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Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all
members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have
outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall
enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the
highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to
rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in
fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights
of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life
in larger freedom,
Whereas Member tates have pledged themselves to achieve, in co!operation with the United
Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for
the full reali"ation of this pledge,
E!LARATI"N "# HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples
and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this
#eclaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for
these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their
universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member tates
themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction$

% &op
Ar$icle %&
'll human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights$&hey are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood$
% &op
Ar$icle '&
(veryone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this #eclaration, without
distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, se), language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status$ *urthermore, no
distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status
of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust,
non!self!governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty$
% &op
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(veryone has the right to life, liberty and security of person$
% &op
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No one shall be held in slavery or servitude+ slavery and the slave trade shall be
prohibited in all their forms$
% &op
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No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
% &op
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(veryone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law$
% &op
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'll are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal
protection of the law$ 'll are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in
violation of this #eclaration and against any incitement to such discrimination$
% &op
Ar$icle -&
(veryone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts
violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law$
% &op
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No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or e)ile$
% &op
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(veryone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and
impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal
charge against him$
% &op
Ar$icle %%&
,-. (veryone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until
proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees
necessary for his defence$
,/. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission
which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time
when it was committed$ Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was
applicable at the time the penal offence was committed$
% &op
Ar$icle %'&
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or
correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation$ (veryone has the right to
the protection of the law against such interference or attacks$
% &op
Ar$icle %(&
,-. (veryone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of
each state$
,/. (veryone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his
% &op
Ar$icle %)&
,-. (veryone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from
,/. &his right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non!
political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United
% &op
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,-. (veryone has the right to a nationality$
,/. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change
his nationality$
% &op
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,-. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion,
have the right to marry and to found a family$ &hey are entitled to equal rights as to
marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution$
,/. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending
,0. &he family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to
protection by society and the tate$
% &op
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,-. (veryone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others$
,/. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property$
% &op
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(veryone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion+ this right includes
freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with
others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship and observance$
% &op
Ar$icle %.&
(veryone has the right to freedom of opinion and e)pression+ this right includes freedom
to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and
ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers$
% &op
Ar$icle '/&
,-. (veryone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association$
,/. No one may be compelled to belong to an association$
% &op
Ar$icle '%&
,-. (veryone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or
through freely chosen representatives$
,/. (veryone has the right of equal access to public service in his country$
,0. &he will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government+ this will shall
be e)pressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal
suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures$
% &op
Ar$icle ''&
(veryone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to
reali"ation, through national effort and international co!operation and in accordance with
the organi"ation and resources of each tate, of the economic, social and cultural rights
indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality$
% &op
Ar$icle '(&
,-. (veryone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable
conditions of work and to protection against unemployment$
,/. (veryone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work$
,0. (veryone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for
himself and his family an e)istence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if
necessary, by other means of social protection$
,1. (veryone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his
% &op
Ar$icle ')&
(veryone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working
hours and periodic holidays with pay$
% &op
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,-. (veryone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well!being
of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment,
sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances
beyond his control$
,/. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance$ 'll children,
whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection$
% &op
Ar$icle '+&
,-. (veryone has the right to education$ (ducation shall be free, at least in the elementary
and fundamental stages$ (lementary education shall be compulsory$ &echnical and
professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit$
