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Module Descripio!" Re#di!$ Lis #!d %ss#& 'uesio!s

-1* credis.
F#/i#! Fre&e!0#$e! O11ice No2 *3210)
Te#c0i!$ Assis#!4 D#! S5#i! O11ice No2 *32122
This is an optional module offered to philosophy undergraduates in their 2
Year. It is open to outside
option students.
The School would like to encourage any student with a disability or health issue that needs to be taken
into account to contact the Student Support Office, either by email on, or by
telephoning internal et. 2!"# or !$$$.
%ssessment for undergraduates is by means of one &2'!,((( word) essay, and a two'hour eamination at
the end of the year.
The final coursework mark and the eamination mark each count for #(* of the mark for the module.
Students who submit their essay by the deadline and recei+e a minimum mark of !#, may if they wish
submit a second &optional) essay. If an optional essay is submitted the best essay mark will count towards
the final coursework mark.
The ,ni+ersity operates a uniform -oursework .eadline policy on late submission of coursework/ each
piece of coursework must be submitted by the deadline published in order to gain a mark. 0ork which is
submitted after the deadline will be gi+en a mark of 1ero. 2or further information on the submission of
coursework and essay deadlines please see the list of essay 3uestions4assignments and the School5s
6,ndergraduate Student 7andbook 2(82'2(8!5. The handbook also contains information regarding late
submission of coursework.
Module Ouli!e
0ith the debt crisis, rising ine3uality and unemployment, ecological degradation, etreme po+erty among
$(* of the world5s population, and resource'dri+en wars, capitalism has become once again the focus of
intense critical scrutiny. .oes it foster economic growth and protect indi+idual freedom, as its proponents
claim9 or is it a destructi+e system out of control, as its detractors argue: Should the market be gi+en e+en
freer rein: Or should capitalism be reformed and restricted: Or should it be abolished and replaced
altogether: Students taking this module will gain an understanding of capitalism and the normati+e
debates raised by it. 0e will study a selection of tets, both historical and contemporary, from authors
such as ;ernard <ande+ille, %dam Smith, =.0.2. 7egel, >arl <ar, <a 0eber, ?mile .urkheim,
2riedrich 7ayek, <ilton 2riedman, Theodor 0. %dorno, @oseph Schumpeter, Auc ;oltansky, Bichard
Sennett, and %ntonio Cegri.
Le#r!i!$ Ouco,es4
;y the end of the module students should be able to/
eplain the main theories, models and concepts applied in the analysis of capitalism9
summarise normati+e debates about capitalism9
eplain and critically assess the arguments made by ad+ocates and critics of capitalism.
;y the end of the module, students should also ha+e ac3uired a set of transferable skills, and in particular
be able to/
define the task in which they are engaged and eclude what is irrele+ant9
seek and organise the most rele+ant discussions and sources of information9
process a large +olume of di+erse and sometimes conflicting arguments9
compare and e+aluate different arguments and assess the limitations of their own position or
write and present +erbally a succinct and precise account of positions, arguments, and their
presuppositions and implications9
be sensiti+e to the positions of others and communicate their own +iews in ways that are
accessible to them9
think DlaterallyD and creati+ely ' see interesting connections and possibilities and present these
clearly rather than as +ague hunches9
maintain intellectual fleibility and re+ise their own position if shown wrong9
think critically and constructi+ely.
Auu,! Ter,4
There is no re3uired tetbook. 0e will be using the following collection of works by >arl <ar and
2riedrich ?ngels/
<ar, >. 8EFF. Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress. HC;/ later
editions are fine too.I
7owe+er, you can also find their tets online at
6ee7 1/ 2reshers5 0eek
6ee7 24 Introduction
0e begin by considering what capitalism is and sur+eying the contested terrain of positions taken on it by
defenders, reformers, and radical critics. 0e draw both on historical sources and recent de+elopments.
=raeber, .. 2(88. Debt: The First 5,000 Years, Cew York/ <el+ille 7ouse Gublishing.
