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"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'' [Mark 16:15)
Vol. 10
Wiiineriliii^, Poiiiia., Marcli-April, 1050
Number 2
Saunders' Illness
^^orces Furlough
Tokyo, Japan
Dear Brotiiers and Sisters in Christ:
Emily. Becky, and I are planning to return
to the states as soon as possible. We are trying
to book passage on a boat that leaves from
Yokohama on May 10 for San Francisco. Wc
iiave been working with the Cunningham Mis
sion now for over four years. Two and a half
years of this time has been spent in Christian
work in Japan. Before coming to Japan 1
visited a number of churches stressing the need
for Christ in this country.
Wc arc naturally very sorry that we cannot
complete our five year term, but as you prob
ably know, 1 have been under constant observa
tion by an American doctor for more than a
year. On March 25 it was definitely established
that I had contacted a form of tuberculosis
called Gaffkey I. Although we are disappointed
in having to return to the states so soon, wc
still have faith that the good Lord is All-wise.
We feel that our time has been put to the best
use possible and that any support given for our
work here ha.s been wisely invested. We wish
to thank all of you who in any way contributed
to our work for the Lord here in Japan.
There is no way to estimate the good work
we have done during these two and a half years.
However, one ciiurch has been well established
"^w'tli 117 Christians. Of this number 116 were
baptized since wc began the church two years
ago this montli. One young man was a former
member of this church. Of course building and
all was destroyed during the war. We are liappy
to report that this averages a little better than
one new Christian per Lord's day. I have also
been given the privilege of visiting Ibaraki, about
75 miles nortlieast of Tokyo, and Kaneyama,
about 250 or 300 miles north of Tokyo, and
helped to establish some work there. This work
is, however, separate from the missionary work
here in Tokyo. It is being carried on inde
pendently. Recently I have gone to Sakawa. 56
miles southwest of. Tokyo, and began a church
there. I am very sorry to leave this work.
We have had only two meetings so far. but it
promises to be one of the host churches. In
this town and in nearby towns there are no
churches of any kind. I am sure some of the
missionaries of the mission will continue the
work. Besides this, I have enjoyed so much
teaching in our Bible College and helping to pre
pare young men for the ministry and young
women for other Christian work. Realizing for
the past year tliat my return to the .states might
l)CCome necessary, I tried to devote a good hit
of my time on writing a hook on "The Church
of Christ of the New Testament." The hook
has been translated into Japanese and in a day
or so shouhl be ready for the printers. I hope
to see the finished book before we sail. I had
hoped to revisit Ibaraki and Kaneyama again
before long, but this is now impossible. 1 have
more hope for the work at Kaneyama than at
the other place, since a young Christian from the
Yochomachi church lives there and has been
leading in the work.
Our future activities, of course, are indefinite.
We have faith in God to make all things, in
cluding this period of sickness, work together
for good. We plan to return to McKeesport.
Penna. and consult with our local doctor for his
advice about what we should do and where
we should go. Possibly I shall have to rest at
least for six or eight months and perhaps longer.
I have been told that it i.s not wise to plan to
return to Japan because of the climate and be
cause 20 per cent of the Japanese have tuber
culosis. However, may the Lord's will be done.
Saunders^ Home
The Saunders family have been living in this
new home less than a year. The Buttrays will
probably live here since the Saunders family
are returning to the states.
Biittrays Leave For
Tokyo On April 11
Sclieduled to sail from San Francisco April
11th on tlie President Wilson, they left Mead-
villc. Pa. (Tlieir Home Town) March 18 and
went to Atlanta. Ga.. where they graduated
from .Atlanta Christian College last June. They
were to make some other stops on their way to
California. They will probably be about the
middle of the Pacific by the time you read this.
They were very busy the last few weeks making
preparations, and didn't get to make all the
visit-s they intended to make. The Fairniount
.Avenue Church of Christ in Richmond, Va. took
the last $600.00 of their Living Link support.
Mr. Stanley Buttray is a native of Mead-
ville, Pa. and Mrs. Mabel Buttray is from
Dawson, Pa., and their son, Paul i.s U year.s
old. Since graduation they have visited and
.spoken in ahout 100 churches in the Southeast
and the Central States. They are very con
secrated and likeable folks and liave made a
great many friends. Let us all be prajdng
for them, that they may have a safe and pleasant
voyage, and that they may find great joy in
their work as missionaries in Tokyo Japan.
We sliall expect to have an account of their
journev and of their first impressions of Japan
for the next issue of the Tokyo Christian. Let
us follow them with our prayers and our interest
in their work.
Meanwhile let us pray also that still other
consecrated young people may hear the call of
God to go out and help to evangelize this land
where the door is open wide and where the
opportunity is so great at this time. Tliere are
still teeming million.s of people in Japan who
do not know about Christ, but they seem willing
to learn. Will we accept the challenge now. or
wait? Look wliat happened in China. Take a
warning and Christianize Japan before it is too
late! .A.E..S.
Interesting History
Of Wado Church
Wado is II. small typical Japanese country
village in the middle of the rice fields of Kanto
hasin about 30 miles outside of Tokyo. Its way
of life and wliole general appearance indicate
tliat it is a true "grass roots" Japanese village.
'I'he iiistory of the church there is most inter
esting to us and especially the recent happenings.
In 1873 the eldest son of the leading family
at Wado took a trip to Yokohama to sell a
special kind of paper for breeding silk worms.
While there he met the first Presbyterian
mi.ssionary to Japan (Mr. Hepburn) and also
had many other interesting experiences. He and
another young man wanted to go again to make
some money, so after a year at home they set
out on the long trip again. While there Mr.
Kojima fell sick and was treated by Dr. Flep-
hurn. During the extended contact with the
(Jhristian Doctor the young heir came to knowl
edge and acceptance of Christ and later his
companion also. They joined the first Pro
testant church in Japanthe famous seaside
church in Yokohama. As soon as he was well,
voung Kojima returned to his home, but Mr.
Kosuge, the carpenter and companion remained
and was a deacon in the Yokohama church for
a year. .
When the adventurous young son ot the vil
lage "boss" returned to his home there was no
small stir among the villagers, for the new.s
spread that "he who went to make money has
come- .-ack with Christianity.' At that tinie
tliis new religion was unknown and considered
dangerous. In fact over the door-post of Koji-
ma's house there was written in hold letters
"Christianity is evil." This was the statement
of the Tokugawa war-lords that kept mission
aries and all foreigners out of the country until
the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
Of course all means were tried to get him
to give up his notion, but to no result for his
faith remained firm. His father called all the
relatives in and they tried arguments and then
threats and many tears, but the answer was 1
am willing to sacrifice anything for the sake
of Christ." Finally they burned him in a number
of places with hot irons a_nd_ his father beat him
with a hamboo pole until it almost broke his
back. He was partially ostracized, but con
tinued to live in the village and by ami by had
several interested people meeting with him at
regular times to talk about Christianity.
.After ahout one year his friend, Mr. Kosuge
eturned from Yokohama bringing several copies
of the newly translated New '1 estameiit. Mr.
Kojima was greatly encouraged and soon public
services were begun. In the course of 2 or 3
year.s there were 7 members and in due time
there were 30. At this time it was decided to
build. The carpenter from Wado and also one
who came from Yokohama plajined and con
structed a small building which is still standing
and is the oldest church building in Japan. It
is about the size of a large American hving-
room with a heavy roof, small sliding door.s
opening right into the village street and sinall
closely planked benches. This year the building
is 70 years old.
For 10 years the little church suffered much
persecution. The townspeople would not buy
from shops owned by Christians, nor would
they sell to them. The land-lords told all
Christians to move their houses off of their
property. Then came the time for the Shinto
Shrine nearby to have a festival. When the
Christians would not hang out lanterns or con
tribute to the Shrine the priests were very
surprised. They came and asked that only a
very small offering be given in the name of the
(Continued on page 2)
Mrs. William Conrad, Laurel, Va."Our
praycr.s are for every success as Airs. Cnnning-
bain and her faithful co-workers labor for the
Lord in that part of His vineyard."
Until further notice, we may be reached by
mail c/o Victor Bell, R. D. No. 1, Box 70-.A.
Elizabeth. Penna.
Once again many thanks for your prayers and
material offerings. Please continue to pray for
us. _ .
Very sincerely yours m Christ.
Samuel Saunders
Published bi-monthly for the information and in-
i^piration of every Christian whose heart's desire
should be to obey the Great Commission by pro
claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus
in ail the world, to every creature, of every nation.
Entered as second class matter in the Wilmerding,
Pa., PostofS.ce under the Act of March 3, 1879.
EVA p. GREEN Forwarding Agent
Office of Publication:
Wilmerding, Pa.
Please send all correspondence and offerings for
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green. 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park. Georgia. Make all checks pay
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director
Andrew Patton, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Saunders, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray.
Send letters and personal packages as follows:
NameTokyo Foreign Missionaries. A.P.O. 500. c/o
P.M., San Francisco. California.
Send relief packages to Japanese addresses as
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham. 16 Wakaba Cho, Shlnjuku.
Andrew Patton, 27 Sakurayama Cho, Nakano Ku,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Saunders, 575 2-Chome,
Kamlochial, Shinjuku Ku, Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, 2801-1 Chome, Mika-
washima Machi, Arakawa Ku, Tokyo.
Mrs. W. D. Ctmningham iviia. . G. Nabell
Mr. T. O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Mr. Lawrence Bain J. E. Lipscombe
George J. Bartbold t. House
J. F. Baxter W. E. Johnson
W. W. Bondurant J. E. Lipscombe
Morris Butler Book Mrs. H. M. McCaU
Mark Collls T. K. Smith
J. H. Deem W. P. Stobaugh
Judge T. O. Hathcock W. R. Walker
Elsewliere in tliis issue i.s tlie disconcerting
news that the Saunders family must return
from Japan on account of his healtli. Tliis is
quite a loss to the Mission, for they were doing
a wonderful work. This was a great disappoint
ment for we know he wanted to continue on in
the work which was so fruitful. But as he has
expressed that desire to be subject to the Lord's
will, so we know that all things work together
for good to those that love the Lord.
Although the Buttrays reach Japan about the
time the Saunders leave, tiiere will still be a
shortage of workers. .Althougli the Thomas
Lipscoinbes are planning to go out into this
work, he still has one more year before grad
uating from the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. Is
there some consecrated young couple, having
already completed your education, who will vol
unteer to go as soon as necessary preparation
can be made? Don't you bear the voice of the
Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will
go for us?" And will you answer, "Here am
I, send me?" Isaiah 6:8. The present condi
tions in Japan call for heroic action. There was
never such an opportunity for winning Japan for
Christ as now. .-^nd there may never he such
an opportunity again if we fail to enter tlie
present open door.
Wlicn there are casualties in Uncle Sam's
.-\rmy, there are others to send in to close up
the ranks. The Army of the Lord has a far
greater work to do. It also suffers casualtic.s
from time to time as in this instance, and the
need is for more volunteers to go out and take
the place of those who must return for rehabil
The need and the opportunity is great. Will
yon give it prayerful consideration? Are you
interested? Then write to Mrs. Cunningham
about it, or write to the editor of this paper if
we can he of any assistance. Will all of you
Christian people pray that God will put it into
the heart of the right ones to volunteer in
answer to His call? Also pray that the neces
sary finances may be provided, and let God
work through you whenever possible. "More
things are wrought by prayer than the world
dreams of." So let us be praying for Brother
Wado Church
(Continued from page 1)
churcli and everything would be all rigiit; i)ut
they refused to compromise a bit, so opposition
became worse. Their liehls were fenced off so
they could not get to them. Friends would not
speak to them when they met on the street.
Road blocks were put up forbidding them to
pass. Some of tiie members sold all of their
possessions and left the village, but others stayed.
These stories are in no way exaggerations. One
of the men who went througli all of it is still
living and attending services at 92 years of age.
The last persecution was caused by the unfortu
nate actions of an immoral minister.
But the little group survived the first rough
years and from that ime until the war it con
tinued as a respcctal)[e and average rural Pres
byterian clnirch. Being rather famous and old,
they have had many preachers and almost all
famous Japanese preachers of all kinds have
preached tliere upon occasion.
During the war they entered the national
Churcli of Clirisl of Japan, but soon after tlic
war tlicy witlKircw declaring their intention
to he free. However there was (]uite a division
among the members. One group wanted to
"Continue along the p:ith of indeiicmlenee of all
missions and slick slrictly to the Scriptures."
and the otlier group wanted to "Get some
mission to fix up our property, begin Fnglisli
classes, kindergarten, bazaars, etc. thus getting
a big crowd and gradually bring tliem around to
Christ." These two groups kept arguing and
tlie churcli was making no progress. They
found out about us ihrough one of tiie Bible
College slndenls who formerly lived in the
town. One man from each group came to visit
us and expressed llieir total disagreement on
theology although they were kindred and friends.
They asked for advice and the first man seemed
please<i with our position of sticking to the Bible
only, but the second man seemed disappointed
tliat we iiromised no economic help.
- iVw wctrksl.tici iVS c: isiii (rnc "m:in wlio
wantcfl to "Stick to the Bible no matter wiiat")
came to visit here again and was greatly alarmed.
The other grou]) had gone to the CatlioHcs and
asked them to come. Tliey had promised a new
church building, piano, kindergarten and many
other things and it looked tike tliey were going
to take over the whole village and make it
"Christian town" as they had done to many
others. They came and liad a big conference
witii the mayor of the town. Mr. Ishi was very
discouraged, but did not give up. In fact he
did nothing and we heard nothing for several
After several months, seeing that the Catli
oHcs were doing nothing. Mr. Ishi made up his
mind to start a Sund:ty School in his home
because the children of tiie community were
getting no teaching and the church rcniaiiKMl
closed and split. .'\t the same time he asked
us to start services in the house on Tuesday
nights promising at least a few listeners and
that once it started he wanted never to stop.
It is ratlier far from liere, so I go half-time and
Mr. Haiiyu the otiier half. The services avcr:ige
more tlian 30 adults and about 80 children in
Sunday School.
Soon after our services started the Catholics
came back, .^t first they decided not to inter
fere since tlierc was such a strong Protestant
work in town, Init after thinking it over they
decided to run us out. Tlieir services are on
Monday and Thursday night. Tlie attendance
i.s about the same number and from what they
say the Community is really torn between the
two groups.
We don't know what the result will be, but
tell the story up to now so that it will have
your prayers. Let it be our prayer that the
majority of tlicsc Bilile believing sons of the
pioneers may embrace all of the New 'i'estamcnt
teaching as firmly as some of them now liold
part of it. Harold Sims
Saunders, that his health may he restored, and
also be praying that other workers may soon
be sent out and that tlic good work tiiat ha^
been <loiie so far may not suffer too much
but may go forward under the help and guidatue
of Goci. A.E.S.
In Money Mountain
By S. K. Saunders
(Continued from last issue)
It has been said tliat llie Japanese can live
on what an average .American family throws
out. This is not exactly true. Tiicy might exist
on it if that is all they can get. However, the
Japanese people appreciate food as well or
even better than we do. From tlie time we first
entered the liouse upon our arrival until the
nighl we left for Tokyo, food was constantly
set before us, J'ossibly they had heard tljj
opposite about .American people from w"
American people liear about their liking \
food. Never did we enter the house hut whaL
fresh fruit and warm, sweet, tasty milk was set
before us. Our first meal consisted of my
favorite Japanese food, sukiyaki. We ate this
on the roof of the factory on a verj- nice plat
form built for view and relaxation. During tiie
meal Chonan San, the village "police master",
as he was called, came to see us and liave dinner
with us. From this fine impressive gentleman
we learned that tlie valley was inhabited by
12,200 people. Of these many people .Andrew
was the only Clirislian. .All of the people were
much inclined to be conservative, but Andrew
was progressive and by liis influence he was
lea<iing tlie others to follow. I liked Chonan
San from the very beginning. He always had a
pleasant smile upon his face. He was polite
and very neat looking in his plain officer's suit.
Should he become a Christian, I am sure he will
be a very humble Christian but one with great
During tlie afternoon we spoke to about eighty
school children who were part of .Andrew's
Sunday school. Tliat night we showed colored
slides on the life of Christ at a local school
house. About 200 had gathered for the occasion.
We had also learned that instead of one young
man desiring to he baptized, there were three.
-Cine".vas-4l:c school- -pi'CTtcssur, and' rire
other two were the foreman and his lielpev in
Mr. Masano's lumber mill. That evening we
met with .Andrew and these young men and
qiicstioneil them about their faith, and under
standing concerning the step tliey were about to
take. They were all preparctl. I thought it
best if .Andrew, himself, would do tlie baptizing,
and explained that it was not necessary for me
or Kaneniatsu San to do it. After taking their
confessions, we went into the bathhouse, and
.Andrew baptized these fine young men into
Christ. Money Mountain could now claim not
one Cliristian, but four.
The second day was filled with excitement
and a full schedule. In the morning we went
to another school and spoke to some two hun
dred and fifty children. Following tliis we went
by taxi to the main village about 20 minutes
ride from the Masano home. As we left the
school, the friendly children filled every door
and window, nook and cranny to wave "sayo-
nara". .After visiting tlie mayor's office and the
police station to see Clioiian San, we went to
tlie large school in tlie village. Andrew and
Kaneniatsu San had been under tlie impression
that we were to have lunch at the school, but
it so haiipeiied tliat they were mistaken. Our
meeting was scheduled for 1:30 and as one
o'clock rolled around and no lunch was being
offered, I decided tliat we better take a short
walk and let the principal of the school go and
get his rice. He was very kind and friendly.
Init he evidently had not invited us for lunch.
The apologies of .Andrew and Kaneniatsu for
our having no food were needless since by this
time my stomach was anxious for a rest any
how. There was other meat to eat that dav
that was more important. Returning to the
school we found about two hundred people had
gathered to hear our lectures. Kaneniatsu San
was going to speak about his trip to Siam and
emphasize national unity and international peace
and brotherhood upon tlie ha.sis of the Christian
faith. I was to sjieak about ihe Bjble. We felt
tliat tliis was our most important contact during
our visit since so many of tlicse people were the
leaders of the valley. Some fifty of tliem were
chool teachers, and others were people of in-
Ihiencc of one sort or another. Chonan San, of
course, was also present. Mr. Masano was con
spicuously absent. He had gone to Shinjo to
get bread for us. While Kancniatsu was speak
ing, Mr. Masano came to the school bringing
bread and applebutter. Andrew and I slipped
out to talk with him and invite him into the
meeting. He said that he was busy but would
stay for a short time. He stayed during the
whole meeting. I was particularly impressed
by the interest that showed on his face as be
listened to the word of God. Truly these people
were spiritually hungry and thirsty. Following
the meeting Mr. Masano insisted that we sit
down in the office and eat our bread and apple-
-'utter. The school principal again offered us
apples and tea as he had done upon our first
When wc arrived home, we found the family
busy making honorable rice cakes called
"o-mochi". This was another token of honor
extended us, o-mochi is made only
during Japan's greatest holiday, New Years, and
on very special occasions. I. was extremely
interested in watching how they pounded the
rice. It reminded me so much of my boyhood
days when we wouhl watch mother making
bread at home. However, mother did not use
such a large wooden mixing bowl nor did she
swing a long handled wooden hammer to kneed
her dough. One young man would swing this
large wooden hammer and plop it into the
middle of the rice dough. Between every long
sweeping blow Mrs. Masano would dip her
hands into water and pat the rice dough where
the hammer had left a sticky pocket. This, of
course, was to keep the rice from sticking.
Occasionally she would take hold of the whole
lump and flip it over. I was amazed at the
accuracy of their timing atul finally deci<led that
she was not going to get bopped on the head, so
I went to the barn to visit "Dick", the horse.
Andrew insisted that Kunematsu San and 1 take
a ride. First he went galloping away to show
us how it was done. He rode western style,
but I must confess we rode more like the kiddies
do at Kennywood I'atk. i had heard about
Lowell Thomas being thrown front a horse in
Tibet, and I thought my life was a little too
precious, at least to me, to be thrown away into
a rice paddy knee deep in mud. To land feet
first would not have been so bad, but I dreaded
the thought of a nose dive.
Returning to the house wc rested until dinner
was ready. The evening meal was definitely
in our honor. Chonan San and many of the
elders and dignitaries of the valley were invited
to the feast. Kaneyaina has a custom that was
entirely new to me since coming to Japan. You
probably know the Japanese custom of always
serving tea to their guests. Well, here is one
place in Japan where they do not serve tea so
often. They serve wine instead. Chonan San
informed us that in spite of this custom crime
cases in Kaneyama are very, very few. The
people drink wine, but he said that few drink
enough to get drunk. Mr. Masano had express
ed a desire earlier in our visit to arrange .such
a meeting, but since we were Christians be did
not want to serve wine. If be didn't serve wine,
he was afraid of insulting his other guests, he-
cause this was the expected thing to do. He
evidently decided to have both, for so they did.
