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(NaturalNews) The cayenne pepper is the hot chili

pepper of the Capsicum annuum plant, which is
native to northern South America and southern
North America. A nightshade fruit that is related to
the bell pepper, jalapeno and papria, cayenne
peppers are often dried and ground into a powder
and then used to prepare spicy meals. !any
cultures also lie to add them to caes, chocolates
and even beverages.
"espite their various uses in the itchen, however,
cayenne peppers are first and foremost a medicine.
#n fact, American #ndians have been using cayenne
peppers to treat numerous medical conditions for at
least $,%%% years. !oreover, cayenne peppers
have been e&tensively studied, and scientists now
understand which compounds give them their significant healing properties.
Four reasons to love cayenne eer
!"# Natural a$n%$llers '' (ayenne peppers are rich in an active compound called capsaicin. This tasteless and odorless
compound, which is found in all chili peppers and is responsible for their trademar heat, is a potent anti'inflammatory and
analgesic, and is proven to relieve pain. )or e&ample, a study published in The Clinical Journal of Pain found that the pain
relief provided by capsaicin for treating cluster headaches, itching, nec pain, psoriasis and other conditions was far greater
than that provided by the placebo. Another study published in Clinical Therapeutics discovered that capsaicin cream provided
*significantly more relief* to patients suffering from arthritis'related pain than the placebo, leading the researchers to conclude
that *capsaicin cream is a safe and effective treatment for arthritis.*
Scientists now understand that capsaicin is a great natural painiller because it inhibits substance +, a neuropeptide that is
associated with pain and inflammation. The hotter a chili, the more capsaicin it contains, and thus the greater its painilling
capacities. Since cayenne peppers are one of the hottest commercially available chilies around, they,re a great natural
alternative to allopathic painillers lie paracetamol and Nurofen.
&"# Car'$ovascular suort '' The capsaicin in cayenne peppers is also a vasodilator, which is a substance that causes blood
vessels to dilate. This helps reduce pla-ue build'ups in the arteries, thus decreasing the ris of high blood pressure and heart
disease. According to the American (ancer Society, the capsaicin in cayenne peppers is also used to treat related conditions
lie menstrual cramps, stomach aches and ulcers, and indigestion.
("# Increases )eta*ol$s) an' re'uces *loo' su+ar '' .esearch featured in the Journal of the Medical Association of
Thailand found that women who consumed / grams of fresh Capsicum frutescens (which are included in the Capsicum
annuum species) mi&ed into a glucose drin e&perienced a *significantly lower* rise in plasma glucose and a *significantly
increased* metabolic rate compared to the control group which dran a regular glucose drin. This maes cayenne pepper a
good food for diabetics or anyone else who wishes to avoid e&cess blood sugar. !oreover, this increase in metabolism might
also e&plain why cayenne pepper is nown to contribute to weight loss.
,"# Boosts $))un$ty an' v$s$on '' 0ust one tablespoon of cayenne pepper contains almost half of our recommended daily
intae of vitamin A. 1itamin A, which our bodies obtain through the pepper,s impressive levels of carotenoids (especially beta'
carotene, the carotenoid that gives the fruits their red color), is an essential antio&idant that provides our immune system with
its first line of defense against invading pathogens. 1itamin A'rich foods lie cayenne pepper can also prevent age'related
macular degeneration and are even nown to reverse deteriorating eyesight.
2rganic, non'irradiated cayenne pepper powder is easily purchased online or in health food stores. Try mi&ing two teaspoons
of it with apple cider vinegar and honey for the perfect morning deto& drin3
(NaturalNews) !odern medicine continues to ignore the actual
dilemmas associated with pain, as if they are somehow irrelevant, yet,
when pain is properly relieved, it can lead to healing in a short period of
time, and naturally so. The process of healing one part of the body is
the same for every other part as well, and this is a potential game
changer in the field of *healthcare.*
There are two main aspects of pain and its proper relief that, if
everyone understood, could help prevent untold suffering and save
countless lives4
9) +ain represents much more than just a very unpleasant sensation. #t
is an indication of an inflammatory process that alters the condition of any tissue area where it taes place (a problem not
solved by mere pain illers). ;ven discomfort can be a sign of bloced circulation and a process of degeneration. Thin of
these sensors as an alarm for the blood stream.
7) !ost times, pain can be -uicly and easily relieved naturally (without pain illers) by mitigating inflammation and hastening
the withdrawal of any (to&ic) e&cess fluids, thereby returning the tissues to the same state that they were in before any tissue
There are two very different causes of pain or tissue injury4 9) initial and 7) subse-uent.
9) #nitial injury can be a one'time thing that nevertheless results in damage to previously perfectly healthy tissues or bones,
thus causing swelling, an inflammatory reaction, edema and a condition that if allowed to remain will become degenerative
due to bloced irrigation and deficient o&ygenation.
<hen tissues are damaged, they release poisons called histamine and bradyinin. The poisons then dilate
the blood capillaries, causing a certain amount of blood proteins and water to escape (from the blood stream) into the tissue
spaces. This is the process of swelling or inflammation that results in coagulating e&tracellular fluids and the morbidity of
bloced circulation. <e can consider this as a subse-uent phase ofinjury that can cause further damage if not resolved
7) Subse-uent injury is the result of swelling, inflammation and residual morbidity. This is the condition of all degenerative
disease, because it damages tissues continually. 2ften, this process progresses so slowly that it is hardly noticeable. This can
be prevented and eliminated if we just now what to do. Taing action to reverse the edema, and morbid blocages to the
circulation, can speed up the healing process.
