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get (gt)

v. got (gt), gotten (gtn) or got, getting, gets
a. To come into possession or use of; receive: got a cat
for her birthday.
b. To meet with or incur: got nothing but troube for her
a. To go after and obtain: got a boo! at the ibrary; got
brea!fast in town.
b. To go after and bring: "et me a piow.
c. To purchase; buy: get groceries.
a. To ac#uire as a resut of action or effort: $e got his
information from the %nternet. &ou can't get water out of
a stone.
b. To earn: got high mar!s in math.
c. To accompish or attain as a resut of miitary
4. To obtain by concession or re#uest: coudn't get the
time off; got permission to go.
a. To arrive at; reach: (hen did you get home)
b. To reach and board; catch: *he got her pane two
minutes before ta!eoff.
6. To succeed in communicating with, as by
teephone: can't get me at the office unti nine.
7. To become affected with (an iness, for e+ampe) by
infection or e+posure; catch: get the fu; got the mumps.
a. To be sub,ected to; undergo: got a severe concussion.
b. To receive as retribution or punishment: got si+ years
in prison for ta+ fraud.
c. To sustain a stated in,ury to: got my arm bro!en.
a. To gain or have understanding of: -o you get this
b. To earn (a poem, for e+ampe) by heart; memori.e.
c. To find or reach by cacuating: get a tota; can't
get the answer.
d. To perceive by hearing: % didn't get your name when we
were introduced.
10. To procreate; beget.
a. To cause to become or be in a specified state or
condition: got the chidren tired and cross; got the
shirt cean.
b. To ma!e ready; prepare: get unch for a crowd.
c. To cause to come or go: got the car through traffic.
d. To cause to move or eave: "et me out of here/
12. To cause to underta!e or perform; prevai on: got the
guide to give us the compete tour.
a. To ta!e, especiay by force; sei.e: The detective got
the suspect as he eft the restaurant.
b. %nforma To overcome or destroy: The ice storm got the
rose bushes.
c. To evo!e an emotiona response or reaction
in: 0omantic music reay gets me.
d. To annoy or irritate: (hat got me was his utter ac!
of initiative.
e. To present a difficut probem to; pu..e.
f. To ta!e revenge on, especiay to !i in revenge for
a wrong.
g. %nforma To hit or stri!e: *he got him on the chin.
The buet got him in the arm.
14. 1aseba To put out.
15. To begin or start. 2sed with the present
participe: % have to get wor!ing on this or %' miss my
a. To have current possession of. 2sed in the present
perfect form with the meaning of the present: (e've got
penty of cash.
b. 3onstandard To have current possession of. 2sed in the
past tense form with the meaning of the present: They got
a nice house in town.
c. To have as an obigation: % have got to eave eary.
&ou've got to do the dishes.
d. 3onstandard To have as an obigation. 2sed in the past
tense with the meaning of the present: % got to git me a
huntin' dog.
a. To become or grow to be: eventuay got we.
b. To be successfu in coming or going: (hen wi we get
to -aas)
2. To be abe or permitted: never got to see 4urope;
finay got to wor! at home.
a. To be successfu in becoming: get free of a drug
b. 2sed with the past participe of transitive verbs as a
passive voice au+iiary: got stung by a bee.
c. To become drawn in, entanged, or invoved: got into
debt; get into a hasse.
4. %nforma To depart immediatey: yeed at the dog to
5. To wor! for gain or profit; ma!e money: puts a his
energy into getting and spending.
Phrasal Verbs:
get abot
To be out of bed and beginning to wa! again, as after an
get across
1. To ma!e understandabe or cear: tried to get my point
2. To be convincing or understandabe: $ow can % get
across to the students)
get after
To urge or scod: &ou shoud get after them to mow the
get along
1. To be or continue to be on harmonious terms: gets
aong with the in5aws.
2. To manage or fare with reasonabe success: can't get
aong on those wages.
a. To ma!e progress.
b. To advance, especiay in years.
4. To go away; eave.
get arond
1. To circumvent or evade: managed to get around the rea
2. %nforma To convince or win over by fattering or
3. To trave from pace to pace: %t is hard to get
around without a car.
4. To become !nown; circuate: (ord got around.
get at
1. To touch or reach successfuy: The cat hid where we
coudn't get at it.
2. To try to ma!e understandabe; hint at or suggest: %
don't !now what you're getting at.
3. To discover or understand: tried to get at the cause
of the probem.