Our evening conversation went from one topic
to another. During the evening Mr. Masano
made a most vvonderfii! testimony before all the
guests. You see in their house are two god
shelvesone is Buddhist, and the other is
Shintoist. The members of the household num
bering some fifteen, including servants and fac
tory workers, worship at altars. Mr.
Masano said. "When my son became a Christian,
I was very angry. I am a Buddhist and when
Masami (.Andrew) became a Christian it was
disrespectful to our ancestors. However, when
Masami came hack to Tokyo. I learned that he
had stopped smoking and drinking sake (Japa
nese whiskey). He has been doing so much
good for the people of the valley, especially for
the young people. I myself am leaning very
heavy toward Christianity." What a wonderful
change the Christian example of .Andrew had
brought in the heart and life of his pagan father.
How happy I was that God had led him to
return home to help his own family to know
God. This truly was a weighty testimony since
Mikawashima Cluircli
Mr. Masano is a very influential man in the
valley and so many of ihc elders of the valley
were present. .After dinner was over, 1 went
outside to go to my room to prepare for the
eveninc^ protrrani that,had been arranged in our
honor in Mr. Masano's laetory. i'Kndrew lol-
lowed mc out'^idc. He put his arm around me
and joyfully whispered, "Mr. Sauiulers, I am
sooo happy". Putting my hand upon his
shoulder and through tlie lum]) in my throat I
managed to answer. "Yes, Andrew, and so is
j'our father." He answered a most emphatic,
"Yes". I assured him that I too was very
happy and thankful that I had come.
Tiie evening entertainment was in charge of
the young people who had been studying with
.Andrew. The inside of the factory had under
gone a complete change. -A large, sturdy plat
form had been erected and beautifully decorated
about with colorful Japanese material. .A loud
speaker set had been installed, and everything
wa.s just so. We entered by tlic side door and
came onto the platform from the rear. We were
anxious, of course, to know how many people
had come to see the program. Being in the
midst of harvest the people would certainly be
too busy to come to the meeting. .At first we
had been under the impression that only the
teen-agers would he present, especially those
who belonged to the Bible class. When wc
were told that everyone was invited, wc tliought
this also meant the children from the Bible
classes would be present. Imagine our
surprise when wc were informed that more than
six hundred people had assembled in the fac
tory outside the curtain. We had to look for
ourselves to be sure he was not kidding. Sure
enoughthe place was literally packed. Every
where we lookedunder machinery and on top
of piled lumbereverywhere, there were people,
young and old. Where did so many people
come from? This was .such a small village in
the large valley, and the farms were so widely
.At the beginning of the program Kancniatsu
San and I were called upon to address tiie
assembly. The people listened very attentively
to the first message about Gotl and Christ that
many of them had ever heard. I was the first
missionary ever to visit Afoney Mountain. The
small baby of the Masano housebold. Andrew's
niece, added a little amusement to the occasion
during Kanematsu San's message by crawling
under a straw rug on the platform and pulling
the rug up to its well shaved head and pretended
to go to sleep. To watch the performance we
were escorted to a specially prepared position
in the middle of the audience where we could sec
everything that went on as well as be seen by
everybody in the house. From everywhere
came children's voices saying the "hello" that
I bad taught them earlier in our visit. The
entertainment consisted mainly of ancient folk
dance.s of Japan together with legendary samu
rai (ancient swordsmen) stories. The stories
were very colorful and well presented. The
lighting effects and custumcs were extremely
impressive and ancient. Inserted into the stories
were moral lessons condemning the use of sake
(Japanese whiskey). During part of the eve
ning .Andrew acted as master of ceremonies,
[)ut later he came back to sit with us. He was
all smiles. Upon finishing a whispered con
versation we turned our eyes once more to the
platform and saw a very amusing, yet touching,
scene. There was Mr. Masano running back
and forth across the stage opening and closing
the curtain l)et\veen scenes. Once again 1 was
impressed with the changing power of the gospel
and the example of a Christian life. This
avowed enemy of Christ and Christianity now
doing all in his power to make the evening a
great success. Andrew leaned over and whis
pered, "Mr. Saunders, my father never did any
thing like that before in all his life." Although
this rugged quiet man did seem out of place
pulling a curtain across the stage, wc all appre
ciated so very much his wonderful spirit of
cooperation and his willingness to be of service.
The patience of the people, even those who
stood during the entire program, never grew
thin. Being called upon to sing I made an
attempt to sing a song which I like very much,
"I Would Love To Tell You What I Think of
Jesus." .At eleven o'clock the Masano maid
brought us warm milk to drink and blankets
to throw across our laps. The weather was
always ju.'=t right for me, but shortly after elevci
Kanematsu San began to catch cold and d-.vcl-
OpCli a siighc fcvci. iiv. i..,CLl^v<'r
him.self and retired for the night. Since I had
been advised to get lots of rest, I did likewise
soon after. Until one o'clock our room was
constantly invaded by "angels of mercy" a.s they
came to minister to Kanematsu San bringing
bim headache pills and hot water bottles. By
one thirty we were sound asleep and settled
down for a peaceful night of restthat is, what
was left of it. I was awakened by a gentle
tapping at the door of our room. The night
was still dark and silent. We gave the word,
and our mysterious visitor slid open the door
of our room. There knelt Mrs. Masano in a
very humble apologetic posture. Addressing
mc she asked if I did not wish to come down
and take a warm bath. I was trapped.
Glancing at my watch I saw that it was one-
thirty. At first I thought I could excuse my
self because of the late hour, but I soon found
that my efforts were in vain. Mrs. Masano
tactfully appealed to the sense of appreciation,
which she hoped I had, by suggesting that since
Mr. Masano had the bath tub made especially
for me, I should take at least one hath, They
liad tried to talk me into taking a Japanese bath
the night before, but I managed to escape for
tlic first night only. Please do not misunder
stand meIt isn't that I object so violently to
taking a batheven a Japanese bath. However,
I do not relish taking a bath in the .sunparlor
such as the place where they had built the bath
till). Surrounded by glass windows the bath
room had no privacy whatsoever. The only en
trance to the bathroom from the in.side of the
house was through the kitchen. The whole side
of the kitchen wall was outonly a small screen
about three or four feet high and four feet wide
formed the only privacy from that angle. The
kitchen was constantly filled witli women who
were busy about the cooking and washing dishes.
I finally had to confess that Americans insisted
upon more privacy when bathing than this iiath-
room allowed. They remedied this by advi.sing
me to come down for a bath after everyone had
eone to bed at night. I promised that perhaps
I would lake a bath the second night. F-ven
the late hour was not sufficient excuse to help
me squeeze out of an embarrassing situation.
(Contimied on page 4)
Rope Holder List
(February and March)
CALIFORNIA''Mrs. McCarty and Friends,
?10.U0; ''Butty and Alpha Lane, $2.00; "Ukiali
Church of Christ. $5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
B. Smith, $35.00; Miss Elizabeth Hoffman.
FLORIDA*\\ auchula. Christian Endeavor,
$4.00; 'Mr. V. E. Grantliam, $52.00; DcLand,
yVomen's^ Council, First Christian Church.
$22.00; Eii-stis, Golden Triangle Bible Class,
GEORGIAMrs. E. G. Nabell, $10.00; Mrs.
Carrabelle Raum, $10,00; East I'oint, Jefferson
J'ark Christian Church, $57.49; Carrollton, Christian Church, $20.00.
ILLINOIS=*Mr. C. G. Weaver, $25.00; St
Joseph Church of Christ, $20.00; Mrs. Esther
McGlaughlin, $20.00; Mrs. S. B. Vance, $10.00;
Dr. Leila G. Scott, $10.00; Mrs. Nellie L.
Elliott, $5.00.
INDIANAHebron, Christian Mi.ssionary So
ciety, $15.00; Bedford, Leatherwood Ludean
Society, $10.00; Sullivan, Zelma Harbaugb
Missionary Society, $100.00; Monticello, Mis
sionary Society, The Oak Grove Christian
Church, $50.00; Columbus, East Columbus
Church of Christ, $50,00; Mishawaka. Mission
ary Society, Milburn Church of Christ, $5.00;
Mishawaka, Milburn Church of Christ. $16.00;
Fort Wayne, East Creighton Church of
IOWAFriend, Cedar Rapids. $50.00; Coun
cil Bluffs. First Christian Church, $.50.00; Miss
Bertha K. Sargent, $20.00.
KANSASThe Clearwater Church. $22.00;
Hugoton Christian Sunday School. $53.40;
Hortoii, Women's Council. Horton Christian
Church. $5.00; Hugoton Christian Church.
$20.00; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Bellinger, $20.00;
Mrs. Virginia G. Templeton. $3.00; Norton
Christian Churcii, $45.54.
ivir v. lai K". ,piou.uu;
'''Mr. K. Z. Wilking, $15.00; Mrs. Maggie
Grubbs, $10.00; Milton, Mt. Byrd Missionary
Society, $10.00; Volunteer Mission Band of
the Kentucky Christian College. $5.00.
MICHIGANWaldron, Missionary Societv.
Christian Church, $9.00; Yale Church of
Christ, $12.50; Lansing Church of
$15.00; Niles, Missionary Society, h'irst
Cliri.stian Church, $5.00.
MINNESOTAForest Lake Church of Christ.
MISSISSIPPINcwton-Autioch Christian
Church, $75.20; Columbus, Women's Christian
Fellowship. $25.00.
MISSOURIMt. Vornon, Direct Su])port Mis
sionary Group. $25.00; King City. Loyal Wo
men's Class, Island Citv Christian Church.
NEW MEXICOTucumcari, Ladies' Council,
First Christian Church, $35.00.
NORTH CAROLINAMrs. R. H. Shavender
OHIO-Akron, Lakeview Church of Christ,
$50.00; Steubenviiie, Missionary Societv. New
Somerset Christian Church. $30.00; 'Salem,
Phillips Christian Church. $50.00; Columbus,
Southwood Church of Clirist, $20.00; Hope-
dale, Loyal Workers Class, $35.00; Mr. Paul
Burcli, $100.00; New Vienna Church of Christ,
$25.00; Ceiiterburg Church of Christ. $15.00;
Shelby, Missionarv Society. Shelby Church
of Christ, $15.00: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deem,
$10.00; Bracevillc Christian Church. $12.00;
Mrs. F. B. Neal, $10.50; East Canton. Indian
Run Christian Church. $17.12; Wilmington.
Women's Missionary Society, New .Xntiocli
Church of Christ. $15.00; Huhbard. Corner
House Christian Church Missionary Society.
$35.00; East Liberty Church of Christ, $12.10;
*Ripley, Christian Fellowship Group. $50.00;
West Mansfield. Mill Creek Church of Christ
Missionary Society, $10,00; East Liberty
Church of Sunday School. $28.00.
Smith. $10.00; Mrs. Jean Charnesky, $5.00;
Mrs. Roy Rodger, $2.00; Turtle Creek First
Christian Church, $125,00; Duquesne, First
Christian Church, $300.00; Titusville Church of
Christ, $50.00; Cochraiiton, Milledgeville
Church of Christ, $35.00; Miss Jean Swartz-
welder, $16.23; McKeesport, Women'.s Mi.s
sionary Society, Bryn Mawr Church of Christ,
$66.00; Subscriptions to Tokyo Christian from
Stanley Buttray, $10.00; McKeesport, Bryn
Mawr Church of Christ, $20.00; Clyiner, First
Christian Church, $49.05; Meadville, F'irst
Christian Church, Loyal Live Wires Class,
$75.00; *Lemovne. Missionary Fund by Mr.
K. A. Danner. $25.00; *Mr. B. M. Swartz-
wclder. $300.00; New Salem, First Christian
Churcli. $48.10; Ridgway Church of,
$15.00; Stoneshoro, Carpenters Corners Christ
ian Church $10.00.
TENNESSEEErwin, First Christian Church,
$86.66; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodges, $10.00;
Johnson City, Harrison Church of Christ.
$25.00; Bristol, Independent Missionary So
ciety. Central Christian Church. $45.00.
TEXASMrs. W. S. Blodgett, $5.00; Brenham,
1 Yr. Beginner Class, Christian Bible School,
VIRGINIAPortsmouth, Ladies' Aid Society,
Geneva Park Church of Ciirist. $15.00; Cliar-
lottesville, J.O.Y. Class, First Christian
Church, $60.00; Laurel, Bonnie Brae Church
of Christ, $50.00; Hampton, Young People's
Class. Hampton Christian Church, $5.00.
WEST VIRGINIAFollanshee, Women's Mis
sionary Society, Follanshee Christian Church.
$15.00; Follanshee, First Christian Church,
$47.88; Charleston, West Side Church of
Christ, $20.00; H e d g e s v i 11e. Tomahawk
Christian Sunday School , $60.00; Wheeling,
Missionary Society, Warwood Christian
Church, $15.00.
Total of Gifts $2,820.77
'indicates gifts received in Tokyo direct
Total. $688.00.
For .salaries, printing of paper, exchange on
checks $1,069.37
Transferred to Tokyo $500,00
.Arlvauce_ to..Mr,_Stanh:y ..B'lttrqjL fo,r ,
travel to San Francisco, steamship
tickets, luggage, etc., for Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Buttray and Paul fEx- if any, to he deposited in Tokyo
account) $4,510.75
Report Of Funds In Tokyo
Report of Mission Funds handled by Lois
Sims, Treasurer of Funds in Tokyo, for the
month of February, 1950:
From Churches and Individuals $ 586.00
From Refunds 11.98
Total receipts for February $ 597.98
($1,000.00 Received in January from the
Georgia .Account)
Bible College $ 266,82
Outstations and Christian Paper 33.50
Buildings, repairs, rents 372.96
Bible Women, Bibles, Tracts 27.78
Allowance 7.50
Taxes 16.36
Postage 4.00
Bank Service Charge .50
Mi.<cellaneous. borrowed. Doctor's bill. 322.17
Total Disbursements $1,051.59
Postmaster: If this is undeliverable, please notify
A. E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek, Pa.
Editorial Briefs
If you change your address please notify A. E.
Sims, 310 Brown avenue. Turtle Creek, Pa.,
giving both your old address and your new
address. This will help you and will help us
also. .A penny postal is ail you will need.
We notice that the amount in the Ropeholder
list in this issue has fallen off considerably
from what it was in the last issue. We hope
there is no falling off in the praying. There is
need of more praying than ever. Pray that
the health of Brother Saunders may be restored.
Also pray for the other missionaries and thaf
the work may continue to go forward and tha.
the funds may he sufficient. There is consider
able extra expense in tlie transportation of the
Buttray family to Tokyo and the Saunders
family back from Tokyo to their home in
Penn.sylvania. Just pray and follow the guid
ance of God according to your ability and all
will he well.
If yon contrihute or have recently contributed
$1.00 or more to this Mission, you are entitled
to a subscription to the Tokyo Christian, if you
so desire and request. But we must have your
request or order, so that we can keep our 2nd
Class mailing privilege with a bona fide sub
scription list. .Any church, Class or Organiza
tion making a contrihution of $5.00 or over may
receive a Inuulle of 10 copies for distribution
if you renuest it.
I herewith remit $..
_ in payment for
copies of each issue of the "Tokyo
Christian" for years.
Mrs. John Christian, King City, Mo."M'e do
pray that many souls will be saved throughout
Japan and God will richly bless all the mission
aries there. We uplift them in prayer each
day ..."
Mrs. E. W. Fields, Hugoton, Kansas"Our
prayers go out to the workers and the new
Christians of the Cunningham Mission."
Mrs. Mabel F. Farmer, Hampton, Va."May
God lead, bless and guide you in His work."
Miss Elizabeth Hoffman, Oakland, Calif.
"May our Heavenly Father bless the mission
aries and the work they are doingthis is my
earnest prayer."
Mrs. Lewis Kerbow, Hugoton, Kansas
"May the Lord bless the work and the workers."
Mr. Wm. B. Rooney, Hedgesville, W. Va.
"Hoping for the continued success of the work
of our Lord in Japan ..."
Money Mountain
(Continued from page three)
I promised to he right down. Slowly crawling
out from under the warm covers, I slipped into
my hathrohc and slippers. The house was quite
dark, hut a few women were still busy about
different parts of the house. Making sure that
my part of the house was wrapped in darkness,
I slipped into the hottest hath I ever exper
ienced. Little by little I could feel myself
being cooked alive and thought of the poor
missionaries of Africa who had faced a common
fate. .After settling down part way in the seeth
ing water, I wondered how long I could take it.
Soon tiic kitchen door opened. A ray of light
flooded tlie kitchen and in stepped the maid. I
.shoiilda known it. My corner was still reason
ably (lark, but I sank deeper and deeper into
the steaming water. This was going the second
and even the third mile. I breathed a little
easier when she left, and I decided either to get
out or pass out. I am quite sure the water was
steaming, because it was so hard to breathe
or was it only panic. Leaving that mystery
unsolved I hurried hack to my warm bed.
(Continued in next issue)
''Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.^' [Mark 16:15)
Vol. 49 Wiiiiierdliig, Peiina.9 May-Jiiiio, 1950 dumber 3
A Letter From
Mabel Buttray
Tokyo, japan
May 16, 1950
Dear Friends;
I have been thinking for days about my first
impression of Japan and still have not come to
any conclusion. So I decided to just write you
a letter and maybe you can find my impression
therein. We like it here and it is bard to
imagine that we are so far from home. Paul
and 1 have decided that the ocean is entirely
loo large and vvc would like to find a shorter
way back to the States. The trip over wa.s
fine, the water was calm and beautiful, but
still we were not verj' good sailors and missed
many of those delicious meals. Every time we
tried to read or write letters it made us ill
and we had to take one of those pills. They
were a great help to us and I believe that we
would have spent the entire journey in bed if
we had not been able to take them.
I'rom what we have seen. Tokyo has made
a wonderful come iiack from the war and has
done much rebuilding. Some of the homes
are not so nice, but there is a law now that all
homes (new) must be stucco. Many families
that had plenty before the war have nothing
now. and naturally built the best kind of home
they could. (Some are just shacks).
You can see almost anything here as far as
dress is concerned. Some wear kimonos, some
dress like .Americans, some of the men wear
parts of uniforms, suits, kimonos and to sit and
watch them go by is like a parade. The custom
of carrying the babies on the mother's back
soinetimes distresses me for some of them just
hang and when they sleep their little heads go
back so far it is a wonder that they don't break
iheir necks. Then when I see them carry
them the way we do, I decide their own custom
i.s better after all. You can see all ways of
travel. Carts pulled by men, bicycles, oxen,
automobiles run by coal and wood. Just a mi.x-
ture of the old and new. Looks to me as
though Japan is awakening from a sleep and
still has not let go of tlie old things, to replace
the new.
We have also had a few rides on the Electric
train wh.ile going to language class and to
church. Concerning that 1 have tio words, only
that one has never lived until he has had a ride
on one of these Japanese cars.
All of the missionaries are very busy, and
carry heavy schedules. There is much work to
(Continued on pege 2)
Beginning Of A New Church At Takasaki
Here is a picture of the group at Takasa ki where a newworkwas started by one of the
Bible College students.
Last evening Mr. Kinoshita, one of our
seminary students dropped in to talk with me
about the work that he has started in Taka
saki a large city about 90 miles from Tokyo.
There arc some other Churches but no other
Church of Christ in that place.
Mr. Kinoshita lives in Takasaki. Last .Autumn
he had some nervous trouble and wa.s obliged
to leave school for the winter term. But he
was not idle for he began immediately to do
Christian work among his friends and family
At Christmas time be came to Tokyo with
four people for baptism. They started a Bible
school for the children and Mr. Kinosiiita
opened a Bible Class for the young people.
Then they started a regular Sunday Service
and they have meetings every Sunday morn
ing, evening and Prayer meeting. Since begin
ning his work there thirteen people have been
baptized, among them his own father and sister.
He is earnestly working with the young
members of his Bible Class to bring them to
Christ. Thanks to Mr. Grantham of Florida
we have been able to furnish Bibles and .some
hymn books for the Church there.
First Church pastor, Mr. Kamata, has been
going twice a month to help get the work
started but from now on will go only once a
Mr. Kinoshita is again able to take up his
work in tlie Bible School and has returned to
Tokyo but will return each week-end to carry
on Takasaki Church.
Mr. Kinoshita is supported by the Women's
Class of the Wahash Ind. Church of Christ.