,/. (ducation shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to
the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms$ 2t shall promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and
shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace$
,0. 3arents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their
% &op
Ar$icle ',&
,-. (veryone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to
enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits$
,/. (veryone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting
from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author$
% &op
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(veryone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms
set forth in this #eclaration can be fully reali"ed$
% &op
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,-. (veryone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development
of his personality is possible$
,/. 2n the e)ercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such
limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition
and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of
morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society$
,0. &hese rights and freedoms may in no case be e)ercised contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations$
% &op
Ar$icle (/&
Nothing in this #eclaration may be interpreted as implying for any tate, group or person
any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any
of the rights and freedoms set forth herein$
Manly 'rts
*or the first time ever, *il!'m an *ran 4iants pitcher &im 5incecom threw a no!hitter over the
weekend, reported in this paper ,only6.$ *or the first time also, 2 was in olaire last aturday
night to dance)ercise$ 2 met Noli de Castro$ 2 finally got to thank him for gracing my #ulce7s t$
cho wake with his vice!presidential presence$ With him last aturday was superlawyer 8esse
'ndres, who said that they had just watched bo)ing in olaire$ 2 politely nodded, not wanting to
spoil our pleasant mini!chat by my saying 2 avoid watching the Manly 'rt of Modified Murder9
aim, hurt a fellow human being$ upposed mismatches, 2 learned later$ My visit to the olaire
dance hall was marred by two brownouts, resulting in suspending our dance)ercise, first for a
few minutes, and the second, for the night$ *rustrating, given the gross inconvenience in a
supposedly world!class joint, upsetting those who dance e)quisitely or look like they are
resisting arrest or moving furniture$ :ou don7t want to know what happened the yesterday
afternoon when we inquired$
No generators and good electricians in a plush place6 2 was incredulous$
()citing as olaire matches are, how about the bouts in the upreme Court where 8ustice 'rt
;rion reportedly seeks that e)!C8 'rt 3anganiban be cited for contempt of court$ uperlawyer
'rt 3 did not join us in our human rights crusade during martial law but was here all the time$
What about 'rt ; ,;ar No$ -, out of -,<=> e)aminees, 7?1.6 Where was he after he topped the
bar6 We may have a right to ask and know who our 8ustices are$ @igh and mighty officials chose
limited privacy9 the right to be let and left alone$
8ustice Aelasco, a 7?- bar topnotcher ,No$ >. may be lawyering for his son in the C$ (ven if
false, the perceptual problem is acute$ Maybe the Aelascos, with Ba Cesar Airata, are
simonpures, but we want to see kapakanang pambayan prevailing, di pansarile o pang!pamilya$
&he Aelascos and Airatas may have to sacrifice$
()!C8 'rt7s column of last unday7s 3#2, which mentioned me, made me pause$ @e is my
compadre$ When one recounts a war story, he ,;ar No$ >, out of 1,/-> e)aminees, 7>C+ 2 was also
No$ > out of =,1=0, 7>0, ang gulo talaga naming mga hambog na abogado. validates the #urants
saying that all autobiography is vanity$
/CC- saw the successful power grab of the 'rroyos and the generals, who by the couple7s own
account, they started hatching a year earlier, per 4M', narrating in a plush Makati hotel on *eb$
/-, /CC- ,headlined by 3#2, *eb$ //, /CC-., and in Mike7s own statements in an interview with
Duijano de Manila in the March =, /CC- 4raphic issue ,page 0!<.$ *ish caught by its mouth6
&he awesome spectacle of 8$ 'rt and C8 8un #avide in (dsa, on 8an$ /C, /CC-, will never be
beyond easy recall$ 'rt, arms spread!eagled, while C8 #avide administered 4M'7s oath, meant
that the would!be refs, joined one team$ 8udging their own cause$ 5ike a Mommy umpiring a
pitcher!son7s softball game$ 8an$ /C we don7t mark, unlike *eb$ /=$
2 agreed to be (rap7s counsel after his fall from power and he became an underdog ,2 had no part
in his impeachment, when he was overdog.$ 2 asked the two visible 8ustices to recuse themselves,
on *eb$ =, /CC-, in open court, in the orals+ they graciously consented$ 2 had spotted 8$ 3uno at
(dsa but he did not as dramatically prejudged and showed his support for 4M'+ that came later
when as ponente, he used the 'ngara #iaries to unseat (rap, who had nothing to do with writing
same, and came up with Econstructive resignationF to rule against the only 3re", in recent
decades, to win unquestionably$
2 have three pamphlets on the episode, 2n #efense of Constitutional #emocracy+ #itto, 3art / and
3art 0$ Material for an anti!book, but for which 2 have no time really$
2n /CC- the upreme Court ,C. could have invoked Eremoval from office,F under ec$ G of 'rt$
A22 of the Constitution+ 2 would have been hard put answering a ;ench question, EMr$ aguisag,
was that not what you e)actly did with Mr$ Marcos6F$ 2f you look at what the 8ustices wrote
then, they seemed triumphalist and felt proud they were to give us 4M', for which 3re" Cory
later apologi"ed$
'rt recounted how she hesitated but Cardinal in pounded the table and so the wish of 'rt and
8un # prevailed, saying that their matutinal habit of cutting the ;ible guided them to remove the
secular leader voted overwhelmingly into office as 3re" in -<<G$ ' andiganbayan pecial
#ivision was created by the C for (rap+ none has been created as to Marcoses, 4M' and their
cronies, whose cases have been pending+ no pecial #ivision like the one created and
programmed to convict (rap+ the people have vindicated him.$
2 really should write my own book to supplement the late 8$ 2sagani '$ Cru"7s /CC/ book 2 use
while awaiting son Carlo7s update which 2 hope will contain this recollection of 'rt9 E't >9/C
a$m$, Hadio Aeritas announced that Cardinal in was giving (strada until noon to resign,
otherwise the Aice 3resident would take her oath as 3resident$F Was that the place of a Cardinal
heeding the elitist Metro Manila7s Ehooting throng6F 2s this our institutional arrangement in a
secular society6 &he world which admired (dsa7G> looked askance, pu""led, at the /CC-
aberrational regime change$ (rap, No$ / in the /C-C polls, winning in Mindanao, and has just
won in Manila$
2n the Hepublic of #avao, Hudy #uterte runs everything$ 4utsy, like his Mom, with whom 2 used
to march in #avao, and equally gutsy daughter, ara$ o also is enraged gutsy 8ustice ec$ 5eila
de 5ima$ 4rabbed!the!4un6 ans finesse$ 4arapal$ ome people7s idea of dealing with our
alleged overpopulation is the #uterte Way, popular in #avao$ &he C7s Way is to lower the
lawyer population6 57affaire 'rt versus 'rt should have been referred to the 2ntegrated ;ar of
the 3hilippines ,2;3.$ ub judice6 Who obeys it6 o more speech, not less na lang6 #ouglas$
3areng 'rt should not be aboveInor beneathIthe law$ &he 2;3 should have first crack J and
recommend accordingly$ 2 am against the C quickly acting on a complaint against one of its e)!
