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A d d r e s s : O f f i c e 2 2 , E v a n s H o u s e

1 0 7 M a r s h R o a d : : P i n n e r
M i d d l e s e x : : U K
P h o n e : + ! 0 " # 0 0 0 1 1 2 $ % &
E m a i l : i n f o 'h o l ( i ) c o ) u * ) i n f o 'd a + a l i n * u * ) c o ,
I n t e r n e t : h + + - : . . / / /) h o l ( i ) c o ) u * , h + + - : . . / / /) d a + a l i n * u * ) c o ,
User's Manual
e 0 a 1 2 n + e 3 r a + i o n :
P r o f i l e

Technical Writer: Yana Lovyagina

4 o c u , e n + c r e a + e d o n M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 1 2
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Table of Contents
EBAY CONNECTOR.......................................................................................................................................3
EBAY TAB..................................................................................................................................................4
PAYPAL TAB.............................................................................................................................................6
STORE TAB................................................................................................................................................7
RETURNS POLICY TAB..........................................................................................................................9
PAYMENT DEFAULTS TAB...................................................................................................................9
SHIPPING DEFAULTS TAB..................................................................................................................10
EXCLUDE POSTAGE TAB....................................................................................................................12
STORE CATEGORIES TAB..................................................................................................................13
EBAY CRON...................................................................................................................................................1

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
=he -ur-ose of +his user ,anual is +o descri(e ho/ +o se+u- e0a1 Profile fro, >d,inis+ra+ive
-anel of e0a1 2n+e3ra+ion solu+ion)
eBay Connector
Under eBay Connector 1ou /ill find infor,a+ion a(ou+ Profiles, Bl! "#load, Activity and eBay
Cron) >ll +his /ill hel- 1ou +o se+u- -ro-er s1nchroni?a+ion (e+/een 1our /e(sho- and e0a1)
@ro, +he Profiles screen 1ou can add 1our e0a1 Profile!s" (1 usin3 +he Insert (u++on)
On +he screensho+s sho/n in +his docu,en+ 1ou can see +/o exa,-les of e0a1 Profiles) 7e+As
loo* a+ +he BUK =es+ :and(oxC -rofile)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Ebay Tab
1) O-en +he "% Test &and'o( +a()
2) @ro, +he E'ay screen clic* B)nC +o ena(le &ynchroni*ation)
5) 2n +he Profile +ame field, 1ou can edi+ a +ex+) =his is 1our e0a1 Profile na,e, /hich is
dis-la1ed all over +he >d,inis+ra+ive -anel of e0a1 2n+e3ra+ion: on Activity, eBay Prodct,
and o+her screens)
) >ll o+her fields such as ,E-I,, A##I,, e+c) /ill (e -reDs-ecified (1 our s-ecialis+ durin3
ins+alla+ion of +he e0a1 2n+e3ra+ion solu+ion !for 1our convenience") 2f 1ou /ish, 1ou /ill (e
a(le +o chan3e +hese da+a)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
$) ;i+hin +he To# Categories (ox, -lease selec+ +he +o- ca+e3ories in /hich 1ou /an+ +o dis-la1
1our -roduc+s on e0a1)
%) @ro, +he Listing ,ration dro-do/n, selec+ an i+e, +o se+u- +i,e -eriod for -roduc+s +o (e
dis-la1ed on e0a1 !5 4a1s, $ 4a1s, e+c")
7) 2n +he Than! Yo +ote field, 1ou can s-ecif1 so,e +ex+ /hich /ill (e dis-la1ed in e,ail
no+ifica+ion sen+ +o a cus+o,er af+er an order ,ade on e0a1 has (een do/nloaded +o +he

