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A free-lecture by William Jacobson will occur TOMORROW @

Gratz College [May 29, 7:30 p.m.]. I receive hyperlinks to his blog [Legal Insurrection]
and to his sister-blog College Insurrection], and I have been advised to follow them
regularly; another blogger there is Andrew Branca, who provides expert commentary
and explanation about self-defense law.

This Blast e-mail is dedicated to the healthcare professional with whom I had a rather intense chat a
few hours ago, whose response to reading the most recent entry was, I have agida....but I will make an
effort to digest this information; how about one article for each time you floss? It may become
desirable to introduce her to another individual, whose reaction to reading the identical meta-analysis
of the news was telling: You have every right in the world to be angry with Obama. We all can exhibit
anger, no matter how sweet and composed we appear to be to all. Everyone thinks Im so nice but
when I get angry (justifiable so) I turn into a real bitch. Stay the way you are my friend, thats why so
many people love you and admire you. You raised my consciousness about Obama more than Gloria
Steinem did in the 70s with womens lib! Although my reaction to BHO is less anger and more fear,
both ladies may perceive the following three introductory observations as motivators. First, can we all
not identify with the Leading Caribbean AIDS Expert who was unjustly FIRED For Noting That Gay Males
Get AIDS from Anal Sex, for deviating from the politically correct posture of fascist libs/dems? Second,
can we all not hope to channel the energies of the Runner who, after a Painful Fall, won the sprint?
Third, is it inappropriate to disseminate the following AMERICAN CITIZEN'S RESPONSE to Obama who,
during his Cairo speech, said, "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history"?

Dear Mr. Obama:

Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital?
Have you heard a Muslim orchestra?
Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade?
Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?
Have you shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout?
Have you seen a Muslim Candy Striper?
The answer is no, you have not. Just ask yourself WHY???

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I
thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those
were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution? Declaration
of Independence? Bill of Rights?

Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not.
In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own
half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of
Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the
Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamicheritage," doesn't it, Mr.

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.

There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin
Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era?

Again, not present. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men
in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the
'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep,
the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II?

They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf
Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying
planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly
3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can
dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox
News, MSNBC and other cable news network's that day. Strangely, the very "moderate"
Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4
stone-cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for
the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America....

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslims.

And now we can add November 5, 2009, the date of the slaughter of American soldiers
at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to
be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Also, don't forget the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013 was done by 2
Muslim Brothers. That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America


Be sure to SEND IT TO ALL.

Muslim Heritage, my ass.

And if you don't share this message, you are part of the problem!

An effort is constantly made to minimize redundancy; thats why, for example, topics that may appear
to have been beaten-to-death [e.g., the dangers of Common Core, the ever-expanding BHOs Scandal
Sheet, and the need for Paycheck Protection in PA] are not cited as often as would be expected when
news-items [such as via Politicos daily blast e-mail dedicated to education] are constantly received;
whenever possible, info is stripped of identifying-characteristics so that all thats left is the gravamen of
the idea being conveyed. You receive notices that may not be widely disseminated [such as our efforts
to achieve the Mandatory Holocaust Education of all PA-students prior to high-school graduation]. I care
not that this is remitted to Dems who may not share my desire to maximize the BGOPs suasive ability,
as explored two days ago when probing why people-persist-in-believing-things-that-just-arent-true by
noting an authors conclusion that people should present issues in a way that keeps broader notions
out of itmessages that are not political, not ideological, not in any way a reflection of who you are.
Recall that some feel the-best-way-to-win-an-argument is to provoke the other individual to moderate
his/her views by requesting [instead of his/her reasoning] an explanation as to how the policy being
advocated would worktracing step-by-stepfrom start to finisharticulating the causal path from the
policy to the effects it was supposed to have. Then note 11 rules for debating a Leftist, by Ben Shapiro,
which he articulated @ the GOPs Annual Spring Luncheon in Allentown during his keynote-speech.

