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DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 607-820, available at * ScienceDirect journal homepage: Low temperature degradation -aging- of zirconia: A critical review of the relevant aspects in dentistry Vanni Lughi, Valter Sergo* CENMAT, Materials and Natural Resources Dept, University of Trieste, via Valerio 6A, Trieste 1-34136, Italy “Article history Received 26 June 2009 Received in revised form 12 Novernber 2009 Accepted 12 April 2020 Keyword: Zirconia Dental ceramics Tetragonal-to-monoclinic transformation Low temperature degradation aging Stabilizer Residual stress Grain size Engineering guidelines ‘This review presents a critical survey ofall experimental data about the low temperature gradation of zirconia (often referred to as “aging”) due to the tetragonal-to-monoclinic transformation, which havebeen collected at temperatures of interest for dental application (oom temperature to about 100.) Itisshown thatthe main factorsatffecing the agingphe- ‘nomenon are (the stabilizer type and content, i the residual stress and (i) the grain size. tis also shown that extrapolating the low temperature degradation rate from accelerated aging tests can lead to unacceptable conclusions about the lifetime ofthe zirconia-based components. Finally, based on the experimental evidence, a set of engineering guidelines forthe use of ziconia in restorative and prosthetic dentistry is proposea. (© 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved Contents Introduction. ‘Terminology and background LTD and stabilizers UTD and stress LTD and grain size, Experimental methods. 208 208 10 812 a3 as ‘Coresponding author. Tel: +39 090 $5870; fax: +39 040 572044. E-mail address: sergo@unitsit (V. Sergo) (0108-5641/8 - see front matter © 2010 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Hlsevier Ltd. All rights reserved oi:10.1016/ dental 2010.04.06, 208 DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-620 7. Limits of lifetime predictions at low temperature derived from accelerated aging tests 216 Conclusions and engineering guidelines for the use of zirconia as dental materiale a7 Acknowledgement. a8 References a8 “The paper is organised as follows: frtly, a background on zir- Introduction Learns eet ‘yping the words “zirconia OR ZrO,” on any scientific search, engine provides close to 25,000 publications from 1969 to 2008, Clearly also review papers centered on this material fare numerous and, hence, it is necessary to justify the sup- posed need for a new one. We believe that the need stems from two concomitant aspects: () the world of dentistry has begun to deal with zirconium oxide only in the recent years ‘and some aspects of the long-term behavior ofthis materiale are not sufficiently known among dentists and researchers in the field (1-3), and i) more specifically, in spite of the above mentioned body of literature, there are actually few contribu: tions reporting experimental data, and not extrapolations, on the long-term degradation (aging) of zirconia at temperatures low enough to be of interest for the dentists. For example, the comprehensive review of Lawson [4] on the degradation of zr conia due to the environment reports literally 3 data points below 100°C. On the other hand, the case of the unusually large premature failures of ceramic heads in hip joint pros: theses is widely known: between 2000 and 2002 a consistent, number of ceramic balls made of yttria-stabilized zirconia, produced by Saint Gobain Desmarquest and marketed with the name Prozyr®, failed prematurely because of a change in. the processing procedure which resulted in increased mono. clinic content (the best clinical description of the episode can be found in [5] whereas asound scientifcinterpretation of the problem has been proposed only very recently, in 2009 (6). Chevalier, a worldwide expert in the ld of aging of zitco nia, recently presented an informed opinion on this problem [rin the concluding remarks, he adds that “The use of zir- Conia for dental implants is quite young and in development phase. The issue of aging is still not discussed for these appli cations.” Another review on the use of zirconia in dentistry concludes also very conservatively, warning that long-term studies are badly needed in the field [s). A recent review focused on the bacteriological aspects of zitconia for dental applications concludes that “A need for references concerning, resistance to failure in long-term clinical trials is of paramount importance for such systems." [3]. The cited workof Denry and Kelly [2] finishes stating that “It seems wise to keep in mind that some forms of zirconia are susceptible to aging and that processing conditions can play a critical role in the low tem. perature degradation of Zirconia. In yet another very recent. review [6], inthe few lines dedicated tozirconia in dental appli cations, the authors conclude that aging “is expected to be no less of an issue for their manufacturers” [6]. This should induce the dental community tobe very cautious and in wont of a clear knowledge, based on experimental data, about the performances of zirconia at low temperatures and long terms, ‘Thus, the present contribution will focus on the experi mental evidence gathered in the temperature range of interest, for implanted dental materials, that is between 0 and 100°C. ton the problem of_ong-term degradation, or aging, of zirconia conia will be presented, then a paragraph will be dedicated to ‘each of the three main factor affecting LTD: (i stabilizer type ‘and content, i stress and (ji) grain size. Then the experimen- tal methods used to study the LTD will be discussed followed by a section dedicated to a critical evaluation of the lifetime predictions of zirconia implants. Finally, based on a com- prehensive evaluation of the experimental evidence, some ‘engineering guidelines for the use of zirconia in restorative and prosthetic dentistry are proposed in the last section. ‘Terminology and background Zirconium oxide, 210», is chemically an oxide and technolog. ically a ceramic material. tis basically insoluble in water. It, ‘can be dissolved in 50, and in HF In nature itis relatively, ‘abundant (about 0.02% of the earth erust) [9] Large deposits ‘are present in Brazil as baddeleyte (monoclinic zirconia) and, in Australia and India as zircon (2rSi04) sands. Pure zirconia presents the phenomenon of allotropy, that is same chemi- cal composition but different atomic arrangement, among the following crystallographic structures (10) ‘orthorombic .. monoclinic’ tetragonal” “cubic” “tquid “The cubic structure is of the fuorite type, with oxygen ions ‘occupying a simple cubic lattice and the zirconium ions oceu- pying the center ofhalfof the anionic cubic cells (9). Examined upon