They have good reason to be proud of the work
they are doing through this promising young
(Mrs. W. D.) Emily B. Cunningham
Acts 17:31 "Because be hath appointed a day.
in the which lie will judge the world in right
eousness by that man whom he hath ordained;
whereof he hath given assurance unto all men.
in that he hath raised him from the dead."
THE TOKYO CHRISTIAN Nishi-Osikiibo Churcli
ublished bi-monthly for the Information and in- " Published bi-monthly for the information and In-
ipiratiiin of evc-y Christian whose heart's desire
should be to obey the Great Commission by pro
claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus
In all the world, to every creature, of every nation.
Entered us second class matter in the Wilmerding,
Pa., Postoflice under the Act of March 3, 1879.
EVA D. GREEN Forwarding Agent
Office of Publication:
Wilmerding, Pa.
Please send all correspondence and offerings for
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Georgia. Make all checks pay
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director
Andrew Fatten. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Saunders. Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray.
Send letters and personal packages as follows:
NameTokyo Foreign Missionaries, AP.O. 500, c/o
P.M., San Francisco. California.
- Send relief packages- to Japaneseaddresses as
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham, 16 Wakaba Cho, Shinjuku.
Andrew Fatten, 27 Sakurayama Cho, Nakano Ku,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray. 575 2-Chome,
Kamlochial, Shinjuku Ku. Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, 2801-1 Chome, Mlka-
washima Machl, Arakawa Ku, Tokyo.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabell
Mr. T. O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Mr. Lawrence Bain J. E. Llpscumbe
George J. Barthold E. E. House
J. P. Baxter W. E. Johnson
W. W. Bondurant J. E. Llpscombe
Morris Butler Book Mrs. H. M. McCall
Mark Collls T. K. Smith
J. H. Deem W. P. Stobaugh
Judge T. O. Hathcock W. R. Walker
An Urgent Call
For Prayer
Sometimes we are too mucli inclined to think
of prayer in general terms rather than some
thing definite and specific. Wc would call your
attention to three definite things for which to
1. Pray for the health of the missionaries.
Jn two years, or thereabout, two families have
been compelled to return from the Tokyo Mis
sion field on account of their health. Thank
God that the outlook is encouraging concern
ing Mr. Saunders and also that the Stills were
able to again take up missionary work in
Hawaii even though the doctor forbade their
return to Japan. But continue to pray for
their health and for tlie health of the other
missionaries still at work on the field, that they
may he able to stand the strain. May God
guide them to take right precautions.
2. Pray God to send forth more laborers into
the field that is ripe unto harvest. It seems
there i.s general agreement among those who arc
in position to know, that tlu-re is an almost
unprecedented opportunity in Japan at the
present jimc. The reports of new work and
new stations lieing opened up from time to time
shows the unmistakable opportunities. Pray
God to guide the right ones to hear and answer
His call while the door is still open.
3. Pray that God will continue to supply
sufficient financial support. Pray that He will
put it into the hearts of those who have the
means to give largely of their means, as others
have given their lives to the work. The Mis
sion lias been at great expense with the building
program. Then comes the emergency c.xpensc
of sending tlie Saunders family back for their
health, and continuing their support for a time
while they are incapacitated. The money is not
wasted. The souls won by the Saunders in the
time they wcr^^ on the field more than justifies
all the expenditure, which was also true in re-j
gard to the Stills. But such emergencies re- (
This is the building of the Nishi-Ogikubo Church which was completed last year. It is
in a western suburb of Tokyo.
Stills In Hawaii
Doing Mission Work
It has been almost two years since Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Still had to give up their very fruit
ful work in Tokyo on account of their health.
Until recently they were located in Phoenix,
.'Vrizona. For a time he taught Mission.s in the
Southwest Christian Seminary. But they also
established a new Mission Church in Phoenix
which is now going ahead. Thus we see that
even when their licalth was down they were
still up and doing great things for the Lord.
It is a real inspiration to know such consecrated
We rejoice that there has been sucii improve
ment in their health they were able to go
to Hawaii to continue in missionary work there.
While we have not heard from them since they
reached Hawaii it is our prayer that they may
be enabled to do a great work for the Lord in
that needy field.
Let us continue to pray for the Stills, that
God may grant them the health and strength
needful to continue their good work.
quire extra money. So pray about it, and let
God guide if you are able to do something
about it. If you would include this Mission in
your will use the form below:
Item No
I hereby bequeath and devise to the Church
of Christ Cunningham Missmn, a corporation
engaged in Missionary Work in Japan, the sum
of Dollars, and ask that
my executor communicate with Miss Eva D.
Green, 127E. Mercer Avenue, College Park, Ga.,
concerning this bequest.
Yes, pray for these three things. But re
member these are but means to an end. The
important thing is that the Gospel may be
effective to the salvation of souls that are'lost.
Pray that tlic missionaries may be used mightilv
of God in carrying out His will for the salvation
of the multitucles that are lost.
We are glad to welcome some new sub
scribers. A good way to help the cause along
is to send in new subscriptions. Those who
make contributions to the Mission may be en
rolled as subbscriliers by filling out one of th
forms below and sending it to Miss G"e?n.
Mrs. Minerva Million, Monticello, Indiana
"We are happy to send this offering to help you
in your task of reaching souls for the Master,
aiui teaching them to grow in the grace and
knowledge of our Lord. May He ever sustain
and bless you in your work of faith and labor
of love."
Letter From Buttrays
(Continued from page 1)
be done and really more workers are needed.
Mrs. Cunningham does very much and it
amazes me how she can do it at her age. As
she .says it is the help of the Lord. She has
not said much, but I don't lielieve she is well
and she seems quite nervous. Perhaps when
she can get a little rest in the summer it will
help her, for she always has a full week.
Beginning May 24th we liope to enter Lan
guage Class and will go every morning for
three hours, so we know we are going to be
busy also. As soon as we can find an inter
preter we hope to have classes in our borne
for women and children. Stan has classes Fri
day night and Saturday morning at the Bible
college. Thursday niglit lie begins teaching a
class in Matthew at the cluirch near here. .'Xnd
preaching on Sunday, so you can see he is quite
busy already.
Paul is going to the Oriental Mission School
and lie says it is all right. It is mucli nearer
than the American school and he wanted to go
there to finish this term and perhaps start in
at the American school next fall. The O.M.S.
has just begun and it was organized by the
IFundamental Missionaries here in the city.
They liave about 20 students and Paul is the
oldest, so lie has no companions his own age.
Most of these children are small.
So far the weather has been good but every
one keeps telling us about the rains that will
come next month, so we are trying to be pre
pared for tiicm. - - ....
Mabel Buttray
The Simse.s are rejoicing over the birth of
another daughter, Sylvia Jean, on May 4, 1950.
Their first daughter was two years old on
March 28. God can use these children as
missionaries too. We recall the words of Isaiah,
"and a little child shall lead them." May God'.s
blessing he upon these little ones, as well as
upon all the missionaries of the Gospel.
Need For More Workers
Wc arc glad to report that the Buttray family
IS getting^ happily established in the Mission
Work ill Tokyo. But since two families have
had to return in two years and only one family
has gone out in that time there still is need of
another Missionary couple to go out and help
to meet the challenge of the great opportunity
that Japan offers at this time. The doors are
wide open now, and now is the time to give
tliem the Go.spcl. Who will answer the call?
"Pray ye the Lord of the harvest to send fortli
laborers into His harvest."
In Money Mountain Saunders Family Returns
By S. K. Saunders
(Continued from last issue)
The third day began when we were awakened
at eiglit o'clock with the information that
Nicodemus was waiting to see us. Nicodemus
was the village radio repair man who had come
to the Masano home the night before to fix the
radio and managed to get a night's lodging out
of the deal. Kaneniatsu San knicknamed him
Nicodemus because he wondered if it were pos
sible for him to become a Christian without any
one else finding it out. He was afraid it might
iuirt his business if others knew he had become
a Christian. We of course told him that there
was no such person as a "secret Christian". A
true Christian would never wish to keep his
identity with Jesus Christ a secret. He, of
course, lacked instruction in righteousness, so
we taught him some ourselves and advised him
to meet with .\ndrew in his Bible study classes.
This he promised to do. He liad accidentally
come to the meeting at the school the day be
fore and the night program at Masano San's
iiome and was inspired by the gospel and felt
-there-was a need of Christ in his own life. We
hope that he will become a faithful public ser
vant of the Master.
We spent the morning with Andrew study
ing the Bible, singing hymns, and trying to
strengthen his faith and encourage him all we
could. Then we went for a walk toward the
foothills of the mountains. Returning to the
liouse we found Mr. Masano dressed solely in
his shorts and up to his knees in the fish pond
getting the meat for our dinner. The fish was
prepared in a rather unusual way, especially for
me. Nothing was wastedabsolutely nothing.
My favorite food, sukiyaki, was served again.
This time with raw egg. This too was some
thing new for me. By one o'clock the young
people who liad sponsored the program the
night before, gathered at the Masano home for
the rest of the day. We learned tliat the pro
gram the night before had lasted until twelve-
thirty, making it a five hour program. It was
the largest assembly they had ever had in the
valley. They assured us that even the Japanese
politicians couldn't draw such a crowd. At the
afternoon session Kanematsu San and I both
tried to encourage the young people to continue
their worthy undertakings and taught them
more about the gospel.
The taxi was due to arrive at six-thirty to
take us to Shinjo to catch the eight-thirty train
for Tokyo. We spent the last hour or so with
Mr. and Mrs. Masano who thanked us over and
over for coming. Mr. Masano had personally
prepared a sizeable bag of rice and a box of
o-mochi for each of us. .\gain we had warm
milk and fruit during our conversation. At six
o'clock the electricity went off flooding the
house with darkness. Wlien the lights went off,
I thought to myself, "Well, the long meal is
endedit certainly was delicious, but I could
not eat another bite if it was set before me."
Butyes, through the darkness from the kitchen
came another procession of food bearers. Oil
lamps were lit and once more a feast of assorted
pickles and pounded rice cakes were set before
us. They looked very appetizing in spite of
my constant eating. .Mthough I was sure I
could eat no more, I ate. When time came to
leave, I was somewhat saddened by the neces
sity of parting, but my stomach, heavy with
food, leaped for joy. During the entire evening
while we talked with Mr. and Mrs. Masano. the
j'oung people took it easy in the next room
waiting for our taxi. .-Vt six-thirty sharp it came
in the driveway. Our young friends lined the
pathway from the house to the ta.xi door. Be
fore we departed, we sang together the chorus
which we had taught them that afternoon,
"Praise Ye The Lord". Then we sang "God
Be With You" in Japanese. Asking God's
blessings upon this new work and our manj'
new friends in Money Mountain, wc took our
Andrew went with us to the station. As we
weaved our way througli the beautiful rice fields |
flooded with moon light, I thought of the bless
ings that God had showered upon me. How I'
Encouraging Word
From Sanitoriiim
Brother Samuel Saunders and family arrived
in Pittsburgii by air on Thursday night, April
20. On April 24 he was admitted at the
Tuberculosis Sanitorium at Cresson, Pa. To
date the report on his condition is most en
couraging. In Japan he was told that he had
tuberculosis and a cavity in his left lung. Spu
tum and gastric analysis at the Cresson hos
pital thus far fail to verify the Tokyo reports.
.\lso special X-ray pictures of the suspicious
cavity area in the chest reveals that the spot is
definitely not a cavity. In January of this year
Brother Saunders had an operation in Tokyo
for hemorrhoids and an infected crypt. Upon
examination of this operation at the Cresson
Sanatorium it was learned that it is necessary
for the entire operation to be repeated. God
willing Brother Saunders will be operated on at
would love to be able to share this experience
with my Christian friends back home in the
States. How thankful I felt for the goodness,
mercy, and love of God. We went into the
village once more to bid farewell to Chonan
San and his wife and some of the good friends
we had made. The ride from there into Shinjo
was mixed with a variety of emotions. We
tliree, Andrew, Kanematsu San, and 1 felt so
closely united in the Lord. We sang hymns
and choruses in English and Japanese. Some
times it was a trio, sometimes a duet, and some
times it fell into a solo. Other times there was
perfect silence as the car slowly wended its way
over the mountains. As we neared the city
limits, I noticed that Andrew had grown very
(juiet. Glancing in his direction I saw that his
eyes were shut. I asked if he were asleep.
"No", he replied, "I am thinking of my friends
in Tokyo". 'Your friends often think of you
too, .Andrew", I assured him. "Someday per
haps your father will become a Christian, and
your mother, too, and then you may be able to
come back to Tokyo and enter Bible college."
We were met at the station by one of the school
teachers, and he and Andrew helped us to the
train platform. The train arrived on time, and
soon .Andrew was left behindwithout us. but
certainly not without the Lord. "Masano San
will be very lonely," said Kanematsu San. "Yes."
I answered, "Lonely but very happy I am sure."
Some day I hope to return to Money Mountain
and experience this rich spiritual uplift again. It
truly was wonderful. I felt no worse for my
going. As a matter of fact I felt much better
in every way.
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is
within me. Bless His holy name."
Cresson. Also if it is God's will he hopes to be
able to leave the Sanatorium by August if fur
ther tests fail to reveal any active tuberculo.sis
germs. Brother Saunders also hopes to be able
to return to active ministry by sometime in
Septemberdepending upon further develop
ments. He expects to resume his work as a
preacher in the States.
Those interested in contacting him may write
to him at: State Branch. Cresson, Pa., at least
until the end of July or the first of August.
From August he may be reached: c/o Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Bell. R. D. 1, Box 70-A, Elizabeth,
Pa., where his wife, Emily, and daughter, Becky,
are residing until his release from the hospital.
Please remember the Saunders' family in your
The Saunders Family
Prayer Circle
Mrs. M. A. Robb, Arlington, Calif."So glad
Mrs. Cunningham and helpers are having suc
cess in the work. May God bless them each
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar BonDurant, Mt. Rainier,
Md."We are praying that great things for
Christ may be the fruitage of all the plans and
efforts of the mission."
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Deem, Columbus, Ohio
"With this offering goes a fervent prayer for
continued victory over pagan counterfeits of
salvation. God bless His word and those who
bear it everywhere."
V Y j
The Minato Church. This building was also
completed last year.
Rope Holder List
(April and May)
ARIZONAMrs, Anna L. Meek. $1.00.
ARKANSASSiloam Spring.s, Women Coun
cil. Christian Cliurcli, $50.00; ""Mr. R. C.
Tucker. $10.00.
CALIFORNIAMiss Helen Rice, $1.00; Miss
Elizabetl) Hoffman, $5.00.
FLORIDAEustis Church of Clirist, $325.00;
Mr. E. E. House, $10.00; Miss Grace Cum-
mings. $40.00; *Waucluila. Christian En
deavor, $4.00.
GEORGIACarrolltcn, First Christian Church,
$15.00; Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Lynch. $25.00.
ILLINOIS*Url)ana. Wcbl>cr Street Cluirch
of Christ, $25.00; Camp Point. Homcbuildcrs
Class. First Christian Cluirch. $60.00; Mrs.
lulius Reinhart, $10.00; Miss Florence Ward.
$10.00; Mrs. E. E. Wise, $1.00.
INDIANAMr. and Mrs. N. A. Atz. $12.00;
Wabash. Kum Join Us Class, Treaty Chris
tian Church, $39.00.
lOWAMrs. Clara Miller, "$25.00T CdUncil
Rlutfs, First Christian Church, $50.00; Kalona
Christian Church, $30.00; Mr. G. H. Bicr-
baum. $25.00.
KANSASMrs. Virginia G. Templeton and
Nadine, $3.00; Miss Malinda Pegram, $4.00;
Mr. and Mr.s. John R. Williams, $20.00; Miss
Beulah Weyler, $5.00.
KENTUCKY'i-Mrs. Karl Wilkins, $20.00;
Mrs. H. J. Floyd. $1.00; Mrs. Cecil Railev.
MICHIGANLansing, Missionary Society.
First Church of Christ, $22.00; South Bend.
River Park Church of Christ. $59.33; Lan
sing Church of Christ, $11.54; Miss Mary E.
Oliphant. $5.00; West Owofso Church of
Christ. $20.00; Primary, Junior and Inter
mediate Dcpts. of West Owosso Church of
Christ. $10.00.
MINNESOTAMr. and Mrs. John W. Ken
dall. $25.00; Fairmc>nt Church of Christ,
MISSISSIPPI.\berdeen. First Christian
Church Circle, $25.10; Baldwyn, Woman's
Council Christian Church, $50.00.
NEBRASKAMrs. Kittie Myers. $5.00.
NORTH CAROLINALeaksvillc, Ladies' Aid
.Society. Christian Church. $25.00; Mr. A. L.
Payne. $1.00.
OHIOBraceville Christian Church, $29.25;
Miss Mildred Covington, $5.00; Rushsylvania.
Missionary Society, Church of Christ, $75.00;
-Coliiuiuus, Soutluvood- Church of Clirist,
$20.00; Jamestown Cluirch of Christ, $100.00;
Steubenvillo, LaBelle View Church of Christ.
$30.00;Fra/'cysl)urg. Loyal Women's Society.
Perryton Church of Christ, $15.00; Mrs.
Blanche Maenpa, $40.00: Mrs. Tura T. Theo
bald, $20.00; Akron. Women's Missionary So
ciety, Boulevard Cluirch of, $10.25;
West Milford Churcli of Christ Sunday
School. $11.00; Columlnis. Missionary Society.
Indianola Church of Christ, $10.00; Mrs. Cecil
Calendine and Mrs. Edna Bond in Memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Lcander Roudebush, $15.00.
OKLAHOMAMuskogee. First Christian
Church. $100.00; Mrs. Lulu M. Wil.son. $5.00.
OREGONMrs. Glen Mutton. $2.00.
PENNSYLVANIATurtle Creek. First
Christian Church. $125.00; Pittsburgh, Chris
tian Women's Missionary Guild, Brentwood
Ciiristian Church. $20.00; Ridgway Church of
Christ. $10.00; Clymer Christian Sunday
School, $108.00; Women's Missionary Society.
Clymer Christian Church. $12.00; McKees-
port, Women'.s Missionary Society, Bryn
Mawr Christian Cliurcli. $66.00; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy E. Smith. $10.00; Dawson, \''andcrbilt
Church of Christ. $50.00; Confluence Chris
tian Church Sunday School. $10.00; Mission
ary Conference at Lock Haven, $21.25; Fay-
ette City, Ladies' .Aid, Cluirch of Christ.
$15.00; Lancaster Church of Christ, $25.00;
I'ittshurgh, Hazehvood Christian Church
Missionary Society, $15.00; Woman's Mis
sionary Society, Sandy Lake Christian
Church. $10.00.
TENNESSEEErwin, First Christian Church,
$43.33; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodges. $10.00.
TEXASMr. Edgar Sage, $25.00; Mr. Fred
W. O'Malley, $10.00; Mrs. Cora R. Halsell,
VIRGINIAMiss Adelaide B. Sims. $50.00;
Laurel. Bonnie Brae Cliurcli of Christ. $25.00;
Portsmouth, Geneva Park Churcli of Christ,
$25.00; .Mrs. H. P. Williams, $25.00; Lee Hall,
Women's Missionary Society. Lebanon Ciiris
tian Churcli, $45.00; Riclimoiul. Fairmont .Ave
nue Cluirdi of Christ, $105.00; Charlottesville,
First Christian Cluirch, $690.00; Charlottes
ville. J.O.Y. Class, First Christian Church,
WASHINGTONA Friend, $5.00.
WEST VIRGINIAFollansbce, WomciVs
Missionary Society, Follansbee Christian
Cluirch, $5.00; Charleston, West Side Church
of Christ, $20.00; Wheeling, Missionary So
ciety. Warwood Ciiristian Church, $25.00.
INDIAWilliam and Jean Roland, $15.00.
A gift of "$25.00" worth of "Scriptures was-re
ceived from Intermediate, Junior, and Primary
Departments of Christian Sunday School at
Hugoton, Kansas, through .American Bible
Siiiiscription to paper, $2.50.
Total of Gifts $3,578.12
Total of Gifts received in Tokyo
(Indicated by '^) 59.00
I'or salaries, printing of paper, ex
change on checks $2,240.03
.Annuity Interest 513.07
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
In our last issue two items were inadvertently
omitted from tlie disbursements by Miss Green.
They arc $901.67 for salaries in February and
$500.00 transferred to Tokyo.
