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Teresa M. Almeida, Moist% S. Piedade

R. Alves Redol, 9,2 1000-029 LISBOA . PORTUGAL
Telf. +351.1.3100379/3100339 . Fax +351.1.3145843,
An high performance phase-locked-loop (PLL) design method
is discussed. In this context high performance means an high or-
der PLL with efficient noise reduction and accurate frequency re-
sponse achievements. Both analog PLL (APLL) and digital PLL
(DPLL) designs may be obtained through the proposed technique.
The method allows any order PLL but is especially useful for high-
order PLLs because of its difficult design. Explicit formalism for
PLL design is established and APLL and DPLL models are also
presented. High order design examples are discussed. Experi-
mental results obtained through DPLL realization on a fixed point
digital signal processor (DSP) and APLL realization with a com-
mercially available circuit are presented, discussed and compared.
Finally, conclusions are drawn.
The PLL, both in its analog and digital forms, is a versatile func-
tional device widely used in modem communication and control
systems as a reliable way for demodulation, synchronization, syn-
thesization, tracking or ranging of signals, etc. [ 1,2].
High-order PLLs are of special interest because of their high
selective frequency characteristics. Since the input signal may be
severely contaminated by noise and some of the PLL components
may also introduce non-negligible internal noise, it is desirable to
have a very selective frequency response to allow efficient noise
reduction. This selectivity may be achieved through an higher or-
der specification in the frequency domain as it is proposed here.
Higher order PLLs are also of special interest to some practical
applications. Nevertheless, due to the lack of appropriate design
methods, they are not very often found in practical applications.
With the proposed design method it is possible to obtain high per-
formance APLLs and DPLLs and cross the usual maximum limit
of second and third order PLLs [ 1,2].
The basic configuration of a PLL consists of four functional
blocks: a phase detector (PD), a low-pass filter, a digitallvoltage
controlled oscillator (DCONCO) and a phaselfrequency divider
without delay. The four components are connected to form a feed-
back closed loop (fig. 1) [l, 2, 33.
Based on this basic loop topology both an analog (section 2)
and a digital (section 3) PLL model are established, in order to
support the proposed PLL design method. The parallel between
the two models is analyzed. High order design examples are pre-
sented in section 4 and experimental results are discussed in sec-
tion 7. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section 8.
Filter Oscillator
9 Phase I @d 4
Figure 1 : Phase-locked-loop feedback structure.
Considering the PLL already in lock with the input signal [l, 21
it is possible to establish a linear model in order to analyze the
APLL dynamic behavior. Although some of the components may
have nonlinear gain characteristics, a linear characteristic is here
assumed. The phase detector produces an output proportional to
the phase difference between its inputs (eq. 1). The VCO controls
the instantaneous frequency (WO =dqb/ dt ) at its output with a
gain factor of k, (eq. 2).
ad($) =kd [@E(S) - @n(S)]
O( S) =k , / s , WO =Ro +kwVF
The loop filter is not restricted to the usual first or second-order
pole/zero associations [ 1, 21. Instead, a generic filter structure is
considered, allowing any order (eq. 3).
Defining a loop gain factor [l, 21, X =kdFok,/N, it is possible
to establish the APLL transfer function, G0(s)/@i (s), as:
Since the loop transfer function is chosen a priori (eq. 5) , allow-
ing any APLL design exclusively based on its specification, the
APLL components parameters may be directly associated with the
transfer function coefficients (eq. 5 and 6).
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As previously, a linear general DPLL model is now considered.
Due to the discrete and feedback characteristics of the loop, a
DPLL implementation implies that someplace inside the loop a
time delay must exist to avoid a delay-free loop. In order to achieve
simplicity and a straightforward realisable model, the time delay
is attached to the phase detector feedback branch (eq. 7), because
this will be the loop first operation to be performed inside the DSP.