cooling, the transformation from cubic to tetragonal (1) ‘and from tetragonal to monoclinic (tm) is athermal and dif fusionless (hence the term “martensitic” used to describe this transformation, in analogy to what happens in steel) Further- more the t-m transformation occurs with a volume expansion (when unconstrained) of about 5 vol% [3]. Til the late twen- ties, this enormous volume expansion prevented a large scale use of zirconia as refractory, because, upon cooling, it induced severe cracking ofthe bricks often leading to catastrophic fail. ure. Then Passerini [11] and Ruff etal 12,23], independently, discovered that the tetragonal, oreven the cubic form could be retained metastably at room temperatures by alloying zirco nia with other cubic oxides, thus preventing the catastrophic failure of pure zirconia, t becomes now clear why such oxides hhave been termed “stabilizers”. To date there are reports of binary systems where zirconia is alloyed and stabilized with, (C20, MgO, ¥20s, CeO», Erg0s, Eu20s, Gda0s, Scz0s, L003 and ‘Yo.0s. By and large, the most studied stabilizers for bioma- terials applications are CaO [14}, MgO [15], Y203 [16-19] and CeO; [20,21], but only Zr0,-¥05 reached the actual status fof having a dedicated ISO standard for surgical application, 23}. mn 1976, in what is arguably the seminal paper concerning ‘zirconia, Hannink et al. (23), proposed that the t-m transfor- mation with its ensuing volume expansion, could be used to ‘enhance the fracture toughness of zirconia-based material “The fracture toughness is defined as the capability of a mate- DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 809 CTC SE yg PORE eee] | Fig. 1~ Schematic representing how the t-m transformation, of 270, increases fracture toughness. When a part containing metastable t-Zr0, is subject to a remote macroscopic tensile stress, the stress intensification due to the presence of a crack tip is sufficient to transform some zirconia grains to the monoclinic form. Since this transformation entails a volumetric expansion which: constrained by the surrounding materials, the net result is. 1 compressive stress acting on the surfaces of the crack, ‘whose propagation is thus hindered. tial to stand aload in presence of a pre-existing flaw. Using the Griffith approach [24] the fracture toughness, Kj, is defined as Kea vot 0 where ¥ is @ geometrical adimensional parameter, oj is the stress at failure (sometimes referred to as resistance, or frac ture resistance) and ¢ is the initial length of the defect at which failure started. The schematic presented in Fig. 1 helps. to visualize how zirconia can improve the fracture tough- ness; the mechanism described in Fig. 1 is usually referred to as transformation toughening or, more completely, phase transformation toughening (PTT) [25-27]. Depending on the ‘material surrounding the zirconia grains susceptible to the t-m transformation, different types of materials can be obtained; the most important ones are the following (the acronyms in brackets are the most widely used in the scientific literature): (@) Partially stabilized zirconia (PS2)—a matrix of cubic zirco- nia embedding transformable t-zirconia grains. i) Zirconia toughened composites (ZTC}—a matrix with high elastic modulus embedding transformable t-zirconia ‘grains. The most used matrix, with relevant biomedical application in prostheses, is alumina and the material is known as zirconia-toughened alumina (ZA) (28) (ii) Tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (TZP)—the whole mate- dial is constituted by transformable tzirconia grains. Differently from the two previous cases, which are two: phases materials, TZP is single phase. ‘Table 2 of Ref. 1) reports the commercially available mate- tials for dental use divided in the three aforementioned categories. ‘The basic, indispensable requirement for phase PTT to occur is that the t-2102 grains be in thermodynamic metasta- bility at the conditions in which the crack is trying to propagate. It is exactly this thermodynamic metastability, ‘which lies at the base of the low temperature degradation, ITD, or aging, of zirconia: LTD (or aging) is defined as the spontaneous t-m transformation occurring over time at low temperatures, when the t-m transformation is not triggered by the local stress produced at the tip of an advancing crack, ‘Apart from other drawbacks of the t-m transformation occur ring under these conditions (enhanced wear rates [23,20] with, release of small zitconia grains in the surrounding environ- ‘ment, roughening of the surface finish with both mechanical, and aesthetic worsening [31) itis clear that, once already transformed to the m-polymorph, zirconia cannot exhibit PTT, justlikean used match cannotbelit again, Overall PPT and LTD {are based upon the same phenomenon, the t-m transforma- tion of zirconia, and, to date, we cannot exploitthe remarkable possibility of the former without exposing ourselves to the risks ofthe latter ‘The best way to understand the role of all factors involved in the t-m transformation is to consider it a chemical reaction, ‘governed by the pertinent free energy change: 1-210) + m-210; = 2 ‘The free energy term, ACi-m, takes into account all contribu- tions relevant for the t-m transformation and can be split as follows: Com= SCP GRO cE ® 1 GR#™ is the traditional term obtained from the chemical potentials: it takes into account the fact, imposed by nature, that at temperatures of interest for dental applications, the ‘energy of the monoclinic form is smaller than that of tetrag: onal. If the two other terms are vanishingly small, at those temperatures zirconia will be monoclinic. This term can be made less negative, thus hindering the t-m transformation, by using the aforementioned stabilizers, | 05" is the contribution tothe total free energy change due to strain and this term is also known as the strain energy. term, Stresses play a critical role inthe t-m transformation, as demonstrated by an important study of Schmauder and Sch bert (22): they showed that the tm transformation does not, occur in stress-free grains of zirconia, even if these contain ‘an amount of stabilizer far below the stability of the phase diagram, “308% takes into account the size ofthe particles involved {in the tm transformation and it isthe contribution tothe total, {ree energy due to the presence of crystal surface of a given, areal extension. Iti important to note that, as CO" and 810 DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-620 CETERA scale with the cube of the crystal size while SUP with the square of it, this last term becomes important only when the size ofthe grains is small, tens of nanometers o so. From all the above it is clear that (i) stabilizer type and content modify the fist term, applied and residual