Report Of Funds In Tokyo
Report of Treasurer of Funds in Tokyo
March and April
From the Georgia .Account $1,500.00
From Churches and Individuals 100.67
From Refunds 11.83
Travelers' Checks 3,280.00
Payments on Loan 50.00
For Stamps 6.00
Bible College Maintenance,
Tuitions, etc $ 615.00
Bible Women 5.56
.Allowance . : r. 15:00
Postage and Supplies 4.54
House Rent 27.78
Outstations and Paper 55.05
Yen Tax 5.82
Buildings 2,362.18
Travel. Gasoline and Oil 100.00
l'"urnishings. Summer Home 30.00
Bank Service Charge ,50
Plane Tickets to Pittsburgii, Pa.
(Saunders) 1.961.25
Lois Sims, Treasurer
Bd aiJ-nX "anuaAV umojb 0I 'sutig '3 "V
]!lou 9SC3|(I 'aiqrjaAiiapun s; siq) ji :jajsvuijsoa
31 lOItt
Best Wishes To Stills
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Still sailed for Hawaii
on May 3, 1950, to take up the work of Bill and
Eleanor Still Sprankies. Brother Still plans to
open a number of new preaching points to
which he hopes some of the young ministers
of the US.A will decide to conic.
Mr. and Mrs. Sprankies are returning to the
States this month. .After he receives liis mili
tary discharge they will be visiting and speaking
in the clinrches (at your invitation). Mr.
Sprankies plans 1o enter a Bible College this
The doctors did not give Mrs. Still permission
to rclnrn to Japan, but they feel that if she will
rest sufficiently she can live as long in Hawaii
as anywhere else. It is a great grief to them
not to be atile to return to Japan according to
tlieir plan.
The Mission extends to Mr. and Mrs. Still
every good wish and prays that they may he
iisetl ot the Lord mightily in tlic work of Hi:>
kingdom in Hawaii. Their address is: Waialiia
.Star i^oute, Waialua, Oalui. T. H.
Eva Green
Personal Evangelisn
Motives To bo a successful evangelist one
must understand something of the motives
which bring men to Christ for in the course
of your interview with a prospect it will be
necessary, if you are to secure a decision, to
appeal to one or more of these motives, your
selection being determined by the prospect's
temperament and interests. Long experience
has shown that men are moved to accept Christ
and unite with his Church for the reasons which
follow. _
The Appeal to Christ. The personality ^
Christ has been the most appealing factor in
history. Nothing else has commanded the
loyalty of such a host of men and women
throughout the ages as this. Andrew, when
he found the Master, ran to his brother Simon,
crying, "We have found the Christ!" The
Creeks who came from afar, demanded, "We
would see Jesus." Thomas fell at the feet of
the risen Clirist. exclaiming. "My Lord and my
Cod!" Philip joined hmsclf to the cunuch "and
preaclicd unto him Christ." Paul, in outlining
his ministry to the Corinthians, said, "For I
was determined not to know anything among
you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified."
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death;
but the gift of God is eternal life tiirougli Jesus
Christ our Lord."
I herewith remit $
copies of each issue
Christian" for
- 19
in payment for
of the "Tokyo
Go ye into all the tvorld and preach the gospel to every creature,'^ (Mark 16:15)
Vol. 40
Wiliiieriiiig, Peiiiia., Jiily-Aiignsit, 1950
Number 4
Christianity And
On May 21, at the urgent invitation of a
neighboring churcli. three of tlic young people
from the Minato Church of Christ attended an
afternoon "peace rally." Soon after tlic meeting
started they discovered that it \va.s under tlie
direction of some Communist students. Im
mediately they went up the street and called
their preacher, Stephen lijima, and the four of
them came back before the end of the meeting.
.\t the time for discussion Mr. lijima objected
to the subterfuge of using the church for their
propaganda and said that he and his people
would have no part nor lot in the matter. The
Communists then read a peace resolution and
asked if he agreed with that. He did. Further,
he said the Communists would not be able to
bring peace, but only God could give it; and
with that they left.
The next Wednesday evening after the prayer
meeting 13 members of the local Communist
cell came to visit Mr. lijima and continued in
various discussions until 3:30 the next morning.
They could not see why the church could not
cooperate with them. fThe commies have lost
very much power and popularitj' here in the
last few months, and no douht wish to work
through the good name of the churches.) ,-\lso
they had great difficulty under.standing why
some churches were cooperative and some were
not. So Mr. lijima announced at that time that
he would hold 2 special services to explain
various dififerences between Communism and
Christianity. services were held on May 27, 28 with
a large attendance of Christians, Communists,
and people of neither camp. The first surprise
was that the pulpit was not opened to a Com
munist representative. When this was requested
it was refused on the grounds that the building
was dedicated to the worship and service of
God and it would be wrong to let it be the
medium of propaganda. The second surprise
was that Mr. lijima then gave a statement of
the Communistic position fully and fairly. Tlie
uneducated cell-members all admitted that he
knew more about it than they did. (He studied
it thoroughly in a University here before enter
ing tlie Bible College). The third surprise was
that the Communist position was completely
exposed in the light of Christian teaching.
When there was opportunity for questions,
two were asked. fl> Q, God is just imagination
and superstition, so what benefit docs it have
for society? A. God is not just an idea. Of
course we agree with you as far as idols are
concerned, but you do not know about the true
God. He is revealed to us by tlie historical
person Jesus Christ. On the other hand Marx
ism is only an idcalogy, so, as you said, it is
of no benefit to society. (2) Q. You Christians
arc always talking about sin and evil and yet
why do you do nothing about the political
crimes of the Yoshida cabinet? -V. You do not
understand about sin. Sin is not iiolitical wrong.
It is the root cause of that and all other trouble
and suffering. Wc are trying to get at the root
instead of scratching the surface. Suppose a
drunken man were in his house beating up his
wife and children. Could you go stand in thc-
strcet giving a red-flag demonstration and re
move the sin in his heart? No, only the re
demption of Christ can do that.
The Communists being unable to answer any
more, the meeting ended. In a few days their
answer came through the Communist daily paper
AKAHATA. On the front page they reported
that Mr. lijima and the Minato Church of Christ
were cooperating with the Communists in that
community in a great movement for peace.
This falsification of news was quickly countered
Happy Birthday
First I will tell you who Peter is. Almost a
year ago Peter's friend brought him to church
carrying him on his back for Peter is a cripple.
Both legs are paralyzed and he cannot even
stand. From the first Peter enjoyed attending
Bible School and Church and soon persuaded
his father to carry him to the meetings. It
has opened up a new life for lonely little Peter
who was a "stay at home" before.
I told the Ladies' Bible Class in the Phoenix
Church about Peter and they send $7,00 or
usually more each month for Peter. I hired a
neighbor, a cripjiled soldier, to teach Peter and
every day he goes and teaches him and mas
sages his legs in the hope that Peter may some
day walk again,
Tlie Ashtabula. Ohio. Church Bible School
sent $38, to help buy a wheel-chair for him.
Fusame Family, and Mrs. Cunningham
The Buttray's agreed to bring the chair from
.America with their baggage but through some
mistake their freight did not get on the boat
with them and will not get here until later.
Peter must wait for the chair, which we hoped
to have for his birthday, but we hope he won't
have to wait long.
We had a birthday party for all of Peter's
family without the chair. With some of the
money sent liy the ladies of Phoenix we bought
a birthday cake and made some sandwiches and
ice cream.
Then the very day before Peter's birthday
a bo-x arrived from the Phoenix friends with
(Cmtlnued on page three)
We all received notices last week that the
A.P.O. privileges will be discontinued effective
September 1, All A.P.O. mail after that date
will be sent back.
Send mail to the Japanese address given on
page 2.
in the nationally circulated CHRISTO SHIM-
BUN (a weekly religious newspaper) with a
true report of the meeting. Mr. lijima reports
that many new people are coming to the meet
ings and he has hope of converting at least
some of the Communists.
Harold Sims
Impoi'tance Of Training
Native Preachers
Japan is a country with a population of about
eighty millions ol which only about two per
cent claim to be Christian. Compare this two
per cent with the New Testament norm and
the result is enough to alarm and excite_ to
action all who have any realization of the fate
of sin-laden mankind. The question as to
whether Japan needs to he evangelized is ans
wered easily, for such a need exists in every
nation of the worldsome more, some less.
The question as to the method to be used may
perhaps also be easily answered, but the actual
accomplishment of the finished work requires
the toil and devotion, sweat and tears of not
just one but a host of evangelists for an un
limited time. The effects of such a program
might well reach to the end of time, for these
faithful men who would be taught s'hould be
able to teach others also.
However, 1 am convinced that we should not
adopt the plan of continually sending out num
bers of missionaries from America _wilb the
Isole purpose of winning Japan to Christ single-
handedly. This is both costly and inipractical.
We should have numbers of well-trained, faith
ful evangelists from .America in Japan, but pri-
marilv for the purpose of gathering about them
in strategic locations and of training young
men who have determination and talent to be
come proclainiers of the Word of Truth. Mean
while each missionary should take one or more
of tiiese vouiig men, while they are studying
in Bible 'college, and establish a church of
Christ, all the time guiding, advising and train
ing the student preacher how to preach the
gospel. In that way the missionary would not
only be able to train the native evangelist, hut
also to train ciders and deacons in the local
congregation as well as edify the whole con
gregation of the Lord in the most holy faith.
Therefore. I believe that the most Important
work which the Church of Christ Cunningham
Mission is doing in Japan is the training being
done in Tokyo Bible Seminary. If wc had to
rely solely upon educational standards^ and
attainments or prestige we could but admit our
endeavor to be a miserable failure, but realizing
that the "weakness of God is stronger than
men." we teach them the gospel of God, and
even before any one of the students graduates
we feel well repaid for our labor.
We have iieen in our new school building a
little over a year. It is a sixteen-room Iniilding
including three class-rooms and a study. Also
a two-room cook's quarters is attached to the
building. The school has no library save my
own personal librar\', the iiulividually-owncd
books of the students and about a dozen books
which have been donated toward a school
There are four American and three Japanese
teachers in our school. Each one of the
.American teachers requires an interpreter in
his classes which adds to the difficulties under
which wc labor. However, we are forUinatt
lliat some of our students arc proficient in the
English language and,being trained in the Bible,
they make excellent interpreters. But after a
few years wc hope to he able to speak the
Japanese language our.selves.
Ten freshmen, ten sophomores, four juniors
and one senior are studying in the day classes
of the school. Classes designed to train Bible
School teachers, leaders in the local churches
and any other person who desires such training
in the Bible arc taught two nights per week.
.All of the eight girl students who study in
the day classes arc teaching Sunday School
classes or performing some other important
(Continued on page two)
THE TOKYO CHRISTIAIN Missionaries^ Vacation Importance Of Training
ublished bi-monthly for the information and in- O Published bi-monthly for the Information and in
spiration of eye*-/ Christian whose heart's desire
should be to obey the Great Commission by pro
claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus
In all the world, to every creature, of every nallon.
Entered as second class matter in the Wilmerding.
Pa., Postoflice under the Act of March 3. 1879.
EVA D. GREEN Forwarding Agent
onicc of Publication:
Wilmerding, Pa.
Please send all correspondence and ufTerlngs for
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green, 127 E, Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Georgia. Make all checks pay
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director
.Andrew Patton. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Saunders, Mr.
and Mrs. Harcld Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray.
Send relief packages to Japanese addresses as
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham. 16 Wakaba Cho, Shlnjuku.
Andrew Patton. 27 Sakurayama Cho, Nakano Ku.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Chome,
Kamiochiai, Shlnjuku Ku, Tokyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims, 2801-1 Chome, Mika-
washlma Machl, Arakawa Ku, Tokyo.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Mrs. E. G. Nabell
Mr. T- O. Hathcock Miss Eva Green
Mr. Lawrence Bam J. E. Lipscombe
George J. Barthold
J, F. Baxter
W. W. Bondurant
Morris Butler Book
Mark Collls
J. H. Deem
Judge T. O. Hathcock
E. . House
W. E. Johnson
J. E. Lipscombe
Mrs. H. M. McCall
T. K. Smith
W. P. Stobaugh
W. R. V/alker
Heartaches Of War
War always produces its heartaciies. Douhl-
less many have been concerned about our MLs-
sionarics in Japan as well as those in Korea.
'i"hc latest information we have indicates that
tiiere is no immediate danger in sight for the
missionaries in Japan. As Harold Sims ex
p;'esscd it recently, "If the war i.s confined to
Korea tliere would lie very little danger to
those in Japan, and if it should come to an all-
out yvar with Russia, then .America would prob
ably be in more danger of bombing than would
Japan." So just be praying and trust in the
A great many missionaries from Korea were
evacuated to Japan. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hill
and family were the only missionaries of the
undenominational churches of Christ in Korea.
They were located in Seoul, and went througli
some very trying experiences hut are resting
safely in Tokyo according to our latest infor
mation. We quote from a personal letter from
Harold Sims;
"I went to tlie railroad station to meet the
Hills. I think 1 never saw more tired looking
people. They had been riding for 26 hours on
tlic train from the southern end of Japan. Not
only thatbut with a 6-day old baby. They
had turned Mrs. Hill out of the crowded hos
pital as soon as possible. The baby was born
just after thej' arrived in Japan from Korea.
She was having pains on the boat on the way
over, and they were just sleeping in the hold
of a freighter, so it was really a blessing tliat
the ])aby was late.
"Of course they lost practically everything.
They had one hour in which to pack and could
only bring clothes. Tlieir car, typewriter, radio,
mimeograph and probably everything else was
taken over by the army before they left the
port. He hopes the southern army took it, but
they were so mixed up they probably didn't.
"They haven't decided what to do yet. They
don't want to go home, because tliat would cost
This is a picture of Lois Sims and her two
babies. Hope Joyce was born March 28, 1948,
and Sylvia Jean was born May 4, 1950.
The Sims family, tlie Buttrays. t!ie 'J'ayiors
and Mr.s. Cunningham are staying at Kariuzawa
in the mountains during tlie liottest part of t!ie
summer. All tlie new missionaries arc attending
the Japanese Language Scliool at Kariuzawa.
while it is a vacation in a way it is also
prolitable for learning the Japanese Language.
.-Msg the .strenuous life of the missionaries
makes it incumbent upon them to guard their
health for greater efficiency.
Saunders Feeling Fine
Wc arc very happy to report tliat Samuel
-Saunders is over his operation and has been
released from the hospital, and the doctors give
him every encouragement that in a month or
Iwo he will he able to take a pastorate in this
country. Here is a good opportunity for any
church needing a good wide-awake minister.
.Any church interested may address him. c/o
Victor Rcll, R. D. 1, Box 7().A. Elizaljcth, Pa.
a lot and they have only been out about 18
months. It is rather hard to !ind a house here
in which they could live and lielp with the work
here. Anyway the most important tiling was
to rest for a while, so we decided that tlie best
tiling to do would be to let them live in our
house here for the six weeks while we will he
in the mountains. We will he leaving tomorrow,
July 11. During this week-end wc liave been
crowded and busy, as you can imagine, huf we
have had a good time. If they haven't decided
what to do yet when we return from the moun
tains, they may transfer witli us and live in our
Mission home in the mountains for a while."
Please pray for God's blessing and guidance
for the Hills. He speaks the Korean language
and there are multitudes of Koreans living in
Japan, so it may he that God can use them
effectively for missionary work in Japan until
conditions in Korea become more favorable.
But may His will be done.
We may wonder sometimes why God per
mits the righteous who are sincerely trying to
do His will to suffer and at the sam^ time per
mits the wicked and evil ones to prosper and
even to triumph over the righteous. It is
certainly hard to understand. But remember
that this life is not all. There is yet to be a
reckoning. Tliere is to be a great judgment
from which there is no escape for the wicked,
unless thc}- repent and turn from their wicked
ness before it is too late. Study Luke 16:19-31.
It will be too late when this life is overtoo
late when one finds himself in torments in
hell, Luke 16:23. On thc other hand there is
great honor and glory stored up for thc faithful
who "endure to the end." Indeed God's Word
is full of warnings to thc wicked and encourage
ments to rlie righteous. Man's word will soon
vanish away, hut the Word of the Lord faileth
IContinued from page 1)
and liclpful work in tlieir respective congrega
tions, Of the men students four are already
leading a congregation each without any help
from missionary or older preacher; another has
two small churches under liis care; two are
working in conegregations in cooperation witli
a missionary, thc student doing the preaching
and interpreting for Bible classes, and thc mis
sionary teaching thc Bible classes, etc.; two are
assistants to older preacher.s and are thus re
ceiving their training as well as rendering in
valuable help in the congregations in which they
arc working; and the rest are liclping in differ
ent churches, presiding at worship or prayer
services, teacliing Sunday schools and Bible
classes and helping in any way in which they
can render services to their congregations.
Even though tuition and lodging are free in
our scliool. the greatest problem which tlicse
Bible students have to face in Japan is how
they may be alilc to exist physically while tliey
; study. Many American Christians have opened
their hearts and sent used clothing which ha.s
helped out students not a little. They still need
clothes, especially the men. But above tiiis
they must buy their own food and personal
necessities. Jobs cannot be liad in Tokyo,
especially part-time jobs, whicli a student must
have if he works at all. Something must be
done or else these students cannot attend Biiile
college. Our mission has no means of employ
ing tiie students. Tliere remains liut one alter
native, to ask you Christians in .America to
support these students while in school. The
expenses for one student per month is twenty
dollars. This includes electricity, water, food
and all jiersonal expenses. Perhaps some in
dividual Bible classes would like to support one
of these young men each. Only eight of our
young men now remain without such support.
One of our student's hoyhood home was in
Nagano Prefecture far from Tokyo. His father
was a well-educated man and was so diligent
in study that he iiartially lost his mind. His
parents were divorced and his mother later d cd.
leaving him willi his grandparents who educated
and cared for him. His grandmother died leav
ing him only with ills grandfather. The war
came on and. even though he was but a hoy,
he, after volunteering and taking an intelligence
test, was chosen from among many to attend
a school of cadets. Before he finished the school
tlie war ended and he went back to high school
Only a sliort while before he finished high
school lie. desiring to learn English, came to
one of our churches, later acceiited the gosn-d
invitation and finally decided to enter our Bible
college. He is now a junior in the school and
is preaching full-time iu a clnirch of Qirist as
well as serving as an interpreter. This young
man could not have continued in school had it
not been for the help wliich a Bible class in
America lias given him. All of l!ie other stu
dents are attending our school under like diff-
culties. Who will help one of these young men
prepare liimself to be a preacher of righteous
Andrew Patton
Please Notice
If you change your address please notify .\.
E. Sims, 310 Brown .Avenue, Turtle Creek, Pa.
giving both tlie old address and the new. Wc
are always glad to welcome new subscribers.
Sample copies will he sent upon request. All
who make an offering to the Mission are en
titled to receive the Tokyo Christian if you so
request, or any group sending $5.00 or more
may receive a bun<ilc of 10 copies for distribu
tion to the group. Send offerings to the for
warding secretary Miss Eva D. Green, 127 E.
Mercer avenue. College Park, Ga. Personal
packages for the missionaries should be sent to
their .A.P.O. address. Relief packages should be
sent to the Japanese address of one of thc
missionaries, found elsewhere in tliis paper. Do
not send relief packages to Miss Green.
Mrs. Cunningham Starts
New Bible Classes
Never before has there been a time in Japan
when people were so eager to hear the Gospel.
Recently I Iiave added three new classes to an
already full program but it's so hard to say
"No" wlien people ask me to teach a Bible
class for them.
The first of these cla.sses is a crippled soldiers'
group who come on Monday morning at 9-10
o'clock to study. This group said they wish a
special class of tlieir crippled condition
and ditl not wish to go in puiilic places, but the
Christians now attend church. These poor lad.s
have so little to look forward to in this life
and now they arc taking the longer look into
the future life. Three of this group were recently
baptized. Each has just one hand. This week
another who lias but one leg will be buried in
baptism. Tbey find life hard and often become
despondent they say, and tbey need Jesus to
bring new hope to them.
The Second Class
Mr. Iwasaki. a member of First Church, a
former diplomat in England, and who is now
working for the Foreign Office in the diet
building, has many friends who work under
him at bis office. He is anxious for them to
know about Christ and invited me to his home
and asked me to teach them. Our first meeting
was very successful both in numbers and inter
est and I shall continue with this group.
The Third Class
Sergeant and Mr.s. Mitchell members of First
Church were much concerned about the Japa
nese in their neighborhood who had no Christian
teacliing and invited a group to their home and
asked me to teach them. Their home is 1.3 miles
from mine but Sergeant Mitchell calls with his
rnr at my home on his return from hi.s office
and picks np Mr.s. Smnida and me. Wc iiavc j
supper with them and after the meeting Ser-'
geaiU drives us home again. It is indeed rc-
h-eshing to know occupation peojile of tliis kind
for tliere are all too few of them.