.a+is, <. 2((8. Late Victorian Holocausts: El Nio Fa!ines and the "a#ing o$ the Third World,
Aondon/ Jerso.
2ulcher, @. 2(($. %a&italis!: ' Ver( Short )ntroduction, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress.
>lein, C. 2(((. No Logo, Cew York/ Gicador.
<addison, %. 2((F. %ontours o$ The World Econo!( *+,0-0 'D: Essa(s in "acro+Econo!ic Histor(,
Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress.
<ande+ille, ;. 8EF(. The Fable o$ the .ees H8F8$I, edited with an introduction by Ghillip 7arth, Aondon /
<ar, >. and ?ngels, 2. H8L$LI. The %o!!unist "ani$esto. H2or eample in <ar, >. 8EFF. Selected
Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. 8L. See also/
<uller, @.M. 2((2. The "ind and the "ar#et: %a&italis! in "odern Euro&ean Thought, CY/ %lfred %.
Sayer, .. 8EE8. %a&italis! and "odernit(: 'n E/cursus on "ar/ and Weber, Aondon/ Boutledge.
Stiglit1, C. 2(8(. Free$all: Free "ar#ets and the Sin#ing o$ the 0lobal Econo!(, Aondon/ Genguin.
Streeck, 0. 2(88. 6The -risis of .emocratic -apitalism5, Ne1 Le$t 2e3ie1 F8/ #'2E.
Streeck, 0. 2(82. 6<arkets and Geoples/ .emocratic -apitalism and ?uropean Integration5, Ne1 Le$t
2e3ie1 F!/ "!'F8.
6ee7 34 %dam Smith on 6commercial society5 and political economy
%dam Smith is often presented as the founding father of modern economic theory, and as someone who
defended unrestricted free'market capitalism &or 6commercial society5, as he called it). 0e in+estigate his
+iews and unco+er some of its compleities N including, as recent scholarship has highlighted, that he is
more open to state inter+ention and market regulation, and more critical of capitalism than it is typically
4ri!ar( te/ts:
Smith, %. 8FF", The Wealth o$ Nations, reprinted/ Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, 8EE!. H%lso a+ailable
as e'book +ia the library website.I
Smith, %., 8FE(, The Theor( o$ "oral Senti!ents, Aondon/ %. Strahan and T. -adell9 reprinted ....
Baphael and %.A. <acfie, eds., Oford/ -larendon Gress.
Secondar( literature:
?+ensky, @. 2((#, 'da! S!ith5s "oral 4hiloso&h(, -ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress.
2airlamb, 7.A. 8EE". 6%dam SmithDs Other 7and/ % -apitalist Theory of ?ploitation5, Social Theor( and
4ractice 22.2/ 8E!'22!. HOnly in the -<B.I
2leischacker, S. 2(($. 6n 'da! S!ith7s 8Wealth o$ Nations8: ' 4hiloso&hical %o!&anion, Grinceton, C@/
Grinceton ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
=allagher, S.?. 8EEL. The 2ule o$ the 2ich9 'da! S!ith7s 'rgu!ent against 4olitical 4o1er, ,ni+ersity
Gark/ Genn State ,ni+ersity Gress.
=aus, =erald 2. 8EL!. 6Gublic and Gri+ate Interests in Aiberal Golitical ?conomy, Old and Cew5 in S.I.
;enn and =.2. =aus, eds., 4ublic and 4ri3ate in Social Li$e, Cew York/ St. <artinDs Gress, pp.
7er1og, A. 2(88. 67igher and lower +irtues in commercial society N %dam Smith and moti+ation
crowding out5, 4olitics, 4hiloso&h( and Econo!ics 8(.$/ !F('E#. H%lso in the -<B.I
<cAean, I. 2((". 'da! S!ith, 2adical and Egalitarian: an )nter&retation $or the T1ent(+First %entur(,
?dinburgh/ ?dinburgh ,ni+ersity Gress.
<ill, @.S. 8LF8. 4rinci&les o$ 4olitical Econo!(, Fth edition, ed. 0. %shley H8E(EI, reprinted Cew York/
%.<. >elley, 8EF". H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
<uller, @.M. 8EE!. 'da! S!ith in His Ti!e and 6urs: Designing the Decent Society, Grinceton, C@/
Grinceton ,ni+ersity Gress.