stresses the second and grain size, GS, the third term of Eq, (3); each of the following paragraphe will deal with one of the three terms. (i) the relative contribution of the different terms ultimately determines the possibility for the transformation to occur at an arbitrarily considered initial time. (ii 1fat the considered initial time the transformation is not occurring, aging takes place if and only if, over the elapsed time range, some kinetically driven phenomena occur, thus modifying one or more of the terms above. “The treatment above is thermodynamic, time-independent in nature, and it allows to determine the boundaries of the thermodynamic stability of t- and m-phase. Before discussing the details of each term of Eq. (3), its necessary to introduce the approach used to rationalize the t-m transformation in time-dependent, kinetic terms. Zirconia ceramics can exist in ‘a metastable t-form even if the sum of conditions expressed by the three terms of Eq, (3) indicated that m-zitconia is the stable form; this is due to the fact that a triggering mech. ‘anism is needed for the t-m transformation to oceur—just ‘as water will need to be cooled well under 0°C in order to freeze. Like many other phase transitions, the transforma: tion of (meta)stabilized zirconia from t- to m-polymorph is 2400: 2200: ios ie 1500: 12001 900: Tole 600: 2300: 2s é By § 1s 10 mol. ¥,03, Fig. 2~ ¥20y-210; phase diagram. The shaded area indicates the region of metastable tetragonal phase, separated from the monoclinic and the metastable ppseudocubic region by the Tetim) and Ty(ct) dashed lines, respectively. According to the engineering guidelines presented inthe last paragraph, itis suggested that Y-TZP for dental applications should have compositions and operating conditions included within the dark-shaded region. {governed the by nucleation of the new phase followed by its ‘growth. The starting point for a kinetic analysis can be con- veniently assumed to be the Mehl-Avrami-johnson, MAJ [23] ‘equation, often used for time-dependent, isothermal phase transitions. The typical form is fn =1—exp|-(o"")] ® where fn isthe monoclinic volume fraction, tis the time, bis ‘an activation energy term of the usual form (b= bexp(-O/RT) land n is an exponent related to the nucleation and growth, conditions. Different kinetics of the t-m transformation will, bea consequence of different process conditions, which affect the activation energy and the transformation driving force (Le. the free energy difference between the metastable and sta- ble state), as well as of different operating conditions, which, define the trigger mechanisms involved and their efficiency. ‘The shape of the MAJ equation is sigmoidal and, inthe field of the tm transformation and aging, it has had a consid. ‘erable success since it allows an extrapolation of the times required for aging at low temperatures from data collected at, high temperatures, which are much faster to acquire. As it willbe shown later, this approach has some severe drawbacks, to the point of being almost useless in predicting lifetime of t-zirconia components, LTD and stabilizers ‘Though, in principle all stabilizers could be used to obtain both PSZ and TZP, practically alkaline earth oxides are used for commercially available PSZ and Y202 and CeO. for TZP.As all other stabilizers, they ate characterized by a large solubil- ity in zirconia and by the ability to form luotite-type phases lover large temperature and compositional ranges. By defini tion PSZ is a two-phase material, with the tetragonal phase precipitating in the cubic matrix [24]: the precipitation is a rather delicate processing step since itis influenced by several, parameters: initial GS of the powder, stabilizer type and con- tent, temperature and time for nucleation and growth of the tetragonal precipitates [25-27]. Itis no surprise that one single product of this type has been available for the dental market (Denzir-M®, produced by Dentronic AB) which is a MgO-PSZ [38.29} ‘Y20, is the most widely used stabilizer in high-tech appli- cation of zirconia; because of charge balance reasons, the introduction of ¥20, in the ZrO lattice gives origin to oxygen, ‘vacancies which are one of the mechanisms proposed for the stabilization effect [40], The portion of phase diagram reported, in Fig. 2indicates the most agreed-upon stability and metasta- bility regions. Typically 3mol% and &mol% of Y202 in ZrOs fare used to stabilize down to room temperature the tetrago- nal (¥-TZP) and the cubic form, respectively. From an aesthetic point of view ¥-T2P is white and can be rather easly colored by ‘addition of traces of rare earth elements, for example adding soluble nitrites or nitrates ofthese elements tothe Y-TZP pow der; subsequent sintering gets rid of the nitrogen-containing ‘anions leaving the cations in the lattice of ¥-TZR, which ulti mately confers coloration to the part. Since long it has been ‘known that ¥-TZPis prone to LTD in presence of water [21-44], DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 ait ‘There is clear evidence that few hours at 100° Cin water leads to more than 40% of monoclinic phase in 2¥-TZP (the num. ber in front of ¥ indicates the percentage in mol of YO, in ZO») [45]. An yttria content of S mol, thus with a large start ing cubie content, diminishes the monoclinic value down to 115%, Sato and Shimada found that annealing provoked no t-m transformation at 62 C, whereas an increase to 82 Cresulted in about 1 and 22 mol% of m-zitconia for annealing conducted, in airand water, respectively (in this study the GS was 1.1 1m) [43]. another study (46) aging of 3¥-TZP conducted at 70°C resulted in more than SO% m-phase after 5000b (less than 200, days), with an average GS less than 0.5 jum. Atthe same time, itis widely demonstrated that extensive transformation tothe ‘m-polymorph causes a deterioration of the mechanical prop. erties, especially the bending strength. Interestingly enough, thereis some evidence that, for aging performed above 300 C, the mechanical properties are retained, whereas there is @ ‘minimum for temperatures around 200 'C, indicating that at this temperature the thermodynamic contribution in favor of, the m-phase conjures up with the kinetic acceleration to yield the largest m-content [47]. ‘To date, there is no accepted mechanism to explain the phenomenon, but only informed speculations. The soundest are, in our opinion, the following. Lange etal. [48] propose, based on some TEM observations, that water reacts with ¥0s to form clusters rich in Y(OH)s; this leads to a depletion of the stabilizer in the surrounding zirconia grains which are then free to transform to mono: clinic = According to Yoshimura etal. [44], water vapor attacks the Zs-0 bond, breaking it and leading to a stress accumula. tion due