They are a fine example to tlie community.
Emily B. Cunningham
Happy Birthday
(Continued from page 1)
gifts for all tlie children. .-Vnd of course there
was much candy which is a great treat to tlic
Japanese in these days of scarcity of sugar.
There were also puzzles, pencils, plasticine,
clothing and many other things to gladden the
hearts of all of them.
I think Peter thinks that 13 is a very lucky
number for thi.s was his l.itli birthday and the
first time he ever had a birthday celebration.
Rut the happy climax came afterwards when '
we all went over to the churcli and his mother
was buried in baptism. His father had licen
baptized sometime before. Both parents were
brought to Christ througii this little boy's in
fluence. "A little child shall lead them."
Mr, Fusamc wrote his sentiments as below
and gave them to me.
To Mrs. Cunningham:
"How thankful! Is it not a dream to receive
such hospitality in the present world? I can
only bow before God in thanksgiving."
They all went home very happy and I am
very grateful to all who had a part in bringing
joy to this little crippled child who is also
God's precious child.
Emily B. Cunningham
".'\II scripture is given l)y inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in rlglUeousncss."2
Tim. 3:16.
Mrs. E. P. Geasland, First Christian Church,
Council Bluffs, Iowa"We do hope and pray
this war with Korea will not nifect our work in
Jai)an loo much . . ."
Mrs. Cora B. Halsell, Bonham, Texas" . . .
May God hlcs.s the work Mrs. Cunningham is
doing . .
Red Threat Forces
Taylors To Flee China
Dear Christian Friends:
The Reds were coming! Some were already
therethe irresponsible students of tlic high
schools, colleges and in the university. We had
had Bible classes in several of these schools,
but as each exam time came and our classes
were dismissed for a week we would be advised
in one or two of the schools that it would be
better not to try to continue.
Ciiina did not "go Communistic," for the
adult population feared the future and the poor,
as well as the rich, feared the "changeover"
which was coming. .-Mready they ha<l learned
from North China tliat promises from those
who were "friends of the poor" had proved a
part of a scheme of deceit.
Tile "changeover" came, as wc have all since
learned, when iiressurc was turned on the gov
ernment in Kunming. Bandit groups had joined
in tlic "pressurizing" campaign. Lbifriendly
individuals had liccn visiting onr church
services, and one daj' four of them made
threatening gestures toward Bro. Byers at the
close of his Bible class.
The "signs" were clear. We began special
classes to establish the churches, Wc tauglit
the Christians how to take over the respon-
sihilit'es of the work and wc helped them to
organize. Tlieir response to these adjustments
was very gratifying. The work grew deeper
The Harold Taylor Family
spiritually, a.s they souglit help for the coining
As we prepared to leave the Lord liegan to
show the way. Human reasoning scarcely ex
plains whj' Bro. Harold Sims here in Tokyo
sent us an invitation to come and work with
tile Mission here. "The Lord's Hand" explains
it enough for us.
At the Kunming airport someone asked "Are
all these your converts?" We felt proud, yet
humble. That little congregation of Cliinese
Christians there beside the plane was only about
one-fifth of "our" converts. We understood
Paul's feelings as he left the Ephesians (Acts
A hearty welcome was found in Tokyo. The
program of the Mission needed more workers,
and tlie Japanese Christians expected us to take
the place of those who had been forced to
return to the states. No vacation ahead! And
wc didn't want any.
Almost a year now in Japan. Wc are en
joying the fellowship and rejoice almost each
week as sonic soul is per.suadcd to accept
Christ. The Lord had gone before us, opening
the way for a new cliurch at Shibuya and an
evangelistic point fifty miles from Tokyo at
Sakawa. near Mt. Fuji. Our work in the Semi
nary and several other Bible classes keep us
busy. Language study has been added in that
we might get the basic course.
After our six weeks "vacation" (busiest time
of the year, returning to Tokyo and Sakawa
twice a month and daily language school) in
the mountains we expect to begin more classes,
including a work with tlie Chinese.
Some will ask "How do the Japanese com
pare witli the Chinese?" Wc answer, "Fifty-
fifty," since any detailed comparison might
show a natural prejudice for our "first love."
We have many "loved ones" in West China, How.
ever, our appreciation for the Japanese is in
creasing and our love for these we know is
deepening. Sliall wc say that our hearts are
lieing enlarged to Include two nations!
Our interest in China isn't dying. Wc pray
for the Christians there each day. They are
being trictl. .And now, altliougli we are in
Japan studying a new language and working
with a different people, wc have an interest on
the continent which has led us to hold to our
identity with the Chinese, for the time, at least.
Bro. Hugh Ross (143 Maiden Lane. Tulare,
Calif.) is still our forwarding agent.
These arc indeed troublous times, doubtless
preceding something much worse. We are con
strained to exhort people to turn to Christthe
night draweth nigh! We do not claim to under
stand the details of prophecy, but these words
of Jesus impress us at this time: "When
tilings begin to come to pass, look up, and lift
up your heads; because your redemption draw
eth nigh . . . But watch ye at every season,
making supplication, that we may prevail to
escape all these things that sliall come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of man."
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor
Missionary's View
On Korean War
We have received several conimunications
from friend.s asking us atiout the Korean war,
expecting trouble in Japan, and wondering if
we were coming home.
The stern facts of the war were very .soon
made real to us by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hill and family (including 6-day-old
Linda) in Tokyo after being hurriedly evac
uated from Seoul, The .Army was so busy
with getting on a war footing that they dis
charged the missionaries as soon as possible.
Of course they had no place to go, but the
Lord worked everything out just fine. We were
planning to go to the mountains for language
stucly and a vacation the next week, so they
just moved into our house, which was completely
furnished even to things for taking care of the
Our hearts go out to thcni and to all of the
Korean Christians who are suffering and losing
everything because of the war. It seems a great
pity tliat such a thriving work as that of the
churches in Korea should be slowed down like
thi,s. Of course we cannot predict what the
outcome will be, nor can we understand what
is in God's plan.
Our plan is to remain where we are, doing
what we are doing for as long as possible.
This seems proper from several considerations.
(1) Jajian is remaining very calm in spite of
war less than 100 miles away and the decreasing
occupation army. The Communists seem re
cently to have gone underground. Their leaders
are all in hiding. But they have become so in
creasing!}' unpopular that I don't believe they
are strong enough to create much internal
(2) In these days of atom warfare, coming
home to .America would not necessarily release
us from danger. We arc just as liable to get
hit there as wc are here.
(3) I'crha])s our days of opportunity in Japan
are mimbcred and we surely ought to make
the must of the time that wc have now.
(4) Clirist is far above all the forces of man
and the Dev 1. and this is tlie victory that over
comes the world, even our faith.
Harold Sims
Rope Holder List
(June and July)
CALIFORNIAMrs. Myrtle E. Ulrey, $6.00.
CONNECTICUTMr. and Mrs. Clayton R.
Grinistad, $50.00.
FLORIDAOrlando, The Tabernacle Chris
tian Church, $28.84.
GEORGIACarrollton, First Christian Church,
$20.00; Mrs. Carrabelle Raum, $25.00.
IDAHOPayette Church of Christ, $43.42.
ILLINOISMarshall, First Christian Church,
$55.00; Mrs. Oakie Tutwiler, $10.00; Green
ville, Christian Church Missionary, Society,
$25.00; Polo Christian Church, $25.00; Miss
hern McClelland, $10.00; VVallshville Chris
tian Church, $11.65; Bthel (near Louisville)
Church of Christ, $57.25; Herrin, First Chris
tian Church, $23.35; Dahlgren Church of
Christ, $25.00.
INDIANAStaunton Christian Church, S25.00;
Greentovvn, Meridian Street Christian Church,
$70.95; Mrs. Roy Hobbs, $5.00; Liberty
Church of Christ, $5.00; Ashley, Cedar Lake
Sunday School, $29.94; Geneva, Domestic
Sunday School, $67.45; Wabash, Treaty
Christian Church, $30.00; Indianapolis, Engle-
wood Christian Church, $100.00; Brookville,
Loyal Women's Class, $25.00; Markle Church
of Christ Missionary Society, $300.00; Miss
Ethel Howard, $15.00; Columbus Christian
Church, $50.00.
IOWAMoorehead, Christian Sunday School,
$103.84; Des Moines, Rising Sun Sunday
School, $65.00; Miss Bertha K. Sargent.,
$15.00; Council Bluffs, First Christian Church,
KANSASNorton Christian Church, $37.80;
Hugoton Christian Church, $30.00; Cherry-
vale Christian Church, $58.76; Muncie, Stony
Point Christian Church, $25.00.
KENTUCKYMrs. H. J. Floyd, $1.00.
MAINEMr. William F. Brawn, $5.00.
MARYLANDMt. Rainer Christian Church,
MICHIGANMrs. Elsie Swets, $1.00; Lansing
Church of Christ, $9.40.
MISSISSIPPIAberdeen, First Christian
Church, $25.00.
NEBRASKAMrs. Lillie Corman, $5.00; Mrs.
Ellen Overtoil, $2.00; xMrs. Hazel Statz, $2.00;
Mrs. W. C. Myers, $1.00.
NORTH CAROLINAGreenville, Mt. Pleas
ant Christain Church, $120.00; Columbia, Al-
bemarle Christian Church, $4.00.
OHIOMiss Mildred Covington, $5.00; Custar
Church of Christ, $2.50; Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Deems, $10.00; Rushsylvania Church of
Christ, $25.00; Cincinnati, Branch Hill Church
of Christ, $10.00; C o 1u m b ia n a Christian
Church, $$150.00; Phalanx Station, Braceville
Christian Church, $29.00; Mr. and Mrs. .\lbert
J. Schlyer, $10.00; Mrs. Vera Corwin, $50.00;
South Akron Church of Christ, $16.00; Eaton
Church of Christ, $25.00; Nashville Christian
Church, $25.00; Beallsville, Belmont Ridge
Christian Church, $24.69; Canton, The Friend
ly Christian Endeavor Society, First Christian
Church, $50.00; Canton, Women's Missionary
Society, First Christian Church, $60.00; Can
ton, Junior Department, First Christian
Church, $200.00; North Industry, First Chris
tian Church, $25.00; Jamestown Church of
Christ, $100.00; Shelby Church of Christ,
$50.00; Columbus, Southwood Church of
Christ, $20.00; Hammerville, Church of Christ
Missionary Society, $10.00; Mr. Earl W. Sims,
$10.00; Belmont, The Women's Bible Class,
Chestnut Level Church, $10.00; Subscriptions
to paper, $1.50; Willing Workers Missionary
Society, New Somerset Christian Church,
OREGONMrs. Glen Hutton, $1.00.
PENNSYLVANIADuquesne, First Christian
Church, $300.00; Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smtih,
$15.00; Carpenters Corners Missionary So
ciety, $20.00; Ridgway Church of Christ,
$10.00; Woman's Missionary Society, Sandy
Lake Christian Church, $10.00; Sweet Valley,
The Church of Christ, $20.83; Vanderbilt
Church of Christ, $50.00; Carlton, Milledge-
ville Christian Church, $7.80, Meadville, First
Christian Church, $700.00; Pittsburgh, Wo
men's Missionary Guild, Brentwood Christian
Church, $25.00; McKeesport, First Christian
Church, $66.66; McKeesport, Woman's Mis
sionary Society, Bryn Mawr Christian Church,
TENNEESSEEErwin, First Christian
Church, $45.00; Newport, Ladies Class, $10.00.
TEXASMrs. W. S. Blodgett, $6.00; Mr. Ed
gar B. Siddall, $20.00; Mrs. Cora B. Halseil,
VIRGINIAR i c h m o n d, Fairmont Avenue
Church of Christ, $100.00; Norfolk, Newton
Park Church of Christ, $25.00; Charlottes-
ville, J.O.Y. Class, First Christian Church,
$15.00; Lee Hall, Woman's Missionary So
ciety, Lebanon Christian Church, $45.00;
Portsmouth, Geneva Park Church of Christ,
$7.59; Ellerson, Gethsemane Church of Christ,
WASHINGTON G re en acres Christian
Church, $25.00.
WEST VIRGINIACharleston, West Side
Church of Christ, $45.00.
TOTAL OF GIFTS $4,691.72
For salaries, printing of paper,
stamps, exchange on checks $2,145.14
Annuity interest 46.00
Transferred to Tokyo 1,500.00
What They Say
Miss Gertrude E. Hartley, Payette, Idaho
"May God bless these missionaries in Japan and
supply their needs, that they may continue to
do a great service for Him there."-
Mr. W. JD. Brady, Des Moines, la."May
the Lord bless the mission and its work."
Mrs. D. D. Renjingfon, Bigi Pr^e, Ohio
"May the Lord bless you in your work of
.spreading the Gospel in Japan."
Mr. Ivan Wehrley, Eaton, Ohio"As we
view the threats of war in the Korean sector,
we shall remember to pray for the safety and
welfare of our missionaries who may be there.
May God continue to bless the Cunningham
Mission as it is faithful to Him."
Mrs. Blanche Biekel, Ridgeway, Pa."May
God bless and keep them safely in these
troubled times."
Mrs. Lillie Corman, Nelson, Nebr."I am
sure praying for you (Mrs. Cunningham) and
your Christian workers in Japan, and praying
that many souls may be saved by your wonder
ful Christian works ..."
Mr. Harry A. Leach, Xenia, 111."We are
glad to have a part in the great work which
is beiiig done by this mission and hope and pray
that the Lord will continue to bless their
Mrs. Bess Henshaw, Glouster, Ohio"We
all pray that the work will still keep growing
as it has in the past.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Schyler, Milton Center,
Ohio"We feel this is a great work and are
thankful that we can give to it from time to
time. May the Lord bless the work that is
being done."
Mrs. Hazel Brown, Mt. Morris, 111."May
God bless all the workers and their efforts, and
make this coming season a glory to Him."
Mrs. Sylvia Doolittle, Norton, Kansas"We
are all very much concerned about the happen-
vj 'iiaajo aUJUX 'aiiuaAV uAtOJa QIC 'suiis "3 "V
itj!)ou asvaid 'aiqvjaAiiapnn si siqj ji :ja}svui)sod
Buttrays Happily
At Work In Japan
Upon arriving in Japan the suspense created
by the long months of desire, imagination and
expectation had come to an end. Our plan,
purpose and goal had been fulfilled and the land
of Japan had become a reality.
The long months of visiting the many
churches in the States, the addition of many
new friends, making known Japan's need of
the Gospel, the endeavor to revolutionize the
thinking of many Christians by enlarging the
scope of their vision from the immediate hori
zon to one which includes every land and na
tionhas come to an end. And having reached
our destination there are hundreds of persons
who are now sharing the joy and satisfaction
that is ours in Christ Jesus.
My thoughts turn to the Apostle Paul as I
remember how church after church rejoiced in
the labors and fruits of the Apostle to the Gen
tileseven so may your hearts be made glad
through the labors of these your servants in
After a very pleasant trip by train to the city of San Francisco we boarded the
President Wilson and started on the last part
of our journey across the Pacific. In the twi
light dusk of an April evening sky the silhouette
of San Francisco and the shoreline of U.S.A.
faded from view. Some two weeks later we
arrived at the port of Yokohama in the early
morning hours. There we were met by Mrs.
Cunningham, Andrew Patton and Harold Sims.
It was good to see their smiling faces and to
greet them for the first time in a foreign land.
The feeling of being alone in a strange country
and in the midst of a strange people had gone
and in its place came the' reassurance and
warmth of Christian fellowship.
Having thought to see the remains of much
destruction on our arrival in Tokyo, I was sur
prised to find comparatively little. For the
Japanese had accomplished much in five years
111 recovering from destructive warfare. Also
I thought to find a general feeling of animos
ity toward the American people, hut again I
was surprised for I found them very kind,
friendly and hospitable. However there seems
to be at present a minor element of dislike for
America and Democracy. This in general is
to be found among the student bodies of the
various colleges and universities and is known
by the name of "Communism," which is one of
Christianity's greatest enemies.
Therefore, the question that confronts us
here in Tokyo is how to combat the forces of
Communism and other Isms and their effects.
There is only weapon which can accomplish the
task and that is the Gospel preached in all of its
Fullness and Power, for the Gospel (WORD) is
sharper than any two edged sword. Are the forces
of Christ today in Japan sufficient to meet and
overcome the enemy? The answer would be Yes
if every missionary of the Cross were of one mind
and one Spirit. Therefore, if Christianity is to
win over the aggressive forces of evil here in
Japan, YOU ARE NEEDED who are of the
same mind and Spirit to fill the broken ranks
of Christ's Soldiers. The challenge is to all
who read this letter, to come, send someone, to
pray, and to give.
Stanley Buttray
ings in Korea and our prayers are for the safefy
of alll."
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse
and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
2 Tim. 3:13.
M"s. Vdda Clotfelter, Marshall, I."May
God 1)1 CSS them in their work for Him and may
many souls be won for Him is our prayer."
"Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not
your hearts, as in the provocation."Heb. 3:15.
Miss Ruby F. Hoffman, Staunton, Ind."We
send our best wishes .and prayers for your good
Go ye into all the tvorld and preach the gospel to every creature.'' (Mark 16:15)
Vol. 4
Wiliiierding, Peiiiia., Septeiiiher-October, 1050
Number 5
Interesting Visit
To The Mission
During the past spring months I made a trip
to the Far East. The last seven weeks of it
were spent in Japan, where I visited my nephew,
Captain Gomcr James, of the Civil Affairs Sec
tion of SCAP in Tokyo.
We visited the Philippine Mission Churches
of Christ in Manila and Cebu City, and the
Cunningham Mission in Tokyo. It is the last
named that I wish to speak about, through the
Toyko Christian.
To actually visit those places and people I
had so long read about and whose work I had
followed was a wonderful experience to me.
Captain Jamca reached Mrs. Cunningham by
phone and arranged that we call on her one
morning. At that time we planned for a longer
visit. At that second visit Mr. Sim.s and Mrs.
Cunningham drove us in the station wagon to
see some of the work. We first met Mr. and
Mrs. Ruttray in their home, then went to the
Bible Seminary where we found Mr. Taylor
expounding the Acts of the Apostles to a group
of student.s. Of the thirteen congregations
operating since the last war nine have rebuilt
their churches. We saw the new l)uilding that
houses Mr. Fatten and his work. It is a fine
new structure with heating plant. Most Jap
anese buildings are not heated. We asked Mrs.
Cunningham how she stood it when it got cold.
She said .she used a blanket, or, if she were
speaking, .she stood by a .small electric heater.
I wonder how many congregations in America
would be displaying a sfgnT^'l^o services today,
iieating plant out of order" on the first Lord's
Day there was no heat! (Japanese attend cold
churches and think nothing of it).
After the visit to the churchc.s we met for
tea at Mrs. Cunningham's home. There we met
Mrs, Harold Sims, Mr. Patton, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Buttray and son Paul who have taken
over the work of the Saunders. and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Taylor and two boys who have
recently gone to Japan from China. - Several
native workers were present also. Mr. and
Mrs. Mitchell of the Occupation and Mr. Rob-
bins of the U. S. Navy were there. These
Christians help in the work of the First Church.
Mrs. Mitchell had contributed to the tea a
chocolate cake "high wide and handsome" which
wo were all privileged to enjoy.
On the Lord's Day Captain James took me
to the morning service at First Church. The
congregation numbers about 150. That morn
ing nine were baptized. Mr. Kamato, the
minister, spoke so earnestly to each one. I
wondcre<l what he wa.s saying. My nephew
told me he was having them promise to remain
Christian a.s long as they lived, .'\fter service
we had lunch with Mrs. Cunningham and an
enjoyable hour with her afterwards.
We learned that Buddhism has had the bottom
dropped out of it, and that Shintoism is a
thing of the past. The missionaries all tell us
that Christianity was never so gratefully re
ceived as now. The people arc eager for it. I
wish every Christian might have the chance to
see Ciiristianity at work among the Japanese.
They arc transformed by it. In service they
are very orderlj', quiet and attentive.
A little money goes so far with these people!
Twenty dollars a month will keep a seminary
student. What a chance for Bible classes or
other church groups to help the cause of Christ
by keeping one of these students in school!
It may mean hundreds of souls for Christ later
on. Let us share our plenty with them!
I know the hearts of all Tokyo Christian
readers would be thrilled as ours at Indianola
were thrilled this morning (August 13) when
(Continued on page two)
pense, small handbills advertising every meeting
Mission's Oldest Bible Class
Just thirty years ago on next October 15th I
started teaciiing this Bible Class. The Japanese
voung people in First Church wished an Eng
lish Bible Class but Mr. Cunningham was too
busy to teach it and asked me to take it.