Sat1, .. 2((F. 6Aiberalism, ?conomic 2reedom, and the Aimits of the <arket5, Social 4hiloso&h( and
4olic( 2$.8/82('$(. H%lso in the -<B.I
0erhane, G.7. 8EE8. 'da! S!ith and His Legac( $or "odern %a&italis!, Cew York/ Oford ,ni+ersity
0ilson, .. and .ion, 0. 2(82. ' Histor( o$ 7omo ?conomicus/ The nature o$ the "oral in Econo!ic
Theor(, Aondon and Cew York/ Boutledge.
6ee7 (4 Aocke, 2ichte, and <ar H=uest Aecture by 0ayne <artinI
One of the key issues in the contet of capitalism and its criticism is pri+ate property. In this guest lecture,
0ayne <artin will eamine this issue by drawing on Aocke, 2ichte, <ar, and 0aldron.
4ri!ar( Te/ts
O2ichte, @.=. 8FE"4F. Foundations o$ Natural 2ight, ?nglish trans. by <. ;auer, -ambridge/ -ambridge
,ni+ersity Gress, 2(((, PPE'82.
Aocke, @. Second Treatise o$ 0o3ern!ent, -hapter J/ QOf GropertyQ.
Secondar( Literature:
2ichte, @.=. 8FE2. 'tte!&t at a %riti:ue o$ 'll 2e3elation, ?nglish trans. by =. =reen. Cew York &etc.)/
-ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress, 8EFL.
Ceuhouser, 2. 8EE$. 62ichte on the Belationship ;etween Bight and <orality5, in ;rea1eale, .. and
Bockmore, T., eds., Fichte: Historical %onte/ts, %onte!&orar( %ontro3ersies, %tlantic
7ighlands, Cew @ersey/ 7umanities Gress, pp. 8#L'L(.
0aldron, @. 2((2. 0od, Loc#e, and E:ualit(: %hristian $oundations o$ ;ohn Loc#e7s &olitical thought"
-ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book from the library.I
0aldron, @. 8EL#. 60hat is Gri+ate Groperty:5, 6/$ord ;ournal o$ Legal Studies #.!/ !8!'$E. H%lso in the
6ee7 *4 7egel on freedom, abstract right, and capitalism
7egel recognises that capitalism related to an important dimension of freedom, but he also criticises it for
o+erlooking other dimensions of freedom and leading to crises, if not regulated by the state and
supplemented by other spheres of recognition and self'realisation &as well as welfare pro+ision). Thus, he
is one of the first reformist critics of capitalism.
4ri!ar( te/t:
7egel, =.0.2. H8L28I4&8EE8), Ele!ents o$ the 4hiloso&h( o$ 2ight, ed. by %.0. 0ood, -ambridge/
-ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress.
Secondar( literature:
%nderson, @. 2((8. 67egelDs Implicit Jiew on 7ow to Sol+e the Groblem of Go+erty/ The Besponsible
-onsumer and the Beturn of the ?thical to -i+il Society5, in 0illiams, B.B., ed., .e(ond
Liberalis! and %o!!unitarianis!: Studies in Hegel7s 74hiloso&h( o$ 2ight7, %lbany/ S,CY
7ardimon, <.O. 8EE$. Hegel7s Social 4hiloso&h(: The 4ro<ect o$ 2econciliation, -ambridge/ -ambridge
,ni+ersity Gress.
7onneth, %el, 8EE#. The Struggle $or 2ecognition: The "oral 0ra!!ar o$ Social %on$licts, trans. @.
%nderson, Oford/ Golity Gress.
7onneth, %el, 2(8(. The 4athologies o$ )ndi3idual Freedo!: Hegel7s Social Theor(, trans. A. Aob,
Grinceton, C@/ Grinceton ,ni+ersity Gress.
<in, %. 8EL". 67egel on -apitalism and the -ommon =ood5, 4hiloso&h( = Social %riticis! 88/ !E'"8.