There are only two proper ways to relieve pain4
9) <oring to reverse the process of inflammation (natural healing arts)= and
7) >elping the lymphatic system deal with as many to&ins and as much e&cess fluid (that becomes trapped in the tissue
spaces) as possible, because this helps improve the actual condition and permanently reduces any subse-uent injury or its
cause (natural healing arts).
The blood can no longer irrigate tissues with an abundance of o&ygen and nutrients when cells are held in a positive pressure.
2nly the lymphatic system can vacuum out any trapped blood proteins and e&cess fluid from around the cells, regardless of its
many causes. Trapped plasma constituents and e&cess fluid often remain after tissue is damaged, and so long as it does, it
can be a catalyst of further inflammation and degenerative disease.
"r. (. Samuel <est, who founded the #nternational Academy of ?ymphology, often stated that pain was caused by lac of
o&ygen. Those who study his Applied ?ymphology (ourse learn the process of how lac of o&ygen is caused in any isolated
area of tissue and how to begin eliminating such blocages lymphologically, to allow proper o&ygenation at the tissue cell level
and thereby assure ultimate healing.
(NaturalNews) <ould you nowingly eat rat poison or drin gasolineB 2bviously not, as it will harm and perhaps ill you. Cet
many people today are consuming the poisonous foods # list in this
article without giving it a second thought. They are doing this
because they,ve been successfully deceived by the media, the
culture or family traditions into thining that these ingredients don,t
re-uire a second thought.
.egardless of the reason, the *garbage in garbage out* principle is
still true. The illnesses that people you now and love suffer from
are just the result of their body being fed this garbage. +revention
is still the best medicine. Therefore, the way we achieve the health
and healing that the body was designed for is to prevent this jun
food garbage from going $n our body in the first place= then we
won,t have to deal with the garbage coming out (in the form of
disease, etc.).
All 1oo' $s not create' e2ual
2ne of the popular yet to&ic foods is caffeine. (offee is fine, but the caffeine is the problem. <hy is caffeine so to&icB
.esearch shows that caffeine is one of the to&ic chemicals produced by some plants as a defense mechanism against being
eaten or disturbed. #n fact, these chemicals (of which, caffeine is one) wor to produce neurological damage in plant'eating
animals. Cet, companies harvest and pacage this addictive chemical as an ingredient in various foods and sell it to the public.
Dut if it can promote neurological damage in animals, just imagine what it,s doing to humans over the long term. >erbal coffee
(i.e. real coffee) and herbal tea are healthier alternatives.
<hite table salt and white sugar are some more to&ic ingredients. (onsuming these can weaen the immune system,s
defense against a cold or flu as well as lead to type 7 diabetes, arthritis, obesity, emotional problems, tooth decay,
dehydration, idney failure, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, etc. #f the ingredients label just says *salt,* *sugar* or
*evaporated cane juice,* it,s safe to assume that it,s the processed ind. Now the body does need salt, but it needs the natural,
unprocessed salt (still containing its trace minerals) which is pin in color. A source of healthy natural sugar (which the body
also needs) comes from fruit and vegetables (preferably organic). Stevia, &ylitol and raw honey are healthier sugar substitutes
as well.
(onsuming processed grains such as white flour, white rice and pacaged cereals can contribute to heart disease, abdominal
fat, constipation and more. ?oo for sprouted and whole grains (-uinoa, brown rice, etc). #n addition, numerous studies lie the
(hina Study show that consumption of dairy and e&cessive animal products has contributed to physical problems lie cancer,
osteoporosis, heart disease, obesity and more.
"ue to space constraints for this article, # can only mention one more category of poison foods4 genetically modified (E!)
foods. This is a broad topic, but suffice it to say that studies show a strong lin associating the consumption of E! crops (e.g.
corn, soy, alfalfa) and the animals that eat these crops with the rise of food allergies, pregnancy complications, reduced fertility
in humans and more. #n addition, evidence shows that some E!2s produce their own built'in pesticides which have
caused health problems in laboratory animals. Fnless the food5ingredient is non'E!2'verified or organic, it may be a E!
Your resons$*$l$ty
Though they should, ultimately it,s not the job of the food industry to warn consumers of the dangers of to&ic food5ingredients=
it,s your responsibility. .ead the ingredients labels, and get informed so you can avoid the to&ins that will put you on a path
away from optimal health.
(NaturalNews) An antio&idant specifically engineered to see out the mitochondria within cells may help reverse the aging of
arteries, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Fniversity of (olorado'Doulder and published in The Journal
of Physiology.
The study was funded by a grant from the National #nstitute on
Bloo' vessels a+e' *y 1ree ra'$cals
To eep the body healthy, blood vessels must be able to dilate and
contract as needed. <hen dilation is re-uired, the endothelium (a
thin layer of cells lining the blood vessels) produces a chemical
nown as nitric o&ide. Nitric o&ide is highly vulnerable to destruction
by free radicals, however '' particularly the free radical supero&ide,
which is actually produced by the body,s own mitochondria.