But O, the ups and downs and heartaciies I
had over that class. I worked so hard and
results were so poor. We had social meetings
and various activities to interest the young
people but the class did not prosper.
I never once thought of giving it up but just
went on plodding on a low level year after
year and .then after much waste of time I
awoke to the fact that I was depending entirely
too much on self and not enough on the Lord.
[ realized wliat a mistake I had made: so I
talked it over with Him and started out anew
with much prayer and more "leaning on the
everlasting arm."
It was surprising even to me how that class
picked up and from that day to this it has been
on the up grade, except when World War II
broke it up completely.
When I returned to Japan after the war,
only 14 of the old pupils could be found but
we started right out again, and this 30th year
has been our best yet.
Most of the group above have become
Christians since my return and wc arc working
together harmoniously and successfully.
In this arc those of many different
kinds. Wc have two doctors, a number of
teachers, business people and homc-kccpcrs.
People of different ages and in all walks of
Sitting on my right are Master Sergeant Mit
chell and his wife. Both have been an in
spiration and a help to me.
A U. S. navy man Ogden R. Robbins has
been our song leader during the past year.
The two dauglitcrs of Sergeant and Mrs. Mit
chell were baptized last Resurrection Sunday.
We also have several American born Jap
anese as members, most of them are much like
Americans and a good help in boosting the
The small children in the center front are
the children of older members. The older chil
dren on the left are from the 9 A. M. Bible
Class and stay also for this class.
Of course it takes much work to carry on a
class like this but we do not do it with suppers
and entertainments and social meetings but
through prayer. They are all a Bible-reading,
praying-group. "Not by power nor by might
but by my Spirit" sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Of course wc cannot know the full results of
this Class but we do know that many weary
souls have found rest and comfort here.
Wc have found work for some of them and
helped some in material ways.
All the Sunday School Teachers in First
Church, and all the Deacons and one of the
Elders came into the Church through this class
but how well wc have learned the lesson that
unless the Lord build the Class they labor in
vain who build it.
To Him be all the praise and honor and
This is my group of Junior High School Stu
dents. And a very precious group they are.
.After's resurrection, when He was
talking to Peter by the sea of Gallilee, He said,
"Peter, feed my lambs"Twice He said "feed
my sheep" but first of all He said "feed my
lambs." Whenever I read that passage of
Scripture I realize how important it is to "feed
the Lambs." I have practically always had a
group of "lambs" ever since I began teaching
out here, 30 years ago.
I know their great need and I know that if
we can keep them faithful they make the best
Christians later. Here they come froni Pagan
homes where they have no Christian influence
and often opposition.
Almost half of this group are Christians and
of course our aim is to lead them all to Christ
and with my four helpers we are bending every
effort toward that end.
They are 100 per cent -Bible Carriers and
Bible Readers. Every Sunday they report the
number of Chapters read during the previous
vveejc and we keep a record of them.
We are now teaching them to pray. First
we wrote .short prayers and had them read
them. The next Sunday we asked them to
repeat them from memory and the following
Sunday we asked them to make an original
prayer. Now the Class does all its own pray
ing. I never call on any child to pray but ask
for volunteers and each Sunday 3 or 4 lead in
an original prayer.
In the picture the man on my right is Peter
Tokura, the Sunday School superintendent; on
his right is Mr. Asari. my interpreter and on
my left, Mr. Someya, our song leader and on
his left is Miss Sato our pianist. Just back of
the song leader is a deaf and dumb girl who is a
most faithful pupil. She watches my mouth
during the singing and teaching for she is
studying lip-reading.
On the right end of the picture is Mr. Imay-
oshi who helps me in many ways with the Class.
The boy on the chair at his right is Peter
Fusamae who has both legs paralyzed. He is a
bright tiappy Christian. The .Ashtabula Sunday
School is buying Peter a wheel-chair.
The elderly ladies' class of the Phoenix Ari
zona Chri.stian Church send $7 to $9 monthly
for him and we hire a young man to teach him
(Continued on page two)
Andrew Patton| Avenue, College Park, Ga.
Rope Holder List
(August and September)
ARKANSASSiloain Springs, Women's Coun
cil Christian Church, $50.00.
CALIFORNIACulver City Church of Christ,
SIO: Mrs. M. A. Robb, $3.00; Miss Lina
McCarty, $10.00; *Ukiah Christian Church,
$25.00; *Los Angeles, South Broadway
Church, $20.00.
FLORIDAMrs. H. J. Floyd, $1.00; *Mrs. V.
H. Grantham, $90.00.
GEORGIACarrollton, First Christian Church,
$15.00; Savannah, Central Church of Christ,
$10.00; East Point, Jefferson Park Christian
Cliurch, $25.00.
ILLINOISEast St. Louis, Lansdowne
Church of Christ, $40.00; Potomac Church of, $10.62; Urbana, Webber Street Church
of Christ, $20.00; *Albion, West Village
Christian Church, $45.00.
INDIANA*Mrs. Fred T. Tomson, $45.00;
*Springville Christian Cliurch, $130.00; *Mr.
I. Fred Tomson, $50.00; *Miss Elizabeth J.
Hert, $50.00.
Esther Hoopingarner, $10.00;
.Mr. James T. Nichols, $5.00; Brooklyn, Madi
son Cluircli of Christ, $13.30.
KANSASMrs. Virginia Tcmpleton and Na-
dine, $4.00; Miss Ellen Lawrence, $5.00;
Hugoton Christian Church, $25.00; Norton
Church, $30.40.
KENTUCKYMr. Robert T. Grubbs, $5.00;
*Mr. Ralph O. Byers, $5.00.
MINNESOTA *Mrs. Marjorie Solliday,
MICHIGANMrs. Effa Hart, $1.00; Miss
Mabel B. Gould. $1.00: Mrs. Myrtle Haven,
MISSISSIPPI Newton, .-Vntioch Christian
Church, $77.00; Columbus, Women's Christian
Fellowship, First Christian Church, $25.00.
MISSOURIMt. Vcrnoii, Direct Support Mis-
-sionary Group, Christian Cliurch, $25.00; Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Wake, $5.00; King City, Loyal
Women's Class, Island City Christian Church,
W. W. Swick, $15.35.
NORTH CAROLINAWashington, Indepen
dent Missionary Society, $35.00; Greenville.
Missionary Society. I'ranters Creek Church,
Harry Burris, $25.00; Carroll-
ton. Mt. Olivet Church of Christ, $10.00;
Salcm, Phillips Christian Church. $54.75: Mal-
vern. Primary Class by Mrs. Louis E. Miller.
$20.00; Hayesville. Clear Creek Sunday
School, $30.00; Mr. John V. Barnes, $14.50;
Farmer Church of Christ Sunday School,
$10.00; East Liberty, by Mr. B. H. Morris,
$13.71; Mt. Giiead, Pleasant Grove Church,
$34.21; Phalanx Station. Braceville Christian
Church, $28.25; Marietta, Central Christian
Church, $16.68; A Friend, $5.00; Miss Irene
R. Mantle, $5.00; Sabina Church of Christ.
$50.00; Misses Jean and Betty Boyce, $20.50;
R u s h s y I Va 11 i a Church of Christ, $125.00;
Bethesda Christian Church, $41.43; Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Deem, $10.00; Cincinnati, West-
wood Cheviot Church of Christ, $25.00; Pier-
pont. Penn Line Church of Christ, $100.00;
Willing Workers Mi.ssionary Society, New
Somerset Christian Church, $20.00; Toronto, Chur'ch of Christ, $25.00; Columbus,
Southwood Church of Christ, $20.00.
^ OREGONMrs. Glen Hutton, $2.00; Mrs. Zua
Hooton, $1.00.
What They Say
Mrs. John Christian, King City, Mo."Each
day we take you all to the throne of Grace
May God's blessings rest upon this work is our
Mrs. Irene Mairich, LaCrosse, Wise."May
God's blessing go witli the offering and may it
help both materially and spiritually is our prayer
for the work there."
Mr. Richard L. McDole, Farmer, Ohio"May
God richly bless this mission as they continue
in His work."
Mrs. Mabel B. Gould, Saranac, Mich."I
receive the Tokyo Cliristian and enjoy it very
much . . . May God richly bless the work and
Mrs. William Conrad, Laurel, Va."With
this offering we send our prayers for those
faithful servants that are laboring for the Master
on tliat distant shore. May God renew their
faith and courage and give tlicm renewed
strength to carry on . . ."
Mrs. Carrie McNicol, Ontario, Canada"I
enjoy getting tlic Tokyo Christian, as I knew
the Cunningiiams long before they went as mis
sionaries to Japan. I wish you all success in
your Christian work, and my God bless you all."
Kenneth A. Danncr,
$25.00; Wampum, Chcwton Christian Church,
$50.00; Turtle Creek, First Christian Church,
$125.00: Linden, Lyc. Church of Clirist Bible
School, $15.00; Mrs, J. G. Bailie, "$1.00; Mcad-
villc. Loyal Gleaners Class, First Christian
Church, $50.00; Miss Grace Stitzinger, $50.00;
Mrs. S. A. Rininger, $5.00; Mrs. Annie Rod
ger, $3.00; Mrs. Edward Berkey, $2.00; Con
fluence Christian Church Bible School, $10.00;
Ladies' Bible Class. Confluence Cliurch.
$10.00; Lemoyne Cliurch of Clirist, $22.05;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith, $5.00; Senior
Christian Endeavor, Fayette City Cliurch of
Christ. $5.00; Loyal Daughters Class, Fayette
City Church of Christ, $7.25; Pittsburgli,
Hazelwood Christian Church Missionary So-
city. $15.00; McKeesport, Women's Mission-
arv Societv, Brvn Mawr Cliristian Church,
TENNESSEEErwin, First Christian Church,
$30.00; City, First Christian
Church, $50.00.
TEXASMrs. W. S. Blodgett, $4.00.
VIRGINIALaurel, Bonnie Brae Church of
Clirist, $25.00; Norfolk, Fairmont Park Church
of Christ. $23.60; Charlottesville, First Chris
tian Church, J.O.V. Class. $45.00; Waynes-
boro Christian Cliurch, $9.28; Richmond, Fair
mont .A.venue Church of Christ, $150.00; Eller-
soii. The Getliscmane Senior Girls Class,
$12,00; Newport, Twenty-Fourth Street
Church of Christ, $300.00.
WASHINGTONMiss Francese Franklin,
WEST VIRGINIACharleston, West Side
Church of Christ, $20.00; Mr. E. J. Humphrey
WISCONSIN LaCrosse Church of Christ,
CANADA Yellow Grass, Sask., Church of
Clirist Sunday School, $10.00.
Nicholas, $28.00.
of Gifts received in Japan $ 663.35
Total of Other Gifts 2,269.53
For salaries, printing of paper,
stamps, exchange on checks 2,936.42
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
vj '5ia9J3 anjnx 'anusAV UMojg Olt "suns "a 'V
/Cjijou asBajcI 'ajqEjaAnapun sj sig? ji raajstiujsoj
Wado Church
Here is a picture of the church at Wado, the
oldest church building now in Japan, and per
haps the smallest church building. On account
of so many having to work Sunday morning,
the services have been changed to Sunday eve
ning and the attendance has been better. Not
long ago there were 40 for the worship service
and 80 for the Sunday School. They still have
their problems, but there is hope.
Report Of Funds In Tokyo
Report of Treasurer of Funds in Tokyo
June, July and August
Expenditures in Japan
Travel $ 229.00
Hospital (Lois Sims) 123.00
Japan, School 500.00
Repairs and rent 133.97
Outstation and paper 97.22
Bilile Women 8.31
Bible College (Tuition-Maintenance).. 1,170.06
Freight Cliarges 127.66
Buildings 1,634.58
Insurance 108.50
Postage 5.93
Yen tax 2.19
.Allowance 22.50
Mrs. Cunningham 5.00
Bank service charge 1.50
Total disbursements $4,169.46
We notice that the total ropeholder receipts
were considerably below tlie expenditures tbi.s
time. However the receipts were above the
expenditures the last time, and we trust they
will come up again next month. Perhaps the
finance." of most churches go into a slump
during the summer time, so wc just continue
to pray and to trust that the Lord will con
tinue to take care of His work and His Workers.
He has never gone back on His promise in
Phil. 4:19. He does supply tlic needs of those
who trust Him. and he usually does it through
the hands of His own good and faithful
Harold Sims and famih' arc moving to 450
Arai Machi, Nakano-Ku. Tiiis is the house
which was built for the Buttray family, but they
moved instead into the house which was vacated
by the Saunders family. The Simses hated to
move away from the Lees, the Korean family
that lias been so exceptionally good and kind
to them, but the new home will be more cen
trally located, and they will have a yard for
their children, whereas the second floor apart
ment had no yard.
"Upon the First Day of the week let every
one of you lay by him in store as the Lord
hath prospored him." I Cor. 16:2
Kamishibai Sims Family Moves
To New Location
Christian Stewardship
upon liearing a rhythmic beating of pop pop,
crack crack which seems familiar to them, the
children of the less frequented streets of Tokyo
listen a moment to ascertain if it really is what
they think it is and, having reassured them
selves, they scurry to the place from which the
strange sound is coming. On the way the
child shouts "Kamishibai," and then vies with
his comrades to reach the scene first.
They round a corner and there before them
is walking a man beating two short solid sticks
together, obviously to attract attention. When
he has made his intended round he, hounded by
a sizable group of chattering youngsters, directs
his steps to a side street where he has left his
The children face the man, arranging them
selves in a closely compacted mass like peas in
a pod except that they are much closer together,
the smaller ones going to the front and those
a little older taking positions behind them, the
finished product of which gives one the impres
sion of a flight of slowly ascending stairs.
All is ready.
The man brings out of his store some syrupy
substance which he calls candy, which no doubt
contains enough germs to kill a man with an
iron constitution, and sells it to the children.
They lick it. smack their lips and wait for the
The question is not whether I am going to
be a steward of God. God himself has made
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sims write: The move
will have many advantages. It is an oppor
tunity to move from our second story rented
apartment to a nicer house in a nicer section
of town. It is owned by the Mission. Now.
the Bible College will be in walking distance
instead of 8 miles away, and all of the other
missionairies will be closer to us. There will
l>e a big yard for flowers and trees and the
children. But our moving away from here
truly makes us sad, because here we have some :
of the best neighbors that could be desired,
willing to go the second mile that we might be
comfortable and happy. Mr. Lee built this
apartment especially for us, and they have fol
lowed it up with kindness that makes this first
house we ever had a real home to us, We
are saddened also by our failures while living
in this neglected industrial section to take more
of the opportunities God gave us to break
through the crust of sin and idolatry to reach
precious souls. We are thankful that the
Korean church has increased from 10 to 30 and
the Japanese from 0 to 20. There is no preacher
yet, so Harold will continue to come every
ISunday and every Thursday.
! Harold and Lois Sims
us His stewards, and the only question is What
KIND of a steward am I going to be? Am I
going to be a good and faithful steward? or am
I going to be a sorry unfaithful steward? It
involves not only stewardship of money, but
stewardship of time and talents, yes, most im
portant of all, stewardship of life.
The showman mounts his screen on his
bicycle. The screen is nothing but a box-like
contraption mostly open in the front so as to
exi)osc the picture slides inside to the view and
with a fairly large slot in the side so that the
pictures when shown may-be removed one by
Whether the story is morally or beneficially
good, bad or mediocre is no concern of the
showman, for he seeks merely to interest the
children in order that he may be able to sell his
cheap candy the next time he makes his round.
After the play is finished the children noisily
disband and go their separate ways evidently
satisfied with the entertainment.
Discerning in this practice a potential which
could be utilized for good, many Christian con
gregations here, rejecting the bad elements and
utilizing the good of it, have procured pictures
depicting events of the Bible and often use
these in the children's Bible schools.
With the impression of the power of the
paper showman vivid on our memories, we
asked ourselves why we could not use this as
well on the streets to increase the attendance
at our Bible school for cliildren and through
them to contact the parents. So we tried it.
Equipment was bought at a very small ex
pense, small handbills advertising every meeting
Maxeys Arrive In Japan
Tuesday, September 12, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Maxey and family arrived in Yokohama. They
were met at the boat by Harold Taylor and
taken to Tokyo, where they visited with the mis
sionaries of the Cunningham Mission. Harold
Sims wrote, "We had them here for supper and
enjoyed them very much," After a couple of days
in Tokyo they went on to Osaka. Their Mis
sion Field will be Kyushu in southern Japan, but
the family will stay at the Osaka Mission while
Mr. Maxey goes to Kyushu to find a house in
which to live. It was a real joy to have fellow
ship with these new missionaries who brought
greetings from friends and loved ones in
I .America. Visitors are always welcome.
of the church and Bible school were printed on
our mimeograph, two sticks were cut and we
marched down the streets beating them. It
seemed funny, no doubt, to the adults as well
as the children to see an American missionary
walking down the streets sounding sticks like
a paper playman, but that made little difference
to us so long as the children gathered together
as they did.
Instead of the dirty candy we gave the hand
bills to the children. But even then some of
them brought their money to us desiring candy,
but we told them to keep their money and listen
to the interesting story. We asked them to
take the handbills to their parents after "kami
shibai" was finished.
The accompanying picture was taken while
wc were showing some of these slides in Nis-
hiogikubo. .A neighborhood photographer, be
ing interested in the sight, took the picture and
sent it to me. The papers in the children's
hands are the handbills. You can see that some
of the mothers and fathers bring their small
children and hold them in their arms so that
they can see the show. And even adults who
have no children stand and watch the perform
ance out of curiosity.
Needless to say not all of the children who
sec these pictures will come to the Bible school,
but such a substantial percentage come that we
are well gratified with the results. Besides the
homes of these children will be reached with an
invitation to come and hear the gospel of Christ.
Andrew Patten
The last mentioned should be considered
first. How am I using the life that God has
intrusted to me? It is not mine absolutely but
only as a trust. None of us knows just when
God will take back the life that he has given.
Therefore it is important that we use every
day of the life in a way that will be pleasing to
Him. Has your life been invested in the best
way, according to His will? If yon are young
and healthy, intelligent and trained for Christian
service, have you considered investing your life
on the mis.sion field where the need Is so great?
As W. D. Cunningham used to say so often,
"Every man has a better right to hear the Gos
pel once than any man ha-s to hear it twice."
There are still countless millions of people
who have not yet heard the Gospel even once.
The thing that seems to thrill our son in Tokyo
more than anything else is the privilege of
talcing the Gospel of Christ to those who have
not heard and yet are so willing to hear.
Several more missionaries are really needed
for the work that is being attempted by the
Church of Christ Cunningham Mission. God is
using the ones who are there now in a mighty
way, but He needs others also. Do you happen
to be the one He wants to use thus? Think
about it and pray about it, and answer if He
But the stewardship of money has a vital
place in the stewardship of life. Money is a
part of life. You give time (a part of life) to
earn money and God gives the power to get
wealth. Deut. 8:17-18.
How do you use the money God has intrusted
to you? Arc you a good steward? The Jews
were required under the law of Moses to give a
tenth, The Christian has every reason to ex-
cell in this stewardship. Can it be said that
the Jews did more under the law of Moses
than Christians do under the law of Love? The
law of love should be much stronger. The Jew.s
were not commissioned to evangelize the world,
but Jesus came into the world to save the lost,
and He commissioned His followers to "go into
all the world and preach the Gospel to the
whole creation." The world is desperately in
need of the Gospel, to make the love of Christ
known to all. God needs the lives that will go
unto the uttermost parts of the earth with Hi.s
message, but he also needs a host of faithful
stewards who will support those lives while
they go with the message. How much are you
giving for the evangelizing of the world? Arc
you a titlicr.' Many Christians have found a
new joy and satisfaction after becoming tithcrs.
Others have gone far !)eyoncl and give not just
1/10 but far more, and wc have heard of one
man who began tithing and prospered so much
that lie gave more and more until finally he
just kept 1/10 for himself and gave 9/10 to the
Lord. We read in His Word that the Lord
loveth a cheerful giver, and the most cheerful
givers you will find are the tithcrs.
WANTED: 1,000 new subscribers. Present
subscribers can help to extend the circulation
of the Tokyo Christian. If you like it, tell
others about it. If you don't like it tell us how
to improve it. We want it to do the most
possible good. Let us hear from you if any-
things goes wrong.
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa,, giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request. Send all
offerings to Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Ga.
Rope Holder List
(August and September)
ARKANSASSiloani Springs, Women's Coun
cil Cliristian Church, $50.00.
