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Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life

Become A Juice Plus Distributor:

How To Live A Healthier & Wealthier Life

By Richard Jaer

!o"yriht #$%&

Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
How has nutrition changed ?
Duri* the last ce*tury+ es"ecially i* rich wester* cou*tries+ *utritio*al habits
have moved away from traditio*al sim"le fare to richer foods that we used to
eat o*ly o* rare occasio*s) These i*clude foods from a*imals,meat a*d
dairy-+ or com"letely *ew foods li.e refi*ed suar+ flours or oils+ or food that
was *ot available *aturally ,i)e) hydroe*ated fat-)
This .i*d of *utritio* which is /richer0 i* calories+ suar+ fat a*d a*imal
"rotei*s is i* reality /"oorer0 i* *aturally com"lete wholefoods+ a*d has
co*tributed e*ormously to the develo"me*t of those diseases *ow commo*ly
fou*d i* rich cou*tries+ such as: obesity+ diabetes+ hy"erte*sio*+
osteo"orosis+ atherosclerosis+ etc)))
The hih co*sum"tio* of refi*ed a*d a*imal orii* foods has therefore
com"letely altered our *utritio*al traditio*s)
Nutrition, basis of health and well-being
Today+ we ca* have a bala*ced & varied diet which ives us the "leasure of
ood eati* a*d also satisfies our "hysioloical a*d *utritio*al *eeds a*d
well1bei* but)))
Our modern lifestyle
2 3ur moder* lifestyle has created some bad habits:
Today4s fast "ace of life e5"oses us to ma*y ty"es of stress) 3*e ty"e+ which
we ca**ot feel or see+ is called o5idative stress) 3ur *ormal metabolic
"rocesses cause a certai* level of this 1 a*d it ca* be im"orta*t for immu*e
fu*ctio* 1 but e5cessive o5idative stress may be a ris. factor for various
chro*ic co*ditio*s) Pollutio*+ su*liht+ smo.i* a*d other moder* lifestyle
choices ca* co*tribute to i*creased o5idative stress)
2 6ore a*d more "eo"le eat out every day) We lu*ch i* a hurry+ choosi*
cold+ "re1coo.ed or ca**ed foods)
3ver time+ these dietary choices ca* "rovide "oor *utritio* a*d a deficie*cy
of esse*tial *utritio*al eleme*ts
e)) vitami*s+ fibre+ a*tio5ida*ts+ a*d mi*erals+ with detrime*tal
co*se7ue*ces for our health)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
2 8* additio*+ we te*d to be less "hysically active tha* we should be)
A Bala*ced Diet for a Healthy Life 9tyle
:ati* a bala*ced diet mea*s choosi* a wide variety of foods a*d dri*.s
from all the food rou"s) :ati* the riht thi*s is *ot always easy+ a*d
etti* the riht amou*ts of the most *utritious a*d healthy foods ca* ofte*
re"rese*t a challe*e i* our day to day moder* life) A*d this is where Juice
PL;9<= comes i*)
The World Health 3ra*i>atio* recomme*ds that we should all eat at least ?
