid stste imaging technology demonstrated.
.>ntelsat >> satellite lanched.
.+he F'' orders that cigarette ads on tele&ision, on radio and in print carry ha&e the
warning a!ot the health danger o) smo3ing.
1/"8;.',S ses a porta!le minicam )or political con&ention co&erage.
.+he world tele&ision ownerships near #-- million, with (8 million in the F.S..
1/"/;.Cn Jly #-,1/"/ the )irst tele&ision transmission )rom the moon is &iewed !y "--
million &iewers arrond the world when 6eil $rmstrong wal3s in the moon.
1/(1;.F Format is introdced !y Sony.
.'inema ?rodcts '?.1" news )ilm camera is introdced.
.>ndia hhas now a single tele&ision station in 6ew 8elhi. ,t yo are 4st a!le to reach it
till #- mieles otside the city.
.Soth $)rica has no tele&ision at all.
1/(#;.+eletext experiments !egin in the Fnited 2ingdom.
.First prerecorder &ideocassette tapes o))ered to the consmers.
.,,' de&elops, a digital encording system )or adio.&ideo com!ining.
.+he Mnich Clympics are !roadcast li&e. C&er 4*- million &iwerrs worldwide. >t was
also sent when the >sraeli athletes are 3idnapped !y ?alestinian terrorists.
.+he $merican >ntelsat system is lanched this year, it is now !ecoming a networ3 and
controlling !ody )or the world1s commnications satellite system.
1/(3;.%iant.screen pro4ection color +5s mar3eted.
.6inety.six contries are now ha&ing reglar tele&ision ser&ice.
1/(4;.First microprocessor sed in !roadcast eJipment.
1/(*;.$ stdy indicates that the a&erage o) $merican child dring this decade wi33 ha&e
spent 1-,8--hors in school !y the time till !eing 18, !t will ha&e seen an a&erage o)
#-,--- hors o) tele&ision. Stdies also estimate that !y the time till !eing (* the
a&erage $merican male will ha&e spent nine entire years o) his li)e watching tele&ision@
the a&erage ,ritish male will ha&e spent eight years watching.
1/(";.+he Clympics, !roadcast )rom Montreal, draw an estimated !y 1 !illion &iewers
1/((;.Soth $)rica see tele&ision the )irst time on May 1-.
1/(8;.6inety.eight percento) $merican hoseholds ha&e tele&ision sets, p )rom nine
percent in 1/*-. Se&enty.eight percent ha&e color tele&ision.
1/(/;.Mtal :adio 6etwor3 and 6ational ?!lic :adio !egin operation !y satellite.
.+here are now 3-- million tele&ision sets in operation worldwide.
1/8-;.>n the F.S. and %ermany laws and policies are enacted to preser&e a person1s
right to tele&ision in the e&ent o) )inancial set!ac3.
1/81;.First space shttle lanched.
.8igital &ideo sampling )reJency selected as 13.*MHE )or worldwide se.
.=8F, :ohde K SchwarE and Siemens introdce mltiple adio channel tele&ision in
.+0$' de&elops optical laser writeIread disc system.
1/8#;.Srrond Sond is introdced )or home se !y 8ol!y.
1/83;.8igital +5 recei&er shown !y >++.>ntermetall in %ermany.
.2.,and satelitte transmission )or !roadcast tested !y 6$, and dring space shttle
.First long.distance digiatl +5 transmission sent &ia )i!er optic ca!le.
1/84;.F'' eliminates programming gidelines ascertainment, commercial rles and
program logging reJiements )or commercial +5 stations.
1/8*;.?anasonic introdces M.>> )ormat at 6$, con&ention.
.Harris signs licensing agreement with ri&al Motorola on $M stereo transmission
1/8";.Sony introdces 85:.1--- digital &ideotape recorder !ased on ''>: "-1
.$mpex showa $':.##* prototype composite digital carridge 5+:.
.$mpex, +homson and ,osch sign man)actring and mar3eting agreements with Sony
to prodce ,etacam prodcts.
.$mpex s!mits its composite digital )ormat to SM?+0 )or standardiEation.
.Scram!ling o) satellite.)ed ca!le +5 programming starts@ sale o) decorders and program
s!scriptions to home dish owners !egins.
.Stero.sond in tele&ision !roadcasting a&aila!le in all ma4or F.S. poplation centers.
1/8(; 8,S ser&ice !egins in the F.2.
.$!e3as introdces the $."4 digital dis3 ''>: "-1 recorder.
.8ol!y introdces S: noise redction system.
.Sper 5HS introdced.
1/88;.$mpex and Sony introdce 8.# dgital composite tape machines.
.Harris introdces 8L.#* digital solid state $M transmitter.
.?hilips la!oratories demonstrates its H8+5 system designed )or satellite transmission.
1//-;.7egislation reJiring close captioning decoders in all larger clor +5s man)actred
a)ter Jly 1, 1//3 signed into law.
.$ tele&ision GH8+5H system proposed@ F'' sets testing
1//1;.First +5s with ! closed.caption display capa!ility introdced in F.S..
.F.S. testing o) H8+5 systems !egins.
1//3;.$ +5 %ide poll )inds that one in )or $mericans wold not gi&e p their tele&ision
set e&e! )or a million dollars.
1//*;.First tele&ision program deli&ered &ia the >nternet.
.>nteracti&e ca!le modem trials with consmers started.
1//";.=enith introdces the F.S. mar3et1s )irst H8+5.compati!le )ront pro4ection +5.
.$greement !etween !roadcasters, +5 man)actrers, and ?' ma3ers sets inter.
indstry standard )or )igral H8+5.
.+here is o&er a !illion tele&ision sets in operation arond the world.

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