HIn the -<B.I
Ceuhouser, 2. 2(((, Foundations o$ Hegel7s Social Theor(: 'ctuali>ing Freedo!, -ambridge, <ass./
7ar+ard ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
Gelc1ynski, M.%., ed., 8EL$, The State and %i3il Societ(: Studies in Hegel7s 4olitical 4hiloso&h(,
-ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress, esp. -hapters E, 88'82, and 8$.
Schmidt am ;usch, 7.'-. 2((L. 6Gersonal Bespect, Gri+ate Groperty, and <arket ?conomy/ 0hat -ritical
Theory -an Aearn from 7egel5, Ethical Theor( and "oral 4ractice 88.#/ #F!'L". HIn the -<B.I
0ood, %.0. 8EE(, Hegel7s Ethical Thought, -ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress, esp. -hapter 8$.
6ee7 84 <ar5s criti3ue of capitalism I/ alienation
>arl <ar stands out among the radical critics of capitalism, and we consider +arious aspects of his
theory, starting with his earlier works and the charge of alienation. %s part of this, we see that <ar sees
capitalism as also an important ad+ance o+er earlier social formation, and discuss how recent changes in
work patterns might alter our assessment of <ar5s claims about capitalist production and alienation.
4ri!ar( te/ts:
O<ar, >. 8L$$. Econo!ic and 4hiloso&hical "anuscri&ts. Selections reprinted in Selected Writings, ed.
by .. <cAellan, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. L. HSee also/
<ar, >. Hwritten 8L#FI. 0rundrisse. Selections reprinted Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/
Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. 2E.
<ar, >. R ?ngels, 2. 8L$#. The Hol( Fa!il(. Selections reprinted Selected Writings, ed. by ..
<cAellan, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. 82.
<ar, >. R ?ngels, 2. Hwritten 8L$#'"9 published 8E!2I. The 0er!an )deolog(. Selections reprinted in
Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. 8$.
Secondar( literature:
%lthusser, A. 2((#. For "ar/, Aondon/ Jerso.
;eck, ,. 2((L. The .ra3e Ne1 World o$ Wor#, -ambridge/ Golity.
;oltansky, A. and -hiapello, ?. 2((#, The Ne1 S&irit o$ %a&italis! H8EEEI, Aondon/ Jerso.
;rudney, .. 8EEL. "ar/7s atte!&t to lea3e &hiloso&h(" C#,/rid$e" MA4 H#r9#rd +!i9ersi& Press2
:Also #9#il#/le #s e-/oo7 9i# 0e li/r#r& 5e/sie2;
;rudney, .. 2((8, 6@ustifying a -onception of the =ood Aife/ The Groblem of the 8L$$ <ar5, 4olitical
Theor( 2E.!/ !"$'!E$. H%lso in the -<BI
-ohen, =.%. 8EF$. 6<arDs .ialectic of Aabor5, 4hiloso&h( and 4ublic '$$airs !/ 2!#'"8. H%lso in the
.oogan, >. 2((E. Ne1 %a&italis!9: the Trans$or!ation o$ Wor#, -ambridge/ Golity.
=eras, C. 8EL!. "ar/ and Hu!an Nature: 2e$utation o$ a Legend, Aondon/ Jerso.
Aeopold, .. 8EEF2 The Young ?arl "ar/: 0er!an 4hiloso&h(, "odern 4olitics, and Hu!an Flourishing"
-ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress.
Aukes, S. 8EE$. 6%lienation and %nomie5, in his Essa(s in Social Theor(, %ldershot/ =regg Be+i+als.
<es1aros, I. 8EF(. "ar/7s Theor( o$ 'lienation, Aondon/ <erlin Gress.
Ollman, ;. 8EF8. 'lienation: "ar/5s %once&tion o$ "an in a %a&italist Societ(, -ambridge/ -ambridge
,ni+ersity Gress, 2
edition 8EF".
Sayers, S. 2(88. "ar/ and 'lienation: Essa(s on Hegelian The!es, ;asingstoke/ Galgra+e <acmillan.
