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Indian Journ al of Chemistry

Vol. 42B, December 2003, pp. 3128-3130


Solid phase synthesis of benzimidazole cones 3. It may be mentioned here th at 0 Villemin

ketones and benzimidazole chalcones and co-workers first reported the preparation of
ferrocene chalcones by condensing 3-acetylferrocene
under solvent-free conditions
with various aromatic aldehydes using solid NaOH
P K Dubey*, C Ravi Kumar & Balaji Babu pellets under so lvent-free conditions.
Department of Chemistry, JNTU College of Engi neerin g, 2-(a-Hydroxyethyl)benzimidazole (la, i.e. , R=H
I 2 '
Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500072. R =H, R =CH 3 ) was added to KMn04 supported on
finely powdered alumina. The mixture was ground
Received 20 AugusT 2002; accepTed (revised) 25 AugusT 2003
with a pestle for 5 min at room temperature. Immedi-
Oxidation of I-alkyl/aralky 1-2-( a-hydrox yalky l/ary I)benzimid- ate TLC examination of the resulting mixture showed
azo les 1 with KMn04 on neutral alumina under solid phase condi- the disappearance of the starting material, la. The
tion s gives the corresponding ketones, l -alkyl/aralkyl-2 -acy l- reaction mixture was then taken in acetone and fil-
benzimidazoles 2. Compound 2a (R 2 = CH 3 ) on condensation tered. The acetone filtrate was evaporated to obtain a
with aromatic aldehydes in the presence of solid NaOH under
solvent-free conditions, yields the corresponding chalcones, 1- residue of 2-acetylbenzimidazole (2a, i.e., 2, R2=CH 3)
alkyl/aralkyl-2-benzimidazole ary l vinyl keto ne 3 . (Scheme I), which was found to be crude on compari-
so n with an authentic sample (mp, mmp and TLC).
Aldehydes and ketones are found to be very good re- The use of alumina seems to be essential. This is
active intermediates. Numerous methods have been ~ hown by the fact that the reaction did not proceed
reported I in the literature to synthesize carbonyl com- with KMn04 in the absence of alumina. The starting
pounds from primary and secondary alcohols. One of material remained as such on TLC examination even
these methods involves solid phase oxidation using after several hours . The same reaction did not proceed
either supported or unsupported KMn04. 2- when KMn04 was rep laced with Mn02 or K2Cr 207.
Acetylbenzimidazoles are very useful reactive inter- The reason for thi s seems to be inactivity of these
mediates and can be converted into a variety of 2- oxidants in the presence of neutral alumina. The reac-
substituted benzimidazoles. A good number of these tion seems to be selective as is evident in the forma-
latter compounds are found 3 to be biologi cally active. tion of only carbonyl compound as shown by TLC
Earlier, we have prepared4 2-acetylbenzimidazoles by examination of crude reaction mixtures. Normal oxi-
oxidation with K2Cr20 7 under aqueous acidic condi- dation of the alcoho ls with KMn04 in so lution phase
tion s in connection with our work on benzimidazoles. yields the carboxylic acid not the carbonyl com-
We, now, wish to report the sy nthesis of the same pound 6 .
compounds under solvent-free conditions, a method The above reaction has been extended to other 1-
which is eco-friendly in nature. The 2-acetylbenzi- alkyl/aralkyl-2- (a-hydroxyalkyl/ary\)benzimidazoles
midazoles, thus obtained, were further used for con- I and in all the cases, the reaction was completed in
den sation with aromatic aldehydes, once again under about 5 min as shown by TLC examination . All the
solvent-free conditions to obtain benzimidazolyl chal- products were found to be l-alkyl/aralkyl-2-acyl
//: NR

Rl M I

} - C - R2

o o

I ) - C - C HJ
Ar-CHO I }- C - CH=CH·Ar
,,;::. NR NaOH ,,;::. NR
Rl Rl
2a 3
Scheme I
NOTES 3129

Table I---Oxidati on of alcohol 1 to carbonyl compounds 2'

SI Alcohols R RI RZ Reaction Product Yie ld m.p.

