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Meal Planning

Booklet No. 307

Food and Nutrition: FNS - 4
I. Introduction
II. Meaning
III. Importance
IV. Factors Affecting Meal Planning
V. Essentials of Meal Planning
VI. Levels of Meal Planning
VII. Conclusion
Meal planning occupies a very important place in our day-to-day life. Indian diets are
knon to !e deficient in essential nutrients. "#erefore$ it is desira!le to evolve steps to improve
t#e nutritive value of t#e diets taken !y people of all ages. %ence$ t#is !ooklet provides valua!le
information regarding planning of ade&uate meals.
Dr. . !. C"and#$ %gricultural & 'n(iron)ental 'ducation
*. *ntroduction
"#e food t#at e consume is ell assimilated in our !ody and is used for t#e grot# and
maintenance of !ody tissues. Life cannot e'ist it#out food$ and it is for t#is reason t#at every
living organism strives to o!tain its food re&uirements. "#e dietary #a!its in different regions of
t#e orld #ave !een determined mostly !y t#e local availa!ility of foods$ and t#e dietary
patterns essential to sustain a good #ealt#. (enerally$ it #as !een seen t#at t#e satisfaction of
#unger is usually t#e main factor for a satisfactory food intake. It is very important t#at for
sustaining a #ealt#y and normal life$ diets s#ould !e planned it# t#e scientific knoledge of
nutrition. It is very essential to learn t#e general principles and considerations t#at govern t#e
planning of !alanced diets. )ecent studies #ave s#on t#at t#e Indian diets are knon to !e
deficient in many important nutrients$ t#erefore$ it is Important to evolve measures to Improve
t#e nutritive value of t#e diets consumed !y all t#e age groups.
**. Meaning
Meal planning is regarded !ot# as a science as ell as an art. It is regarded as an art
!ecause it involves t#e skillful !lending of colour$ te'ture and flavour and it is considered to !e a
science !ecause it involves a careful selection of food for optimum nutrition and digestion. A
ell planned meal is alays appealing to t#e eyes. "#erefore$ it is very important t#at e s#ould
o!tain ade&uate nutrition !y including t#e foods from all t#e food groups in sufficient &uantity as
ell as proportion. Meal planning means planning for ade&uate nutrition. Meal planning is an art
#ic# develops t#roug# inspiration and t#oug#t. It may appear to !e difficult at first !ut it is a
skill #ic# gros it# patience and practice.
"#e isely planned meal not only #as to !e palata!le !ut also it s#ould !e nutritious.
Appetite depends not only on #unger !ut also on t#e taste$ te'ture$ appearance and
attractiveness of t#e foods.
***. *)+ortance
"#e main points #ic# e'plain t#e importance of meal planning are e'plained #ere.
*. Planning of meals in a family is very important in order to fulfill t#e nutritional re&uirements of
t#e family mem!ers. "#is is very important to keep t#em strong and #ealt#y and also free from
any nutritional deficiency disease symptoms of any kind.
+. "#e food or t#e meal t#at is planned #as to !e palata!le and appealing to t#e eye as ell as
nutritious. It #as !een o!served t#at a ma,ority of t#e people do not prefer to eat t#e foods t#at
t#ey do not like$ even if t#ose foods are of #ig# nutritional value.
-. Meal planning is of utmost importance !ecause it involves on time$ la!our and
fuel. /#ile planning of meals t#e cooking met#od s#ould !e suc# t#at t#ere is ma'imum
retention of nutrients and at t#e same time t#ere is minimum loss of nutrients.
0. "#is is also very important to keep in mind t#at t#e meals s#ould !e planned according to t#e
!udget of t#e family. "#ere can !e t#e ma'imum utili.ation of t#e money spent on foods if it is
spent in t#e !est possi!le ay. It is possi!le to #ave a diet ric# in &uality and nutritive value
it#out purc#asing e'pensive foods like milk$ eggs$ !utter$ meat and a recognition of t#is ill
remove misconceptions t#at only e'pensive foods are nutritious. Meal planning$ t#erefore$ #elps
one to plan it#in t#e family1s means and resources.
2. "#ere are so many varieties of foods t#at it !ecomes difficult to decide and 3elect t#e food to
!e cooked. A knoledge of t#e nutritive value of t#e foods is$ t#erefore$ very important !ecause
it ena!les one to make a !etter c#oice and at t#e same time to avoid any monotony in t#e diet.
