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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Look at what we do
Look at what we do

Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Ylice Lao de Alba
Nombre de la institucin educativa C.E.F.I. Guillermo Endara Galimany
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Santa Elena Playa Leona La Correra ! Panam"
#tros datos de la institucin educativa Faceboo$% Guillermo Endara
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
Look at what we do
esumen de la unidad
Trying to reinforce our childrens abilities to speak English as a Second Language we need to look for
activities that they can enjoy, to motivate their learning They will create their own sentences by asking
and sharing with their classmates and playing on the smart board
Espacio!s curricular!es o asignatura!s
English! "rammar and #onversation
A"o # ni$el
&'()! si*t +rade
Tiempo necesario apro%imado
Ejemplo$ % periods of &' minutes
&undamentos de la unidad
(resent Tense )dverbs of fre*uency
)djectives (reposition of place
'()eti$os del aprendi*a)e
+e*uest basic information using the (resent Tense and other parts of speech
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial ,hat daily activities do you know-
Preguntas de unidad ,at do you do every day-
.o/ o0ten do you do it-
,ere do you do tem-
Preguntas de contenido .o you know the present tense-
,hat can you say is an adjective-
,hat can you say is an adverb-
1 &''2 Corporacin Intel. 3odos los derecos reservados. P"+ina 1 de 3
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Plan de e$aluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe*ar el tra(a)o
del pro#ecto
Durante el desarrollo del
+na $e* completado el
0es!1o *uestions
Class Participation
4ubric to evaluate
teir speec
esumen de e$aluaciones
Evaluation Process and purpose
Introductory 5uestions.
3e purpose o0 tis activity is to reac cildren6s previous $no/led+e
on te topic.
0es!1o *uestions 7es!No 5uestions about activities tey do every day.
3e purpose o0 tis activity is to +et students a/are on oter
classmates6 daily activities.
,orkshops ,or$sop in /ic students use di00erent parts o0 speec.
3e purpose o0 tis activity is to assess students6 $no/led+e on te
Students6 participation in smart board activities.
3e purpose o0 tis activity is to inte+rate students in teir o/n
learnin+ process.
+ubric Speec.
In tis activity8 students tal$ about di00erent activities usin+ 3e
Present 3ense to sare /at tey $no/ /it oters.
Detalles de la unidad
,a(ilidades pre$ias
(ronouns 2 nouns 2 articles 2 adverbs of fre*uency
(articipates in a brainstorm activity to generate keywords and to clarify terms
,atches a video about daily routines
Sings the song$ 3 wake up
3n groups, they work to ask other classmates about different activities they do every
1 &''2 Corporacin Intel. 3odos los derecos reservados. P"+ina 2 de 3
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
)sks and answers *uestions using adverbs of fre*uency
(lays a game in the smart board about different parts of speech
#reates their own sentences using the present tense and other parts of speech
#reates a chart with their daily routines
Talks about their daily activities and their classmates
Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
3dentify the different parts of speech in a Smart board application
,rite two sentences using the (resent Tense
-o hispano.
3f we need translators for aboriginal students well look for their help
#reate a power point presentation with different parts of speech to
present in class
/ateriales # recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa 0 ,ardware 9e5uipo necesario:
C"mara di+ital
4eproductor de ;<;
Cone*in a Internet
;isco l"ser
Sistema de proyeccin
C"mara de v=deo
E5uipo de v=deo con0erencia
Tecnologa 0 1o2tware 9necesario:
>ase de datos?.o@a de c"lculo
;ia+ramador de publicaciones
Pro+rama de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en C;!4#A
Editor de im"+enes
>uscador ,eb
;esarrollo de p"+inas /eb
Procesador de te*to
#tro smart board
/ateriales impresos
4E.5#) Time for Learning 6 #hildrens notebooks
4ini boards, 5S/ pen drives
ecursos de Internet
'tros ecursos
Los pro+ramas de IntelE Educacin son 0inanciados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
;erecos reservados 1&''28 Corporacin Intel. 3odos los derecos reservados. Intel8 el lo+o de Intel8 la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el
Pro+rama Intel Educar son marcas re+istradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pa=ses. F#tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
1 &''2 Corporacin Intel. 3odos los derecos reservados. P"+ina 3 de 3

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