No. Time Obtained (%) (0C)
I. la H H CH 3 7 2a 91 180-8 1
2. Ib CH 3 H CH 3 5 2b 89 71-3
3. Ie CH 2CH 3 H CH 3 6 2e 86 72-3
4. Id CH 2Ph H CH 3 8 2d 88 102-4
5. Ie H H Ph 7 2e 90 165-67
6. If H H H 8 2f 86 190-93
' Structures of products were confimled by comparison with authentic samples4

Table II - Physical data of compounds 3

Starting R Reage nt Product Time in Yield m.p. Litt.

material Ar= (min ) (%) (0C) (0C)

2a H -Ph 3a 5- 10 87 201 -05 205 7

2a. H p-Cl-Ph 3a. 5-10 90 225-27 225 8
2a2 H p -N0 2-Ph 3az 5-10 80 230-32 232 8
H p -MeO-Ph 5-10 91 190-92 7
2aJ 3aJ 189
2a4 H p -F-Ph 3a4 5-10 94 174-76
2as H o-Cl-Ph 3as 5- 10 88 190-92
2a6 H p-CH r Ph 3a6 15-20 89 2 10- 12 2 127
2a7 H p-N( Meh-Ph 3a7 15-20 90 11 8-20
2aH H poOH- Ph 3ax 5- 10 93 110- 14
2b Clh -Ph 3b 5- 10 92 195-97 195-97 7
2b . CH, p-Cl-Ph 3h. 5- 10 92 145-47 147 8
2b ~ C ~h p- NOr Ph 3h z 5- 10 89 2 10- 12 2 12M
2b , p-McO-Ph 5- 10 94 126-28 7
Clh 3bJ 128
2h4 C H, p -F-Ph 3h4 5- 10 90 94-6
2b, H, o-Cl -Ph 3b s 5- 10 91 110-14
2b 6 C H, p-CH,-Ph 3b" 5- 10 95 104-6 105-77
2e Cz H ~ -Ph 3e 5-10 86 150-52 1488
2e. C 2HS p-Cl- Ph 3e. 5- 10 88 159-6 1 160 8
2e2 C, II ~ p- NOr Ph 3e2 5- 10 84 208- 11 2 11 8
2d CHzPh -Ph 3d 5-10 86 110- 12 109-128
2d. C HzPh p -Cl-Ph 3d. 5- 10 88 154-56 156 8
2d 2 CHzPh p-NOr Ph 3d z 5- 10 84 150-52 152 8

It may bc mentioned here that the com pounds 2as,2a6,2bs & 2b 6 are not reported in literature. They
have, however, been adeq uately cha racte ri zed by their elemental analysis and ·H NMR data. The ·H
NMR of thcse compounds is as follows:
2a4 - (in 8) 7.1 -8.0 (Complex m, 10H, four aryl proto ns of thc benzimidazole ring. four aryl protons
of the p-f1uorophenyl ring and two protons of the et hylenic part.), 10.4 (broad s, I H, -NH)
2as - (in 8) 7.3-8.0 (Complex m, 8H, four aryl protons of the benzimidazole ring and four protons
of the a-ch iaro-phenyl ring), 8. 18 (d, I H, J = 18Hz) and 8.58 (d, 1H, J=18Hz)(Trans ethylenic pro-
tons), 10.3 (broad s, I H, -NH)
2b4 - (in 8) 4.2 (s,3 H, -N-CH 3), 7.0-8.2 (Complex m, IOH, four aryl protons of the benzimidazole
ring, four ary l protons of the p-f1uorophenyl ring and two protons of the ethylenic moiety)
2bs - (in 8) 4.2 (s, 3H, -N-CH 3), 7.2-8.3 (Complex m, 10H, four aryl protons of the benzimidazole
ring, four aryl protons of the p-f1uorophenyl ring and two protons of the ethylenic link).

