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Oracle Production Handover Checklist

HPCS and HP Confidential

Oracle Server Name []
Thursday, July 1, !"1#
$ersion 1%1
Revision History table
Date Reason for change Version Author
!&Jun&11 Cloned from C'( PHP checklist 1%" Sandi) Saha
!*&Jun&11 (dded some modifications 1%1 (nkur Suri
Ta+le 1, -evision history
Approvers Table
Name of Signatory
(nkur Suri
Ta+le !, ())rovals
Confidential 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Pa.e 1 of !
Oracle Production Handover Checklist
HPCS and HP Confidential
%& #nstance Details
a% Host Name&
+% /ata+ase Name&
'& Server Chec(s O$) Comments
a% Service account0oracle1 used to start /ata+ase is correct2
+% Host3s Oracle (dministration account3s )ass4ord recorded in the
)ass4ord s)readsheet2
c% /ata+ases confi.ured to start on host re+oot2
d% /isaster -ecovery confi.ured2
e% 5nsure 4ith 6ni7 Team Oracle Home is +ein. +acku) u) as a )art
of OS file system +acku)%
*& Database Chec(s
a% Standard Oracle data+ase accounts3 )ass4ord chan.ed from
their defaults2
+% No invalid o+8ects in the data+ase2
c% Se.ments stored in ta+les)aces 4ith suita+le stora.e )arameters2
d% /ata+ase in (-CH9$5:O; mode 04here a))ro)riate12
e% S;( si<e and )arameters set a))ro)riately2
f% :atest CP6 )atch a))lied on Oracle Homes2
.% 9nstallation, u).rade and )atchin. C/ remove from host2
h% (ll data+ases are scheduled for 'acku) 0hot, cold, incremental,
archive&lo., o+solete +acku) deletion12
i% Standard security auditin. )arameters set2
8% /ata+ases are re.istered 4ith suita+le listener2
k% Ta+les)aces and data&file names com)ly to standards2
l% Confirmed 4ith a))lication team that all necessary com)onents
have +een installed2
m% =tidy>oracle>files? scri)t scheduled to run daily2
n% Stats )ack@(A- installed and confi.ured2
o% 5nsure ta+les)aces are locally mana.ed2
)% /ata+ases +acku) and recovery tested and verified2
+& Documentation Chec(s
a% /ata+ase confi.uration tem)late com)leted2
+% Security 57em)tion reBuired2
c% /- /ocumentation2
,& -onitoring Chec(s
a% H$T& Check /' /isk Conitorin.
+% H$T& Check Oracle )rocess Conitorin.
c% Host added to 57ce)tions -e)ort2
d% Host added to Ca)acity 9nformation Collection System2
D% -iscellaneous Comments 0add as many lines as you reBuire1

.& Complete/ 0y
/'( Name
Confidential 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Pa.e ! of !

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