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United Church
of Christ
August 2014

Inside This Issue

1 Pastors Piece
2 Palm of Prayer & Worship Ways
3 Treasurers Twitter
4 Community, County &
Conference Clamor

5 This Months Events
6 Expression Session
7 Celebration Occasions
8 Worship Whirl

The Lamplighter
Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880
105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

School-Time Already?

There is a time for everything, and a season for every
activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen
the burden God has laid on me. He has made everything
beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts
of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from
beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for
men than to be happy and do good while they live. That
everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his
toilthis is the gift of God. I know that everything God
does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and
nothing taken from it. Ecclesiastes 3:1-14a.

I invite you to meditate on this passage, allowing im-
ages of memory to touch your mind and quicken your
heart. Now meditate, again, on this passage, in the heal-
ing light and warmth and peace of your relationship with
the Holy One.

In Christs Joy,
Pastor Kristin

The Lamplighter Palm of Prayer
This is the message
we have heard from him and declare to
you: God is light; in him there is no
darkness at all. 1 John 1:5 (NIV)

Concerns Please continue to surround in love and
prayer, those experiencing health difficulties &/or
recovering from surgery, the loss of family and
friends, & those adjusting to new seasons in their
lives: Verneal and Virgil Koch; Jo Waters; Stuart
Starke; Bob Heidbrink; family of Elmer
Struchtemeyer; family of Larry Jones; family of Brett
McCulloch; family of Garrett Moore; family of Edgar
Harms; first responders; military personnel and their
families; families around the world that are in the
midst of natural disasters, immigration crisis,
tensions, conflicts and wars which are going on in
different parts of the world, especially in the Middle
East and in Ukraine.
J oys Worshiping as a community on July 13; Family
travels and family fun; Fellowship; Learning about
God and deepening our relationship with God

Lord, there are bombs tonight, wars tonight, planes that
have fallen from the sky, tears that have fallen from the
shattered hearts of mothers, and we fall to our knees
before the Wounded Healer who cups His hands to catch
every falling tear & sparrow & heart in His palms that have
our names engraved right into Him far deeper than any of
earths sorrow. We pray tonight in the name of Him of who
catches everything falling so we dont fall we are
held. Amen. ~ Ann Voskamp

A big "Thank You" to the members of Zion for
approving the purchase of a new copier/printer for the
office. It has been delivered, set up and works like a
dream! Also, a huge "Thank You" goes to Juanita
Wright for the time she spent getting quotes and
seeing this project through from beginning to end.
Membership surveys are now available and we
encourage everyone to fill one out and return. We
feel it is important to keep our records updated so that
we can keep you informed in the way that works best
for you. There will be a box on the table in the back
of the sanctuary for your convenience. Or, feel free to
hand deliver to any council member or even place in
the offering plate. We appreciate you taking the time
to assist us in keeping a more detailed membership
record. Take a look out the window into the
courtyard! The flowers are a beautiful addition and
things have been spruced up quite nicely. Again,
much thanks goes to those who took time to make
these improvements possible.

Peace and Blessings
Zion UCC Membership Survey

City, State, Zip:
Please list additional family members below.
Cell Phone Text? Yes No
Best way to receive the Lamplighter newsletter
Mail Email Facebook

I am a member of Zion UCC
I am not a member but regularly attend services
I am a member but do not regularly attend services
I would like to become a member of Zion UCC
I do not want to be counted as a member of Zion

I would like to be included in the Zion prayer chain
I would like visitation services
I would like to be notified of special events at Zion

Services: Sunday School: 9:30a.m. (9:15 in summer)
Worship: 10:30 a.m. (10:00 in summer)
Phone: (660)237-4355
Facebook: Zion United Church of Christ Mayview

Additional Family Member Names:

Name 1

Name 2

Name 3

Name 4

Name 5

Please return to Zion UCC, 105 N. Mary
Mayview, MO 64071.
Thank you!