Supero&ide also degrades one of the enHymes that functions as a
precursor to nitric o&ide, leading to even lower levels of the
chemical and decreased dilation of blood vessels. This, in turn, increases the ris of heart disease.
Supero&ide is necessary to maintain cellular function, but as the body ages, mitochondria begin to produce it in higher
-uantities. At the same time, levels of antio&idants in the body often decrease with age, which leads to even greater circulating
levels of supero&ide. Supero&ide then begins to cause damage to the mitochondria themselves '' which induces the
mitochondria to produce even more supero&ide, leading to even lower blood levels of antio&idants and more cellular damage.
*Cou have this ind of balance, but with aging there is this shift,* lead author .achel Eioscia'.yan said. *There become way
more reactive o&ygen species than your antio&idant defenses can handle.*
F$n'$n+ an ant$o6$'ant t7at 8or%s
+revious studies have attempted to use antio&idant supplements to lower supero&ide levels and thereby improve vascular
dilation, but none have been successful. The researchers in the current study hypothesiHed that most antio&idants do not
reach mitochondria and therefore have a limited impact on supero&ide.
#n order to get around this problem, the researchers specifically engineered an antio&idant for affinity for mitochondria. This
chemical, !itoI, was formed by adding a mitochondria'binding molecule to coenHyme I9% (also nown as ubi-uinone or
*The -uestion is, ,<hy aren,t we all just taing a bunch of vitamin (B* Eioscia'.yan said. *Scientists thin that, taen orally,
antio&idants lie vitamin ( aren,t getting to the places where the reactive o&ygen species are being made. !itoI basically
tracs right to the mitochondria.*
<hen the researchers gave elderly mice a !itoI supplement for four wees, their arteries went from functioning at a level
e-uivalent to a @%'to'8%'year'old human to a level e-uivalent to a 7/'to'A/'year'old human. #n addition, the mice,s levels of
nitric o&ide increased, their levels of o&idative stress decreased and their mitochondrial health improved.
*2ne of the hallmars of primary aging is endothelial dysfunction,* Eioscia'.yan said. *!itoI completely restored endothelial
function in the old mice. They looed lie young mice.*
Although tests into its function are still in preliminary stages, !itoI can already be purchased as a dietary supplement and
sin cream. (oI9%, the chemical used as the base for !itoI, can also be purchased as a nutritional supplement.
(oI9% is a substance naturally produced by the body to help enHymes carry out various functions '' including
helping mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (AT+), the major cellular energy source. (oI9% has also been lined,
on its own, to prevention of cellular damage and improvements in high blood pressure. #t is also being investigated for a
number of other potential benefits, including fighting cancer, improving cognitive health, slowing the effects of aging, reducing
diabetic neuropathy pain, lowering high cholesterol and improving heart health.
(NaturalNews) A staggering number of people from all
wals of life have little comprehension of how very small
increases in resting blood pressure over the course of
years and decades promote cardiovascular disease,
stroe and an early death. 2ften referred to as a *silent
iller,* hypertension fre-uently runs in families and is
largely preventable with blood pressure monitoring along
with dietary and lifestyle modifications. ?osing just /
percent of total body weight, along with regular, moderate
e&ercise and limiting most processed foods, can result in
normal systolic5diastolic readings for the majority of
people. !ore importantly, recent studies have shown that
normal blood pressure readings should be maintained at
or below 99/5@/ mm >g, and every 7% mm >g increase
over that base reading doubles the ris of a heart attac.
A recent study released by the Dritish >eart )oundation and published in the journal PNAS has determined that a diet
combining unsaturated fats with nitrite'rich fats and vegetables such as olive oil and lettuce can protect you from hypertension,
helping e&plain why some previous studies have shown that a !editerranean diet can lower blood pressure. Scientists in this
study determined that a !editerranean diet, typically consisting of unsaturated fats commonly found in olive oil, nuts and
avocados, along with vegetables lie spinach, celery and carrots, which are rich in nitrites and nitrates, combine in the body
and result in the formation of nitro fatty acids.
Natural 1oo's $nclu'$n+ 8ater)elon an' e6tra;v$r+$n ol$ve o$l 7el revent
.esearchers found that the process by which these nitro fatty acids lower blood pressure involves the inhibition of an enHyme
nown as soluble epoxide hydrolase which regulates blood pressure. ?ead study author "r. +hilip ;aton concluded, *The
findings of our study help to e&plain why previous research has shown that a !editerranean diet supplemented with e&tra'
virgin olive oil or nuts can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular problems lie stroe, heart failure and heart attacs.*
2ne to two tablespoons of e&tra'virgin olive oil and five to seven daily servings of leafy vegetables can provide nitrites and
nitrates to help naturally lower blood pressure.
#n an independent study, researchers from )lorida State Fniversity, publishing in the American Journal of Hypertension, found
that eating watermelon could significantly reduce blood pressure in overweight individuals both at rest and while under stress.
Scientists conducting the study selected a cohort of 9A middle'aged, obese men and women who also suffered from
high blood pressure. "uring the 97'wee course of the study, the team divided members of the group in half. )or the first si&
wees, one group was given 6 grams of the amino acid ?'citrulline and 7 grams of ?'arginine per day, both from watermelon
e&tract. The other group was given a placebo for si& wees.