Varying formats have been used to convey these concepts, sometimes more themed
than comprehensive; this Blast e-mail, directed @ an individual who has not skimmed
prior efforts, is delimited by conceptualizing hyperlinks received during the past day that
update a broad range of concerns. It is impossible to recapitulate everything, but each
fresh entry tightens-the-albatross sported by BHOs acolytes, apologists, and advocates.
[Sorry about the triply-mixed metaphor.] To allow others to appreciate what this effort
has generated longitudinally, the most recent compilation of these essays is appended,
with the prior 17 volumes available [each attachment less than 2-megs] upon request.

[From a reader, reacting to what was just remitted]: Bob, Ive long
thought the greatest threat on this planet is Muslim extremism. Ive
expressed that in a number of guest opinions in the BCCT [Bucks County
Currier-Times]. What too many conservatives and tea party people fail
to realize is that they place their feet on women by their efforts to
eradicate abortion rights. To them, the greatest enemy is Planned
Parenthood. Im a registered Republican and by most standards a
conservative, but I could never eliminate choice. What these so-called
good and honest believers would be shocked to learn is that they are
living in the shadow of Muslim extremism and, in their own way,
perpetuating it. Thanks for your variety of information.

Exemplifying why I rarely include conspiracy-theories is the claim of VIDEO PROOF
Showing No Planes Hit The WTC On 9/11, which provoked such comments as these:

I was there on that day. I was an EMT in NYC and from where I lived I
could see the towers clearly. I SAW the plane hit the 2nd tower. So, I
don't give a crap about fake videos or whatever. I saw the reality of the
plane crashing into the tower. Stop trivializing the loss of civilian lives
and all the heroes who tried to save them with your grasping attempts
at recognition.

Many things wrong with this analysis. The WTC tower is NOT a solid
piece of concrete and steel. The outside was clad with windows and the
interior hollow between the floors and where structural supports would
be. In fact there is more hollow space per cubic foot than solid space. At
least a 9' vertical void between each floor. The aircraft is entirely
capable of penetrating the windows and capable of continuing through
the structure unimpeded through the hollow voids between the floors.
The rules of momentum and energy back this up. The video illusion of
the wing passing through the top of the building is because the building
is in front of the WTC buildings and not behind them as claimed. I'm
really disappointed this website posted this level of stupidity.

If so, where are the planes and the people who were on-board?

First, watch a short video on Conservatism and to peruse the comments it engendered, such as:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an
inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo
the follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and
good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere
symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone
to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a
Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made
him their President."

I am a former left-wing liberal. I am sure glad that I changed my idealogy to
Conservatism. Our nation cannot sustain this America-breaking uber-liberal idealogy
that has been imparted on us today. It is make-or-break time for our country!

You can't beat facts but as far as that goes, the fact is we as a nation (divided or as one)
still elected this douchebag into office. What you people who voted for him saw in him I
will never know. How he got a second term is beyond me but the real fact is that this
tyrant needs to be out of office because with every minute he is in that position we slip
into a more poorer, angrier, and divided country. We the people for the people just
doesn't mean what it used to back in July of 1776. Bring back what it truly means to be
an American. A Patriot.

A great phrase a few years ago by Glenn Beck, used by the Framers of the Constitution,

Obama is the most vile, evil, loathsome, insidious, racist, feckless, petulant, nefarious,
narcissistic, arrogant, despicable, delusional, detestable, anti-US-Constitution, anti-
military, pathologically-lying, integrity-stricken, morally-corrupt, divisive, destructive
sociopath to have ever soiled OUR Oval Office. I approve of my message.

The best way to stop this before 2016 is by maintaining control of the House and
regaining control of the Senate. And don't just vote for the guy with an "R" next to his
name. Vote for the guy who stands for the constitution. That means voting in the
primaries is just as important.

I was a resident alien in the USA for 18 years. I was so impressed with the political
system and how involved and important everyday folks were in it. I thought it was the
greatest country on Earth until 2008 and then somehow people were not listening to
what this inexperienced, egotistical man was saying.,,,it seemed they were just
impressed with the color of his skin and the fact that he could talk smoothly. The
disappointment I felt was huge in 2008 in the American people but to re-elect this
consummate campaigner who lies through his teeth and constantly plays the blame
game without accomplishing anything was beyond me. It is a tragedy for the country
and a travesty of all the wonderful things the USA stands for...or used to....