servi*s of fruit a*d veetables a day) 6a*y "eo"le do*4t ma*ae to do this
Juice PLUS! Premium ca* hel" us to su""leme*t these esse*tial "ortio*s)
With its freshly harvested a*d fully ri"e*ed fruit+ veetables a*d berries+ Juice
Premium "rovides wholefood 1 based *utritio* from #@ varieties so everyo*e
ca* e*(oy the added *utritio*al be*efits of such a wide variety of
micro*utrie*ts every day)
Juice PL;9<= Premium is a world1leadi* *utritio*al su""leme*t+ used by
millio*s of "eo"le+ which is fou*ded o* scie*ce a*d which ca* hel" you ma.e
"ositive cha*es to your ow* eati* a*d *utritio*al behaviours) 8* additio* to
A$ scie*tific studies showi* its effective*ess+ this has also bee* "rove* by
the im"ressive results of the !hildre*4s Health 9tudy+ a* 8*ter*atio*al
observatio*al study i*volvi* over B?$+$$$ childre* a*d you* "eo"le)
The *utritio*al esse*ce of #@ varieties of fruit+ veetables a*d berries at
C#)&?'D%)E$ "er day)
But to et a ood bala*ce+ we *eed to thi*. about macro*utrie*ts as well+ the
fact that "eo"le co*sume too much "rotei* a*d fat or refi*ed suar+ for
e5am"le) 9o as a loical "roressio* from Juice PL;9<= fruit+ veetables
a*d berries
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
Juice PLUS! Sha"e was develo"ed) A harmo*ious combi*atio* of healthy
varied meals a*d hihly effective "roducts+ which have all bee* s"ecifically
develo"ed based o* the *utritio*al recomme*datio*s of "restiious
8*ter*atio*al 8*stitutes of Futritio*)
9o whether we wa*t to lose weiht or (ust mai*tai* it+ des"ite their low calorie
co*te*t+ the Juice PL;9<= 9ha"e "roducts fill us u" for lo*er with a
bala*ced mi5 of macro*utrie*ts becomi* our reliable com"a*io* for a
healthier a*d lihter life)
A*d si*ce it addresses ma*y factors which ca* hel" us to ma.e lasti*
"ositive cha*es to our lifestyle+ Juice PL;9<= 9ha"e is *ot a dietG it is a*
i*tellie*t a*d multimodal *utritio*al+ e5ercise a*d behavioural "roramme
with recomme*datio*s a*d "ac.aes tailored to our "erso*al re7uireme*ts
a*d based o* e5"ert .*owlede a*d research)
#ood nutrition means good health
Hood a*d *utrie*ts are esse*tial to life 1 (ust li.e water) The foods we choose
to eat ca* affect the 7uality of our lives due to the bala*ce of *utrie*ts a*d
"hytochemicals they co*tai*)
The World Health 3ra*isatio* ,WH3-+ li.e ma*y health i*stitutio*s+ advises
us to ado"t a *utritio*ally rich diet based o* a variety of foods from "la*ts)
They s"ecifically recomme*d eati* at least &$$ of fruit a*d veetables+
"referably local+ every day) This recomme*datio* is reiterated by ma*y
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
*atio*al "ublic health /? a day0 cam"ai*s) 6ore rece*tly+ various
i*ter*atio*al i*stitutes have started to "romote ? to E "ortio*s a day)
The World Health Re"ort #$$# states that low co*sum"tio* of fruits a*d
veetables at that time was the cause of #)@ millio* deaths "er year)
Averae curre*t i* of fruits a*d veetables i* most :uro"ea* cou*tries
are si*ifica*tly lower tha* recomme*ded i* :ve* duri* the last %$
years+ whe* there has bee* viorous cam"ai*i* to "romote the eati* of
fruit a*d veetables+ co*sum"tio* has *ot si*ifica*tly cha*edI
Jood *utritio*+ combi*ed with a* active lifestyle+ "romotes ood health) 9o
2 Jet a bala*ced diet
2 :at a wide variety of differe*t foods
2 :at the riht amou*t for our lifestyle
2 Jo for at least ?< "ortio*s of Hruit a*d Keetables every day
2 Jet activeI
$ruits and %egetables, &'"recious allies''
We *ow .*ow that fruits a*d veetables are our "recious allies i* mai*tai*i*
a well bala*ced diet) They are the /eli5ir of life0 as our bodies are ai*)
:very uideli*e for a healthy diet i*dicates we should eat fruits a*d
veetables i* lare 7ua*tities)
The adva*taes of fruit a*d veetables are well1.*ow*: they co*tai* few