The results of this study confirmed that consuming watermelon had a positive impact on aortic blood pressure and other
vascular parameters. 2ver the past decade, numerous research efforts have clearly shown that diet and lifestyle interventions
play a significant role in preventing and reversing the effects of hypertension. These two studies continue to show that
consuming natural foods can independently help lower blood pressure and facilitate ris reduction to prevent potentially fatal
chronic illnesses including stroe and cardiovascular disease.
(NaturalNews) 2ne in three people carries a
enetic variant that maes them especially
sensitive to increased colorectal cancer ris
from processed meat consumption, according
to a study conducted by researchers from 7@
different institutions and published in the
journal PLS !enetics on April 9@.
*2ur results identify a novel gene'diet
interaction with processed meat for colorectal
cancer, highlighting that diet may modify the
effect of genetic variants on disease ris, which
may have important implications for
prevention,* the researchers wrote.
Dan+ers o1 re' an' rocesse'
(olorectal cancer is the third'most common tumor type and the third'leading cause of cancer death in both men and women of
most ethnic bacgrounds. #t has been lined to both genetic and dietary factors= genome'wide surveys have identified
appro&imately A% separate gene variants associated with colorectal cancer ris, while consumption of red and processed meat
has been lined to increased ris, and consumption of fruits, vegetables and fiber has been lined to decreased ris.
)or e&ample, a 7%%8 study by the National (ancer #nstitute found that people who ate the most red meat had a 7/ percent
higher ris of colorectal cancer than people who ate the least. The researchers found that one in 9% colorectal cancer cases
could be prevented just by reducing meat intae.
?ittle research has been conducted, however, into the interaction between these ris factors.
*The possibility that genetic variants may modify an individual,s ris for disease based on diet has not been thoroughly
investigated but represents an important new insight into disease development,* researcher "r. ?i >su said.
The researchers compared dietary information, cancer status and roughly 7.@ million genetic variants in more than 98,%%%
people who had taen part in 9% separate studies later pooled together into the Eenetics and ;pidemiology of (olorectal
(ancer (onsortium (E;((2) and (olorectal (ancer )amily .egistry. Appro&imately half the participants had colorectal
cancer, and the other half did not.
One $n t7ree vulnera*le
#n all participants, greater red and processed meat intae was associated with increased colorectal cancer ris, while fruit,
vegetable and fiber intae was correlated with a lower ris. The researchers further found that individuals with
the gene variants rs696A%$6'TE and rs696A%$6'TT e&perience an even greater ris associated with processed meat
consumption, compared to those with the rs696A%$6'EE variant.
This particular gene is notable because it occurs in a place on the genome near a gene nown as EATAA, which codes for a
transcription factor that plays a role in immune function. +rior studies have lined EATAA to various types of cancer.
About a third of the population carries the genetic variants found to be associated with greater ris from processed meat
*2ur results, if replicated by other studies, may provide us with a greater understanding of the biology into colorectal
carcinogenesis,* researcher "r. Flrie +eters of the )red >utchinson (ancer .esearch (enter,s +ublic >ealth Sciences
"ivision said.
Although the study was not set up to e&plain the connections between processed meat, the gene in -uestion and colorectal
cancer, the researchers speculated that, in people with certain gene variants, processed meat might trigger an immune and
inflammatory response that promotes tumor formation.
.esearchers hope that further investigation into the connection between dietary and genetic cancer ris could lead to more
personaliHed cancer prevention care.
*"iet is a modifiable ris factor for colorectal cancer,* researcher "r. 0ane )igueiredo said. *2ur study is the first to understand
whether some individuals are at higher or lower ris based on their genomic profile. This information can help us better
understand the biology and maybe in the future lead to targeted prevention strategies.*
(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on "n#ironmental Health has just announced something that
seems totally out of character for conventional doctors4 they,ve said that re+nant 8o)en are 'e1$c$ent $n $o'$ne and have
urged widespread iodine supplementation to protect the development of their babies, brains.
#odine is, of course, an essential mineral for
supporting fetal development, breast health and
prostate healthJ. #t,s crucial for healthy thyroid
function, too, and Natural News has been
teaching readers about the health benefits of
iodine supplementation for over a decade.
Now it seems this information is finally being
embraced by western medicine. ;ven .euters, an
anti'nutrition news service that often distorts
medical news in favor of pharmaceuticals, is now
reporting4 (9)
Pregnant $omen should ta%e an iodide&
containing supplement to protect the brain
de#elopment of their babies' according to the leading ()S) group of pediatricians) *odine' $hich the body can get from iodide'
is needed to ma%e the thyroid hormones that are re+uired for children,s brain de#elopment before and after birth)
The journal Pediatrics even published the iodine recommendations, breaing new ground for a science journal that rarely
recommends mineral supplementation.
.et u to !!== )$cro+ra)s er 'ay
The new recommendations say that pregnant or lactating women should get from 7$% to 99%% micrograms of iodide each day,
and they recommend the compound form of potassium iodide.
Ces, this is the e&act same form of iodine used to protect the thyroid from radiation following a nuclear catastrophe or nuclear
war. #odine has many uses in the body, and iodine deficiency causes widespread symptoms and organ function problems.
Most 8o)an not +ett$n+ enou+7 $o'$ne
!ainstream medicine is finally coming around to the fact that most people in western society are chronically deficient in ey
lifesaving nutrients lie iodine and vitamin ".