Second, lets update BHOs Foreign Policy, mere hours prior to his revelation of his Doctrine during his
West Point speech, and lets see how it measures-up with the philosophies of prior Presidents and/or his
prior iterations [Presidential doctrines] thereof. Then, lets see if he recognizes that, after PUTIN TOLD
KIEV TO STOP OPERATION IN EAST UKRAINE, Kiev Retook Donetsk Airport [after there were over 45 Pro-
Russians Dead]; it is doubtful hell recognize how stressful it must be for these abandoned [by the USA
and, thus, by other Europeans] people when, for example, Israel found it necessary to rescue Ukrainian
Jews stranded by fighting. Certainly, hell avoid mentioning the fact that Obama's Keystone Indecision
Keeps Gas Prices High and prevents America from offering fuel to Ukrainians who otherwise face both a
Russian boycott and a price-hike. And, in all probability, hell attempt to fly above [rhetorically] Europes
Lurch Right, which some view as Bad for the Jewsand the United States.

Assuredly, BHO will not discuss the need to combat Islamism, recognizing that savages
continue to fight the Crusades in their effort to create a worldwide Caliphate [and to slit
the throats of everyone who impedes this Jihad]. For example, will he advocate against
the Death Sentenced Sudanese Christian Convert who has now given-birth in Jail? Will
he rail against Honor Killings, such as of a Pregnant Pakistani Woman who was Stoned to
Death by her own family outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city of Lahore for
marrying the man she loved, and will he even note that an American Doctor was
gunned-down in Front of Wife and Son in Pakistan? Will he decry Signs of New Chemical
Attacks by Syria or recognize that an Italian Jesuit Priest [Father Paolo Dall'Oglio] was
abducted in July 2013 in Syria and now, reportedly, killed by Al Qaeda-linked militants
he is funding? Will he condemn Boko Haram for having Slaughteredi 20 Villagers for
Failure to Pay Islamic Tax or Nigeria for having Backeed-Out of a Deal to Recover Boko
Haram's Abducted Schoolgirls [after the Nigerian government officials claimed that they
know the location of the 200+ schoolgirls that were abducted by Boko Haram last
month, but that they will not be recovered by force because, allegedly, gunfire would
put the girls' lives in danger]? Would he dare to explain why the State Departments
Counter Terrorism (CT) Bureau was forced to Apologize for Promoting a controversial
Muslim Cleric whose organization has backed Hamas and endorsed a fatwa authorizing
the murder of U.S. soldiers in Iraq? Will he stand-up against a frivolous lawsuit filed by a
Muslim Organization against Canadas Prime Minister for Libel?
{Also, note the campus-level BDS-movement battle rages, as the Anti-Israel Students'
Divestment Win at DePaul was Short-Lived; know that Professors Engage in Anti-Semitic
Rhetoric on a Secret Listserv that claims Zionists and Jewish people control academia.}

Consider Obamas plan to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan until the end of 16 [claiming Afghanistan
"Will not be a perfect place. And it is not America's responsibility to make it one.Americans have
learned that it's harder to end wars than it is to begin them, but this is how wars end in the 21

century."] Prior to making this announcement, he held a private lunch with foreign policy journalists,
including acknowledged-lefties [New York Times columnists Tom Friedman and David Brooks;
Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne; Bloomberg View's Jeff Goldberg; CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria
and national security analyst Peter Bergen; POLITICO Magazine editor Susan Glasser; and Atlantic
contributor Peter Beinart] plus a GOP-Establishment figure [Wall Street Journal Washington bureau
chief Gerald Seib]. Afterwards, [along with FNCs Brit Hume, last night, and other foreign policy experts]
Senators McCain, Graham, Ayotte characterized announcement of this Afghanistan Withdrawal as 'A
Triumph Of Politics Over Strategy,' claiming it is a mistake to set an arbitrary date for withdrawal of
U.S. troops from Afghanistan, blasting this as a move that could embolden the Taliban and lead to a
resurgence in violence.; Sen Graham added, 'President Obama Is Not Ending Wars, He's Losing Them.'
{Also, Obama claimed 'It's time to turn the page,' with the next milepost in securing the post-2014 troop
presence may lie in Europe.}

