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This booklet is a part of

project MaMBo Magical music box COMENIUS

The booklet telling about the songs, folk dances, musical
instruments and musicians of partner countries.
project: MaMBo
program: COMENIUS
partnership: Multilateral school partnerships
partner countries`:
General secondary school Vasil Levski - Bulgaria,
Ldderup Friskole - Denmark,
Szkoa Podstawowa im. Wsplnej Europy w Nawodnej -
Erdogan Ilkogretim Okulu - Turkey
coordinator: Erdogan Ilkogretim Okulu, Bursa Turkey

The lyrics of national anthem

Bulgarian National Anthem


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The lyrics of national anthem

Danish national anthem

Der er et yndigt land
Autor: Adam Gottlob Oehlensclager
Music: Hans Ernst Kroyer

1. Der er et yndigt Land,
Det staar med brede Bge
Nr salten sterstrand;
Det bugter sig i Bakke, Dal,
Det hedder gamle Danmark,
Og det er Freias Sal.

2. Der sad i fordums Tid
De harniskkldte Kmper,
Udhvilede fra Strid;
S drog de frem til Fienders
Nu hvile deres Bene
Bag Hiens Bautasteen.

3. Det land endnu er skint,
Thi blaa sig Sen belter,
Og Lvet staar s grnt;
Og dle Qvinder, skinne mer
Og Mnd og raske Svende
Beboe de Danskes er.

4. Hil Drot og Fdreland!
Hil hver en Danneborger,
Som virker, hvad han kan.
Vort gamle Danmark skal
Saalnge Bgen speiler
sin Top i Blgen bl.

The lyrics of national anthem

Polish National Anthem

Mazurek Dbrowskiego (Polski Hymn Narodowy)
Author: Jzef Rufin Wybicki
Music: folk tune

Jeszcze Polska nie zgina,
Kiedy my yjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzia,
Szabl odbierzemy.
Marsz, marsz, Dbrowski,
Z ziemi woskiej do Polski.
Za twoim przewodem
Zczym si z narodem.
Przejdziem Wis, przejdziem
Bdziem Polakami.
Da nam przykad Bonaparte,
Jak zwycia mamy.
Marsz, marsz...
Jak Czarniecki do Poznania
Po szwedzkim zaborze,
Dla ojczyzny ratowania
Wrcim si przez morze.
Marsz, marsz...
Ju tam ojciec do swej Basi
Mwi zapakany:
"Suchaj jeno, pono nasi
Bij w tarabany."
Marsz, marsz...

The lyrics of national anthem

Turkish national anthem

stiklal Mari
Author: Mehmet Akif Ersoy
Composer: Osman Zeki ngr
Korkma, snmez bu afaklarda yzen al sancak;
Snmeden yurdumun stnde tten en son ocak.
O benim milletimin yldzdr, parlayacak;
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

atma, kurban olaym, ehreni ey nazl hilal!
Kahraman rkma bir gl! Ne bu iddet, bu celal?
Sana olmaz dklen kanlarmz sonra helal...
Hakkdr, hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklal!

Ben ezelden beridir hr yaadm, hr yaarm.
Hangi lgn bana zincir vuracakm? aarm!
Kkremi sel gibiyim, bendimi iner, aarm.
Yrtarm dalar, enginlere smam, taarm.

Garbn afakn sarmsa elik zrhl duvar,
Benim iman dolu gsm gibi serhaddim var.
Ulusun, korkma! Nasl byle bir iman boar,
'Medeniyet!' dediin tek dii kalm canavar?

The lyrics of national anthem

Arkada! Yurduma alaklar uratma, sakn.
Siper et gvdeni, dursun bu hayaszca akn.
Doacaktr sana va'dettii gnler hakk'n...
Kim bilir, belki yarn, belki yarndan da yakn.

Bastn yerleri 'toprak!' diyerek geme, tan:
Dn altnda binlerce kefensiz yatan.
Sen ehit olusun, incitme, yazktr, atan:
Verme, dnyalar alsan da, bu cennet vatan.

Kim bu cennet vatann uruna olmaz ki feda?
uheda fkracak topra sksan, uheda!
Can, canan, btn varm alsn da hda,
Etmesin tek vatanmdan beni dnyada cda.