The percentage of the population that,s deficient is often far larger than you might suspect, too. .ecommended daily intae
levels of nutrients are ept artificially low by outmoded government standards, so even though this (ouncil says one'third of
F.S. women are iodine deficient, the real number is most liely over two'thirds. #odine e&perts lie "r. "avid Drownstein might
say it,s even higher.
+rocessed foods are almost un$versally 'e1$c$ent $n $o'$ne. #n fact, my testing at the Natural News )orensic )ood ?ab has
found processed foods to be surprisingly low in all metals and minerals, including to&ic heavy metals lie lead and cadmium.
<hen foods are heavily refined and processed, it seems that all the elements are stripped out, both good and bad.
As a result, most Americans are eating *empty* foods devoid of any real nutrition. 2ver time, chronic deficiencies in iodine,
selenium, Hinc, vitamin ", magnesium and other nutrients become symptomatic. ;ventually they get diagnosed as *cancer* or
*heart disease* or *diabetes.* Dut instead of treating patients with nutrition, doctors usually just prescribe drugs or to&ic
treatments lie chemotherapy.
#f nutritional deficiencies were eliminated across the F.S. population, the health care system would all but collapse from the
sudden lac of sicness. That,s why this information from the American Academy of Pediatrics Council is so refreshing '' it,s
finally a confirmation that iodine supplementation is crucial for the health of pregnant women and their babies.
*2bviously iodine is critical to the fetal and child brain,* said "r. ?oralei Thornburg, a pregnancy e&pert at the Fniversity of
.ochester !edical (enter in New Cor. *Therefore having a diet that,s rich in iodine is critical.*
Sources o1 $o'$ne an' $o'$'e
+otassium iodide is a rather e&pensive source of dietary iodine. ?i-uid iodine supplements such as *nascent iodine* offer a far
more affordable form of iodine supplementation.
?aboratory tests conducted by Natural News show that every major brand of li-uid iodine we tested was free from to&ic heavy
metals, without e&ception.
The Natural News Store offers a nascent iodine tincture delivering 68/,%%% micrograms of iodine per bottle, maing it one of
the best values in iodine supplementation for your dollar.
(NaturalNews) 2lives are much more than a tasty side dish to be enjoyed as an appetiHer. They pac a punch when it comes
to health, and as such, are ideal to add to meals lie
salads. #n fact, studies have found that olives have
compounds that help fight cancer, specifically of the
colon and breast (9).
2ne study from the Fniversity of Darcelona discovered
that the sin of an olive contains maslinic acid, which is
nown to ill off cancer cells and drastically slow down
the growth of colon cancer cells. #mpressively, the
concentration of maslinic acid in olive sin may be as
high as 8% percent (9).
The second study, this time conducted jointly by
researchers at the (atalan #nstitute of 2ncology in
Eirona and the Fniversity of Eranada, found that
phenols in e&tra'virgin olive oil played a role in the death of breast cancer cells, a process called *apoptosis* (9)
#t,s no wonder then, that olives mae the Eeorge !ateljan )oundation,s list of The <orld,s >ealthiest )oods for their ability to
fight cancer, among other things. #n a description on their web site, it,s stated that the *Antio&idant phytonutrients in olives may
have a special ability to protect "NA (deo&yribonucleic acids)''the ey chemical component of genetic material in our cells''
from o&ygen damage.* (7)
Ol$ves 1$+7t 7$+7 c7olesterol, $n1la))at$on too
#n addition to combating cancer cells, olives can benefit health in other ways. Dlac olives, for e&ample, have a high vitamin ;
content, which is vital for brain, lung and blood cell function (A). According to the National #nstitutes of >ealth, eating foods
lie olives which have a high unsaturated, healthy fat content helps boost the body,s absorption of vitamin ;.
2lives are also a way to help heart health as well as eep inflammation at bay. Their monounsaturated fat plays a role in
regulating cholesterol levels, lowering the bad (?"?) and raising the good (>"?) levels (A). And according to the Arthritis
)oundation, studies have shown a correlation between olive oil and inflammation= the compounds in olive oil can halt the
production of inflammation in a way that words similarly to NSA#"s (6).
This is good news, especially considering that there are many harmful health effects that may result from taing NSA#"s. The
!ayo (linic says some problems that may arise from taing NSA#"s are mouth inflammation, night blindness and severe pain
(/). A natural, healthy option lie eating olives and using e&tra'virgin olive oil is a much better alternative to eep health in tip'
top shape
2ne of the main causes of aging is decreased production of
hormones. That would include testosterone, progesterone,
estrogen, growth hormone, and others. 2ut of all of these
hormones, itKs a lower level of growth hormone (>E>) that is
most associated with premature aging.
Dy the age of 6%, growth hormone secretion is only 6%L of
what it was at age 7%. ThatKs a significant drop in production
and it only continues to go down from there. Dy association,
our #E)'9(#nsulin'lie Erowth )actor 9) level also decreases
along with >E> at an identical pace. #E)'9 is made in
response to human growth hormone and is needed for human
growth hormone to have an effect on muscles and other
"ecreased production of >E> is directly associated with many of the signs of aging. These signs include4 cardiovascular
disease, increased body fat, osteoporosis, muscle loss, aging and wrinling sin, gray and thin hair, decreased energy, low
libido, se&ual dysfunction, high blood pressure, and an inability to sleep properly.
