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101 Great Books

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It's a good idea to talk to your parents, librarians, teachers, and counselor about your reading list.
They can help you choose the best books for you from among your many options.
Author Title
-- Beowulf
Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart
Agee, James A Death in the Family
Austen, Jane Pride and Preudice
Baldwin, James !o Tell "t on the #ountain
Bec$ett, %amuel &aiting for !odot
Bellow, %aul The Ad'entures of Augie #arch
Bront(, Charlotte Jane )yre
Bront(, )mily &uthering *eights
Camus, Albert The %tranger
Cather, &illa Death Comes for the Archbishop
Chaucer, !eoffrey The Canterbury Tales
Che$ho', Anton The Cherry +rchard
Chopin, ,ate The Awa$ening
Conrad, Joseph *eart of Dar$ness
Cooper, James Fenimore The -ast of the #ohicans
Crane, %tephen The .ed Badge of Courage
Dante "nferno
De Cer'antes, #iguel Don /ui0ote
Defoe, Daniel .obinson Crusoe
Dic$ens, Charles A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoye's$y, Fyodor Crime and Punishment
Douglass, Frederic$ 1arrati'e of the -ife of Frederic$
Dreiser, Theodore An American Tragedy
Dumas, Ale0andre The Three #us$eteers
)liot, !eorge The #ill on the Floss
)llison, .alph "n'isible #an
)merson, .alph &aldo %elected )ssays
Faul$ner, &illiam As " -ay Dying
Faul$ner, &illiam The %ound and the Fury
Fielding, *enry Tom Jones
Fit2gerald, F3 %cott The !reat !atsby
Flaubert, !usta'e #adame Bo'ary
Ford, Ford #ado0 The !ood %oldier
!oethe, Johann &olfgang 'on Faust
!olding, &illiam -ord of the Flies
*ardy, Thomas Tess of the d45rber'illes
*awthorne, 1athaniel The %carlet -etter
*eller, Joseph Catch 66
*emingway, )rnest A Farewell to Arms
*omer The "liad
*omer The +dyssey
*ugo, 7ictor The *unchbac$ of 1otre Dame
*urston, 8ora 1eale Their )yes &ere &atching !od
*u0ley, Aldous Bra'e 1ew &orld
"bsen, *enri$ A Doll4s *ouse
James, *enry The Portrait of a -ady
James, *enry The Turn of the %crew
Joyce, James A Portrait of the Artist as a 9oung
,af$a, Fran2 The #etamorphosis
,ingston, #a0ine *ong The &oman &arrior
-ee, *arper To ,ill a #oc$ingbird
-ewis, %inclair Babbitt
-ondon, Jac$ The Call of the &ild
#ann, Thomas The #agic #ountain
#ar:ue2, !abriel !arc;a +ne *undred 9ears of %olitude
#el'ille, *erman Bartleby the %cri'ener
#el'ille, *erman #oby Dic$
#iller, Arthur The Crucible
#orrison, Toni Belo'ed
+4Connor, Flannery A !ood #an is *ard to Find
+41eill, )ugene -ong Day4s Journey into 1ight
+rwell, !eorge Animal Farm
Pasterna$, Boris Doctor 8hi'ago
Plath, %yl'ia The Bell Jar
Poe, )dgar Allan %elected Tales
Proust, #arcel %wann4s &ay
Pynchon, Thomas The Crying of -ot <=
.emar:ue, )rich #aria All /uiet on the &estern Front
.ostand, )dmond Cyrano de Bergerac
.oth, *enry Call "t %leep
%alinger, J3D3 The Catcher in the .ye
%ha$espeare, &illiam *amlet
%ha$espeare, &illiam #acbeth
%ha$espeare, &illiam A #idsummer 1ight4s Dream
%ha$espeare, &illiam .omeo and Juliet
%haw, !eorge Bernard Pygmalion
%helley, #ary Fran$enstein
%il$o, -eslie #armon Ceremony
%ol2henitsyn, Ale0ander +ne Day in the -ife of "'an
%ophocles Antigone
%ophocles +edipus .e0
%teinbec$, John The !rapes of &rath
%te'enson, .obert -ouis Treasure "sland
%towe, *arriet Beecher 5ncle Tom4s Cabin
%wift, Jonathan !ulli'er4s Tra'els
Thac$eray, &illiam 7anity Fair
Thoreau, *enry Da'id &alden
Tolstoy, -eo &ar and Peace
Turgene', "'an Fathers and %ons
Twain, #ar$ The Ad'entures of *uc$leberry
7oltaire Candide
7onnegut, ,urt Jr3 %laughterhouse-Fi'e
&al$er, Alice The Color Purple
&harton, )dith The *ouse of #irth
&elty, )udora Collected %tories
&hitman, &alt -ea'es of !rass
&ilde, +scar The Picture of Dorian !ray
&illiams, Tennessee The !lass #enagerie
&oolf, 7irginia To the -ighthouse
&right, .ichard 1ati'e %on

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