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COM/156 Version 5
College of Humanities
COM/156 Version 5
University Composition and Communication
Copyrig!t " #$11% #$1$% #$$& by University of '!oeni() *ll rig!ts reserved)
Course Description
+!is course builds upon t!e foundations establis!ed in COM/155) t addresses t!e various r!etorical modes
necessary for effective college essays, narration% illustration% description% process analysis% classification%
definition% comparison and contrast% cause and effect% and argumentation) n addition% re-uirements for researc!
essays% including t!e use of outside sources and appropriate formatting% are considered)
.aculty and students/learners /ill be !eld responsible for understanding and ad!ering to all policies contained
/it!in t!e follo/ing t/o documents,
University policies, 0ou must be logged into t!e student /ebsite to vie/ t!is document)
nstructor policies, +!is document is posted in t!e Course Materials forum)
University policies are sub1ect to c!ange) 2e sure to read t!e policies at t!e beginning of eac! class) 'olicies
may be slig!tly different depending on t!e modality in /!ic! you attend class) f you !ave recently c!anged
modalities% read t!e policies governing your current class modality)
Course Materials
Mc3ean% S) 4#$115) Writing for success) rvington% 60, .lat 7orld 8no/ledge% nc)
Sample 'aper 4*'* and 7riting 9 Style :uidelines5
:rammar and 7riting :uides, *'* ;eference and Citation <(amples
*ll electronic materials are available on t!e student /ebsite)
Week One: Identifying Components of Research Writing
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 <(plain t!e purpose of researc! /riting)
1.2 dentify t!e steps in t!e researc!=/riting process)
1.3 Complete a researc! plan based on a c!osen topic)
Read *ppendi( *)
Reading Read *ppendi( 2)
COM/156 Version 5
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!)11 of Writing for Success,
Section 1)1, 7!y ;esearc!>
Section 1)#, Steps of t!e ;esearc! 7riting 'rocess
Section #)1, C!oosing a +opic
Section #)#, * 'lan for ;esearc!
Section #)?, 7riting 0our O/n ;esearc! 'roposal
Participation Participate in class discussion) nitial !" responses do NOT count
to#ard participation credit.
$n% & !a%s #
1. '(at topic ideas are %ou considering )or %our
researc( paper* '(at angle+s, #ould %ou ta-e. or
#(at #ould %ou propose #it( regards to t(e
topic+s,* '(at are so/e potential c(allenges #it(
#riting about t(e topic+s, %ou are considering* 0or
e1a/ple. is t(e researc( readil% available* $re t(ere
biases to si)t t(roug(* '(% are %ou interested in t(e
topic+s, %ou are considering* 2int3 #(en responding
to %our class/ate responses in t(is t(read. %ou can
o))er ideas or alternate perspectives to consider.
per(aps even lin-s to potential resources to e1plore.
?) 'riters need to consider t(eir audience +potential
target readers,. 0or e1a/ple. i) %ou are #riting a
letter about a trip %ou too-. #ould it loo- t(e sa/e i)
%ou #ere #riting to %our boss as it #ould i) %ou #ere
#riting to a 45%ear5old )a/il% /e/ber suc( as a
niece* '(at are so/e t(ings +de/ograp(ics/traits,
t(at can de)ine an audience* 6ive a couple e1a/ples
o) (o# one #ould need to adjust #riting depending
on t(e de/ograp(ics/traits o) t(e intended audience.