4. It is alays advisa!le to plan t#e meals in advance !efore cooking. "#is ill !e very muc#
economical as t#e left-overs from t#e previous meal can !e made use of$ instead of !eing
asted. For instance$ t#e !oiled rice can !e used in k#ic#ri or in some rice pudding. "#e
nutritive value of some foods can also !e en#anced !y sprouting or fermenting t#e foods
re&uired in advance.
5. Meal planning also #elps to determine t#e ade&uacy of t#e diet$ t#e kind of t#e food
purc#ased$ its &uality and its cost$ t#e ay it is stored$ prepared and served. It is very muc#
advisa!le for t#e #ouseife to record and find out #o t#e meals s#e serves can !e improved$
t#eir cost reduced and t#eir nutritive value !e en#anced.
*,. Factors %ffecting Meal Planning
In a family$ it #as !een o!served t#at no to individuals #ave e'actly t#e same
nutritional re&uirements. "#erefore$ t#eir dietary pattern also differs in order to meet t#eir
p#ysical$ social and psyc#ological re&uirements. "#ere are a num!er of factors #ic# play an
important role in t#e meal planning.
-. %de.uac# of t"e foods
A good meal planning or menu is t#e one #ic# ill not only provide t#e ade&uate
amounts of nutrients$ suc# is$ fats$ calories and proteins$ !ut also minerals and vitamins
essential for t#e p#ysical ell-!eing of eac# family mem!ers. %ence$ it is very important t#at t#e
age$ se'$ occupation$ p#ysiological condition and num!er of family mem!ers must !e kept in
mind #ile meal planning.
Pattern of meal planning may vary idely !ut an attempt must !e made to provide a diet
t#at ill not lead to protein deficiency accompanied !y a deficiency of iron. 6ometimes
deficiency of milk leads to a diet #ic# is lo in calcium. It is advisa!le to include one or more
foods from eac# of t#e different food groups. "#is ill #elp to prevent most im!alances in t#e
/. Meal +atterns )ust fulfill t"e fa)il# needs
/#ile planning meals$ it is advisa!le t#at t#e person s#ould consider t#e re&uirements of
eac# individual mem!er of t#e family. In a family$ t#ere may !e a c#ild$ a sedentary orking
lady$ a #ard-orking man$ an adolescent !oy and a #ard orking #ouseife. "#e #ouseife
#o plans t#e meals #as to see to t#eir different nutritional re&uirements. "#e te'ture and
met#od of cooking food for a young person ill !e different from t#at of an old person !ecause
an old person is una!le to digest #ard foods and re&uires soft cooked foods. 7oung and
adolescent girls #ave to !e given more iron in t#eir diets as compared to !oys !ecause of !lood
loss during menstruation. A #eavy orker re&uires more calories t#an a moderate orker.
3. !i)e and energ# sa(ing
Meal planning s#ould !e done in suc# a manner t#at it s#ould !e easy to cook and save
time and energy. "#is is especially important for t#e families of lo income groups or #ere t#e
#ouseives are also orking. If t#e meal consists of too many dis#es and eac# takes a lot of
time to prepare$ t#en t#e #ouseife ill spend too muc# time in t#e kitc#en and s#e may get
frustrated !ecause t#e ot#er #ouse#old orks ill remain incomplete. "#erefore$ t#e meal
planning of t#e diet s#ould !e suc# t#at it involves t#e minimum amount of time$ energy$ and
4. *ndi(idual likes and dislikes
Alt#oug# it is important t#at t#e recommended daily alloances for eac# of t#e food
group must !e folloed$ t#ere is a room for individual preferences amongst t#e foods in eac#
class. In many families$ some people make personal likes and dislikes to !e t#e only !asis for
t#e inclusion or e'clusion of certain foods in t#eir meals$ t#e failure to include milk is a common
practice. It is alays advisa!le to c#ange t#e form of t#e food rat#er t#an to completely avoid it.
For instance$ milk can !e given in t#e form of curd$ c#eese$ custard or anot#er seet dis#
soya!eans in t#e form of soya flour c#apttis mi'ed it# #eat flour.
0. Making suita1le food co)1ination
8y mi'ing or com!ining t#e foods in suita!le ays$ variety in meals can !e o!tained$ it
means accepta!ility$ t#us t#ere!y ensuring !etter nutrition. "#is can !e Introduced !y c#anges
in t#e colour$ s#ape$ te'ture$ flavour and met#ods of preparation. Attractive colour
com!inations are alays appealing to t#e eyes. Variation in t#e te'ture is also essential.