own+ 2 am also against the unelected C being asked to nullify wholesale the work of the elected
3re" and Congress$
&here must be an actual case brought by a real party, for a concrete factual setting$ &he leaky
unelected, must wait for a proper case$ 'll 2 mention here, judged by their very best, 2 have
learned from, and am grateful$ 'gain, more speech, not less$
&rying to get '5Ns is like humila ng bayawak sa lungga, as narrated by my studes$ 2 have
simplified my assignment, seeing the many bills being filed by lawmakers$ Whatever for, indeed,
in this scofflaw society6
My simplified assignment9 out of the millions in the civil service today, and in the past, 2 ask, for
a guaranteed passing grade ,?=K., proof of compliance by any Eelective and appointive officials
and employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the classified or unclassified or e)emption
service receiving compensation, even nominal, from the government,F ,Lt EMblankF H$'$No$
0C-<, ec$ /,b, and E4overnmentF means Ethe national government, the local governments, the
government!owned and government!controlled corporations, and all other instrumentalities or
agenciesF ,id$ ec$ /,a., with ec$ ? thereof., with ec$ ? requiring a civil servant to file every
year Ea statement of the amounts and sources of his income, the amounts of his personal and
family e)penses and the amount of ta)es paid for the ne)t preceding calendar year$F
@as anyone complied6 &he studes7 purposes are9 -. to pass the subject+ and /. to help have an
amnesty cum remedial legislation since Munti may not have enough room for 3Noy, 8ojobama,
8ustices and 8udges, the enate 3re", the peaker, Cabinet Members, enators, Congressmen,
Constitutional officials, the army, navy, air force and police chiefs, 4overnors, Mayors,
Councilors, down to the last ;arangay dogcatcher$ 5awmakers, law enforcers, lawbreakers$
en$ 4race 3oe N Co$ start with a clean slate and should heed H$'$ No$ 0C-<, slumbering, but
not dead$ Or repeal it$ Why have new laws if we won7t follow e)isting ones anyway6 2f the civil
servant invokes his right to remain silent, let that be on record, using the human and
constitutional right not to speak$ 4race N Co$ may help start our return to the Hule of 5aw$ en$
Nancy ; may ask her father, sister and brother for proof of compliance with ec$ ?$ &he
Ombudsman may start prosecuting$ More defense lawyers will live in nice homes$ 2f no amnesty,
prosecute scofflaws anarchi"ing society$
H$'$ No$ >?-0 may have helped made us a nation of liars$ H$'$ No$ 0C-< affirms that we are a
nation of scofflaws$ 'nd of 8uan &amads$ 5ast month, 2 had a case we7re seeking to settle, in
Muntinlupa ,where many officials should spend their last terms, the first one being in office.$
Case reset so the parties can settle J to March, /C-1P &oo many cases for the new 8udge$ 2 pled
for an earlier date$ 4rantedP #ecember <, /C-0$
No fear of the law cu" conviction with finality comes only when one is gone to a better world$
Not the fault of that brand!new judge, to be sure, but the upreme Court ,C. should lead the
way$ Hetired Chief 8ustice *eli) Makasiar said he never travelled abroad$ &he C has just
resumed sessions after another long break$ 2t used to be that between Christmas and New :ear,
8ustices toiled$ Head, but not seen nor heard$ Work, work, work$ Now 8ustices even accept
speaking invitations, unheard of before, at times to talk of matters where, if brought to it, would
sandbag them$ &hey seem not to care about the vital case!or!controversy!and!proper party
requirements in high!profile radio!&Aed cases$
'nd now Ulyanin teve 3sinakis, and ;allsy 'quino will be probed6 What about the
Woodward!;ernstein Watergate standard6 anything controversial, double corroboration not
usually observed in our *ireP!'imP!HeadyP 8ournalism ,*'H8.$ &here is the basic human and
constitutional right to be presumed innocent, here, observed by our #r$ #ante and the tar7s ;oo
Chanco, doing gumshoe work$
OB to tell 3noy what one thinks of him and his sisters and ancestors$ *'H8 tolerable when high
officials are involved$,6. *oreign 'ffairs may be something else$ &here the nation must speak
with a single voice$ &he 3resident shares responsibility with the enate, up to a point$ &he
@ouse6 No role$ Much less the upreme Court whose members should not speak in public,
particularly on foreign affairs where a case may be brought to it$ Only the 3re" has ambassadors
all over and is therefore in the commanding heights, not tiny bivouacs$ 8ustices should not accept
speaking invites, save from the 2;3, if that$
