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Personal Growth has been a helpful class even though its perceived as an easy breezy

class that doesnt need to be taken seriously. The amount of information one can learn if we pay
attention is massive. There are also many helpful techniues you can learn to make college an
easy breezy e!perience if we take the time to absorb the knowledge provided to us in Personal
Growth. This class teaches you how to manage horrible situations that come in the life of a
student. "f there are ways to make life easier of course human beings want to take the
opportunity to do so. #ust like the convenience of having a laptop$ cell phone$ microwaves$ cars
and credit cards to make everyday effortless. %hy shouldnt we take the time because this class
does &ust that to make us learn to better survive college.
'ssess and compare student support services you have used to improve your student retention(
The )an *iego +ommunity +ollege *istrict has many student support services which
help students improve their understanding and,or retention. " have personally used the tutoring
services provided by +ity +ollege. The -athematics +enter inside the .earning +enter is very
accommodating and e!ceptionally well organized. /early every tutor is knowledgeable in all
mathematical sub&ects provided by +ity +ollege. There are also other centers that provide
assistance to students that need help to understand their course workload. The Tutoring +enter
provides tutoring on a walk0in basis for most sub&ects$ which includes accounting$ 'merican
)ign .anguage$ anatomy and physiology$ biology$ business$ chemistry$ economics$ english$
languages such as 1rench$ "talian$ #apanese$ and )panish$ marketing$ math$ medical terminology$
music$ physics$ radiology$ statistics$ and writing assignments. 2esides math " have used the
3nglish +enter which can make improvements with a few of their tutors. They have many ways
to help people but they mainly sit there and repeat what you have already said. This was my
e!perience there and other may have had different ones.
4ow have you learned to manage time more effectively(
Through the use of schedules every week and every single item time managed each day.
Time is precisely seen to make improvements and used to manage more activities. The
realization of all tasks on paper that have to be performed gives one the opportunity to administer
multiple responsibilities. %ithout a written down schedule activities can be lost and,or
forgotten. " have also learned that time is not on your side unless it is properly managed. "t can
slip away if you dont take the responsibility of organizing free time ahead of schedule. The
basic ideas of realization and pre0planning have taught me to use my time more wisely than
4ow do you read a te!tbook for improved retention(
To improve ones retention when reading course te!tbooks$ one should take notes to fully
grasp the concepts and ideas instilled inside the readings by the author. There are many ways to
take notes you can be sloppy or neat the first time around but you should always go over the
notes to review and correct any mistakes that occurred. " personally like to have an open book
and take notes on the side columns of the book and,or highlight important information " would
need or could use later on. 'lso$ when reading " like to be at a uiet place where no one will
disturb me and " can concentrate on understanding the material. The best place to read is the
library also known as the .earning +enter. People are usually uiet and you have all the time to
concentrate$ while until they close anyways. 1rom calm stable environments to taking notes
numerous different methods$ those are the best techniues for me and my mind to clutch the
information more sufficiently.
%hat are your knowledge acuisition skills(
2luntly put my knowledge acuiring skills should be time management and organization.
Those two skills go side by side to help student stay on top of every situation they are put into.
1rom this class my time management and organization skills have grown but not to a master
student standard yet but with practice it will be up to the master student level. -anaging my
schedule is so helpful when it come to getting pro&ects and homework done in a timely manner.
Then keeping myself organized with all the data helps me resolve issues that come about a lot
easier to resolve. " strongly believe that " will keep up and build on my time management and
organization skills because when life gets more hectic it essentially helps out. 3ven if it a small
percentage$ that little percentage helps individuals and student get through the rough and,or
stressful days.
4ow do you prepare for and take test(
-any years ago in most sub&ects " always had issues with taking tests$ even though "
would study a week or a few days in advance to get prepared. " may have had test an!iety$
which made those situations very difficult to bear. 5ver time " figured out how to tune out my
surroundings to make the area more comfortable to take tests. 5nce that hurdle was over and "
grew up$ " became lazier and procrastinated to the full e!tent to make things worse. %hat "
usually would do is prepare for tests the day before or even hours before$ which is stressful and
frustrating especially in college. 5nce " became tired of those events$ the last few semesters "
actually started to prepare days if not weeks in advance by making sure " had all the notes for
every chapter that was going to be covered on the tests. "f there was also a review then any
additional information would be piled on to the days of revision that also came with an outline "
would create. Then at least a few hours a day " would go over enough information so " dont get
burned out. 5nce the day of the e!am in class as soon as " receive the e!amination$ " tend to
stare at the paper to tune out any disturbances which also rela!es me and away " go.
4ow are you applying your critical thinking skills(
*uring class when professors and,or fellow classmates are speaking " tend to listen more
than start asking uestions right away. "f there are areas " am unsure of " would usually write my
uestions down so " dont forget and also think more on what " will be actually asking. The time
" take " occasionally figure out the solution to what " could not understand. ' lot of the time
through observation and physically doing the activities " can comprehend ideas that were once
mind boggling. That does work many times but classes with lectures " do take notes and have a
tendency to put my own perspective towards whats being said and written in te!tbooks. %riting
in my own views allows me to determining whether there is sufficient validation to acknowledge
the conclusion. " also place myself along with my beliefs towards new ideas so that " may decide
to make it true or false for me.
%hat are your communication skills(
-y communication skills are minimal to new people since " still shy away from
individuals. " sometimes cant relate to the conversations taking place so "d rather not say
anything at all and &ust listen to their stories instead. %hen it comes to communicating about
work " can talk about many things but " have trouble with casual talk. "t may also be my interest
in the conversation topics doesnt tickle my funny bone. 5ver time " do change$ once " get
familiar with certain peoples action and persona. )o my strongest communication skill is
listening and it can be good and bad depending on the person as well as the response that get
provided to the individual. 2eing silent also avoids conflicts that are unwanted and puts a strain
on any relationship form friendly to intimate.
%hat are your interpersonal skills(
-y interpersonal skills do suffer since " take a lot of time to get to know people and open
up on a casual basis with others. Then again " do acknowledge people with friendly greetings
and a smile. 1urthermore keeping the environment comfortable by not talking about
inappropriate topics and not asking any personal uestions is a very valuable skill to have in ones
arsenal. /obody wants to scare and,or annoy a person when you first meet them or strike up a
conversation with. 5nce " do get to know people better " may cross the line but testing the
waters for the limits is not always a bad thing when its in the middle of being semi0decent and
horrifying to even say. That way you at least know the boundaries that should not be crossed.
*escribe your multiple intelligences
*escribe your responsibilities for developing a positive college e!perience(

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