PBS documentary Claims to Show Proof of US training and arming the Syrian Opposition,
which would constitute a violation of statute that, when linked to Benghazi-Gate, could
constitute [per allen-west] treason recalling parallels with Reagans Iran-Contra affair
of a quarter-century ago. Illustrating why abandoning Saudi Arabia has carried ongoing
repercussions [beyond its having refused a seat on the UNs Security Council] is that fact
that Saudis appear to be moving, at least on a declarative level, away from a position
according to which Iranian ambitions are a threat to be resisted, toward an attempt to
accommodate Tehran.

Triggered by the Popes visit to the region [landing in Jordan, departing
from Israel], an op-ed concluded Rabbi Shmuley Right on Mideast [Pope
Francis needs to show moral clarity and stand with Israel against those
who seek to destroy her] but Wrong on Pius XII; Shmuleys argument is
based on false premises, as he has fallen prey to an old Soviet
disinformation campaign by insinuating that Pius XII was Hitlers Pope
whereas, actually, Pope Pius XII is precisely the moral leader Pope
Francis should look to emulate. BTW, in case anyone in America
wonders of Israel is also plagued by Libs, note that HAARETZ defended
Islamic extremists [editorial: Don't ban the Islamic Movement], arguing
Anti-incitement is rarely invoked against Jewish racists, but the long arm
of the law seems to reach Arabs more easily] after having reported that
Netanyahu wants to outlaw the northern branch of the Islamic

Coupled with awareness of the Turco-Iranian Friendship [as a Turkish Court Issued
Arrest Warrants to Israeli Ex-Generals over 2010 Gaza Flotilla Raid, notwithstanding the
fact that BHO pressured BB to settle the conflict and apologize prior to his departure
from Ben Gurion Airport], it is undeniable that BHOs sell-out on Iran is buring any prior
American regional impact; meanwhile, Iran hanged 16 in reprisal for Pakistan border
killings, as Next Iran nuke talks are set for June 16-20 in Vienna while Ayatollah
Khamenei said Those Who Want to Promote Negotiations Are Guilty of Treason and
IAEA Access to Iran Nuclear Site Remained Elusive. {Also note that it is possible that
Evangelical Support for Israel may end, as anti-Zionist preachers try to motivate youth to
reject assumptions of their elders.}

Ya think BHO will cite this UN-Report regarding USAs enemy, Iran?:

79. There has been an apparent increase in the degree of
seriousness of human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Frequent and disconcerting reports concerning punitive State action
against various members of civil society, reports about actions that
undermine the full enjoyment of human rights by women, religious and
ethnic minorities; and alarming reports of retributive State action
against individuals suspected of communicating with the Special
Procedure raises serious concern about the Governments resolve to
promote respect for human rights in the country.

80. The Special Rapporteur also continues to be alarmed by the rate
of executions in the country, especially for crimes that do not meet
serious crimes standards, and especially in the face of allegations of
widespread and ongoing torture for the purposes of soliciting
confessions from the accused. The Governments ability to meaningfully
address matters raised by a number of human rights instruments and
the Human Rights Council is constrained by a lack of meaningful
cooperation, by its intransigent position on the existence of human
rights violations in the country, and by de jure and de facto practices
that undermine its international and national human rights obligations.