Again, assuming a linear PD characterized by kd, a filter char-
acterized by F( z ) , a DCO characterized by a generic function
O(z) =@o( z ) / af ( z ) and gain factor k, and a frequency/phase
division factor N, a generic DPLL Mth-order transfer function,
ao( z ) / ai ( z ) , may then be written as:
@. d(Z) =kd [@i(Z) - Z-' @,(Z)]
For the usual first-order DCO derived from its analogue counter-
part VCO, O( z) =k,/(l - z - ' ) , it is possible to express the loop
filter coefficients as:
Considering the Bilinear Transformation [4] as the method to map
the APLL to the DPLL specification and imposing the constraint
that the number of DPLL zeros is one less the number of poles
( y ~ =0), it is possible to explicitly identify an APLL zero at
2Fs [5]. This restriction implies that a ( M - l)th-order digital
filter is obtained which means a perfect match between the APLL
and DPLL components results as desired. Since several of the most
common low-pass frequency response characteristics (such as But-
terworth, Chebychev, Elliptic (odd order) [4]) have y~ =0 it is
always possible to add this extra zero to the APLL specification
without affecting the desired DPLL and loop filter orders.
On resume, once the APLL frequency response is specified,
an additional zero is imposed at 2F.9 and the DPLL transfer func-
tion coefficients are obtained via the Bilinear Transformation. The
(A4 - l)th-order digital filter coefficients may then be obtained
through eq. 9.
R o APLL/DPLL illustrative design examples are now consid-
ered. A 3'd-order (usually the maximum practical order [l , 21)
and a 7th-order PLL with Butterworth [4] frequency response were
chosen. In order to allow a perfect match between the APLL and
DPLL realizations and their performance stand comparison, the
choice of the PLL parameters was mainly restricted due to the dig-
ital realization limitations (as explained in section 6). Since it is
usual to have a PLL with a very lower cut-off frequency than the
oscillator free-running frequency [ 1, 21, due to these limitations,
a cut-off frequency of 398Hz (approximately 1/50 of the sam-
pling frequency) was chosen for both PLLs. The VCO/DCO free-
running frequency was set to fo =3kHz and its desired linear
limits to fo f 1.5kH.z. The APLL design takes into account its
realization with a commercially available circuit with an exclusive-
or (XOR) PD (see section 5). The DPLL design considers its im-
plementation on a fixed-point DSP with a direct phase difference
PD (see section 6). For the purpose of illustration, the 3Td-order
APLL and DPLL design parameters (obtained with the proposed
design equations) are derived in the following subsections.
4.1. APLL 3'd-order Butterworth Design
For the 3'd-order low-pass Butterworth frequency response with
398Hz cut-off frequency (at 3dB), the theoretical transfer coeffi-
cients are: cy0 =PO =1, cy1 =cy2 =cy3 =0, p1 =7.99773583E-4,
PZ =3.19818892E-7, p3 =6.39456754E-11, which leads to N =
1. Assuming a power supply with V+ =-V- 5 V is used, the
XOR phase detector gain is kd =3.18309886 V/ r ad. With the
same power supply and the limits specified in the previous section,
the VCO gain is k, =1884.955592 r ad/ s / V. The resulting Znd-
order filter is then characterized by: FO =0.20839231, a0 =. bo =
1, a1 =a2 =0, bl =3.99886792E-4, bz =7.99547231E-8, which
corresponds to a pole frequency of wp =3536.53482 r adl s with
quality factor Qp =0.70710678.
The modulus of the desired APLL frequency response aindits
filter are depicted (flipped left-right) in fig. 5 (solid lines lalbeled
T3 and F3, respectively). The corresponding curves for the 7th-
order APLL design are also depicted (T7 and F7).
4.2. DPLL 3'd-~rder Butterworth Design
Starting with the APLL transfer function (derived in the previous
subsection), after adding the necessary extra zero at 2Fs and ap-
plying the bilinear transformation, the DPLL transfer function co-
efficients are: yo =4.41303009E-4, y~ =8.82606018E-4, 7 2 =
63 =-7.77315688E-1. Maintaining the parallel with the APLI,, the
DPLL parameters are: N =1, kd(ALU) =0.31831 aZu/raa! ( a h
means here fictional ALU units), k,(ALUf =0.47505 rad/ s/ aZu .
The resulting IIR [4] filter is characterized by: FO =0.404011966,
4.41303009E-4,73 =0,150 =1,61=-2.74842215,62 =2.52750305,
CO =7.22338342E-3, CI =1.44467668E-2, ~2 =7.22338342E-3,
do =1, dl =-1.74886346, dz =7.77756993E-1.