Ruhumun senden, ilahi, udur ancak emeli:
Demesin mabedimin gsne namahrem eli.
Bu ezanlar-ki ahadetleri dinin temeli,
Ebedi yurdumun stnde benim inlemeli.

O zaman vecd ile bin secde eder -varsa- tam,
Her cerihamdan, ilahi, boanp kanl yam,
Fkrr ruh-i mcerred gibi yerden na'm;
O zaman ykselerek ara deer belki bam.

Dalgalan sen de afaklar gibi ey anl hilal!
Olsun artk dklen kanlarmn hepsi helal.
Ebediyen sana yok, rkma yok izmihlal:
Hakkdr, hr yaam, bayramn hrriyet.
Hakkdr, hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklal!

The lyrics of two popular songs






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The lyrics of two popular songs




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The lyrics of two popular songs

Autor and music:

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The lyrics of two popular songs
By Nik and Jay 2013.
Jeg voksede op blandt forstandens helte
Rkkehus og drmmekage
Og duften af ny slet grs p sommerdage
Husker da vi stjal blommer fra fru Jensens tr
Og hvordan vi gemte os oppe p skolens tage
Omringet af villaveje og bgeblade
Dybe skove der nrmest ingen ende havde
Nye stier tog form hver gang man tog et skridt
Alt ved verden syntes stort og forunderligt
Fik mit frste skateboard omkring 4. klasse
Lrte at lave ollie over en lkasse
Lyse ntter
Vi hang ud p den rde plads
Pludselig var man teenager der gav den gas
Far var lge
Mor var pdagog
Alligevel er det som om
At jeg arvede lidt fra begge to
Nu har jeg en doktorgrad i poesi og popmusik
Voksne respekterer mig og kidsne synes
Vi the shit
Havde altid en trang til at bryde ud
Lagde mit frste vers hos jon & jules i birkerd
I et lille studie
Uden den store erfaring
Ik desto mindre fltes dagen som en
Husker tydeligt Nik sagde at hvis vi blir ved
Skal vi nok en dag blive liges store som dgp

The lyrics of two popular songs

Nste ml blev erstattet af et andet
Og jeg s min verden blive forvandlet
Det er lige meget hvad dagen bringer
Lige meget hvor rejsen ender
Bare jeg har drmmene med mig
S det okay, okay
Det er lige meget hvad dagen bringer
For hele verden venter
Bare jeg har drmmene med mig
Og pludselig synger hele landet dit navn..
Na na na na
Na na na n
Na na na na n
Na na na na
Kong Kristian stod ved hjen mast
Tekst: Johannes Ewald, 1779
Melodi: Fr. Kuhlau.
/This is also Denmarks national anthem, but the royal national anthem./
Kong Kristian stod ved hjen mast
i rg og damp.
Hans vrge hamrede s fast,
at gotens hjlm og hjerne brast.
Da sank hvert fjendtligt spejl og mast
i rg og damp.
Fly, skreg de, fly, hvad flygte kan!
hvo str for Danmarks Kristian,
hvo str for Danmarks Kristian, i kamp?

The lyrics of two popular songs
Niels Juel gav agt p stormens brag:
Nu er det tid!
Han hejsede det rde flag
og slog p fjenden slag i slag.
Da skreg de hjt blandt stormens brag:
Nu er det tid!
Fly, skreg de, hver, som ved et skjul!
hvo kan best mod Danmarks Juel,
hvo kan best mod Danmarks Juel, i strid?

O, Nordhav! glimt af Wessel brd
din mrke sky!
Da ty'de kmper til dit skd,
thi med ham lynte skrk og dd.
Fra vallen hrtes vrl, som brd
den tykke sky:
Fra Danmark lyner Tordenskjold.
Hver give sig i himlens vold,
hver give sig i himlens vold, og fly!

Du danskes vej til ros og magt,
sortladne hav!
Modtag din ven, som uforsagt
tr mde faren med foragt,
s stolt som du mod stormens magt,
sortladne hav!
Og rask igennem larm og spil
og kamp og sejer fr mig til,
og kamp og sejer fr mig til, min grav!