81. The Special Rapporteur, therefore, proposes that the Iranian
Government undertake the following actions in order to address the
preponderance of issues raised in this and previous reports
communicated by the expert:

(a) Extend its full cooperation to the country mandate holder by
engaging in a substantive and constructive dialogue and
facilitating a visit to the country.
(b) Immediately investigate allegations of reprisals against individuals
that cooperate with the international human rights instruments
and organizations and to take measures to ensure adequate
protection from intimidation or reprisals for individuals and
members of groups who seek to cooperate or have cooperated
with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in
the field of human rights.
(c) Desist from actions designed to injure or intimidate those who work
to identify human rights violations, promote redress, and those
that may cooperate with international human rights
(d) Consider the immediate and unconditional release civil society
actors and human rights defenders prosecuted for protected
activities; including journalists, netizens, lawyers and student,
cultural, environmental, and political activists that work to
promote civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
currently detained for activities protected by national and
international law.
(e) Expedite its voluntary commitment to establish a National Human
Rights Commission, in accordance with Paris Principles.
(f) Examine and address those laws that contravene its international
obligation to eliminate all forms of discrimination in law and
practice. These include those laws and policies that undermine
gender equality and womens rights, and that discriminate
against religious and ethnic minorities, and members of the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in the
(g) Consider the immediate release of prisoners of conscience such as
Pastors Behnam Irani, Farshid Fathi, as well as the leaders of the
Bahai community, and fully honor its commitments under
Article 18 of ICCPR that guarantee the right to freedom thought,
conscience and religion, which was accepted by Iran without
(h) Investigate all allegations of torture and address impunity and end
the culture of investigation through confession reflected by the
breadth of reports communicated to the Special Rapporteur.
(i) Consider a moratorium on capital punishment until the efficacy of
judicial safeguards can be meaningfully demonstrated, and stay
the executions of individuals who have alleged violations of
their due process rights.
(j) Improve transparency on the impact of sanctions and to report on
measures it has taken to protect its inhabitants from potential
and actual negative impact of such sanctions.
(k) The Special Rapporteur also calls on the United Nations system and
on sanctions-imposing countries to monitor the impact of
sanctions and to take all appropriate steps to ensure that
measures, such as humanitarian exemptions are effectively
serving their intended purpose to prevent the potentially
harmful impacts of general economic sanctions on human

BHOs speech will probably ignore the fact that VIETNAM and CHINA TRADED ACCUSATIONS AFTER
VIETNAMESE FISHING BOAT SINKS, that Three Chinese Nuclear Missile Submarines are in South China
Sea, or even the observation by South Korea that China Agrees that North Korean Nuclear Activity Poses
'Serious Threat.' [It will be understandable if he ignores the fact that Former French President Sarkzy
Embroiled in New Corruption Scandal; the leader of France's conservative opposition UMP party, Jean-
Franois Cop, resigned after police raided his offices in an investigation over a massive fraud scandal
involving former President Nicolas Sarkzy.]

Whenever Im asked why Ive been laboring so intensely regarding the intuitive desire to
enact a mandate that Holocaust Education permeate the schooling curriculum, I note
how NOT to do this, illustrated by a recent effort to turn Holocaust denial into
homework, when eighth-graders at five middle schools in the Rialto Unified School
District east of Los Angeles were asked to compose an essay on whether or not they
believe the Holocaust was "an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme." As
part of the homework, educators gave students resources including a website that
denies the Holocaust. Critical thinking is an essential skill for children to develop. But
when educators encourage students to question the historical fact of the Holocaust,
they are essentially fomenting a subtle form of anti-Semitism.

The media also require monitoring in this regard, noting that MSNBC's
Tour Neblett and Ronan Farrow, who are under fire for anti-Semitic
Holocaust Remarks disseminated via Twitter; these MSNBC anchors
[and there was no corporate reaction issued yesterday] generally
channel leftist/lib/Dem talking-points, so it was notable that The
Twitter account of Tour, co-anchor of MSNBC's "The Cycle," had been
uncharacteristically quiet since Friday when Tour appeared to suggest
that the "power of whiteness" was responsible for a Jewish family
surviving a concentration camp and/or "making it work" afterwards.
Yesterday, to staunch the bleeding, one supposes, Tour wrote Hey,
sorry for using Holocaust survivors as an example of the power of
whiteness, but he failed to explain what had motivated him to suggest
Jews leverage the history of the Shoah unjustly.

Every effort is being expended to counter nefarious conduct of those who oppose the
mandate, such as lobbyist Hank Butler [representing the PA Jewish Coalition of non-
profits], who ambushed the local Federation Board meeting [a fortnight go] and coerced
it to retreat from its support for our efforts [by retreading assertions that had already
been disproven].