As in the analog case, in fig. 6 are depicted the theoretic curves
(solid lines) corresponding respectively to the flipped left-right fre-
quency response of the DPLL (T3) and the loop filter (F3). The
corresponding curves for the 7th-order DPLL design are als'o de-
picted ("7 and F7).
The APLL realization was based on the commercially available
phase locked loop 4046 circuit [6]. It includes a VCO andl two
PDs (a XOR and an edge-controlled digital memory network). The
XOR was chosen for two reasons. Its characteristic is identical to
the one of the digital direct phase difference detector [3] and it has
an higher immunity to noise [6]. In order to obtain a rectangu-
lar wave clean from interference, a voltage comparator circuit [7]
was also included at the input (see fig. 2). The external compo-
nents that control the VCO characteristic ( &, & and C a b ) were
chosen to obtain a frequency offset [6] and to satisfy the design
requirements. Since the VCO experimental gain was higher than
the desired value, an attenuator with a variable resistor (a) was
included (fig. 2).
4046 " +T-Thornas H T-Thomas HT-Thomas
Biquad 1 Biquad 2 Biquad 3
Figure 2: Simplified block diagram of the APLL realization.
The external loop filter was realized with Tow-Thomas biquad
sections (fig. 3) which are versatile and easy to design [7]. The
3Td-~rder APLL is implemented with only one biquad. The 7t h-
order filter includes three biquads. The first section has unity gain
and the lowest quality factor. The second section gain was adjusted
to maximum unity gain. The last section has the highest quality
factor and its gain was adjusted to provide the remaining global
filter gain. The values of the used components differed 15% at
most from the theoretic values.
Figure 3: Tow-Thomas biquadratic section.
The loop filter frequency responses proved to be very accurate
showing that the filter was not affected by the finite gain bandwidth
product of the operational amplifiers [7] for the frequency range of
interest. The 7th and 3Pd-~rder filter theorical frequency response
modulus are depicted in fig. 5 (solid lines labeled F7 and F3).
The DPLL realization was accomplished using the 16 bit fixed-
point DSP TMS320C25 and its software development system en-
vironment [4]. An analog interface board with two analog in-
putloutput channels which is based on the TLC32040 analog in-
terface circuit [5] was used. This circuit has a reconstruction anti-
Figure 4: Simplified block diagram of the DPLL realization.
aliasing lowpass filter that was software programmable to half the
sampling rate which in turn is also software changeable but limited
by the 12 bit ADC and DAC supported rate. A sampling frequency
of FS =19.84kHz was chosen. Due to the one input channel and
one output channel with anti-aliasing filter limitation, besides the
DPLL structure two extra block were added (fig. 4). An input
DCO (Dco,,) simulates the input phase signal ($,,) to which,
for instance, external noise (ztn) may then be added to analyze the
DPLL performance in the presence of noise. A sine wave gener-
ator addressed by the loop DCO output is also included. A direct
table lookup scheme with linear interpolation was used, providing
an output sine waveform with very low harmonic distortion.
A direct realization of the phase difference PD was imple-
mented based on the DSP arithmetic logic unit wraparound char-
acteristic [4]. Its input phase signals are sawtooth waveforms vary-
ing between i l which simulates the phase variation between f r .
Both the input DCO and the loop DCO also take advantage of the
DSP arithmetic logic unit wraparound characteristic.
The filter was implemented through the cascade of second-
order canonic IIR sections with coefficients and node scaling al-
lowed [4]. As in the analog case, the 3'd-order DPLL includes
only one section, while the 7th-order includes three sections. The
7th and 3Pd-~rder filter theorical frequency response modulus are
depicted in fig. 6 (solid lines labeled F7 and F3).
Since in the DPLL a direct phase difference realization was imple-
mented ($1 and $0 aresawtooth signals - fig. 4) and a XOR PD
(211 and vo are rectangular waves - fig. 2) was used in the APLL,
it is difficult to experimentally obtain T( ej UT8) or T ( j w) in a di-
rect way. An additional transfer function relating the filter output
P-OdWf i H*]
5 3 1 0 7 0 5 0 3 0.1 0 . 0 7 0 0 5
Figure 5: APLL 7th and (flipped left-right) 3rd-order experimen-
tal (dotted lines) and theoretic (solid lines) frequency responses
modulus: T - PLL; F - filter; H - filtered phase error function.
with the input phase signal was defined (respectively H(eJ wTs)
and H(jw)). This transfer function is named here as the filtered
phase error function.