The lyrics of two popular songs

Weekend - Ona taczy dla mnie
Autor and composer : Radosaw Liszewski

Ja uwielbiam j, ona tu jest
I taczy dla mnie
Bo dobrze to wie, e porw j
I w sercu schowam na dnie, bo...
Ja uwielbiam j, ona tu jest
I taczy dla mnie
Bo dobrze to wie, e porw j
I w sercu schowam na dnie
Moja dziewczyna patrzy czsto w oczy me
I nie ukrywam, sprawia to przyjemno
Jak j kocham, tylko moje serce wie
Gdy mnie cauje, oddabym niejedno
Jej ramiona ukojeniem dla mnie s
Bo przy niej czuj, jak smakuje mio
I kad chwil pragn ofiarowa, bo
Jest tego warta, nic si nie zmienio
Bo ja pragn jej, bo pragn jej, bo...
Ja uwielbiam j, ona tu jest
I taczy dla mnie
Bo dobrze to wie, e porw j
I w sercu schowam na dnie

The lyrics of two popular songs

Weekend - She's dancing for me
Autor and composer : Radosaw Liszewski

I'm loving her, she's here
and she's dancing for me
'Cause she knows it well, I'll kidnap her
then hide [her] at the bottom of my heart, 'cause...
I'm loving her, she's here
and she's dancing for me
'Cause she knows it well, I'll kidnap her
then hide [her] at the bottom of my heart
My girl often looks into my eyes
And I won't lie, it pleases me
My heart is the one that knows how much I love her
When she's kissing me, I'd give anything
Her arms are a relief for me
Because she gots me feeling what love tastes like
And I want to offer every moment, 'cause
She's worth it, nothing changed
'Cause I want her, 'cause I want her, 'cause...
I'm loving her, she's here
and she's dancing for me
'Cause she knows it well, I'll kidnap her
then hide [her] at the bottom of my heart.

The lyrics of two popular songs

Author-Composer: Soner SARIKABADAYI
Sorma bu ara u halimi
Bu aclarn hepsi mi daimi
Yazk oldu her iki tarafada imdi
Sence daha iyi mi
Bir gn oldu iki gn oldu
Ay oldu yl oldu mitlere
Unutmuyor gnlm seni
Seviyor her gn her gece
Yoruldu , duruldu, krld , vuruldu bi ka kere
Yazldr hepsi hikayede,
Yok mu bir haber alan
Yok mu gren
Bu mudur adetin
Bu mudur tren
Yaz ya da syle bulamadm byle
Neresi ak adresin neresi yren

The lyrics of two popular songs

Author: Bertan ARSLAN, Ahmet KURT
Composer: Bertan ARSLAN

Verilen hangi sz tutuldu ki?
Syle imdi hangimiz mutlu ki?
Tek tarafl bittiine dedi mi?
Hangimiz ban nne edi?

Kimi sever gider kimi zer gider
Kiiye gre de deiebiliyor
Kimine can feda kimi bir elveda
Diyemeden de bitirebiliyor

Grmeyeli ne ok oldu demisin
Kim bilir nasl nicedir halin?
Hatrm da sorar olmu
Deimisin zamanla sen de bir hayli

Sen gideli ok oldu
Altm bendeki hznn ocuksu hali
imde sen varsn bu yzden
Kendime iyi baktm bir hayli

Photos and short description of two folk dances

Horo is s dance, which is very important for Bulgarian folklore, in
which the participants are arranged in a round or in a line and the
other spheres or in a line and the other speres or formations. The
famous horo is the the folklore dance, which is called Dunavsko. It is
a Bulgarian dance from the middle of the north Bulgaria. The music is
introduced with chor`s instruments. The basic is that the moving of
the hands are very fast.

Rachenicha is a Bulgarian folklore dance in the 7/8 of the third
part. We can enjoy not only with the rachenicha in third prolong part,
but and in rachenicha in first part, famous such as Macedonian
rachenicha or man rachenicha.
Rachenicha is a dance, which is dancing alone or with partners.
The dance is widespread in Bulgaria, but in some areas is dancing
with the basic style of the some area.

Photos and short description of two folk dances

This is a picture of folklore outfits from Sby- a part of Denmark

This is folklore outfits from Denmark

Photos and short description of two folk dances

The Polonaise or Polonez, evolved from a dance called the
Chodzony (Walking Dance) in the 15th century. As you might guess
from the description the dancers walk around the dance floor. It was
danced even by royalty and nobility. The polonaise is a dance of
Polish origin, in 3/4 time. Its name is French for "Polish."