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
#) 2n +he Item Location field, 1ou can s-ecif1 loca+ion !usuall1, i+As coun+r1 and -os+ code" of
1our -roduc+s fro, /here +he1 /ill (e delivered +o cus+o,ers)
&) E(a1 crea+es a +ransac+ion au+o,a+icall1 ever1 +i,e +he Add to Bas!et (u++on is clic*ed !a
-roduc+ is added +o car+ on e0a1") > s+a+us of such +ransac+ion is Binco,-le+eC) @ro, +he
Im#ort com#leted transactions dro-do/n, selec+ ei+her +o or Yes)
2f +o is selec+ed , all +ransac+ions !Binco,-le+eC and Bco,-le+eC" /ill (e do/nloaded +o
/e(si+e fro, e0a1)
2f Yes is selec+ed, O97E Bco,-le+edC +ransac+ions /ill (e do/nloaded +o /e(si+e fro, e0a1)
10) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: PayPal)
PayPal Tab
1) Under +he PayPal +a(, s-ecif1 1our Pa1Pal accoun+ de+ails, if an1) =his /ill allo/ 1ou +o
receive -a1,en+s for 1our e0a1 orders ,ade via Pa1Pal)
2) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: &tore)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Store Tab
1) Under +he &tore +a(, 1ou should s-ecif1 +he follo/in3 de+ails a(ou+ se++in3s (ein3 used in +he
/e(Ds+ore: Prodct Images Location !s-ecif1 full -a+h +o +he i,a3es folder on +he server")
2) Ta( 1ate 234 D if +here are 1our -roduc+s on e0a1 u-loaded no+ via e0a1 2n+e3ra+ion solu+ion,
+hen /hile do/nloadin3 +he orders /i+h +hese -roduc+s fro, e0a1 in+o /e(sho-, e0a1
2n+e3ra+ion /ill add +his =ax value +o +he -roduc+As -rice au+o,a+icall1)
5) "se sho# s#ecial #rices !Ees.9o" F 1ou can selec+ ei+her +o send !Ees" or no+ +o send !9o"
-roduc+sA s-ecial -rices +o e0a1)
) Ena'le Actions 5 if exce-+ Bfixed -rice lis+in3sC 1ou are also 3oin3 +o use Bauc+ionsC on
e0a1, 1ou should ena(le +his o-+ion !selec+ AEesA")