The big -uestion is can we do anything about thisB The answer is yes, we can3 There are a number of ways to naturally
increase our growth hormone level, and #Km going to tal about three of my favorite ways right now.
The first way to naturally increase >E> is to tae a special blend of 6 ey amino acids. Taing this combination has been
found to boost >E> levels by as much as G%%L. Duy the following amino acids separately, or loo for a combination that has
all of them included. Elycine, 2rnithine, Arginine, and ?ysine are the amino acids needed, and 7,%%% mg of each of them
should be taen before bedtime. Tae them for three wees and then tae one wee off.
The ne&t way to increase >E> is to e&ercise in a certain way. >igh #ntensity #nterval Training, or >##T= done first thing in the
morning on an empty stomach will naturally increase growth hormone secretion. !y favorite form of >##T is sprinting. # will
sprint as fast and intensely as possible for A% or 6% seconds, rest for $% seconds, and then go again. #Kll do about 8 M 9%
rounds. #t may not sound lie much, but trust me, it is an intense worout and youKll be beat when youKre done. Amplify your
results by sprinting up a hill3 )or those who lie lifting weights, lie me, doing heavy s-uats with dumbbells, or doing heavy
weight on the s-uat press machine, will also increase >E>. Again, be sure to do this on an empty stomach, first thing in the
+robably the best way to increase >E> is to tae a high -uality bovine colostrum supplement daily. The reason why colostrum
is such a great way to increase growth hormone is probably because it contains the entire #E)'9 superfamily. As an added
benefit, colostrum also inhibits and reverses thymic involution. As we get older, our thymus glands shin in siHe, and restoring
the thymus gland to its original siHe and functioning has been found to be a ey to fighting the aging process. (olostrum
should be taen on an empty stomach but can be taen anytime. Since colostrum also strengthens the immune system, itKs
great to tae in larger amounts during times of high stress. # lie to tae some right before bed, and usually #Kll also tae some
more first thing in the morning.
<ell, there you have it, three of the very best ways to naturally increase growth hormone. "onKt despair if youKre older and
have not done anything yet to bolster your bodies production of this valuable hormone. .esearch has shown that simply
increasing >E> and eeping it at optimal levels can reverse the signs of aging that itKs lac has been lined to.
0ust pic one or all of the above techni-ues and start fighting and reversing the aging process today3
?ife is really no e&cuse for feeling tired. Neither is getting old, or
congress or global warming. <e all have stress that mae us feel
fatigued but many can be corrected easily. So if you e&perience that
7pm slump, have trouble getting out of bed or just feel worn out by
dayKs end try one M or all M of these simple solutions4
N9 Eet enough rest
<hen did simping on sleep become a badge of honorB CouKre not a wimp if you insist on getting @'$ hours of restorative
sleep a night, because we A?? need it. "epriving ourselves of sleep Meven for a night or two M saps us of energy and maes it
hard to concentrate. So go to bed early or wae up later, but just mae getting a good nightKs rest a nightly habit.
N7 ;&ercise .egularly
This can be tough when youKre already tired, but youKll be surprised at how energiHed you feel after. +hysical activity brings
o&ygen to the brain and reduces stress. Start slowly by waling 9%'7% minutes in the morning (get off the subway a stop or two
early) or lift some weights. 2r chec out the countless worout "1"s and CouTube videos , many of which divide the
e&ercises into 9%'minute segments that are less daunting to beginners.
NA ;at smaller meals and snacs
<e donKt notice it because weKre so used to it, but digestion uses a ton of energy in the body. The more we eat, the more the
body needs to rest. That e&plains why we all pass out after the Thansgiving feast. )urther eating a large meal triggers the
body to release more insulin, resulting in low blood sugar. Smaller meals and snacs throughout the day can help eep blood
sugar steady M just mae sure youKre eating healthy foods with lean protein, beneficial fats and comple& carbs.
N6 Stay >ydrated M dehydration often mass itself as fatigue and lightheadedness. "rin at least G6 ounces of water a day to
stave off sleepiness.
N/ (hoose Cour (ompanions <isely
;ver notice that spending time with some people can feel lie youKve gotten a D97 shot while others leave you feeling sapped
and depressed. ?imit your time with O;motional 1ampiresP Q people who try to suc the life out of you by dumping their
problems on your lap. See out friends who provide love, encouragement, compassionM and hopefully a good sense of humor.
NG Stay +ositive
"onKt turn into an O;motional 1ampireP yourself. Sadness, anger, grief and frustration are parts of life and emotions we will all
e&perience from time to time. Dut there is a difference between feeling your feelings and dwelling on them. (ompulsively
overthining about resentments, fears or worries maes us depressed and tired. <hen you see this happening to you try to
meditate and clear your mind, call a friend, get involved in a useful activity, help someone worse off than you, or mae a list of
what youKre grateful for M these should snap you bac into reality and give you a dose of happiness in no time.
(NaturalNews) Eood -uality sources of protein are widely available, and many of them come from outside the animal ingdom.
#t,s time to identify the top sources of highly digestible
plant protein with the most benefits for your health.
(hlorella is garnering more and more attention as a
superlative superfood that delivers a wide array of
nutrients and helps rid our body of heavy metals. <hat
many people don,t now is that it is an e&ceptional source
of vegan protein.