On H@, one issue really is why the C accepted the case in the first place+ it was asked to be a
super!legislature, the unelected reviewing the work of the elected, wholesale$ Our C is the most
powerful, and therefore, most dangerous branch, which may now tell the elected in the e)ecutive
and the legislative branches, you have abused you discretion, and gravely at that$ E4rave 'buse
of #iscretion ,4'#.F was really meant to apply to a martial!law situation where the military
would not release a detainee despite an C order to do so$ &he military would say it would check
with #a 'po ,Macoy. first$ ;ut, the e)pansionary appetite of the C has made 4'# a basis to
decide on the transfer of a petrochemical plant, the sale of Manila @otel, etc$
' pleasant surprise then that several C 8ustices agreed that the C would not seem to be the
right forum to contest H@$ Consti5aw -C-, there must be a case or controversy bought by the
proper parry$ 8udicial restraint 8$ 3resby Aelasco asked why the petitioners asked the entire law
to be struck down when certain parts of it, can be Evalid even if other parts are declared
unconstitutional$F &he C really has to ask whether the Hight thing is being done in the Hight
way at the Hight time by the Hight party in the Hight way and for the Hight reason$ 2 want to
support my Church that way$
2 believe in family planning$ 's Moro 5oren"o was supposed to have said, he believed in such
planning, and planned a big family$ With population drops, calamities and civil and other wars
elsewhere, with possible use of devastating bombs and missiles, 4od will give us the help we
need$ &hat is my *aith$
&he tate may not stop us from multiplying like rabbits, and we will find a way to endure and
prevail$ &he Church may continue to preach, Eself!control, not birth control$F With mi)ed results$
Cu", Muslims, four wives+ Christians, no limit$ 'nd the Mahihiligs keep getting elected$ No law
can prevent couples from romancing and having babies, lest we have a cleansing civil war, at
long last$
5ast 8une ?, 2 wrote in this column9 E&he other morning, 2 fell off my chair when 2 read ;usiness
2nsight saying that 8oker and 2 worked with 3eping Cojuangco to set term limits$ Not true$F Well,
one has the right NO& to speak$ ;ut, what about 8oker7s letter to it of 8une --, /C-06 &here he
said that he and 2 Edid no such thing$F
o you do not have to believe everything you read in the papers, given daily deadlines$
EMass layoffs at top!flight $ $ $ law firmF 2@&,$ 8une />, /C-0, p$ -G, col$ -$ &he ellipsis is for
EU$$F OB, not the top!flight &aguig *irm, crawling with topnotch U3 alums not one of whom,
to my knowledge, has spoken in defense of its renaming ta)payer property for Ba Cesar Airata$
Only the 8esuitical jiu!jitu of my pal, layman 3opoy de Aera$
&he upreme Court ,C. en banc should not discipline our enterprising 8omar Canlas in a
society like ours, which leaks like a sieve$ Officials feed favored journalists what should be kept
in court, etc$ ;ut, life in government is living in a hardy climate$ More speech, not less$ 'nd,
what might have been wrong in saying Eit Qalleged tantrumR never happened and 2 am sorry to
read that the C is seen as leaking$ &his would discourage candor in our discussions since at
times we toss out tentative views as devil7s advocates$F Not as #evils 2ncarnate$
8ustice Marvic, 2 know enough of you, 2 think$ Beep the high ground$ tand on principle$
Consider journalists7 deadlines$ ;eing misperceived as pikon will only encourage further
bullying of a sort$ :ou and the rest all have better things to do$
&o illustrate9 On *ebruary -, /C-/, my client, 'quila 5egis member Sos Mendo"a, was acquitted
for the third time but today still awaits the resolution of yet another motion to reconsider in an
incredible case of not double, triple, quadruple, but quintuple or multiple jeopardy, possibly
because some justices are too preoccupied leaking stuff to favorites$ Not in this case, but many a
time your hear about a motion for consideration$
4ood to see Chief 8ustice ereno and 'ssociate 8ustice de Castro working together to give our
people a better life$ 'ppointees were picked per an accepted institutional arrangement, which
must be strengthened, not undermined$ 4M' may have lowered the bar but everybody can grow
in office$ We cannot have in 3adre *aura another Circular *iring quad$ One could be a @olmes,
a 8;5, or a 5earned @and and be admired forever and a day$
'nd the upreme Court should stop issuing unworkable rules$ 2n an earlier life, 2 was a hard!