He will probably invoke Foreign Affairs in an effort to distract the public from expressing Outrage Over
the outing of a CIA-official [noting even that CNN's Acosta criticized White House's 'really big screw-up'],
concern over NSA mass recording of Afghan telephone calls, or apprehension Greenwald will publish a
list of Americans on whom the NSA spied. [He will probably ignore the fact that the Bilderberg
Membership List Released was released and, assuedly, he will dismiss CHINAS ACCUSATION THAT THE
US LACKS 'MORAL INTEGRITY' BASED ON SNOWDEN DATA.] And there will be nary a peep about the
Monroe Doctrine, which he scrapped long before he embraced Venezuelas Hugo Rafael Chvez Fras.
{Regarding Benghazi-Gate, Politico claims Dem-warrior, Rep. Elijah Cummings, has earned a reputation
for besting Issa on a number of Obama controversies; buried in this encomium is a patter that contains
numerous subsequently-documented faults. [He released an oft-cited report, debunking the GOP claim
that the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal was directed by the White House. (AG-Holder is trying to
limit release of documents that are said to disprove his view.) On the IRS controversy over the agencys
targeting of conservative groups, Cummings released a full transcript of interviews with a self-described
Republican and IRS manager who said it was the IRS not the Obama administration that flagged tea
party groups for extra scrutiny. (This assertions was blown-out by the Lerner-memos linking her efforts
with the DoJ.)].}

RON FOURNIER [an Establishment-GOP leader of the National Journal] probed BHOs
Intellectual Dishonesty in dramatic terms [for him], claiming The candidate of unbridled
optimism in 2008 is now cynical, bowed, and nearly beatena leader whose excuse for
failure amounts to, I can't lead because Republicans won't let me.]. Illustrating how
very faulty is his claim of impotencewhen he actually continues to act imperiallyis
how he is manifesting reverse-racism; note that BHO trashed the basis of the Civil Rights
Movement [one America, etc.] when quietly suggesting willingness to create a two-
tier race-based legal system in Hawaii [affecting taxes, spending and law enforcement].
{Also noted is Obamas Executive Order that Imposes Martial Law On United States.}

Police Interviewed Santa Barbara Killer [22-year-old Elliott Rodger] last month, at the request of his
parents, who had viewed their son's disturbing YouTube videos, but they never saw them before the
attack at UC Santa Barbara. The MOMS DEMAND FOUNDER was UPSET that a CNN ANCHOR
WOULDN'T POLITICIZE SANTA BARBARA ATTACKS but, curiously, Michael Moore countered the gun-
control reaction by saying, Guns Dont Kill People, Americans Kill People, while Seth Rogen and Judd
Apatow Attacked WaPo Film Critic Ann Hornaday, who had accused Hollywood films such as Rogens
Neighbors of being partly responsible for the killing spree in Santa Barbara last weekend. Another Lib,
Sally Kohn, claimed that the Santa Barbara shooter was an anti-woman terrorist, based on the FBIs
definition of terrorism [the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate
or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or
social objectives]; in addition to noting that the VIRGIN KILLER WAS A MADMAN, NOT A MISOGYNIST,
she fails to articulate the precise governmental policy that he would want to have altered. Meanwhile,
as Rahm now Wants to Videotape All Chicago Gun Purchases, another crime was prevented in a
textbook store Fort Dodge, Iowa, where an alleged Robber Demanded Money, but an Armed Female
Employee Did Not Comply. {Note also that, in contrast to UC Santa Barbara, the media failed to cover
the Memorial Day youth-driven mayhem at Myrtle Beach [three murders, five shootings, and seven
injuries in Myrtle Beach] and Ft. Lauderdale [a near-riot].}

The Dems/Libs continue to promote COMMON CORE, evidenced by the presence of
CHANGE AGENTS OPERATING IN TEXAS where it has otherwise not been implemented.
Also, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg's $100M for Newarks failing public schools
went nowhere, because [mirroring the fact that only 3% of BHOs Stimulus-$ was spent
on infrastructure] these monies were spent on labor contracts and consulting fees,
yielding no improvement in student performance. And it is felt to be 'Unacceptable!' by
Michelle Obama that the GOP is Trying To Curb Her Unpopular School Lunch Program.