Sennett, B. 2((". The %ulture o$ the Ne1 %a&italis!, Cew 7a+en, -T/ Yale ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso
a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
Swain, .. 2(82. 'lienation: 'n )ntroduction to "ar/5s Theor(, Aondon/ ;ookmarks.
0ood, %.0. 8EL8. ?arl "ar/, Aondon/ Boutledge, Gart One. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library
)ntroductor( and bac#ground reading:
7obsbawm, ?. 2(88. Ho1 To %hange The World: Tales o$ "ar/ and "ar/is!, Aondon/ Aittle, ;rown.
<cAellan, .. 8EF!. ?arl "ar/: His Li$e and Thought, Aondon/ <acmillan.
Thompson, ?. G. 8E"!. The "a#ing o$ the English Wor#ing %lass, Aondon/ Genguin, re+ised edition 8EL(.
0heen, 2. 8EEE. ?arl "ar/, Aondon/ 2ourth ?state.
0olff, @. 2((2. Wh( 2ead "ar/ Toda(9, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia
the library website.I
6ee7 <4 <ar5s criti3ue of capitalism III/ eploitation and Sustice.
2inally, we critically scrutinise <ar5s claims about the eploitati+e nature of capitalism, and their
normati+e status. .oes <ar N known for his criticisms of appeals to morality and Sustice N offer an
ethical criti3ue, and if so, what kind of ethical criti3ue:
4ri!ar( te/ts:
<ar, >. 8L"F. %a&ital Jol. I, selections in Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/ Oford
,ni+ersity Gress, -h. !2.
<ar, >. 8LF#. 6-riti3ue of TThe =otha GrogrammeU5, reprinted in Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan,
Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. $(.
<ar, >. 8L$$. 6On the @ewish Vuestion5, reprinted in Selected Writings, ed. by .. <cAellan, Oford/
Oford ,ni+ersity Gress, -h. ".
Secondar( Literature:
%rneson, B. 8EL8. 60hat5s 0rong with ?ploitation5, Ethics E8.8/ 2(FN2F. H%lso in the -<B.I
-ohen, =.%. 8ELL. History, Labour, and Freedom: Themes from Marx" O=1ord4 Cl#re!do! Press>
i!cludi!$ 6The Aabour Theory of Jalue and the -oncept of ?ploitation5, reprinted from
4hiloso&h( = 4ublic '$$airs L.$ &8EFE)/ !!L'"( Halso in the -<BI9 and 6The Structure of
Groletarian ,nfreedom5, 4hiloso&h( = 4ublic '$$airs 82.8 &8EL!)/ !'!! H%lso in the -<BI.
-ohen, =.%. 2(((. )$ (ou5re an egalitarian, ho1 co!e (ou5re so rich, -ambridge, <%/ 7ar+ard
,ni+ersity Gress, esp. -hapter ".
-astoriadis, -. 8EFL. 62rom <ar to %ristotle, from %ristotle to ,s5, trans. by %. %rato, Social 2esearch
$#.$/ ""F'F!L.
=eras, C. 8EL#. 6The -ontro+ersy %bout <ar and @ustice5, Ne1 Le$t 2e3ie1 848#(/ $F'L#@ H%lso in the
7ar+ey, .. 2(8(. ' %o!&anion to "ar/5s A%a&italB, Aondon/ Jerso.
7ar+ey, .. 8EL2. The Li!its to %a&ital, Aondon/ Jerso, updated edition 2((F.
Aohmann, =. 8EL". 6<ar5s T-apitalU and the Vuestion of Cormati+e Standards5, 42'C)S )nternational
!/ !#!'F2. HOnly in the -<B.I
?lster, @. 8EL#. "a#ing Sense o$ "ar/, -ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress, -hapters !'$.
Aukes, S. 8EL#. "ar/is! and "oralit(, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress.
<iller, .. 8EE(. "ar#et, State, and %o!!unit(: Theoretical Foundations o$ "ar#et Socialis!, Oford/
Oford ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
<iller, B. 8EL$. 'nal(>ing "ar/: "oralit(, 4o1er, and Histor(, Grinceton, C@/ Grinceton ,ni+ersity
Gress, esp. -hapters 8'2.