5) '(% are religious re)erences not allo#ed in /ost
acade/ic #riting* '(at are t(e additional ris-s or
dra#bac-s )or including religious re)erences in
persuasive #riting*
7(ursda% 1
$ctivities and
6arro/ing a
+opic 9
6arro/ing t!e
7atc! t!e follo/ing videos located on your student /ebsite,
6arro/ing a +opic
+opics, 6arro/ing t!e .ocus
COM/156 Version 5
$ctivities and
Co/plete t!e @ClausesA e(ercise on My7riting3ab
;esearc! 'lan
Resources3 *ppendi( * and *ppendi( B
:elect a general topic for your researc! paper from t!e follo/ing list)
;emember t!at it must be a topic presented /it! reputable researc!C
religious references or personal biases are not allo/ed in academic
*ffirmative *ction
*nimals 4researc!% treatment% control% 'it 2ulls% etc)5
Censors!ip 4music% fair use% copyrig!t% booD bans% etc)5
<ducation 4vouc!ers% sc!ool c!oice% etc)5
:eneration F
Hate crimes
Healt!y eating
Marriage 4Same Se(% 'olyamory% Staying Single% etc)5
+elevision and c!ildren
*not!er topic of your c!oosing% as approved by t!e instructor
;se *ppendi( B to complete t!is assignment)
0rida% 5
Week To: !athering and "#aluating Information
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 dentify strategies for gat!ering reliable information)
2.2 <valuate t!e credibility of sources)
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) 11 of Writing for Success,
COM/156 Version 5
Section G)1, 3ocating Useful ;esources
Section G)#, <valuating ;esearc! ;esources
Section G)?, Strategies from Managing Source nformation
Reading Read t!is /eeDHs <lectronic ;eserve ;eadings)
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
1. 1. '(at do %ou t(in- o) t(e )ollo#ing idea*
<ver%one is biased. n so/e #a%s. in so/e
situations. ever% person (as at least so/e biases. t
could be a parent t(in-ing (is or (er c(ild is t(e /ost
beauti)ul. t could be )a/iliar /usic sounding t(e
/ost appealing. 2. '(at are t(e various )actors t(at
can create a bias )or a person* !e/ograp(ics*
<1periences* 3. !o %ou t(in- t(at all people (ave
biases in ter/s o) religion/p(ilosop(%* Race*
:e1is/* &. '(en approac(ing a persuasive topic.
(o# can %ou avoid using biased sources and/or
presenting %our o#n biases in %our #riting*
#) Persuasive topics usuall% (ave at least t#o +usuall%
/an%, perspectives. <1ploring opposing vie#points
allo#s %ou to gain a greater dept( o) understanding
)or a topic. =ou /ig(t even c(ange %our /ind about
so/e t(ings. ) not(ing else. %ou can beco/e /ore
a#are o) t(e opposing vie#s so t(at %ou can counter
t(e/. building %our o#n case #(en #riting or
spea-ing persuasivel%. 7a-e a topic #(ere t(ere are
t%picall% t#o or /ore vie#points +an%t(ing e1cept
abortion please,. ) possible. narro# it do#n to a
speci)ic subtopic or stance on an issue. 7(en
present bot( sides o) t(e issue +)or/against.
agree/disagree. pro/con,> include at least )ive ideas
)or eac( side. Present t(e state/ent at t(e top. and
t(en t(e t#o sides belo# t(e state/ent. $s %ou #rite
so/et(ing )or one side o) t(e issue. tr% to #rite a
counter argu/ent )or t(e ot(er. $int: usually it is
easier to %egin ith a statement &against& the topic
stance' '(en responding to %our class/ates on t(is
pro/pt. o))er additional ideas to consider +regardless
o) %our o#n personal belie)s,. <?$MP@<3 :ince
abortion is 8O7 a topic on t(e list )or t(is class. it is
being used as an e1a/ple belo# to (elp %ou
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
understand t(is pro/pt. 8ote t(at t(e vie#s listed are
)or illustrative purposes and do not necessaril%
re)lect t(e belie)s o) t(e )acilitator nor t(e college.
5) Consider %our belie)s on t(e )ollo#ing state/ents3
A Cap5and5trade spending is t(e best #a% )or t(e ;.:.
to control carbon e/issions.
A O.B. :i/pson #as guilt% o) /urder.
A </bellis(/ents are acceptable i) done to pro/ote a
greater good and no one gets (urt.
A $ll abortions are /urder.
A $/erican de/ocrac% is t(e best )or/ o)
A 6lobal #ar/ing is a )act #it( dire conseCuences.
A <volution is a realit%.
A Marijuana s(ould be legaliDed.
A $ #o/anEs place is in t(e (o/e.
A Murderers s(ould be e1ecuted.
C(oose t(ree o) t(ese state/ents and consider #(at
prior belie)s. education. and e1periences %ou (ave
t(at s(ape %our belie)s. 7(e goal is to discuss (o#
educated individuals (ave ans#ers t(at /ig(t be
di))erent )ro/ %ours. 'rite do#n so/e ideas be(ind
eac( belie). and t(en develop a bulleted list #it( t(e
/ost co//on t(e/es to s(are.