to movement of -OH; this in turn generates lattice defects acting as nucleating agents for the subsequent tm transformation, = Chevalier et al. 6] propose that © originating from the dissociation of water, and not OH-, is responsible for the Silling of oxygen vacancies which is believed to be one of the causes of destabilization and, hence, of LTD and for the long diffusional path, Irrespective of the mechanism, itis well established that thet-m transformation () starts from the surface ofthe sample and then proceeds inward; i it causes a surface uplift [49,50] ‘and microcracks [51] with ensuing aesthetic degradation [21], Gil it open the possibility for water to penetrate below the sur’ face, thus propagating the t-m transformation to the interior of the sample [45], and, finally (i) iteads to the development ‘of major cracks [51]. It sin response to these probleme affect: ing Y-T2P, that ceria, CeO, has attracted a lot of interest as stabilizer. Ceria is needed in larger amount than yttria, in order to ‘maintain the same regions of stability on the phase diagram [52]. typical Ce-1ZP composition, capable of t-m transforma: tion, contains 8mol% of ceria, Above 12mol% the system is non- transformable. Ce-TZP with 12 and 14mal% showed neg- ligible degradation even after SO0h at 150°C in water vapor [53]; after a60h in water at 80°C Ce-TZP with #mol% ceria showed less than 10% monoclinic on the surface [54]. The difference with Y-TZ? is striking (Fig. 3). Maybe even more rts) Oe dnote ter Menestinic fraction trom X-ay intensity rat Time Fig. 2~ Results of hydrothermal aging tests at 150°C for Y-TZP and Ce-TZP. Ce-TZP is much more resistant to LTD than ¥-1ZP, unless ¥203 content reaches 4mol%, which lies, in the non-transformable Y-TZP region shown in Fig. 2. (Redrawn from Fig. 5 of Ref [53] with permission from_ ‘American Ceramic Society, Wiley-Blackwell). important, the bending strength of these Ce-TZP samples is basically unaffected by the aging cycles in water vapor [53] ‘and even studies more focused on the dental applications of e-T2P confirm this finding [55]. Another interesting feature of the ceria-zirconia system, is that it shows the most pro- nounced pseudo-plastic behavioramong ceramic materials: to a certain extent, Ce-TZP can bend before fracturing [6]. Actu- ally Ce-TZP can exhibit hysteresis loops on the stress-strain plane and even Shape Memory Effect, that is shape recovery after heating [57,58]. Chemically, Ce-TZP present the problem that Cet can be relatively easily reduced to Ce'*, which does not have the same stabilizing ability toward t-zirconia [59-61]. Even sintering in air can lead to a reduction, and there is evidence that the chemical reduction can be triggered also at room temperature by the stress locally generated by the ‘tm transformation [62]. From an aesthetic point of view, Ce- "TZP poses more problems than ¥-TZP to the dentists: CeO is yellow and products based on commercially available Ce-TZP powders range from light yellow to almost brownish. A further complication is due to the fact that when Ce is reduced to Ce, due to the high concentration of oxygen vacancies Ce- ‘TZP tends to became dark grey [61,62] Since some foods have reducing capabilities (glucose and lactose, for example), the possibility cannot be excluded that, on the long range, Ce” could be reduced in the oral eavty with consequent darken- ing of the zirconia-based part. We have not been able to find a single commercially available product for the dental market ‘made of Ce-TZR, but there are studies being conducted on mix- tures between alumina, AlOs, and Ce-TZP for applications in dentistry [54,63-65]. Its also worth mentioning that theres an important number of publications devoted to the study of zr conia stabilized with mixtures of CeO2 and Y20s, which show very good mechanical properties and alsoa good resistance to ITD [66,67 a2 26 (2010) 8o7-20, { “~) “Tensile sregh 0 ~ hundreds MI Mastication Lou — er Fig. 4 Schematic of a dental bridge subject to a ‘mastication load. In the point indicated by the arrow, the tensile stress can easily reach values of the order of several hundreds MPa, often large enough to provoke locally the tem transformation. 4. LTDand stress ‘As mentioned in paragraph Il, stress can affect the t-m trans: formation and the behavior of zitconia with respect to stress ccan be easily rationalized in terms of Le Chatelier princi ple: “when perturbed, a system in equilibrium tends to react, {in order to minimize the perturbation”. When t-zirconia is, put in tension, it minimizes this perturbation by expand. ing ite dimensions and transforming to m-zirconia, because this expansion decreases the initially applied tensile stress (the same principle holds true for m-zitconia transforming to t-zitconia upon compression). Stresses can be applied or residual and zirconia-based materials are subject to both in dental applications. Applied stresses are immediate to visu: alize intuitively, but more difficult to compute precisely when it comes to dental prostheses, given the complicated geome: tries of the part and of the loading conditions; a situation like the one depicted in Fig. 4 can easily result in tensile stresses of the order of several hundreds of MPa, Given that stresses are defined as force/area, itis then possible to understand why manufacturers suggest lower bounds to cross-sectional ‘areas in prostheses: areas smaller than suggested increase the local stress possibly pushing it close to the limit of failure of, the material. This aspect is made more complicated by the concentration of stresses occurring at edges, discontinuities, crack tips, ete Residual stresses arise every time zirconia is fred at high temperature and then cooled dawn to room temperature for the practical use; fast cooling rates and/or coupling with other materials having a different coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) lead to larger residual stresses. This is certainly the case of zirconia in dentistry, where a fring step is always involved in the preparation of the dental part, The general formula, to calculate residual stresses arising between two dissimilar materials isthe following: ur — 8) 6) where isthe stress isthe Young modulus, ais the Fois- son ratio, « is the CTE, 1 is the fring temperature and T* is room temperature (in our case the body temperature}; auf- fices 1 and 2 refer to the different materials. Eq, (6) predicts that, when implanted in the oral cavity zirconia coupled with alumina will be subject to an approximate tensile stress of 11GPa: this value s sufficient to trigger the t-m transformation in several cases [61,68] (obviously depending on stabilizers, 65, ete), and this tm transformation can be a slow process {69}, not necessarily a burst-lke effect observed immediately upon