calories a*d are a* e5celle*t source of vitami*s+ mi*erals+ fibre+ a*d a wide
variety of "hyto*utrie*ts) These are *utrie*ts from "la*ts ,"hyto L Jree. for
"la*t-) They actually hel" "la*ts to "rotect themselves from diseases a*d
The way i* which these substa*ces may act is com"le5 a*d ma*y studies
which have attem"ted to show li*.s betwee* isolated versio*s of them a*d
health have failed to deliver si*ifica*t results) 8t is therefore believed that the
sy*ery betwee* the differe*t com"ou*ds is .ey to their effect o* health)
Differe*t ty"es are "rese*t i* differe*t fruits a*d veetables) The im"orta*t
thi* is to co*sume them reularly a*d i* a wide variety)
Kariety is i* fact fu*dame*tal si*ce our body *eeds a wide ra*e of
"hyto*utrie*ts from differe*t sources)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
8t is this "ri*ci"le which u*derlies the co*ce"t of Juice PL;9<=+ a
su""leme*t based o* the *utritio*al esse*ce of a wide variety of fruits a*d
veetables+ selected to "rovide a wide ra*e of *utrie*ts for daily use i* our
Let's eat more fruits and %egetables(
Des"ite rowi* scie*tific evide*ce a*d i*creased "ublic aware*ess+ it is *ot
always easy to do what we .*ow is best for our well1bei* due to our fre*etic+
moder* lifestyle)
But why is it so hard for us to eat a healthier dietM
3fte* the re"lies are: /8t4s too much wor.)0 Buyi* a*d "re"ari* ? servi*s of
differe*t ty"es of fruit a*d veetables every day a lot of time) /We are
too busy0 eve* thouh we .*ow fast food is *ot a healthy alter*ative) /8 do*4t
li.e the taste of broccoli or arlic)))0)/8 ca*4t afford it0+ buyi* a*d co*sumi*
lots of differe*t varieties of fruit a*d veetables all year rou*d without leavi*
them i* the fride for too lo* ca* be 7uite e5"e*sive) All this at the e5"e*se
of our "hysical well1bei*I
How can Juice PLUS! hel" you ?
Juice PL;9<= is a sim"le+ "ractical a*d affordable way to add more *utritio*
from fruit a*d veetables to our diet+ every day)
Juice PL;9<= is a wholefood1based *utritio*al su""leme*t of fruits+
veetables a*d berries) The basic co*ce"t is that whole foods deliver that
wide mi5ture 1 called /the orchestra effect0 of *utrie*ts a*d "hyto*utrie*ts
fou*d i* *ature which co*tribute si*ifica*tly to a healthy a*d correct diet)
8t is *ot a substitute for eati* more fruits a*d veetables but it certai*ly hel"s
to bride the a" betwee* what we should eat a*d what we actually eat) We
ca* thi*. of it as i*sura*ce for whe* we do*4t ma*ae to eat ? or more
servi*s a day)
Juice PLUS+ Fruit Blend
co*tai*s: a""les+ ora*es+ "i*ea""le+ "eaches+ cra*berries+ "a"aya+ acerola
cherry+ dates a*d "ru*es)
Juice PLUS+ Vegetable Blend
!o*tai*s: beetroot+ broccoli+ cabbae+ carrots+ .ale+ s"i*ach+ "arsley+ arlic
a*d tomato)
Juice PLUS+ Vineyard Blend
co*tai*s: !o*cord ra"e+ ras"berry+ blueberry+ redcurra*t+ cra*berry+
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
blac.curra*t+ blac.berry+ elderberry a*d bilberry
Juice PL;9<= is made usi* the hihest 7uality i*redie*ts available) 3*ce
harvested the fruits a*d veetables are thorouhly washed a*d (uiced to hel"
release the *utrie*ts from the "la*t cell structure a*d ma.e them available for
They are the* dried usi* a "ro"rietary+ low tem"erature "rocess which
uara*tees the ma5imum rete*tio* of "hyto*utrie*ts+ ble*ded with selected
other i*redie*ts+ e*ca"sulated a*d "ac.ed to be delivered to the fi*al
Juice PL;9<= i*redie*ts are carefully chec.ed at every ste" of the
"roductio* "rocess to e*sure the 7uality a*d "urity of the fi*al "roduct) The
"rocess is also mo*itored to "rotect the vital *utrie*ts fou*d i* fruits a*d
veetables ma.i* Juice PL;9<= the *e5t best thi* to the co*sum"tio* of
fresh fruits+ veetables a*d berries)
The Juice PL;9<= "roducts are lute*1free a*d J631free+ a*d do *ot