ben zimidazoles 2 on comparison with authentic sam- matter and dried over anhyd.Na 2S04' The crude
ples. The results are shown in Table I. product thus obtained was recrystallised from hot
]n another sequence of reactions, 2-acetylbenzimid- hexane to get the pure products 2 (Table I) .
azole (2a, R=CH 3 ) and NaOH pellets were ground to (ii) Preparation of 3 from 2a. General Proce-
a fine powder in a mortar and pestle. To this an aro- dure. NaOH pellets (l g, 25 mmo les) and 2a (5
matic aldehyde was added and ground at room tem- mmoles) were ground in a mortar to a fine powder at
perature for a few more min, ti ll the condensation was room temperature . To this aromatic aldehyde (7.5
complete as shown by TLC, which is not more than mmoles) was added and the mixture was ground by
10 min. The reaction proceeds at room temperature in pestle at room temperatu re for a few more minutes (=
a short duration giving high purity and yields of the 5-10 min) till t e condensation was co mpl ete as
benzimidazolyl chalcones 3. The above reaction was shown by TLC. The solid mixture was then suspended
extended to other 2-acylbenzimidazoles 2. The com- in water to remove inorganic impu rities and filtered.
pounds obtained were ass igned the structures by com- The residue was washed with water and dri ed. The
pari son with authentic samples. The results are shown crude compound was recrystalli zed from a suitable
in Table II. All the above reaction s are summari zed organic so lvent to get the pure product 3a (Table II).
in the Scheme I.
Experimental Section
Melting points were determined in open capillaries The authors are hi ghly indebted to UGC, New
in sulphuric acid bath and are uncorrected. TLC Delhi for financial support and to JNT University,
analyses were done on glass plates coated with silica Hyderabad for providing laboratory faci lities.
gel-G and spotting was done using Iodine blower or
UY lamp. IR spectra were recorded in KBr on a References
I Barton 0 H R & Ollis W D, Comprehensive Organic Chemis-
JASCO-FfIR 5300 spectrometer, IH NMR spectra on try, edited by J F Stoddarty, (Perga mo n Press, Oxford, U K)
a Y ARIAN 200 MHz instrument using TMS as inter- 1979, pg. No I I 14.
nal standard. All the yield s refer to isolated products. 2 Hajipour A R, Mall kpo ur S E & Im anzadeh G, Chem Lell
(i) Preparation of 2 from 1. General procedure. 1999, pg.No 99.
3 Benzimidazoles and congeneric Tricyclic compounds, ed ited
The alumina supported permanganate was prepared by P N Preston , (Interscience- Wil ey, New York), 1980, Part 2.
by mixing solid KMn04 (2 g, 12.65 mmoles) and Chap. 10., p.53 I, Grimmett M R, in Comprehensive Heterocyc-
so lid alumina (2.5 g) in a mortar and ground with a lic Chemistry, edited by K T Potts, (Perga mo n, Oxford), 1984,
pestl e until a fine homogeneou s purple powder was Vol 5, Chap.4.08, p.4S7; Ho ffman K, Imidazo le and its Deriva-
lives in The Chemistry of Heterocyclic compounds, ed ited by A
obtai ned. Later, l-alky lIaral ky 1-2-( a-hydrox yalky lIary 1)- Weissberger, (Wil ey-Interseience, New York), 1953 ParI I,
ben zimidazole 1 (5 mmoles) was added to the above p. 247, Kumar B V & Reddy V M , Indian J Chem, 24B, 1985,
mixture and ground with a pestle for some more time 928.
at roo m temperature. Examination of the mixture by 4 Ramaiah K, Grossert J S , Hoo per 0 L, Dubey P. K & Ramana-
th am J, J Indian Chelll Soc, 76, 1999, 140.
TLC showed complete di sappearance of starting
5 Villcmin 0 , Martin S, Pue iova M & To ma S T, Organolllet
material which requires approximately a few minutes Chem, 27 , 1994,484 .
as indicated in Table I. Then acetone (20 mL) was 6 Furni ss B S, Hannaford A J, Smith P W G & Tatchell A R,
added to the reaction mixture and after vigorou s Vogel 's Text Book of Practical Organic Chell/i.w y, 1984,
stirring the mixture was filtered and the acetone Pg.668 .
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fi ltrate was evaporated to obtain a crude residue. The
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latter was taken up in chloroform (15 mL) and washed 8 Dubey P K, Ramanalha m J, Ram cs h Ku mar & Ravi Kumar C,
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