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English translation from Urdu of a press release by Maulana Ahmad Nisar Baig published in the Daily Ausaf
(pages 3 !" dated 3# $une %#1&'
Pir (ayyid Dildar )usayn ele*ted President of $ama+at,e,Ahl,e,(unnat Britain Europe0
Mufti 1a2al Ahmad ele*ted 3i*e President
Birmingham (Ausaf 4eporter"' Mar5a2i $ama+at,e,Ahl,e,(unnat Britain Europe held a
*ru*ial and 6oint organisational meeting in 7hi*h'
8 Pir (ayyid Dildar )usayn 9adiri ((a66adah Nashin Darbar,e,:Aliyah Di7an,e,)u2uri;
$helum; Pa5istan" 7as ele*ted President;
8 )afi2 :Allamah Mufti 1a2al Ahmad 9adiri ele*ted (enior 3i*e President;
8 )afi2 Mufti A5htar :Ali 9adiri ele*ted <eneral (e*retary;
8 )afi2 :Allamah =ahir Ahmad Na>shbandi ele*ted ?reasurer;
8 :Allamah (adi> =ia ele*ted Press (e*retary;
8 And Mufa55ir,e,Millat :Allamah Ahmad Nisar Baig ele*ted (po5esperson@
An the same meeting; ele*tions 7ere held for the (unni )anafi (hari+i Boun*il in 7hi*h'
8 Mufa55ir,e,Aslam :Allamah Pir (ayyid =ahid )usayn (hah 4i2a7i 7as ele*ted
8 :Allamah Ahmad Nisar Baig ele*ted <eneral (e*retary;
8 And )afi2 :Allamah Mufti 1a2al Ahmad 9adiri ele*ted Deputy (e*retary@
?here 7ere C $ama+at ?rustees present at this o**asion@ ?he (po5esperson of Mar5a2i
$ama+at,e,Ahl,e,(unnat Britain Europe :Allamah Ahmad Nisar Baig 9adiri stated 7hilst
tal5ing to the media and *onDeying the details of the meeting that some Dery tough
de*isions 7ere ta5en during the meeting; thus'
8 EDery ?rustee holds one Dote ea*h@ An the eDent of a tie (in an ele*tion result 7here
the Dotes are eDenly split bet7een *andidates"; the $ama+at+s President 7ill haDe the
authority to *ast % Dotes (so his 1 Dote 7ill be e>ual to % Dotes in su*h
8 An addition; EBhief PatronF ((arparast,e,A+la" and EPatronF ((arparast" 7hi*h 7ere
honorary positions haDe no7 been res*inded and remoDed be*ause these positions
are not stated in the $ama+at+s Bonstitution@ ?herefore; all de*isions made
preDiously in relation to introdu*ing these % positions (7hi*h 7ere made under
*ertain *ir*umstan*es" are no7 *an*elled a**ording to the Bonstitution@
An addition; the (po5esperson also stated that an un*onstitutional meeting 7as *onDened
on %& $une %#1& and the reason for its un*onstitutionality 7as made *lear Dia the
ne7spapers 7hi*h 7as the appeal of one ?rustee Pir (ayyid :Abdul 9adir $ilani to the (then"
President to *onDene a meeting 7hi*h the President then *onsidered mutually Dia
dis*ussions and *onsultation 7ith the ?rustees@
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A**ording to the Bonstitution; a re>uest for a meeting *an be made if a minimum of %
?rustees *ommuni*ate this to the President andGor <eneral (e*retary ho7eDer this does not
giDe them the right to *onDene a meeting and announ*e a date and Denue@ Hnly the
President and <eneral (e*retary *an announ*e a date and Denue 7ith the *onsensus of all
?rustees or by 7ay of ma6ority Dote@
?he meeting *onDened on 1C $une %#1& 7as also un*onstitutional be*ause that 7as not
*onDened by eI,President 9a2i :Abdul Jatif as he 7as the then 6oint President@ ?oday; he
has left his position and ele*ted a ne7 President all a**ording to *onstitutional pro*edure
therefore no other person *an be for7arded as a Presidential *andidate nor ele*ted as
Af E% ?rusteesF *onDene a meeting and hold ele*tions then this is nothing but spreading
anar*hy and ele*tion fraud@ ?he President did not *onDene the meetings of 1C and %& $une
%#1& therefore those meetings 7ere un*onstitutional and hold no Dalue and importan*e
7hatsoeDer@ An *ontrast; the President 6ointly *onDened a meeting on %C $une %#1& and the
meeting agenda 7as for7arded to all ?rustees beforehand@
?he (po5esperson for Mar5a2i $ama+at,e,Ahl,e,(unnat Britain Europe further stated that if
E% ?rusteesF insisted on *onDening a meeting on 1C $une %#1& then they should haDe firstly
approDed a moDement of non,*onfiden*e in the President and <eneral (e*retary 7hi*h
7ould haDe been in a**ordan*e to the Bonstitution@ After this; they *ould haDe announ*ed
a ne7 President and organisation 7ith a *lear ma6ority ho7eDer in the presen*e of a
President and general se*retary; announ*ing a ne7 President and general se*retary is
un*onstitutional@ ?his is li5e haDing % prime ministers for the same *ountryK
:Allamah Ahmad Nisar Baig 9adiri further stated that a Ethird groupF issued a press release