co*tai* artificial "reservatives)
8* additio*+ they co*tai* o*ly *atural flavours a*d colours)
Juice PLUS! Premium - ca"sules
9o that our customers ca* e*(oy the com"leme*tary *utritio*al be*efit of the
#@ differe*t ty"es of fruits+ veetables a*d berries+ the three ble*ds have
bee* u*ited i* o*e si*le bo5 for reular co*sum"tio*: sim"le+ effective+
co*ve*ie*t a*d affordable)
The Juice PL;9<= "owder ble*ds are available all year rou*d a*d offer a*
effective a*swer to the "roblem of seaso*al availability of fruits+ veetables
a*d berries)
As with fruits a*d veetables+ we et the ma5imum be*efit by ta.i* Juice
PL;9<= reularly+ every day)
How to ta)e Juice PLUS! ca"sules
2 Ta.e # ca"sules of each Juice PL;9<= Ble*d each day)
2 Always ta.e Juice PL;9<= with a lare lass of water at a*y time of the
The most im"orta*t thi* is to develo" a reular habit so that Juice PL;9<=
becomes "art of your daily routi*e)
Juice PL;9<= HR;8T BL:FD
Juice PL;9<= K:J:TABL: BL:FD
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
Juice PL;9<= K8F:NARD BL:FD ,Berries-
Their ca"sule is a fi5ed si>e a*d ca**ot hold a*y more i*redie*ts) 9o+
i*stead of tryi* to i*crease the amou*t of "owder i* each ca"sule+ they
focus o* i*creasi* the ood*ess i* the i*redie*ts already "rese*t) Hor
e5am"le+ they aim for more *utrie*t1de*se varieties of the fruits a*d
veetables they use+ a*d et the farmers to row these s"ecifically for them)
*nd if you don't li)e ca"sules?
Juice PL;9<= Premium 1 9oft !hewables to hel" customers who do*4t li.e
ca"sules we develo"ed the Juice PL;9<= Premium 9oft !hewables)
The Juice PL;9<= Premium 9oft !hewables co*tai* the same "owders of
fruit+ veetables a*d berries i* a delicious soft chew format)A"art from all
im"orta*t characteristics which disti*uish the i*redie*ts of the Juice
PL;9<= "roduct ra*e ,lute* freeG J631freeG *o artificial "reservatives+
o*ly *atural flavours a*d colours- with the Juice PL;9<= 9oft !hewables we
have made a "roduct which is %$$O veetaria*) The chewi*ess comes from
*atural fruit "ecti*+ *ot elati*e)
The Juice PL;9<= Hruit a*d Keetable 9oft !hewables are also a ood
solutio* for childre*+ who are able to be*efit from the Juice PL;9<= "owders
more co*ve*ie*tly)
Not +ust better for you, it's better for our en%ironment too(
The Juice PL;9<= 9oft !hewables is*4t (ust a 7ua*tum lea" ahead because
of the e5celle*t 7uality of the "roduct but also because of its i**ovative
"* i* /stay fresh0 sta*d1u" "ouches which have a si*ifica*t "ositive
im"act o* the e*viro*me*t)
!ari* about the 7uality of the e*viro*me*t outside our bodies ca* be (ust as
im"orta*t i* ma*y as"ects as cari* about what we "ut i*to our bodies) At
Juice PL;9<=+ we try to have a "ositive im"act o* both)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
How to ta)e Juice PLUS! Soft ,hewables
2 Adults: & 9oft !hewables of Hruit+ Keetable a*d Ki*eyard Ble*d a day)
2 !hildre* ,u" to %# years-: # Hruit !hews a*d # Keetable !hews each day)
:ach 9oft !hew has a""ro5imately the same *utritio*al "ro"erties as half a
Juice PL;9<= ca"sule+ which is why we recomme*d the "urchase of two
bo5es for a* adult use)
The most im"orta*t thi* is to ma.e a habit out of it so that Juice PL;9<=
becomes "art of your daily life)
Juice PLUS! ,om"lete, your tasty drin) for well-being
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete ives us uara*teed levels of a wide ra*e of
*utrie*ts+ "rovidi* a hih co*te*t of veetable "rotei*s+ sim"le a*d com"le5
carbohydrates+ a*d a co*trolled i*ta.e of the *ecessary calories a*d fat)
All this without "e*alisi* esse*tial fatty acids or sacrifici* the i*ta.e of
vitami*s+ mi*erals a*d fibre+ all of which ca* be draw* from a variety of
*atural+ "la*t food sources)