nosed litigator, in court almost daily, e$g$, every afternoon with 'rt 3anganiban and &ony 'bad
in the 'storga!4ome" election case in -<>0!>?, before tough 8udge 'rsenio olidum$
2 sympathi"e with prosecutors grousing about the 8udicial 'ffidavit ,8'. rule$ Not easy preparing
a 8' and they may not have the time to e)ecute one$ &he witness, say, in a vehicular incident,
may even be busier eking out a living$ 'nd all sorts of objectionable stuff creative lawyers can
put in$
's to pre!trials in criminal cases, 2 have always objected to same as defense counsel, when 2 was
still actively litigating, because my accused clients have the right NO& to speak$ 'nything
misspoken, trouble$
&he enate, the @ouse, and the judges should always tell the one whose fate is on the line9 :ou
have a right to remain silent and not condemn yourself, which these institutions honor more in
the breach than in the observance$ 2n the U$$, one can plead the *ifth ,against self!incrimination
or suicide., as it were, and avoid inquisitorial misadventures$ We have not moved away from the
2nquisition, which here has led to suicides$
;ut, U3 may have no right not to speak and may owe the people a step!by!step account how it
happened that a college is named after a living person, arguably violating H$'$ No$ -C=<$
's regards silent Ba Cesar (milio 'guinaldo Airata, has the good man said anything since
martial law6 @e has had a checkered career, like (milio 'guinaldo$$
'nyway, the new 8' Hule would show a lawyer7s, not a witness7s, passion for precision and
conciseness but nothing of the witness7s demeanor on direct e)amination$
U3 5aw7s Malcolm @all may be renamed after sharp cross!e)aminers9 (nrile, Mendo"a ,&itong.,
8ojobama, and others, including igma Hhogues from 'CCH' and &he *irm$
Obstaa principiis, resist the first encroachment, by sticking to the rules, such as in identifying and
naming justices$
;usiness 2nsight misspelled the surname of 8ustice Noel &ijam ,as &ejam. when lauding him$ @e
was a jewel in an ;eda 5aw Class 7?-$ 2 will support him and 8ustice 8oey Heyes to succeed
good egg ;obby 'bad ne)t May$ 2n an ;eda we were taught the very quaint way to pronounce
3uig, in 3uig!3ena, a civil law authority$ Not as spelled$ U3 mahirap ispelengen$
2 bumped into Cong$ 'bby ;inay last &uesday evening in Cash N Carry here in 3alanan, Makati
,where 2 was enjoying my 'pos!tolate.$ &he Cong$55; should have been the one made to run by
8ojobama$ ;ut, it7s done and Nancy deserves a fair shot$ Now that we have new members of
Congress EseminaredF to learn, what do we do6 One thing to teach them is to be like en$ ;yrd
of poor West Airginia, who improved his state with his pork barrel$ Why should the thieves in
the ()ecutive have all the fun6
'nother problem is 3areng ;oy ;rillantes of the Comelec and others being sued here$ 4ood$
&hat is the institutional arrangement$ ,Will some U3 law alum question U37s seeming violation
of H$'$ No$ -C=< in l7affaire Airata6.
