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Template for Preparing an Article

Author One
, Author Two
, Author Three
Department Name, Organization Name, City, Country
Department Name, Organization Name, City, Country
Department Name, Organization Name, City, Country
*Corresponding author: author3@email
Received Month X, XXXX; revised Month X, XXXX; accepted Month X, XXXX
Abstract This document gies !ormatting instructions !or authors preparing papers !or pu"lication in the #ournal$
%uthors are encouraged to prepare manuscripts directly using this template$ This template demonstrates !ormat
re&uirements !or the 'ournal$
Keywords: Format, Microsoft Word Template, Style, Insert, Template
1. Introduction
To use this template, you (ill need to )1* apply the
em"edded styles to each paragraph+leel item in your
manuscript or )2* use the speci!ications sho(n in Ta"le 1
to !ormat your manuscript, (ith this template as a isual
guide$ ,n!ormation a"out paper su"mission is aaila"le
!rom the 'ournal (e"site$
Table 1. ont !i"es for Papers
%ppearance )in Time Ne( /oman*
/egular 0old ,talic
1 cell in a ta"le
re!erence item
ta"le caption,
!igure caption,
2 author a!!iliation author email address,
13 paragraph
a"stract "ody
author name
leel+3 heading,
/eceied 4ine
12 leel+2 heading,
15 leel+1 heading,
23 title
2. #ase of $se
%n easy (ay to comply (ith the #ournal paper
!ormatting re&uirements is to use this document as a
template and simply type your te6t into it$
The template is used to !ormat your paper and style the
te6t$ %ll margins, column (idths, line spaces, and te6t
!onts are prescri"ed7 please do not alter them$ 8our paper
is one part o! the entire proceedings, not an independent
document$ 9lease do not reise any o! the current
2.1. Page %a&out
8our paper must use a page size corresponding to %5
(hich is 213mm (ide and 22:mm long$ The margins are
set as !ollo(s: top; 1< mm, "ottom; 1< mm, right;1:$<
mm, le!t ; 23 mm$ 8our paper must "e in t(o column
!ormat (ith a space o! 1$23 characters "et(een columns$
2.1.1. ront 'atter
The title should "e !ormatted in an hourglass style7 the
!irst line longer than the second, the second line shorter
than the third$ =se numerical superscript callouts as
sho(n in this template to lin> authors (ith their
a!!iliations$ Corresponding author should "e denoted (ith
an asteris> as sho(n$ ?mail address is compulsory !or the
corresponding author$
2.1.2. Te(t ont
The entire document should "e in times Ne( /oman
!ont size 13$ 9aper title must "e centered, "old, regular
!ont size 23 and all (ith upper case$ %uthor names must
"e centered, "old, regular !ont size 13 $ %uthor a!!iliation
must "e regular !ont size 2$ ?mail address must "e
centered, italic, !ont size 2$ /ecommended !ont sizes are
sho(n in Ta"le 1$ No more than 3 leels o! headings
should "e used$ 4eel 1 heading must "e le!t+#usti!ied,
"old, regular !ont size 15 and num"ered using %ra"ic
numerals$ 4eel 2 headings must "e le!t+#usti!ied, "old,
regular !ont size 12 and num"ered as su"+heading )i$e
1$1*$ 4eel 3 heading must "e le!t+#usti!ied, "old, italic
!ont size 13 and num"ered as su"+su" heading )i$e 1$1$1*
and the !irst letter o! each (ord capitalized$
2.1.3. #)uations
Display e&uations should "e "ro>en and aligned !or
t(o+column display unless spanning across t(o columns
is essential$ ?&uations should "e centered (ith e&uation
num"ers set !lush right$ ,! using @athType, use the
-ormat ?&uations !eature to !ormat all e&uations as Times
A .ym"ol 13$
b b ac

