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Pete's Sharp Knife

Pete was in his kitchen. He was about to slice three green apples. He liked to
eat fresh apples with cinnamon sprinkled on them. He opened the blinds so that
he could get more sunlight into the kitchen. Now he could see what he was
He grabbed a knife out of a drawer. It said "Surgical Stainless US" on the side
of the blade. !he blade was "er# thin and light. It had teeth$ like a saw. !he
handle was a brown piece of cheap hollow plastic.
He had bought this knife about %& #ears ago at a count# fair. It was one of those
kni"es that were ad"ertised on !'. It could cut through a tomato can$ and then
cut easil# and cleanl# through a fresh tomato.
"(ou ne"er need to sharpen it. !he sharp edge is guaranteed for life." !hat's
how the# ad"ertised it. nd Pete$ for once$ couldn't argue that the ad"ertisers
lied. !his was a great knife.
)ut it was also a dangerous knife. couple of #ears ago$ Pete was careless. He
was rapidl# slicing a potato and the blade got his finger. !he doctor put three
stitches in Pete's finger.
"Ne*t time$ be more careful$" the doctor said.
No kidding$ Pete thought. He was so careful that he didn't use the knife for
almost a #ear.
A) Questions
+. ,here was Pete-
%. ,hat was he about to do-
.. How did he like to eat fresh apples-
/. ,hat did he open- ,h#-
0. ,hat did he grab-
1. ,hat was written on the knife-
2. How was the knife blade-
3. ,hat colour was the knife handle-
4. ,hat was the knife handle made of-
+&. ,hen did he bu# the knife- ,here-
++. ,hat kind of knife was it-
+%. ,as the knife sharp-
+.. ,as the knife blade thick and hea"#-
+/. 5id he need to sharpen the knife now and then-
+0. 5id he think it was a great knife-
+1. ,hat happened to Pete a couple of #ears ago-
+2. How man# stitches did the doctor put in Pete6s finger-
+3. ,hat did the doctor tell Pete-
+4. 7or how long didn8t he use the knife-
%&. How about #ou. 5o #ou ha"e an# great kni"es-
%+. How often do use kitchen kni"es-
%%. 5o #ou e"er ha"e to sharpen a knife-
%.. 5o #ou think #ou are cautions enough when #ou use a sharp knife-
%/. Ha"e #ou or an#one in #our famil# cut their fingers using a knife- If so$
when was that- ,hat happened-
B) Crossword Puzzle
Fill in the squares with the correct word.
3. Fritz the TV weatherman predicted a heavy rain, but it only ___d.
4. The top ___ contains my socks and underwear; the bottom ___ contains my Tshirts.
"ounty ___s #eature rides, contests, $reat #ood, and #arm animals; they are popular
%. The team doctor &uickly sewed up the hockey player's #orehead with () ___es.
+n small print on the handle o# the steel tablespoon were the words, ,___ by -neida
0ore than /,()) people have become ill because o# a nationwide salmonella
outbreak caused by ___es, peppers, or cilantro. 12ho knows34
/(. 5t the base o# the kni#e ___ were the words, ,6tainless, 6olin$en, 7ermany.,
/3. ___ is a popular spice that people sprinkle on apple sauce, toast, and other #oods.
5 ___ is a popular window coverin$ made o# metal or plastic. ___s can be vertical or
0any products are ___d #or ,li#e,, meanin$ the li#e o# the product, not the li#e o# the
purchaser 1that is, the ___ is a trick4.
0odern ___ techni&ues allow sur$ery patients to recover #aster and return to work
8. They say that i# you don't ___ re$ularly on TV or in print, your business will su##er.
5 soccer ball and a basketball are ___; they contain only air. 5 baseball and a
bowlin$ ball are solid.
:ou have to be very care#ul when you ___ ba$els, carrots, or onions; the kni#e blade
can slip.
5 ,couch ___, is a man who sits on the couch and watches TV all day lon$. 5
,couch tomato, is a woman who does the same thin$.
C) Now look back at the story, read it again silently
two or three times. Then, translate the Portuguese
version below back to English.
9 Pete esta"a na sua co:inha e esta"a prestes a cortar tr;s ma<=s "erdes$
pois ele gosta"a de comer ma<=s frescas com canela pol"ilhada sobre elas.
>le abriu as cortinas para ?ue ele pudesse receber mais lu: solar na co:inha.
gora$ ele podia "er o ?ue esta"a fa:endo.
>le pegou uma faca de uma ga"eta$ e a faca di:ia @ " <o ino*idA"el cirBrgico
dos >U " no lado da lCmina. lCmina era muito fina e le"e$ e tinha dentes
como uma serra. 9 punho era um peda<o de plAstico oco barato de cor
>le tinha comprado esta faca hA cerca de %& anos atrAs em uma feira regional.
>ra uma da?uelas facas ?ue eram anunciadas na !'. Poderia cortar uma lata
de tomates e$ de seguida$ cortar facilmente e totalmente um tomate fresco.
@ "'oc; nunca precisa de afiA@la. 9 gume afiado D garantido para toda a "ida."
>ra assim ?ue os anunciantes a publicita"am$ e o Pete$ desta "e:$ n=o podia
argumentar ?ue os anunciantes mentiam. >ra uma Eptima faca.
Fas tambDm era uma faca perigosa. Um par de anos atrAs$ o Pete foi
descuidado. >le esta"a rapidamente a cortar uma batata e a lCmina apanhou@
lhe o dedo. Fais tarde$ o mDdico te"e de colocar tr;s pontos no dedo do Pete.
@ "5a prE*ima "e:$ seGa mais cuidadoso "$ disse o mDdico.
Sem dB"ida$ pensou Pete. >le foi t=o cuidadoso ?ue n=o usou a faca por ?uase
um ano .
Crossword Puzzle Key

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