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Is called fute a type of musical instrument.

For the simplicity of its

construction, it may be one of the most ancient instruments, about various
forms it's found in all cultures
it mades about, metal, plastic and wood
bout also of bone, but also of bone, ivory, glass, porcelain and plastic currently
or resins
with a holes series and nozzle in wich the edge produce the sound
the air can get directly from the lips of performer, In some cultures there are
also futes that are played through the nose.
Opening or closing the holes in the body (tube of the instrument changes the
length of vibrating air inside the tube, thus de!ning the height of the sound.
"he holes are plugged in some cases directly with the !ngertips, in other with
$eonardo %e $orenzo (&ugust '(, )*+, - .uly '(, )(/' was a classical futist
and music teacher Italian.
$eonardo was born in 0iggiano in the province of 1otenza, $eonardo de
$orenzo, 2e started playing the fute at the age of * years old, after that he
move to 34poles to asist to the conservatory of 5an 1ietro a 6&iella. &t the age
of )/ years old, he moved to the 7naited 5tates of &merica, wor#ing in a 2otel
in 8erulean 9entuc#y, but in )*(/ he returned to Italy to :oin to the 6ilitary
service in &lessandria, , ;ecoming a member of a military band led by <iovanni
2e then began his own career and toured in Italy, <ermany, =ngland and 5outh
&frica. 2e :oined the orchestra in 8ape "own at age ',. In )(>+, he returned to
3aples to complete his studies, then went bac# to the 7nited 5tates, becoming
the !rst futist of the 3ew ?or# 1hilharmonic, conducted by <ustav 6ahler and
performed with the 5ymphony Orchestra of 3ew ?or#, in <eorges ;arr@re
It was also in the orchestra futist 6inneapolis, $os &ngeles and Aochester. In
)()B, during his collaboration with the 6inneapolis 5ymphony Orchestra,
6aude 1eterson met a pianist who often accompanied him and became his
wife. In )()+, the club played fute in $os &ngeles a musical in his honor and
%e $orenzo was named the !rst honorary member of the association.
From )('C to )(C, he was professor of fute at the =astman 5chool of 6usic
and, after his retirement, he focused on the composition and writing of
theoretical literature. Dor#s li#e 1izzica-1izzica 5altarello and are a tribute to
the characteristic sounds of traditional music of his native town. &ll research
material was donated to the 7niversity of 5outhern 8alifornia on October ',,
In the same year, he received an honorary doctorate from the International
&cademy of Aome Dashington was the godfather of the newly formed club in
6ilan fute. "he &ugust '(, )(,,, "he Flute 8lub $os &ngeles organized a
concert playing his compositions for his birthday n E *>. %e $orenzo died at his
home in 5anta ;arbara, 8alifornia
Nacido en Viggiano, en la provincia de Potenza, De Lorenzo comenz a tocar la flauta a los 8 aos
y se fue a Npoles para asistir alConservatorio de an Pietro a !aiella" # los $% aos, emigr a los
&stados 'nidos, tra(a)ando en un *otel en Cerulean, +entuc,y, pero en $8-% regres a .talia para
unirse al servicio militar en #lessandria, convirti/ndose en un miem(ro de una (anda militar dirigida
por 0iovanni !oranzoni"
Posteriormente, inici su propia carrera y estuvo de gira en .talia, #lemania, .nglaterra y udfrica"
e uni a la or1uesta en Ciudad del Ca(o a los 23 aos" &n $-45, regres a Npoles para
completar sus estudios, luego se fue de nuevo a los &stados 'nidos, convirti/ndose en el primer
flautista de la 6r1uesta 7ilarmnica de Nueva 8or,, dirigida por 0ustav !a*ler, y toc con
la 6r1uesta infnica de Nueva 8or,, en sustitucin de 0eorges 9arr:re"
;am(i/n fue flautista en la or1uesta de !inneapolis, Los <ngeles y =oc*ester" &n $-$>, durante su
cola(oracin con la 6r1uesta infnica de !inneapolis, conoci a !aude Peterson, una pianista
1ue con frecuencia lo acompa y se convirti en su esposa" &n $-$5, el Clu( de flauta de Los
<ngeles interpret un musical en su *onor y De Lorenzo fue nom(rado el primer miem(ro
*onorario de la asociacin"
De $-2? a $-?3 fue profesor de flauta en la &scuela de !@sica &astman y, despu/s de su retiro, se
centr en la composicin y redaccin de pu(licaciones tericas" 6(ras como altarello y PizzicaA
pizzica son un *omena)e a los sonidos caracterBsticos de la m@sica tradicional de su pue(lo natal"
;odo su material de investigacin fue donado a la 'niversidad del ur de California, el 23 de
octu(re de $-3?"
&n el mismo ao, reci(i un doctorado *onorario de la #cademia .nternacional Cas*ington de
=oma era el padrino del clu( de flauta reci/n formado en !iln" &l 2- de agosto de $-33, &l Clu(
de flauta de Los <ngeles organiz un concierto tocando sus composiciones por su cumpleaos nD
84" De Lorenzo muri en su casa en anta 9r(ara, California"

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