4. %nforma To bribe or infuence by improper or iega
means: $e got at the ,udge, and the charges were
get a!a"
1. To brea! free; escape.
2. To eave or go away: wanted to come aong, but
coudn't get away.
get bac#
To return to a person, pace, or condition: getting bac!
to the sub,ect.
get b"
1. To pass or outstrip.
2. To succeed at a eve of minima acceptibiity or with
the minima amount of effort: ,ust got by in coege.
3. To succeed in managing; survive: (e' get by if we
4. To be unnoticed or ignored by: The mista!e got by the
editor, but the proofreader caught it.
get do!n
1. To descend.
2. To give one's attention. 6ften used with to: 7et's get
down to wor!.
3. To e+haust, discourage, or depress: The heat was
getting me down.
4. To swaow: got the pi down on the first try.
5. To describe in writing.
6. %nforma To ose one's inhibitions; en,oy onesef
get in
a. To enter.
b. To arrive: (e got in ate ast night.
2. To become or cause to become invoved: *he got in with
the wrong crowd. 0epeated oans from the finance company
got me deeper in debt.
3. To become accepted, as in a cub.
4. To succeed in ma!ing or doing: got in si+ deiveries
before noon.
get into
1. To become invoved in: got into troube by steaing
2. %nforma To be interested in: got into gourmet
get off
1. To start, as on a trip; eave.
a. To fire (a round of ammunition, for e+ampe): got off
two shots before the deer disappeared.
b. To write and send, as a etter.
3. To escape, as from punishment or danger: got off scot5
4. To obtain a reease or esser penaty for: The
attorney got her cient off with a sap on the wrist.
5. *ang To act or spea! with effrontery. 2sed in the
imperative to e+press contempt or disdainfu disbeief.
6. *ang To have an orgasm.
7. *ang
a. To fee great peasure or gratification.
b. To e+perience euphoria, for e+ampe, as a resut of
ta!ing a drug.
8. To get permission to eave one's wor!pace: got off
eary and went fishing.
get on
1. To be or continue on harmonious terms: gets on we
with the neighbors.
2. To manage or fare with reasonabe success.
a. To ma!e progress; continue: get on with a performance.
b. To advance in years.
4. To ac#uire understanding or !nowedge: got on to the
con game.
get ot
a. To eave or escape.
b. To cause to eave or escape.
2. To become !nown: *omehow the secret got out.
3. To pubish, as a newspaper.
get o$er
1. To prevai against; overcome.
2. To recover from: finay got over the divorce.
3. To get across.
get throgh
1. To arrive at the end of; finish or compete.
a. To succeed in ma!ing contact; reach.
b. To ma!e onesef understood.
get to
a. To begin. 2sed with the present participe: got to
b. To start to dea with: didn't get to the housewor!
unti *unday.
2. To infuence or affect, especiay adversey: The
noise reay gets to me.
get together
1. To bring together; gather.
2. To come together.
3. To arrive at an agreement.
get %
a. To arise from bed or rise to one's feet.
b. To cimb.
2. To act as the creator or of: got up a
petition against re.oning.
3. To dress or adorn: *he got hersef up in a bi.arre
4. To find within onesef: got up the nerve to #uit.
get arond to
To find the time or occasion for.
get a!a" !ith
To escape the conse#uences of (a bameworthy act, for
e+ampe): got away with cheating.
get bac# at
To ta!e revenge on.
get crac#ing
To begin to wor!; get started.
get e$en
To obtain revenge.
get e$en !ith
To repay with an e#uivaent act, as for revenge.
get going
To ma!e a beginning; get started.
get hold(ahold of
1. To bring into one's grasp, possession, or contro.
2. To communicate with, especiay by teephone.
get it %nforma
To be punished or scoded.
get it on *ang
1. To become fied with energy or e+citement.
2. To engage in se+ua intercourse.
get no!here
To ma!e no progress.
get )one*s+ %nforma
To receive one's due punishment: 8fter sassing his
parents, he reay got his.
get on the stic#
To begin to wor!.
get ot of
To gain reease from the obigation of: *he tried to get
out of ta!ing her brother to the ma. $e coudn't get
out of his date on *aturday.
get )so'eone*s+ goat
To ma!e angry or ve+ed.
get so'e!here %nforma
To ma!e progress.
get there %nforma
To ma!e progress or achieve success.
get !ind of
To earn of: got wind of the scheme.

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