As an 'unprecedented' number of young illegals are pouring over the border and Detained Immigrants
are Often Used as Cheap Labor, BHOs administrative discretion regarding open-borders continues
unabated [BHO May Limit Deportations for Suspected Illegals arrested for "nonviolent" crimes, but this
review was delayed because the White House continues to see a window of possibility for immigration
reform in Congressbefore August, and BHO proposed blocking Immigration Enforcement In
Courthouses]. Meanwhile, while BHO Touted Initiatives to promote STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) learning opportunities, his desire for massive Amnesty legalization for
STEM Workers and more guest-worker visas may set-up young Americans (especially those from low-
income backgrounds) for failure. Yet, the GOP-Establishment continues to predict (c/o Fourniers
National Journal, for example) Immigration Reform could pass in 14 if only the GOP BUILDS THE
efforts are enhanced by an Anchor with attitude, Univisions Jorge Ramos.}

Krauthammer correctly predicted that the Chances of Dems Learning Lesson from the
VA Scandal Are 'Zero'; note that Obama Vowed to 'Keep the Faith' With War Veterans
on Memorial Day, Biden said We're Behind on 'Sacred Obligation' to Vets, and Nancy
Pelosi Can't Say for Sure if the VA Deaths Are a 'Scandal.' Meanwhile, as Sen. Casey
Introduced Bill to Address VA Backlog and Dem Pat Caddell exclaimed We Have People
in the VA Getting Bonuses to Kill Veterans and Obama DOESNT Care, it was discovered
that a CA Vet with Cancer was Stuck on VA Waiting List for 8 Months with 7 More to Go.
Clearly, The VA Scandal's Window into the Future of Obamacare is disturbing, but that
hasnt stopped Pelosi from claiming Dems are Neither Running On or from Obamacare
in Midterms; meanwhile, 13 DEM-CANDIDATES WON'T EMBRACE OBAMACARE. As the
implementation process continues, Obamacare is To Fine Companies That Give Workers
Money To Buy Their Own Health Insurance Plans, hospitals are scaling-back charity-care
as the health law kicks-in, and the GREENSBURG DIOCESE FILED OBAMACARE LAWSUIT.
{Note also that Sen. Toomey reported that the Pa. VA is being investigated.}

Electoral evidence of a vibrant TEA Party Movement [despite ANOTHER 'FAKE' TEA PARTY GROUP
SPRINGING-UP IN TEXAS BEFORE ELECTION] emerged as Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Dominated Texas
Republican Primary Politics; the clear winner in the 2014 Republican Primary and runoff election is the
grassroots effort spawned by the Tea Party, no matter what candidates win, for every candidate on the
ballot has shaped his/her campaign around illustrating support for the Tea Party principles of limited
government, reducing taxes and fiscal responsibility. Enhancing this message was the fact that, after the
'Tea party' was poised for big wins in Texas runoffs, it was noted (this-a.m., c/o Senate Conservatives)
that Conservative former U.S. Attorney John Ratcliffe (R-TX) defeated incumbent Congressman Ralph
Hall (R-TX) yesterday in the Republican run-off election for the 4th Congressional District in Texas.
Finally, THE TEA PARTY also cruised in the runoff for lieutenant governor ["Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick,
a tea party favorite, defeated incumbent GOP Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in Tuesday's primary runoff - the
second straight election cycle in which Dewhurst has been upset in a runoff. ... The March 4 primary
spelled trouble for Dewhurst, who as an incumbent came in second in the primary with 28 percent of
the vote, to Patrick's 41 percent. Dewhurst was seeking renomination as lieutenant governor just two
years after falling short in a runoff for an open Senate seat against now-Sen. Ted Cruz. As in the 2012
Senate election, Dewhurst faced a runoff against a candidate running to his right. Since then, Dewhurst
has continually had to defend his conservative credentials and dismiss the charge that he is too
moderate."] {Also noted is the fact that a Dem LaRouche candidate ran on Obama impeachment.}