&aking the Comelec to the UN for it to decide our fate as a nation by nations from faraway
places with strange!sounding names may not be the way to go$ We never elected or appointed
them and the UN is not in the business of overseeing national elections$
@ow to pronounce EaugustF if a solon would use it$ 'h, Monica 3uig in tennis$ 2n an ;eda, we
were taught that 3uig ,as in 3uig!3ena. is pronounced 3ooich$
*r$ ;enabarre, &:, for confirmation, and bon voyage, at his departure to attend the beatification
of /G panish ;enedictine monks, martyrs of the -<0>!0< panish Civil War$ ome ;edans are
going with you on 8uly G to &arragona, you say$ 2s Century7s 8oey 'ntonio going6 ' ;edan 7>>
Commerce alum, cum laude, he has Wharton kids now in the news, for allegedly violating
"oning, ethical and legal norms in ostentation at a time of want$
2 hail 3ope *rancis for snubbing, last aturday, a concert, the high life, and preferring to work
with low!life figures in his simple partan way$
On norms, why should government pay for the 'mpatuan Massacre victims as suggested by my
good friend, @arry Hoque6 My late wife was telling me of a poor father of a classmate of a son
of ours in an ;eda$ Billed by hooligans$ No serious probe$ No case filed$
Why should only headline!grabbing cases victims be prioriti"ed in our poor country as we ration
out justice6 &he press and lawyers are higher in the pecking order6 'nd women are seemingly
getting all the breaks in recent legislation$ 2 may have started the trend,
On 8uly />, -<<C, the enate approved, on third reading, my enate ;ill No$ -10G to admit
women into the 3M'$ ;ut it took the Women in Nation!;uilding 'ct of Haul Hoco N Co for me
to insert in conference ,the &hird @ouse, after the ;igger and ;etter @ouses., where 2 simply
removed the se) requirement for admission, in H$'$ No$ ?-<- of -<<-$ 2t might not have been
the right decision but in government, one7s choices could be bad, worse and worst$
#espite the lack of widespread outrage or clamor, some want a manual recount$ Others want the
'mpatuan victims compensated$ &hey may speak from their bivouacs$
;ut as one who for a year was in the commanding heights, 2 felt like the widower left with a
do"en kids all wanting to have a blanket each, when 2 could afford only four$ o mamaluktot
muna$ 'll have valid competing claims but one would have to do with the reality of the situation
in dealing with fellow ;edan 'do 3aglinawan for a manual recount or 3anyero @arry Hoque7s
claim for compensation$$
&ita @elena ;enite" is <<$ @appy birth anniversary$$ Not the type who will say on the witness
stand that she is Eof legal age$F @aving been a enator myself, ssssh, huwag nyo na lang
pagsasabi, 2 fantasi"e with the 2rish youth, to live to be a hundred, when 277ll be shot to death, in
bed, caught in flagrante with a kulasisi, by a jealous boy
Ninoy and cory month
'ugust 2 mark for another birth date ,which 2 share with Chair ;oy ;rillantes, Magic 8ohnson,
*r$ Samora and &im &ebow. and death anniversaries, Ninoy7s and Cory7s, 3la"a Miranda
victims, and Walking &all heriff ;uford.$
Ninoy 'quino at =C 6 Once again in search of his place in history 2 wrote in Mr$ N Ms$ on #ec$
?, -<G/$ @erewith !
E2 got back in the wee hours of aturday, November >, completing a trip to the U$$ that began
last eptember // ,Mr$ N Ms$, October -/, -<G/.$ $ $ $
2 met during my trip 3rominent @eavies such as Ninoy 'quino,T
E2 spent the first week of my si)6week sojourn in an *rancisco, the ne)t in Washington, #$C$
the third in New :ork, the fourth in ;oston, the fifth in 5os 'ngeles, and the last in an
*rancisco again$ EQ2 metR Ninoy, who turned =C last November /?$
E@e was a stranger to me prior to October -0, -<G/$ 2 had not met him before that night, after
checking in at the ;oston 3ark 3la"a @otel coming off a bus trip from New :ork$ ' beautiful
way to see New (ngland in autumn with its spectacular fall foliage$ 2 dialed his number which
(rnie Maceda had given me in New :ork$ Ninoy and 2 arranged to meet the following noon at
the @arvard 8*B chool of 4overnment, where he was to give an informal talk to the highly
regarded 8*B *ellows$
E't the table, 2, in &6shirt and jeans, asked to sit between famous tate en$ Mark Duentin
Hhoads and *eminist 4uru ;etty *riedan$ QWe may have been a baker7s do"en$R ;edan Ninoy, in
coat and tie, held court on his perceptions of the 3hilippine and international situations$ @e
talked of his past, present and future$ @e would repeatedly stress that, partly as a result of his