CALIFORNIACulver City Church of Christ,
$10; Mrs. M. A. Robb, $3.00: Miss Lina
McCarty, $10.00; *Ukiah Christian Church,
$25.00; *Los Angeles, South Broadway
Clnirch, $20.00.
FLORIDAMrs. H. J. Floyd, $1.00; ""Mrs. V.
H. Granthani, $90.00.
GEORGIACarrollton, First Christian Church,
$15,00; Savannah, Central Church of Christ,
SIO.OO; East Point, Jefferson Park Christian
Church, $25.00.
ILLINOISEast St. Louis, L a n s d o \v n e
Cliurch of Clirist, $40.00; Potomac Churcli of, $10.62; Urbana, Webber Street Church
of Christ. $20.00; *Albion, West Village
Chri.stian Church, $45.00.
INDIANA*Mrs. Fred T. Tomson, $45.00;
*SpringvilIe Christian Church, $130.00; *Mr.
j. Fred Tomson, $50.00; *Miss Elizabeth J.
Hert, $50.00.
IOWA*Miss Esther Hoopingarner, $10.00;
Mr. James T. Nichols, $5.00; Brooklyn, Madi
son Church of Christ, $13.30.
KANSASMrs. Virginia Templeton and Na-
dine, $4.00; Miss Ellen Lawrence, $5.00;
Hugoton Christian Church. $25.00; Norton
Church, $30.40.
KENTUCKYMr. Robert T. Grubbs, $5.00;
'^Mr. Ralph O. Byers, $5.00.
MINNESOTA *Mrs. Marjorie Solliday,
MICHIGANMrs. Effa Hart, $1.00; Miss
.\la')ol B. Gould, $1.00; Mrs. Myrtle Haven,
MISSISSIPPI Newton, Antioch Christian
Church, $77.00; Columbus, Women's Christian
Fellowship, First Christian Church, $25.00.
MISSOURIMt. Vernon, Direct Support Mis
sionary Group, Christian Church, $25.00; Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Wake, $5.00; King City, Loyal
Women's Class, Island City Christian Church,
NEBRASKA*Mr. W. W. .Swick, $15.35.
NORTH CAROLINAWashington, Indepen
dent Missionary Society. $35.00; Greenville,
Missionary Society. Tranters Creek Church,
OHIO*Mr. Harry Burris, $25.00; Carroll-
ton, Mt. Olivet Church of Christ, $10.00;
Salem, Phillips Christian Church, $54.75; Mal-
vern. Primary Class by Mrs. Louis E. Miller,
$20.00; Hayesville. Clear Creek Sunday
School, $30.00; Mr. John V. Barne.s, $14.50;
Farmer Church of Christ Sunday School,
$10.00; East Liberty, by Mr. B. H. Morris,
$13.71; Mt. Gilead, I'leasant Grove Church,
$34.21; Phalanx Station, Braceville Christian
Churcli, $28.25; Marietta. Central Christian
Church, $16.68; A Friend, $5.00; Miss Irene
R. Mantle, $5.00; Sabina Church of Christ,
$50.00; Misses Jean and Betty Boyce, $20.50;
R u .s h .sy 1va n i a Church of Christ, $125.00;
Bcthcsda Christian Church, $41.43; Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Deem, $10.00; Cincinnati, West-
wood Cheviot Church of Christ, $25.00; Pier-
pont, Peiin Line Church of Christ, $100.00;
Willing Workers Missionary Society, New
Somerset Christian Church, $20.00; Toronto,
First Chur'ch of Christ, $25.00; Columbus,
Southwood Church of Christ, $20.00.
OREGONMrs. Glen Hutton, $2.00; Mrs. Zua
Hooton, $1.00.
Wado Church
Here is a picture of the church at Wado, the
oldest church building now in Japan, and per
haps the smallest church building. On account
of so many having to work Sunday morning,
the services have been changed to Sunday eve
ning and the attendance has been better. Not
long ago there were 40 for the worship service
and 80 for the Sunday School. They still have
their problems, but there is hope.
Report Of Funds In Tokyo
Report of Treasurer of Funds in Tokyo
June, July and August
Expenditures in Japan
Travel $ 229.00
Hospital t Lois Sini.s) 123.00
Japan. School 500.00
Repairs and rent 133.97
Outstatioii and paper 97.22
Bible Women 8.31
Biiile College (Tuition-Maintenance).. 1,170.06
Freight Charges 127.66
Buildings 1,634.58
Insurance 108.50
Postage 5.93
Yen tax 2.19
.Allowance 22.50
Mrs. Cunningham 5.00
Bank service charge 1.50
What They Say
Mrs. John Christian, King City, Mo."ICach
day we take you all to the throne of Grace
May God's blessings rest upon this work is our
Mrs. Irene Mairich, LaCrosse, Wise."May
God's bles.sing go with the offering and may it
help both materially and spiritually is our prayer
for the work there."
Mr. Richard L. McDole, Farmer, Ohio"May
God richly bless this mission as they continue
in His work."
Mrs. Mabel B. Gould, Saranac, Mich."I
receive the Tokyo Chri.stian and enjoy it very
much . . . May God richly bless the work and
Mrs. William Conrad, Laurel, Va."With
this offering we send our prayers for those
faithful servants that are laboring for the Master
on that distant shore. May God renew their
faith and courage and give them renewed
strength to carry on ..."
Mrs. Carrie McNicol, Ontario, Canada"I
enjoy getting the Tokyo Christian, as I knew
tiie Cunningliams long before they went as mis
sionaries to Japan. I wish you all success in
your Christian work, and my God bless you all."
PENNSYLVANIA*Mr. Kenneth A. Danner.
$25.00; Wampum, Chcwton Christian Cliurch,
$50.00; Turtle Creek, First Christian Cliurch,
$125.00; Linden, Lyc. Church of Christ Bible
Scliool, $15.00; Mrs. J. G. Bailie,'$1.00; Mead-
ville. Loyal Gleaners Class, First Christian
Church, $50.00; Miss Grace Stitzingcr, $50.00;
Mrs. S. -A. Rininger. $5.00; Mrs. Annie Rod
ger, $3.00; Mrs. Edward Berkey, $2.00; Con
fluence Christian Church Bible School, $10.00;
Ladies' Bible Class, Confluence Church,
$10.00; Lemoyne Church of Christ, $22.05;
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith, $5.00; Senior
Christian Endeavor, Fayctte City Cliurch of
Clirist, $5.00; Loyal Daughters Class, Fayette
City Church of Christ. $7.25; Pittsburgh,
Hazelwood Christian Church Missionary So-
city. $15.00; McKeesport, Women's Mis.sion-
ary Society, Brvii Mawr Cliri.stian Churcli,
TENNESSEEErwin, First Christian Church,
$30.00; *Mountain City, First Christian
Church. $50.00.
TEXASMrs. W. S. Blodgett, $4.00.
VIRGINIALaurel, Bonnie Brae Church of
Christ, $25.00; Norfolk, Fairmont Park Church
of Christ. $23.60; Cliarlottesville, First Chris
tian Church, J.O.Y. Class, $45.00; Waynes-
boro Christian Church, $9,28; Richmond. Fair
mont .Avenue Church of Christ, $150.00; Eller-
son, The Gethscmane Senior Girls Class,
$12.00; Newport, Twenty-Fourth Street
Church of Christ, $300.00.
WASHINGTONMiss Francese Franklin,
WEST VIRGINIACharleston, West Side
Church of Christ, $20.00; Mr. E. J. Humphrey
WISCONSIN Churcli of Christ,
CANADA Yellow Crass. Sask., Church of
Christ Sunday School, $10.00,
JAPAN*Major Nicholas, $28,00.
*Total of Gifts received in Japan $ 663.35
Total of Other Gifts 2,269.53
For salaries, printing of paper,
stamps, exchange on checks 2,936.42
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
Total disbursements $4,169.46
We notice that tlie total ropeholdcr receipts
were considerably below the expenditures this
time. However the receipts were above the
expenditures the last time, and we trust they
will come up again next month. Perhaps the
finance.^ of most cliurches go into a slump
during the summer time, so we just continue
to pray and to trust that the Lord will con
tinue to take care of His work and His Workers.
He lias never gone hack on His promise in
Phil. 4:19. He does supply the needs of those
who trust Him, and he usually docs it through
the hands of Hi.s own good and faithful
Harold Sims and family are moving to 450
Arai Machi, Nakano-Ku. This is the house
which was built for the Buttray family, but they
moved instead into the liouse which was vacated
by the Saunders family. The Simscs hated to
move away from the Lees, the Korean family
that has been so exceptionally good and kind
to thcni, but the new home will be more cen
trally located, and they will have a yard for
their children, whereas the second floor apart
ment had no yard.
"Upon the First Day of the week let every
one of you lay by him in store as the Lord
hath prospered him," I Cor. 16:2
ca 'JiaazD aiunx auuaAv uMOJa OIE 'sucis "3 'V
iCjijou asBajd 'aiqEjaAgapun sj siqi ji rjajsruijsoa
Go ye into all the tvorld and preach the gospel to every creature,'^ {Mark 16:15)
Vol. 4 Wilmerdiiig, Peiina., IVovoiiiiier-Deoeiiiber, 1950
Number 6
Beginning of New \Our Thirtieth Anniversary
Church at Kakio
The story of Kakio is a very interesting one.
The word kaki itself is the name of tlie fruit,
persimmon, wliich is relished very much here in
Japan and also in Southern United States.
Kakio is thus named because of the abundance
of the persimmons that are grown there. As
you have probably already guessed Kakio is
the name of a rural settlement which is com
prised of nothing hut farmers. However, farm
ers are very important in the stabilization of a
nation, and more than that they are equally
important to God in the building of his King
dom, "for God is no respcctor of persons."
Kakio is typical of rural Japan with its rice
fields, fruit orchards and green vegetation which
cover and beautify most of the island. From
this humhle setting comes Koshihara-San, a
member of Yochomachi Church. He became a
Christian under the teaching and influence of
Samuel Saunders. Kosliihara-San is a fine
looking, intelligent boy with clear cut features,
and is about eighteen years of age. He stands
about five feet eight inches which is approxi
mately five inches more than the average
Japanese. Although working long hours he is
very faithful in his attendance at the Sunday
morning service. Living approximately fifteen
miles from Tokyo it is necessary for him to
leave for church an hour and thirty minutes
early for there is no transportation to the near
est train station,
The grade school which Koshihara-San at
tended is located on a small hill very near to
his home. There is nothing unusual about this
i)uilding for it is much like other school build
ings, nor is the teaching unusual, for it is all
difficult, even for the Japanese. But there is
one thing that is different about this school
and that is its teacher. Miss Washio formerly
lived at Yokosuka but for the past fifteen years
has been teaching at the Kakio school. Hav
ing a Bible background she has for a number
of years instilled in the minds of her students
a partial knowledge about Christianity, in spite
of the law prohibiting the use of elementary
schools for religious teaching. But Miss Washio
felt that her teaching was inadequate and so
for the past two years has been praying that
someone would come and teach them. This,
God made pos.sible through Koshihara-San. who
had knowledge of our Bible College. Mr. Haniu,
our oldest Japanese preacher and Bible College
professor was contacted and prevailed upon to
go and teach them more perfectly about Jesus
Christ and His power to save.
It has been my privilege to visit and help in
these services even in a small way. For one
to see the and earnestness with which
they come, even many miles to learn more about
Christ is very stimulating and creates within
me a greater desire to help them come into the
fold of our Lord and Shepherd. Jesus. Their
This is the group who celebrated the Thirtieth
.\nniversary of Mrs. W. D. Cunningham's
English Bible Class, at First Church.
We celebrated by having lunch together on
Mrs. Cunningham's front lawn, after Church
Service on Sunday morning, October 15. About
one third of the members could not stop with
us. Our usual attendance is at present over
one hundred each Sunday morning.
Mrs. Cunningham was presented with a beau
tiful trailing chrysanthemum in a pot and a
set of six fine China tea cups in memory of
the event.
This group holds four Bible Schools each
Sunday and were active, during the summer
with Daily Vacation Bible Schools.
One group held meetings in the country, sev
eral hours from Tokyo. Bible pictures were
shown and Bible talks given at these services.
The young men who held these services came
back very tired l)ut very happy over the suc
cess they met with the country children.
A Summer Camp was also conducted by
them, last summer in the mountains. One of our
Elders, all of our deacons, all of our Bible
School Teachers and the Church Organist have
come out of this group. Also two ministers
before the war.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Schlyer, Milton Cen
ter, Ohio"May the Lord bless Mrs. Cunning
ham and all the other workers as they labor to
bring souls into the Kingdom. We do enjoy
the Tokyo Cb.ristian very much."
Mr. Herbert W. Hill, Somerset, Indiana
"We are truly grateful for the work and cour
age which has been the history of the Cunning
ham Mission . . . Please convey our prayerful
interest to all connected with this mission for
our Lord, Jesus Christ."
Mr. Stephen O. Redacre, Phoenix, Arizona
"May the Lord's blessing continue to rest upon
vou and vour work for the Master."
hungering to know more about Christ and the
Bible is so great that after we leave the service,
these young people numbering about forty-five
continue for another hour to discuss and study
the Word of God.
Now we come to a very important phase in
this story of Kakio and that is the part that
each one of you are playing in its history. Just
as surely as night follow.s day, your personal
influence is manifested upon the lives of these
young people. For by your prayers, your gifts,
and your humble servant you exert untold and
everlasting influence which time cannot erase.
Therefore^ your prayers are sincerely coveted
for these young men and women that, soon they
will become obedient unto the knowledge which
they are receiving.
Your missionary in Japan
Stanlev Buttrav
It seems to be human nature to love and ad
mire the heroic. But there are different ideals
of what real heroism is. If a man risks his own
life to save another from death, we call him a
iiero. But what about Jesus Christ, who gave
his own life to save all who will accept it from
the death that is the wages of sin? Here is_ an
heroic being who is greater than human being.
But Jesus also called forth the heroic in others.
In all history there is not such a line of heroes
as the followers of Jesus Christ. There is
something about His teaching and especially
about the Cross of Christ that inspires and chal
lenges men to the heroic.
This heroism was conspicuous in New Testa
ment times. When the apostles were impris
oned and beaten and commanded not to preach
in the name of Christ, they rejoiced that they
were counted worthy to suffer in His name.
They defied the rulers, counting faithfulness to
their Lord to be more than life. Stephen was
the first martyr to pay his life for his faith but
by no means the last. Paul and his missionary
coihpanions suffered bitter persecutions.
I'-oliowing the apostolic age, in the early his
tory of the church there were thousands who
suffered severe persecutions at the liands of_
.Xero. Caligula and other emperors. 'I'hcy were
buffeted, they were tortured, they were cast
into the arena with wild animals, they were
burned at the stake. They were driven and
hunted and found refuge in caves and in the
Catacombs. But they refused to deny the faith
or renounce Christ.
Later on in the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages
there were heroic souls who dared at the cost
of their lives to speak out against the evils and
corruptions of the powerful politico-religious
apostacy. Who has not been thrilled by read-
in the life of Savonarola? Who has not been
filled with admiration for John Huss and his
followers who were put to death as martyrs?
Martin Luther also suffered pcr.sccution but
escaped martyrdom and was able to launch the
Protestant Reformation.
In more recent times, heroic followers of
Ciirist have not been lacking. There was Wil
liam Carey, the cobbler, who read his Bible and
was convinced that Christ commissioned men
to evangelize the world. So he preached Mis
sions and was called crazy. He received no
encouragement from his home church or from
his family. When he decided to go to India
he was denied passage on ships of the East
India Company. But he finally reached India,
worked in an Indigo factory for his support,
lived on a mere pittance and sent a like amount
(Continued on page two)
Published bi-monthly for the information and in
spiration of every Christian whose heart's desire
should be to obey the Great Commission by pro
claiming the unsearchable riches of Christ Jestis
In all the world, to every creature, of every nation.
Entered as second matter in the Wilmerdiny.
Pa., PostoiTice under the Act of March 3, 1879.
EVA D. GREEN Forwarding Agent
Oflico of Publication:
VVilmerding, Pa.
Please send all correspondence and offerings for
the mission to: Miss Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer,
Avenue, College Park, Georgia. Make all checks pay
able to our forwarding agent.
Mrs. W. D. Cunningham Director
16 Wakaba Cho. Shiujuku, Tokyo
Andrew Fatten, 27 Sakurayama Cho, Nakano Ku,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Buttray, 575 2-Chome, '
Kamiochial, Sblnjuku Ku, Tokyo. j
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Sims, 450 Aral Machi, |
Ku. Tokyo. Japan.
Morris Butler Book
Mark Collis
J. H. Deem
Judge T. O. Hathcock
Mrs. H. M. McCall
T. K. Smith
W. P. Stobaugh
W. R. Walker
Christ's Challenge
(Continued from page one)
to his wife and gave the rest to tiie mission
work. It took him seven years to make his first
convert but otlicrs soon followed. The mis
sionary movement bad begun.
Robert Morrison was the first Protestant
missionary to enter China. He didn't have
many converts, but performed a monumental
work that was a great help to later missionarie.s
by translating the Bible into Chinese. He
worked long hours by a dim lamp in a deep
cellar in order to give the Bible to the Chinese
in their own language.
Adoniram Judson was highly educated and
was offered the pastorate of one of the largest
churclies in Boston. But instead lie decided to
go as a missionary to India at a very meager
salary. On his way over he studied his Bible
on Baptism in order to be able to show the
Baptist missionaries that they were wrong in
demanding inimcrsion. As a result of that
study, one of the first things he did upon reach
ing India was to have the Baptist to immerse
him, thereby cutting liimself off from tlie Board
that sent him out. Then he was not allowed
to settle in India. He escaped to the Isle of
France and from thence went to Burma. After
seven years there he said he wouldn't leave his
mission field to be King of the greatest empire
in the world. For 20 months he endured tor
tures in a dungeon, but was rewarded in seeing
a host of converts.
And what about John Hunt who took the
Gospel to the Figi Islands, the land of the can
nibals? After 50 years all trace of cannibalism
was gone. When Darwin went there seeking
specimens of a sub-human race to prove his
theory of evolution, he got a great shock to his
theory, for he found a people living good moral
lives that would put to shame .some in more
favorable lands. It is said that after that, he,
Darwin, was a regular contributor to the work
of foreign missionaries.
W. D. Cunningliam, founder of the Church
of Christ Cunningham Mission, was planning
to go as a missionary under the Foreign Chris
tian Missionary Society. But shortly before he
was to sail lie was stricken with Paralysis.
fProlialily Polio though not so diagnosed at that
time.) After he got better and felt that he was
able to go. the society refused to send him on
account of his health. He waited a vear and
This is a picture of the Daily Vacation Bible
School of the School that was started by three
little girls in 1947 and has been carried on suc
cessfully ever since. This is the only Bible
School in that district and is now carried on
by the three Noguchi Daughters who became
Christians when I was living in their home. A
younger sister has since become a Christian
and is a faithful attendant at Mrs. Cunningham's
nine o'clock Bible Class.
Japan Yet Needs Help
We quote from a recent letter from Mr.s.
iunily Cunningham:
"We are all deep in Christma,s preparation
iiere now. The Japanese love this lioliday and
make much of it as a Christian Holiday. Two
people have written me that they are sending
candy for the children and I am thankful for
that, for sugar is very limited here yet, and the
few sweets "on sale are very expensive.
"Would you kindly put a notice in the Tokyo
Christian, asking for friends who can do so, to
send us warm cast-off clothing. There is more
clothing here now but it is so very expensive
that the ordinary Japanese cannot buy it with
his meager salary and heavy taxes. The poor
are really suffering yet for lack of clothing. 1
am sure many people could spare some of their
ol<i cast-offs that are still good. We can use
anything. I would also be glad for left over
S. S. supplieslarge picture charts and Primary
and beginners papers with pictures are much
needed. Also old used greeting cards can bring
much joy to our children's hearts and also to
our sick friends, for everyone here loves
Mrs. Emily B. Cunningham
Packages to our missionaries are now limited
to 22 pounds, but you can send a package to
several different missionaries if you wisii. Re
sure to mark your package of used clothing
"Relief Package" and send it to any of the
missionaries addresses you will find on
Page two. Column one.
again made ap]>lication and again was refused.
Finally he said in substance: "Cod says for me
to go and the board says for me to stay at home.
I must obey God rather than men." So he and
his wife went out to Japan upon faith, relying
upon the promises of God. Phil. 4:19. Next
year will mark the 50tli anniversary of their
going out. Brother Cunningliam has gone to
ids reward, but Mrs. Cunningham is still active
ill the missionary work in Tokyo. The promises
of God have been proved over and over again.