$ctivities and
3ibrary +utorial
Co/plete t!e University 3ibrary tutorial)
@og on to your student /ebsite)
1) ClicD t!e @ibrar% tab)
#) ClicD ;niversit% @ibrar%)
?) ClicD Vie# t(e Researc( 7utorial% /!ic! is under 3ibrary
G) C!oose Co/plete t(e ;niversit% @ibrar% nteractive 7utorial)
0ollo# t!e prompts to complete t!e tutorial)
$ctivities and
nternet Sources
Co/plete t!e +ool/ire
3earnscape, *cademic Credibility, 'roving
0our 'oint by selecting t!e linD located on t!e student /ebsite)
$ctivities and 'atc( t!e follo/ing videos located on your student /ebsite,
COM/156 Version 5
Sources 9
6arro/ing t!e
Searc! for
<valuating Sources
Sources, 6arro/ing t!e Searc! for 3ocating Sources
Strategies for
:at!ering and
Resource3 *ppendi( <
@ocate t!ree to five sources for your researc! paper) Select at least
t/o of t!ese sources from t!e University 3ibrary)
Consider t!e follo/ing -uestions /!en selecting sources for your
researc! paper)
s t!e aut!or affiliated /it! any organiEation related to t!e
sub1ect of t!e article> 4Boes !e or s!e !ave an ulterior motive>5
7!at is t!e aut!orHs e(perience /it! t!e sub1ect% including
academic or professional credentials related to t!e sub1ect of t!e
source article> 4s !e or s!e -ualified to interpret and e(plain t!e
comple(ities of t!e sub1ect>5
Boes t!is article report on information e(perienced by t!e
aut!or% or is it a summary or retelling of information from ot!er
sources> 4Ho/ close is t!e aut!or to t!e actual information>5
s t!e information current> 7!en t!e information /as
publis!ed or last updated> 4Mig!t t!ere be resources /it! more
current information>5
n general% does t!e information in t!e source article matc!
/it! information found in ot!er sources% or is it different or
uni-ue> 4Can t!is information be confirmed by more sources t!an
1ust t!is one>5
Boes t!e source maDe any claims /it!out evidence to
support t!em>
<1plain /!at maDes eac! of your identified sources credible or not
credible) n addition% e(plain /!at information you t!inD you mig!t be
able to use from eac! of t!e credible sources)
Co/plete *ppendi( <)
0rida% 5
Week Three: Working With (ources
Details Due Points
COM/156 Version 5
Objectives 3.1 dentify t!e ma1or components of t!e Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association style guide)
3.2 Bemonstrate !o/ to summariEe% parap!rase% and -uote researc!
sources according to Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association)
3.3 *pply Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association style guidelines for citing and referencing sources)
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) 1# of Writing for Success,
Section 1)#, Using Source Material in 0our 'aper
Section 1)?, Bocumenting Source Material
Section 1)G, Using 'rimary and Secondary ;esearc!
Section 1)5, *voiding 'lagiarism
Section 1)6, *cademic ntegrity
Read C!) 1? of Writing for Success.
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
2. magine t!e impact of sending a business letter or
memo t!at is improperly formatted) n particular% t!inD
about rules or standards t!at must be follo/ed at your
place of business) Bo you t!inD t!e reasons for rules and
tradition for communication at your /orDplace apply to
academic /riting> 7!y% or /!y not>
G) Kuotations can add aut!ority to any pro1ect) Ho/ever%
too many -uotations can be distracting) *s a general rule%
no more t!an 15L to #$L of your paper s!ould contain
directly -uoted materials) Bo you agree /it! t!is rule>
7!y> 7!at /ill you do to ensure t!at you stay /it!in
appropriate limits>
5) *cademic /riting standards generally condemn t!e use
of first= and second=person pronouns suc! as % me% my%
you% and your) 7!y do you t!inD t!is is t!e case> 7!y
mig!t t!is be of even greater concern /!en /riting
Somet!ing <(tra,
Consider t(e )ollo#ing state/ents about trut(/realit%3
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
N7!at you t!inD of me is none of my
business)N O7ayne Byer% noting !o/ /!at people
perceive is a reflection of t!eir o/n fears% desires%
and NfiltersN based on t!eir e(periences and
beliefs) Of course% t!e same can be said about
/!at you t!inD of ot!ersP
N+!ere is no trut!) +!ere is only perception)N O
:ustave .laubert
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very
persistent one. Q *lbert <instein
0our perception is your reality)
* perspective does not re-uire you to agree /it! itC
it can e(ist /it!out your permission)
'rompt, 7!at are your t!oug!ts regarding t!e above
ideas> Bo you agree or disagree /it! t!ese ideas> 6o/
apply t!is to discussing topics t!at !ave multiple
vie/points) Ho/ can t!e ideas presented in t!e
statements above provide /isdom in diplomatically
discussing potentially controversial ideas>
$ctivities and