Mission: Kits for Festival of Sharing: July Kit was Youth Personal Care Pak:
1 3oz. bottle hand sanitizer, 1 chap stick, 1 fleece throw, 1 washcloth, 1 deodorant, 1 toothbrush, 1 box
medicated facial cleansing pads (such as Stridex), 1 3 ink pens, 1 journal, 1 travel size shampoo, 1 travel size
conditioner, 1 travel size toothpaste. Put all the items in a drawstring bag approximately 17 x 24. August
Kit is School Kit for CWS: These kits give children in impoverished schools and refugee camps some basic
tools for learning. 1 pair blunt childs scissors, 1 30-centimeter ruler (12), 6 new pencils with erasers, 3 Spiral
or tape-bound notebooks of ruled paper, 8x10 containing a total 200-210 sheets. No filler paper, 1 box of 24
crayons, 1 large eraser, 1 pencil sharpener (hand held). Items are placed in a 12 x 14 to 14 x 17 finished
size, cloth bag with cloth handles. You may contribute individual items for the above kits or other kits men-
tioned in the Festival of Sharing booklet or you may donate a completed kit. We would also welcome offers to
make the above bags needed for the Youth and School kits. Money donations are also welcome to offset the
shipping and other expenses of the Festival Office. You may also donate money and specify it for a kit. If you
have questions please see one of the mission committee. The committee would also like to remind the congre-
gation of the up-coming CROP Walk for Hunger Sunday, September 28 at 3:00
The Lamplighter
Board of Christian Education
Volunteers needed to teach a mid-
dle school aged Sunday School
class! If interested please contact
Amy Hoefer or any Board of Chris-
tian Education member.
The back to school bash will be
attendance at the T bones
game on August 16th. There is a
sign up sheet out for everyone to
sign if interested in going. We'll go back
to Sunday School at 9:30 and Worship at10:30am
on September 7, which is Promotion Sunday.

Treasurers Twitter
Youth are already looking at school this
month! Hope everyone's summer has been a
blast. You doubtless have been busy. What's up for
Fall? Hey guys and gals, let's talk it up--how has
Christ impacted your life this summer, and what are
your hopes for the upcoming year? Where has
Spirit surprised you?
First day of school for Bulldogs
and Huskers is Tuesday, Au-
gust 19th.

Community, County &
Conference Clamor
Community Garden Update
In the Community Garden, peas, radishes and squash
have been shared with neighbors in Mayview. Thank
you for the continuing work out there everyone! The
flowers are still beautiful and welcoming. Thank you
so much to the ghost mower! What can we plant for
Q: Why do they say 'Amen' at the end of
a prayer instead of 'Awomen'?
A: The same reason they sing Hymns instead
of Hers!

Mayview Community Worship
The experience, Pie Auction and Picnic was marvel-
ous. It rained early in the morning, so we decided to
meet at the Community Building. The hall was packed
and we sang and worshiped with full hearts. Pastor
Tommy Lindon reminded us that as "church people"
we are doubly charged to visibly live by the Spirit of
God's love, forgiveness and care of others.
Over $500 was given in offering for Habitat For Hu-
manity, and Opal Johnson blushed as her strawberry-
rhubarb pie raked in $265 at the pie auction. Wonder-
ful pies, cakes and cinnamon rolls were auctioned off
with the money to go to Community Betterment for the
repair of the Community Building roof. Fun, fellowship,
and fabulous food was enjoyed by all!

Comparison of Receipts to 2014 Budget & Expenses
as of June 30, 2014
Total Budget $ 74,755.00 $ 7,475.00
YTD Budget $ 37,377.50 $ 3,737.50
YTD Expenses $ 37,140.65
YTD Receipts $ 36,275.07 $ 2,658.68
YTD Budget to Receipts -$ 1,102.43 -$ 1,078.82
YTD Receipts to Expenses -$ 865.58

Engaging in Spiritual Practices - to refresh
and ground you

Take a peek at a myriad of ways to practice spiritu-
ality. Try them out. Watch for a monthly tip starting
Spiritual practice can take many directions including
a practice that one engages in every day at the same
time, perhaps throughout the day, while walking or
doing daily tasks, in silence, or meditation. There is
not a 'one size fits all' for the what, when or how of
spiritual practice in one's life.
A friend recently shared fascinating facts about one
of God's creatures... the Gopher Tortoise. This
amazing creature digs a burrow with shovel-like fore-
feet and welcomes in many other species. The bur-
row is dug to be a hole, as well as a refuge, safe
house, shelter to many others.
Reflect on what for you, engages that sense, the
experience of being sheltered; and as well guides
you in reaching out to shelter another.
Pause, ponder and prayerfully listen. Be open to
~Sue Ulmer, Spiritual Director
Source: MMSUCC eCourier

Beware of Dog!
Upon entering a little country store, the stranger noticed a
sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass
door. Inside, he noticed a harmless old hound dog
asleep on the floor beside the cash register. Is that
the dog folks are supposed to beware of?" he asked
the owner. "Yep, that's him," came the reply. The
stranger couldn't help but be amused. "That certainly does-
n't look like a dangerous dog to me. Why in the world would
you post that sign?" "Because," the owner explained, "Before
I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him."