(hlorella is commonly cited as /8 percent protein (and at times, up to @/ percent) with a balance of important amino acids,
including all the essential ones the body can,t manufacture. <hen you combine this with an abundance of enHymes,
probiotics, and phytonutrients, chlorella becomes a high -uality protein source that is easily digestible as well.
>emp has no shortage of health benefits, including being the perfect ratio of omega'G to omega'A (A49), the most abundant
source of ;)As (essential fatty acids), and a rich source of phytonutrients, antio&idants, and plant sterols.
>emp is up to 6@ percent protein, and contains 7% amino acids= including the $ essential amino acids our body cannot
produce, maing it one of the few plant'based complete protein sources.
Bee ollen
Dee pollen is not a well'nown food, but that doesn,t mean it is not powerful. #t is considered one of nature,s most complete
and balanced foods, with a rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, enHymes and fats, as well as significant
-uantities of natural antibiotics.
Dee pollen is between 7/ to 6% percent protein, and contains 77 amino acids which have five to seven times the amino acids
found in e-ual weights of beef, mil, eggs, or cheese. )actor that in with the incredible enHyme content of bee pollen, and you
have a highly digestible form of a complete plant protein.
(hia is an ancient fuel source used for centuries by some of the healthiest people. These seeds are an incredible source of
omega'A fatty acids, antio&idants, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
(hia is 79 percent protein and contains all the essential amino acids in proper ratios, so it is considered a complete protein.
<hen soaed, they absorb 9% times their weight in water which helps hydrate the colon and move to&ins out of the gut. This
create a healthy digestive system that absorbs nutrients, including protein, more effectively.
(hia can be used in no grain cereals, smoothies, baed goods, and simply eaten on their own as pudding (once soaed, they
will have that type of consistency).
Iuinoa is a seed grown native to South America. #t was seen as a sacred food to the #ncas, and is a great source of
manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, copper, Hinc, and vitamin D'G and D'$.
Iuinoa is 96 percent protein and contains all the essential amino acids, maing it a complete protein. #t also has prebiotic
properties which helps feed the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract, maing it easy to digest.
Cou can use -uinoa in many different ways, most notably as a substitute for other grains such as rice. #t also maes a great
breafast as an alternative to cereal or oatmeal, and can be used in many baed goods as well.
#t can be difficult to get past the mindset that protein needs to come from animal sources. >owever, you can now see that
vegan sources of protein are not only comparable, but superior in most cases.
(NaturalNews) Affecting as many as /% million Americans,
acne is the country,s most common sin disorder. And while
the teen years may first come to mind when thining about
acne, people from all age groups '' nearly 8/ percent of the
population, in fact '' suffer from the condition over the course
of their lives. (9)
<hile there are plenty of over'the'counter medications for
acne, these may contain chemicals which cause everything
from sin irritations to birth defects. #t,s no surprise, then, that
an increasing number of people are turning to alternative
acne treatments. .ead on to learn about the power of
vitamins for acne, as well as other safe, natural remedies for
clear, clean sin from the inside out.
V$ta)$n @ M$neral Ma+$c
1itamin supplements offer help for acne sufferers and involve no harsh chemicals or to&ins. Some leading vitamins and
minerals used in the treatment of acne include4
-eta&carotene4 Deta'carotene '' found in fruits, vegetables, eggs, whole mil, butter and a number of other foods '' is
used to treat acne, as well as a number of other sin conditions including ecHema, cold sores, psoriasis, wounds,
burns, sunburn and many others. (7) Applied to the sin, beta'carotene does everything from reducing wrinles to
protecting against sun damage.
.inc4 "ubbed an *essential trace element* to human health, Hinc has long been used for the treatment of acne. As a
topical application, it not only leads to clearer sin but is also helpful in healing wounds and treating herpes simple&
infections. (A) (ombined with essential fatty acids, including fla&seed and evening primrose oil, Hinc can be used to
ward off clogged pores which lead to acne.
/itamin " and /itamin C4 These antio&idants protect the sin from o&idative damage caused by free radicals. Along
with Selenium, they are thought to stabiliHe acne'producing glutathione pero&idase levels. 1itamin D, meanwhile, is
often used as a treatment for premenstrual acne.
/itamin 04 )rom promoting healthy bones to lowering blood pressure to warding off a number of cancers and chronic
illness, vitamin " offers major potential as part of a daily supplement regimen. .esearch indicates that vitamin " may
increase oil'e&creting sebocytes, production of cathelicidin and defensin, which may have antibacterial properties. (6)
1itamin " also wards off acne by giving the immune system a beneficial boost. ?astly, some researchers hypothesiHe
that sunlight,s acne'reducing properties may be attributed to vitamin ".
Ot7er Natural Acne Re)e'$es
#n addition to vitamins and minerals, other natural remedies are beneficial in treating acne. Astringents lie witch haHel and
chamomile, for e&ample, are effective sin cleaners, while herbs including wild indigo, blac walnut, burdoc and 2regon
grape are also effective.