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
$) Pending &tats 5 selec+ a defaul+ s+a+us for no+ -aid e0a1 orders do/nloaded +o +he /e(si+e)
%) Paid &tats F selec+ a defaul+ s+a+us for -aid e0a1 orders do/nloaded +o +he /e(si+e)
7) &hi##ed &tats F selec+ a defaul+ s+a+us for delivered e0a1 orders do/nloaded +o +he
#) @or ne/ e0a1 accoun+s /i+h li,i+ for -roduc+s Guan+i+1 on lis+in3s !10.100" +here is a ne/
confi3ura(le o-+ion: Profile &toc! &etting: Al7ays send 8 instead of real stoc!)
Eou can also selec+ +he ,on9t send last ::: #rodcts to eBay o-+ion and s-ecif1 +he nu,(er in
+he adHacen+ field)
&) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: 1etrns Policy)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Returns Policy
1) On +his screen 1ou can see e0a1 Re+urns Polic1 se++in3s, +he1 are +he sa,e as dis-la1ed on
e0a1) Here 1ou can selec+ 1etrns stats, s-ecif1 Additional retrns #olicy details, se+u-
+i,e -eriod for re+urnin3 a -roduc+, selec+ &hi##ing Cost Paid By, and 1efnd )#tion)
2) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: Payment ,efalts)
Payment Defaults Tab
1) On +his screen, 1ou can selec+ -a1,en+ ,e+hods /hich /ill (e availa(le on e0a1)
2) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: &hi##ing ,efalts)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Shipping Defaults
1) @ro, +his -a3e 1ou can se+u- &hi##ing ,efalts !4o,es+ic and 2n+erna+ional" for e0a1
2) 2n +he ,omestic #ostage (ox, 1ou can selec+ u- +o +hree shi--in3 /a1s !shi--in3 /i+hin 1our
5) 2n +he Cost field on +he ri3h+, 1ou can s-ecif1 shi--in3 cos+ of one i+e,)
) 2n +he Each additional field, 1ou can s-ecif1 shi--in3 cos+ for each addi+ional i+e, ordered
(1 a cus+o,er)
$) =here is also a -ossi(ili+1 +o se+u- defaul+ shi--in3 cos+s for International #ostage)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
:elec+ a shi--in3 /a1 firs+, and +hen selec+ a <one !e)3) Euro-ean Union or Euro-e or all if 1our
shi--in3 cos+ is +he sa,e for +hese coun+ries")
%) :-ecif1 a shi--in3 cos+)
7) >lso, if 1ou -rovide such a service as BIe+ 2+ @as+C on e0a1, 1ou can selec+ +he chec*(ox on
#) Eou can also s-ecif1 +he ,is#atch Time in +he field (elo/ !defaul+ value is A1A, +ha+ ,eans +he
-roduc+ /ill (e dis-a+ched /i+hin 1 da1) Eou can chan3e +his nu,(er) =his infor,a+ion /ill (e
dis-la1ed on e0a1")
&) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: E(clde Postage)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Exclude Postage
1) @ro, +his -a3e 1ou can selec+ +he re3ions or coun+ries 1ou donA+ -os+ +o)
;hen 1ou selec+ an1 re3ion, a lis+ of coun+ries /ill (e availa(le for fur+her selec+ion.unselec+ion)
>ll coun+ries in +he lis+ are selec+ed (1 defaul+)
2) 8lic* "#date and ,ove +o +he nex+ +a(: &tore Categories)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
Store Categories
2f 1ou have e0a1 :+ore /here 1ou ,a*e +he ca+e3ories, 1ou need +o clic* on +he "#date (u++on
on +his -a3e)
>f+er +ha+, +/o B:+ore 8a+e3or1C dro-do/ns /ill a--ear on +he eBay Prodcts -a3e)
@ro, +hese dro-do/ns 1ou /ill (e a(le +o selec+ ca+e3ories on e0a1 :+ore +o u-load 1our -roduc+
+o +he,) Please read +his user ,anual for ,ore de+ails on e0a1 Produc+s :e++in3s)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
@ro, +he Activities screen 1ou can vie/ a lo3 of Prodct synchroni*ation isses (1 each Profile)
8lic*in3 on +he Prodct +ame lin* /ill o-en a -roduc+ in an edi+ ,ode sho/in3 -roduc+s de+ails
for +he /e(si+e)
8lic*in3 on +he E'ay icon /ill o-en a -roduc+ in an edi+ ,ode sho/in3 -roduc+As se++in3s for e0a1)
;hen +he issue has (een -rocessed, 1ou can clic* on +he Ala,-A icon in +he Processed colu,n +o
,ar* i+) A0lue la,-A ,eans +he issue is B9o+ -rocessedC, A1ello/ la,-A F BProcessedC)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,
E(a1 2 n+ e3r a+ i on: Pr of i l e Pr i vi l e3ed and conf i den+ i al 6 2012 4a+ a7i n* UK 7+ d + . a Hol (i
eBay Cron
1) @ro, +he eBay Cron screen 1ou can ,a*e +he follo/in3 se++in3s:
=urn On.Off a >eneral eBay &7itcher)
;hen +urned on, e0a1 cron /ill run s1nchroni?a+ion for all Profiles)
1n Process )rders)
Here 1ou can s-ecif1 +i,e in+erval in ,inu+es +o do/nload ne/ orders fro, e0a1,
:end Pa1,en+ and 4eliver1 8onfir,a+ion +o e0a1)
>et eBay Prodcts)
Here 1ou can s-ecif1 +i,e in+erval in hours +o do/nload s+a+uses of Bauc+ionC -roduc+s and
+he -roduc+s /i+h li,i+ed lis+in3s !no+ AI=8A" fro, e0a1)
Process Prodcts)
Here 1ou can s-ecif1 +i,e in+erval in ,inu+es +o u-load an1 u-da+es of +he -roduc+s +o e0a1)

2) >lso, 1ou have a -ossi(ili+1 +o run ever1 o-+ion i,,edia+el1, if needed) @or +ha+ 1ou need +o
selec+ B?analC i+e, fro, a dro-do/n and clic* 1n no7 lin* on +he ri3h+)
5) 8lic* "#date)

4a+a7in* UK 7+d :: 8o,-an1 9o: 0$%22#%2 :: 2 7una 8lose :: :/indon :: ;il+shire :92$ 27< :: UK ::
+el) + !0" #000112$%& :: ///)da+alin*u*)co, :: info'da+alin*u*)co,

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