Bee+e, %., ed., 8ELF. "odern Theories o$ E/&loitation, Aondon/ Sage.
Boemer, @. 8EL$. 6?ploitation, class, and property relations5, in T. ;all R @. 2arr, eds., '$ter "ar/,
-ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress, pp. 8L$'288.
Boemer, @. 8EL". 6Cew directions in the <arian theory of eploitation and class5 and 6Should <arists
;e Interested in ?ploitation:5, in @. Boemer, ed., 'nal(tical "ar/is!, -ambridge/ -ambridge
,ni+ersity Gress, pp. L8'88!.
Boemer, @. 8ELL. Free to lose: 'n )ntroduction to "ar/ist Econo!ic 4hiloso&h(, -ambridge, <%/
7ar+ard ,ni+ersity Gress.
Bubin, I.I. 8E2L. Essa(s on "ar/5s Theor( o$ Value, trans. by <. Samard1iSa and 2. Gerlman, .etroit/
;lack and Bed ;ooks, 8EF2.
Schwart1, @. 8EE#. 60hat5s 0rong with ?ploitation:5, NoDs 2E.2/ 8#L'LL. HIn the -<B.I
Swee1y, G. 8E$2. The Theor( o$ %a&italist De3elo&!ent, Cew York/ <onthly Be+iew Gress.
Trotsky, A. et al@ 8EF!, Their "orals and 6urs H8E!LI, Cew York/ Gathfinder Gress, #
edition. HSee also
0ood, %. 8EL8. ?arl "ar/, Aondon/ Boutledge, Gart III. HC;/ The 2
edition 2((8 contains an additional
chapter N on eploitation.I
6ee7 ?4 Beading 0eek/ no lecture or classes unless notified otherwise by 2abian 2reyenhagen.
6ee7 )4 2(
century defenders
Cot least in the wake of the eperiences in the So+iet ,nion and elsewhere, defenders of capitalism hit
back. This week, we discuss what the case they make for capitalism5s superiority o+er other socio'
economic systems.
;ecker, =. 8EF". 'n Econo!ic '&&roach to Hu!an .eha3ior, -hicago, IA/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress,
esp. -hapters 8 and 8!.
-ohen, =.%. 8((#. Self-ownership, Freedom, and Equality, C#,/rid$e4 C#,/rid$e +!i9ersi& Press2
2riedman, <. 8E#!. TThe <ethodology of Gositi+e ?conomics,U in his Essa(s in &ositi3e econo!ics.
-hicago/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress, pp. !'$!.
2riedman, <. 8E"(. The %onstitution o$ Freedo!, -hicago, IA/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress.
2riedman, <. 8E"2. %a&italis! and Freedo!, -hicago, IA/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress, esp. -hapters 8'
!, ", 8(, 82'8!. H%lso a+ailable as e'book +ia the library website.I
=ilder, =. 8EL8. Wealth and 4o3ert(, Cew York/ ;asic ;ooks, Gart 8.
Band, %. et al@ 8E"F. %a&italis!: the En#no1n )deal, Aondon/ Genguin@
7ar+ey, .. 2((#. ' .rie$ Histor( o$ Neo+Liberalis!, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress. H%lso a+ailable as
e'book +ia the library website.I
7ayek, 2. 8E$$. The 2oad to Ser$do!, -hicago/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress. H%lso a+ailable as e'book
+ia the library website.I
7ayek, 2.%. 8EF". The "irage o$ Social ;ustice, -hicago/ ,ni+ersity of -hicago Gress.
>een, S. 2(88. Debun#ing Econo!ics: The E!&eror Dethroned, Aondon4Cew York/ Med ;ooks, H2((8I,
re+ised and epanded 2
Co1ick, B. 8EF$. 'narch(, State and Eto&ia, Cew York/ ;asic ;ooks.