reaching @ certain tensile load (68). Actually, the same approach to the determination of residual stresses is applica le if zirconia is coupled as a veneer/coating or as a laminate to another material, though in these later cases the peculiar nature of stresses at and near the surface isnot intuitive [70] and can lead to surface racks [2] ‘We will now address the important issue connected with the consequence of the residual stresses generated by an initial em transformation on the prosecution of further tom transformation, that is the “autocataltic effect’. This is explained with the help of Fig. 5. Basically, when some t-rirconia transforms to m-zirconia, we have a two-phase material with m-zirconia in compression and the remnant t-ritconia in tension, as predicted theoretically (72) and demonstrated experimentally (73); a8 a rough estimate, for ‘every 10vol% of tm transformation, the tensile stress in the remnant t-irconia increases by 250MPa, Because ofthis tensile stress, t-rirconia willbe more prone to further transfor mation to m-tirconia. This isthe so-called autocataliti effect ‘which can be immediate at the moment ofthe crack propa- gation [68], but which can also be dffusion-controlled with much longer characteristic times (62,69. In this latter case alumina/Ce-T2P samples were subject to bending and, at the beginningof the experiments, no m-zrconia could be detected fon the samples. The bending induced an inital, burstike, ‘+m transformation and, atsome locations, the m-zirconia was 20% of the total zirconia amount. This initial transformation induced a tensile stress in the remnant tzirconia ofthe order ‘of 7OOMPa. After 100 days at room temperature, because of this tensile stress, further om transformation was observed, swith the monoclinic content increasing from 20 to 35% [69,73] “The exact nature of the changein the sample, which provoked the slow tom increase was not known, but it was clearly a iffusional-type process [63 Im some alumina-zirconia laminate composites [74] we have found that tensile stresses as low as 400MPa could lead to aging of3¥-TZP afters years at room temperature and ambient ‘humidity. Actually the data are even more surprising: layers of pre zirconia in macroscopic tension did not show aging after 44 years at room temperature and ambient humidity, whereas layers of intimately mixed alumina/ziveonia under macro scopic tension aged considerably, up to 25,ol%, and the same layers under macroscopic compression stil showed aging, up (TAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 813 Tree warts expored to water seca EzeOngraine Transformed m-Z0> grain, whieh causes a ce uplift Detached freely |) movinggrains |) microcracks Fig. S~ Schematic representation of how a partial transformation of rirconia grins tothe m-polyrnonph increases the tensile trea in the retmnant zirconia trains. (2) The whole microstructure ofthe sample, tcxtanding lao around the thick broken tine, is composed by £2202 with the top surface exposed to water (liquid ot ‘vapor. 0) One grain tranaform to monoclinic on the top surface, ita fre to expand, provoking an uplift ofthe surface tself.On the lef, right and below, the newly formed tm-gnin is constrained by the surrounding untransformed ‘material Since this grain in Hite init expan itmplies that itis in a large compreation, so, whereas ite push against the surrounding materials girs origin to a small tensile stress, sr. (=) When more grains transform to ‘monoclinic, they are less constrained and the compressive stress diminishes to ~ra, whereas they putin larger tensile stress, sc, the remaining 'ZrO2. The length of the thick black arrows in @) and (is qualitatively proportional to the magnitude ofthe stress (arrows pointing outwards indicate tenuilestreas and vice vere), Microcracks originating from the tm transformation facilitate the inward difusion of ‘water. The inset above right reports qualitatively the effect of the mcontenton the residue] stress in the remnant m- and t-2rO. Roughly, an increase of 10% of m-Z102 increases the tensile stress in 210 by 250MPa (73) Fraction of m2102 ‘Alumina content, vol % Fig. 6~ Histogram reporting the amount of m-ZrO; present in alumina/zirconia samples aged for 8 years at room temperature and ambient humidity. The bars in the figure refer to scatter among samples subject to different cooling rates and with different grain size but same alumina content, and, hence, they do not represent experimental errors. The GS of 2:0, in these samples is about 300mm. and the stabilizer content is 2.5mol% ¥203. These data ‘were collected in 2008; at the beginning of the experiments, {in 2000, no trace of m-Z10, could be detected on any of the sample [75]. to Svol%. (for a correct definition of macro- and micro-scopie stresses see ref [70,74)) Even mote surprisingly, in a series of experiments con: ducted on alumina-zirconia samples (10:90 in volume) after 7 years at room temperature and ambient humidity, we have found evidence of spontaneous t-m: some preliminary data, fare reported in Fig, 6 and they will be the subject of a dedi- cated paper. The samples belonged tox batch prepared in 2001 to study the effect of GS and cooling rate on the stress accu: ‘mulated at room temperature [75]. In 2001 no m-zirconia could, bedetected and the t-zirconia (25¥-TZP) was subject totensile stresses in the range 50-200MPa, with a GS of 300nm. As ean, be geen from Fig. 6, in 2008 the average m-content among all, samples was more than 3vol%, with peaks of 6vol.%, To our knowledge these are the only available data on LTD obtained ‘after euch long times and at room temperature. It is interest ing to note that, according to the phase composition/stability, phase diagram developed for Y-TZP with accelerated aging tests [76], 25Y-TZP with a GS of 300nm should be well within thet-stability region: our data demonstrate that submicromet- tie GS and an yttria content of 25mol% are not sufficient to prevent ITD over some years in presence of a relatively low. tensile stress. LTD and grain size ‘Numerous researchers have reported that reducing the aver- ‘age GS in zirconia-based ceramics has a beneficial effect on, a14 Cane ee ee eee ee ere tention of the tetragonal phase is also dependent on kinetic f shows a theoretical prediction of the grain ee ee es Ref. Reported eritical grain size (ym) Notes 2) 03 ‘Aging 1000h at 500 Cin air [52] 036 ‘Agingh at 10010260 Cin water 153] os ‘Aging 100h at 100 t0 500°C in water [10s 082 ‘Aging 100h at 1000 500°Cin air “This work 005 ‘Prediction based on the thermodynamic approach proposed in Refs. [80,82] the stability of the tetragonal phase [42,48,77-79], and there fore on UTD. Some confusion seems to arise in the literature on this subject, much of it generated by the ambiguous def nition ofthe critical G3, Some