in the ne7spapers announ*ing that they had eIpelled a person named Ahmad Nisar Baig
from the $ama+at@ An response; the (po5esperson highlighted Arti*le number 1# from the
$ama+at+s Bonstitution and read the releDant paragraphs detailing the pro*edure of eIpelling
a ?rustee from the $ama+at a**ording to 7hi*h if'
8 Anybody abandons the (unni *reed;
8 Joses his mental and *ognitiDe balan*e;
8 Be*omes of ill,health;
8 Hr does not attend $ama+at meetings *onse*utiDely for 1C months then su*h a
person 7ould >ualify to be eIpelled from the $ama+at unless he resigns himself@
None of the aboDe reasons are found in Ahmad Nisar Baig therefore his eIpulsion is either
due to ignoran*e of the $ama+at+s Bonstitution or another reason@ EDen the C ?rustees 7ho
attended today+s meeting do not haDe the authority to eIpel anybody from the $ama+at@
?his meeting also reinfor*ed the de*ision ta5en by the $ama+at on % De*ember %#13
7herein a**ording to sub*ategory 3 (of the $ama+at+s % De*ember %#13 meeting minutes"
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the $ama+at+s President stated to attendees that Mufa55ir,e,Aslam :Allamah Pir (ayyid :Abdul
9adir $ilani 7as attempting to form a ne7 $ama+at and 7as subse>uently phoning ?rustees
in the UL from Pa5istan@ After mu*h argumentation; dis*ussion and s*rutiny; it 7as
unanimously agreed that the *reation of a Ethird $ama+atF 7ould be seDerely opposed and
the unity and *omposition of the $ama+at 7ould be maintained@
?here 7ere 1# ?rustees present in this meeting M% De*ember %#13N first of 7hom 7as (ayyid
Ahmad )usayn (hah 7ho agreed to this de*ision Mof opposing Mufa55ir,e,AslamN 7ith his
signature yet no7 by be*oming the President of the Ethird $ama+atF is opposing his Dery o7n
de*ision@ ?he third person 7as 9ari Muhammad Lhan 9adiri 7ho is the Ethird $ama+at+sF
?reasurer 7ho too has opposed his Dery o7n de*ision@ (ayyid Muhammad An7ar )usayn
(hah La2imi 7ho 7as already the $ama+at+s (po5esperson is also opposing his Dery o7n
de*ision by be*oming the (po5esperson of the Ethird $ama+atF@ Another ?rustee
Muhammad :Abdur 4ahman Na>shbandi 7ho 7as inDited to form the Ethird $ama+atF Dia
telephone also opposed his Dery o7n de*ision by doing so@
?herefore; in light of these *ir*umstan*es; the $ama+at has issued a sho7,*ause noti*e to all
3 ?rustees namely (ayyid Ahmad )usayn (hah; 9ari Muhammad Lhan 9adiri and (ayyid
Muhammad An7ar )usayn (hah La2imi@ Oou 3 haDe opposed your o7n de*isions and the
Bonstitution of the $ama+at by forming your o7n $ama+at therefore you 7ill be eIpelled
from the $ama+at+s ?rustees@
Any de*isions and announ*ements regarding the international ?a6dar,e,Lhatam,e,
Nubu77at Bonferen*e 7ill be made in the neIt meeting@ Upon this o**asion; it 7as
de*ided that the $ama+at 7ill 7or5 7ith all Ahl,e,(unnat :Ulama and Mashai5h in Britain to
*ontribute to7ards the suprema*y of Masla5,e,Ahl,e,(unnat and Aslam *olle*tiDely@
Apart from the C ?rustees present in the meeting; 1 ?rustee eIpressed his support for the
meeting and its de*isions Dia telephone@
?he leaders of the $ama+at stated that the $ama+at 7ill 7or5 7ith all :Ulama; Mashai5h and
Pirs 7ithout any bias and 7ill not align itself 7ith any spe*ifi* Pir andGor group@ ?he $ama+at
7ill *ooperate 7ith eDeryone@
At 7as also *larified that to fulfil the >uorum of Mar5a2i $ama+at,e,Ahl,e,(unnat meetings;
the presen*e of at least P out of the 1C ?rustees is ne*essary and there 7ere C ?rustees
present in today+s meeting therefore fulfilling the >uorum re>uirement@ An *ontrast; the
meeting *onDened by the other group held only Q registered ?rustees therefore another
reason for their meeting being un*onstitutional is due to la*5ing its >uorum0 the people 7ho
attended that meeting are of no MlegalN Dalue nor is their meeting of any MlegalN importan*e@
1inally; the $ama+at empo7ered ne7ly ele*ted President Pir (ayyid Dildar )usayn (hah to
issue a sho7 *ause noti*e to all ?rustees 7ho *onDened the un*onstitutional meetings and
to instru*t them to refrain from issuing statements and press releases in the ne7spapers
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out of *ommon de*en*y@ Af they *ontinue to resist; the releDant *onstitutional pro*edure
7ill be enfor*ed and san*tioned against them@
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