It is into this environment that Misssissippis COCHRAN VOWS TO COMPLETE 42 YEARS
IN SENATE [opposed by Chris McDaniel], despite revelations that Thad Cochran's
longtime executive assistant was Listed as Part of 'Spouse Group' on a Taxpayer-Funded
Trip in 2004 to South America; she was photographed participating in recreational
events for senators' spouses. In Iowa, conservative state senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) is
running against a liberal Republican [Mark Jacobs] who supports Common Core, raising
the debt limit, and cap-and-trade legislation; she wants to finish first in the Republican
primary election with 35% or more so she can secure the nomination without a run-off
[and the most recent poll has her at 34% so she's very close to victory]. {Among the
Dems touted for Senate is Michelle Nunn, whose salary @ Hands On Atlanta doubled to
$250,000 while nearly 100 Georgians lost their jobs.}

These observations segue into a brief update of POTUS-16 politics; whereas the establishment-types
are treading water [Top Jeb Bush Adviser: Common Core Embrace Won't Hurt Him in GOP Primary and
Chris Christie's lawyer problem and even the NATIONAL JOURNAL acknowledges the fact that 'SARAH
PALIN IS RIGHT' ABOUT MEDIA'S DOUBLE STANDARD]. Also, Ted Cruz Stands with Israel in the Holy Land
[after his Knesset speech]; he is making it clear that he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have very different
policies on Israel. [He is traveling to Israel and Ukraine this week and has scheduled meetings with
senior Israeli government officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker
Yuli Edelstein. He has scheduled meetings with Jewish and Catholic leaders in Ukraine. The Armed
Services Committee member has emerged as one of Congress's most outspoken advocates for Israel, a
core difference with Paul, who in 2011 described foreign aid to Israel as 'welfare.' Both senators are
mulling a run for the White House in 2016. Cruz has pledged to Jewish leaders that the United States
must do whatever it takes to defend Israel's national security interests.] Among Dems, Karl Rove
amplified his claim that Hillary Clinton May Be Too 'Old and Stale' for Voters; in response, ANDREA
unclear why, although a 'Million Copies' of her New Book were Already supposedly Sold, it seems it can't
crack Top 100 on AMAZON sales chart.

Further evidence of Dem-disaffection is the fact that, although Florida Dems [89%] Want
him to hold a Primary Gubernatorial Debate with former Florida State Senator Nan Rich,
Charlie Crist Ignores Their "Noise" [noting that Governor Rick Scott leads Dem Charlie
Crist by the slimmest of margins]. Also, a top liberal group, the Center for American
Progress, temporarily Canceled Rollout of Project Aimed at White Working Class White
Voters after it could not marshal the necessary financial support.

Regarding the environment, Google Celebrated environmentalist Rachel Carson, who was claimed to be
the 20
Century's Greatest Female Mass Murderer because millions of people died of malaria thanks to
Carson's principled campaigning against the insecticide DDT; my father [a radiotherapist] gave me a
copy of her seminal-book [Silent Spring] a half-century ago, for he had treated her for Breast Cancer, but
[@ age-10] I was unable to appreciate the quality [or lack thereof] of her scientific analysis. In any case,
Casualties of Obamas War on Coal are emerging, as his EPA-regs are to be announced on Monday; also,
the Feds (via The National Science Foundation) Paid $4.9 Million to the University of Wisconsin-Madison
to Create a Hypothetical Utopian Climate Change Future, describing scenarios based on Americas
actions on climate change, including a utopian future where everyone rides a bike and courts forcibly
take property from the wealthy. {Also, Politico claims state and regional cap and trade programs are
already cutting emissions in parts of the country.}

'Culture of ticket-fixing' in Traffic Court has been detailed.

In the PA-Gov race, Corbett Polls Poorly in Robert Morris Survey, despite Corbetts claim that 150,000
new private sector jobs were created during his term. Also, State lawmakers are setting new milestones
for tardiness in approving a fiscal audit, thereby raising questions about their ability to account for their
own spending.

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