researchers, who have focused fon a purely thermodynamic approach to the problem, iden- tify tas the maximum GS for which the tetragonal phase is thermodynamicaly stable, i. it will never transform. On the other hand, there isa number of contributions where the crt cal Sis simply associated to the maximum size for which the tetragonal phase is observed under given conditions-thereby implying () metastabilty of such phase rather than thermo: dynamic stability, and (i) the need to account for kinetic considerations. This ambiguity leads to reports ofthe critical GS that spread over a broad range. In the following, in order to frame the role of GS on the phase stability of zirconia and, in turn, on LTD, we will review the thermodynamic approach which sets the intrinsic limits of this complex phenomenon ~ and then briefly mention the :main factors that influence the thermodynamic equilibria and the kinetics by which transformation oceur. We wil then pro: Vide some of the key data (Table 1) selected among the most significant when Keeping in mind UTD, thus laying the basis fora discussion and for drawing some engineering guidelines in the following section. ‘Though here we shall discuss the specific role of GS as a separate matter, as mentioned, chemical stabilizers, stress, and GS are actually interlinked and affect one another in a complex way. For example, an increase in the content of sta bilizer induces a reduction ofthe grain size [80], while a larger grain size leads to higher local stress (1 As for a purely thermodynamic approach, one important implication of Eq (3) is that, for small crystal sizes, the over- all free energy is heavily influenced by the term associated to the crystal surface. By developing the 36#® and the 28" terms, one can see (details can be found for example in Refs (77,78) that for a given temperature, even below the transfor ration temperature of an infinitely large solid (~1170 C, as, seen above), \Gem Can be negative if the radius is less than a ctitical value. The approach outlined here also leads to the prediction that the ertical size depends on the temperature Tas t/re=A—BT where A and B are constants depending on the surface energy and the transformation enthalpy 82) Prac tically, the lower the temperature, the smaller is the critical ‘The key implication forthe purpose of the present review is that there exists a critical radius re such that for ree zit conia crystal can be thermodynamically stable in the tform even at low temperature. in other words, a reduction of the grain size below a certain critical value has the potential of fully inhibiting LTD, This simple thermodynamic approach successfully predicts the critical size at various temperatures for powders of both pure and stabilized zirconia, Although the vast majority of the available data refer to measurements con- {ducted above 100 C, a number of reports suggest that at room, temperature for pure zirconia powders the critical size is in the range of 5-20nm [77,83,8]; similar values can be calcu: lated following a general framework proposed by Mayo and ‘co-workers and well tested for temperatures above 200 [85) ‘This approach also enables the calculation ofthe critical size for ¥-TZP powders, which is about 90m for 1.SY-TZP. ‘while powder data provide a useful framework for reason: ing on design guidelines (for example about the choice of the starting GS), they alone are oflittle practical interest; itis more important to focus on the relationship between GS and LTD in, sirconia-based densified components, a problem with impor tant consequences but much more complex to tackle. The ‘complexity arises from the fact that crystals ina soli (grain) are constrained by each other and are not free to expand or ‘contract as they are in a powder. This leads to stress genera: tion due to changes of volume/shape associated with thermal ‘expansion or phase transformations;moreover, inasolidbody, stresses canbe concentrated by local defects. The rle of stress in LTD has already been described; here we will only remark that, generally, an applied hydrostatic pressure has the effect of increasing the critical size, while non-hydrostatic stresses introduce a broadening of the transition between the m- and, tiphase—iee. the coexistence of the two phases over a range of temperatures (7a). All in all, the tform can be stable in ‘irconia solids even ifthe grains are much larger than the crit: ical GS identified above for powders, By including the effect of strain energy on the formation of microcracks and twins [24.26], or the effect of the stabilizers [82,85], accurate predic- tions of the critical GS in densified solids ae a function of the temperature in Y-TZP ceramics have been obtained at tem. peratures above 300 C. At room temperature, a critical GS of, 31nm has been calculated by Garvie for pure zirconia ceram- ies 78], while Mayo and co-workers derive the critical GS at various temperatures and for various contents of stabilizer for ‘example, from their workitis possible to extrapolate a value of about 150m for zirconia stabilized with 1.5 mol% YO, (once again, in dense ceramics). Table 1 presents experimental data (thus affected by kinetic issues) about the critical GS of 3Y-TZP dense ceramics, together with the theoretical prediction of the thermodynamic eritical GS. ‘As mentioned above, much ofthe confusion that seems to ‘emerge from the literature about the critical GS arises from, the fact that it is customary to indicate by this term the max: imum size for which a tform can be observed, regardless for DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 1s its stable or metastable nature. This distinction, however, is of primary importance when the role of the GS on LTD is con- sidered: while a thermodynamicaly stable tetragonal zirconia will never transform, a metastable phase is prone to transfor- mation upon even slight variations of the system conditions land these variations ate likely to occur if given enough time (74,87-80), From an engineering point of view, in the design process of a zirconia ceramic product itis of little importance if the tetragonal phase is stable and will never degrade, or if itis metastable and will degrade in a time that is longer than the lifetime ofthe product. In the latter case, however, itis critical to know the transformation kinetics of the material One Key factor affecting the kinetics in a number of ways Js once again GS. First, local stress arises from the thermal mismatch between grains, due to the slight anisotropy of the CTE along the different crystallographic axes in zirconia, and this stress is higher for larger grains [21]. GS algo affects the kinetics of transformation in metastable -zirconia due to the influence it has on the nucleation process. It has been men. tioned that the