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I. Read the follo!"# te$t a"d %ol&e the ta%'%(
Child prodigy Ruth Lawrence made history yesterday when she came a clear first out of the 530
candidates who sat the entrance exam for St. Hugh's College !xford. "he all#women's college is
li$ely to offer her a scholarship. Ruth sat three three#hour papers#%lge&ra and 'eometry( Calculus
)ro&a&ility and Statistics and *aths )ure and %pplied. '+ was happy with the first two' she said
yesterday '&ut + wasn't sure a&out the third.
Ruth who li,es in Huddersfield has ne,er &een to school. Her father Harry Lawrence a computer
consultant ga,e up his -o& when Ruth was fi,e to educate her at home. Her mother Syl,ia who also
wor$s in computers is the family &readwinner.
Harry Lawrence explained that &esides mathematics Ruth also en-oyed .nglish history
geography nature study and other su&-ects. She &egan to read at four and started academic su&-ects
at fi,e. /0e did not start off with the thought that she would not go to school1 he said /&ut we
en-oyed teaching her so much and we seemed to &e ma$ing 2uite a good -o& of it so we -ust carried
3ecause she does not go to school Ruth has not mixed much with other children. 'She en-oys
serious con,ersation with adults' her father said 'and + don't thin$ she will feel out of place at
!xford.' He does not thin$ she wor$s harder than other children her age &ut concentrates on what
she en-oys principally mathematics. 'She watches tele,ision a little &ut not as a ha&it' he explained.
'3ut she plays the piano and has 2uite a wide range of interests.'
+f she does well at St Hugh's Ruth expects to ta$e a further degree and e,entually hopes to &ecome a
research professor in mathematics#an am&ition she may achie,e while still in her teens ."he
Lawrence family plans to mo,e to !xford when Ruth ta$es up her place in !cto&er 4563. 3efore
then she plans to ta$e four % le,els to satisfy the college matriculation re2uirements. Her father
hopes she will &e exempt from the re2uirements to pass a foreign language#a /di,ersion1 he feels
/from her main interest1.
*iss Rachel "ric$ed the principal of St Hugh's said last night7 '0e are all ,ery excited a&out
Ruth. She is o&,iously 2uite &rilliant and has shown genuine originality. ' Ruth's future tutor 8r
'lenys Lu$e admits that ta$ing so young a student is a daunting responsi&ility &ut says it is one
she expects to en-oy. '+ shall tailor the teaching to her re2uirements' she said. 'Ruth shouldn't ha,e
to suffer the same tensions and disappointments that older students face. + hope + shall ma$e it fun
for her.'
Last night the Lawrence family were thrilled at Ruth's achie,ement. '0e all -umped up and down a
&it when we heard' said Harry Lawrence. 0hen Ruth &ecomes a student Harry Lawrence loo$s
forward to concentrating his efforts on her younger sister Re&ecca se,en 'She's doing ,ery well'
he said '&ut it's too early to tell whether she's a mathematician.'
a) A"%e* the +,e%t!o"%(
4. 0hat role do Ruth9s mother and father play in her up&ringing :
;. 0hy did they decide to educate her at home:
3. 0hat is Ruth9s am&ition and how old will she &e when she achie,es this am&ition:
<. How will the college change the course for Ruth:
5. 0hat was the Lawrence family9s reaction to the news:
-) .e*e a*e a"%e*% to %o/e +,e%t!o"% a-o,t R,th. 0o*' o,t the +,e%t!o"%(
4. % computer consultant.
;. Her mother.
3. She was four.
<. *athematics.
5. =es she does. She plays the piano.
II P,t the &e*-% !" -*a1'et% !"to the 1o**e1t te"%e(
+ went to the doctor's yesterday. + >4? @@@@@.>ha,e to? wait for an hour &efore he >;?@@@>can?
see me. / + >3?@@@@@>go? to )aris next wee$. 3ut + ><? @@..>ha,e? a pain for three days.
>5?@@@@@@..>thin$? +'ll &e well to go:A
"he doctor >B?@@.>examine? me and as$ed me what had happened. A+ >C?@@@>wor$? in the garage
when + suddenly felt the painA + told the doctor. /+f + >6?@@@>stop? it would ha,e &een all right +
thin$. 3ut + hardly e,er >5?@@@>get? any exercise in my office so + went on repairing my car.A %fter
examining me the doctor said7 A=ou &ro$e a &one in your &ac$ when you >40? ........ >lift? the tool#&ox .

III. F!ll ea1h of the follo!"# -la"'% !th o"l2 o"e %,!ta-le o*d. Choo%e f*o/ the l!%t
a", that, %!#h, fo*, 3eo3le, -oth, ha*dl2, h!%, e*e, !dea, to, o", a%,
a%, of, &!lla#e, the*e, o*, 1oa%te*, %2/-ol%, leade*%, aa*e, -e, t!/e,
A Trip to the Funfair
0e had &een planning for a long time to go to the funfair for my &rother9s &irthday so on the &ig day we
all piled up into the car set off. "he traffic was so &ad that day that it too$ us nearly two hours to get
there. "hen we disco,ered that half the >l?@@@in town had had the same >;?@@.... "he place was so
pac$ed that you could >3.?@.. mo,e. *y &rother wanted to go on the roller ><?@@.. so we -oined the
2ueue#which seemed to >5.?@@. a&out a mile long # and waited for our turn. 3y the >B.? @@@.we got
to the front of the 2ueue, my sister >C?@@@ complaining that she was so afraid to go on the ride and
e,en my &rother >6?@@@..a &it apprehensi,e. Dust then a man announced >5?@@@.there was a
technical pro&lem and the ride was closed. 0ith a >l0.?@@@of relief we went to get something to eat
had a go on the &umper cars played a few games E my &rother won a huge teddy#&ear# and then we
went home.
I4. 0*!te a lette* to a f*!e"d 56207680 o*d%) !"&!t!"# h!/9he* to &!%!t 2o, d,*!"# the Che%t",t
Fe%t!&al. :o,* "a/e !% Otto 9 Bett2.
Su&iectul + >40 puncte?
a? 5 p
&? 5p
Su&iectul ++ >40 puncte?
4. had to
;. could
3. +9m going
<. +9,e had F +9,e &een ha,ing
5. 8o you thin$
B. examined
C. + was wor$ing
6. had stopped
5. get
40. were lifting
Su&iectul +++ >40 puncte?

4. people
;. idea
3. hardly
<. coaster
5. &e
B. time
C. was
6. was
5. that
40. sigh
Su&iectul +G >45 puncte?
#respectarea cerintelor structurale a scrisorii informale si a numarului de cu,inte cerut >5 puncte?
#introducere potri,ita incheiere potri,ita >5 puncte?
#folosirea corecta a structurilor gramaticale >; puncte?
#folosirea unui ,oca&ular adec,at >3 puncte?
"otal 7 <5 puncte H 5 puncte din oficiu I 50 puncte pentru nota 40.

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