Inspiration Station
Letter Walk
Using a paper plate, turn it upside
down and write the alphabet. Cut between each let-
ter, making tabs. Walk around the neighborhood
looking for letters on signs or things that begin with
that letter, and then fold down tab on the plate when
you find the object.

And do not be conformed to this
world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that
you may
prove what the will of God is, that
which is good and
acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (NASB)
The Lamplighter Steppingstone Fall Shower
September 8, 2014. They need kitchen
supplies, bedroom supplies (single bed), bath-
room supplies, living room sup-
plies. Steppingstone is in constant need of new
The Lafayette Area UCC churches have
been partnering with Steppingstone since 1978
--this is a local mission and very important to
struggling young persons in our state. Step-
pingstone tries to keep up to 50 persons at
their location in Independence, so the need is
great. They work hand-in-hand with Social
Services to serve the needs of this area.
Please begin bringing supplies as soon as you
can. Thank you!

Like a Bee to a Flower OR Why My
Church Gives to the Conference and Na-
tional Offices of the UCC
At some point in my adulthood, I took note
how abundantly nature produces. There is not
just one dandelion flower per plant, there are
five blossoms or more! The
apple tree produces a tree full
of blossoms, then many ap-
ples on every branch, not just
one per branch.
How much is enough? Should
there be enough for me to harvest and make
applesauce for the entire winter? Should there
be enough for me, and some left over for the
birds and deer? It seems the tree doesn't hold
back - it gives its all to the passing seasons
every year. How easy it is to forget just how
much I have that I have not had to ask for, pur-
chase or make.
So what should I give? What is my "no holds
barred" level of giving?
My church gives to the larger organization,
the Association, Conference and National de-
nomination. Why should I give? Because when
my church members and I give, we serve as
the pollen. The breath of the Spirit picks up our
gifts and spreads them widely just where they
need to go. Our gifts are the pollen that worker
(bees) can gather to implement building pro-
jects, or produce food for those in need. Our
gifts combine with other gifts to allow the blos-
soms to be formed, the fruit to grow and the
produce to ripen, for many, many uses. Do we
question why the tree produces apples? The
tree does what it is on earth to do - simply and
in abundance. It gives what it has.
What new ways can you think of to give?
~ Jan Aerie
Source: MMSUCC eCourier

What is a Rest?
There is no music in a rest, but there is the mak-
ing of music in it. In our whole life melody, the
music is broken off here and there by "rests," and
we foolishly think we
have come to the end of
the tune. God (allows) a
time of forced leisure and
sickness, disappointed
plans, frustrated efforts,
and makes a sudden
pause in the choral hymn
of our lives, and we la-
ment that our voice must
be silent and our part
missing in the music
which even goes up to
the ear of the Creator.

How does the musician
read the rest? See him beat time with rhythmic
count and catch up the next note true and steady
as if no breaking place had come in be-
tween. Not without design does God write the
music of our lives. But be it ours to learn the time
and not be dismayed at the "rests." They are not
to be slurred over nor to be omitted, nor to de-
stroy the melody, nor to change the keynote. If
we look up, God Himself will beat the time for
us. With the eye of Him we shall strike the next
note full and clear. ~Anonymous

The Lamplighter
This Months Events
Light Breakfast8:45 A.M.
S.S.9:15 A.M.
Worship10:00 A.M.

J uly 31- Aug 6, 2014
Pastor Kristin on vacation

August 1, 2014
Missions, 10am

August 3, 2014
Guest Pastor Betty Thaller

August 9, 2014
Basement Reserved

August 10, 2014
Begemann Family Reunion
11:30 am 4 pm
Meyer Care Center, 3:45 pm

August 13, 2014
BCE, 6:30 pm

August 14, 2014
Council, 7 pm

August 20, 2014
Newsletter Deadline

August 26, 2014
SAIL, 7 pm

Sept 13, 2014
Ice Cream Social
sponsored by Parish Life
Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

Thank Yous
Dear Friends at Zion,
Many thanks for your card I re-
ceived today. Through my treatments I
have felt the Power of Prayer for my recov-
ery and I know they helped me through.
My treatments are now over and I am
slowly gaining my strength back. Many
thanks again and may God bless all of you.
Mike Mockridge

Dear Friends in Christ,
What a reassuring feeling to know we have
prayers from all of you for our good
health. To have your support moving
through the Holy Spirit calms our worries
and our fears. Thanks! To all who signed
the card and continue to keep us in your
prayers. We are so-o-o grateful! The pic-
ture of your church on the card is abso-
lutely peaceful and beautiful! What a won-
derful way to share your kindness to oth-
ers. Your church is a beautiful place to
worship our God and Savior. We were visi-
tors there when our grandson Bryce Dreck-
trah was confirmed with his good friend
Shawn Engle
In Christian Love,
Helen and Roy Drecktrah

Zion UCC Family,
Thank you for the card in my time of sor-
row. You cannot know how your love has
embraced me and helped me through this
time. I can never thank you enough.
Ron Brady

Thank you for your thoughtfulness and
kindness at this time. May God's blessing be
with you all.