metastable t-form transforms to monoclinic via thermally activated nucleation and growth processes. The Kinetics, therefore, depends on the number of nuclei that can form, In a number of ways, including one described in the following, grain boundaries can be considered as pref- erential nucleation sites, and this leads to the expectation that the transformation becomes kinetically favored when 4 large number of grain boundaries is available—ie. when the GS is small. In summary, although reducing the GS of, metastable t-zirconia ceramics has a beneficial effect as it reduces the thermodynamic driving force for transformation, from a kinetic point of view a small GS might favor a faster transformation through efficient nucleation of the m-phase at, the grain boundaries. This effect was in fact experimentally observed in experiments conducted on 2 and 3Y-TZP more than 98% dense ceramics: after exposure in water at €0 and 120°C, samples with grain size of less than 0.6j1m showed more m-content than those with grain size ranging between (06 and 0.8 1m [91]. This evidence is somewhat in contradic: tion with other experimental observations indicating that @ grain size of ~0.35 un or smaller hinders degradation [92,93 The guidelines presented in the last paragraph are based on the fact that even a small amount of porosity contributes to enhancing the nucleation effect observed in Ref. (91): conse: quently, the increase of transformation rate associated with the reduction of grain size might be avoided in ceramics close to the theoretical density [22,93 6 Experimental methods Im this section we briefly present the experimental methods which can provide evidence for the occurrence of the aging phenomenon. A more extensive review can be found in Ref [18], with the exception of the stress measurements, which are not teated at all in that work, ‘Low temperature aging of zirconia is usually conducted in autoclave or steam chambers, where the pressure of water vapor, the temperature and the elapsed time are the controlled experimental variables, In some cases the ceramic samples ‘are simply immersed in water, The observed experimental variable is the m-zirconia content, By definition, the difference between the ¢ polymorphs is crystallographic and, hence, the sovereign technique to investigate crystallographic differences is X-ray diffraction. The most famous contribution on the use of XRD to distinguish between m- and t-zirconia is due to Garvie and, ‘Nicholson [94]. In this contribution itwas shown how the mon- clinic content Xm, relative to the zirconia phase (and not to ‘the overall material, could be determine by the following for mula: and m- wheres he tnt of he RD ph dhe sonore saw se the mr nds he pret SE eh tee naee seamed a pus wed fel eve Towgh wel embed ted iy uns soe ed re th pled tn af he er a soe mint ad te thet it inane enter atd neteton Oa donapmane oy et betasgornonanspe abt nope ilerantte ale? iuerlptsn the spe doped nabd the equ oa Frordedbyintanadspecaponheclcende ta Jan dco tansveongnenen patente and SMart tecananonreabedactad semper TP Lo ° where now the apices indicate the position of the pertinent Raman bands expressed in wavenumbers (cm-). For the spe- cific iseue of tm transformation, Raman spectroscopy is a {far more convenient method than XRD, as recognized also by Chevalier et al, in their review on LTD [98): beside the bet ter lateral resolution (which can be as good as some um), con typical spectroscopes a good Raman spectrum of t and mezirconia can be acquired in few seconds, as opposed to the tens of minutes necessary for XRD. A further specific advantage of spectroscopic methods is that they allow to determine mechanical stresses experimentally, since most Raman and luminescence bands change their position with, stress [99]: practically, it is possible to determine stresses from, the shift of the spectroscopic bands, measured with respect to fa reference stress-free state. This method is known as piezo. spectroscopy [99,100] and it has provided a unique insight 216 DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 about the interplay between t-m transformation, aging and stress [69,73,74,101], For the materials of interest here (¥-TZP, Ce-TZP and alumina) piezo-spectroscopy is the only viable method to determine stresses experimentally and it has the advantage that the same spectroscopic data provide infor mation algo on the phase composition of the material under investigation. ‘Thermal methods (differential thermal analysis, DTA; dif- ferential scanning calorimetry, DSC; thermal dilatometry, TD) ‘can also provide evidence of the t-m transformation, but they are limited to the transformation occurring during the experi ‘ment and, hence, they are practically useless for aging studies. Methods sensitive to the surface topography (optical inter ference, Ol; scanning electron microscopy, SEM and atomic force microscopy, AFM) can provide indirect evidence of the ‘em transformation in the form of uplift from flat surfaces. f the same sample is observed after time they can also provide indirect evidence of aging, but they cannot be used for bulk quantitative assessment. 2136 790 oe oy Predicted degradation - Ao years at37 C (% monocl,) g f Predicted lifetime 2 12 1548 a0 at37 C (years) gression ofthe experime 7. Limits of lifetime predictions atlow temperature derived from accelerated aging tests a 6 ed as linear Calculated activation energy (ki/mol) 106 8 Degradation rates at room or body temperature of Y-TZP ceramics are currently not available, and accelerated tests at intermediate temperature (100-300 C) are the only basis for extrapolating an estimate of the transformation rate and, hhence, of the product lifetime, This approach relies on the assumption that the transformation rate follows the same ‘Arhenius-like trend down to room/body temperature. Unfor tunately, such extrapolation could lead toa significant erzor in ‘estimating room/body temperature lifetimes. Firstly, the uncertainty associated with the determination of the activation energy is generally high. In Table 2 we report the estimates for theamount of m-phase formed after 10 years (@ reasonable lifetime for dental applications), as well as the time it takes for 25% of monoclinic to develop (i. the maxi mum acceptable amount, based on current international ISO standards [22). The effect of the activation energy uncertainty is clearly dramatic, so that no sound lifetime predictions can ‘be made on the reliability of these ceramics at low tempera: Secondly, the only available data for LTD at room temper ature indicate faster transformation rates than those derived by extrapolating data obtained at medium-low temperature For example, Lughi and Clarke [88-90] showed that in zirco: nia thermal barrier coatings (3Y-TZP and 4S¥-TZP) obtained