All t#e soft or #ard foods ill not !e liked !y an individual. Flavour plays an important
role and different flavours introduce variety and meal appeal. Also it is very important t#at all t#e
meals s#ould not #ave too s#arp flavour. Various met#ods of cooking can also introduce variety$
for instance a meal consisting of tandoori roti$ dal 9urad or masoor:$ and a seasonal green
vegeta!le along it# a salad and fruit is ell planned.
Cereals and pulses #en cooked in com!ination also en#ance t#eir nutritive value of t#e
food stuffs$ for instance$ k#ic#ri$ roti$ dosa$ idli. If t#ey are cooked in com!ination it# green
leafy vegeta!les$ nuts$ oilseeds and milk etc.$ t#e nutritive value is furt#er en#anced. For
instance$ it #as !een suggested t#at mai.e 9corn: taken it# lime is of superior nutritional value
t#an t#e plain mai.e alone.
2. Satiet# (alue
It is important to kno t#at t#e foods ric# in proteins and fats #ave a #ig#er satiety value
compared to car!o#ydrates. Planning t#e interval !eteen t#e to meals s#ould !e considered$
and accordingly t#e foods from different food groups must !e included. If t#e interval !eteen
t#e to meals is longer$ t#e foods s#ould !e ric# in protein and fat. If t#e interval !eteen t#e
too meals is s#ort$ t#en t#e food s#ould !e ric# in car!o#ydrate.
7. %(aila1ilit# of foods
In t#e earlier times$ t#e dietary #a!its ere muc# depending upon t#e foods produced in
a particular area or t#e community$ !ut today it# improved met#ods of food preservation and
distri!ution$ even t#e most peris#a!le foods are availa!le over large areas. "#e ide variation in
t#e dietary patterns t#roug#out t#e orld depends largely upon t#e local availa!ility of t#e food
3. 'cono)ic considerations
"#e financial conditions of a family of moderate means cannot afford to provide lu'ury
foods or e'pensive foods$ !ut it can definitely offer variety and c#oice. Food !udgets of lo
income groups restrict t#e c#oices still furt#er and it may !e possi!le t#at it !ecomes necessary
to depend largely on t#e cereal !ased foods. "#en t#e pro!lem faced ould !e to provide
supplementation of t#ese cereal foods it# t#e foods essential for a !alanced diet. Alt#oug#$ it
!ecomes &uite difficult to plan$ !ut at t#e same time it is not impossi!le. /#en t#e cost of food
per day is lo$ it is realised t#at it is very important to #ave a good knoledge of less e'pensive
foods$ #ic# provide #ig# nutritional value. %oever$ suc# recipes and foods s#ould !e included
in t#e meal planning$ for instance$ seasonal vegeta!les$ !utter -milk$ pickle or c#utney and
preparation of paus#tik roti 9t#at is t#e mi'ture of cereals and pulses:.
4. Seasonal foods
At t#e present time it is seen t#at t#e seasons playa less important role in meal planning
t#an in t#e olden times !ecause t#e fres# fro.en toads are availa!le t#roug#out t#e year. It is
advisa!le t#at t#e foods included in t#e diet plans s#ould !e seasonal foods !ecause t#ey are
c#eap and locally availa!le in good &uality and are also it#in t#e reac# of all t#e people.
-0. Custo)s $ traditions and religions
"#is is a very important factor to !e kept in mind #ile meal preparation. "#is is an
important factor and food #a!its must !e kept in mind #ile planning meals !ecause t#ey
!elong to different religions. Muslims cannot eat pork$ #ereas %indus ill not eat !eef. )ice is
considered to !e an auspicious dis# at festivals and marriages. /idos are generally not
served fis# in /est 8engal. Customs and traditions differ from community to community and
#ence s#ould !e kept in vie #ile planning meals for a family.
,. 'ssentials of Meal Planning
6uccessful meal planning not only depends upon t#e nutritional re&uirements of t#e
!ody !ut also it depends upon many ot#er factors. 6ome important factors are e'plained #ere.
-. 5ood 1reakfast
A good !reakfast s#ould provide one fourt# of t#e daily caloric and protein alloances.
8reakfast may include some protein food suc# as egg or milk$ cereal or !read or !ot# and a
!everage. It is advisa!le t#at diet of c#ildren and teenagers s#ould include milk in t#e !reakfast.