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete is "articularly easy a*d co*ve*ie*t to "re"are ivi*
us healthy *utritio* a*ywhere+ a*ytime)
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete "rovides all the be*efits of the Juice PL;9<=
"owders a*d more:
2 Fatural fibre
2 Phyto*utrie*ts+ vitami*s a*d mi*erals
2 Fatural suars
2 Fo "reservatives
2 Jlute* free
2 Fo artificial sweete*ers+ colours or flavours
2 Fo dairy co*te*t which it suitable for vea*s
JU-,. PLUS! ,O/PL.0., * ,O/PL.0. 1*2-.03 O$ US.S $O2 *
H.*L0H-.2 L-$.S03L.(
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete is a* ideal 6:AL R:PLA!:6:FT for those who
are thi*.i* about or *eed to lose weiht)))
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete was co*ceived i* such a way that it meal
re"laceme*t "ossible)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
8t co*tai*s all the *utritio*al eleme*ts that+ accordi* to *utritio*al scie*ce+
must be "rese*t i* a healthy a*d bala*ced meal of arou*d #$$ calories) Juice
PL;9<= !om"lete e*sures that our body+ i* s"ite of the mi*imum caloric
i*ta.e *ecessary for weiht loss+ is su""lied with the ideal 7ua*tity of
444-t is also an ideal NU02-0-ON*L SUPPO20 which can be consumed
i* additio* to our everyday *utritio*)))
2 8deal as BR:APHA9T+ to et a reat start to the day before school or wor.)
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete offers a 7uic.+ co*ve*ie*t a*d tasty solutio*)
2 A delicious 9FA!P for a*y time of the day a*d "articularly late i* the
eve*i*) With our moder* lifestyle it is *ot always easy to eat a *utritio*ally
bala*ced diet) Juice PL;9<= !om"lete re"rese*ts a* e5celle*t alter*ative to
sweets a*d fast food+ which while sto""i* cravi*s ofte* leads to
dissatisfactio* a*d ca* lead to e5tra weiht "roblems) 6oreover+ Juice
PL;9<= !om"lete ca* be made eve* tastier by addi* favourite fruits+
(uices+ a*d yohurts)
2 Hor a*yo*e who wa*ts a H:ALTHN 6:AL i* a co*ve*ie*t+ easy1to1diest
2 :5celle*t for 9P3RT9 P:3PL:) ;sed as a "re1e5ercise e*ery dri*.: Juice
PL;9<= !om"lete will ive you a 7uic. i*ta.e of calories to start you o* your
way) 8t is ideal as a "ost1wor.out dri*.: re"le*ish your e*ery a*d *utrie*t
levels after e5ercise with Juice PL;9<= !om"lete4s bala*ce of
carbohydrates+ "rotei*s+ vitami*s a*d mi*erals)
5hat's in Juice PLUS! ,om"lete?
Vitamins and minerals
Did you .*ow that o*e "ortio* of !om"lete will "rovide you with at least %?O
of your daily re7uireme*t for all vitami*s a*d mi*eralsM 9ome of these+ such
as vitami*s B%+ B# a*d BB a*d the mi*erals iro* a*d ma*esium+ co*tribute
to *ormal :*ery yieldi* metabolism) To .ee" you "erformi* well
throuhout the day)
Protei* co*tributes to a rowth i* muscle mass a*d to mai*te*a*ce of the
muscle mass) 8t ca* also hel" with other im"orta*t fu*ctio*s+ such as
mai*te*a*ce of *ormal bo*es) The "rotei* co*te*t of Juice PL;9<=
!om"lete is e5clusively of veetable orii* ,*o*1J63 soy+ tofu+ rice a*d
chic."ea- of hih bioloical value)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
!arbohydrates are a source of e*ery a*d suars are a form of
carbohydrates) Today foods co*tai*i* carbohydrates ca* be evaluated
accordi* to their Jlycaemic 8*de5 ,J8-)
J84s ra*e from low to hih) Low J8 foods e*erally brea. dow* slowly) Juice
PL;9<= !om"lete co*tai*s carbohydrates which have a low lycaemic
i*de5) The carbohydrate i* !om"lete comes from fructose+ maltode5tri*s+
i*uli* a*d oliosaccharides from fructose) !o*sum"tio* of foods co*tai*i*
fructose leads to a lower blood lucose rise com"ared to foods co*tai*i*
sucrose or lucose
Juice PL;9<= !om"lete is rich i* fibre of *atural orii*+ i*cludi* oat a*d
barley fibre+ rice bra*+ cellulose+ "ecti* a*d dried a""le "eel)
3*e servi* of Juice PL;9<= !om"lete Ka*illa made u" with s.immed mil.
