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Harris, Jasmine

CHDV 210
PLO #4
Professional Portfolio Artifact(s) Reflections
Cover Sheet
PLO: Develop and implement strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers,
families, and their communities.
List of Artifacts to be addressed in this reflection:
Research Project
amples of !amil" #ommunications :
o #hild Progress Report
o Parent Letter
I. Explanation: What specific knowledge, skills, and belief systems do I have that demonstrate
my competence for this PL!
$ belief teachers should be in partnership with each parent at their center. %his helps build
a trust that parent&s loo' for when leaving their child in the hands on a stranger. $t also
show parents how important the" are b" involving them in ever"thing.
$t is to m" beliefs and understanding that teachers have the abilit" to assist parents b"
providing information on services and resources offered b" the communit" that could
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #4
benefit each families. %his will be a big help to low(income families who are less fortune
and need assistance.
%he enhanced DRDP shows m" 'nowledge s'ills and abilit" to properl" observe and
document a child&s progress from e)ploring to integrating. $ learned how effective a
teacher will become when planning a curriculum for a child to help push them to the ne)t
level with the DRDP. $ also 'now now how to properl" fill out a progress report
concerning a child.
$ have gained 'nowledge and s'ills for proper wa"s to communicate with parents* along
with, encouraging them to volunteer their time in the classroom or donate for their child&s
+" ma'ing a parent letter created in #,D- ./0, $ hope for parents to involve their selves
with child1s learning and in classroom. +" impl"ing informing to the parents of the
2theme3* the child and parent will be able to incorporate on the subject at home.
II. "rowth: #ow do these artifacts demonstrate my growth in knowledge and skill!
%he research project on communit" issues and resources shows m" growth in 'nowledge
and s'ill b" m" abilit" to find resources 45.$.#, 6edical, %emporar" assistance and etc.7
and provide relevant information to families in need.
$ also show m" growth and s'ill b" becoming more aware of the different cultures and
bac'ground of families.
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #4
!or parents who don&t have time to go out and appl" to the resources provided for them, $
have gained 'nowledge to learn how to locate important information online and research
needed services and how to appl" online.
%he child progress report shows m" growth and abilit" to list a child1s strengths,
reachable goals, and areas the" ma" need growth in that parents could help.
%he parent letter created in #,D- 8.0 shows m" growth b" being able to involve parents
and families in the theme in various wa"s.
During our multicultural da", parents will be able to show off certain t"pes of s'ill and
talent the" have.
III. $pplication: #ow am I going to b%ild on the knowledge and skills that are demonstrated
&In other words, what are yo%r next steps!' and how will the knowledge, skills, or belief
systems be integrated into my f%t%re teaching practice.
$ will continue to see' out information and resources for present families and for those in
the future.
$ will continue to focus on building a bond with families from all different cultures and
give them a warm welcome to come to me for an" advice or assistance.
$ understand that $ must demonstrate along with give the parent&s information the" can
use to support their child1s development.
5hen $ start wor'ing in an earl" head start9 preschool setting $ will be able to input
ever"thing $ have learned throughout the "ears. $ will be sure to stress to parents that $
Harris, Jasmine
CHDV 210
PLO #4
sincerel" care for their children and ever"thing $ do is for the child&s interest along with
$ will continue to thin' of creative wa"s to involve parents and families in the classroom.
One goal is to ma'e sure parents feel welcomed in m" class when the" first enter. $ want
them to share their suggestions with ever"thing there children do.

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