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AP Chemistry Chapter 19 ThermodynamicsSpontaneity and Entropy Key

1. Define what is meant by a spontaneous process.

A spontaneous process is one that occurs without any outside intervention.
. !a" Define entropy Entropy is a measure of disorder.
!b" #s entropy a form of ener$y% The quantity TS has units of energy.
&. Describe how the fo''owin$ chan$es affect the positiona' entropy of a substance.
!a" #ncrease in (o'ume of a $as at constant T. Entropy increases; there is a greater
volume accessible to the randomly moving gas molecules. Positional disorder will
!b" #ncrease in temperature of a $as at constant V. The positional entropy does not
change. There is no change in volume and so, no change in the numbers of position
of the molecules. The total entropy increases because the increase in temperature
increases the energy disorder.
!c" #ncrease in pressure of a $as at constant T. Entropy decreases since volume
). *hich of the fo''owin$ processes re+uire ener$y as they occur%
!a" Sa't disso'(es in ,-. Yes; this requires eternal energy because it is an
endothermic process. !t is spontaneous since S is favorable and provides the
driving force.
!b" A c'ear so'ution becomes a uniform co'or. "o
!c" A ce'' produces proteins from amino acids. Yes
!d" #ron rusts. "o
!e" A house is bui't. Yes
!f" A sate''ite is 'aunched into orbit. Yes
!$" A sate''ite fa''s bac. to earth. "o
!h" /atura' $as is burned in the air. "o
0. Consider the fo''owin$ ener$y 'e(e's1 each capab'e of ho'din$ two ob2ects3
E 4 .5 6666666666
E 4 1 .5 6666666666
E 4 7 .5 668866666
Draw a'' the possib'e arran$ements of the two identica' partic'es !represented by 8" in the
three ener$y 'e(e's. *hat tota' ener$y is most 'i.e'y1 that is1 occurs the $reatest number of
times% Assume that the partic'es are indistin$uishab'e from each other.
# $% & & &&
' $% & && &
( $% && & &
Total E ( $% ' $% # $% # $% ) $% * $%
The most li$ely total energy is # $%.
9. Do prob'em :0 with two partic'es1 A and ;1 which can be distin$uished from each
.5 A; ; A ; A
1 .5 A; ; A A ;
7 .5 A; A ; A ;
ET 7 .5 .5 ) .5 1 .5 1 .5 .5 .5 & .5 & .5
The most li$ely total energy is # $% +three possibilities,.
<. Do prob'em :0 assumin$ each 'e(e' can ho'd three indistin$uishab'e partic'es1 8.
.5 8 8
1 .5 8 88 8 888
7 .5 888 88 88 8 8
ET 7 1 & &
.5 88 8 88 888
1 .5 88 8
7 .5 8
ET ) ) 0 9
A tota' ener$y of 1 &1 or ) .5 is e+ua''y possib'e.
=. *hich of the fo''owin$ in(o'(e an increase in entropy of the system% -f the three
phases +solid, liquid, and gas,, solids are most ordered and gases are most
!a" >e'tin$ of a so'id !ncrease
!b" E(aporation of a 'i+uid !ncrease
!c" Sub'imation !ncrease
!d" ?ree@in$ .ecrease
9. *hich of the fo''owin$ in(o'(e an increase in the entropy of the system%
!a" >iAin$ !ncrease
!b" Separation .ecrease
!c" Diffusion !ncrease
!d" Precipitation of a so'id from a so'ution. .ecrease
17. Choose the compound with the $reatest positiona' entropy in each case.
!a" 1 mo' , !at STP" or 1 mo' /- !at STP" "#-/!t is a more comple molecule,
larger positional disorder.
!b" 1 mo' , !at STP" or 1 mo' , !at 177BC1 7.0 atm" 0# +at '((12, (.3 atm,/0igher
temperature and lower pressure means greater volume and greater positional
!c" 1 mo' / !at STP" or 1 mo' / !at 177 K1 .7 atm" "# +at 4TP,/has the greater
!d" 1 mo' ,-!s" !at 7BC" or 1 mo' ,-!l" !at 7BC" 0#-+l, +at #(12,
!e" 1 mo' ,e !at 17 K1 1 atm" or 1 mo' ,e !at 17BC1 1 atm" 0e +at '(12, ' atm,/0igher
T and greater 5.
!f" 1 mo' ,e !at 077BC1 1 atm" or 1 mo' ,e !at 077BC1 atm" 0e +at 3((12, ' atm,/
6reater volume of gas.
!$" 1 mo' ,e !at STP" or 1 mo' ,e !at 77 K1 atm" 0e +at 4TP,/0igher T and
greater 5.
!h" 1 mo' ,e!s" !at 7 K" or 1 mo' ,e!g" !at 0 K" 0e+g, +at 3 7,

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