"rovides A+@ of fibre)
While !hocolate !om"lete co*tai*s &+? of fibre whe* mi5ed with s.immed
;P recomme*ded i* are %Q1#& "er day)
6oreover+ Juice PL;9<= !om"lete is the o*ly *utritio*al beverae
co*tai*i* the Juice PL;9<= %@ differe*t fruits a*d veetables "owders+
"rovidi* the added be*efit of the "hyto*utrie*ts fou*d i* the "owders)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
6enefits of Juice Plus
Have fu* with the reci"es R
1*N-LL* ,O/PL.0.
% cu" A""le Juice
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1Ka*illa
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce ,or & 8ce !ubes-
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy ,or sha.e i* u*til frothy or mi5 well by ha*d-)
1*N-6*N SH*7.
% cu" A""le Juice
%'# Ba*a*a
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 Ka*illa
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce ,or & 8ce !ubes-
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
% cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
%'# cu" Hresh or Hro>e* 9trawberries
% ts") ho*ey or other sweete*er
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1Ka*illa
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce ,or & 8ce !ubes-
Ble*d all i*redie*ts i* ble*der %?1#$ seco*ds u*til frothy)
O2*N#*N* ,2USH.2
% cu" 3ra*e Juice
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1Ka*illa
%'# Ba*a*a
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
Ble*d all i*redie*ts i* ble*der %?1#$ seco*ds u*til frothy)
,Kariatio*: 9ubstitute other fresh fruits for the ba*a*a such as strawberries+
blueberries+ ras"berries+ etc)-)
6*H*/* /*/*
% cu" Pi*ea""le Juice
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1Ka*illa
%'& cu" !rushed Pi*ea""le
%'# Ri"e 6a*o ,o"tio*al-
% ts") Ho*ey
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
Ble*d all i*redie*ts i* ble*der %?1#$ seco*ds u*til frothy)
P-N* ,OL*8* SH*7.
%'# cu" Pi*ea""le Juice
%'# cu" 6il.
%'& ts") Rum :5tract
%'& ts") !oco*ut :5tract ,or % Tbs") !oco*ut
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1Ka*illa
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
,HO,O ,O/PL.0.
% cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 !hocolate
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
,HO,O-6*N SH*7.
% cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 !hocolate
%'# Ba*a*a
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
% cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 !hocolate
% ts") 8*sta*t !offee
% ts") Ho*ey
%'& ts")Ka*illa :5tract
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
P.PP.2/-N0 P*003
% cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 !hocolate
%'# cu" Ka*illa Hro>e* Nourt
%'Q ts") Pe""ermi*t :5tract
Ble*d %?1#$ seco*ds i* ble*der u*til frothy)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
,-NN*/ON 3O#U20 SH*7.
%'& cu" 6il. or Ka*illa 9oy 6il.