prison e)perience and being strapped for cash, his public life was behind him and that he had
cancelled his reservation for what was at bottom an ego trip to the presidency$ @e had gotten
elected youngest governor and senator in our history and 6 who knows6 J perhaps he would have
been the youngest president of the country had martial law not been inflicted by Mr$ Marcos$ @is
detractors say he would have been our first dictator$
E@e said he enjoys the quiet life there$ @e is not sure after a trip to tropical Nicaragua that he
could adjust again to our weather in the 3hilippines, let alone perhaps the heat Mr$ Marcos would
put on him, one might add$ When 2 later told others about Ninoy7s forswearing politics they
would smile a la Mona 5isa$
EWould he consider teaming up with the Marcoses6 @e recalled that his father had helped a lot
of people in World War 22 and was labeled a collaborator for his pains, which he tried to live
down+ he passed away at =0 of a heart ailment 6 was it a broken heart more like6 Ninoy would
rather not risk being so perceived or misunderstood$
E&here was, one might suppose, providence in Ninoy7s release$ #id the fickle gods intervene in
-<GC6 @owever that may be, his release on deus e) machina has been at once a burden and a
blessing$ @is monochromatic martyri"ed image was blurred or distorted, if not ruined altogether$
E@e recalls that once in -<??, Mr$ Marcos had sent for him$ &hey met in MalacaUang in the
presence of 4en$ Aer, Minister (nrile and Minister &atad$ &hen ensued the following e)change,
as 2 recall his narration of his own recollection of it, at least in substance, as something may have
been lost in the transmission of hearsay twice removed, so to say$
EM'HCO 6 :ou know, a thought occurred to me last night, while 2 was thinking of our
meeting today$ uppose 2 let you out right now, what will you do6
E'DU2NO ,surprised. 6 Well, 2 don7t know, brod, 2 have not given it a thought really as 2 have
not been allowed to read or hear or watch the news all these years$ Maybe what 2 will do is to go
out to the people and ask if they are happy under your administration$ 2f they are, then 2 will just
keep quiet$ @owever, if they are not, then 2 will probably try to lead them against your
EM'HCO 6 :ou know, in a way, 2 envy you$
E'DU2NO 6 Why, brod6
EM'HCO 6:ou have all the time to read the great books, the classics, the finest literature$ 2 am
still struggling for mine$
E'DU2NO 6 Well, my years in prison also made me reali"e who my very few real friends are$
@ow about you, brod, do you know who your real friends are6F
ENinoy had probably let loose a shaft and sensing it found the mark, twisted it$ &here was an
uneasy shuffling in the seats by those present, he recalled$
E@e was serious, he was light, he would touch on matters of state and the latest gossip on the
members of the local ruling elite and would punctuate most anything with V8ee"7$F
:esterday, we marked the death anniversary of one who said she prayed with all her heart,
worked with all her might, and the rest she left to 4od$ May 2 wade in and e)ercise also my
braggin7 rights in the pissin7 contest on 3re" Cory7s paintings6 he gifted me with one and wrote
at the back this grace note9 E&hank you for being my spokesman, my lawyer, my Qvery very
occasionalR speech6writer, my loyal supporter and most of all for being my friend$ 4od blessPF
M';2N2 colleagues J Bindly recall that in our meeting, there was a heated debate on whether 2
should accept that U$$ tate #epartment7s human rights grant for -<G/$ ubjected to voting,
only @onorary Chair en$ &anny and 8oey 5ina shared my reservations, but a definitive -0!/
vote made this 4ood oldier accept$ 'nd 2 finally met &he Man, who 2 could only see as an
;eda7s commencement speaker in -<>1 but 2 have a better recollection of 'malia, accompanying
kin going upstage$ ,2 was also on stage as a 7>0 ;ar &op &enner.$
2 also met &he Woman in Newton, but the 3lain @ousewife was only making ganchillo in the
background$ With Ninoy, larger than life, no room for anybody else$
;ut of Chino Hoces7s prediction of an 'quino following Marcos, wrong se)$
&he official candidates for 3re" in /C-C were ;enigno 'quino 222, Manuel Aillar, 4ilbert
&eodoro, 8oseph (strada, 8C delos Heyes, Hichard 4ordon, 8amby Madrigal and (ddie
Aillanueva$ :ou may not like the last three years in office of 3Noy, and you may not like the
ne)t thousand days either$
:ou think (rap and Co$ could have done better, given the mess the Marcoses and the 'rroyos
