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4./ 5106 is a goou site to pick up youi favouiite walking toui of
Lonuon. It just costs 7 pei auult. 0n this uay I pickeu up "TBE INNS 0F C00RT"
walk fiom theii website.

The lauy in pictuie was oui toui guiue with a wealth of infoimation, that
otheiwise iequiies too much ieseaich on the net to gathei.

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Baiiisteis anu solicitois aie all lawyeis, but they aie uiffeient types of lawyeis.
0ne is not 'bettei', moie expeiienceu oi moie senioi than the othei. They have
quite uiffeient tiaining anu expeitise anu uo uiffeient types of legal woik. The
system that opeiates in Englanu & Wales is a 'split' system, wheie theie is a
uivision of laboui between these two types of lawyeis.

Solicitois (comes fiom the woiu 'solicit') aie meiely auvisois of law. They cant
piactice in couit - means they can't aigue youi case.

Baiiisteis aie self-employeu. Solicitois aie not. They aie employeu oi paitneis.
Baiiisteis aien't alloweu to foim paitneiships oi companies, but gioup togethei
unuei one ioof which is calleu a 'chambeis'.
A client can instiuct a solicitoi uiiectly but to instiuct a baiiistei you have to
fiist instiuct a solicitoi as inteimeuiaiy anu they will instiuct a baiiistei foi you.

The Walking Toui uuiue
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Faiiei & Co has been Piivate Solicitoi to The Queen since 2uu2.
They specialise in tax, tiusts anu succession issues foi clients fiom all ovei the
woilu, incluuing some of the woilu's wealthiest families. Theii office is locateu in
the high stieets of Lonuon.
They weie involveu in
the famous case of
jewelleiy theft fiom the
piecincts of Lauy Biana's
home aftei hei ueath.
The case is an
inteiesting stoiy as
iecounteu by the uuiue,
though uoogle gives a
uiffeient veision.

Paul Buiiell, the
Piincess of Wales's
foimei butlei, came to be at the centie of the contioveisy when some gifts hau
been iepoiteu missing fiom Biana's apaitments aftei hei ueath. Buiiel was
accuseu of the stealing the jewelleiy aftei Biana's ueath. The case became a
fiont-page sensation in Englanu.

But when the case is about to be closeu foi final juugement, the Queen hau
iemaikeu to the Piince that Buiiel hau inueeu tolu hei that he has taken the
jewelleiy foi safe custouy. The case was being heaiu on behalf of the Queen as
Queen is the piosecutoi foi all Englanu Couits.

Thus the theft tiial of Paul Buiiell, the butlei of Biana, Piincess of Wales,
collapseu aftei eviuence was given that Queen Elizabeth II hau spoken with
Buiiell iegaiuing the items he was accuseu of stealing. This seemeu to pioviue
suppoit foi his asseition that he was keeping Biana's possessions foi safe-
keeping with the consent of the Biitish Royal Family, iathei than stealing them.
The tiial collapseu aftei eviuence was known that the Queen hau spoken with
him iegaiuing uisputeu events.
Befence, then woulu have to iequisition the Queen as witness, which means the
Piosecutoi anu the Befence Witness woulu be one anu the same! As this woulu
have cieateu a constitutional ciisis a Public Inteiest Immunity (PII) ceitificate
was piesenteu by the Ciown Piosecution Seivice to exoneiate Buiiell.

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English law, in the context of the 0niteu Kinguom of uieat Biitain anu Noithein
Iielanu, geneially means the legal system of Englanu anu Wales.
The essence of English common law is that it is maue by juuges sitting in couits,
applying legal pieceuent to the facts befoie them. A uecision of the Supieme
Couit of the 0niteu Kinguom, the highest appeal couit in Englanu anu Wales, is
binuing on eveiy othei couit. Foi example, muiuei is a common law ciime iathei
than one establisheu by an Act of Pailiament.

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The Inns pioviue suppoit foi baiiisteis anu stuuents thiough a iange of
euucational activities, libiaiy, lunching anu uining facilities, access to common
iooms anu gaiuens anu the piovision of vaiious giants anu scholaiships.
Anyone wishing to join the Bai must join one of the Inns, which aie iesponsible
foi "Calling" baiiisteis to the Bai. The Inns also have a iole in auministeiing
uisciplinaiy tiibunals to ueal with moie seiious complaints against baiiisteis.

Theie aie foui inns of couit - which suppoit the above activities in Englanu anu
The Bonouiable Society of Lincoln's Inn
The Bonouiable Society of the Innei Temple
The Bonouiable Society of the Niuule Temple
The Bonouiable Society of uiay's Inn


Coat of Aims of the Inns
Chuich ceiling in the
Temple Inn
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The steps typically taken to become a barrister involve three main stages of
Academic Stage: an undergraduate degree in law (LLB), or an undergraduate
degree in any other subject followed by the conversion course
Vocational Stage: the
Bar Professional
Training Course
(BPTC), which entails
one year of full time
study or two years'
part time study
Pupillage: one year
spent as a pupil in
barristers' chambers or
in another organisation
approved by the Bar
Standards Board.