Resource3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% located under t!e 3ibrary
tab of t!e student /ebsite
ClicD @ibrar%)
:o to t!e Center )or 'riting <1cellence)
ClicD 7utorials F 6uides)
ClicD t!e 6ra//ar and 'riting 6uides under :rammar
ClicD Plagiaris/ under t!e :rammar and 7riting :uides)
Co/plete t!e *voiding 'lagiarism Mastery +est) <nsure t!at you
revie/ t!e definition and rules)
$ctivities and
+utorial 4*'*5
'atc( t!e follo/ing videos located on your student /ebsite,
*voiding 'lagiarism 4*'*5, Kuotation, 7!at is Kuotation>
*voiding 'lagiarism 4*'*5, 'arap!rase, 7!at is
*voiding 'lagiarism 4*'*5, Summary, 7!at is a Summary>
$ctivities and
Co/plete t!e follo/ing e(ercises on My7riting3ab
COM/156 Version 5
*ttribution <(ercises, Citations% Kuotations% 'arap!rase% and
'arap!rasing a
Co/plete *ppendi( .) 0rida% M
Week )our: Writing a Thesis
Details Due Points
Objectives &.1 Bevelop a t!esis statement for a researc! paper)
&.2 dentify primary support materials related to a t!esis)
&.3 *nalyEe source materials to determine !o/ t!ey support or refute
t!e t!esis statement)
Reading Read *ppendi( :)
Reading Read t!e follo/ing section in C!) M of Writing for Success,
Section #)#, 7riting a +!esis Statement
Reading Read t!e follo/ing section in C!) 11 of Writing for Success,
Section 5)1, Selecting Useful nformation
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
2. 'art One, +o maDe supporting points% it is important
t!at one finds relevant% accurate% and reliable sources)
7!at s!ould /riters consider /!en looDing for !elpful
sources> 7!at are some red flags t!at indicate t!at t!e
/riter s!ould avoid a particular source> 'art +/oC Using
t!e nternet% find a current article 4/it!in t!e past si(
/eeDs5) 'rovide t!e title of t!e article or /ebsite% t!e
direct linD% and a brief e(planation of /!y you believe t!e
/riting to be credible or not 4i)e) are specific biases being
3. 'art One, Ho/ mig!t you determine /!at is fact and
/!at is opinion> Boes t!e opinion of an e(pert in t!e field
carry more /eig!t t!an t!e opinion of someone t!at is
not> <(plain /!y or /!y not) 'art +/o = *rticles, .ind one
factual article online about a topic 4i)e) popular music5)
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
.ind an opinion=based article about t!e same topic) 3abel
eac! article as NfactualN or Nopinion=based)N
4. Bo you t!inD t!e follo/ing is a /eaD or strong t!esis
statement, @+!e sub1ect of t!is paper is my e(perience
/it! teac!ing elementary sc!ool c!ildrenA> f yes% /!y is it
/eaD> Ho/ could you improve it> f no% /!at -ualities do
you t!inD it !as t!at maDe it ade-uate>
$ctivities and
+!esis ;evie/
Resource3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% located under t!e 3ibrary
tab of t!e student /ebsite
ClicD @ibrar%)
:o to t!e Center )or 'riting <1cellence)
ClicD 7utorials F 6uides)
ClicD t!e 6ra//ar and 'riting 6uides under :rammar
ClicD 'riting :t%le on t!e left !and side of t!e page)
ClicD 7(esis)
Revie# t!e information provided)
$ctivities and
'atc( @+!esis Statements, 7riting a +!esis StatementA video
located on your student /ebsite)
Resource3 *ppendi( :
;se t!e follo/ing t!esis e-uation in t!is /eeDHs reading to develop a
t!esis statement for your researc! essay, limited topic R controlling
idea% point% attitude% or slant S t!esis statement)
Post your completed e-uation and t!esis statement for your
instructorHs approval and feedbacD)
0rida% 5
Week )i#e: Organi*ing Information
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 Construct an outline for a researc! paper)
5.2 Bevelop and organiEe appropriate support for a t!esis in a
researc! paper)
COM/156 Version 5
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) M of Writing for Success,
Section #)1, Selecting Useful nformation
Section #)#, 7riting a +!esis Statement
Section #)?, 7riting and Outline
Reading Read t!is /eeDHs <lectronic ;eserve ;eadings)
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
1. n our assigned article% Tips on oning !our Writing% /e
are told @t!e outline is t!e most important step in /riting Q
it is t!e arc!itecture of /ritingC /ords and sentences are
1ust t!e interior decoration 4p) 1$?5)A Boes t!is statement
surprise you> 7!y or /!y not> 7!y is t!e outline t!e
most important stepTeven more t!an t!e actual draft>
4. +!e /riting process is ongoing% and not as linear as
some students first t!inD) *lt!oug! you are only 1ust no/
drafting your paper% it is not too soon to t!inD about ot!er
parts of t!e /riting process% including ;evising) *ll parts
of t!e process can !appen t!roug!outC for e(ample% you
probably already !ad to spend time revising your t!esis)
+!e follo/ing resources offer a number of suggestions to
!elp revise a paper) n previous classes or t!roug!