There are many answers you have received but have not
yet heard. ~A Course In Miracles

The Lamplighter
Butterfly Room
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again, and receive you unto myself; that
where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3 (KJV)

National Grief Awareness Day
August 30th, 2014
Any person who has had a loved one die often feel
alone in their grief, like nobody understands what
they're going through. Experiencing a death can be
overwhelming for anyone, no matter what age they are
or beliefs they have.
People experiencing grief need support. And the first
step in that support is for people to become more
aware of what grief stricken people are going through.
We want to bring the myths, clichs ,and stigma out
of the dark an into the light.
Grief Awareness Day is designed to help us all become
more aware of the needs of grieving people and of the
benefits that they obtain through the support of others.
Grief Awareness Day is an opportunity for all of us to
raise awareness of the painful impact that the death of
a loved one has in the life of a human being. An oppor-
tunity for all of us to recognize and support the millions
of people grieving across the nation the thousands
grieving right in our own communities, and the grieving
individuals we know and see in our daily lives. After a
tragic loss the griever is often lost, alone and misun-
Grief Awareness Day is an opportunity to make sure
that all who are grieving receive the support they
More information will be available in the coming
months. We will be providing new audios, videos and
online training as part of Grief Awareness Day and be
hosting a yearly conference as a community event.
Updates will appear here and on Angie's Blog.
--Angie Cartwright, Founder
National Grief Awareness Day


The Lamplighter
Celebration Occasions
August Birthdays
Date Birthday
5 Trent McGinnis
8 Tina Morgan
Justina Begemann
Joshua Wagner
11 Jim Begemann
12 Norma Mittlehauser
15 Tom Begemann
19 Beth Ogan
20 Mary Brueggenjohann
21 Jim Walls
29 Joyce Hoefer
Sherri Walls
Dallas Walls
30 David Dickmeyer
Administrative Affairs
Kristin Aardema Faigh
Home(660) 237- 4902
Church (660) 237-4355
Cell (660) 641-1038
Scott Alvested
Council President
(816) 230-4450

Angie Lawson
Church Secretary
(660) 237- 4355
Jenny Holt
(660) 237 - 4923
Teresa Begemann
(816) 633 - 4133
Connie Sanders
(660) 237 - 4246
Serving Souls
3 Alyssa Hoefer Jim & Carolyn Bayless
10 Kristen Johnson Carrie Begemann &
Elaine Hudson
17 Austin Aardema
Mike & Amy Burns
24 Donovan Aardema
Dwight & Denise
31 Trinity Alvested Darrell & Lori Fiegenbaum
August Anniversaries
5 Jeff & Connie Sanders
25 Marvin & Alice Huenefeld
30 Larry & Anita Bentsen
31 Pastor Kristin & Kenny Faigh
Office Hours
Pastor Secretary
8:00 AMNoon

6:008:00 PM
5:009:00 PM

8:00 AMNoon

The deadline for submissions for the
Sept newsletter is
Wednesday, August 20, 2014.
Send your submissions to: or
Or Call (660) 237-4923
We have been attempting to bring the birthday and anniversary lists up to date.
Please keep in mind that as families grow and expand, blend together and/or move, it
can be a challenge to recognize and keep names straight. If you notice that a loved
one is not on the list, its as simple as calling or emailing to let us know their name
and date. Thanks for your patience, help and understanding! We are working hard to
meet your expectations!

Zion United Church of Christ
105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224

Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians

Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship at 10:30 am

The Lamplighter
August 2014
Zion UCC Mission Statement
The avowed purpose of our church shall be:
To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacra-
ments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congre-
gation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
Worship Whirl
Traditional Worship 10:00 AM Sundays
Come As You Are Service 10:00 AM Monthly - 3rd Sunday
Sunday School 8:45 AM Sundays-June/July/Aug
Communion 10:00AM Monthly 1st Sunday & Special
Church Council 7:00 PM Monthly
Board of Christian Education 7:00 PM Monthly
SAIL (Serving All in Love) 7:00 PM Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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