After training, the final stage is to obtain tenancy in a set of barristers'
chambers as a self-employed barrister, or to go into practice as an employed

Thus the intended student would have to spend over 7-8years of hard work to
start practicing. This involves an enormous amount of resources, which
everyone is not capable of getting hold of. It is now found that the number of
Barristers from women and economically weaker sections are dwindling
alarmingly. More so the cap on welfare measures by the Government is also
putting pressure on the weaker sections to pursue the profession.

Libiaiy builuing of
one of the Inns
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English advocates (whether barristers or solicitors) who appear before a judge
who is robed, or
before the
Supreme Court of
the United
Kingdom or
Judicial Committee
of the Privy
Council, must
themselves be
All male advocates
wear a white stiff
wing collar with
bands. They also
wear either a dark double-breasted suit (or with waistcoat if single-breasted)
or a black coat and waistcoat and black or grey morning dress striped
trousers. The black coat and waistcoat can be combined into a single
garment, which is simply a waistcoat with sleeves, known as a court
waistcoat. Female advocates also wear a dark suit, but often wear bands
attached to a collarette rather than a wing collar.

The wigs denote experience (through size) and also denote they are 'different'
from their normal selves whilst in court and putting their personal emotions
aside. However the wigs are dispensed with in family and civil courts. The
wigs will are still worn in criminal courts. Shoulder-length ceremonial wig costs
more than 1,500 pounds while the shorter ones worn by lawyers cost about
400 pounds each.
However, it has not been mandatory to wear wigs for barristers even in
criminal courts. If it hot weather or seems intimidating to children the judge
may exempt the wearing of the wig.

The Queen's
Counsel (QC), are
jurists appointed
by to be one of
Her [or His]
Majesty's Counsel
learned in the law.
Queen's Counsel
is a status,
conferred by the
Crown, that is
recognised by
courts. Members
have the privilege
of sitting within the Bar of court.

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As members wear silk gowns of a particular design, the award of Queen's or
King's Counsel is known informally as taking silk, and hence QCs are often
colloquially called silks. Appointments are made from within the legal
profession on the basis of merit rather than a particular level of experience.

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The Royal Courts
of Justice,
commonly called
the Law Courts, is
a court building in
London, which
houses both the
High Court and
Court of Appeal of
England and

The courts within
the building are open to the public, although there may be some restrictions
depending upon the nature of the cases being heard (child custody, juvenile
cases and divorce proceedings). Those in court who do not have legal
representation may receive some assistance within the building. There is a
citizens' advice bureau based within the Main Hall which provides free,
confidential and impartial advice by appointment to anyone who is a litigant in
person in the courts.

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Lincoln's Inn Fields is the largest public square in London. It was laid out in
the 1630s.
But it was once open fields and the site of dueling, jousting and occasional
public execution. In the early 13-14
century the public hangings were
witnessed by yes, by public as though it is a picnic. Barbaric, right?
Imagine the sight: a huge wooden triangle with up to 24 bodies swinging
from its beams by nooses, gasping their last breaths. From the middle
of Queen Elizabeth Is reign, this was the spectacle that attracted
thousands of spectators every week.

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During Reformation
period, even Catholics
who dont abandon their
faith were also executed

These hangings were witnessed by thousands of spectators who would
pay to sit in open galleries erected especially for the occasion, as well
as in rented upper-storey rooms in houses and pubs. After the corpses
were cut down from the gallows, there was a rush to grab the bodies, as
some believed their hair and body parts were effective in healing
diseases. They were also sought after and so illegally bought by the
adjacent Royal College of Surgeons for dissection.

Better sense prevailed and these public hangings were stopped.

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Death penalty was abolished in England as early as in the early 19th
century except for treason and murderQ The death penalty was finally
abolished for all crimes in England from 1998.
However from time to time there is a clamor for the reintroduction of
death penalty in England. As recently as in June 2013 a new bill for
capital punishment in England and Wales was introduced. This Bill has
been withdrawn and hopefully will not progress any further.

Place of Public Bangings
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Just as we have chambers of commerce in India, there are chambers of
lawyers who are partners of a firm. Chambers contain a host of lawyers
for hire. They start from the very top to the just inducted student

Adjacent pic shows one set
of Chambers of Lawyers
( PUMP COURT) with a list
of lawyers.

Lawyers are assigned to the
customer based on various
factors such as experience
required, complexity of the
case, affordability of the
client etc.
The Clerk in the Chambers
is the Administration in-
charge and can make or
mar a promising lawyers
career. So he is normally
kept in good humor. By
taking up an interesting
case, the lawyer can climb up the ladder of success sooner. So the
coffee maker to the Clerk is
probably is a hopeful lawyer.
The expiession of ieu tape hau
come fiom this piactice of the tape
wounu aiounu the bunules of cases-
though the tape is actually pink.
That only shows the male bastion of
the Couits has confuseu colois!

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