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CC2417 Human Biology I

Chapter 8 -Nervous system Tutorial

Part I On-line learning Activities
1. Click to the following link and do the on-line quiz


The Nerve Impulse

Part II Short Questions

Question 1
Explain why the resting membrane potential is negative.

The sodium potassium pump moves three sodium ions out of the cell and two potassium ions
into the cell, creating concentration gradients. The membrane is also more permeable at rest to
potassium, so more potassium diffuses out of the cell than sodium diffuses in. Thus, more
positive charges leave the cell than enter, leaving behind many negatively charged ions and
proteins and making the inside of the cell more negative than the outside.

Question 2
Describe the general functions of the brain stem.
The brain stem connects the spinal cord with the cerebrum and transmits impulses between
these two areas. The brain stem also houses visual and auditory reflexes, centers to control the
rate and depth of breathing, and houses the cardiac center, vasomotor center, and respiratory
Question 3
A neuron receives a stimulus that, by itself, can bring the neuron to threshold, but no action
potential is produced. Explain what could cause this.
Neurons receive input from many neurons at the same time. If the neuron is receiving many
inhibitory signals from other neurons, a single excitatory input may not be enough to reach
threshold and no action potential will be produced.

Part III Critical Thinking Questions

1.What might be deficient in the diet of a pregnant woman who is complaining of leg muscle
cramping? How would you explain this to her?
Calcium. The developing fetus needs calcium from the pregnant woman for development of
bones and teeth. This may result in a blood calcium deficiency in the woman, causing
sodium channels to remain open and excessive diffusion of sodium ions through nerve
fiber membranes, which leads to continuous impulse transmission to skeletal muscles,
resulting in tetanic muscle spasms.

2. The biceps-jerk reflex employs motor neurons that exit from the spinal cord in the 5th spinal
nerve (C5), that is fifth from the top of the cord. The triceps-jerk reflex involves motor neurons
in the 7th spinal nerve (C7). How might these reflexes be used to help locate the site of damage
in a patient with a neck injury?

If the biceps and triceps reflexes are present, the injury would be below C7. If the biceps and
triceps reflexes are absent, the injury would be above C5. If the biceps reflex is present and
the triceps reflex is absent, the injury would be between C5 and C7.

Prepared by Wendy Chan in Oct 09

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