ODCeill, @. 8ELE. 6<arkets, Socialism, and Information/ % Beformulation of % <arian ObSection to the
<arket5, Social 4hiloso&h( and 4olic( "/ 2(('8(. H%lso in the -<BI.
Gopper, >. 8E$#. The 6&en Societ( and its Ene!ies, Volu!e )): Hegel and "ar/, Aondon/ Boutledge R
>egan Gaul.
Sen, %.>. 8EFF. 6Bational 2ools/ % -riti3ue of the ;eha+ioral 2oundations of ?conomic Theory5,
4hiloso&h( = 4ublic '$$airs "./ !8F'$$. H%lso in the -<B.I
Smith, J.B. 8EEL. 62riedman, Aiberalism and the <eaning of Cegati+e 2reedom5, Econo!ics and
4hiloso&h( 8$.8/ F#'E!.
6ee7 104 2(
century reformers
In light of the =reat .epression, +arious reforms of capitalism were proposed and, especially post'8E$#,
enacted. 0hile welfare capitalism and >eynesian economics subse3uently came in for criticism and were
rolled back again during the 8EF(s and 6L(s, reformist agendas li+e on and this week we consider their
;eck, , 8EE2. 2is# Societ(: To1ards a Ne1 "odernit(, Aondon &etc.)/ Sage.
=iddens, %.8EE$. .e(ond Le$t and 2ight: Future o$ 2adical 4olitics, -ambridge/ Golity.
=iddens, %.8EEL. The Third Wa(: The 2ene1al o$ Social De!ocrac(, -ambridge/ Golity.
-rouch, -. 2(($. 4ost+De!ocrac(, -ambridge/ Golity.
-rouch, -. 2(88. The Strange Non+Death o$ Neo+Liberalis!, -ambridge/ Golity.
-rouch, -. and Streeck, 0., eds., 8EEF. 4olitical Econo!( o$ "odern %a&italis!, Aondon/ Sage.
.ale, =. 2(8(. ?arl 4olan(i: The Li!its o$ the "ar#et, -ambridge/ Golity.
7abermas, @. 8EF!. Legiti!ation %risis, ?nglish translation/ Aondon/ 7einemann, 8EF".
7abermas, @. 8EL8. Theor( o$ %o!!unicati3e 'ction, Jol. II, ?nglish translation/ -ambridge, Golity,
Offe, -. 8EL$. %ontradictions o$ the Wel$are State, -ambridge/ <IT Gress.
Offe, -. 8EL#. Disorgani>ed %a&italis!, -ambridge/ <IT Gress.
>eynes, <. 8E#F. The 0eneral Theor( o$ E!&lo(!ent, )nterest and "one(, Cew York/ 7arper Gerennial,
edition, esp. -hapters 8'!, and 8L'8E.
Golanyi, >. 8E$$. The 0reat Trans$or!ation: The 4olitical and Econo!ic 6rigins o$ 6ur Ti!e, reprinted/
;oston, <%/ ;eacon Gress, 2((8.
Sandel, <. 2(82. What "one( %an5t .u(: the "oral Li!its o$ the "ar#et, Aondon/ %llen Aane.
Sat1, .. 2(8( Wh( So!e Things Should Not .e $or Sale, Oford/ Oford ,ni+ersity Gress.
Schumpeter, @. 8E#(. %a&italis!, Socialis! and De!ocrac(. Cew York/ 7arper R Bow, !rd edition, esp.
-hapters #'8$, esp. pp. 828'"!.
Stiglit1, @. 2(82. The 4rice o$ )ne:ualit(: The '3o&idable %auses and Hidden %osts o$ )ne:ualit(, %llen
Tawney, B.7. 8E!L. E:ualit(, Aondon/ 7arper -ollins.
0eber 8E#L. <. The 4rotestant Ethics and the S&irit o$ %a&italis!, esp. -hapters 2 and #.
0eber, <. 8EE8. Fro! "a/ Weber: Essa(s in Sociolog(, ed. by 7. =erth and -. 0right <ills, 8EE8.