Acne sufferers and homeopaths alie swear by acupuncture as an alternative treatment for acne. This remedy helps relieve
inflammation while purifying the liver, enhancing its ability to help the body regulate hormones. <hile most acne medicines
*wor* by suppressing the issues which cause acne, acupuncture treats the body holistically from the inside out. (ombined
with herbal medicine, the effects are even stronger. A recent article in Medical Acupuncture confirmed that this ancient
alternative medicine is not only effective, but also free of side effects. (/)
You Are 97at You Eat
The importance of eating well cannot be overstated when it comes to comprehensive wellness, including sin care. Although
effects vary according to the individual, some of the most commonly nown acne aggravators include dairy products, fried
foods, e&cess sugar, additives, artificial sweeteners and colors, chocolate, nuts, saturated and partially hydrogenated fats,
processed foods, soda and alcohol. Avoiding these triggers can help prevent acne outbreas and flare'ups.
Fnfortunately, many people mistaenly thin that they must choose between the harmful chemicals of prescription medicines
or accept a life ve&ed by acne. 1itamins, minerals and other natural remedies '' in addition to healthy dietary choices '' offer a
different and favorable solution.
(NaturalNews) )or those struggling with sinus infections, breathing through the nose can be a constant battle, as inflamed
sinus cavities mae the face feel swollen. #f a doctor is called upon to intervene, a classic antibiotic is prescribed. Since a
typical sinus infection is not caused by
bacteria, the antibiotic is worthless,
counterproductive. #n fact, according to the
#nfectious "iseases Society of America, $%
percent of sinus infections are caused by
viruses, not bacteria.
To fight the sinus infection, one must thin the
mucus and treat the inflammation to
e&perience relief. (ertain herbs wor great for
this. Along with nasal drainage massage
therapy, essential oils and anti'inflammatory
herbs can get the sinus cavities functioning
normally again. To provide long'term relief, one
must treat the body holistically, integrating anti'
inflammatory and alaline'forming foods, while
avoiding certain mucus'forming and tissue'
inflaming foods
E$+7t stes to treat s$nus $n1ect$ons
The first step is to limit foods causing inflammation and mucus. !il and meat from cows typically have this effect on the
human body, as do refined sugars.
(leaning out the sinus cavity may re-uire a neti pot or dropper. A pinch of cayenne pepper in water poured through the sinus
passages will penetrate the pressure. Tilt your head to the side and pour the solution through.
)or more relief, bring a pan of water to a simmer. Add apple cider vinegar, garlic, peppermint and eucalyptus to the
steaming water. ?ean over and breathe in the steam through the mouth and nose until the nasal passages begin to open up.
;ating peppers, onions and garlic will stimulate the sinuses to open.
!assage the temples, the forehead and the nose using nasal drainage massage techni-ues. Treat the head as if it is a rag
being $rung out' massaging the pressure and drainage out the nostrils.
)or long'term relief, begin consuming turmeric orally by the tablespoonful to bring down inflammation in the body. "rin lots of
clean, purified water to thin out mucus.
Accompany the turmeric with other anti'inflammatory foods lie ginger or pineapple. The condition may be a fungal infection.
"rin two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mi&ed in water daily. Supplement daily with tea infused with a combination of
thyme, rosemary, marshmallow root and mullein.
)or nighttime relief, apply eucalyptus essential oil around nasal passageways and breathe in while sleeping.
Four natural re)e'$es to treat sto)ac7ac7e
There could be many underlying causes behind a stomachache. Antibiotic use itself often damages the friendly gut microbes
in the gastrointestinal tract. #nstead of using antibiotics and throwing an over'the'counter antacid at the stomachache, consider
drining a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water. !ost of the time, apple cider vinegar effectively balances the disturbance
in the gut, aiding digestion and eliminating acid reflu&.
#f the stomachache is related to nausea, drin water or juice infused with ginger root. (hamomile tea wors great too3
#f the problem is related to food poisoning, drin activated charcoal and lots of water. The activated carbon binds with the
to&ins and bacteria in the gut, absorbing the impurities and removing them from the body.
)or a long term'therapy, it may be wise to consider eating probiotics to replenish good gut bacteria, especially if one has taen
many antibiotics in his or her life.
Dru+s an' ant$*$ot$cs 8ere )a%$n+ 7er con'$t$on 8orse, so s7e 'ec$'e' to 7eal naturally us$n+
)or ;ren (ervantes'Altamirano, sinus infections, stomachaches and sore throats were common in her early childhood. After
trying several anti'inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, she realiHed that her body built up resistance to the drugs as her health
problems reoccurred and worsened. After a trip to !e&ico, (ervantes discovered simple steps to treat her body holistically with
herbs. <hat intrigued her most was an ancient te&t, the (ruH'Dadiano (ode&. Fsed /%% years ago in AHtec culture, the te&t
documented all the medicinal properties of various plants and herbs studied by the AHtecs.
(ervantes now credits her healing and better -uality of life to simple herbal nowledge and implementation. She no longer has
chronic sinus infections and stomachaches, and she can fend off sore throat and the common cold more effectively.
)or sore throat, she prepares a half cup of fresh, diced ginger with four slices of lemon. Then she boils *a litre of water and
TaddsU the ginger and lemon slices.* After the ettle simmers for 9% minutes, she adds raw honey to the tea. *;very time # get a
sore throat, # drin this for half a day and it wors lie a charm,* she said.
)or common cold and stuffy nose, she uses the herb chamomile. ?ying on her bac, she drips the infusion into her nostrils
using a dropper. The method loosens the mucus.
She advises, *The infusion will travel from your nostrils down to your throat and you need to spit it out. "o not swallow. .epeat
until you have finished the infusion. This is best done at night because it helps you to get to sleep better.*

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