%'& cu" Ka*illa Fo*1Hat or Low1Hat Nourt
% scoo" Juice Plus<= !36PL:T: 1 !hocolate
%'& ts") !i**amo* ,rou*d-
%'& cu" !rushed 8ce
Ble*d i* ble*der %?1#$ seco*ds u*til frothy)

Juice Plus *s * 6usiness
6a*y "eo"le have e5"erie*ced their ow* "erso*al stories throuh Juice Plus+
whether itSs bee* weiht loss+ im"roved health co*ditio*s+ hel"i* them
bride the a" betwee* the fruit a*d ve they should eat a*d what they
actually do eat)
They themselves have o*e o* to share those "erso*al (our*eys with others+
i* tur* creati* themselves a wo*derful i*come) By becomi* a* advocate of
the Juice Plus "roducts+ F9A ,The com"a*y who ow* Juice Plus-+ wor. o* a
recomme*datio* scheme+ whereby you yourself become a (uice "lus
The best "art about bei* i*volved i* the Juice Plus busi*ess+ is that you
do*St have to "urchase "roducts to sell o*+ or shi" a*ythi* to your
customers+ as F9A ta.e care of all of that for you)
9o+ *ot o*ly are F9A su""lyi* reat "roducts+ they are "rovidi* everyo*e
who uses their "roducts+ a "rove* busi*ess model+ i* which to ear* a
substa*tial i*come o* a "art time basis)
Rather tha* o i*to le*thy detail here about the busi*ess+ follow the li*.
below to read more about the details of the busi*ess structure a*d the
fasci*ati* bo*uses that are withi* your reach)
2outes 0o /ar)et
Just li.e a*y busi*ess+ you *eed various modes of tra*s"ort to et your
messae out to the world) LetSs ta.e a loo. at (ust a few of the best routes to for your ow* Juice Plus busi*ess)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
5ord Of /outh 1 8t could be hihly li.ely that either a frie*d+ a family
member+ a wor. colleaue or a *eihbour has told you about Juice Plus) As
we all .*ow+ the best form of advertisi* is word of mouth) We te*d to liste*
a*d ta.e u" the recomme*datio*s of those that we li.e+ .*ow a*d trust) Word
of mouth is very "owerful a*d will be o*e of the best ways to share your story)
2ecruitment Sites 1 Whe* you are loo.i* for others to (oi* your team+ there
are various recruitme*t sites you could "ost your S(ob advertiseme*tS o*) Let
others .*ow what you are doi* a*d let them .*ow they ca* ear* a full time
wae+ o* a "art time basis+ wor.i* whe* they wa*t I 8Sve "erso*ally had
some ood success with Jumtree a*d Kivastreet+ but there are hu*dreds of
sites out there with a little research)
Home Parties 1 8tSs a reat e5cuse to et toether a*d have a fu* time) Put
some music o* i* your home a*d ma.e it a rela5i* atmos"here) 8*vite
everyo*e you .*ow to a taster sessio* of the "roducts a*d ma.e for
them a*d "ut o* a healthy buffet) Jet e5cited about the Juice "lus "roducts
a*d share your e*thusiasm with others 1 :*thusiasm is i*fectious+ so share it)
Social /edia 1 (uice Plus has ta.e* off i* a really bi way a*d mostly due to
social media sites such as Haceboo. a*d Twitter) Thi*. how ma*y "eo"le are
followi* or frie*ds with you o* these various sites a*d this could be a reat
starti* "oi*t to ive your *ew busi*ess a real lau*ch)
Leaflets 1 !reate a leaflet for your busi*ess) Jive "eo"le a reaso* to co*tact
you) 6a.e sure you either add a tele"ho*e *umber+ a* email address or a
web address that they ca* o to for more i*formatio*) The leaflet ca* be set
u" to let "eo"le either .*ow about the "roducts+ the busi*ess o""ortu*ity or
both) Place your leaflet i* local sho"s ' "ost offices) Nou may *eed to "ay a
small fee for "utti* your leaflet o* dis"lay+ but this method is more "referred
tha* "ri*ti* thousa*ds of leaflets+ "osti* them a*d the* etti* *o
res"o*se 1 8 would *ot recomme*d leafleti*) 8f you have a )(" of your leaflet+
of course youSll be able to "ost it o* social media sites too)
,ar ad%ertising 1 8f you drive a*d you do*St mi*d "romoti* via the vehicle
you drive+ you could either et some vi*yl stic.ers created for your bac.