e(perience% you mig!t !ave learned ot!er tec!ni-ues for
moving t!roug! t!e /riting process% including editing and
revision) 7!ic! of t!e suggestions do you believe /ill be
most important% or /orD /ell% for you in t!is class> <(plain
U6C C!apel Hill, ;evising
Brafts, !ttp,///ritingcenter)unc)edu/resources/!andouts=
'urdue O73,
'roofreading, !ttp,//o/l)englis!)purdue)edu/o/l/resource/
*ttac!ed, Video and matc!ing !andout for <diting 9
5. +!ere are several common approac!es to organiEing
an outline) 7!ic! do you t!inD /ould /orD best for your
researc! paper> 7!y>
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
$ctivities and
'atc( t!e @Beveloping OutlinesA video% located on your student
Resource3 *ppendi( H
Revie# t!e criteria for outlines in t!e @Beveloping OutlinesA video on
t!e student /ebsite)
Create an outline t!at includes details t!at support your t!esis)
Outline only t!e body of your paper) ;emember to avoid bias to
strengt!en your /riting and present a balanced case for your t!esis)
<1plain in a s!ort paragrap! /!y you decided to se-uence your
paragrap!s as you did) 0our e(planation must be at least 15$ /ords
in lengt!)
;se t!e template in *ppendi( H to develop your outline)
0rida% 5
Week (i+: Drafting the Research Paper
Details Due Points
Objectives 6.1 Create t!e body paragrap!s of a researc! paper from an outline)
6.2 Use sentence variety% sentence clarity% and parallel structure
6.3 *pply Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association style guidelines to /riting% citations% and format)
Reading Read C!) J of Writing for Success.
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) 1# of Writing for Success,
Section 1)1, +!e Structure of a ;esearc! 'aper
Section 1)#, Using Source Material in 0our 'aper
Section 1)?, Bocumenting Source Material
Reading Read C!) 1? of Writing for Success.
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
2. 'art 1, Befine t!e follo/ing t!ree items 4briefly state
/!at eac! means5,
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
Sentence variety
Sentence clarity
'art #, 'arallelism% sentence variety% and sentence clarity
are necessary to effectively complete your body
paragrap!s) 7!y> Ho/ mig!t you use t!em>
3. t is important t!at an essay not be a series of -uotes or
parap!rased materialC oneHs o/n analysis must be part of
t!e essay) Ho/ can you create a balance bet/een your
o/n analysis and t!e source material>
4. 7!at c!allenges did you encounter implementing *'*
guidelines during t!e drafting p!ase> 7!at /ere t!ey>
Can you overcome t!ese c!allenges> Ho/>
Somet!ing e(tra,
NUsageN refers to a category of grammar t!at is not
necessarily about being correct or incorrect% but it impacts
t!e tone and effectiveness of /riting) .or e(ample% /riting
t!at contains slang is considered to be Nlo/ usage)N Here
are some tips for maintaining a N!ig! level usageN in your
7rite in t!ird person point of vie/C avoid unnecessary
use of first 4% me% my% mine5 and second 4you% your5
person point of vie/)
*void using contractions) BonUt% isnUt% canUt% and so
7rite out all numbers under 1$$
*void passive voice% especially /!en it contains
Nt!ereN == t!ere are% t!ere is% t!ere /ill be
*void using vague /ords suc! as Na lotN == !o/ muc!