The Krakowiak is a fast, syncopated Polish dance in duple time.
This dance is known to imitate horses, the steps mimic their
movement, for horses were well loved in the Krakow region of
Poland for their civilian as well as military use. In terms of its
choreography, the krakowiak is set for several couples, among whom
the leading male dancer sings and indicates the steps.

Photos and short description of two folk dances

In the Black Sea Region, the traditional Turkish dance is ''horon''.
Men mostly dance horon but sometimes men and women dance
together. They stand in a queue side by side, hand in hand. Dancers
can be 2 to 8. They shake their body with music, bend their knees,
bend their arms and body down, they kick and stamp, they squat
down, they walk left and right together.

When we think about the Aegean Region of Turkey, the people
called ''zeybek'' come to our memory. This dance is eye-catching and
impressive. Men dance in a strict and brave manner like a hawk, like
an eagle. Zeybek can be danced alone or in a group.

Photos of folklore outfits /dresses/

Photos of folklore outfits /dresses/

Photos of folklore outfits /dresses/

Photos of folklore outfits /dresses/

Traditional musical instruments

Drum is musical instrument. It is used in almost all folklore
areas except the Rhodopes. It is cylindrical and modern with
decimeter from 30 to 60 centimeters and high from 25 to 50
centimeters, on its opening there are pulled leather. The sound is
produced by hits with baton on the leather.

Kaval is a wooden wind instrument. It is typical of Bulgarian
folklore music. It is used in folklore areas: Trakiya and Dobrudja.
Kaval is cylindrical wooden pipe. The upper part is rounded. The
middle part has got eight hotels for fingers. Kaval is empty pipe with
many holes.

Gadulka is a stringed bow
musical instrument. It is typical of
Bulgarian folklore music. It is made from
whole length of wood. It is pear-shaped.
Gadulka has got three or four basic
string. The tone of the bow on the
strings. The bow has got turned shape. It
is made from wood and horse-hair.
Gadulka is used like solo instrument and
for accompaniment of folk singers.
Traditional musical instruments

Bagpipe is the most popular musical instrument in Bulgaria. It is
used in ethnographical areas Trakiya, Strandja, Dobrudja. In the
Rodopes there is so-called soft-bagpipe marked by its low sonority.
In Bulgaria bagpipe is used like solo instrument and for
accompaniment of folk singers. Bagpipe consists of: bag and different
wooden parts naves, blower, drone and whistles.

Traditional musical instruments

This is a Violin, and the
person is one of our students in
seventh grade. Her name is Rikke.
The violin is a very old instrument.
The violin or the fiddle is originally
from Italy.

This is an Accordion.
The accordion was invented in
1829 in Vienna, Austria.
The Accordion is also an old

Traditional musical instruments

This is a Whistle- blokfljte, it
comes from Asian to USA in 10 or 11th
Many schools
in Denmark teach their students to play
instruments, and the whistle is always
one of them.

This is a Bass, it is 500 years old. The
strings name on a bass is E A D G, you can play a
bass with a bow that is German or French,
otherwise you can use youre fingers.

Traditional musical instruments

Zloboski stringed instrument. Characteristic of Podhale,
appeared up to the 19th century. Name zlobcoki is establishing for
furrowing the instrument of the around one block of wood, other are
leading her out from lob, that is cradles. They had the convex, oblong
and narrow resonance corps carved with the neck of the around one
block. They had 3 (later 4) strings. They were playing on them with
bow about the arched shape.

Slomcok wind instrument. It is made with thick blades
robust rye straw, which the elbow is cut obliquely which creates the
so-called tuner. In addition to the tuner has six holes mills - the so-
called przebierk. The game of 'somcok' requires a good musical ear.

Traditional musical instruments

The technique of the game similar to the violin, where in the
distance of the fifth a fingerboard is being tied across strings in order
to get swoite squeaky high sound.

The name was probably derived from the Romanian language.
Trembita varieties in Poland can be found today in the Beskid
Mountains and Podhale.

Mazanaki stringed
instrument. It is old Polish musical
instrument string with shape
similar to the violin. In the folklore
mazanki are used up till today in
the Greater Poland and on the
Earth Lubusz. It is instrument
similar to the violin, sometimes
furrowed from one part of wood
(bottom part).
Trombity wind
instrument. Popular brass
instrument in the shape of a
straight pipe of up to 4 meters
in length used as a shepherds
horn issuing a deep, low sound.