2.1.*. Tables
.tyles !or ta"le title, ta"le head, and ta"le te6t are
proided$ Ta"les should "e set in one column (hereer
possi"le and "e placed near their !irst mention in the "ody$
Ta"les and !igures do not need to "e placed on separate
pages at the "ac> o! the manuscript$
2.1.+. igures
%s (ith ta"les and e&uations, !igures should "e set in
one column i! possi"le unless t(o+column display is
essential$ The resolution o! graphics and image should "e
ade&uate to reeal the important detail in the !igure$
2.1.,. igure -aptions
-igure captions should "e "elo( the !igures$ -igures
must "e num"ered using %ra"ic numerals$ -igure captions
must "e in 1 pt /egular !ont$ Captions o! a single line )e$g$
-ig$ 2* must "e centered (hereas multi+line captions must
"e #usti!ied )e$g$ -ig$ 1*$ Captions (ith !igure num"ers
must "e placed a!ter their associated !igures, as sho(n in
-ig$ 1$
ig. 1. )Color online* -or(ard single pass e6perimental set+up !or
ealuating ?D-% per!ormance
B %6is
8 %6is
ig. 2$ Diagram e6ample
2.1... Table -aptions
Ta"le heads should appear a"oe the ta"les$ Ta"les
must "e num"ered using %ra"ic numerals$ Ta"le captions
must "e centered and in 1 pt /egular !ont$$ ?ery (ord in
a ta"le caption must "e capitalized$ Captions (ith ta"le
num"ers must "e placed "e!ore their associated ta"les, as
sho(n in Ta"le 1$
3. /eferences ormats
The heading o! the /e!erences section must not "e
num"ered$ %ll re!erence items must "e in 1 pt !ont$
Num"er the re!erence items consecutiely in s&uare
"rac>ets )e$g$ C1D*$ Ehen re!erring to a re!erence item,
please simply use the re!erence num"er, as in C2D$ Do not
use F/e!$ C3DG or F/e!erence C3DG e6cept at the "eginning
o! a sentence, e$g$ F/e!erence C3D sho(s HG$ @ultiple
re!erences are each num"ered (ith separate "rac>ets )e$g$
C1D, C2DIC3D*$
% complete re!erence should contain the name)s* o! the
author)s* andJor editor)s*, the title o! the article, the name
o! the "oo> or con!erence proceedings (here appropriate,
and "i"liographic in!ormation a"out the article such as the
name o! the pu"lisher, the city o! pu"lication, and the
page num"ers$ The "asic concept is that the re!erence
should "e su!!iciently complete so that the reader could
readily !ind the re!erence and can #udge the authority and
o"#ectiity o! the re!erence$
.tandard !ormat
%uthors, Title)in italics*, 9u"lisher, City o! 9u"lication, 8ear o!
9u"lication, page num"ers)i! appropriate*$
1$ -ogg, 0$', 9ersuasie technology: using computers to change
(hat (e thin> and do, @organ Kau!mann 9u"lishers, 0oston,
2333, 33+3<$
'ournal articles
.tandard !ormat
%uthors, LTitle o! the article,L Jornal name)in italics*,
Molume ),ssue*, 9ages, @onth 8ear$
Nirsh, N$, Coen, @$N$, @ozer, @$C$, Nasha, /$ and -lanagan,
'$4, L/oom serice, %,+style,L I!!! intelli"ent systems, 15 )2*$
1+12$ 'ul$2332$
Con!erence 9roceedings
.tandard !ormat
%uthors, LTitle o! the article,L in Title of conference )in italics*,
9u"lisher, 9ages$
4eclerc&, 9$ and Neylighen, L%$ <,1 %nalogies per hour: %
designerOs ie( on analogical reasoning,L in #th International
$onference on %rtificial Intelli"ence in &esi"n, Klu(er
%cademic 9u"lishers, 21<+333$
.tandard !ormat
%uthors, Title of !'boo()in italics*,9u"lisher, Date o! original
pu"lication$ C-ormatD %aila"le: .ource$
T$ ?c>es, The &evelopmental Social )sycholo"y of *ender,
4a(rence ?rl"aum, 2333$ C?+"oo>D %aila"le: net4i"rary e+
.tandard !ormat
%uthors, LTitle o! %rticle,L Title of Jornal)in italics*, Molume
),ssue*, pages, month year$ C-ormatD$ %aila"le: Data"ase Name
)i! appropriate*, article num"er )i! gien*,
internet address$ C%ccessed date o! accessD$
%$ %ltun, L=nderstanding hyperte6t in the conte6t o! reading on
the (e": 4anguage learnersO e6perience,L $rrent Isses in
!dcation, P)12*, 'uly 2333$ COnlineD$
%aila"le: http:JJcie$ed$asu$eduJolumePJnum"er12J$C%ccessed
Dec$ 2, 2335D$
The heading o! the %c>no(ledgment section and the
/e!erences section must not "e num"ered$
C1D -ogg, 0$', )ersasive technolo"y+ sin" compters to chan"e
,hat ,e thin( and do, @organ Kau!mann 9u"lishers, 0oston,
2333, 33+3<$
C2D Nirsh, N$, Coen, @$N$, @ozer, @$C$, Nasha, /$ and -lanagan, '$4,
/oom serice, %,+style,G I!!! intelli"ent systems, 15 )2*$ 1+12$
C3D T$ ?c>es, The &evelopmental Social )sycholo"y of *ender,
4a(rence ?rl"aum, 2333$ C?+"oo>D %aila"le: net4i"rary e+"oo>$

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