is a lot> * trailer lot> * store lot> *n e2ay Nlot of ?$
*void starting sentences /it! .*62O0S, for% and%
nor% but% or% yet% so
*void slang or 1argon unless your reading audience
/ill understand it 4even t!en% !esitate using it5
MinimiEe t!e use of Nto beN verbs, is% are% /as% /ere%
am% /ill be
COM/156 Version 5
1) ;ead t!roug! t!e list) Bo any of t!is surprise you>
Have you struggled /it! any of t!ese areas in your
o/n /riting>
#) +!e last item often surprises students) ;eplacing
some of t!e Nto beN verbs in /riting can maDe
/riting !ave a more active tone) +!is does not
mean you !ave to eliminate all instances of Nto beN
verbsC !o/ever% find a sentence in one of your
recent Main forum posts and s!o/ !o/ you can
re/rite it /it!out t!e Nto beN verb 4deleting%
replacing% and re/orDing as needed5) 7as it
?) <(cept for initial BK posts% /!y mig!t facilitators
allo/ most or all of t!e above rules to be broDen
/!en participating in t!e forum 4including breaDing
t!ese rules t!emselves /!en communicating /it!
$ctivities and
7riting Style
Resource3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% located under t!e 3ibrary
tab of t!e student /ebsite
ClicD @ibrar%)
:o to t!e Center )or 'riting <1cellence)
ClicD 7utorials F 6uides)
ClicD t!e 6ra//ar and 'riting 6uides under :rammar
ClicD 'riting 'iDards% /!ic! is on t!e left !and side of t!e
page under 7iEards and +utorials)
ClicD 'riting :t%le on left)
ClicD $ctive and Passive Voice)
Co/plete t!e SDill=and=Brill KuiE found at t!e bottom of t!e page)

Repeat t!e follo/ing steps listed above for t!e SDill=and=Brill KuiE for
t!e follo/ing,
Sentence Variety
Using Concise 3anguage
:ub/it a screen s!ot of your results page3
'ress $lt G Print :creen on your computer Deyboard to
create a screens!ot)
Open a blanD Microsoft
7ord document)
COM/156 Version 5
'ress Ctrl G V on your Deyboard to paste t!e screens!ot into
t!e document)
$ctivities and
$ccess t!e +ool/ire
3earnscape, 'lagiarism ;evie/ at t!e C7<
t!roug! t!e linD located on t!e student /ebsite)
Co/plete t!e 3earnscape *ctivities)
$ctivities and
Citing Sources
$ccess t!e +ool/ire
3earnscape, Citing 0our *ut!oritative Sources
t!roug! t!e linD located on t!e student /ebsite)
Co/plete t!e 3earnscape *ctivities)
Resources3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% t!e 'lagiarism C!ecDer%
and t!e Sample 'aper 4*'* and 7riting 9 Style :uidelines5 and t!e
:rammar and 7riting :uides, *'* ;eference and Citation <(amples
/!ic! can be found on your student /ebsite)
Create t!e body paragrap!s of your researc! paper by converting
your outline into t!e body of your paper) 0ou /rite t!e introduction
and conclusion in 7eeD Seven) Move smoot!ly from one idea to t!e
ne(t and from one section of your paper to t!e ne(t by adding
transitions) +!e roug! draft must be a minimum of M$$ /ords and
must be complete enoug! for t!e facilitator to provide constructive
;se aappropriate sentence variety% sentence clarity% and parallel
structure in your /riting)
0or/at your body paragrap!s consistent /it! *'* guidelines)
Revie# *'* guidelines in t!e Center for 7riting <(cellence)
:ub/it a copy of your body paragrap!s to t!e Center for 7riting
<(cellence and to t!e 'lagiarism C!ecDer for revie/)
Post your body paragrap!s as /ell as results from t!e Center for
7riting <(cellence and t!e 'lagiarism C!ecDer as a single
0rida% 1$
Week (e#en: Drafting an Introduction and a Conclusion
Details Due Points
Objectives H.1 7rite an introduction for a researc! paper)
H.2 7rite a conclusion for a researc! paper)
Reading Read *ppendi( )
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) & of Writing for Success,
COM/156 Version 5
Section G)1, Met!ods of *ttracting nterest in 0our
ntroductory 'aragrap!