0ilkinson, B. and Gickett, >. 2((E. The S&irit Le3el: Wh( E:ualit( is .etter $or E3er(one, Aondon/ %llen
6ee7 114 2(
century radical critics
2inally, we turn to renewals of radical criticisms of capitalism N from <arist but also non'<arists
perspecti+es &for eample, radical ecologists). -an and should we aim for a different social world:
%dorno, T.0. 8E"L. 6Industrial Society or Aate -apitalism:5, reprinted in his %an 6ne Li3e a$ter
'usch1it>9 F ' 4hiloso&hical 2eader, ed. B. Tiedemann, trans. by B. Ai+ingstone et al@, Stanford,
-%/ Stanford ,ni+ersity Gress, 2((!, -h. #.
%dorno, T.0. Hwritten 8E$$I. 6Beflections on -lass -onsciousness5, reprinted in his %an 6ne Li3e a$ter
'usch1it>9 F ' 4hiloso&hical 2eader, ed. B. Tiedemann, trans. by B. Ai+ingstone et al@, Stanford,
-%/ Stanford ,ni+ersity Gress, 2((!, -h. $.
;ensaWd, .. 8EE#. "ar/ $or 6ur Ti!e: 'd3entures and "isad3entures o$ a %riti:ue, ?nglish translation
by =. ?liot/ Aondon/ Jerso, 2((2.
-homsky, C. 4ro$it o3er 4eo&le: Neoliberalis! and 0lobal 6rder, Cew York/ Se+en Stories Gress, 8EEE.
-ohen, =.%. 2((E. hy not so!ialism"" Grinceton / Grinceton ,ni+ersity Gress.
.ou1inas, -. and XiYek, S., eds., 2((E. The )dea o$ %o!!unis!, Aondon/ Seagull.
7ardt, <. and Cegri, %. 2(((. E!&ire, 7ar+ard ,ni+ersity Gress.
7ar+ey, .. 2(8(. The Enig!a o$ %a&italis! and the %risis o$ %a&italis!, Aondon/ Grofile ;ooks
7essel, S. 2(8(. Ti!e $or 6utrage, ?nglish translation/ Aondon/ Vuartet ;ooks, 2(88.
7olloway, @. 2((2. %hange the World Without Ta#ing 4o1er, Aondon4Cew York/ Gluto Gress.
7olloway, @. 2(8(. %rac# %a&italis!: %hange the World Without Ta#ing 4o1er, Aondon4Cew York/
Gluto Gress.
7onneth, %. and 7artmann, <., 6Garadoes of -apitalism5 &2(($), %onstellations 8!.8 &2((")/ $8'#L.
<andel, ?. 8EF2. Late %a&italis!, trans. by @oris de ;res, Aondon/ 7umanities Gress.
<arcuse, 7. 8E"L. 6ne+Di!ensional "an, Aondon/ Sphere ;ooks edition, H8E"$I.
<arcuse, 7. 8E"E. 'n Essa( on Liberation, Aondon/ %llen Aane.
<arcuse, 7. 8EF2. %ounterre3olution and 2e3olt, ;oston, <%/ ;eacon Gress.
<onbiot, =. 2((!. The 'ge o$ %onsent, Aondon/ 2lamingo.
7art, >., Aa+ille, @.'A., and -attani, %..., eds., 2(8(. The Hu!an Econo!(, -ambridge/ Golity.
0allerstein, I. 8EFE. The %a&italist World+Econo!(. -ambridge/ -ambridge ,ni+ersity Gress
0allerstein, I. 8EE#. Historical %a&italis!, 1ith %a&italist %i3ili>ation. Aondon/ Jerso.
0right, ?.O. 2((8. 6-ompass Goints/ Towards % Socialist %lternati+e5, Ne1 Le$t 2e3ie1 $8/ E$'82$.
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A!s5er o!e o1 0e 1ollo5i!$ Cuesio!s4
8. -ompare and contrast Smith5s and 7egel5s +iews of capitalismN which one do we ha+e better reason to
2. .oes freedom re3uire support of free'market capitalism or opposition to it:
!. Is <ar5s theory of alienation defensible:
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