wi*dow+ with your co*tact details+ or eve* o the whole ho a*d et your car
covered i* a vi*yl wra" to "romote your busi*ess) Do whatever you feel
comfortable with a*d this is a route to that is ofte* u*derloo.ed+ but
still 7uite "owerful)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
.%ents 1 There are always (uice Plus eve*ts oi* o* u" a*d dow* the
cou*try) ;se oole to search for local eve*ts or (oi* a Juice Plus rou" o*
Haceboo. a*d as. if there is a* eve*t *ear you) Nou will et to meet others
who are i* the busi*ess a*d lear* from them) As. lots of 7uestio*s a*d theySll
be able to offer their advise to you)
7indle .boo) 1 8 am usi* Ama>o* as o*e of my routes to a*d there
is *o reaso* why you ca*St do the same) 9hare your "erso*al (our*ey a*d
story with others) 3ther "eo"le wa*t to .*ow about your success i* the
busi*ess a*d they are loo.i* for a ood leader who ca* show them the way
a*d hel" uide them+ to their ow* success) Whe* you (oi* STeam 8*vi*cibleS
you ca* be assured that 8 will be behi*d you+ routi* for you every ste" of the
way) After all+ WH:F you are successful+ the* so am 8) 9tart writi* your story
5ebsite 1 Loo.i* ood a*d feeli* ood is a riht for everyo*e+ so why
restrict your messae to (ust those "eo"le you .*ow) Whe* you create a
website to share your story+ you have a worldwide audie*ce to share your
messae with) 8f youSve *ever built a website either+ the* fear *ot as itSs really
*ot that difficult) As a buyer of this boo.+ you et e5clusive access to my free
o*li*e website buildi* course+ to hel" you build your ow* website a*d recruit
your ow* team) Please D3 F3T share this li*. o*li*e 1 Tha*. you
.mail /ar)eting 1 This is somethi* that is do*e+ as a* add1o* to your
website) Nou ca* also build yourself a* email list of "eo"le who are i*terested
i* the Juice Plus busi*ess) Nou ca* the* email them to let them .*ow whe*
you are ru**i* certai* eve*ts or welcomi* them i*to your busi*ess+ or as 8
do+ to trai* them o* how to build their ow* website)
These are o*ly a few of the "ossible routes to which 8 trust have
ive* you lots of food for thouht) The "ossibilities are o*ly limited by your
ow* imai*atio*) 8f you are as e5cited as 8 am about this busi*ess+ the* 8
ca**ot wait to have you as a member of STeam 8*vi*cibleS a*d 8 loo. forward
to the o""ortu*ity of me*tori* you)
6ecome * Juice Plus 8istributor
By shari* your story of health a*d well1bei* a*d hel"i* others achieve the
same be*efits that you have+ you will most li.ely wa*t to et i*volved i* this
fa*tastic busi*ess o""ortu*ity)
Become A Juice Plus Distributor: How to Live A Healthy And Wealthy Life
Becomi* a Juice "lus distributor is easy a*d affordable)
8tSs (ust D?$ to become a Juice Plus distributor a*d you will receive li*.s to
your very ow* e1sho"+ i* which you ca* direct customers to o*li*e+ to ma.e
"urchases of Juice Plus "roducts+ for which you will be credited a*d "aid
commissio*s o*) you ca* also do the orderi* for them via your ow* virtual
bac. office+ which is i*cluded i* your distributor fee)
Hrom the virtual bac. office+ you et access to a whole host of literature+
trai*i* a*d team ma*aeme*t tools to hel" you build your ow* team of Juice
"lus e*thusiasts)
The more you ca* et others e5cited about loo.i* after themselves a*d also
creati* their ow* residual i*come+ the more you will ear* too)
8 have a wealth of e5"erie*ce to share with you a*d would love to welcome
you aboard STeam 8*vi*cibleS+ where 8 will me*tor you a*d be there to hel" you
each a*d every ste" of the way o* your very ow* Juice Plus success (our*ey)
8 ca*St wait to have you as a team member a*d a""reciate that youSve "ut
your trust i* me to hel" you build your busi*ess)
/-f 3ou *lways 8o 5hat 3ou'%e *lways 8one,
3ou'll *lways #et 5hat 3ou'%e *lways #ot9
Head over to:1
for all the details o* how to (oi* TT:A6 8FK8F!8BL:4
HereSs to N3;R success I

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