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The Native Community Ashninka of Pampa Michi is

located to 23 Kilometers. They live at homes typical built
it has more than enough wooden trunks and humiro
roof. Their gear is the cushma that is a special tunic
made by themselves. Their economic activity is the
agriculture; he/she fishes, for its consumption, and the
tourism. Almost all the families work making crafts,
which sell the tourists, dancing and inviting the tourists
to dance and to get dressed as them, as well as to prove
their gastronomy being their typical plates the fish
enchipado and the masato. One can also offer walks in
boat for the river, Chanchamayo and lodging for those
that want to spend the night.
In fact to visit Pampa Michi is a very beautiful and only experience, they are very attentive and
kind and they take pains because you know some their history and customs. That makes him
to be the most favorite place for the national tourists and foreigners.
The Forest of Junn was, originally, inhabited for native of different ethnoses like they are:
Amueshas (Ynesha) Simirinchi (Piro), Nomatsiguenga, Cakinti and Campa that are the
Ashninkas who from approximately the year 1200 d.C, they developed a commercial net
between the mountain and the Forest. It is so in 1635 and a group of Spaniards, in search of
wealth and of the mythical Gilding, they arrive to this area to form the first mission that called
you San Good fortune Kimiri, near The Merced, beginning this way the colonization of the
Central Forest and the confrontations between Ashninkas and settlers. The Ashninkas led by
the commander and mythical Juan Santos Atahualpa who was never leader of the only
indigenous movement defeated, they began the biggest indigenous rebellion, defeating the
Spaniards for what the Central Forest was closed to the strange ones for more than one
century. Later, in 1827, with the Government's intention of to open roads and to establish
country properties that produce liquor and leaf of coca to provide to the mining districts, the
Strong San Ramn was built, continuing this way the confrontations until it arrived, to the
Central Forest, an expedition to the Colonel's control Pereira with the intention of conquering
the native territories. It is so finally the native ones they were refolded and they settled in the
bank of the rivers that is where up to now they have been developed in moved away community
some of other for not exercising pressure in the environment protecting the forest and their
There are many legends Juan it has more
than enough Santos Atahualpa among them
there is one about their disappearance that
he/she says that as well as it arrived to the
forest, in a mysterious way, he/she left
legendary form, the traditions ashninkas say
of it ascended to the skies between fire and
smoke. Others say that he/she rests as you
stop of the hill located in Kimiri, to which call
the sleeping Indian, for the silhouette of the

Selva: Forest
Estuvo it was
Originalmente originally
Habitada inhabited
Nativos native
Diferentes different
Etnias ethnoses
Red net
Dorado Golden
Derrotado defeated
Forneos strange
Aguardiente liquor
Hoja leaf
Replegados refolded
Desaparicin disappearance
Tipicas typical
Casas houses
Construidas built
Troncos trunks
Madera wood
Techo roof
vestimenta gear
tnica tunic
especial special
confeccionada made
agricultura agriculture
consumo consumption
turismo tourism
artesanas crafts
gastronoma gastronomy
paseos walks
alojamiento lodging
atentos attentive

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