Section #)#, 7riting a Conclusion
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
1. +!e purpose of a conclusion is to summariEe all t!e
paperUs support and to state !o/ t!e body paragrap!s
combine to substantiate t!e t!esis) n t!is /ay% t!e
introduction and conclusion are liDe booDends on a s!elf%
/it! t!e supporting statement liDe t!e booDs in bet/een)
1) 7!at Dind of conclusion mig!t be best for your
researc! paper> 7!y>
#) Ho/ can you summariEe your main points /it!out
sounding repetitive> Ho/ does t!e conclusion effectively
summariEe your paper> <(plain your ans/er)
2. C!) &% Section G of Writing for Success e(plains t!e role
an effective introduction s!ould !ave in a paper)
1) 7!at aspect of /riting an introduction do you anticipate
may be a c!allenge for you> 7!y>
#) 7!at type of introduction do you plan to /rite for your
paper> 7!y did you c!oose t!is type of introduction>
5. <ffective formatting !elps maDe a paper more
accessible to t!e reader and !elps t!e /riter more
effectively convey t!eir ideas) Microsoft
7ord !as a built=
in !elp feature) n 7ord #$$J% you may access it by
clicDing t!e -uestion marD in t!e upper=rig!t part of t!e
screen) n 7ord #$$?% you may access t!e !elp by
clicDing t!e Help menu to/ards t!e top of t!e screen)
;evie/ t!e information on formatting documents% using
!eaders and setting margins) 2ased on t!at revie/% /!at
features in 7ord mig!t you use to !elp format your
papers effectively>
7(ursda% 1
$ctivities and
ntroduction and
'atc( t!e follo/ing videos located on your student /ebsite),
<ssays, ntroductions and Conclusions
<ssay ntroductions% Conclusions and +itles, ntroductions
<ssay ntroductions% Conclusions and +itles, Conclusions
ndividual Resource3 *ppendi( 0rida% 5
COM/156 Version 5
ntroduction and
Conclusion Consider t!e components of an effective introduction and an
effective conclusion outlined in t!is /eeDHs reading and t!e *ssociate
'rogram Material, ntroductions and Conclusions)
'rite an introduction for your researc! paper) Use
tec!ni-ues to dra/ readers into your t!esis)
'rite a conclusion for your researc! paper t!at effectively
summariEes your paper)
Week "ight: Re#ising the Research Paper
Details Due Points
Objectives I.1 *pply feedbacD and /riting tools in t!e revision process)
I.2 *pply organiEation% co!esion% and transitions correctly)
Reading Read t!e follo/ing sections in C!) 1# of Writing for Success,
Section #)1, ;evising 0our 'aper, OrganiEations and
Section #)#, Using a Consistent Style and +one
Section #)?, <diting 0our 'aper
Reading Read t!is /eeDHs <lectronic ;eserve ;eadings)
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
1. dentify t!e /riting strategies you !ave learned in t!is
course and !o/ you plan to use t!em) Ho/ !ave your
t!oug!ts about /riting c!anged based on your
e(periences over t!e last & /eeDs>
2. 7riting is somet!ing t!at improves /it! practice and
focus) 7!at steps /ill you taDe to ensure t!at your /riting
continues to improve t!roug!out your college e(perience>
3. Bescribe t!e various university resources you !ave
learned about in t!is course and ot!ers t!at /ill be useful
to you in t!e on=going development of your grammar and
/riting sDills) .or e(ample% !ave you ever asDed your
academic counselor about free student /orDs!ops suc!
as grammar seminars>
Somet!ing e(tra,
7(ursda% 1
COM/156 Version 5
+!e course you are taDing is designed by t!e college% but
t!e college often revises courses based on feedbacD from
bot! students and facilitators) 7!at is one t!ing you
/ould definitely /ant to see Dept t!e same in t!is course>
7!at is one suggestion for improving t!e course> !es,
you only get one item in each category C t!at /ay can
clearly see /!ic! items matter t!e most to students /!en
relay t!e feedbacD)
+!e course continues to improveC !o/ever% !ave some
ideas /ould liDe to suggest% but only if see t!at
students /ant t!ese same t!ings) "oooo% do not asD me
/!at t!ose items are 4t!at /ould be c!eating5)
$ctivities and
Resource3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% located under t!e 3ibrary
tab of t!e student /ebsite
ClicD @ibrar%)
:o to t!e Center )or 'riting <1cellence)
ClicD 7utorials F 6uides)
ClicD t!e 6ra//ar and 'riting 6uides under :rammar
ClicD 'riting 'iDards under 7iEards and +utorials)
ClicD on 'riting :t%le on t!e left !and side of t!e page)
ClicD 7ransitions.