Tlie Gospel is being proclaimed in almost a
score of churches, in spite of the .setback of the
war. There have been some thousands of con
verts and eternity alone will reveal the full re
These are but a few of a great host of heroes
who have heard the call of the Christ. Not all
the lieroes are in the past. Christ is still calling
for men and women of courage to step out and
follow. Ponder the following lines, by William
R. Newell:
His CaU
I heard His call, "Come follow!"
That was all!
My gold grew dim,
My soul went after Him,
I rose and followed:
That was all.
Who would not follow
If they heard Him call?
Setagaya Churh
'J'his is the only one of the idne dntrches of
the Cunningham Mission that survived the
bombing of Tokyo during the War. It was
formerly known as Fourth Ciuirch. It was
recently rebuilt and much enlarged.
ilr. Hanyii i,s the miidstcr and is a real power
for tlie work of the Lord. Last month he went
to Osaka for 10 days of special speaking en
gagements. When the first missionaries re
turned to Tokyo after the war tiiey found iiim
busily at work and he has proven one of tlie
most effective workers they have.
In addition to the reguiar Sunday Services,
the Setagaya Chnrcli also conducts a large
Kindergarten every morning and an English
School on Moiulay, Wednesday and Friday
nights. These activities are a service to the
people of the community and arc also influential
in making friends for the ciuirch which has
had a very wholesome growth, usually leading
all the churches in the numher of conversions.
Iii-a report covering all denominations, pub
lished several months ago in the "Christo
Shimbun," an interdenominational religious
paper, the Setagaya Ciuirch was listed among
tiie 15 churches of all denominations in Tokyo
that average 100 or more in attendance at the
Morning Services. This is just one of the
products of mi.ssionary endeavor. Is it worth
while? Wlicre would you find a better invest-
nient for the Lord?
Here is a picture of the new building of the
Setagaya Church of Christ, largest of all the
churches of the Cunningham Mission.
Here is pictured the inside of the Setagaya
Church Building. Here the increasing crowds
may be comfortably seated.
Evangelestic Meeting
In Mikawashima Church
There were many things against Iiaving a
special meeting at itikawashiina Ciuirch tliis
year. In the first place, who would come? Most
of the members are young people who work in
the clay-time and go to school on week-nights.
Others are forbidden by tlieir parents to go out
at night. Others work so late that by the time
they get home, clean up and cat supper, it is
too late. Besides, the spirit of the church was
not ver3- good. Many were discouraged, some
had backslidden and the attendance had fallen
quite low. The Buddhist parents and others
were energetically oppo-sing the church, saying
it taught against the filial piet3\
On the other hand, these things are the very
conditions that call for a revival meeting; so
the small, faithful praj'er meeting group de
cided about one montli ago to trj-. For one
month we mentioned the meeting in our praj'crs
and then decided to do something before the
cold weather started. First 3,000 yen of the
accumulated offerings (about $8.00) was set
aside for the expenses of the meeting. Since
we could get none of the busy ministers or stu
dents to give the whole Aveek, we had a differ
ent speaker each night and paid each one SOc'
which is pretty good for Japanese minister's
wages. The rest of the money was .spent on
paper and the young people mimeographed
about 4,000 small tracts advertising the service.s.
Sundaj' and every night following two of
the girls went to the nearby elevated railway
station and passed out the advertisements to
the people coming out of the station. Two of
the boys rigged up an old sputtering and buzz
ing loud speaker and broadcast music from the
church organ a half an hour before the service.
Several others took over the task of visiting
every house in the neighborhood and giving a
personal invitation. The important thing
was that everyone did personal evangelism
among his own family and friends. One boy
who was baptized in September brought his
whole household through the church door for
the first time in their lives, Besides all this, a
committee stayed behind every night to clean
up the church, stack the benclies back and pre
pare the little tables and chairs for the kinder
garten the next morning.
Everyone was very pleased on Sunday niglit
when we had 44 present. That was the largest
this fall and exactly twice the attendance of the
week previous- But many that were there Sun
day said they would be unable to come the rest
of the week, so on the way home I told the
ones riding with me that if we even liad 25
the next night it would be nothing but the
power of God. Sure enough, when we began
the song service there were very few there.
M'c' were singing "There is Sunshine in My
Soul" when I could hear the busy shuffling at
the entrance as the people took off their shoe.s
before entering the church and before the end
of the last verse, the volume had noticeably in
creased. You cannot imagine the great wave
of thankfulness and joy that passed over me
and dampened my eyes as I looked up from the
organ and counted no less than 42 people, at
least one third of whom had never been to
church before. "The Lord of ITosts is with
us," is the thought that first came to me, and
it seemed that He Avas so close he might have
been on the bench beside me. The services
continued on the same high plane all the Aveek.
There Avas only one baptism, but the church Avas
revived and its reach extended much farther so
that a number of ncAV folks are noAv regular
.\s for me, I thoroughly enjoyed the Avhole
thing as a manifestation of God".s poAver and
blessing upon His Avork, and I state again that
I Avould rather be here doing Avliat I am doing
than anything else on earth. Thank God for
everything. Also thank you good and faithful
ones for making this Avhole thing possible.
Harold and Lois Sims
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth His own
love tOAvard us, in that while we were yet sin
ners, Christ died for us."
This is a game played with the children dur
ing the Vacation School. Miss Dorcas Noguchi
is conducting the game and our minister, Mr.
Kamata, is in the background. This school is
now conducted in the spacious parlour of the
Noguchi home.
A Great Choice
Christ or What?
John 6:67,68: "Jesus said therefore unto the
twelve, W'ould ye also go aAvay? Simon Peter
ansAvered him. Lord, to whom shall Ave go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life."
Everybody needes religion, and usually seeks
it, in one form or another. Some folks seem
to be satisfied with very depraved forms of
religion, as for example the idolater Avho Avor-
ships the image he has made with his own
hand.s or that some other man has made. Such
stupidity is to be pitied, but no more so than
the skeptic who Avorships his oavii intellectual
creation, or Avho Avorships himself.
True religion is that Avhich God has revealed
and made manifest in His Son. Jesus Christ
calls men to the true religion Avords.;
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy
laden, and' I will give you rest." Millions have
gone to Him, down through the ycar.s, and have
found peace to the soul. Many also have "gone
aAvay" from Him. But to Avhom have they
gone? When Peter Avas given the privilege of
going aAvay he replied: "Lord, to avIio shall Ave
go? Thou hast the Avords of eternal life."
1. For one thing, Jesus Christ i.s the greatest
character in the history of the Avorld. But He
is more than an historical character. He is
also our Living Christ and Savior today. No
great character before Christ is worthy to be
compared to Him. John the Baptist was a
truly great man, hue he said of Jesus, "Whose
shoes I am not worthy to unloose." Since the
time of Christ, the greatest of men, such as
Napoleon, Shakespeare, Washington, Gladstone,
and many others have acknoAvlcdgcd His
2. He is the greatest teacher the AA'orld has
ever knoAvn. He gives the only satisfactory
pliilosophy of life. He satisfies both the heart
and the mind. In revealing the true destiny of
3. He has exerted the greatest and most
beneficent influence in the world. Individuals
and nations have been transformed bj' His in
fluence. to the extent that tliej' have accepted
and folloAvcd Him.
There are many such instances today, as in
the past. Some "go aAvay" and preach the
glorification of men, of success or of Avealth.
Otliers "go aAvay" from Him and trj' to succeed
by making the church just a social club, leaving
out the very fundamentals of the gospel of
Christ. Some "go away" because they cannot
hear Hi.s Word, or else WILL not. Perhaps
thej' were only folIoAvers of the croAvd, or onh'
folloAved for the leaves and fishes. Some "go
aAvay" to Avorship the goddess of pleasure, or
at the shirine of Bacchus or Mammon. Some
"go aAvay" down the the road of indifference
and carelessness. Their love is groAvn cold and
they become offended at His great challenging
call to sacrifiicial service.
No other alternative giA-es any measure of
true and lasting satisfaction. To Avhom Avill
they go? In Christ's daj' they might have gone
to the Sadducee's or Pharisees or to some pagan
religion. In this, our day, they may go to
Atheism, or agnosticism, or cynicism, or ritual-, or countless other isms, but none of these
Iiave "the Avords of eternal life." No other can
satisfy the heart's deepest longing.
When people "go EAvay from Christ, Avhcre
Avill they go to understand the problem of sin
and its results? Where aauII they go with their
guilt and burden of sin to secure forgiveness
and freedom? Some try to ignore sin, but it
can't be ignored. One can't get aAvay from it.
Did you ever see a small beam of sunlight in a
dust-filled room? Well, shutting out the sun
light doesn't take away the dust it simply keeps
you from seeing it. Some loA'e darkness rather
than light because their Avorks are evil. Some
talk of going to nature and science. Can sci
ence and nature remove the burden and the
stain of sin? No, if there had been any other
AA-ay to free man from the guilt and power of
sin then Jesus Christ need not have offered
the sacrifice of His oavii blood, shed upon the
cross for the remission of sin.
Going aAvay from Christ, Avhere Avould one
go for inspiration and the impulse to tlie better
life? Someone may say, go to literature and
art. Yes, there is much of inspiration in the
great literature and art of the AA'orld. But did
you ever stop think that if Christ were taken
out of literature and art, there Avould be precious
little of inspiration left. In fact it Avould be
more degrading than uplifting.
Finally what will those Avho "go away" from
Christ do Avhen they come to the end of the
Avay? When one faces death, Avhat assurance
or hope is there from any other source but
Christ and Cod and the Bible? TAventy-nine
years ago next month it was my lot to stand
beside the grave of the Avife of a professed
infidel. I shall never forget the look of absolute
hopelessness upon the face of that proud man.
How I pitied him! But only Christ could help
him in such an hour.
We all are called upon sooner or later to
make this all-important choice: Christ: or
What? "Will ye also go aAvay?" Shall we
answer with Peter: "Lord, to Avhom shall we
go? Thou hast the Avords of eternal life."
In our next issue we expect to have an article
by Judge T. O. Hathcock. on the question of
"Overhead." How can such a great AVork as
the Church Christ Cunningham Mission be con
ducted Avitliout overhead?
MatthcAv 28:19, 20 "Co ye therefore and make
disciples of ail the nations, baptizing them into
the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holj' Spirit: teaching them to obserA'C all
things Avhatsoever I have commanded a'ou: and
lo, I am with you always, eA'en unti tlie end
of the AA'orld."
Miss Ellen Lawrence, Horton, Kansas"With
prayers for the work of the Cunningham Mis
WANTED: 1,000 new subscribers. Present
subscribers can help to extend the circulation
of the Tokyo Christian. If you like it, tell
others about it. If you don't like it tell us how
to improve it. We want it to do the most
possible good. Let us hear from you if any-
things goes wrong.
If you change your address please notify A.
E. Sims, 310 Brown Avenue, Turtle Creek,
Pa., giving both your old and your new address.
We want to keep our mailing lists up to date.
If you make an offering you are entitled to
receive this paper if you so request. Send all
offerings to Eva D. Green, 127 E. Mercer
Avenue, College Park, Ga.
Rope Holder List
(October and November)
ALABAMA Riverview Christian Church
ARIZONAPhoenix First Church of Christ,
$25.00; Mr. B. G. Newcomer, $.50.
ARKANSASSiloam Springs Women's Coun
cil Christian Church, $50.00
CONNECTICUTMr. and Mrs. Clayton R.
Grimstead, $50.00.
FLORIDA*Wauchula Christian Endeavor,
$7.00; *Hope Christian Church, $11.74; *Eus-
tis Church of Christ, $21.50; Mr. E. E. House,
$25.00; Orlando, The Tabernacle Christian
Church, $26.60.
GEORGIACarrolton First Christian Church,
20.00; Mrs. Carabelle Raum, $5.00.
ILLINOISMaywood First Christian Church,
$50.00; Mrs. Inez Stroud, $5.00; Miss Fern
McClelland, $10.00; Miss Marguerite McClel-
land,-$5.00;^Alrs. NellieL . Elliott, $5.00; "^Al
bion W. illage Christian Church, $32.50.
INDIANA^Terre Haute Christian Co-op
Press, $.50; Wabash Treaty Church of Christ,
$50.00; Georgetown Christian Church, $107.18;
Brookville Loyal Women's Class, Brookville
Church of Christ, $25.00; Homer Christian
Church, $10.00.
IOWAMrs. Matie L. Baily, $7.50; Kalqna
Christian Church, $41.50; Council Bluffs First
Christian Church,$ 50.00; *Mr. Arthur Hoop-
ingarner, $1.50; *Clinton Christian Church,
KANSASMrs. Eva B. Whitaker, $10.00; Mrs.
Virginia G. Templeton and Nadine, $4.00;
Miss Ellen Lawrence, $5.00; Jennings Alli
son Christian Church, $40.00.
KENTUCKYMr. J. G. Moore, $5.00.
MAINEMr. William F. Brawn, $5.00.
MARYLANDMr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Bon
Durant, $20.00.
$4.00; Mrs. Evelyn Howes Gardner, $66.00.
MICHIGANLansing Church of Christ, $15;
Mrs. Margaret J. Morrison, $35.00.
MINNESOTAFairmont Church of Christ,
$20.70; Marion Christian Bible School, $25.00.
MISSISSIPPICorinth, Waldron St. Chris
tian Church, $10.00; Aberdeen First Christian
Church Circle, $25.00.
MISSOURIMr. J. F. Karr, $10.00.
MONTANABillings First Christian Church,
NEBRASKA Wakefield Christian Church
NEW YORKMrs. Lillian Clark, $3.00.
NORTH CAROLINABeulah Church of
Christ, $50.00; Elizabeth City C. Efl Society,
Church of Christ, $10.00; St. Clair's Mission
ary Society, $14.00.
OHIOShelby Church of Christ, $15.00; Mrs.
George Ulrich, $.50; Mr. William Bulick,
$1.00; Miss Mildred Covington, $5.00; Toledo
Monroe St. Church of Christ, $35.00; James
town Church of Christ, $100.00; Steubenville
LaBelle iew Church of Christ, $25.00; Mar
ietta Central Christian Church, $22.45; Pha
lanx Station, Braceville Christian Church,
$21.50; Mrs. Margaret C. Phillips, $3.00; Big
Prairie, Ripley Bible School, $20.00; East
Liberty Church of Christ, $20.00; Mr. and
Mrs. Albert J. Schlyer, $10.00; Cincinnati,
Southwood .Church of Christ, $20.00; Willing
Workers Missionary Society, New Somerset
Christian Church, $20.00; *Mr. Art Katt, $30.
PENNSYLANIAMrs. W. Craig Lee, $25.00;
Mrs. Sadie Naley, $1.00; Mrs. Howard Cramb-
lett, $.50; Mr. Donald Ray, $20.00; Mrs. Tho
mas Weido, $.50; Vanderbilt Church of Christ,
$50.00; Confluence Ladies' Bible Class, Chris
tian Church, $10.00; Confluence Christian
Church $10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Smith,
$10.00; Mrs. Susanna McConell, $5.00; Sandy
Lake Woman's Missionary Society, $10.00;
Ridgway Church of Christ, $10.00; Pleasant-
Saunders Resigns As Missionary
Accepts Minister's Post
Mr. Samuel Saunders, who had to return
from Tokyo earlier this year on account of his
health, has been restored to health, we are
very thankful to say. But since the doctor ad
vised against his return to Japan, he has re
signed from the Cunningham mission and ac
cepted a call to the pastorate of the Church of
Christ at Scottdale, Pa. This is the church of
which he was minister before going into the
Mission work. While we regret the necessity
of his giving up the mission work where we was
winning many souls for Christ, yet we rejoice
that he is again happily located in the service
of the Lord.
ville, Shamburg Missionary Society, $41.00;
Mrs. R. A. Stitzinger, $25.00; Miss Grace
Stitzinger, $120.00; Mrs. Louis Lautenslager,
$20.00; Turtle Creek, First Christian Church
TENNESSEE!Erwin First Christian Church.
$50.00; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodges, $7.50.
TEXASMrs. Mary Bivins, $600.00; Mr.
Edgar B. Siddall, $10.00.
VIRGINIALee Hall, Lebanon Christian
Church Bible School, $13.50; Lee Hall, Wo
men's Missionary Society, Lebanon Christian
Church, $74.17; Richmond, Fairmont Avenue
Church of Christ, $50.00; Ellerson Young
Married People's Bible Class, Gethsamane
Church of Christ, .$20.00; Charlottesville,
J. O. Y..Class/ Fir.&t Christian Churchy $30.00.
WASHINGTON-A Friend; $S;Od;:Woodland
Christian Chiii'ch Sunday School, $55.00.
WEST VIRGINIACharleston, West Side
Church of Christ, $20.00; *Mrs. Harry Bond,
CANADAYellow Grass, Sask., Church of
Christ Sunday School, $10.00.
Address Not Shown: r R. C. Turner, $5.00.
T o t a l of Gifts received in Japan.... $ 139.24
Total of Other Gifts .'. $2,880.99
Salaries of Missionaries $1,545.00
Transferred to Tokyo 1,000.00
Postage for mailing Tokyo Christian
and acknowledgment letters 14.00
Printing of paper 197.64
Annuity Interest 618.50
Travel and advertising 15.00
Exchange on Gift Checks .50
Total $3,390.64
"The above itemization of disbursements is
made this month to clarify any misunderstand
ing that may exist regarding how your gifts are
expended. All the items are self-explanatory
with the exception of possibly "travel and ad
vertising," which is to cover a portion of actual
travel expense to a missionary convention and
the distribution of this publication there. In
addition to the above, the forwarding agent re
ceives $35.0 a month. You understand, of
course, that if conditions would permit, the
printing of the paper and the acknowledgment
of your gifts would all be done in Tokyo, Japan.
The activities of the mission conducted in
America, in reality, represent the most econom
ical way to handle them."
Bj ':{aaj3 aDjnx 'anuaAV UMOia OIE 'suns 'a 'V
asBaid 'aiqBjdAnapnn si sfq^i ji :ja)SBui)50d
eq-ossmxi 'spaaixxi
."it PtoXEH
Report Of Funds In Tokyo
Report of Treasurer of Funds in Tokyo
September and October
Expenditures in Japan
Balance brought forward $1,336.62
Receipts from churches and
individuals 139.24
Transferred from Georgia Account... . 1,000.00
Refund 1.00
Total $2,476.86
Allowance $ 42.78
Postage .28
Outstations and Paper 54.46
Bible Woman 5.54
Bible College, Tuition and
maintenance 537.50
Taxes 88.34
Travel 10.75
Building 286.11
Total $1,125.76
Balance on hand, September 30th $1,351.10
By combining the tWD~repoiTs we find the total
receipts for September and October $3,020.23
and the total expenditures reported in this issue
$3,516.40. Of course the expenditures in Tokyo
being for August an September may make
some diflference.
At any rate it shows the need of continued
support. But the Promise of God, Phil. 4:19
(My God shall supply all your need) which
has been the source of strength for this mission
from the beginning, is still in effect. God has
not failed. His method of fulfilling that promise
is usually through His faithful Stewards.
Mark 1:4, 5 "John came, who baptized in the
wilderness and preached the baptism of repent
ance unto remission of sins. And there went
out unto him all the country of Judea, and all
they of Jerusalem and they were baptized of
him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the
way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh
unto the Father, but by me."
The Church at Mt. Ranier, Md., is to be
commended. Recently the clerk of the church
sent a money order for 60 subscriptions to the
Tokyo Christian. Must be they recognize a
good thing when they see it! Some three or
four members had been receiving it before. That
was quite a jump: from 3 to 63. We are glad to
welcome these new readers. Wonder if anyone
else can beat that record? "A hint to the wise
is sufficient." We don't mind rfppatirg what
we have stated before, "A little effort by the
readers of the Tokyo Christian can greatly in
crease our subscription list." And who knows
what that increase in the number of readers may
mean toward the evangelization of the world?
It may mean an increased number of pray-ers,
and when God's people really turn to Him in
prayer, something will happen.
Leave Forwarding Address
We are continually receiving notices from
postmasters: "Moved, left no address," Every
one of those notices costs us just double what
it would cost you to send us a card giving both
the old and the new address, and besides you
would continue to receive the Tokyo Christian
at the new address. So you see it is better all
around, even saving the postmaster a lot of
trouble. Just notify A. E. Sims, 310 Brown Ave.,
Turtle Creek, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. BonDurant, Mt.
Rainier, Md."Our prayers are always for the
success of every effort put forth to promote
the proclamation of the Gospel to those in that
benighted land. May God's blessings rest upon
the workers."

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