Both the loop filter and filtered phase error function frequency
response modulus were experimentally characterized and are de-
picted in fig. 5 and 6. Tomaximize the charts dynamic range
for both the 7t h and 3'd-order PLLs, the 3'd-order plots were
flipped left-right and are depicted with different scales (top and
right scales) from those of the 7th-order (bottom and left scales).
A direct comparison with the theoretic curves (solid lines)
shows both APLL and DPLL precise frequency response achieve-
Figure 6: DPLL 7th and (flipped left-right) Srd-order experimen-
tal (dotted lines) and theoretic (solid lines) frequency responses
modulus: T - PLL; F - filter; H - filtered phase error function.
Figure 7: APLL Noise Performance: input signal (dotted line) and
VCO output (solid lines) spectrums (7th and 3'd-orders).
ments. In spite of the PLLs high order a very accurate realization
was obtained in both cases.
In order to avaliate high order APLL and DPLL performance
in the presence of noise, experimental measures were conducted
with the input signal contaminated by white noise with 20kHz
bandwidth. In the analog case, a sinusoidal signal ( 2Vpp , 3kHz)
was added with white noise, before the input comparator. The in-
put signal (present at the APLL input, after the comparator) spec-
trum is depicted in figure 7 and labeled input (dotted line). The
VCO output signal (for the 7th and 3rd-order APLL) were then
measured and are depicted as solid lines. It is possible to envisage
the shape of the APLL frequency response to the left and right of
the loop free-running frequency. Since the output signal is a rect-
angular wave, the replicas around the 2nd and 3Td harmonics are
also present. As it was expected, the 7th-order APLL allows an
higher external noise reduction than the 3'd-order APLL.
Unlike the analog case, where the noise was added before the
comparator in order to disturb the APLL input signal zero crossing
points, in the digital realization the noise signal was introduced via
the input analog interface channel. Then, already inside the DSP,
-d n
Figure 8: DPLL Noise Performance: noise input signal (dotted
line) and DCO output (solid lines) spectrums (7th and 3'd-orders).
it was directly added to the DCO,, phase signal, which was set
to 3kHz . The input noise signal spectrum (after crossing both the
input and output paths to and from the DSP) is depicted in fig. 8
(dotted line) and labeled input. The loop DCO output sawtooth
signal was used to address the sine wave generator. It is this (output
sine wave spectrum that is represented in fig. 8 (solid lines) and
analyzed as the indicator of the DPLL performance in the presence
of external noise. As in the previous case, both the 7t h and 3'd-
order DPLL output spectrums are depicted in fig. 8. Once again,
the loop frequency response is envisaged around the free-running
frequency. Since in this case the output signal is sinusoidal. there
are no harmonic replicas present.
A design method for high performance analog and digital PLL was
presented. Explicit formalism for APLL and DPLL design was es-
tablished. Higher order PLLs may then be designed and realized
eliminating the lower limit of second and third-order PLLs usually
considered. The performance of practical applications with PLLs
will then benefit from the proposed technique. Design examples of
an APLL implemented with a commercially available circuit and
a DPLL implemented on a fixed point DSP were provided. Eixper-
imental results obtained for the design examples were presented
and discussed and corroborate the developed formalism.
[ 11 Phaselock Techniques, F. M. Gardner, J ohn Wiley Sons, 1979.
Phase-Locked Loops, R. E. Best, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
DPLL Design and Realization on a DSP, Teresa M. Almeida
and MoisCs S. Piedade, Proc. of the 1997 ICSPAT, San Diego,
Digital Signal Processing - A Practical Approach, E. C. Ifea-
chor and B. W. J ervis, Addison-Wesley, 1996.
From APLL to DPLL via the Bilinear Transformation, Teresa
M. Almeida, INESC Internal Report, 1998.
4046 Data Sheet, Philips, May 1983.
Microelectronic Circuits, A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Saun-
ders College Publishing, 3rd Ed., 1991.
CA, 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1624-1628.

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