have left while we keep multiplying like rabbits6 &he one you hate the most, egg him to run for
3re" of our ungovernable people with Badunongs and 3ilosopos galore$ &hey know all the
answers, like 2 do, as a columnist in our Wild Wild 3ress with Media being the 3lural of
Mediocre$ We e)plain what we don7t see and understand, in our bivouacs while the 3re" is in the
commanding heights$
3Noy did not have to deliver that loooong tate of the Nation 'ddress ,ON'. last Monday$ 2t is
obligatory6 ;ut, can the 3re" be mandamused6 2 doubt, despite the constitutional language
2n the U some 3re" have no ON's or just send one in writing$ @ere, it is mainly about making
us drool in envy, particularly the women who see the attire of the women attendees in the tate
of the Nation7s 'ccouterment$ ' uniform6 Why not6 Maybe like the t$ cho!Bulasa uniform6
Orating is one strong point of ours$ 8apanese officials supposedly whisper or shout, unable to
orate$ 'll they do is work, work, work while we talk, talk, talk$ &hey have the 5e)us, we still
have jeepneys at corners or trikes in counterflow$ 3erfectionists, where we are puede!na$ ;ut,
masaya$ We sing and dance in the rain while other peoples may take shelter$ 'mong the
8apanese, the serious ailment or death of a loved one is no e)cuse to be absent from work, as
some over!the!hill U major leaguers playing besoboru in 8apan have found out to their
additional grief ,our kids can say baseball with the word falling trippingly from the tongue.$ Not
On 3Noy7s nearly two!hour speech applauded dutifully by his people ,hakot6., 2 had my own
beef$ 5ike many others, 2 wonder why he didn7t mention me and my advocacies$ @ow dare he6
ome felt deeply hurt and offered to resign$ &hey should resign$ 3eriod$ ;ut continue to work for
our people because 'rt$ /0G of the Hevised 3enal Code punishes EQaRny public officer, who,
before the acceptance of his resignation, shall abandon his office to the detriment of the public
service$ $ $ $F &he supposed resignation of (rap was refused by the people in the election of his
legal wife, common!law wife, and a legal son and a love child, to high public offices$ (rap was
Mindanao7s choice for 3re" in /C-0, and now ManileUos choice for @i""oner, as our people
joined 3re" Cory in apologi"ing to him for removing him from office in /CC-$ 'nyway, kudos to
;ia"on, 5im and &anada, not morir!antes!de!dimitir types$
Now there are lawmaking seminars$ 2n our time in the enate, we had Uncle 8ovy alonga ,U3,
@arvard and :ale., Manong 8ohnny ,U3 and @arvard., Manang 5etty ,Wellesley and orbonne.,
onny 'lvare" ,U3 and @arvard.+ (dong 'ngara ,U3 and Michigan+ his son onny, U3 and
@arvard.+ ;obby &anada ,'teneo, M5D and @arvard.+ Buya &eroy 5aurel ,U3 and :ale.,
Manong (rnie Maceda ,'teneo and @arvard., &ing 3aterno ,5a alle, U3, and 5ehigh., Manong
;ert Homulo ,5a alle, M5D and Central Universidad de Madrid. and Mike &amano ,U3 and
Cornell.$ Me6 Makati (lem, Hi"al @i, an ;eda and @arvard$ 2 was the lone 3inabili!5ang!Ng!
uka who probably needed a seminar in my batch, not having any yen for politics as an
'ccidental 3ublic Official$ 2 told Uncle 8ovy 2 didn7t want to add to his headaches, given the
squabbles over Committees and just to give me one no one else wanted$ 2 got (thics$
'cademically, our people may be said to have lowered the bar this year and did not want another
criminal genius, like enator *erdinand Marcos, r$$ ;ut, let7s hope for all, including Marcos, 8r$,
;ongbong, to succeed+ their success is ours$ What is their take on 'yungin and carborough6
5ast Wednesday, 2 attended as an ordinary citi"en, a demo against ;ully!;ully China but
#ictator Haffy 'lunan ordered this groundling to go up stage and speak$ *or your penance,
Haffy, tell naman 5a alle Manila, your alma mater, not to have its vehicles stop and occupy -W/
of Aito Cru"$ City @all should never allow the elite to build flush on the boundary but should
require space within the property owned by the school for disgorging or taking in drivers and
4ood people change others, better people change the system, the best ones change themselves$
tate of elf ,O.$ 2f you want to see change, be that change$ &olstoy and 4andhi, &:$
&he weather, City @all and the cops cooperated last Wednesday$ ;ut, how soon will Mayor
8un8un ;inay, doing a good job, have the junkyard cars removed from 3alanan where we have
lost our sidewalks and continue to have wakes on streets6 4anito kami sa ;arangay 3alanan sa

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