by electron-beam deposition, significant amounts of mono- linic (up to 100%, depending on the processing) appear after ‘only few months in laboratory air at room temperature. Also, Sergo [74] showed that up to 25% monoclinic ean form at room temperature after only 6 years in 3Y-TZP zirconia/alumina laminates. Itshould be noted, however, that coatings and lam- inates are not expected to behave exactly like Y-TZP ceramics: the microstructure of the coatings is columnar and presents some inter.columnar open porosity; also, in zirconia-alumina ‘composites, zirconia is under significant residual stress. This residual stress, in particular, is expected tobea factorin accel Ait ‘ir Water Water Environment 70-130 120 12020 25-200 ‘represents the volume fraction of monoclinic expected to be found after 10 years at 37°C. The values marked ee ee ee es ‘Temperature Nia N/A N/A ° ‘Average residual = ‘Gra os Bal composites) 2 8 ses 92 aT Ae a EA Pt se rH BE Ee ae Be re Pe a ey a a ct ee a iS at 42 a * Range of temperatures where experiments have been performed, and over which thew 5 i i i H 8 t : e Ref [hoa jno4] [nos] DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 807-820 817 erating the transformation rate at room/body temperature, since lower temperatures imply higher residual stress: con sidering the example of alumins-zirconia composites, from Eq, (9) one can estimate that in the zirconia phase the ten sile residual stress is 40-SOMPa higher at room temperature than at temperatures commonly used for the accelerated tests (e-g-194 Casin the ISO Standards (2). This difference might become significant in accelerating LTD. Analogous considera tions hold even in pure Y-TZR, where a thermal stress arises from the anisotropy of the thermal expansion coefficient in zirconia. Although in this latter case much lower residual stress is expected at room temperature with respect to inter mediate temperature (<10 MPa), such temperature difference is expected to enhance local stress concentration a well, with negative effects on LTD. ‘Lastly, one critical point in the current design approach of TZP is specific to the International ISO Standards for ¥- ‘T2p-based implants for surgery. The standard imposes that maximum of 25 wt% of monoclinic is present afte an accel crated aging test conducted for Sh at 134 C and 2bar [2] However, this requirement does not provide any information about the actual lifetime at near-room temperature, The main reason, apart from the spread in predicted lifetimes associ- ated to the abovementioned uncertainty in the determination ofthe activation energy, arises from the fact that the activation energy for the t-m transformation in gi be derived from such a “single datapoint” procedure (indeed, at least two accelerated tats at different temperatures would be the minimum requirement for arough estimate). Therefore, lifetime prediction at room or body temperature according to the 180 standards relies on the assumption that the activation energy is approximately the same forall stabilized zirconia ceramice—a risky assumption, considering the wide spread of values reported inthe literature (Table 2}. n material cannot 8 Conclusions and engineering guidelines for the use of zirconia as dental materials ‘After presenting the most relevant experimental data, we pro. ceed now to formulate some possible guidelines fora practical use ofzirconia as dental materials. First ofall the issue must be addressed whether the aging of t-zirconia tothe m-polymorph should be avoided or can be lived with, also in light of the fact that there is some evidence that a limited and superfi- cialt-m transformation can causes an increase ofthe strength ofthe material [102] The reason is thatthe t-m transforma tion induces a local overall compressive stress on the surface, which tends to close a potential advancing crack (clearly the superficial compression must be accompanied by an equli- brating sub-surface tension, otherwise the part would not be in mechanical equillbium) The data presented, however, are limited to strength values collected right after sintering and the possible effect of aging has not been examined. In prin- ciple, a surface engineering approach could be imaginable, whereby a tight control of the superficial transformation in the samples is adapted, but this is totally impracticable in a standard dentistry laboratory. Some studies indicate that alumina/trconia mixtures are less prone to ETD than pure zirconia (102,104, but the data presented here induce us to suggest that at or near room tem perature and everything else been equal (CS of t-zirconia and Stabilizer type and content), ZA is probably more sensitive to ageing than pure t-zirconia because ofthe microscopic tensile stress to which t-zitconia is subject when mixed to alumina (74 tn order to establish viable engineering guidelines, we firstly need to assess the design constraints as they can be gathered from the experimental evidence presented in the previous sections and substantially summarised in Table 2: ETD occurs in pure zirconia samples stabilized with as much ‘as 255mol% ¥203; ETD occurs in alumina/zirconia samples where zirconia is stabilized with 25 mol% Y203 and 8mol% CeOs; tensile stresses of the order of some hundreds MPa are suf: ficient to promote long-term LTD; intimately mixed alumina/zirconia (where zirconia is in microscopic tension) samples are more prone to LTD than layers of pure zirconia subject to macroscopic tensile stresses; zirconia samples with GS of the order of 200m can exhibit ITD over some years; Al experimental evidence points to the fact that the tm transformation occurs initially on the samples surface, and thence penetrate underneath; water vapor possibly causes and certainly accelerates LTD, ‘The guidelines that we are about to propose are based fon the previous conclusions and on the following hypoth- dentistry. Property Unit Requirement Density of Theoretical density 2% ‘Stabilizer content: Y,0, mate ascxce Grain size wa s<03 Residual stress MP 300 (tensile) Monedtinie content Fraction wrt to total ziteonia Initia Negligible ‘Aer aging test (154°C, 2bar HO, 1) Negligible ‘Strength in 4 point bending Mpa initial oo ‘Aer aging test oo 218 DENTAL MATERIALS 26 (2010) 8o7-20, esis: the key properties of zirconia (high chemical stability, biocompatibility, low Young's modulus, large natural aval ability, consolidated industrial know-how) justify its use even in absence of phase transformation toughening, because to implement FPT on zitconia-based dental components implies, todate, exposing them toLTD ona time scale not acceptable in restorative and prosthetic dentistry. Simply stated, t-zirconia should be prepared and implanted in a way to make it non. transformable. 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