Traditional musical instruments

Saz is a stringed intrument, is very important example of
Turkish folk culture. It is commonly played and can be called Turkish
national musical instrument.You can find ''saz'' in every house inner
country parts of Turkey.This shows that Turkish people appreciates
national musical culture.Lots of emotional and entertaining songs can
be played with ''saz'' in houses, streets or wedding ceremonies.

It can be made of gourd or tree.The gourd is scarped and leather is
stretched over it. Handle of the gourd is also handle of the ''hegit''. It
is an authentic example of Turkish folk music.

Hegit, which comes from
Central Asia, is a stringed
musical instrument played with
a bow. In different regions of
Turkey, there are different
types of ''hegit''.

Traditional musical instruments

Balama, which is commonly used in Turkish folk music, is a
plucked istrument with three double strings and a long neck.People
play it with plectrum or fingers.It has three parts; belly, flare and
handle.The belly part is made of usually mulberry tree, sometimes
chestnut or walnut trees. The flare part is made of spruce tree and
the handle is made of hornbeam or juniper.

Photos and brief information about two popular music artists

Valya Balkanska is Bulgarian folk singer from the
Rhodopes. She was born on the 8
January 1942 in Arda, Bulgaria.
Her vocal career began in 1960 like soloist in a public song and dance
company Rodopa Smolyan. The most popular song in her
repertoire is Izlel e Delio haidutin. This song in her performance is
occasion for national pride. In 1977 this song was recorded in the
Golden record and was send in the space. In 2005 Valya Balkanska
receive her star record in Bulgarian Lane of the glory.

Lili Ivanova is Bulgarian pop singer. She was born on the 24

April 1939. From 1961 to now she records songs and albums, takes a
part in TV programmes. In 2012 there was a huge concert in hall
Arena in Sofia. In 2013 she took a part in a concert in Moscow`s
palace Kremal. Lili Ivanova has got 35 albums. She is popular in many
countries: Turkey, Romania, German, Spain, Russia.

Photos and brief information about two popular music artists

Rasmus Seebach - Born 28th March 1980 on Frederiksberg.
First single Angel in April 2009. His first album Rasmus Seebach
sold in 230.000 copies. His last single Olivia is in the top 10. He has
made 3 albums. His father was also a popular singer in Denmark. His
name was Tommy Seebach,, but unfortunately Tommy is dead. He
has one little sister and one big brother.

Aqua is a pop group. The lead singer is Norwegian born. Her
name is Lena Nystrm. And the other Danish born boys name are:
Rene Dif (the rapper), Claus Noren(the guitarist), Sren Rasted
(keyboard). They got their international breakthrough with the song
Barbie girl. The band started 1994. They split in 2001. In 2007 they
came back together again, and made the songs Back To The 80s
and My Mamma said.

Photos and brief information about two popular music artists

Ewa Farna is a Polish pop rock singer from the Czech Republic.
Farna released three studio albums with Czech lyrics, which sold
platinum in the Czech Republic and were later re-recorded and
released with Polish lyrics. Farna is the youngest commercially
successful singer in the Czech Republic. In 2013, she used to be
Czech&Slovak SuperStar judge.

Franciszek Chopin was a Polish composer of the Romantic era. All
of Chopin's compositions include the piano; most are for solo piano,
although he also wrote two piano concertos, a few chamber pieces,
and some songs to Polish lyrics. His keyboard style, which is highly
individual, is often technically demanding; his own performances
were noted for their nuance and sensitivity.

Photos and brief information about two popular music artists

Fazil Say - Wordly famous pianist Fazl Say was born in Ankara in
1970. He began to play piano when he was four. After studying at
Dsseldorf Music High School, he graduated as soloist in 1991 and
began to teach in Berlin. In 1994, he became the first in the
competition among the Young Soloists in Europe. The European
Union called him Cultural Envoy in 2008, he tried to build a new
bridge between west and east.

Tarkan was born in 1972 in Renanya, in the west of Germany.
He is a singer, a composer and also a producer. He came to Turkey
with his family in 1986 and began to work on music when he was at
high school. In Turkey, he also participates in projects regarding social
responsibility. He is called Megastar in Turkey and Prince of Pop
Music in the world. In 1999, he got an award as the most seller
Turkish singer.

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