Co/plete t!e SDill=and=Brill +ransition KuiE on +ransitions found at
t!e bottom of t!e page)
:ub/it a screen s!ot of your results page)
Resource3 *ppendi( V
'rite a ?$$= to G$$=/ord response to t!e follo/ing,
Bescribe% in detail% t!e feedbacD you received from
% from t!e 'lagiarism C!ecDer report t!roug! t!e
Center for 7riting <(cellence% and from your facilitator)
<(plain t!e c!anges t!at you /ill maDe to revise your o/n
paper based on t!is feedbacD)
Revie# *ppendi( V) <(plain /!et!er you !ave met eac! item listed
in t!e appendi() f you ans/ered yes% e(plain /!at you !ave done in
your paper to meet t!ese criteria) f you responded no% e(plain /!at
c!anges you /ill maDe to successfully complete t!at re-uirement
before submitting your final draft) ;espond to every item in t!e
0rida% 5
COM/156 Version 5
:ub/it your assignment as one document)
COM/156 Version 5
Week Nine: Completing the Research Paper
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 7rite an academic researc! paper)
4.2 Use appropriate style% tone% and mec!anics% and correct
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
#*'*$ formatting in a researc! paper)
Reading Read C!) 11 of Writing for Success)
Reading Read C!) 1# of Writing for Success)
Reading Read C!) 1? of Writing for Success)
Participation Participate in class discussion) $n% & !a%s #
Respond to /eeDly discussion -uestions) 7(ursda% 1
$ctivities and
Resource3 Center for 7riting <(cellence% located under t!e 3ibrary
tab of t!e student /ebsite
ClicD @ibrar%)
:o to t!e Center )or 'riting <1cellence)
ClicD 7utorials F 6uides)
ClicD t!e 6ra//ar and 'riting 6uides under :rammar
ClicD 'riting 'iDards% /!ic! is on t!e left !and side under
7iEards and +utorials)
ClicD 6uidelines )or 'riting $cade/ic Papers)
ClicD !o#nload t(e Co/plete 6uidelines )or 'riting
$cade/ic <ssa%s)
Revie# t!e information provided on p) 11 of t!e Complete :uidelines
for 7riting *cademic <ssays)
;esearc! 'aper
Resource3 *ppendi( * and *ppendi( 8
;se t!e c!ecDlist in *ppendi( 8 to proofread your final draft) f you
cannot ans/er yes to an item in t!e proofreading c!ecDlist% revise
your paper accordingly)
Co/pose a 1%G5$= to 1%J$$=/ord researc! paper)
nclude t!e follo/ing elements in your researc! paper,
+itle page
:unda% #5
COM/156 Version 5
ntroduction /it! a t!esis statement
2ody paragrap!s /it! supporting evidence% including in=te(t
;eference list of citations containing at least t!ree to five
sourcesat least t/o from t!e University 3ibrary
Revie# *ppendi( * to ensure you !ave completed every step
re-uired for t!e final pro1ect)
0or/at your paper consistent /it! *'* guidelines)
Post your final completed researc! paper as an attac!ment)
Discussion ,uestions - Participation
Vie/ t!e Biscussion Kuestion prompts posted in t!e online classroom eac! /eeD) nstead of posting one eac!
day% t!ey are all posted by Monday to allo/ you time to complete all t!ree of your re-uired responses by
nitial BK responses must be% at minimum% 15$=?$$ /ords long) :rammar counts)
'articipation posts must be at least 1$$ /ords long% on topic /it! t!e original BK prompt% and some!o/ move
t!e discussion for/ard) Moving t!e discussion for/ard, offering a different perspective% asDing a pointed
-uestion 4specific = not 1ust if somebody agrees or asDing in general /!at t!ey t!inD5% offering specific feedbacD
or resources% or ot!er/ise contributing in a /ay t!at is substantive and encourages interaction)
University of '!oeni(I is a registered trademarD of *pollo :roup% nc) in t!e United States and/or ot!er countries)
MicrosoftI% 7indo/sI% and 7indo/s 6+I are registered trademarDs of Microsoft Corporation in t!e United States and/or ot!er countries)
*ll ot!er company and product names are trademarDs or registered trademarDs of t!eir respective companies) Use of t!ese marDs is not
intended to imply endorsement% sponsors!ip% or affiliation)
<dited in accordance /it! University of '!oeni(I editorial standards and practices)

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