A !reakfast may !e lig#t or #eavy depending upon t#e individual1s ork$ activity and food
/. 6unc" s"ould not 1e neglected
It #as !een o!served t#at many orkers eat lunc#es t#at are limited to t#e c#oices of
food. It #as !een o!served t#at t#e lunc# eaten !y t#e pre-sc#ool c#ildren and t#e omen
contains leftovers !ecause t#e omen do not take time for ade&uate planning or preparation.
"#erefore$ it is essential t#at t#e lunc# s#ould contain a !alance of all t#e foods from different
food groups.
3. Dinner +atterns
"#e dinner is a meal over #ic# most #ouseives #ave control. For many families$
dinner is t#e only time #en all t#e mem!ers are present toget#er. "#is meal$ must make up for
any deficiencies t#at mig#t #ave taken place earlier in ot#er meals of t#e day. Meat$ fis#$ fol$
c#eese$ eggs or legumes s#ould comprise t#e main dis# at dinner. Potatoes or a starc#y food
and a green or yello vegeta!le is generally included. If no salad #as !een provided in t#e
lunc#$ it s#ould !e served #ere. ;esserts s#ould also !e provided as a part of t#e dinner.
;essert may consist of fruits$ pudding$ cake or pastry. Milk s#ould also !e provided to t#e
4. Snacks
Most people consume snacks and !everages !eteen meals and in t#e evening. /#en
t#ey are selected as part of t#e total food pattern for t#e day and consist primarily of nutrient ric#
foods and t#ey can en#ance t#e nutritional &uality of t#e diet. Most often$ snacks consist of
#ig#-caloric foods t#at are lo in nutritive value. "#is indicates t#at some people ill e'ceed
t#eir caloric re&uirements and t#at ot#ers$ especially t#e c#ildren$ may not consume sufficient
amount of essential nutrients.
,*. 6e(els of Meal Planning
A ell planned meal may !e defined as one #ic# contains t#e various groups of foods
suc# as energy giving foods$ !ody !uilding foods and protective foods in t#e correct proportions
and amounts so t#at an individual is assured of o!taining t#e minimum re&uirement of all t#e
nutrients. "#e components of t#e meal ill vary according to t#e age$ se'$ p#ysical activity$
economic status$ p#ysiological conditions$ time of t#e day i.e. morning !reak-fast$ lunc# and
-. Meal +lanning at "ig" cost
6uc# meals ill include li!eral amounts of protective and protein ric# foods suc# as milk$
eggs$ meat$ fis# and fruits and moderate &uantities of cereals$ pulses$ nuts and fats.
/. Meal +lanning at )oderate cost
"#ese diets ill include minimal amounts of protective and protein-ric# foods suc# as
milk$ eggs$ meat$ fis#$ fruits and fats !ut ill contain li!eral amounts of cereals$ pulses$ nuts and
green leafy vegeta!les.
3. Meal +lanning at lo7 cost
"#ese diets ill include minimal amounts of protective and protein-ric# foods$ suc# as
milk$ eggs$ meats$ fis# and fats and li!eral$ amounts of cereals$ pulses$ nuts and green leafy
4. Meal 7"ic" is not 7ell +lanned
An ill-!alanced diet or meal planning is deficient in calories$ proteins$ essential vitamins
and minerals !ecause it is lacking in protein-ric# and protective foods as mentioned earlier.
,**. Conclusion
It is very important to reali.e t#at an ade&uate nutrition in terms of ell planned meal is
vital for everyone of all ages$ se'$ socio-economic conditions and p#ysiological conditions. For
instance young c#ildren and adolescent !oys and girls$ pregnant and nursing mot#ers #ave
increased demands for nutrients. "#is is so !ecause young c#ildren and adolescent !oys arid
girls are in a period of rapid grot#. %ence$ it is essential to consume ade&uate amounts of a
variety of foods in t#e form of a ell planned meal so as to provide all t#e nutrients re&uired.
"#e nutritional needs of individuals are not often understood #ile planning meals and
consuming food in a family. <ften$ it #as !een o!served t#at in spite of ric# foods suc# as milk$
eggs$ fruits !eing availa!le in sufficient amounts in a family$ deficiencies may develop in some
persons !ecause of rong !eliefs or due to customs and traditions.
%ence$ in vie of all t#ese considerations$ an attempt #as !een made to create an
aareness of t#e meal planning in a family especially in vie of t#e special nutritional
re&uirements of particular age groups and t#e ay t#e diets can !e planned for t#em for t#e
#ole day.

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